Doomsday Dates

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: The Kitchen Sink: Media (TV, Print, Sports, etc.): Misc Nits & Comments: Doomsday Dates
From Nat Hefferman: I have an idea for a new topic for The Kitchen Sink I'd like to call "Doomsday Dates." Science fiction writers sometimes assign a specific date for events in their stories, and depending on how long ago these stories were written, sometimes these dates pass without
anything happening. Here's a few I've managed to come up with off the top of my head - see if you can add some of your own. (I may be mistaken about some of these dates. If so, I apologize in advance.)

1932 - Moscow, Russia: Seven women knifed to death by
unknown assailant. This will later be determind to be the work of Jack the Ripper. (Star Trek - "Wolf in the Fold")

?1936 - Peace activist Edith Keeler is killed in a New York traffic accident. (Star Trek - "City on the Edge of Forever")

1968 - An ICBM on a test flight malfunctions and decends back toward the US fully armed. Fortunately, the self-destruct program is activated and the missile is destroyed 101 miles above the earth. This leads to a new
era of arms reduction agreements. (Star Trek - "Assignment:

1974 - Shanghai, China: Five women knifed to death by unknown assailant.(Star Trek - "Wolf in the Fold")

1980 - SHADO (Supreme Headquarters, Alien Defence
Organization)established under the direction of Commander Richard Straker. SHADO'sfacilities include a lunar base, orbital tracking facilites, and submarine-launched jet interceptors (SkyDivers). (UFO - an early 70s series from the folks that later brought you "Space: 1999". The Sci-
Fi Channel reran it a few years back - I'd like to see them run it again.)

January 12, 1992 - the HAL-9000 computer becomes operational. (2001 - A Space Odyssey)

1992 - Publication of the coffee-table book "Chicago Mobs of the 1920s". A copy of this edition is left on the planet Iotia by the starship Horizon, giving rise to the Iotian's mob- based society. (Star Trek - "A Piece of the Action")

1993 - Khan Noonian Singh and several other genetically
engineered superhumans sieze power in over 40 countries, giving rise to the Eugenics Wars. (Star Trek - "Space Seed")

1996 - The Eugenics Wars end with the overthrow of the superhumans. Khan and three dozen followers escape aboard the SS Botany Bay, a DY-100 class interplanetary spaceship equipped with suspended-animation chambers. (Star Trek - "Space Seed")

And here's a couple that should be coming up shortly:

April 13, 1999 - Radioactive waste stored on the Moon spontaneously ignites in a chain reaction, hurling the Moon out of Earth orbit and across the galaxy, carrying with it Commander John Koenig and the crew of Moonbase Alpha. (Space - 1999)

2001 - Scientists working in the crater Clavius on the Moon unearth a large obelisk, which emits a powerful signal directed at the planet Jupiter. 18 months later, the spaceship Discovery is launched toward Jupiter, to attempt to contact the intelligence which sent the signal.
By Anonymous on Wednesday, January 27, 1999 - 3:09 pm:

Edith Keeler was killed in 1930.

By ScottN on Wednesday, January 27, 1999 - 4:58 pm:

NCSA at UIUC actually did have a celebration for HAL's birthday in March 1997. I believe they chose that because (I think) that's the date given in the book.

Also, I believe the monolith was discovered in 1999, and the Jupiter voyage happened in 2001.

By Anonymous on Wednesday, January 27, 1999 - 4:59 pm:

Nit. The board should be "DOOMSDAY" not "DOMMSDAY"

By Murray Leeder on Wednesday, January 27, 1999 - 7:07 pm:

The date in the movie was 1992, the date in the novel was 1997. Clarke attributes this to a simple error in transcription.

By Annonymous no1 on Thursday, January 28, 1999 - 7:51 am:

august 27, 1997? Doomsday (Terminator)

1982 - U.S. Robots is formes ( I, Robot)

1999 - Quantom Leaps starts leaping :-)

By Richie Vest on Thursday, January 28, 1999 - 4:06 pm:

Actually Sam first leaped in May of 1995.

By Todd Pence on Thursday, January 28, 1999 - 4:34 pm:

Don't forget the launch of the Jupiter 2 in October 1997!

By Phillip Culley on Thursday, January 28, 1999 - 6:22 pm:

The moon will be thrown out of orbit on September 13, 1999, not April 13th.

By The Nitpicker pretending not to be Amos Painter but forgets to click on the on Saturday, January 30, 1999 - 2:26 pm:

Here's a goody and and oldy,


We live in a society, with Big Brother constantly watching us.

Oh wait, that did happen! [Runs and ducks in a alley to hide.]

By Corey Hines on Saturday, January 30, 1999 - 5:32 pm:

August 4, 1997 - Skynet goes online.

2:14 a.m. ET, August 29, 1997 - Judgement Day

By Mei on Saturday, January 30, 1999 - 10:44 pm:

1984? - Los Angeles falls into the ocean after an earthquake
Dream Park by Larry Niven
(I think the year is right, but I can't look it up right now)

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Sunday, January 31, 1999 - 10:27 pm:

1999- One of the guards from Past Tense (DS9) says that the Yankees will have a good year this year, on par with the 2015 London Kings.

1999, April 12- President Clinton establishes the Commission on the Future. ("Illusion of Truth" (B5)) A few years ago, this would be a sure thing, but with Clinton up for impeachment, there is a small degree of doubt that he will make it.

By Mike Konczewski on Monday, February 01, 1999 - 11:53 am:

CC--he's still got 3 months. My money's on him.

According to the 4th Planet of the Apes movies, shouldn't all the dogs and cats be dead by now?

The filmed version of "The Time Machine" had total global nuclear destruction taking place in 1965!

Don't forget the nuclear weapons platform launch from 1968 in Star Trek's "Assignment: Earth."

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Monday, February 01, 1999 - 1:28 pm:

Clinton will probably make it untill 2001. I was commenting on that in 1996, it was *certain* that Clinton would make it; however now there is some doubt.

By Hans Thielman on Monday, February 01, 1999 - 1:33 pm:

When did Starling find that 29th Century time ship?

By Bob Brehm on Monday, February 01, 1999 - 1:41 pm:

sometime in the late 60s

By Billy Club on Monday, February 01, 1999 - 1:59 pm:

The date in Demolition Man at the beginning was in August 1997 somtime. I think it was just at around 2000 when an earthquake knocked LA off the continent...

By Chris booton on Monday, February 01, 1999 - 3:25 pm:

Dont forget all the video games that have dooms day dates;

ex. Crono Trigger has sometimes in 1999 as the day Lavos drestroys basically all life on the earth.

I dont think LA was knocked off the continent in Demolition Man, but it was totalled. I wonder how the freezing facility survived that quake?

By ScottN on Monday, February 01, 1999 - 4:24 pm:

1977 or 1978 (don't remember exactly). Comet Hamner-Brown ("The Hammer") strikes the Earth. Joint US-Soviet mission to study the comet in Earth Orbit ("Hammerlab"). Much of California west of the Sierra Nevada is wiped out. -- Larry Niven (& Jerry Pournelle?), "Lucifer's Hammer"

By Mike Konczewski on Wednesday, February 03, 1999 - 7:49 am:

In 2010, the movie, we have the Soviet Union and the USA on the brink of nuclear war. Daddy, what's a Soviet Union?

By Corey Hines on Wednesday, February 03, 1999 - 7:34 pm:

Demolition Man also stated that in the future Jeffery Daumer would still be alive.

By Nat Hefferman on Friday, February 05, 1999 - 12:10 pm:

The first "RoboCop" movie was set in 1997 or 1998, I believe. I'm still waiting to see cyborg cops on the streets of Detroit.
The "Space: 1999" episode "Death's Other Dominion" has the crew of Moonbase Alpha encountering survivors of the 1985 expedition to Uranus (yeah, I know, they were looking for Klingons).

By Stephen Mendenhall on Friday, February 05, 1999 - 7:31 pm:

1974--"Wolf in the Fold", I think that was Leningrad. And in that year I read an item in Newsweek, there actually *was* a series of murders in the Soviet Union...I forget the details, but it was an interesting coincidence, I think I have the clipping somewhere.
"Tomorrow is Yesterday" was broadcast before Apollo 11; I guess the scriptwriter didn't have time to find out which Apollo mission it would be; anyway, according to the episode it launched on Wednesday, and sure enough, Apollo 11 *was* launched on a Wednesday!
Did that B5 episode actually name President Clinton??<g>
I saw a novel called The Seven Last Years, I forget the author, but it was a fundamentalist Christian novel taking Revelations literally. I didn't read the whole thing, just the blurb and the last few pages. It starts in 1989 with a meteor striking Cyprus and the Day of Judgement is June 5, 1995. I wondered how it would end, but the author ends the novel *just before* the actual Second Coming. (I wondered if she wrote the sequel about the end of the Thousand Years in 2995?)
Nostradamus had a lot of predictions which didn't pan out, but his believers don't like to mention those. His ideas can be twisted around a lot. He had a phrase, "Pau nay loron" which gets twisted into "Napoleon".
In ST IV they show a newspaper headline, and I wrote it down and did a computer database search for it and the database didn't find any such headline. Then again, I don't remember if the database actually went back that far. Oh, well.
I wish they'd told us who was president in the ST universe in "Future's End." My guess is Perot served one term, then everybody wanted some peace and quiet, so they voted in Fred Rogers from 1997-2005, then Rosie O'Donnell for two more terms. You can make your own choices if you want.<g>

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Friday, February 05, 1999 - 8:18 pm:

In the B5 episode, Clintion was called "North American President Clinton"

By Chris Lang on Friday, February 12, 1999 - 4:18 pm:

One mustn't forget the introduction to 'Buck Rogers in the 25th Century': "The Year is 1987, and NASA launches the last of America's deep space probes."

Of course, the show goes on to say that between 1987 and 1999, the Earth was devastated by a nuclear holocaust, and Old Chicago becomes part of a wasteland called Anarchia, filled with savage mutants.

And of course, the Ruby Spears animated series Thundarr the Barbarian has as an introduction a comet passing between the Earth and the moon, unleashing massive destruction. This occurs in 1984 or 1994. Several centuries later, a new world arises from the old, a world of savagery, super-science, and sorcery.

Strange how short some creators think a series' life is going to be. Clearly they had no idea these shows were going to be re-run on cable networks years after the dates they gave for world devastation had passed.

By Todd M. Pence on Friday, February 12, 1999 - 11:46 pm:

In 1999, the U.S. is involved in a war in Paraguay (Warren Zevon's "The Long Arm of the Law")

By Mike Konczewski on Monday, February 15, 1999 - 1:53 pm:

Chris--I'm sure all the producers are thinking, "Will this make me rich?" Very few of them are worried about posterity or accuracy.

Shouldn't all the dogs and cats be dead? ("Battle for the Planet of the Apes")

By Charles Cabe on Thursday, February 18, 1999 - 5:18 pm:

It looks like The Yankees will have a good year this year ("Past Tense" [DS9]). They just got Samuel Clemmens (a good pitcher) from the Blue Jays.

By ScottN on Thursday, February 18, 1999 - 5:55 pm:

Roger "the Rocket" Clemens, not Mark Twain!

By Anonymous on Thursday, February 18, 1999 - 8:08 pm:

By Someone with a time warp problem on Thursday,February 31,2056 - 21:00:

They end up winning 47 world series in a row. even according to a simpsons episode from the early 1990's where bart met the devil they were supossed to win again until late this century!

By Charles Cabe a man who is really out of touch on Thursday, February 18, 1999 - 8:23 pm:

Sorry I called Roger Clemens Sam Clemens. I must have been thinking of "Times Arrow".

By Mike Ram on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 10:54 am:

Knight Rider was set in the 1990s...I'm still waiting for a talking car...

By ScottN on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 12:08 pm:

They have those already... You know, "Door is open"... Of course, the Chevy Astro van goes, "Ruh-roh, reorge! Roor is ropen!"

By Rodnberry on Sunday, February 21, 1999 - 12:25 am:

Yeah, but how about a car that has a personality, can talk (preferably not in a smart alecky way), drive itself, has lots of neat gadgets and weapons it can operate by itself when the need arose and is made of such dense paint that it takes one hell of a big bomb to destroy it? Now, that'd be the car to have, espec if you're a country's leader! A cross between KITT and the Viper, from that show, would be tres cool!

By Lea Frost on Sunday, February 21, 1999 - 7:53 pm:

The First Expedition to Mars should have landed sometime this month! The Second Expedition will arrive this August...and both crews will come to rather unpleasant ends. (Bradbury's Martian Chronicles)

Next Sunday, A.D.: Joel Robinson is shot into space by his bosses at Gizmonic Institute. :-) (MST3K)

By Lea Frost on Sunday, February 21, 1999 - 7:59 pm:

Oh, and I thought of a couple more!

1900?: Martians invade Great Britain, but after wreaking havoc are all killed by bacteria. (H.G. Wells, "The War of the Worlds")

1936: A colony of highly intelligent newts is discovered in Indonesia. They're trained as manual laborers, but they eventually become powerful enough to attempt to take over the world by flooding the continents. It's not certain if they're successful or not. (Karel Capek, "War with the Newts")

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Sunday, February 21, 1999 - 9:09 pm:

A Newt (Gingrich) took over in 1994.

By Mike Konczewski on Monday, February 22, 1999 - 1:08 pm:

You forgot, Charles, that the Capek story was about *intelligent* newts.

Sorry, I couldn't resist it.

By ScottN on Tuesday, March 02, 1999 - 11:57 am:

Sometime in the '90s (exact date unspecified) - series of treaties between the US and Soviet Union create the CoDominium.

2016(?) - Aldersen Drive perfected at CalTech

By ScottN on Tuesday, March 02, 1999 - 12:01 pm:

Stephen Mendenhall, Nimoy states in his autobio ("I am Spock") that he made up the headline so that it would seem relevant to the mid '80s regardless of what happened later. He said he decided on "Nuclear Talks Stalled" because nuke talks were pretty much ongoing at that time.

By Lea Frost on Wednesday, March 03, 1999 - 10:11 am:

Good one, Mike K.! LOL! :-)

By Brian Lombard on Wednesday, March 10, 1999 - 9:06 am:

The first Robocop supposedly takes place in 1991. It was released in 1987, and it always bugged me that they only gave themselves four years heads-up.

By Lea Frost on Wednesday, March 10, 1999 - 2:55 pm:

2001: Satanic-looking aliens known as the Overlords show up and take over the earth. Earth doesn't really mind being taken over, though. (Arthur C. Clarke, "Childhood's End")

By Keith Alan Morgan on Tuesday, April 06, 1999 - 7:53 am:

In July, 1986 all parallel Earths except for Earth's 1, 2, 4, S, & X are destroyed. The remaining 5 Earths are merged into 1 Earth. - Crisis On Infinite Earths, DC Comics

In 1988 Edward Kennedy was President and World War III began. - V For Vendetta

By Keith Alan Morgan on Wednesday, April 07, 1999 - 4:57 am:

In 1964 a nuclear war destroyed all life on Earth's northern hemisphere and Australia is poisoned by the fallout. (On The Beach)

In October of 1986, WWIII was started by Mole people and it lasted for twenty days, killing many and reducing civilization to a feudal system. (John Broome - The Atomic Knights, originally published in Mystery In Space, DC Comics) These stories also featured rayguns, and Atlanteans destroying the ozone layer. Fun series if you can find it.

In 1997 Manhatten will be a maximum security prison for the nation's worst criminals. (Escape From New York) Didn't this one come true? ;-)

In 2008, all plant life on Earth is dead after a nuclear war and only survives on a space station. (Silent Running)

By ScottN on Wednesday, April 07, 1999 - 10:12 am:

Sometime in the late 20th/early 21st century...

Nehemiah Scudder becomes President of the United States and institutes a religious dictatorship.
The US becomes rigidly isolationist, and does not become involved in the nuclear destruction of Europe. (Heinlein - Future History)

By Keith Alan Morgan on Thursday, April 08, 1999 - 5:59 am:

World War III takes place in 1988 (Akira)
hmmm, I wonder if that's the same 1988 WWIII that occurs in V For Vendetta? Another link for Crossover Madness? ;-)

By dwmarch on Thursday, April 08, 1999 - 4:22 pm:

World War III takes place in October of 1988. New York, Washington D.C., San Antonio and a bunch of missile fields get toasted in the U.S. Moscow, Leningrad, Sevastopol and the capitals of the Soviet republics are reduced to glowing ash in the U.S.S.R. The space shuttle Enterprise is also destroyed by a nuclear device! (Warday, by Whitley Strieber and James Kunetka)

Dec. 31st, 1999: A bomb goes off in Times Square killing and maiming lots of poeple. (Tom Clancy's Power Plays: Politika)

Mid-to-late 1999: A loaf of bread in Russia costs one million rubles. (Icon, Fredrick Forsyth)

By ScottN on Thursday, April 08, 1999 - 5:28 pm:

Uh, given the way things are going, that last one might just come true!

By ScottN on Thursday, April 08, 1999 - 5:29 pm:

Obnit - it's *DOOMSDAY* not *DOMMSDAY"

Early/Mid 1960's: The Race's ("Lizards'") colonization fleet arrives at Tosev 3 (Earth).

By Keith Alan Morgan on Friday, April 09, 1999 - 4:20 am:

Boy, just how many World War III's did 1988 have? Oddly enough I don't remember anything about them being reported on the news. Guess I was watching too much Star Trek.

By weirddave on Tuesday, April 20, 1999 - 8:44 pm:

Um, shouldnt the Newcomers have showed up by now?( Alien Nation) I'll check on sunday when they show it on sci-fi, but I know it was set in the 1990's

Oh yea, what about the lizzard men from V?

By ScottN on Tuesday, April 20, 1999 - 11:27 pm:

I believe TMA-1 is found this year, too. (The Jupiter mission is in 2001, TMA-1 precedes that by 18 months.)

By Nate on Wednesday, May 26, 1999 - 7:57 pm:

From the David Brin novel 'The Postman'

1990's- America has a 'cultural Renniscanse(sp)'.
AI's are developed, and housed in sub-zero tanks at about 50 of the nations major universitys.

U.S. involved in War in Kenya.

Slavic Mistics take over Eastern Europe, they Start the third world War. Holnism is started by Nate Holin.

From Orson Scott Cards 'Folk of the Fring'


Fascist Government in Brazil.
Biological War in Brazil.

The Six Missle War (read WWIII). A Weak American president attempts to appeas an aggresive sovite primer, this leads to the war.

After the War: A wave of anti-mormonisn sweeps whats left of North Carolina.

Famin in Utha.

The Mormon government of Deserat is founded in whats left of Utah,Wyoming, and Coloradio.

Mass exidous of surviving Mormons to Utah.

The Great Salt Lake over-flows forming the 'Mormon Sea'.

Massive climate changes in the American West.

Native American tribes begin to re-assert themselves.

Mormons build new capital of Zarahemla, and build a Univirsity.

Salvage opperations for pre-war tech begin.

An empire lead by American Indians begains in South America and eventuly makes it to the North West.

And now from a series of storys a friend of mine wrote.

2010's- Reclamation War in the middle east. U.S. and Iseral fight sid by side

2020's- Wave of anti-war public opinoun sweep the world. Most nations militarys scaled back.

2030's- First signals of alien inteligent life recived on Earth.

2070's- Space Force created.
-Levi Corporation founded.
-Wave of anti-sematism.

2080's- Construction of lunar basies begin

late 21st or early 22nd centurys- Alien ship wreckedge discoverd on the moon.

Early 22nd- U.S. builds ships based on crashed alien ship. Aliens contacted. Strotkev War.

By Keith Alan Morgan on Thursday, May 27, 1999 - 6:31 am:

Have your friend's stories been published?

1975 - a male attacking virus struck
2033 - Gypsy wakes up to discover that he is supposed to be playing a game - Quest Of The Gypsy (short story) by Ron Goulart in Weird Heroes 1

1978 - a male attacking virus struck
2033 - Gypsy wakes up to discover that he is supposed to be playing a game - Quest Of The Gypsy (expanded novel) by Ron Goulart in Weird Heroes 3

In the book Empire, a chronology was published based on statements & suggestions from the stories of H. Beam Piper.
1971 - Kilroy, the first unmanned rocket launched
1974 - first lunar base completed
- 30 days war fought, first Terran Federation formed
1996 - first Mars expedition
2034 - contragravity developed

By SomeDude on Thursday, July 22, 1999 - 10:07 pm:

2053-WWIII Starts Killing Over 600 Million People...
April 4th, 2063-Terrans Achieve Warp Flight...
April 5th, 2063-First Contact With The Vulcans...
2103-Mars Is Colonized...
September 8th, 2161-The United Federation Of Planets And Starfleet Are Founded...

By Alfonso Turnage on Thursday, July 22, 1999 - 11:35 pm:

July 19, 1999-The Religious Musings site

By tim gueguen on Sunday, September 05, 1999 - 8:44 pm:

In 1999 a massive alien starship strikes the Earth, killing millions and bringing a halt to years of international warfare. 10 years later Zentraedi warriors attack Earth in an attempt to recover the ship, now known as Super Dimensional Fortress One.(Robotech: The Macross Saga)

Circa 1986, the unmanned Voyager 2 spacecraft fires its Queller Drive too early, killing hundreds.(Space 1999, "Voyager's Return")

1994, the Astro Seven deep space mission is lost off Jupiter in a space storm. (Space 1999, "Matter of Life and Death")

Late 1996, the crew of the Ultra Probeship mission are killed under confused circumstances. Mission commander Tony Cellini, the sole survivor, claims the others were killed by a space monster encountered on an alien spacecraft. Earth Space Authority suspects Cellini of depressurising the Probeship improperly and killing the crew. (Space 1999, "Dragon's Domain")

Circa 1996, a deep space mission under the command of Captain Michael leaves Earth, only to never be heard of again (Space 1999, "Brian the Brain")

By Matthew Patterson (Mpatterson) on Monday, September 06, 1999 - 12:16 am:

Let us not forget "Contact." Ten years ago, we're supposed to have received a Message from Vega. Now just where did that get to…

By John on Thursday, September 30, 1999 - 5:40 pm:

These dates come from Atari Force a series of mini-comics Atari put in some of its games in the early 80s:
1999 Atari establishes lunar colony, hours later the base is destroyed by terrorists, beginning the 6 day war.
2004 Atari now rules the world, Atari force is formed,embarks on a spaceship capable travelling to multiple universes.

By ScottN on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 2:21 pm:

2077 - An asteroid strikes in the Mediterranean, causing billions of dollars in damages, and causing Venice to sink beneath the sea. -- Clarke, "Rendezvous with Rama"

Also, 1999 is almost done. Has anyone discovered a magntic anomaly in Tycho yet?

By G'var on Monday, December 20, 1999 - 6:22 pm:

The moon really does have areas of higher gravity
called MASCONs (Mass Concentrations) that NASA
found back in the 60's. Maybe there's moore than one
monolith. I also forget if ones in Tycho or not.

By ScottN on Monday, December 20, 1999 - 11:12 pm:

Aren't the MASCONs believed to be the asteroids that impacted? And those are gravitational anomalies, anyways, not magnetic...

By Mark Morgan on Tuesday, December 21, 1999 - 1:27 pm:

In the near future global warming will stop, and a new Little Ice Age will form. The government will be run by militant anti-technologists who abandon the space program, including a still-functioning Mir and space station Freedom. Many scientists are killed, the final shuttle launch is actually attacked using shoulder-mounter SAMs, and much of the northern hemisphere has been abandoned to the Ice. Fortunately, the now-underground SF/F fandom is there when two astronauts from the space stations are stranded after their scooship is attacked. Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and Michael Flynn, Fallen Angels.

Although the dates in the story are never specified, the events in the story clearly take place within the lifetime of the many fans and writers who appear in the story. Watch out for those Greens....

By ScottN on Friday, December 31, 1999 - 3:39 pm:

Only 82 minutes till all the planes fall out of the sky! (Planes all run on GMT).

1 January 2000: All computers in the world crash. All financial markets fail. Power and utilitiy outages worldwide. -- popular press 1997-1999.

2 January 2000: All Y2K doomsayers are rounded up and shot after nothing happens on 1 January 2000.

By Matthew Patterson (Mpatterson) on Friday, December 31, 1999 - 4:52 pm:

2 January 2000: All Y2K doomsayers are rounded up and shot after nothing happens on 1 January 2000.

This isn't a doomsday date, this is my wish for the world in the new millennium.

By MarkN on Saturday, January 01, 2000 - 4:43 am:

Gotta agree with ya there, Matthew. However, simply shooting them is too good for them. They should be made to suffer for awhile before being summarily excuted live on tv, espec all the local and network anchors on the very stations or networks they work for! What sweetly ironic poetic justice that would be, eh? This way, there'll be no more sensational news stories just to sell papers and causing needless panic. Well, actually, I guess they'd still get around that somehow.

By ScottN on Saturday, January 01, 2000 - 4:43 pm:

Sam Donaldson and Peter Jennings were patting themselves on the back for "bringing this problem into the public eye and preventing a disaster" or some such...

BTW, Jennings looked like he had been up for 21 hours straight (West Coast) and Donaldson looked like, well... um... he had, um... partied a bit much? Yeah, that's it!

By Matthew Patterson (Mpatterson) on Saturday, January 01, 2000 - 6:04 pm:

Jennings actually had. I think he'd been broadcasting since 4 in the morning (CST) because ABC wanted to cover New Year's from New Zealand to LA.

They had this great shot from New Orleans where the reporter was just talking away, and all of a sudden someone throws Mardi Gras beads up- and they catch on his microphone. ANyone else see that?

By ScottN on Saturday, January 01, 2000 - 9:25 pm:

I know he had been up. I meant he showed it... It looked like he was thinking, "What genius thought this up? As soon as this is over and I wake up, I'll have my agent renegotiate so I don't have to do anything like THIS again!"

All in all, Jennings held up well...

By John A. Lang on Saturday, March 04, 2000 - 12:27 am:

War of the Worlds occurs...Summer of 1953
City of Los Angeles, Paris, England,India, etc.

Notable deaths: Pastor Matthew Collins
Marine Colonel Ralph Hefner

By Keith Alan Morgan on Saturday, March 04, 2000 - 12:47 am:

Wasn't that the third War Of The Worlds?

The novel from the 1800's being #1, #2 was the radio show that Orson Wells later claimed was fiction (reference the War Of The Worlds TV show), #3 was the movie & #4 was the TV show.

(Actually there was a good book called The Second War Of The Worlds by George Smith, but that was set on a parallel Earth, called Annwn I believe.)

By Anonymous on Saturday, March 18, 2000 - 3:53 pm:

How about the stuff from "When Worlds Collide"?
that "happened" in 1951

By Nawdle on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 - 10:53 pm:

Mike Ram, Knight Rider was not set in the 1990's. It was set in the 1980's, the same decade it was made.

By KAM Knight Rider on Thursday, June 01, 2000 - 2:21 am:

Wasn't the Knight Rider reunion movie set about 10 years after the series?

Also wasn't there a short lived series called Knight Rider 2010.

Not to mention everybodies' favorite version, Team Knight Rider.
(D'oh! I said not to mention it!;-)

By The Germans on Thursday, June 01, 2000 - 2:16 pm:

David Hasselhof is God.

By Nawdle on Thursday, June 01, 2000 - 10:11 pm:

The Knight Rider reunion movie was set in this year and called Knight Rider 2000.

Knight Rider 2010 was a TV movie (not a short lived series) with no real connection to the original Knight Rider other than the words "Knight Rider" being in the title.

Team Knight Rider was set sometime after the Knight Rider 2000 reunion movie and though I liked it, not everybody does.

And it's "Hasselhoff". (You'd think Germans would know better. J)

By Keith Alan Morgan on Friday, June 02, 2000 - 8:35 pm:

I believe Knight Rider 2010 was a short series of TV movies.

Part of that Action Pack series that the recent Hercules series started out on.

By Mike Ram on Friday, June 02, 2000 - 8:47 pm:

Here's the real story, guys:

Knight Rider aired during the 80's (82-86 I believe) and although I remember it being set inthe 90's, Nawdle believes it was set in the same time it was aired, which I'm not sure of but it might be right.

Knight Rider 2000 took place in 2000, after KITT was dismantled and the FLAG was re-done to become more like a police organization.

Knight Rider 2010 was a made for TV movie that only shared a few things with Knight Rider: The name, A crime-fighting organization, and a woman with a chip in her head (KR 2000). I hate the fact that they used the KR name for something unrelated to KR.

Team Knight Rider took place during the 2010's, long after Michael Knight left FLAG. There was now a team to replace him, made up of "hip" young men and women. Along with almost everyone else, I too shake my head at this series.

And since Knight Rider is my favorite show ever, I personally would love it if they re-ran it again on the Sci-Fi channel.

Sorry this got so off-topic!

By Nawdle on Saturday, June 03, 2000 - 4:55 am:

Mike, I also hope the Sci-Fi channel will pick Knight Rider up and run it hopefully uncut the first few times like they did with the original Star Trek. But I won't hold my breath on them picking it up after WGN's run.

I have the Knight Rider 2000 reunion movie taped and this is the one with the woman named Shawn McCormick who has a chip in her head (It used to be K.I.T.T.'s chip.). It's mentioned in the movie that Michael left the Foundation in 1990. I watched it again just this past Wednesday as a matter of fact.

Although I don't have it taped, I checked the Team Knight Rider website (It has info on all four versions of Knight Rider. Not just Team Knight Rider.) and in Knight Rider 2010 it has a car with the essence/soul of a woman named Hannah contained in a prism on the dashboard. The prism acts as the voice box, she was put in there by her former lover Jake McQueen after she was trapped in a virtual world.

It's been awhile since I've seen Team Knight Rider. So I wasn't as sure of its time frame. But I remembered that it was sometime after Knight Rider 2000.

By Nawdle on Saturday, June 03, 2000 - 10:31 pm:

I'm sorry this got off topic as well. I'll just let it drop.

By SomeDude on Sunday, August 27, 2000 - 7:11 pm:

Here's One For Doomsday Dates...

September 13, 2000...

Anyone That Knows Anime Knows This Date From Neon Genesis Evangelion... It's The Date For Second Impact... First Impact Being The One 65 Million Years Ago...

By Keith Alan Morgan (Kmorgan) on Saturday, September 02, 2000 - 11:54 pm:

Well, they've announced on the news that they have a computer capable of building simple robots. It's just a matter of time before they turn on us like Terminators. Dooo weeee oooo!

By SomeDude on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 - 12:56 am:

This Is The Day Something Strikes Antarctica And Melt The Ice Caps And Flood The World And Kill About Half The World's Population... Go Watch Neon Genesis Evangelion... ^_^

By Matthew Patterson (Mpatterson) on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 - 6:07 am:

The Mac OS X Public Beta release was today. Apparently it's so hot it's going to melt the ice cap. Bwa ha ha.

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 - 10:26 am:

This ^ from the same person who said Macs never crash, or words to that effect. My step-fathers iMac crashes about every day.

By Matthew Patterson (Mpatterson) on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 - 3:11 pm:

I've never said that they never crash. But they don't throw you an "illegal operation" message like the Wintel PCs at my school do when you try to do nothing more than log on.

If you're know what you doing on either platform, you can minimize crashes. But the Mac minimum is a lot lower than the Windows. (And with the release of OS X, it just got lower still.)

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Thursday, September 14, 2000 - 8:24 am:

At least Windows tries to tell you what's wrong. Macs just say "Error -4707" and leave you to guess at what is wrong.

By KAM on Friday, September 15, 2000 - 2:40 am:

But if you get an "Error - 4077" it means your computer has M*A*S*H*ed.

Sorry 'bout that. Couldn't resist.

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Friday, September 15, 2000 - 11:13 am:

But the real question is: What do the other 4,076 errors mean. Does anyone have a complete list. Or is the error number determined by a random number generator.

By Matthew Patterson (Mpatterson) on Friday, September 15, 2000 - 3:15 pm:

There's a list and there's a few shareware programs that explain them.

My question to you is, what is an "illegal operation," why does logging onto the system qualify, and why does Microsoft think that contacting the program vendor will help you solve your problem?

The same also applies for "general protection fault" and "no keyboard found, press F1 to continue."

By mei on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 12:11 pm:

Concerning the dates in 'Wolf in the Fold": I wouldn't doubt that the writers found articles from Russia and China with those statistics. Just because WE (Americans) haven't heard of them, doesn't mean they don't exist. (Don't kill me, I'm proud to be an American. But there is other history, too.)

Wouldn't it have been funny, in 1992, if someone had published a coffee table book, Mobs of the Twenties, just for us Trekkies?!!

By KAM on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 4:12 am:

The British comic strip Axa starts in the year 2080, 100 years after The Great Contamination.

By William Berry on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 4:20 pm:

Sorry, I thought this board title refered to my social life.


By ScottN on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 12:21 am:

December 20, 2012 (or was it 12/22?). Aliens are scheduled to invade Earth.

By Craig Rohloff on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 1:25 pm:

Really?! Thanks for the heads up, Scott!

(To what are you referring, BTW?)

By ScottN on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 1:51 pm:

It's 12/22, and I'm referring to the X-Files finale.

By Lolar Windrunner on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 6:09 pm:

That date is also the end of the Mayan Calander I believe. When the current age will end and a new one will begin.

By KAM on Monday, July 01, 2002 - 3:56 am:

2013 - Microsoft takes over the world. (According to a friend of mine who works for the Evil Empire. ;-)

By Chris Diehl on Wednesday, April 23, 2003 - 12:29 am:

2267 - The Drakh infect Earth's population with a deadly virus that will destroy all life in five years. Earth is quarantined; all ships attemptng to leave Earth are destroyed. EAS Excalibur is dispatched to find the cure, which subsequent events indicate was found. (Crusade)

2762 - The Great Burn occurs, when a nuclear war between two blocs of nations on Earth wipe out Earth's civilization. For at least the next five hundred years, human colonists on other worlds secretly assist the technology-shy population to rebuild. (Babylon 5)

1,002,262 (approx.) - Earth's sun supernovas. Human populace has relocated to a world designated New Earth. (Babylon 5)

By ScottN on Monday, June 02, 2003 - 4:30 pm:

AD 2101 - War was beginning (ZeroWing)

By KAM on Wednesday, June 04, 2003 - 4:57 am:

2001 - a cosmic explosion sends Space Station number 1 from Earth's solar system to the far reaches of the galaxy. Space Family Robinson: Lost In Space Gold Key Comics

Okay, that might not necesarily qualify as Doomsday, since I don't think the fate of the Earth was ever addressed in the comic, but cosmic exposion just sounds bad.

By can you find the hidden 47 on Wednesday, June 04, 2003 - 7:34 pm:

2006- Al Gore and Steve Forbes together create self-help motivational audio and video tapes.


2135- Richard Simmons gains 20 lbs.

By ScottN, 47 Finder Extraordinaire on Thursday, June 05, 2003 - 9:16 am:


By can you find the hidden 47 on Thursday, June 05, 2003 - 9:17 pm:

Taking letters from initials on names we get Al Gore Steve Forbes Richard Simmons

abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz
123 456 789 etc. up to 26 letters

_A _G__S

_F __R __S

43 27
_ 47

or... "with dates and weights"

"A"G "S_"F _"R _"S
-8-13+37 +20 plus twenty on Richard Simmons

-8-13+57=36 summed values from first & last initial

+2-1-3+5=3 Date 2135
+2-0-0+6=8 Date 2006


By can you find the hidden 47 on Friday, June 06, 2003 - 6:29 pm:

The funny thing about that though, was that I made up the answer after I posted the question.

Reason: I just had to make myself look smarter than ScottN.:)
and... Three hours of ones life should not be spent on proving your right.:)

By Sven of Nine on Friday, June 06, 2003 - 6:45 pm:

Three hours of ones life should not be spent on proving your right.

But I don't have any Rights to prove. :O

By 47 maker on Friday, June 06, 2003 - 9:40 pm:

Sven, could you please enlighten me?

I know I'm missing the joke.

I'm so confused...

By CR, part-time grammar cop on Saturday, June 07, 2003 - 8:28 am:

I can field that one...
It's a grammatical error. "Your right" makes it sound like a right is something you posess. "You're right" is the contraction for "you are right," which is what should have been used in 47's first June 6th post.
Picky, aren't we? :)

By Sven of Nine on Saturday, June 07, 2003 - 10:17 am:

As long as it happens, it's always worth a try. Sorry about any Confucianism. :O

By CR, picking on his own grammatical skills on Saturday, June 07, 2003 - 1:09 pm:

Of course, I should have written my sentence this way:
"You are right" is contracted to "you're right," which is what should have been used...

By 47 maker on Saturday, June 07, 2003 - 2:36 pm:

me sorry.

I usually reread my sentences before I post them.
Thanks for pointing out the level of my edumacation...:)

Besides, I work in numbers, not in grammer.

Besides (number 2), How does one practice proper word usage when the language itself is not proper.
I speak American, not English:)

Besides (numvber 3), I don't deal in reality or is that realty? :)

Feel free to fix me earlier post.

By tim gueguen on Sunday, October 19, 2003 - 4:42 pm:

1996(?, might have been 1999)A Latin American dictator causes WW3 to break out, destroying civilisation. (Doomsday +1, a 1975 Charlton comic series that was amongst the earliest widely publish work of comic artist John Byrne.)

By ScottN on Sunday, October 19, 2003 - 5:02 pm:

2152 (or 2153?): A Xindi probe attacks earth, cutting a swath through Florida, killing 7 million people.

By CR on Monday, October 20, 2003 - 7:09 am:

Doomsday +1... I read a few of those when they were new, and several years later bought the reprints of them (seven issues in all, IIRC). I'll have to dig those out and confirm the doomsday date...

By markvthomas on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 10:36 am:

2078: the then President Robert Booth, launches a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the
New Soviet Union, starting World War 4 & cresting the "Cursed Earth" as a result !
As a result, the Judges of Mega-Cities 1 & 2 impeach President Booth for Crimes against Humanity, resulting in Booth's cryogenic imprisonment In Fort Knox.
(Judge Dredd)

By markvthomas on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 10:46 am:

Re: Akira/V for Vendetta Crossover
The 2 wars are not linked, unfortunately.
V for Vendetta's war happens as a result of anti-U.S feeling, resulting in the U.S Military withdrawl from Europe, resulting in "World War 3" occouring between a Isolationalist U.S & The Soviet Union in 1988.
World War 3 in Akira starts as a result of Japanese Psi expriments, producing Akira as a result of the experimentation. Tokyo is destroyed by Subject 23's (Akira ?) using his powers in a rage to very destructive effect...!
WW3 happens as a result of his actions on
Dec 7-8, 1999 !

By KAM on Friday, November 07, 2003 - 2:54 am:

Ah, I hadn't read the books or seen the movie, I believe I got my date for Akira's WWIII from an SF reference book.

This board is doomed! It's passed a hundred K! Ahhhhh!!! *runs around looking for cover*


By Blue Berry on Friday, November 07, 2003 - 3:01 am:

Early Christians did not bother writing down what Jesus said until well after his death because they thought he'd return in their lifetimes, or so I was told. That may be a Catholic explanation for the books of the Bible being written so late. I'm sure there is a protestant sect that insists they are 100% accurate despite general nits.

By the 47s TM on Friday, November 07, 2003 - 8:22 am:

Russia is no longer the USSR, died out in 1991? Makes the 2001 novel obsolete

Hal went amuck just is the ship went into Jupiter space, so the crew died needlessly

They found a Borg ship in the Arctic frozen...Enterprise

In the 3001 novel Frank gets to be in the Bowman Suite in a hotel room far far away...(Iwon t reveal how he did it)

in 3995- something the Earth will no longer exist (Beneath the PLanet of the Apes)

By Butch I Think the End is Near K Man on Saturday, November 08, 2003 - 7:28 pm:

This is up to 116k.

By Blue Berry on Sunday, November 09, 2003 - 3:05 am:

i asked guy with an "The end is closer than you think" sign if he really wanted to spend his last days carrying sign saying, "The end is closer than you think". He sucessfully ignored me.:)

By K Kounter on Sunday, November 09, 2003 - 8:19 am:

Colousus (sp) the Forbin Project blew up some missiles in 1970 and tried to take over the world!

That s why I didn t want a pc then in the they got Smart Houses...

War of the Worlds destroyed L.A., et al in 1953?

Sept.13 1999(depening on where you view it) the Moon will rip out of Earth s orbit...

Starfleet was charted in 2161 something like that

Landru wwas the first hologram, activated 6,000 years ago

In Trek s Bread and Circuses Rome was on into their 20th Century (they should speak Roman then not English?)

in a tv show they had Pres.Clinton s duaghter as prez...Hillary Clinton passed away in 2020 something (what was the name and title of that episode?)

Enterprise uses real earth Dates in its captain s logs wow!:)

116ks Run for your lives and get a new board...:)

By the 47s TM on Sunday, November 09, 2003 - 2:05 pm:

1984-Big Brother is here sort of...

Panic in Year zero with Ray invasion yet!

Khan started the Eugenics Wars in Asia in 1996....still waiting for them Super men

Lost in Space October 1999 they launched the Jupiter 2 Oh the pain, the pain...

Dec.9th 2001, Dave Bowman is near Jupiter his last transmission-My God its Full of Stars

By ScottN on Sunday, November 09, 2003 - 4:34 pm:

Where did you come up with 9 December 2001?

I don't recall any specific dates given in either the book or the novel.

By Anonymous on Sunday, November 09, 2003 - 5:17 pm:

Its in the prologue of 2010! unless they spliced it out for them commercials...they showed Poole and FRank there..

.the original 2001 did not have keyboards for the ship also unless I missed it with my bionic eyes...

after the prologue...

Dr M said he just read your final report on the Discovery mission it was a failure

the My god line wasn t in the original 2001..

Floyd typed it out it went something like

Filed Dec 9th 2001 after meaning of Bowman s last transmion unknown...

By ScottN on Sunday, November 09, 2003 - 10:51 pm:

It was in the novel. In the novel, he was able to maintain communications on his way down to the monolith (on Iapetus -- a Saturnian moon -- instead of Jupiter orbit).

By ?What s a Numvber? on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 3:29 pm:

thanks ScottN maybe I misheard the typing Floyd typed in the proluge...:)

in Ds9 pro baseball was finished when 300 fans showed up for a game, according to a episode, what was that name? Take me out to the Holosuite?

The Omega Man- China and Russia went to war in 1975..Biological warfare,Robert Neville becomes one the last normal people on Earth

By ScottN on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 3:43 pm:

In the novel they went to Saturn. In the movie they went to Jupiter (time and FX costs).

By Anonymous on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 3:49 pm:

Nanjao did they ever used Straker s first name? Dick? What episodes of Ufo then?

that s like no one called Gilligan Willy..of Gilligan s island...they spent 15 years to be rescued..the Professor invents everything but a useable boat!

In Silent Running the forests will die out and the agro ships will be blown up.. forgot what year that was:(

By KAM on Tuesday, November 11, 2003 - 2:42 am:

2008 which you would have known if you'd read my post of April 7, 1999.

The End of the Board is Near! The End of the Board is Near!

By markvthomas on Saturday, November 15, 2003 - 7:06 am:

A limited nuclear war takes place, resulting in the Global Disarmanent Treaty. To ensure that terrorists do not get their hands on nuclear weapons, they're removed to a custiodial site on the Moon.
Needless, to say on Friday Dec 13 1999,they play a major part in the Moon leaving Earth Orbit !
Space:1999 (Initial Alpha Backstory - Canonicity Variable)

By ScottN on Saturday, November 15, 2003 - 9:30 am:

That's Sept. 13 1999.

By Anonymous on Saturday, November 15, 2003 - 4:22 pm:

in 2267 (?), the Doomsday(Dommsday) Machine will attack Rigel colonies and the Constellation will be used for peaceful purposes to destroy the doomsday machine- Tos-

2010:The monolith will turn Jupiter into Lucifer and Dave will become Halman in 3001...

Someone get a new board its 140ks this board is doomed! Help :)

By Anonymous on Saturday, November 15, 2003 - 5:47 pm:

In Red Dawn Cubans and Russkys invade and occupy the U.S.A (what year?)

The Spindrift is lost in 1984 (?)on another Earthlike planet (land of the Giants)

The Time Tunnel is invented after years of research

The Borg replaces most of the humans in ST 1st Contact ...

Kirk battles Cpt Tracy on Omega 4 and reads the Eb planista (sp)to Cloud William (the holy words will be obeyed)

in 1968 a nuclear missile will be exploded 104 miles above the Earth Assignment:Earth tos..

By Anonymous on Saturday, November 15, 2003 - 8:14 pm:

1978 (? )Meteors will hit the earth detsroyingHong Kong and NYC,( Brian Uncle Bill Keith Speaks Russian!)

in 1972 (?)talking apes makes a monkey out of mankind,(Escape from the Planet of the Apes)

in 1996 ? The ape Ceaser will revolt against his human masters in Conquest...

you can correct the dates if I m wrong been years since Ive seen them in detail

By Nove Rockhoomer on Saturday, November 15, 2003 - 8:51 pm:

Escape from the Planet of the Apes was 1973.
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes was 1991.

The Doomsday Machine (what is Dommsday?) didn't get to Rigel. It attacked systems L-370 and L-374.

By Anonymous on Saturday, November 15, 2003 - 11:44 pm:

Taylor s timeship1 crashes on Earth 11-25-3978
(planet of the apes)Taylor read the digital clocks before he jumped ship

Brent s Timeship2 crashes on Earth 3995...Beneath the Planet of the Apes (we were following Taylor s trajectory)

Seaview will be built in 1978?( can t remember the exact dates the show had too many dates)Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

Adama will find Earth in 1980 (Galactica) they are going to find Earth again in the new minseries...

Wu is 400 years old in Tos s Omega Glory, his grandfather is well over a Thousand Tracey finds the fountain of youth on Omega 4 uh

Robocop is replacing regular cops.. (what year?)

people will die at 30 in Logan s Run

Hotel Royale is printed and is the source for it on a planet far away (Tng)

Chicago Mobs of the 20s is printed (without the rules of Fizzbin) 1992?

in 2267 Kirk drives a flivver for Spock and is a terrible taxi driver (kind of like a doomsday thing)
Piece of the Action, tos

By Anonymous on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 1:36 am:

Comander Christopher Draper is stranded on Mars with his man Friday, Robinson Cruso On Mars... Adam West gets to play his sidekick before he became Batman anyone know the dates for this sci fi sleeper?

Earth wastes its Dy100 class sleeper ship SS Botany Bay and sends Khan and his followers out in 1996?

Jackson Roykirk launches Nomad in 2150? Tos s Changeling it destroys Imperfect lifeforms

A Monolith will be found in Africa,3001 novel

In Geneisis 2, Dylan Hunt (a very familiar namesake of a current tv show) is frozen and thawed out 100s of years later..

again correct me on the dates...:(

By Blue Berry on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 2:34 am:

"Dommsday" is a porno-thing not for this board.:) (Kinda like not

By the 47s TM on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 7:52 am:

in 2267 Scotty sends the Doomsday( Dommsday)Tribbles to the Klingon ship where they ll be no Tribbles at all, 1 million 776,000 of them (something like that):)
what was the exact count?)think the tribbles the need Viagra (wink)

the USS Enterprise is launched from Earth in 2245 with Cpt Robert April as its first captain..Cpt.Pike will have his doomsday being a total invalid later on

Mirror Kirk murders Cpt.Pike to take command of the ISS Enterprise in 2267 (act2 of Mirror,Mirror, tos)

some real life doomsday things:

in 1995 or 6 Blill Clinton gets impeached..(his doomsday day)I did not have --- with Monica Blowinsky

in 2003 Gray Blackout Davis is replaced by Arnold Swarznegger (sp) who groped them women and they say he loves Hitler...a real life doomsday!

in 2000 the cry I demand a recount and a recount and a recount became Al Gores doomsday

9/11 blew up the World Trade center...(I saw it there in NYC in June 2000 my family didn t go because it was too foggy, now there is nothing left.. my wife said we ll go up when we can see something.)

Cpt.Kirk is killed off and his last words was It was Fun?This is the 24th century and history considers you dead(Star Trek Generation movie)

By Blue Berry on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 8:33 am:

Not exactly on topic, but a little origins of the word "doom". "Doom" originally meant "gift". William the Conqueror had a "doomsday" book to track "gifts" to the king not dates the earth would end.:) (Doomsday for Americans is usually April 15th. I'd feel better if they sent thank you cards for the "gift". Hey, Miss Manners says I should stop making gifts if they don't send a thank you.:) [Who knows better, the IRS or Judith Martin?:)])

By the 47s TM on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 10:03 am:

the networks suits traded Star Wars for a Betty Boop thing, so I ended up taping Betty wars :( !

The networks cut out a football game when it was 35-17 in the fourth with 5 minutes left, the other team ended up winning 39-37 and the massives saw whatever it replaced...nice going head programmer...(my doomsday)!anyone else watched it?

the sf giants lost to the Marlins! their Doomsday!

By the 47s tm on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 10:11 am:

Nasa lost 2 Mars probes and the 3rd one made it, Congress threatened to cut off their funding if this probe didn t make it ! Nasa s doomsday

V ger returns to find its creator in Star Trek Motion Picture 2280?

a probe searching for whales threatens Earth and Kirk and company must go to 20th Century earth to find some whales ...Star Trek 4 The Search for them Whales

Princess Di died in a car accident she knew she will die of herself! :(

correct me on the dates please

By the 47s tm on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 10:20 am:

Fantastic Voyage-you get to save a top scientest by going inside his body with Raquel Welch...did they mention a date?

Battle for the Planet of theApes-mutants battle the apes as read from the Lawgiver 500 years after the nuclear fallout?

correct me on the dates

By Anonymous on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 11:03 am:

the IRS doomsday April 15th ! you got it Blue!

Nove thanks just off by a couple of years...(not bad)

Decker gave Kirk the idea for the weapon of mass destruction..yes, Decker saved the Rigel Colonies

By K Kounter on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 11:09 am:

Its 150ks here Run run Run helpppppppppppppppppppp

By markvthomas on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 7:24 pm:

Re:Logan's Run
Only in the Film/T.V Series !
In The Book, It's 21 !

By markvthomas on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 7:26 pm:

Re: Wrong date on Space:1999
(aka Space:4 years ago)
Sorry, Scott But I was Still thinking of Akira ! (He's Subject 28, BTW, NOT 23 !)

By markvthomas on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 7:36 pm:

A U.S "Johnny Cyclops" Bomb (aka The "Quark" Bomb), stolen by the International Terrorist, Lacrobat, is accidently detonated, destroying the entire Middle East !
(The Bomb was intended for the Shah of Iran's younger cousin, stuck on a "Cross Channel" Ferry,at the time, in order to restore him to power in Iran !)
As a result, of this and other blunders, by President Cyclops, World War 3 is declared as A result !
Whoops Apoclypse - Original T.V Series

By Anonymous on Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 11:39 pm:

anyone know the first dates for the first working practical computer? the first mac and pc? that would be sort of a doomsday...

By ScottN on Monday, November 17, 2003 - 9:40 am:

Atanasoff developed the ABC in 1941
Colossus - 1943 (British, classified)
Z1 through Z4 - 1945 (Konrad Zuse)
ENIAC - 14 February 1946
Altair - 1975 (no date
Apple I - April 1976
Apple II - 1977
IBM PC - 12 August 1981
Mac - January 1984
IBM PC/AT - August 1984
Compaq DeskPro 386 - October 1986
Mac II - March 1987

By Anonymous on Monday, November 17, 2003 - 10:37 am:

thanks Scottn, how about the first computer? it filled a few rooms i believe,and its cost?

By Electron on Monday, November 17, 2003 - 12:03 pm:

The first fully programmable computer was the Z3 in 1941. It was built using relays and therefore not exactly small. Some facts here, Prof.Zuse's biography here and the Z3 reconstruction here.

By ScottN on Monday, November 17, 2003 - 12:09 pm:

The ABC actually fit on a table top.

What more did you want from me, Anonymous? I gave you the first computers. I don't know what it cost.

Echert and Mauchly originally got credit for the first computer with ENIAC. In the mid-90s, the US courts gave that distinction to Atanasoff. The ABC was developed between 1937 and 1941, I believe it beat out Zuse by a few months. Also, the Colossus was classified by the Brits.

Electron, if you note, I listed the Zuse machines. I believe Atanasoff has priority by a few months.

By Electron on Monday, November 17, 2003 - 5:59 pm:

The ABC actually fit on a table top.

According to Reconstruction of the Atanasoff-Berry Computer the ABC (1937-1942) was the whole table.

By ScottN on Monday, November 17, 2003 - 6:08 pm:

OK. You are correct. But it much smaller than a room, much less "a few rooms".

By Blue Berry on Monday, November 17, 2003 - 6:22 pm:

The first computer was a bunch of sticks a cave man used to count wild boars roaming the serengeti. It cost the equivalent of $1,000,000,000,000,000,000 when you factor in inflation.:) It took up two rooms in the biggest mud hut in the village.:)

By Anonymous on Monday, November 17, 2003 - 6:51 pm:

gee how big is this board going to get? helppppppppp Doomsday is here....The Board is falling! :)

Scottn, et al thanks for the computer mumbo jumbo
answers...Blue think that s pointed sticks with a banana :)

By Blue Grundy Berry on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 2:50 am:

Butch the K man,

Sticks say board big. K man close now?

By the 47s tm on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 7:40 am:

Thanks Blue the Sticks Flinstone caveman

Man invented the wheel and fire back in the Stone Ages another kind of doomsday (what years was that? anyone know?)

The first practical A Bomb was dropped on Horishma,Japan, 1945...

Barney! My Pebbles! Fred s doomsday his friend is eating his Pebbles:)

By Nove Rockhoomer on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 8:47 am:

Brent s Timeship2 crashes on Earth 3995 - Anonymous

It was 3955 - which is a nit in the film (Beneath the Planet of the Apes) because it would mean he arrived earlier than Taylor (3978).

By K Kounter on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 10:57 am:

Wopr plays Thermonuclear War with Kid Hatcher in 1978? (War Games) and breaks into Norad !

This board is falling help ...another doomsday:)someone get another board up!:)

By Thande on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 1:18 pm:

In Chronicle of Thalvetia (alternate history/future history):

1980: Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda leadership killed in earthquake in Saudi Arabia
2000: GW Bush loses the US election to Al Gore
2001: Nothing happens in New York
2002: Russia, India, China form Eastern Coalition (EACO)
2005: Fundamentalist Islamic uprising in Saudi Arabia and neighbouring countries. America intervenes when fuel supplies are threatened, but is eventually driven out due to mounting casualties. Democrats cover this up by slashing the defence budget
2009: Tony Blair becomes President of Europe
2011: Blair's agents find the Spear of Destiny
2017?: India/Russia leave EACO when China brings in rogue state allies
2020: World War 3. USA, China, Middle East completely devastated.
2077/2090: First faster than light drive.

By Keith Alan Morgan (Kmorgan) on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 4:21 am:

The board has ended. Please move to Doomsday Dates II.