Weird film tech stories......

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: The Kitchen Sink: Stuff Waiting to be sorted: Weird film tech stories......
By zeep on Sunday, December 26, 2004 - 2:47 am:

OK, back in 1984, when I was little, I was part of the local library's reading club. On Friday nights, they would show us a movie on a 16 mm projector. I was watching the film, and suddenly, this weird black vertical rectange with a bunch of holes running vertically through it flashed on the screen for a split secoind, and then the film continued normaly. My mom was there at the time, and when I asked her what it was, she told me that the film was spliced at that point, and that the splicing tape contained part of damaged film with the sprocket holes.

Back in high school, we were watching a film in the auditorium. I don't remember what the movie was, but I rmemeber they had to change reels a few times through the picture. After one of the reel changes, a scene was being shown, with *another* scene slopply super imposed over it for
a breif couple seconds! The way it looked seemed to indicate a problem with that print, as opposed to someone accidently switching on the second projector, and if so, I wonder how it could've happened?

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