Pets- Got a pet or two?

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: The Kitchen Sink: NitCentralia: Pets- Got a pet or two?
By the 74s tm on Sunday, August 13, 2006 - 7:44 am:

Luigi, Dotter31, etc,

your pets and what happened to them

can a mod send their pet stories to here

My dog is a border collie, 14 human years old.My wife brought her home after the flood of 95 in Monterey Ca, she felt so sorry for it while at work.Our neighbor complained we broke our lease
when we brought it home. We owned our condo and they called the pd on us for that!

By Bajoran on Sunday, August 13, 2006 - 8:34 pm:

Cool. I'll go ahead and repost about my cats. I have three male cats. One solid black named Blackie, one black and white named Winter and the third is also a black and white named Tux. short for Tuxedo. Notice a color palette.

By dotter31 on Monday, August 14, 2006 - 3:31 pm:

Thanks for the board.

I have two cats- Nils, a male, who is white and black with some tiger stripes, and Moneygirl who is a calico.

They're both about 3 years old. My wife adopted Nils before we were married and named him after a character in a book(can't remember which book offhand)

We adopted Moneygirl about 6 months ago from a shelter. She had that name already so we decided to keep it. I don't think the last people who had her took good care of her, for she was very thin and had some problems with worms. Thankfully a trip to the vet helped clear those up and she is doing much better. She's also gained some weight.

By Luigi_novi (Luigi_novi) on Wednesday, August 06, 2008 - 1:03 am:

Sorry, I only found this board now, 74.

I have a cat named Elsa. I saw her as the weakest of her litter, so she reminded me of the lioness of the same name from Born Free, after which I named her. She was born in March 1993, and while I've had a number of cats over the years, she's the only cat I've had since birth, and the one I've had for the longest.

This is her back in April.

By ScottN on Wednesday, August 06, 2008 - 8:30 am:

I'm on the staff of a cat named Jasmine, and I also own a dog named Champ.

Champ's a shepherd/lab mix, but we think he's gay. Why? Well...

1. He pees like a girl.
2. He sits with his arms (forelegs) crossed "just so".
3. He's 90 pounds and lets the cat beat the cr@p out of him.

But he's a good boy and we love him.

By Callie on Friday, November 14, 2008 - 6:27 am:

Didn't know where else to put this, but I'm feeling all cheerful today because of a total "awwwww" moment I had this morning:

A couple of schoolkids were walking their three dogs - the two larger dogs were on leads and the third dog, which may have been a shiatzu (sp?) puppy but was definitely a walking bundle of fluff, was walking off the lead slightly behind them. The kids turned to cross the road and the fluff bundle followed, only to walk straight onto the drain at the side of the kerb. Being so ickle, his front feet slipped down into the grating, prompting one of those "front feet stopped but back feet kept going" moments resulting in his nose almost down the grate and his bum sticking up in the air.

With total dignity he pulled his front feet out of the grating and carried on forward, at which his back feet slid down into the grating. Again he laboriously pulled them out, skidded across the drain and continued across the road. The kids hadn't noticed any of this, and his entire backside was radiating, "I think I got away with that and no-one noticed." What he didn't see was me behind him, almost curled up on the lawn in hysterical but adoring laughter.

It's surprising how a silly moment like that can make you feel happy all day!

(Gods, I'm so tempted to add "I am not making this up" at the end of this message, but I'd better not ...)

By the 47s tm on Thursday, November 19, 2009 - 10:59 pm:

Sad to tell ya, our border collie, Sammie ,94 dog years old, died
of kidney failure aug 17, 2009, at 1020am
we had to put her to sleeeeeeep.

i tried to get us another border collie but
the fam said later...

By Andrew Gilbertson (Zarm_rkeeg) on Friday, November 20, 2009 - 6:51 am:

We've got a pet kitten names Ellie. My first pet. She's driving us crazy, but we love her. :-)

By LUIGI NOVI on Friday, November 20, 2009 - 1:36 pm:

My Elsa, who just jumped into my lap a few minutes ago, has more years behind her than ahead. She'll be seventeen in March, and her behavior has been somewhat erratic over the past several months. Given that I may have to say good-bye to her, as well as the memory of having had to euthanize her mother, Spot, 47tm, I can sympathize. I'm sorry for your loss. :-(

By the 47s tm on Friday, November 20, 2009 - 9:28 pm:

thanks to care , Luigi


By the 47s tm,or sadder but wiser on Saturday, November 21, 2009 - 9:18 am:

Our first dog, a baby cocker spaniel , 2 months old? we paid $500,(I dont remember its age anymore), was let go because the pd came and it wasn't registered, our neighbor
from hell called them and complained.the nice two pd officers just about put the owner in jail for this part- No we own the dang condo.I had to show them who the owner was, (wifee). We were gonna do that the next day., the poor dog didnt even have a name yet.,we had to say bye bye to it.

we instantly registered the border collie right away too., got its shots too.

By Sigh on Sunday, November 22, 2009 - 8:54 am:

gee, where's old sigh?

,no , we had the neighbor- from hell...

By The Man with 9 lives on Sunday, November 22, 2009 - 9:16 am:

ah, ScottN, you are the cat with 9 lives...



I found a missing cat with a $5 grand award ,
in the Library parking lot,yesterday, and I shoulda picked it up and called its owner, it
had a microchip i.d. so why didnt they locate it with their computer?
they say that cat isnt the one, (missing).

By Hes_dead_jim (Hes_dead_jim) on Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - 9:31 am:

that cat with the $5 g reward is the one
that was missing, the ad got tooken off today
in the Monterey Herald!

at least say thank you. I got nothing.
if you read Nitcentral please write to me,

i have my email listed-

By - on Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - 9:59 am:

geez, it didnt go thru, so, I'll try again

He's dead jim ,


By ScottN on Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - 1:37 pm:

it had a microchip i.d. so why didnt they locate it with their computer?
they say that cat isnt the one, (missing).

Because a microchip ID doesn't broadcast. What happens is that when Animal Control picks up the animal, they scan it for a chip. The chip is essentially like the license, but embedded in the skin.

By He's dead jim , sadder and poorer. on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 - 9:04 am:

that missing cat in the library parking lot is the one with
the $5 g reward and I didnt get a thank you.
the picture is no longer there., 2 days now.

By She's really dead jim on Thursday, November 26, 2009 - 9:06 am:

the third day and Sylvester the missing cat with
the 5 g reward isn't there..,its picture.not even a thank you.,
on the phone.I shoulda grabbed it and kept it.we
miss our border collie...

By Geez do I feel ripped off on Friday, November 27, 2009 - 10:03 am:

We went to the Animal shelter in Salinas Ca and guess what- Sylvester the missing cat's picture is there for a $5 g reward...we wanted to find
another border collie...., the Monterey herald has no picture of him, but an orangy cat named
Lucky is now missing

I bet they people running their Inn is very happy-
my bp is 147/120/121 this minute after walk and
pills ( i still have to take em,darnit), uusually its in the low 100's from the stores like Target and Save-mart.
btw way off topic, happy thanksgiving.OH and Obama spared his turkey!

By AMR on Friday, November 27, 2009 - 11:13 am:

Dude, you're really annoying. Why don't you talk properly?

Anyway, we had to put our 19 year old Siamese cat Toby to sleep this week. He had become really skinny and could no longer find his box, and he could not sit, he would fall over a lot. We buried him with our other deceased pets in our little cemetary in my Mom's yard, and we have a wooden cross up with the words "In Loving Memory" on it. I shall miss him!

But I do have a cat living with me named Jack, he's six years old and is a large black DSH. I really love him, he is very friendly and loves people! I hope he lives as long as Toby did!

By ScottN on Friday, November 27, 2009 - 1:07 pm:

Andre, give it up. We've been trying to get him to post/talk in a sane manner ever since he first showed up.