
Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: The Kitchen Sink: Language: Drabble-mania!
By Todd Pence on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 7:30 pm:

A drabble (don't ask me, I didn't come up with the name) is a story that contains one hundred words. No more, no less, just one hundred words exactly (not counting the title). It can be any type of story; science fiction, mystery, horror, humor, whatever - just so long as it has a plot and is exactly one hundred words long.
I think even the laziest and least literary inclined among us can at least come up with one hundred words of original story, so I invite all posters to contribute their own efforts and we can start our own little anthology here.
To show you how easy it is, I'll start things off by offering up this vignette . . .

The science fiction writer sat in front of his desk, ready to begin the latest in his bestselling series.
His first Andormai novel had been hailed by critics and fans alike as the greatest planetary epic since Dune. After that had followed The Lords of Andormai, the Andormai Empire, and Invasion of Andormai; all equally well received. Now, after months spent plotting his penultimate Andormai novel, he was anxious to begin work. However, the crucial opening sentence had eluded him for hours. Finally, inspiration struck and he leaned eagerly toward his keyboard.
“It was a stark Andormai night,” he typed . . .


The ball's in your court, folks.

By Todd Pence on Saturday, May 05, 2001 - 4:49 pm:


The young assistant to the temporal scientist had not enjoyed his first taste of time travel.
"I can't get the images out of my mind," he confided to his elder colleague. "The inhumane class system . . . those brutal gladitorial games . . . and the rampant disease . . . people dying like flies of ailments which are the most common in our time! Can you imagine living in such a savage era? Next time, professor, let's visit the future instead. I'm anxious to see what wonders humanity will achieve then."
The scientist's voice was grim as he replied "I'm afraid that was the future we visited."

By Jake Dominguez on Saturday, May 05, 2001 - 7:46 pm:


Doctor Monkey snarled. "I can't believe you escaped my Banana Trap! Now you die!"
"I doubt that, Primate Head!" the valiant Captain GoodGuy proclaimed. The brave Captain unholstered his proton blaster and aimed carefully, not at the infamous Doctor Monkey, but at the crane arm holding the Doctor's Omni Superweapon in alignment. Before he could pull the trigger, Klank the Gorilla pulled him off his feet!

"Now, my loyal Klank, destroy him!" Doctor Monkey brayed.
"Ungh uh."
"No, I not bad guy!"
Klank sets Captain GoodGuy down.
"Thank you, Klank. Now, Doctor Monkey..."

By Reddo on Thursday, September 27, 2001 - 7:20 am:

Yoda and the Chocolate Factory

Once there was a guy called Yoda. Yoda worked in a chocolate milk factory and walked there everyday. One day however Yoda was tired and being both tired and quite small, he couldn't look after the radioactive pumps which powered the chocolate milk mixers which was connected to the main milk tank. So, all in all Yoda was not on best form. So suddenly the radioactive liquid pored into the main Chocolate (and Strawberry) milk tank which made the stuff radioactive. Soon, the world was Drinking Yoda's new milk and it was way better than the old chemicals. The end :)

By Padawan Observer on Thursday, September 27, 2001 - 7:21 am:

"Look," the manager said, exasperated, "You can't have a sci-fi show with only two actors and that's final. And it's low-budget. You can't use CGI and stuff like that!" He stormed out, knowing this new series would be the worst and that he would get the blame. Albert and Jack looked at each other. They knew he was right. "We need more actors!!!" Jack sighed. "Well, there's Theresa..." Albert mused. Theresa was hardly the best choice. Still, they needed someone. "Oh, all right," Jack reluctantly agreed. He took his pen to his paper and wrote "New character: Blue-haired freak person."