Ziff-Davis Comics (1947-1957)

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Comic books: Misc. Publishers: Ziff-Davis Comics (1947-1957)
By KAM on Thursday, November 03, 2011 - 7:01 am:


Lars Of Mars was a strange visitor from another planet sent to Earth as a peace-seeking agent after Earth develops an H-Bomb & also becomes the star of a science fiction show about a crime-fighter from Mars.

Lars Of Mars #10

I like the cover showing Lars flying down & attacking robots while the cover text reads, "Martian Might Battles... Terror From The Sky!"
The only thing coming down from the sky is the hero.

Lars Of Mars
Millions of years ago Venus developed "colossal weapons" they started an interplanetary war with Mars. Mars won, & created the Mars-Venus pact in which interplanetary travel was outlawed, but now that Earth has created an H-Bomb & they fear a new interplanetary war, they decided to break the ban, hastily construct a spaceship & send Lars to Earth as a "peace-seeking agent".
1. Why outlaw both planets from interplanetary travel? Mars won.
2. If Earth was to start an interplanetary war wouldn't it concern Venus as well? Maybe Mars should have contacted Venus & sought an agreement on sending a ship to Earth?
3. Doesn't Mars have anything like TV or radio by which they could contact Earth without sending a ship?

I love the fact that when his ship engines are having trouble we see the sound effects, "Sput! Pop! Sputter!"

Lars sees a woman surrounded by robots & drops & starts fighting them, when the woman tells him he's hired. She's a TV producer & she thinks he's an actor wanting the lead role in a science fiction series she's creating.
On the one hand I rolled my eyes at the improbableness of it, on the other hand I appreciated that it wasn't 6 issues of the hero wandering around navel gazing like so many modern comics.

Hero Or Villain
Lars contacts Mars on a radio & asks for permission to go home.
Guess he forgot that his spaceship crashed in the first story.

To stop some crooks Lars uses a ray gun to blast a great chasm in a field.
Wonder what the property owner thought about that?

The Terror From The Sky
Kind of an odd title since no Earthling learns about the bomb plot until after the spies have been captured. So there doesn't actually seem to be any terror.

Soviet scientist Prof. Rogov has invented an explosive second only to an atomic explosion and he plans to send some Siberian prisoners to plant them in atomic bomb plants.
1. Once the three prisoners are in the US why do they so diligently work to sabotage the plants? NNAN but you'd think, at least, one of them might consider surrendering to the US.
2. They parachute out of a plane that is flying over the plant. So why not just drop this powerful explosive instead of sending three guys to plant it in the plant? If the explosion is supposed to be so powerful (it's said the explosion will destroy everything within a thousand yards) then being exact is not an option.

The Terror Weapon Lars Of Mars #11
Last issue the evil scientist was named Prof. Rogov, this issue he's Dr. Raskov.

Lars has to go to Manchuria to stop Dr. Raskov, but his producer, who thinks he's just an actor, wants him to come to a rehearsal, so Lars hypnotizes her into thinking he's going with her.
Well, I suppose superdickery is perfectly natural to a Jerry Seigel creation.

Flying to Manchuria he exceeds the speed of light & plunges "into the fourth & fifth dimensions!" and Lars thinks, "Short cut! Travel... via space-warp... should enable me to reach Dr. Raskov in Manchuria, in seconds!"
Given that an object traveling the speed of light could circle the Earth 7 times in one second he's actually taking the slow route.
also given that his jet pack can exceed the speed of light & enter a space warp did the Martians really need to send Lars to Earth in a spaceship?

When they see "A man -- propelled through the sky by a rocket-motor!" Dr. Raskov says, "It's that infernal, snooping Lars of Mars!"
How would he know Lars name? All he should know is that a spaceman stopped his bomb plot last issue.

The Crucial Game!
Page 3, Panel 2. Printing error. a red blotch on Lars' face.

The Earthshaker!
Somehow the leader of the gang knows Lars is a Martian.
Did he recognize Lars from the Man From Mars program, but people think Lars is just a human actor pretending to be from Mars.


Ken Brady Rocket Pilot was a rocket pilot, um, yeah...

Pirates Of The Airways! Lars Of Mars #10
Ken (I assume) says, "Barrakan! There's his black war rocket"
Looks purple & yellow to me.


Week-End On The Moon Lars Of Mars #11
Predicts regular flights to the moon before 2000 & colonization in 1991.

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