Why Can't We Just Let the Morons Die?

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: The Kitchen Sink: Questions, Questions, Questions: Why Can't We Just Let the Morons Die?
By Ares on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 6:11 pm:

This afternoon, as I was driving down the street, I noticed and odd looking sign on a lamppost at a corner. When I realized that it was detailed instructions WITH PICTURES for the crosswalk button, I nearly ran into the next lamppost while ranting at the empty passenger seat. I was under the impression that the crosswalk button was a fairly simple idea. You push the button, wait for the light to say "walk" or the little green man, and then you walk. If you lack the mental capacity to respect the massive hunk of steel, plastic, and alluminum moving at twentey times the speed at which you can run, you probly should be turned into a greasy spot on the pavement. American society is protecting people who would have died long ago without outside intervention. Human evolution in the US has stopped. The morons are allowed to run rampant and worst of all BREED! The solution to this is very simple. The kid who swallows the most marbles, doesn't grow up to have kids of his own. The idiot who can't figure out the "Geo Metro is still bigger than me" premise, doesn't get to live very long. As we, the United States citizens, continue this overprotection of the idiots in society, we ruin the future of our country.

By margie on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 7:07 pm:

How big was the sign? I know the walk signals in NYC have buttons with small signs that say, "Press button, wait for walk signal," but the button doesn't actually do anything. (I know this because I used to time them when I was a kid with nothing better to do.) I think in Manhattan, the lights don't even have buttons anymore. However, the signals on Long Island actually have buttons that must be pressed in order for the sign to change to, "walk." These have signs with the words and pictures, but they're not very big. If I were driving, I wouldn't have been able to read them.
What I'm meaning to say here is that the button instructions could be for people who aren't used to having to push the button for the light to change. It took me a while on that Long Island street, just waiting for the "walk" signal, before I realized I actually had to press the button!

By D.K. Henderson on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 6:01 am:

Pop over to the Darwin Awards website and reassure yourself that idiots are, indeed, taking themselves out of the gene pool.

As to the foolishness of printing the obvious, this is an unfortunate necessity in these times. Lawsuits have become a favorite American sport. No one, these days, can assume that ANYONE has common sense. Thus, the instructions and warnings. I wonder if, following an utterly imbecilic lawsuit of a few years ago, any subways have posted the warning in large Neon letters: DO NOT HAVE SEX ON THE SUBWAYS TRACKS. INJURIES MAY RESULT. A couple actually did this some time ago, were injured by an oncoming train, sued, and...won.

On the other hand, after working in a library for some time, I have come to the conclusion that a very great number of people ignore signs. They will yank on doors and ring bells when a CLOSED sign is just inches away, smoke right under the NO SMOKING sign, carry food right past the No food or beverages sign, etc, etc, etc.

By Rene on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 1:30 pm:

"A couple actually did this some time ago, were injured by an oncoming train, sued, and...won."

What kind of idiotic world do we live in? Sigh.

By Jason on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 11:07 pm:

Why are there signs that give instructions for seemingly obvious things? The answer is simple: CYA (Cover Your um... Rear). Since lawsuits happen at the drop of a hat in America, no one wants to be sued.

All the city pools in Toledo used to have barbed wire on top to prevent people from climbing the fence and going swimming when the pool was closed. Unfortunately for the city, someone climbed the fence, got tore up, and sued. They won. Another idiot lawsuit was when someone hopped a pool fence during the winter and fell into the empty pool. They also sued and won, even though the fence and pool area is littered with DANGER: POOL CLOSED! NO TRESPASSING signs. I have many more... but I won't go on.

By Rene on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 11:56 am:

Sigh. That is so sad. So apparently, stupidity pays off.

By ScottN on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 4:15 pm:

This one's also apocryphal, but it came up back in '88 during all the CA insurance ballot initiatives:

Some guy was breaking into a school. He was up on the roof and fell through a skylight, injuring himself. He sued and won because there wasn't a sign saying "stay off the skylight", even though he was trespassing with criminal intent.

By Mark Bowman on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 11:47 am:

Margie wrote:

>>What I'm meaning to say here is that the button instructions could be for people who aren't used to having to push the button for the light to change. It took me a while on that Long Island street, just waiting for the "walk" signal, before I realized I actually had to press the button! >>>

Here in San Bernardino, we have walk lights that
change automaticly (but still have the buttion),
and ones that require you to press it. Usualy,
the ones that change automaticly use the button
to shorten the amount of time it takes for the
sign to change. Unfortunatly, the ones that
require you to press the button are right around
the shopping center I go to, and worse,
the buttons are small, and in some cases flush
to the panel (try pressing that while carrying
heavy shopping bags with both of your hands)!

By Mark Bowman on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 11:51 am:

Oh, it's not impossible to press the buttons
even with a load of groceries. :)

But it would be nice if all of the ights had
the jumbo style buttons (some of the lights
here do).

By mei on Tuesday, February 06, 2001 - 11:58 am:

One of my favorite signs was on the security gate going into the apartment complex. Right over the really big spikes sticking out was a sign that stated, "Hitting spikes can damage car." It was a real CYA sign - and a really stu-pid necessity.

What I like are the people who push the walk signals right after the light has turned, and get upset because the lights don't change again right away. It's almost too bad the lights don't change right away - at least the walk sign...

And speaking of survival of the fittest in action: I've heard that an amusement park near here had to close one of their rides for awhile. The Screaming Tower, I think it was called: take you up 100 feet and drop you. (Cool ride!) Seems some in-duh-vidual had gotten to the top, found out his harness wasn't fastened - AND STOOD UP!! You - out of the gene pool!

By Callie Sullivan on Wednesday, February 07, 2001 - 3:12 am:

While I understand the importance of notifying people with an allergy that some food might contain nuts, I do get a huge attack of "duh-hey!" when I see packets of peanuts with a message emblazoned across the back saying, "Contains Nuts" ...

By margie on Wednesday, February 07, 2001 - 11:50 am:

That's like McDonald's getting sued because someone burned themself on the coffee. Duh - it's COFFEE! It's SUPPOSED to be hot! Now McDonald's has to put "Caution Very Hot" on all the coffee cups. And I bet someone will still find a way to sue them over it.

By Chris Booton (Cbooton) on Wednesday, February 07, 2001 - 7:36 pm:

Or here in Ontario we have a case of a woman who went to a company party, got drunk, drove home drunk, and smashed into another car. She sued the company for allowing her to drive despite being drunk and WON! , this is despite the fact that she chose to drink and the company asked her if she wanted a taxi or them to call her husband etc.

Im pretty sure they are going to appeal though.

My parents also mentioned a case I heard of years ago. Some dumb ass climbed a hydro station fence, all over the fence were great big signs saying 'danger do not climb, major electrical shock danager' (or words to that effect) , he got a nasty shock but lived, and he sued and won, BUT the hydro guys took it to the supreme court and they got it appealed, so sometimes the good guys do win.

By Spornan on Wednesday, February 07, 2001 - 10:55 pm:

::That's like McDonald's getting sued because someone burned themself on the coffee. Duh - it's COFFEE! It's SUPPOSED to be hot! Now McDonald's has to put "Caution Very Hot" on all the coffee cups. ::

This is the example almost everyone gives about frivilous lawsuits, though none of them really seem to know anything about it.

The Coffee spilled on the woman was over two hundred degrees, and kept hotter than regulations allowed. Why? Because McDonald's uses up less coffee if they keep it really hot all the time. The woman has second and third degree burns from COFFEE. If you've ever spilled coffee or another hot drink on you, you have probably not needed skin grafts because of it.

Now I'm not saying the woman isn't also at fault. She was driving with a hot cup of coffee between her legs. But McDonald's is also at fault here, because there's no reason to keep something that hot. I'm surprised that an Employee didn't accidentally drop some on himself and sue them first. That's really dangerous.

What's crazy about it is these kids working in these environments get paid minimum wage. Yeesh.

By Matthew Patterson (Mpatterson) on Thursday, February 08, 2001 - 5:47 am:

But McDonald's is also at fault here, because there's no reason to keep something that hot.

Well, that's nice and all, but does this completely invalidate the fact that the woman was driving while attempting to drink it, something you're never supposed to do, and holding it between her legs to boot? I mean, the woman's behavior led to her getting burned, not McDonald's insistence on keeping their coffee really hot.

Put it another way. If she hadn't gotten burned, would she still have complained of it being too hot?

By Todd Pence on Thursday, February 08, 2001 - 10:22 am:

As long as we're harping on the dumb people, let's take to task another class - the incredibly rude and inconsiderate. Here are a couple of types of people that I really have a pet peeve about.
Class one is the person who is sitting on a seat designed for two on a bus or a metro car and has their baggage, property or purse on the seat next to them. The vehicle will fill up with passangers, some of whom have to stand. Meanwhile this person will continue to leave their property (which can easily be put on their lap or on the floor) on the vacant seat next to them, seemingly oblivious to the fact that there are people standing in the aisles all around them or scrounging to find seats. Do these people somehow think their baggage is more important than another human being? I see this all the time.
Another type of person that infuriates me is the parent of a small child who brings their kid or kids to a large store (grocery store, dept. store, bookstore, whatever) and leave them TOTALLY UNSUPERVISED, letting them run wild through the aisles of the store, sometimes at speeds approaching 70 MPH. I was in a store the other day where I was almost knocked down several times by this little tyke zooming up and down the aisles, and his parents were NOWHERE IN SIGHT. News Flash: The store staff and the other customers are not your babysitters. How irresponsible and inconsiderate of others can you get? No wonder small children disappear every year. If you're not going to supervise your kids, why not just leave them at home?

Anyway, those are just two kinds of public inconsideration that bug me. I'm sure you all have yours . . .

By Jason on Thursday, February 08, 2001 - 4:06 pm:

I really hate the people who drive in the passing lane on the express way. Especially when I am traveling faster than they are.

By Spornan on Friday, February 09, 2001 - 1:46 am:

She wouldn't have sued if she hadn't spilled it, but I also doubt she would have sued if she didn't get so burned that she required skin grafts.

I also believe there were federal regulations about the maximum temperature they were allowed to keep coffee, which McDonalds was breaking: Big time.

By Callie Sullivan on Friday, February 09, 2001 - 2:18 am:

While the people who leave their luggage on the seat next to them do irritate me, I somehow get more irritated by the person standing up who glares at the offending luggage, sighs heavily and loudly a lot but doesn't have the guts to ask the seated person to move it! I was delighted to watch someone get on the train recently, see that there were no seats and that a moron had put his briefcase on the seat next to him, and ask him loudly and pointedly, "Have you got a ticket for that, then?" Immediate embarrassment for the moron, who moved his case very quickly!

By D.K. Henderson on Friday, February 09, 2001 - 5:22 am:

My pet peeve is for all those people (they're everywhere, they're everywhere!) who think that rules and regulations are meant for everyone except THEM.

Dick Francis summed up the attitude very succinctly in his book STRAIGHT: "If laws are inconvienient, ignore them, they don't apply to you."

By margie on Friday, February 09, 2001 - 11:38 am:

Being a female, it really ticks me off to be seated next to a man who has to keep his knees as far apart from each other as possible! I end up being squished into half my seat because he's got one foot in the aisle and the other halfway across my legroom! Maybe you guys can't put your legs completely together (I really don't know if you can) but, please, try to give your seatmate a little room too!

By Chris Booton (Cbooton) on Friday, February 09, 2001 - 8:03 pm:

Yes we can put them together.

And on the topic of rude people, what about inconsiderate people. A good example is all these woman that talk about what their privates are doing in public, or people that discuss their sex life in public and not only this but they talk loudly, and if you protest you chastised and told your views are very outdated.

Or these woman who make constant sexist and degreading jokes against men, and when a guy makes an inocent woman joke they freak out

Or backstabbers, now they are the worst, and the biggest scum of them all!

By John A. Lang on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 1:41 am:



"Ingredients: Raisins"

Need I say more?

By Desmond on Friday, February 16, 2001 - 8:37 am:

Callie Sullivan,

Regarding your earlier post (Peanuts package: "Contains nuts."):

This is actually moronic on two levels. To your average brain-dead idiot, this is a typical moronic food-content warning, just like the other warning labels covered on this board.
But has anyone (including those at the packaging company) considered the fact that peanuts aren't "nuts" at all? They're legumes, and they grow underground, rather like potatoes. Suprisingly most people don't know this; whether they assume the existence of vast groves of peanut trees I have no idea.

In any case, the "helpful" warning label is completely inaccurate.

By ScottN on Friday, February 16, 2001 - 8:57 am:

Desmond, you're correct. My daughter is seriously allergic (as in drop-dead) to all tree nuts, yet peanuts are fine.

The people who put that warning on that package are mislabelling it, and are potentially subject to FDA penalties. From the standpoint of someone with allergies, "Contains Nuts" and "Contains Peanuts" are two completely different things, and that mislabelling could be a matter of life or death.

By margie on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 5:28 am:

What bugs me is when I'm on an elevator, going down, and someone gets on at the second floor and pushes the first floor button. Hello! There's other people already on the elevator! The elevator only goes down to the first floor! What do they think the rest of us are doing-joyriding?

By Duke of Earl Grey on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 9:02 am:

Of course, in many elevators, pushing the button for a floor will cause the doors to close, so in such cases pushing the 1st floor button again is no stupider than pushing "Close Door."

By margie on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 11:43 am:

The "close door" button in our elevators is useless too. The doors close whenever they feel like it, usually when I'm trying to get through!

By Sophie Hawksworth on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 4:21 pm:

Actual warning from a packet of pills:

"WARNING: May cause drowsiness. If affected, do not drive or operate machinery."

I wouldn't mind, but they're SLEEPING PILLS!

By margie on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 11:30 am:

Sleeping pills that may cause drowsiness? What'll they think of next? :)

By ScottN on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 1:24 pm:

What'll they think of next?

Hot coffee that may scald if spilled?

By The Chronicler on Sunday, June 10, 2001 - 2:19 pm:

Moving back several months to the "Walk" signal discussion, I wonder how many of us press the button several times while waiting, as if doing so will make the light change more quickly. (Sort of like clicking the mouse repeatedly while waiting for pages to download.) It's the sort of idiotic thing even relatively intelligent people find themselves doing.

Maybe that's what the button's for: It gives us something to do, an outlet for our impatience.

By scott mcclenny on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 7:40 pm:

Didja see the Candid Camera where they ask
people walking past for directions to the
street they were on?And like the sign post
is right where Suzanne Somers was standing?
I mean how •••••• can ya get!!!!

By Matt Pesti on Friday, October 26, 2001 - 10:13 am:

Men can put their legs toghether, but there is some stuff down there that makes it uncomfortable.

By The Undesirable Element on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 3:25 pm:

I like this thread. Too bad I found it almost a year late.

My friend lives along the Allegheny River right next to one of the locks. On one side of the lock is the thing that allows boats to get through, but on the side that she lives on, there is a giant cement wall with a small sign that reads: "DANGER: DAM" This is wrong on so many levels. First off, it's a LOCK, not a DAM! Who's running this thing? Second, the sign couldn't be more than 10 feet in front of the lock. The only way you could even see the thing is if you were right in front of it. You'd probably be dead by then anyway. Third, it's facing the wrong direction. The only way you would see it is if you were boating upstream. They would expect a boater to see this "DANGER: DAM" sign before the massive waterfall that spans the entire river!!!

While visiting Virginia Beach, I came across a sign that said: "NO SWEARING" and then had a circle and slash through a @#$%#@. Not really a moron thing, but I thought it was a f***ing s+upid rule. :)


I'm sure you've seen the "STOP SIGN AHEAD" signs. Need I say anything?

What bugs me are smokers. They seem to get all irate when nonsmokers complain. "It's my body, I can do what I want." they say. Well buddy, this is MY body and I don't want to inhale all of your second-hand smoke. You want to smoke, do it outside or in the privacy of your own home, not in a restaurant where I'm trying to enjoy my meal.

Is it just me, or do dumb people have more children than smart people?

See ya later

By Brian Webber on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 5:05 pm:

It's like the line from the song man.

Been around the world and found that only s+upid people are breeding
The cretins cloning and feeding

By kerriem on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 8:38 pm:

Another type of person that infuriates me is the parent of a small child who brings their kid or kids to a large store (grocery store, dept. store, bookstore, whatever) and leave them TOTALLY UNSUPERVISED, letting them run wild through the aisles of the store, sometimes at speeds approaching 70 MPH...News Flash: The store staff and the other customers are not your babysitters. How irresponsible and inconsiderate of others can you get?

A-men, Todd.
As a former book superstore employee I can also testify to the incredibly common practice of parents dropping the small kids off in the children's section, saying something dumb like "OK, now, Mommy's going to look in the grown-up books, you stay there," and heading off to an entirely different section of the store - completely out of eye- or even ear-range - without a backwards glance.
It took a rash of incidents involving pedophiles in our chain for 'concerned caregivers' to get the message.

Some other $tupid Bookstore Customer Tricks (which of course nobody here would ever stoop to :)):

Being very certain you want a particular book, but having literally no more information than "My Aunt Jane read it last week, and it was really great and romantic, she says all the stores have it..."
Variant: "It's the one with the red cover, with, ummmm, flowers...I think it should be in the romance section."

(If you're ever wandering around in a bookstore and hear the clerks giggling about 'yeah, and I bet it has a red cover', consider that code for 'Whoaboy, we got a live one here folks...')

Bringing up a book with, say, one page corner turned down and demanding a discount;

Monopolizing a bookseller for an hour, having them pull out and compare every single book in a section, then announcing brightly that "Well, at least now I know what to look for when I go to the library!";

Responding - in a non-used bookstore - to "No sir, sorry, that's out of stock and the publisher says it's out of print," with "Oh...so you don't have it, then?"

And (my personal favourite) being serenely and unshakeably convinced that selling books automatically places clerks at the centre of all things literary: "But you must know the title - it was on TV last week!" or "I know it was reviewed somewhere...no, I don't remember the name of the paper. You mean you didn't see it?"

(True story: At the height of Oprah's popularity, we could in fact tell exactly what she was featuring based on the calls we got immediately after her show ended. I'm talking twenty or thirty requests for one book in the space of twenty minutes.)

By Merat on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 10:52 pm:

Image the fun I have at the reference desk of a university library. "Please sir, don't smoke in this room full of very old paper." "No sir, I'm afraid we don't carry Playboy." I once found a half eaten pumpkin pie in the computer room. Not a slice, but an actual, entire pie complete with pie tin. Also, patrons seem to think its my fault that the book they need (usually for a paper due tomorrow) is checked out.

By Callie Sullivan on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 - 7:52 am:

A friend and I have a new saying: “Here is your sign.” We give this imaginary sign (which you can add your own message on – mine says, “I’m really really dumb”) to people who say really daft things, e.g. if you’re hobbling down the corridor on crutches and someone says, “Hurt your leg, have you?” or you’re outside your house watching the removal men putting your furniture into a van and a neighbour leans over the fence and says, “Moving, are you?” to which the reply is, “Yes, and here is your sign.”

I triumphantly gave a sign to my friend a few weeks ago when, after we’d been wondering if I’d be able to get a certain type of vegetable at the supermarket because it might be out of season, I managed to find some. When he came round and saw the veg in the saucepan, he pointed at it and asked, “You found some, then?”

When I had my long hair cut short a few months ago, I ran out of signs to give away to people who said, “Ooh! Had your hair cut?”

By ScottN on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 - 8:01 am:

That's from a comedian, unfortunately I have forgotten his name. He does a whole schtick of "Here's your sign".

By margie on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 - 11:41 am:

I usually give sarcastic answers to questions like that. My parents used to say, "Ask a stoopid question, get a stoopid answer." (Had to use the word because it's an exact quote.)

By Darth Sarcasm on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 - 2:35 pm:

Going back to the crossing signals...

Can someone explain to me why the signal for Don't Walk is a red hand and the signal for walk is some white guy scratching his butt?

And why do Drive-Thru ATM's have keypads with braille?

And kerriem, what about these scenarios:

Excuse me? Where's your non-fiction section?
(Which pretty much covers everything except the fiction wall. Next time you go to a bookstore, see how many fiction books there really are.)

Or you take a credit card that says, "CHECK ID" on the back. You do, and their name is nothing like what's on the card. Then they get infuriated because you won't accept it as payment.

Or how about the people who confused a book on Oprah's Book Club list and just a book from a guest she had on (there is a difference, folks)?

Oh! Here's a scenario I dealt with once:

Do you have Where is the Cheese?
You mean Who Moved My Cheese?
(In a snotty voice) Did I say Who Moved My Cheese?
(you type on the computer)Sorry, Ma'am, I can't find a book called Where is the Cheese?
What do you mean, there is no book? It's on the New York Times list!
I'm sorry. But there's no book by that name. There is, however, a book called Who Moved My Cheese? that is currently on the list.
(Heaven forbid you try to anticipate their needs to help them faster).

And don't get me started on the guy who was going to report us to the US Treasury because we were giving out counterfeit quarters (the ones with the states on the back). He thought it was some ploy for us to sell the special coin collecting maps.

By kerriem on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 - 4:28 pm:

Excuse me? Where's your non-fiction section?
(Which pretty much covers everything except the fiction wall. Next time you go to a bookstore, see how many fiction books there really are.)

Hee hee. Thanks, Darth, I'd forgotten that one. (The truly scary part comes when you say 'Er, what subject would you be looking for?' and they look at you funny and say, 'You know, the section with the real-life stories!')

Agreed that Who Moved My Cheese is the current bane of bad customer memory. Other recent problems have been caused by The Celestine [Celestial, Celebrated, Electric, Selective, 'That Book Where the Guy Goes to Peru and Finds God'] Prophecy and The Zone, which can be Entered or Mastered or Eaten or Played or whatever else catches your fancy.

And then there's the lady who got upset - I swear - because we didn't sell film (as in Kodak) in the Film section. Even after it was gently explained to her what we did sell, she was still insisting that we were misleading customers.

In closing, I'd like to recount an absolutely true encounter with what appeared to be a college student in her early twenties. Bear in mind while reading that she's standing at the front desk of what is literally named The World's Biggest Bookstore - 100,000 titles and counting:

Student: Uh, hi...I'm looking for a book?

Me: Great! What did you have in mind?

Her: Uh...I dunno...just something to read.

Me: (pause to marshal sense of humour) OK...so what subject did you want?

Her: (Shrugs, turns to boyfriend, who mutters something unintelligible, turns back) Well, you know, a good story. You know, like my grandma reads.

Me: (noticing a line forming behind her) Right-oh! Fiction! So, let's see...(anxiously scanning her face for a reaction) we've got romance, horror, sci-fi, comedy...(blank face)...uh, Canadiana, historical...(even blanker face)...

Her: I dunno - just a good story. I'm going on a trip and I need something to read. (starting to look really annoyed) Can't you just recommend something?

Me: (gushing a little with relief) No, but I know who can. (picks up pager) Fiction staff to the front desk, please...

(Later I asked the poor Fiction guy who rescued me how it went. "I dunno," he shrugged. "Every book I showed her, she just shook her head and said she wanted a good story..."

By Butch Brookshier on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 - 4:35 pm:

TUE, the Stop Sign Ahead sign is actually useful sometimes. There is a 4 way stop intersection a block from my house. One of the approaches to this intersection curves so you can't see the sign until you're almost at it. Even so, there's a lot of people who still don't realize it's there and have to lock up their brakes to keep from hitting someone pulling across.

By Machiko Jenkins (Mjenkins) on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 - 5:54 pm:


The comedian in question is Bill Engvall (sp?). He even has a "song" he's done with Travis Tritt (I think it's Travis Tritt).

By ScottN on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 - 6:03 pm:

Thanks, Oh my Queen!

Hey! Can we seat the morons in the Bleachers?

By Craig Rohloff on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 12:30 pm:

Hills. "Stop Ahead" signs are useful for intersections that are placed just beyond small hills. (And I still locked my breaks because the intersection was right there after the hill crest!)

By Craig Rohloff on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 12:40 pm:

This isn't so much about bookstore customers as it is about bookstores... why does a local outlet of a LARGE bookstore chain have three or four aisles of psychic/astrology/"new age" books and only half an aisle of science books? (That includes all of the various science fields, by the way, which equates to a only few titles per science category.)
Back to customers, why do people think astrology and astronomy are the same exact thing?

By Rhetorical Answer Man on Friday, June 28, 2002 - 6:45 am:

The answer to your first question is simply demand. Society seems to dislike science (largely because most people believe they can't understand it or believe it is far too dull), and a large portion of the populace enjoy the psychic/astrology/"new age" books.

The second question's answer is that they sound nearly the same so people confuse them.

By Craig Rohloff on Friday, June 28, 2002 - 8:23 am:

Yeah, I kind of figured someone would say that. Thanks, RAM.
For the record, I used to work in retail sales, and I know of a few people who thought astrology and astronomy were the same thing, even after I patiently tried to explain the difference. ("Oh, but they're both about planets and stars, so they're the same thing, right?") It ended up being a lost cause, but at least I didn't lose my patience.

By margie on Friday, June 28, 2002 - 11:55 am:

My sister just came to me with a question that seems to fit some of the above comments. She's trying to remember the name of a book "written by a professor (?) took him 8 years to write & each chapter he only used one vowel? (every word was only with an "A" or "E", each chapter was a different vowel)" (She wrote me the above in a note-her grammar isn't the best!) She said it might be under poetry. I've never heard of it. Has anyone else?

By ScottN on Friday, June 28, 2002 - 1:09 pm:

I don't recall, but I do seem to recall a novel written without the letter 'e'.

By ScottN on Friday, June 28, 2002 - 1:13 pm:

Here we go...

Ernest Vincent Wright wrote one, as did
Georges Perec, who did it in French.

Perec (same link) also wrote one using no vowel other than "e".

By margie on Monday, July 01, 2002 - 11:40 am:

Thanks, Scott. I'll let her know!

By Cheryl =^..^= on Saturday, August 17, 2002 - 10:34 pm:

Hi there Margie's sister here. I actually found the title of the book in question. Have as of yet to buy it though. The book is called Eunoia & it's by Christian Bok. He's a canadian poet & it took him about 7yrs to write this book.

By Adam Bomb on Tuesday, August 20, 2002 - 9:45 am:

WNEW-FM went from one of the best radio stations (playing progressive rock here in NYC for over 30 years) to one of the worst, when they changed their format to all talk. They hit a low point last week, when a couple had sex during holyday services at St. Patrick's Cathedral, under the auspices of the Opie and Anthony Show. Both the couple and the guy from the show (forgot his name-just as well) were arrested for public lewdness or the like. Infinity Broadcasting, which owns the station, has had enough trouble in the past with Howard Stern; now it has these cretins to deal with, too. There is pressure to revoke WNEW-FM's operating license over this stunt, and the Opie and Anthony show is off for now, replaced with repeats.

By LUIGI NOVI on Tuesday, August 20, 2002 - 12:43 pm:

Avoid stations like WNEW like the plague. Opie and Anthony, like many other DJ's think they're much funnier and smarter than they really are.

By Blue Berry on Tuesday, August 20, 2002 - 4:27 pm:

Adam, Luigi,

Not listening to what you don't like is not a bad idea. Not to sound Libertarian or anything, but losing ad revenue (by lowered ratings) should get Infinity broadcasting's attention. (If it doesn't I'm sure clear channel broadcasting will be happy.)

By Butch Brookshier on Tuesday, August 20, 2002 - 9:29 pm:

Adam, I do share your dismay/irritation when a station changes formats after many years of playing some thing you like. Our local Big Band/Swing style station for over ten years recently went to all sports talk. Yech.

By Merat on Tuesday, August 20, 2002 - 10:38 pm:

In Atlanta, they were going to change the classic oldies station to yet another country music station (like we don't have enough of those!), but thankfully, they changed their minds after there was tremendous response to a plea for calls of support by Randy and Spiff, the most prominant of the DJs.

By Brian Webber on Tuesday, August 20, 2002 - 10:45 pm:

The only decent country station in Colorado (and by decent I mean the only station that played John Denver or Johnny Cash anymore) went hip-hop first, and just this past week became an 'all club music' station called 102 X. At least when it was a rap station they played stuff by little known artists, like Unsung Heroes and J-Live, but now this X station is basically Moby (who I like) and that Mitsubishi song 24/7. :( And don't even get me started on how overnight The Peak (only place where you could hear some classic New Order, Midnight Oil, and They Might Be Giants) became a SPANISH MUSIC STATION!

By constanze on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 1:51 am:


about the comments people make about sth. obvious: I think that often they only want to be polite, but can't think of sth. smarter to say at this moment.

I recently had my hair cut off, too, and everybody remarks on it, but I would mind more if nobody said anything, because that means they don't notice how I look like (or don't like me enough to give me feedback). If they say "Hey, you've cut your hair", it is an opener to either continue "The new look/style suits you very well" or to say "I liked the old one better" (I've gotten only compliments so far).

Likewise, I often state the obvious, too, because I can't think of sth. better to say at the moment. Saying "You've hurt your leg" to sb. in a cast gives them the chance to tell you about, but if you don't say anything, he'll think you didn't notice (Cf the story of parcival: He should have asked the wounded old man a question out of compassion, but because the rules said 'no idle questions' and he didn't want to sound ••••••, he didn't ask, and so the old man wasn't healed.)

By Blue who can not really see over phone lines Berry on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 2:40 am:

$tupid question. What do "sb." and "sth." mean. BTW, nice hair.:)

By constanze on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 2:44 am:


sb= somebody
(I don't know if these are the offical abbreviations.)

Oh, and thanks :-))

By Adam Bomb on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 8:25 am:

Our local station that played standards for decades, WNEW-AM, was bought by Bloomberg (who is now the NYC mayor) in 1992, and converted to a business news format. At that time, WQXR-AM, which played classical, took over the standards format, changing their call letters to WQEW. A few years back, WQEW changed from standards to Radio Disney, so we have no station playing standards full time.
The last country music station here, WYNY-FM (Y-107) almost overnight changed its format to Spanish, so now we also have no full-time country station here in NYC.
My irritation is not just with a station changing its format, although it happens enough here. It really irks me when the new format is dumbed down to the level of Opie and Anthony. I am no fan of censorship, but if WNEW-FM loses its license over the sex stunt, I will not mourn.
As far as Howard Stern is concerned, I liked to listen to him while he was still married. Since his divorce, I find him puerile, juvenile and overwhelmingly dull. Maybe I'm getting too old for his type of humor.

By Brian Webber on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 1:09 pm:

I like dhim better when he was doing more below-the-belt political humor, slamming ahrd on the Falwellites of the world. He still did the stoopid sex stuff, but at least it wasn't done EVERY FREAKING SECOND OF THE SHOW! In small doses like that, it's not that bad, but it gets tiresome when done constantly. That's why I gave up on Jamie & Danny. Danny Bonaduce is a funny guy, but I liked him better when he was just a guest host on Jamie, Frosty, & Frank, and his episode of The Drew Carey Show (still leaves me in stitches, that episode does).

And then, Rick, Larry, & Jennifer. GREAT radio program in Denver, voted Best in the Country twice, then, one day, with NO WARNING, Rick and Jennifer were gone, and Larry was being backed by these two mooks I've never heard of, who I guess transferred from U102 (now Station X, see my last post). Larry worked great as second banana to Rick and Jennifer, but heading a show by himself? Ugh.

Um, maybe we should move this topic over to The State of Radio board huh?

By Blue Berry on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 1:42 pm:

Is Don Imus dead yet? (or would he call me a fat loser for putting "yet" in that question.:))

By Darth Sarcasm on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 5:57 pm:

Saying "You've hurt your leg" to sb. in a cast gives them the chance to tell you about... - constanze

"Hey! What happened to your leg?," works, too.

But I understand what you mean. Oftentimes people do state the obvious as a way of demonstrating that they recognized the new condition. Much like "Freeze!" and "Be quiet!" have an understood you at the beginning. "You cut your hair" has an understood I noticed at the start.

By Adam Bomb on Friday, August 23, 2002 - 9:02 am:

Opie and Anthony Fired!!! WNEW-FM fired shock jocks Opie and Anthony yesterday over the aforementioned sex stunt. As they were fired from another station prior to their arrival at WNEW, no doubt some other station will pick them up at some point for their notoriety.

By Electron on Friday, August 23, 2002 - 3:59 pm:

I read about it at the IMDB. Viacom could have lost all its broadcast licenses...

By mei on Thursday, December 05, 2002 - 10:17 pm:

Back to the morons...
These are actual court-mandated warnings.
A label on a public toilet reads "Recycled flush water unsafe for drinking." (I don't even want to ask..)
A can of pepper spray warns "May irritate eyes."
A 13-inch wheelbarrow wheel warns "Not intended for highway use."
A carboard sunshield that keeps sun off the dashboard warns "Do not drive with the sunshield in place." (But then the sun gets in my eyes. whine, whine.)
Bicycle shin guards warn "Shin pads cannot protect any part of the body they do not cover."
And, finally, the baby stroller warns "Remove child before folding." (The kid might be worth saving, but you'd have to wonder about the parents.)

By ScottN on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 12:42 pm:

Spammer King dishes it out, but can't take it.

By Merat on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 2:10 pm:

I notice that lower down there is a link to a man who sent a letter to Santa at the North Pole through FedEx and has been tracking it. http://www.davidm.net/

The funny thing is that a "S. Claus" signed for its receipt! :)

By ScottN on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 2:19 pm:

Ok. Here's one.

I got a spam today. It was for...
(wait for it)
Spam Blocking Software!

By Sparrow47 on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 3:10 pm:

My sister just came to me with a question that seems to fit some of the above comments. She's trying to remember the name of a book "written by a professor (?) took him 8 years to write & each chapter he only used one vowel?Margie

I realize this is a somewhat old question, but I think the answer you're looking for is "Eunonia" by Ernest Bok. At least I think the guy's first name is Ernest...

By kerriem on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 4:55 pm:

I got a spam today. It was for...

Spam Blocking Software!

I got one of those too! All I could think was "What, you want me to help you put you out of business?!"

By Smack hacks on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 10:05 pm:

Ok this is bad. some hackhead sent me an email pretending to be the webmaster of a site i go to alot. But when i opened it it pretended to be yahoo saying i needed to verify my password cause my session had timed out. •••••• me wasnt paying attention and typed it in. then i saw it went to someplace called snakefake something something and logged me outta yahoo. So I logged back in quick and changed my password. I reported it to yahoo and the webmaster for real and hope that the punk gets spanked big time for being such an annoyance.

By Electron on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 6:33 pm:

Social engineering can crack nearly every password.

By mei on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 7:08 pm:

Re: crossing signals
In my 'other' town, we call the signals Don't Walk and Run. That's because, to get across before the light changes, you have to hurry. Not even halfway across, the signal invariably changes. Besides, the way that little guy is bending forward, he's obviously running.
And why is it a guy, anyhow? Isn't this sexist or something? J

Re: Changing radio stations
I used to listen to a wonderful oldies radio station. They had some really unusual songs - like Peanut Butter and Jelly. (Don't laugh; it was a real song in the 50s). Then, overnight, without warning, they changed to talk. I moved 2 months later, and I thought, well, at least I won't miss out on the oldies station.

By ScottN on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 8:57 pm:


First you take the peanuts
and you crush 'em, you crush 'em
First you take the peanuts
and you crush 'em, you crush 'em

for your Peanuuuut, Peanut Butter .... and Jelly!

By mei on Friday, January 17, 2003 - 9:58 pm:

Yeah, and that radio station was the only time I'd ever heard the actual song.
Worst part was, I would have loved to have had the records, but I couldn't figure out how to ask. But, man, it would have been fun to have all those records.

I finally remembered the other question I had. Actually, it's not a question, I need help. Because, speaking of old songs, I remember a song from wa-a-ay back called the Hardly Worth It Melody. I'm trying desperately to find a copy. A family friend gave it to us kids when I was young (I think late 60s), but it got lost somewhere between the siblings.
The chorus is: Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. A hardly worth it melody. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. A hardly worth it melody.
I remember the first verse, but I can't remember the second. Anybody know where I can get a copy - or at least the words?

By margie on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 - 11:28 am:

Wow, I didn't realize Peanut Butter and Jelly was a real song! I used to sing it in Girl Scouts, when we went on hikes.

By Electron on Friday, May 02, 2003 - 6:34 pm:

Here's a real moron. For example, what does GSM mean? No, Darrell, not Groupe Speciale Mobile. Maybe he is biased because he's from San Diego where Qualcomm resides, inventor of the CDMA technology. Some other answers are here.

By TomM (Tom_M) on Friday, May 02, 2003 - 7:42 pm:

Shouldn't this be somewhere on Political Musings? (Although I agree that if his information is so wrong and so ill-timed as the rebuttal article claims, Rep Issa may well be a moron, he is no more of a moron than all the other congressmen featherbedding their districts or bringing home the [pork-barrel] bacon without regard for what is truly in the country's best interest.)

\IMHO {This thread should be to point out uncontested Darwin-Award type morons, not for political rants}

By kerriem the Moderator on Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 7:42 am:

I agree. What TomM said, please, folks. :)

By Sparrow47 on Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 8:32 pm:

Well, maybe we can start anew on the impending new board, as this has broached 100K...

By Butch the K Man Fan on Sunday, May 04, 2003 - 9:28 am:

I'm sorry, that's Butch's job!

By Butch the K Man on Monday, May 05, 2003 - 6:38 pm:

Actually, that's Kerrie's job (creating a new board).
But just to keep my hand in:
This board is now up to 101k.
I just let people know it's time for a new one.

By Sophie on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 2:28 am:

A Brazilian man who went to a clinic to have an aching ear checked ended up having a vasectomy after mistakenly believing that the doctor had called his name.

You can't make this stuff up. (Unless someone did.)

Yahoo News

By constanze on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 5:47 am:


I'm not sure who you think is the moron: the patient or the doctor? If the patient has an ear ache, its not surprising that he may misunderstand his name being called. For me, its the fault of the doctor for not checking further than calling the name! Like the other stories of doctors amputating the wrong leg - they should have checked better!

By Sophie on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 7:38 am:

Here's the best bit of the report:
Yahoo news: "the strangest thing is that he asked no questions when the doctor started preparations in the area which had so little to do with his ear... He later explained that he thought it was an ear inflammation that got down to his testicles"

I'm not specifically calling anyone a moron - I'm too busy laughing, but I wondered where to post this, and this board came to hand.

By ScottN on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 8:21 am:

I read somewhere that some US hospitals are using markers to write "yes" and "no" on the patient's body in cases where surgery could be on the wrong side. Apparently the patient has to witness this and sign something.

By Sophie on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 12:40 pm:

So is that 'Yes', this is the good leg, or 'Yes' this is the leg to remove?

By Tom Vane on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 12:57 pm:

Here's an even worse story from Bo Roberts' "Freakin' Fool File" at www.933thebone.com:

The Dallas Morning News reports that 67 year old Hurshell Ralls from Wichita Falls, is suing a clinic and two doctors, alleging that they removed his penis and testicles without consulting him after they mistakenly thought he had cancer.

By ScottN on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 1:42 pm:

"Yes, this is the side you are supposed to be operating on".

By ScottN on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 1:43 pm:

Tom Vane, maybe that was Chuck Hicks from Encounter At Farpoint(TNG). Go to the NextGen board, and you'll see what I'm talking about (it's near the bottom). :)

By Darth Sarcasm on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 3:08 pm:

The Dallas Morning News reports that 67 year old Hurshell Ralls from Wichita Falls, is suing a clinic and two doctors, alleging that they removed his ••••• and testicles without consulting him after they mistakenly thought he had cancer. - Tom Vane

This is only partially accurate...

Ralls was undergoing bladder surgery. During the course of surgery, the surgeon noted a growth he thought, in his medical opinion, was malignant. So he made the medical determination to remove it. As it turned out, it wasn't cancer. But Ralls couldn't have been consulted as he was under anesthesia. This is why one should be careful to trust his/her doctor... that you're confident in whatever decision he makes for the betterhood of your life. Doctors are asked to make split-second decisions that are the difference between life and death.

Think of the other possibility: the doctor doesn't remove it and it is cancerous.

By Brian Fitzgerald on Friday, August 22, 2003 - 12:12 am:

Sophie you mention the leg removal mishap from a few years ago. Turns out that whole thing was blow up to be bigger than it was by the media. The way I heard it, in real life the guy was going to have both legs removed (for some reason, I don't remember what it was) and the doctors knew which one had to be removed first. He told them to remove the other one first instead. The removed the right one (not the one he told them to) and he tried to raise hell about it ever since and the media played right along.

By Merat on Friday, August 22, 2003 - 2:47 pm:

The leg they removed was in much worse shape than the one he wanted them to.

By John A. Lang on Tuesday, September 09, 2003 - 7:39 am:

On the news this morning, some guy mailed himself in a crate to Texas. Upon his arrival, he came out. The postman promptly called the police & the man in the crate was arrested.

By Adam Bomb on Tuesday, September 09, 2003 - 10:17 pm:

Anyone know whatever happened to Opie and Anthony, the cretins I expressed so much disgust over last year? (See my posts above for my diatribes). The last I heard, they may be going to digital radio.
Do any of you out there in Nit Central land subscribe to digital radio (either Sirius or XM)? To the editors of Mobile Entertainment magazine, digital radio is the best thing since sliced bread.

By CR on Friday, September 12, 2003 - 4:55 pm:

What about people who mow their lawns reeeally short, even when there's been no rain for days or even weeks? Yep, that grass looks nice and short, all right... and really yellow and dead, too.
Speaking of lawns, what's the point of dumping pesticides and chemicals all over the thing? Sure, you've got a nice-looking, green lawn (assuming it isn't the one I just mentioned in the above paragraph), but you can't actually go out onto it.

By John A. Lang on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 10:02 pm:

In the 1970's, a board game of "Star Trek" was put out. (Can't remember by who) but the nit in the game really stands out: They printed on one of the board squares (where the player puts his / her pawn) "Sula goes berzerk- lose one turn" (or something like that) Who the hey is "Sula"? I do believe they meant "SULU"

By CR on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 6:50 am:

Wow, John, that is one obscure nit! (But a funny one!)

By Influx on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 2:51 pm:

Probably the universe's small attempt to balance out the staggering number of times "Uhura" has been called "Uhuru". :)

By Adam Bomb on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 8:04 am:

According to Dean Johnson on Hometime, when you mow grass, you aren't supposed to take more than 1/3 off. When I owned a house (I had to sell last year, as ordered in my divorce decree) I never put any chemicals or pesticides down; I just mowed it. The neighbor's cats seemed to stake claims on certain spots in the back yard, however. Oh, and what about sprinklers going full blast - in pouring rain?!
Long Island's WLIR, which played alternative rock, was sold and converted to a Spanish format last January. I guess money talks louder than ever. I still have 45 channels of Music Choice on digital cable. If I spent more time in the car than I actually do, satellite radio would be a must-buy.
Howard Stern is getting the brunt of the FCC's crackdown on indecent broadcasts, and I think that's unfair. If satellite radio really takes off, I predict he will move there, when his contract is up.

By Influx on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 12:01 pm:

According to Dean Johnson on Hometime, when you mow grass, you aren't supposed to take more than 1/3 off.

Hmmm, I always either mow the lawn, or cut the grass, but I never "mow the grass" or "cut the lawn". I'm sure it's just a regional difference.

By Adam Bomb on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 7:29 am:

John writes: In the 1970's, a board game of "Star Trek" was put out...

I kept a pretty tight tab in the '70's on the Star Trek collectible market, and I never heard of this one. I just checked e-bay and the one '70's game they have there is a tie-in with Star Trek-TMP. (Makes me wish I had bought the booze that was marketed in a bottle shaped like Spock's head. E-bay does not have that one.)

By John A. Lang on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 7:53 am:

I'm certain that Star Trek Game that I'm thinking about came out after 1975 but before 1981. I truly wish I could remember who put it out. I remember because it was a few years after we moved into our new house. As I said earlier, the one thing that really stood out on that board game was the "SULA" error. I'll never forget that!

By Benn on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 10:03 am:

A STAR TREK Catalog (published in 1979, edited by George Turnbull) lists Milton Bradley as a manufacturer of "Electronic and non-electronic games" for the series, but no information beyond that. So something could have existed in the time frame John A. Lang mentioned.

Live long and prosper.

By Benn on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 10:11 am:

Hey John! Is this the game? Milton Bradley STAR TREK board game on eBay

Live long and prosper.

By John A. Lang on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 10:21 am:

I don't recall. I'm near certain that the "SULA" snafu was on the board itself....not on a playing card.

You have to remember, Star Trek just went off the air & EVERYBODY was trying to "Jump onto the bandwagon" & cash in on Star Trek's popularity.

It may have been a Chicago-based game company. I'll keep surfing and let you know.

By CR on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 6:01 pm:

I have that ST: TMP-based board game, but the nacelles are missing from the little starships!

By John A. Lang on Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 7:47 am:

There was a news item a few weeks ago in which an employee of Disneyworld was fired for groping female patrons....the employee was dressed as Tigger.

By BouncyBouncyOfAGame on Thursday, May 06, 2004 - 5:12 am:

Blech X{ I won't watch Whinnie The Pooh the same
way again!

By km on Thursday, May 06, 2004 - 5:17 am:

Do you want to know what really annoyes me?
People who went ballistic over Janet's "Wardrobe malfunction" at this years superbowl, yet ignore
the problem of women, both "born" and
transgendered, and even men who have to prostitute
themselves on the street just to survive in our
society and it's economy. And the phony piety by
network execs makes me want to puke

By ccabe on Thursday, May 06, 2004 - 7:50 am:

Tigger strikes me as the type who would do that.

By Brian Webber on Thursday, May 06, 2004 - 10:17 pm:

At the risk of sounding political (I don't mean to, this time), do you really think there would've been any of this excessive outrage if the "malfunction" hadn't happened in an election year?

And frankly how do we know that Jackson and Timberlake weren't planning this all along? I don't mean the exposure of the booby, but the FCC's draconian repsonse to it? That's probably not the case, but it would make one hell of a conspiracy theory wouldn't it?

By CR on Friday, May 07, 2004 - 8:07 am:

Brian, have you ever seen The Abyss? There's a character in there nicknamed "Hippy" who was being chastised by a fellow crewmember: "Hippy, why do you treat everything like it's a big conspiracy?" Hippy's response: "Everything is."

By Another Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist on Friday, May 07, 2004 - 9:08 am:

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you!

By Admiral Satie on Friday, May 07, 2004 - 10:19 am:

"Just because there was no moron doesn't mean there isn't a conspiracy."

By Brian Fitzgerald on Friday, May 07, 2004 - 12:20 pm:

Paranoia is just reality on a finer scale.

The issue isn't whether you're paranoid.....the issue is if you're paranoid enough.

Both from Strange days.

By John A. Lang on Friday, September 10, 2004 - 4:49 am:

Today on MSN.COM:


Featured Deals
JCPenney baby sale

JC Penney is selling babies at a discount?

By ding ding scratchy scratch ding ding on Friday, June 03, 2005 - 5:09 am:

:) Let's lock and exoskeleton on their bodies that is programmed to prevent them from doing anything s tupid. :)

By Ryan Whitney on Tuesday, April 11, 2006 - 9:24 pm:

While pumping gas at a gas station a while back, I noticed that the pump had a warning sign on it telling people not to attempt to siphon gas from the nozzle by mouth.

By roger on Thursday, July 20, 2006 - 12:04 pm:

I saw a really dumb quote in the newspaper recently.
Now I can't find the article, but the new CW network was coming up with a new kind of promotional commercial, two-minute dramas promoting several different products.

They wanted new ways to keep viewers tuning couch, watching the commercials. And one executive said something like, "Why should we let viewers get up off the couch to go to the bathroom...?"

Well...duh! I hope Jon Stewart sees the article. I can just imagine what he would do with the quote! :O

By Benn on Thursday, October 26, 2006 - 8:16 pm:

As some of you may or may not know, I work as a CNA (Certified Nurse Aide*) at a local nursing home. Part of my job is to get ice for residents and pop bags of popcorn for them. I happen to notice on a bag of popcorn recently that it listed how many calories the popcorn contained unpopped. "Unpopped"? Who's eating unpopped popcorn? Does the heat of one's stomach pop the corn creating an usual sensation? Just how tasty is unpopped popcorn anyway?

*Ironically, as I was starting to type this, I just got a call from work.

By MikeC on Friday, October 27, 2006 - 8:08 pm:

I suppose it would be like eating a very hard, minute form of regular corn. If you had no way of heating it, I suppose you would eat it to survive; of course, then you wouldn't be worried about calories.

By steve McKinnon (Steve) on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 - 10:03 am:

I was eating at a Pizza Hut some years ago when a couple was served at a nearby table. Less than a minute later the middle-aged man called the waitress over and said in a loud voice, "Could you heat this again, because it's ice cold! It's ice cold!"
Well, that's TWO things that really bug me; repeating the same thing word for word, and exageration. OBVIOUSLY, his food wasn't 'ice cold'! There's no way he was handed a frozen dinner from the Pizza Hut freezer, uncooked! And his (loud) repeating of its low temperature instantly made me dislike him.
His food was returned, and AGAIN it wasn't hot enough! It was hotter, but I guess he wanted it scalding hot! So the waitress went back again to the kitchen, and finally brought his food to him at his requested Hellish temperature.
She moved to my table to ask if everything was okay, and as much as I wanted to say in a loud voice, "YES! THANK YOU! MY FOOD IS HOT AND PERFECT!", I didn't; I just told her that everything was fine.

Last week I saw a guy fly off the handle big time because a car was blocking a crosswalk because he'd misjudged how much time he had before the light turned red. I find this annoying, too, but he started yelling at the top of his voice asking the taxi driver where he allegedly learned to drive, that he's an effin a-hole, an S.O.B., and on and on. I thought to myself, you're such a jerk. The driver made a little mistake, but you're blowing this out of proportion! Give the guy an evil eye or mumble something to yourself, but don't act like you're ready to pull the driver out of his car and beat him up. What a loser.

By mike powers on Friday, December 07, 2007 - 7:41 am:

My sister was in an airport recently & had to wait in line along with everyone else because some folks ahead of them packed too many items in their carry-on bag,way too many.Also,among the items were things like bottles of gel & a lighter,objects that you cannot carry onto a plane due to security issues these days.How come they can't get online or call the airport(like the rest of us do)in order to find out what the rules are?Once aboard the plane these same jerks were caught with trying not to pay for a child with them by saying he was under two years of age when in fact he wasn't.That delayed the plane's departure for awhile until the officials finally let them slide.And,none of the adults in this group were at all contrite or bothered by any of what they had done that day.Too many of the wrong people are breeding.

By Brian FitzGerald on Friday, December 07, 2007 - 9:34 am:

I had someone at a table who ordered a vodka/cranberry. Since it was a two for one, happy hour special I asked her if she wanted to do a double tall or just two singles. She said a double tall. When I brought everyone's drinks she took a little sip and asked if I was sure it was a double tall since it didn't taste very strong at all. I told her I'd check with the bartender but I was pretty sure as the bartender is usually very good about making drinks correctly. Admittedly I was completely placating the girl as I watched the bartender pour it and knew it was correct. I go ring up their food order and when I come back to the table the girl asks me if I can split the drink up into two glasses and add more cranberry because it's too strong for her. HELLO, this is the same drink that 2 minutes ago you were saying was too weak and you couldn't taste the booze at all. I'm assuming that she's just one of those people who thinks that you should complain about your first drink not being strong enough right off the rip so that they will 'hook-up' all of your subsequent drinks, but when she actually tried to drink it she realized that it was plenty strong.

By Todd Pence on Thursday, February 14, 2008 - 4:39 pm:

This is really appalling. My mom forwarded this to me because she couldn't believe it - it was a message she got in correspondence with a bank. I submit it with the grammar, spelling and punctuation (or lack thereof) completely unchanged. I will protect the author's identity, all that need be known is that the individual is the vice president of a major U.S. bank.

I did pulled copies of all the check there were couple of checks from BB&T Bank which their headquarter is in North Carolina but anyway I did release the hold just let me know next time if it takes that money days to clears.
Sorry for the in convinces. "

By the 74s tm on Monday, February 18, 2008 - 12:35 pm:

Todd, My dad had to cash his check, it read 00.00 and cash immediately, someone wrote. (for income tax i guess). It was his pay for the two weeks he never got., he had to argue in court and got told that's your pay., by his boss.He had to pay the court fee $250.

By the 74s tm on Monday, February 18, 2008 - 12:38 pm:

oh and my family ended up in Disneyland in La. for 1975., for 100 degree heat.

By ! on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 - 1:47 am:

Hey John A, Mr. Sula didnt look gay in the 60s...

wasnt he married?

By the 74s tm on Wednesday, February 20, 2008 - 2:33 pm:

I remember because the court costs just went up!

By Annoyed 74s tm on Friday, February 22, 2008 - 10:59 am:

a lady in San Francisco complained badly I'm blocking her walkway. There was a car accident in front of me and all she can do is call me names?
Move it or I call the Sf pd on you. hello. They are there directing traffic.Just a few feet from me! then a car almost hit her anyways.

By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 3:21 am:

In 1938, TIME Magazine nominated Adolf Hitler as "Man of the Year"

What were they thinking?

By Merat (Merat) on Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 8:06 am:

Back then it didn't mean what it means today, it just meant 'Person with the most influence'

By Brian FitzGerald on Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 11:40 am:

It still doesn't mean "what it means today." What it means is the person who "for better or worse" has influenced the world the most this year.

According to the good folks at Wikipedia
Despite the magazine's frequent statements to the contrary, the designation is often regarded as an honor, and spoken of as an award or prize, simply based on many previous selections of admirable people. Thus, journalists frequently describe latest choice as having joined the ranks of past winners such as Martin Luther King; however, those such as Adolf Hitler in 1938, and Joseph Stalin in 1939 and again in 1942, and the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979, have also been granted the title.

As a result of the public backlash it received from the United States for naming the Ayatollah Khomeini Man of the Year in 1979, Time has shied away from using figures that are controversial in the United States. Time's Person of the Year 2001—immediately following the September 11, 2001 attacks—was New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani, although the rules of selection, the individual or group of individuals who have had the biggest effect on the year's news, made Osama bin Laden a more likely choice.

By Brian FitzGerald on Friday, July 18, 2008 - 12:13 am:

It's actually a shame that a journalistic distinction about who ACTUALLY HAD THE MOST INFLUENCE on the previous year has turned into a Pan-American popularity contest simply because the great unwashed don't get it.

By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Friday, July 18, 2008 - 6:00 pm:

I wonder if Hitler was chosen "Man of the Year" by one of his propaganda ministers that came to this country then began working for TIME.

It's entirely possible.

By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 - 8:02 pm:

The Vegas Hilton closes "Star Trek: The Experience" due to a lease dispute.

How moronic is that?

By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Wednesday, September 03, 2008 - 11:49 am:

Don't know where to put this but I just got a 31 mill $ inhertiance from a famous Italian Opera singer! who just died. I looked his name up on google and he's worth $500 million...

anyone else got this?


and Big bad Barriyyiod Balco Bond wont get his ws ring he will
be voted into the Syteriod Hall of Shame, like Palameriod ( I did not take Steriods)and Sosa(I used the wrong bat)batriod...


By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 11:31 am:

Mike, on our recent trip to Toronto, they bill us paper fee ($20 PER TICKET, yes i'm screaming and pulling my bald and greying hair out for that one), fuel fee ($120 a passenger) $7 for blanket or pillow (no one did that), and probably call for flight attendant fee.Also i'm gonna strangle myself with my belt.(not joking here.)

one flight att sat in the pilot's seat and she will probably work as a waitress or hostess for Ihop.- aol news, ScottN.


one day at C jr. a guy was mad at the guy who alledly cooked his food, so as his server I thought he didnt want it. So i tossed it.He said you ( color,) is that what i wanted? Told me off ,and I nearly got canned.He enver showed up again.

By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 11:33 am:

Adolf H. for prez 08!

( maybe W. Shatner or l. Nimoy is a better choice.
G. Bush could be a write in.)

sorry the tipos.)

By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 3:48 pm:

people who get mad at me, call me my color ( gee, thanks people ,I look at myself in the
mirror to shave and I dont know my color??).

The girl I wanted to marry and she wanted to marry me in the 80s asked her dad for permission-you can guess the rest.He said no.

.One day the nice lady told the manager where I parked in a legal spot the handicapped spot was next to it dummy..she had me towed. see driving rants...

By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Saturday, September 06, 2008 - 9:30 am:

One day on my b- day, while walking downtown,a nice negro called me ---
and my best friend says can you be nice to him its his b- day.he wanted 25 cents.Now its $10 bucks or more.

then he says its f c's b -day.
he said order anything you want, I'm paying
i had a glass of water in a resturant , he wanted to try and i said dont volenteer any more information ,to people you dont know and ran to my secret place.I was 9 and vowed never to have a b- day party again..

when I was 21, my 3rd best friend wanted to celebrate my b- day and we got tossed at Chucks, they were having a party for 50!, in San Jose Ca...
lucky me.no I'm not making this up.

By Nove Rockhoomer (Noverockhoomer) on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 8:49 am:

You vowed never to have a birthday party again...for what reason?

By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 2:04 pm:

I dont like it when people call me names especially on my - b-day., or any occaison for that matter :P
now my nice lady neighbor says she's gonna put our dog doo in front our the house.We dont do that. She forgot other people dont pick up their stuff either.

By ScottN on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 3:00 pm:

So because some @sshat disses you, you let him win by not ever having a birthday party again? Yeah, that'll show him.

By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 3:08 pm:

hey ScottN, I am of color.I do know my color. I live with it evryday. I dont need to be reminded.

, remember I was only a little kid.I listen to what adults say.I can get banned for my color or i say the wrong thing. You must lead a charmed life.

By Luigi_novi (Luigi_novi) on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 10:38 pm:

Either that, or he knows how to contribute to this site without making most of his posts about some bad thing that happened to him, completely apart from the board's topic, and doesn't call for people to be banned for pointing this out.

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 10:45 pm:

I was amazed that his story didn't wind up with him being sent to court because he complained about someone calling him that and then the judge fining him for complaining.

By ScottN on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 11:19 pm:

You miss my point.

Some idiot calls you a name and disses you on your B-day. So to get even with this idiot, who you don't even know, you never have a birthday party again.

Does that make sense when I put it that way?

By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 11:58 pm:

well, my parents heard what happenned from my best friend ( i suppose)and I
never got a party for ten years. Then i tried again and see the result


i told my new fam this and I'm not allowed to use the N or B word, but use Negro.

By ScottN on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 8:10 am:

Then your parents are stupid.

Because somebody else calls you a name, they punish YOU.

By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 9:04 am:

Yes. They got mad at me. They were two working parents. Also they wrote their wills for my uncle, whom I despise.He's a very selfish mony-grabbing man and my parents paid up for his house money, meant for me and my new wife!,he couldnt afford his fancy 5 bed house in Oakland Caarea,
he didnt let me swim in their fancy pool when he thought i mightt contaminate his water! my fam is ok, not me!


15 years later, he came to me for a loan.once He wrote my marriage is a scam and all i want his my green card.I'm a Us citizen! His money ran out, from my dad's estate!I had a two year probate.I threw him out!
I used the F word....

Maybe I should chage my screenname to I get no respect!

Happy? (not making this up)

By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 9:09 am:

Oakland Ca. (btw I used preview too)

By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 9:13 am:

Uh, Rodney -I spent time in jail because i put mud on my car!

I wanted to complain about their great service and the manager or owner called the city pd out and I got from the motorcycle cop-one more complaint, I'm putting you in jail!

By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 9:23 am:

and ScottN, you werent there for the result, were you?
I was totally p---(time for a colorful meta4 here)at my best friend.
sorry for the tipos and grammer.And no I dont feel much better.


thanks to read. If Mod thinks to delete me go ahead.(and the conversation).

By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 9:34 am:

And i think Rodney or Callie here is Ominus Cow Heard.His english must be very good.Mine is a 2nd language.Whu bo jer dou ni shu shemma? (try translating that?)


By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 3:46 pm:

Aside from one or two funy names I used in the Doctor Who thread I have only posted here with my name. And if you think callie and I are Ominous Cow Herd because we spell better than you then you really haven't read a vast majority of the poster's here. It's not your spelling I am criticising it's your overblown "woe is me" story. I find it hard to believe you can get thrown in jail for getting mud on your car. In fact I think it's a load of to be bluntly honesy.
I'm sure not every story you tell is made up but I'm sure many of them have been drastically embellished for dramatic purposes in order to garner sympathy. Maybe think before you post your next talke of woe.

By Butch Brookshier (Bbrookshier) on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 5:34 pm:

OK, I'm going to close this thread for the moment and let everyone cool off. I apologize in advance to KAM the mod, but I think it's better if we let this drop for the present.

Butch the Roving Mod