Playing to the Glossaries

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: The Kitchen Sink: NitCentralia: Playing to the Glossaries
Scott Neugroschl: How about a Kitchen sink on proposed glossary entries/acronyms? They don't have to actually go into the official glossary, but it would give a sense of what's in common use... The intro message could point to the glossary (glossaries?) in guildmember services...

Phil: Sound good to me!
By Andrew Kibelbek on Thursday, January 14, 1999 - 11:03 pm:

Ever notice how on Voyager, whenever there's trouble, Harry comes up with an anti-thoron burst or tachyon pulse or whatever to disrupt something or other and save the day? I think it's worthy of an acronym. BEAST is what I came up with (Bursts of Energy Always Solve Trouble), but can anybody think of anything better?

By Nyla on Friday, January 15, 1999 - 6:12 am:

IWBUP? I Work Best Under Pressure?

By ScottN on Friday, January 15, 1999 - 10:21 am:

I still like TLGMAH - Temporal Logic Gives Me A Headache.

By Corey Hines on Friday, January 15, 1999 - 1:37 pm:

One that could be used not only in Star Trek but other series, RAT (Recycled Actor Time).

By Arnie Becker on Friday, January 15, 1999 - 2:09 pm:

Trek episodes dealing with legal matters are often Legally Inaccurate And Ridiculous (LIAR).

By Chris Ashley on Friday, January 15, 1999 - 8:10 pm:

And let's not forget PHOTTS--Political Harangue Of The Traditional Sort! Seen a few of those lately, not least Picard's rant in ST:I....

By Sharon Jordan on Friday, January 15, 1999 - 9:36 pm:

How about INCAIGMAPTMSJTPIGU.....I'm not chicken anymore I'm gonna make a point to my superiour just to prove I grew up! Like Harry to Tuvok in one episode. Make sense?....ok how about BD.......Brain Death!! On my part!

By Johnny Veitch on Saturday, January 16, 1999 - 9:56 am:

How about AURA- Another Unfortunate Redshirt Appears? And I`ve got a term which covers some nits in Phil`s Guides- Report to Bridge Syndrome. That refers to when a charcter leaves the room to help the plot forward. For instance, in "The Enemy Within" Phil mentions how Wilson leaves the transporter room to get a "syncronic meter" for no reason (except to leave the room unattended when Scott leaves with Kirk). The reason why I chose "Report to Bridge Syndrome" as the name was because of Phil`s nit from "Pen Pals": Riker goes to the transporter room to keep an eye on Data and then tells him to report to bridge. For no reason, just so that Data ranks highest in the room.

By Johnny Veitch on Saturday, January 16, 1999 - 9:58 am:

I left a word missing from my last message. I meant "and then PICARD tells him to report to bridge".

By Rodnberry on Tuesday, January 19, 1999 - 2:01 pm:

I sent some to Phil sometime last year but only remember one, CUSS, for Constantly Updating Starfleet Starships, since they always come out with new designs, espec for each succesive Enterprise.

By Rodnberry on Thursday, January 21, 1999 - 3:10 am:

Here's another one of a phrase I use sometimes. ALTMTAISTI
At Least That's My Theory And I'm Sticking To It.

By Adam Chmelka on Thursday, January 21, 1999 - 9:55 pm:

One I came up with after seeing "Nothing Human":
PUVC-- Previously Unseen Voyager Crewmembers who appear when necessary for an episode.

"It's Only a Paper Moon" inspired ASH-- Another Sentient Hologram

Or BAAV: Beligerant Aliens Attack Voyager

JCED: Janeway's Controversial Ethical Decisions

AWTY: Are We There Yet (Voyager blows another opportunity to get home.

By Andrew on Friday, January 22, 1999 - 1:21 pm:

OWWWYGTUT - Only Where a Watch When You're Gonna Tell Us the Time

By Todd Pence on Friday, February 05, 1999 - 3:42 pm:

BTTEWBO - "Because Then the Episode Would Be Over" All-purpose excuse to explain why the characters of an episode of a TV series don't avail themselves of a method obvious to the viewer to immediately solve the crisis of the week. A clouse analogue is BTTSWBE - "Because Then the Series Would Be Over" - explaining why the characters don't take advantage of a golden opportunity to end the crisis that forms the basis of the series format.

By Scott McClenny on Friday, February 12, 1999 - 8:16 am:

BOB:Better Off Borg,for any character that proves
to be more of a nuisance than Harry.

SANCE:Seven And Naomi Conquer Episode,for all
those episodes that have scenes between our fave
Borg and our fave Delta Quadrant kid.

MISK:Missing Kes,for any episode that makes you
wish Kes hadn't evolved so soon.

HEMHE:Heroic EMH Episode,for whenever Holodoc
saves the day.

SEX:Seven Erradicates Xena,for whenever they have
Seven heavy episodes(Hey,Voyager is shown twice
here and the second time is the same time Xena's
on and I always watch Voyager twice when they do
Seven heavy episodes.Bit sorry for the way it
came out though,only way I could get a vowel in.)

AAPT:Another Anomalous Projected Trap,for those
times when the crew run into something like they
did on BLISS.

By Bob Brehm on Sunday, February 28, 1999 - 12:18 pm:

YwbtdIhln aka You won't believe the dream I had last night. Have you ever noticed in time travel stories whenever they set the Big RESET BUTTON, someone will walk up to the hero and say YwbtdIhln and start descibing the events from the altered timeline.

By Mike Ram on Sunday, February 28, 1999 - 7:22 pm:

DILLIC- "DO I Look Like I Care?" for episodes with lots of lines added just for technobabble.

By Chris Booton on Saturday, March 06, 1999 - 8:24 pm:

MHTMLFW - Must Have Taken Marksmenship Lessons From Worf,

Basically any time on a TV show where one person is shooting at another, and they miss, despite being very close to them, or being higly trained enough that there should be no way that they could realisticly miss.

The best example of this is in the NG episode episode 'rascals' where Worf misses a ferangi with a phaser from a mere 20 feet away.

Often is comic book based series , bad guys will shoot at good guys and miss every time despite being in some cases only a couple of meters away from them!

By Rodnberry on Sunday, March 07, 1999 - 5:04 am:

Chris, did you ever see the shortlived tv series "Police Squad", which begat the "Naked Gun" films? There are only about 6 episodes that get repeated a lot on Nickolodeon or somewhere. In one ep Leslie Nielson is shooting at a criminal. You see Leslie in closeup, then the criminal, then Les, then the criminal, then the camera shows them both like five feet apart, shooting over barrels or stacks of boxes, I forget what exactly but it parodies just what you're speaking of. It's very funny, and loaded with tons of sight gags.

By Chris Booton on Sunday, March 07, 1999 - 12:09 pm:

I remember that scene from a comercial, yes it was hilarious.
I also remember in hot shots part deux , where charle schene (how do you sell his last name?) and a soldier are like 5 feet apart both with machine guns and miss eachother each time, then the energizer bunny goes and they shoot him until he blows up. That was funny.

I remember one batman (the cartoon) episode with batgirl, two bad guys both with machine guns are like only a few metters from her firing away and not even one shot goes near her!

By rachgd on Wednesday, April 28, 1999 - 3:13 am:


By Matt Pesti on Sunday, July 25, 1999 - 9:00 pm:

TFYOT Twenty five year old teen agers.

Notice when ever your channle surfing and you flip to a "Teen" show and all the the actors have no acme and are in their mid twentyies. This was worst on Beverly Hills 90210. Related syndroms are No homework for me this year (NHFMTY) the syndrom that Real teens spend most of their time on homework. Hormone induced poisoning (HIP)
also know as Dawson's Syndrom. It's a charater trait when the episode is so needlessy romanic that charaters could die from hormones. Television Indroduced diabetic syndrome is when the sentimental music starts playing on full house.

By rachgd on Monday, July 26, 1999 - 2:48 am:

I think that TFYOT could also be used to cover anyone who has passed through puberty and still watches these kinds of shows!
ie. me.

By ERIC KATZ on Sunday, August 22, 1999 - 10:23 am:

Has anyone on this board read Futurespeak: A Fan's Guide to the Language of Science Fiction by Roberta Rogow? Sure, it's incomplete because it was published 8 years ago, but it's very educational. Do you have another opinion?

By Anonymous on Wednesday, September 08, 1999 - 2:51 pm:

Did anyone ever see Red Dwar's Alien parody 'Polymorph'?
The organisation that was proposed there.

the Comittee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society.
Unfortunately it spelled CLITORIS.

By Johnny Veitch, padawan nitpicker on Saturday, October 23, 1999 - 2:23 pm:

To Adam Chmelka: I hadn`t read your post until I came here today, and I was about to submit AWTY but in this case meaning when Voyager knocks 5 or 10 years off its mission. By the way, your AWTY is also GIS. But that doesn`t matter, since BIMOL and EGAL are also the same.

BTW, visit the NextGen Sink for an explanation of the term "Darmokian".

By Matt Pesti on Wednesday, November 24, 1999 - 11:28 pm:

Job's Warning: In the book of Job a verse reads "Shall a nitpicker contend with the almighty" It's really flutfinder.

CXFR- Condradicting X-files reference. Stuff like the evolution of the black oil.

HJFC Hard to judge, but fun to comment.

SWFIBC: Single white female in a Big city.

Felicity Syndrome: having a show's entire credibility ruined by a dumb pliot episode .

NTMMVG- never trust a movie named after a video game or song.

By Mark Blankenship on Saturday, December 11, 1999 - 7:04 pm:

How about the term B.I.R.T.H.- Born In Rare or Timely Happenstances. Generally refers to SF characters that are half and halfs, lost kings (or Jedis), or demigods (sons/daughters of Olympian gods or wormhole prophets). No average ordinary person ever seems to be a SF hero.

By Mike Ram on Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 12:01 am:

"Voyager is finally improving!"

By Keith Alan Morgan on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 - 10:58 pm:

Artifact - In Archeology an artifact is an object from an earlier culture.
In Nitpicking an artifact is something that relates to an earlier idea, or script.
In Star Trek, the Enterprise was originally considered to be a Starship Class ship, but TPTB later decided it was a Constitution Class ship, but in various episodes characters refer to Starships as a special type of ship. Artifacts of the original idea.
In NextGen it was inteded that the Klingons were part of the Federation, then they decided that the Klingons were independent. An artifact of this idea is in Samaritan Snare when Wesley says, "Was this before the Klingons joined the Federation?"

Emma Peel Effect or Mrs. Peel Effect - As demonstrated on many episodes of The Avengers, Emma Peel can karate chop, or kick at a man and, without physically touching him, the built-up air pressure alone will send the man flying. Can also be used in any instance where a thrown object knocks something over without touching it.

ITTE - Isolation Therapy for Traumatic Experiences. Starfleet's standard in mental health care. Rhymes with bitty.

By Bob Brehm on Thursday, December 16, 1999 - 3:03 pm:

The Baywatch Syndrome: When the new love of the heroine or hero will A: turn up dead, killed by the bad guy or B: turn out to be the bad guy.

By Keith Alan Morgan on Thursday, December 16, 1999 - 9:18 pm:

Example(s) A used to be the Bonanza Syndrome.

A related syndrome to example B is the Investigator's Friend, where an old friend of the hero would show up, but turn out to be the episode's villain.

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 12:09 pm:

This appered frequently on Murder She Wrote with Angela Lansbury. It's mor common than red shirts on Star Trek.

By ScottN on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 2:47 pm:

Todd Pence,

re: BTTEWBO (Because Then The Episode Would Be Over)

It was referred to in the original Glossary (I think it's still around somewhere on the original nitcentral site) as "SSS" - Short Show Syndrome.

By ScottN on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 2:52 pm:

Ok, Todd, I just checked... I was wrong.

For those who don't know about it, the orignal Glossaries (and the "Pending Glossary) are available at:

By Keith Alan Morgan on Sunday, April 02, 2000 - 11:30 am:

Hollywood Ugly - Basically it's when Hollywood takes a beautiful girl and tries to make her look ugly by making her wear frumpy clothes, glasses and a bad hairstyle.
("Oh my god! She's hideous!")
I thought up this term with the film She's All That.

By ScottN on Sunday, April 02, 2000 - 4:53 pm:

Wouldn't that be the "Alien From L.A." effect? They *TRIED* to do it with Kathy Ireland in that film...

By eb on Tuesday, April 25, 2000 - 10:39 am:

I've coined the "POOF (Polite Officers) Rule" to describe all meetings on Voyager. No one ever talks when anyone else is talking, and everyone alternates to tell part of the story or theory du jour to Captain Janeway.


Torres: We fired a class two probe.
Kim: But we knew it lacked sufficient mass.
Paris: That's when we knew we were dealing with xyz particles.
Chakotay: So you beamed it aboard?
Kim: Yes. It's in engineering.
Torres: We have almost completed our analysis.
Janeway: Excellent.
Tuvok: May I suggest level three security precautions?
Chakotay: I agree.

Whereas, at a real meeting it would be more like
you get cut off, cut-out, and slam-dunked, not to mention yelled at by your supervisor if you finish her sentences.

By Keith Alan Morgan on Friday, May 19, 2000 - 12:02 am:

Fanonical - Reference derived from assumptions made by fans.

By Matt Pesti on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 - 12:38 pm:

EASY BAKE COVEN- Stuff Phil won't allow on Nitcentral. (It's a Simpson's title.)


DISTANT FURTURE: The treating of the late 20th century int the 60's . Floating cars et cetra.

By MikeC on Saturday, June 24, 2000 - 12:28 pm:

D.B.H.G.s: Dumb But Helpful Goons.

In case of a chance when the Fallacy of the Talkative Killer is unavailable (see Roger Ebert's Movie Glossary--that is, the villain explains the plot to the hero before killing him), there is always the D.B.H.G. to get the plot across.

Usually, there are two main villains in an episode. One is the brains, the other is the assistant. At some point, even though the assistant should already know the plot, the brains will rehash the plot for him, so the audience will know. Also, the D.B.H.G. will pose questions that the audience wants to know: "What about Batman?" "How will we stop the ultra-violet security field?", etc.

Examples: Old '50s Superman episodes, several Avengers episodes, Goldfinger (extremely flagrant use with the unimportant gangsters).

By Padawan Nitpicker on Saturday, October 07, 2000 - 3:27 pm:

In the Original (Secondary) Glossary there was the term AEWWTFNR (Another Episode With Worf There For No Reason). Phil suggested other nitpickers try to find shorted terms for them so how about FNRHW? (For No Reason Here`s Worf) It`s a reference to a Simpsons episode, with "For no reason here`s Apu".

By Jason on Saturday, October 07, 2000 - 4:42 pm:

You mentioned The Show That Is Not To Be Mentioned!!!!!! You are now to be flogged with a wet noodle.

By Padawan Nitpicker on Sunday, October 08, 2000 - 5:47 am:

Whoops. Well, Matt Petsi mentioned it earlier so I deserve eaqual... ah, who cares. (Thwack, thwack, thwack!) Mmm, noodles. Get that Simpso... (Thwack, thwack, thwack!) D`oh! (Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!)

Actually, I am an Adon fan!

(He is an Adon fan?!)

I am Adon fan!

I myself have said it
And it`s greatly to my credit
That I am an Adon fan!

Yep, I like Adon a lot. And that has nothing to do with you liking my Grinch parody (remember it?) although it`s good. I believe I mentioned it before but that was part of a long post. Who are the other 1 and a half Adon fans?

By Nawdle on Sunday, October 08, 2000 - 11:53 pm:

Well, I'm an Adon fan. Who else?

By Jake Dominguez on Monday, October 09, 2000 - 11:13 am:

I guess I'm the half a fan left.

By Padawan Nitpicker on Monday, October 09, 2000 - 12:27 pm:

If you haven`t got an Adon fan, a half a fan`ll do...

By Christer Nyberg on Tuesday, October 10, 2000 - 7:46 am:

What's Adon?

By Jason on Tuesday, October 10, 2000 - 10:10 am:

Adon is a character on the LICC board in the Jedi's Sink. Read about all his adventures, along with the rest of the crew over there.

By Padawan Nitpicker, who for some time has wanted Christer Nyberg to get into LICC on Tuesday, October 10, 2000 - 12:33 pm:

Yeah, do!

By Christer Nyberg, who feels the constant pressures from Padawan to update the TEC page on Wednesday, October 11, 2000 - 3:13 am:

I am not! I don't have the time!

By Padawan Nitpicker, making another S*mpsons reference. on Wednesday, October 11, 2000 - 3:49 pm:

Maybe I`d better put away the "encouragement" whip and get out the "cruel" whip... :-)

By Padawan on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 3:05 pm:

BTW, I've seen Christer around the RPG boards recently (I use the term loosely)

By Matt Pesti on Tuesday, March 13, 2001 - 4:30 pm:

Third act syndorome- A work where the last third completely falls through. The first two thirds of the film had promise, but the writter did not know what to do for the finale. The Blues Brothers is a good example. Final Fantasy 7 is a fine example.

Japarrogance- The tendency of hard core anime fans to refer to characters by their Japanese spelling or name, yet refuse to tell us what they are talking about. This is fostered by the fact that after translation, most anime is significantly different from the English translation. While these names may be used for non offical translations, When discussing the Offical translation, it's courtesy to use the English Name

For Example

Sailor Moon Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
DIC Japanese Studio
(Offical) (Fan dub)

Sailor Scoouts Sailor Senshi
Tuxedo Mask Tuxedo Kamen

For all practical purposes consider translations two seperate works.

Conventional Foolishness:
The ciation of a faulty or foolish Stat, fact or another flawed fact that is spoken as undisputeable reality. For example. the bi annual "Social Issue episode".

By KAM on Wednesday, March 14, 2001 - 4:22 am:

Playwright George S. Kaufman's famous quote, "The problem with your third act is in the first."

By Matt Pesti on Wednesday, January 09, 2002 - 10:20 am:

BMV: Buffy master villian. Every Season of Buffy has a new supervillian, always hideing in the shadows. This works as 1. the villian is toying with Buffy through henchmen or whatever, 2. the Villian can become more powerful with some kind of ritual, 3. some event happens that forces a showdown between Buffy and the Villian.

By Matt Pesti on Saturday, January 12, 2002 - 9:47 am:

The Big planned attack: Every LICC story will end with a big convoluted fight scene, were the stories creator will try to extend the plot by any means because they may not get their story in for a whole year.

Jedi bias: Alien from doomed world? Can't do that. Genius inventor? Nope not that. Experiment gone wrong? nope. It's much easier to go, "Yeah, my orignal character didn't work so well. I'll make them a jedi."

We had a plan! you wait five months for the latest Archangel Crossover/ Terrasec invasion to end. You operate at least 5 characters, just to move the plot along, you get your vision compromised more times than American politics. Then when the final battle comes...


Artsy, Quito and ATT killed him. Meanwhile, Terrasec and Taconator team up with Jake Grey and the Franks.

Yeah you wanted Drama, you wanted a good ending, insted, your villian is enviscerated with lightsabers.

Character bagage It's customary for every character to have to relive their past just as they become a member of the crew.

Island of lost posts The thousands of open plot threads, lying about the LICC.

By Pyssed Off LICC Fans on Saturday, January 12, 2002 - 1:11 pm:

Pesti, for the HUNDRETH time, it's TerrSec, not Terrasec.

By KAM on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 6:32 am:

I haven't tried to extend my plots, just finish them.

Not every character relives their past when they become a member.

Also it's already called The Garden of Unresolved Plots (& I've contributed plenty of fertilizer to keep that garden growing.;-)

By KAM on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 6:35 am:

WWTHS (When Will The Hurting Stop?) - To be used for any bad plot/storyline/characters that you just wish would go away.

By Padawan Observer on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 7:02 am:

This is an interesting time to make these posts...

And, Matt, who is `ATT'?

By KAM on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 8:17 am:

The inspiration of WWTHS was not the current storyline. Also it could just as easily be applied to my own storyline/plots/characters as anyone else's, even by myself. (Stand-ins, anyone? *ugh!*)

By Matt Pesti on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 9:04 am:

The frank storyline started last week and is almost done, it's moving rather well. When I think of "deep hurting" I too think of that month long monstrosity of the TerSec/ Archangel crossover/ Taconator/ O'kak/ et al

By Padawan Observer on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 9:08 am:

You still haven't told me who ATT is.

By Matt Pesti on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 2:59 pm:

Ansh and her siblings. Nice charaters, but not strong ones.

By KAM on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 4:40 am:

That's right, Ansh & Tammy Tembar.

By Matt Pesti on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 - 1:29 pm:

"Lear Sydrome" Named for Norman Lear, the idea that a important social issue is best fully discussed and debated on a half hour sitcom. Also known as "a very special episode".

Misdirected social commentary A issue that is supposed to serve as a metaphor for modern society, but really dosen't. Hologram's rights from Voyager (I'm still waiting for a spell check that can distinguish weigh from way), for example. Or the Mutant question on X-men (I don't remember the oppressed fireing lasers from their eyes) or TNG's "Up the long ladder", which links cloning, the Irish, something about technology and nature and the message is about... Abortion?

Sledgehammer social commentary It's now known a network can fufil FCC requirements by writting a episode that denounces drugs. This explains a lot, dosen't it. Think that episode, Syboisis first season of Trek.

By Matt Pesti on Sunday, October 06, 2002 - 10:10 am:

Going away to college: (GATC) "Mom, Mom, I just got accepted to Havard"
"That's great, are you going to go?"
"Well, I got into Havard, Yale, Columbia, some small, unheard of college that doesn't exist outside of our reality but will make a nice spin-off, the local college within driving distance almost all of my friends are going to, and four or five other Ivy leauge schools!"
"You can't figure that out and your're the genius?"

I think you get the point.

By Sven of Nine on Sunday, May 04, 2003 - 2:56 am:

CSI: Cloned Series Identity
= The phenomenon whereby various new shows on TV (e.g. crime shows) crop up, heavily influenced by and indeed almost identical to the style/mood/tone of an already successful format. This gives rise to the phrase "Oh, that's just another CSI, don't you know." Also known as "Who Wants To Be Just Like My Show?" referring to the numerous attempts to capture the atmosphere of the "Millionaire" game shows. Might also explain the rise in "popularity" of Reality shows...

By Matt Pesti on Saturday, May 17, 2003 - 10:03 pm:

OWCH (Only with Computer Help): The propensity of fight scenes not taking place inside a computer generated prison to include moves that Human beings are not able to accomplish, unless they have multiple black belts in several of the martial arts, or the aid of magic. Think Charlie's Angels.

By Sven of Booyakasha on Wednesday, May 28, 2003 - 8:34 am:


which stands for:
"There's A Lot Of It About, But I Never Seem To Get Any."
[Just my luck. My love life summed up in one glossary term.]

Refers to the only person on the ship/station unaffected by the terrible affliction, disability, odd behaviour, outbreak of hedonism etc. who then goes on to save the day "or die trying". Examples from Star Trek include: "The Game" (TNG), "Dramatis Personae" (DS9), and "Fascination" (DS9; the episode which provided the inspiration for the term). Also applies to a lot of horror B-Movie plots.

By Sven of Nine - with that Friday Feeling on Friday, May 30, 2003 - 2:25 pm:

TGIF = "Thank God It's Finished!"

Pretty much SXP (self-explanatory).

By mei on Saturday, September 20, 2003 - 9:03 pm:

Well, I suppose this is a good place to point this out: most of those acronyms - aren't. Acronyms, that is.
I work for the government, which LOVES acronyms. Except that, like these, they've gone beyond acronyms. An acronym, by definition, is a series of letters that form a word. Which means that you have to be able to say it, not spell it. IT (Information Technology) isn't really an acronym, because we tend to spell it (I T) rather than say it. (Yeah, like that.)
The one caveat is acronyms that can be made to sound like words, even if they're missing vowels. Only one I can think of is from work, where we have JSAT, pronounced Jay-sat. Since we can pronounce it, it's an acronym.
So, isn't it ironic that nitpickers mis-use this word, leaving them open to - nitpicking!

By KAM whose initials were chosen by his parents to sound like a name on Sunday, September 21, 2003 - 4:06 am:

NTN (pronounced Nittin') - Nitpicking the Nitpickers. ;-)

By Matt Pesti on Monday, March 21, 2005 - 12:02 pm:

IOAWI: If only actors were immortal. Actors who play Vampires, Immortals, Vulcans British Secret Service agents, Last Sons of Krypton and the entire line of Soong type androids have a nasty habit of aging much faster than the parts they play. So if Data's newly created brother looks the same age as Data, despite his lack of an "aging program," or if Angel has a receding hairline, or if Spock ages more in three decades than over a course of a century, it's a case of Ioawi. It also applies to when actors play themselves in flashbacks and time travel and happen to have gained weight, lost hair, or go missing due to contract disputes.

By Matt Pesti on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 8:25 pm:

VOFSC: Victims of fashion get a second chance. Refers to the Klingons, Trill, Ferangi, and Cardassians who get a redesign for the next appearance.

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