Restrooms on the Enterprise (Trek Related)

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: The Kitchen Sink: Trek Related: Trek Discussion: Restrooms on the Enterprise (Trek Related)
Heather Donaldson: This is kind of a strange question to ask, but it's something I have always wondered about, and I'm an aweful stickler for authenticity. Where are the washrooms on the Enterprise? Maybe I'm blind or something, I
remember seeing the occasional sink, and I remember one episode in which Troi was found de-evolving in a tub, but I've never seen a toilet anywhere, neither a private one or a public one. Maybe they've found a way to eliminate that particular problem? I was just wondering.

Phil: You not the only one who has wondered such thing! This question makes the rounds in nitpicking every so often. ;-) The set designers did include a "head" (as it's called in the navy on the bridge of the Enterprise but we rarely get a good look at it. The door is mentioned in the Tech manual. It stand across from the door on the bridge that leads to the Observation Lounge. In addition, the Tech Manual's reproduction of the large display in Engineering reveals that--among the graphics on the display--there are the standard male and female bathroom indicators. So . . . that would make . . . two . . . for the entire crew! (Although, we could assume that everyone has a toliet in their quarters! ;-)

By Scott McClenny on Sunday, December 06, 1998 - 11:06 am:

THis is gonna be one of the dumbest questions
I've ever asked but do Borg have to use the
The reason I ask this is since 7 is becoming more
and more human,don't y'think her needs are going
to y'know..
Kinda reminds me of that scene in the second season of Babylon 5 when Delenn begins to expierence what it's like to be a human female
and she asks Talia for advice.

By Aaron Dotter on Sunday, December 06, 1998 - 5:35 pm:

That's actually a good question. Have we seen the Borg eat anything? Surely they would need to take in something in order to be able to produce nanoprobes and whatever. Is going to the bathroom part of "perfection"?

By Chris Thomas on Monday, December 07, 1998 - 2:55 am:

In The Raven doesn't Seven indicate she gets everything from her power source? Until Neelix cooks for her...

By K.n.d. on Monday, December 07, 1998 - 3:42 am:

After all these years of being Borg, wouldn't Seven's digestive system atrophy?

By Joe Griffin on Monday, December 07, 1998 - 11:07 am:

At a convention about twelve years ago, we asked Jimmy Doohan this question. His response:

"That's what we have phasers for!"

By Chris Ashley on Monday, December 07, 1998 - 12:08 pm:

An acquaintance of mine with the CD-ROM version of the Tech Manual says that there's a giant restroom in the middle of the saucer section, but I can't confirm this one personally.

Hmm....Seven having to get out of that suit on a regular basis to answer nature's call. That would be a bit of a challenge mebbe? ;-)

By Ed Jefferson (Ejefferson) on Monday, December 07, 1998 - 12:25 pm:

In a (very non-canon) Quake add-on, featuring the interior of the 1701 D,(including phasers type 1,2,3 and even 4!!!), the designer included a small room which appears to be the 'head'.

By Anonymous on Monday, December 07, 1998 - 3:44 pm:

I believe reference to a restroom was made in TNG's "Home Soil."

By Kevinicus on Monday, December 07, 1998 - 8:50 pm:

I'm not sure about the "canon"-ness of them, but the blueprints published last year for the NCC 1701-D include restrooms... One in all of the crew quarters, and there is on on the bridge. I never really looked close enough to see if they had large restrooms. I guess you just go home when you have to go.

Maybe there is some sort of Borg *implant* we haven't heard about yet. They never said how many 7 of 9 still had in her *grin*

By Omer on Tuesday, December 08, 1998 - 5:33 am:

I hear that whenever Jerry Ryan ( 7) has to go to the bathroom, everyone has to be notified and they have to stop the shooting for half an hour

By Aaron Nadler on Wednesday, December 09, 1998 - 6:56 am:

I have a set of Enterprise-D blueprints (one of each deck) which were created and signed by Rick Sternbach, one of the 2 'technical directors' (for lack of a better term), with the other being Michael Okuda. This is definetly canonical, seeing that it *is* an official ST reference material. This shows that there is a bathroom in every set of quarters, one off of engineering, Ten-Forward, and that there is one in the Ready Room (in the short hallway behind those vertical lights) by the replicator.

By Kyle.powderly on Friday, December 11, 1998 - 12:09 am:

About the location of the toilet in crew quarters: it's behind the camera, for privacy! Do any of us really want to see a 24th century john? OK, so some do. I stand corrected.

As for 7o9, in her second episode, I remember the Doctor saying something about her systems regenerating now that the implants were out. So, whether or not she eats, she still will need to "shed" excess water from time to time. Those catsuits are gonna need a trapdoor...

By Richie Vest on Friday, December 11, 1998 - 7:19 am:

Well On Babylon 5 they show characters asking for and using the bathroom.

By Chris Booton on Saturday, December 12, 1998 - 11:31 am:

In one of the deep space nine episodes Jake mentions the bathroom and Rom once says that he's going to waste extraction (a fancy name for bathroom)(it's after he's discussing mining the wormhole) and he mentions quark doing it in 'little green men' , and I think he also was working in the waste extraction areas on the station. So they do mention it but are just sudle about it.

By Vicki Strzembosz on Saturday, December 12, 1998 - 11:57 am:

Wasn't there mention of Riker's bathroom in the send in the clones episode? The daughter of the leader wanted to wash her feet and Riker eventually caught on that this was a euphamism for something else.

By Scott McClenny on Tuesday, December 22, 1998 - 4:36 pm:

I asked the question about 7 because the more
human she becomes the more certain functions will
start setting in.Wonder what will happen after her
expierence with the Borg in Feburary's big episode.

BTW:Rom is the only character who always seems
to be going to waste extraction.Wonder if he tends
to be a bit nervous or has he been drinking too
much raktojino lately?

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Tuesday, December 22, 1998 - 11:51 pm:

I could be mistaken, but I though he worked in waste extraction. (Which Quark said was a lousy job, perhaps Rom might be promoted to Turolift Control? :)

By Scott McClenny on Sunday, December 27, 1998 - 2:54 pm:

Remember that one scene on B5 where Garibaldi
is showing a guest around and he directs her
to the restrooms by saying:"Be careful not to
go in the one labeled for methane breathers!"?
Forget the episode but it was a character that
Garibaldi wasn't pleased to be around.

By Anonymous on Sunday, February 21, 1999 - 7:53 pm:

In the Ds9 episode "begotten" when Odo turn back into a changeling, He and bashir have some converstion on the subject.

Bashir: I told you to relax.
Odo: I did.
Bashir: Did it help?
Odo: yes, and the prune juice.

Or something like that. I guess that means there has to be a bathroom on DS9.

By Deuce on Friday, February 26, 1999 - 12:34 am:

Omer: when Jeri Ryan takes a bathroom break, it's actually an HOUR AND A HALF. Ouch.

By Donnysan on Friday, February 26, 1999 - 4:09 am:

We actually have seen a toilet in Trek.
In the brig. STV had a scene with Kirk,
Spock and McCoy in the Brig, Kirk pushes
a button and the toilet slides out.
It had a gag sign like DO NOT USE WHILE
IN SPACE DOCK, which younger people
(at least those who never traveled by
train) would get.

Train toilets would empty straight
down onto the tracks. When I was a kid,
I was mezmerised by the tracks whizzing
(no pun intended) by under the opening,
so I would make several needless trips
to the potty during boring train trips
just to flush the toilet. You can
imagine WHY they train companies didn't
want you to flush the toilet while the
train was in a station, so they put a
over the toilet.

This doesn't explain why you weren't
supposed to use the brig toilet in space
dock, but there are some comical imaginings


By Nat Hefferman on Sunday, February 28, 1999 - 10:10 am:

In the Classic Trek episode "Elaan of Troiyus", when Kirk tries to give Elaan her "civilizing" lesson, she runs out of the room and locks herself in another room. While it's never stated explicitly, it's implied that she's locked herself in the bathroom.

By Hans Thielman on Sunday, February 28, 1999 - 10:31 am:

On away team missions, who gets gets stuck with latrine building duty?

By Mike Konczewski on Sunday, February 28, 1999 - 11:24 am:

It's not the latrine building that I'd mind, it's the latrine cleaning......yuck.

By Chris Ashley on Sunday, February 28, 1999 - 12:51 pm:

In the words of Jimmy Doohan given us by Joe Griffin above: "That's what we have phasers for!" ;-)

By Mike Konczewski on Sunday, February 28, 1999 - 3:42 pm:

You know, I considered that, but I kept thinking about the odor of phaser-fried feces. Not to mention the possible explosive situation caused when the phaser blast ignites the methane from the latrine pit.

"Men, set your phasers on STUNK!"

By Nyla on Sunday, February 28, 1999 - 9:33 pm:

Um, we live on a farm, and the barn is awfully far away from the house. So I know
about answering Mother Nature's in the wild, and I don't think that unless they are in
a open, flat area, they would need to build a latrine; just to bring TP!

By Lea Frost on Monday, March 01, 1999 - 11:40 am:

OK, this is an absolutely ridiculous topic, but I have something to add to it concerning slang. We all remember this amusing scene from "First Contact":

Cochrane: I gotta go take a leak.
Geordi: I'm not detecting any sign of a leak!
Cochrane: Don't you people from the 24th century ever pee?
Geordi: Oh! LEAK! I get it! <laughs> That's pretty funny!

So Geordi doesn't understand "take a leak," but "pee" is still current in the 24th century? :-) (I half expected him to say, "No, our ship has no toilets.")

Oh, and another Trek reference to using the loo: in the DS9 episode "Explorers" (the one where Sisko and Jake build an ancient Bajoran spaceship to prove that the ancient Bajorans could have traveled as far away as Cardassia), Jake heads into the bathroom, only to find (much to his dismay) that the gravity net installed in the floor doesn't extend to the bathroom. Sisko assures him that "You'll get used to it."

BTW, in the book "The Making of 2001" (or whatever the name of it is) you can read the Zero Gravity Toilet instructions we see at one point in the movie... :-)

By ScottN on Friday, January 08, 1999 - 9:53 am:

The book is "The Lost Worlds of 2001"

By Chris Ashley on Monday, March 01, 1999 - 5:04 pm:

Well, as to the odor question, I'm not exactly sure how phasers work. Some ST weapons seem to burn (e.g. whatever boiled the Idanian at the beginning of DS9's "A Simple Investigation"), and some don't (e.g. those Jem'hadar guns).

But then, I don't really want to know about the smell in all likelihood anyway....

And on an almost unrelated topic: Nyla--I'm guessing that the way you were able to post at 1 pm on a school day this week was because you couldn't get from the farm to school because of snow. Am I right, or does it not matter? (Not wanting to pick nits or anything....;-)

By Matthew Patterson on Saturday, January 16, 1999 - 12:10 pm:

I thought Nyla was on some kind of homeschooling thing?

By Chris Ashley on Saturday, January 16, 1999 - 9:29 pm:

Well I missed that particular bit of Nyla trivia. (I must admit, it's a little bit weird to be sitting around dissecting the life of some girl--er, young woman who lives on a farm in Kansas whom I don't even know outside of the Guild....doncha just love the Net? ;-)

By Nyla on Sunday, January 17, 1999 - 6:27 am:

Yes, it is strange, especially from my viewpoint. And, yes, I LOVE the Net; it's the
perfect community, if you ask me. It's your turn, Chris; what's YOUR life like?
One of my 4-H leaders once said that my life was a bit like a Stephen King novel:
weird, scary, and very, very twisted. Mwahahah

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Sunday, January 17, 1999 - 1:51 pm:

I wish my life was that exciting :)

By Nyla on Sunday, January 17, 1999 - 3:23 pm:

Exciting? Who said anything about exciting? I'm more like Mulder in Chinga
(which Steven King co-wrote), throwing pencils and waiting around for
something to happen. Scary, in its own mindless sort of wa

By Chris Ashley on Sunday, January 17, 1999 - 9:32 pm:

Well, let's see....I play the bass in the band for my church's youth group, I'm in the school play second year running, I enjoy scholastic bowl, I design websites, I have a long-running unrequited crush on a girl at my school and now the whole Web world knows it, I write incomprehensible poetry, I read too that enough Chris trivia for a start?

By Nyla on Monday, January 18, 1999 - 6:43 am:

Surely-early, Chris! I share in your dorkdom in that I write a lot and it makes NO
sense. Scholastic bowl... Well, I do the Quiz Bowl, which is a 4-H thing where they
ask stupid questions that no one needs to know, and the first person to buzz in
takes the point for their team. Does that sound like scholastic bowl?
I am occasionally forced to take part in plays, which are not the things in life I
most enjoy; I have a ton of animals as I live on a farm; 4 wayward older brothers
and sisters, and a baby brother. I spend most of my free time on the net, talking to
peope like you, and I sing in my church choir. Oh, and I want to be either a
phyicist or an FBI agent (seriously!) when I grow up.
Next time, more Nyla trivia to nauseate you w

By Anonymous on Monday, January 18, 1999 - 9:18 am:

Nyla, go for the physicist

By Chris Ashley on Monday, January 18, 1999 - 8:39 pm:

Schol bowl, quiz bowl, same principle. Jeopardy, except the question is in the form of a question and you get cheap plastic trophies instead of weekends in the Bahamas. (Also some school pride if you win, at least in my area, but no one outside of the team cares.)

And just a thought... the actual meaning of the word "dork" is not fit for frank discussion on a family site, but let's just say George in ST:IV had one and Gracie didn't.

Don't listen to Anonymous. There is a huuuuuge discrepancy between the number of PhDs in physics getting churned out right now and the number of jobs available. However, the FBI's always looking for a few good organisms to do business with. ;-)

BTW, I have one dog and one younger sister. (She's eleven and has posters of 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys all over her walls. Need I say more?)

By Mathew Patterson on Monday, January 18, 1999 - 8:56 pm:

Gee, I'm feeling left out. Can I join the " let's tell personal trivia to everybody" club? (Actually, that's not meant to be sarcastic, I just can't think of a better way to put it.)

By Someone who disagrees on Tuesday, January 19, 1999 - 7:24 am:

Nyla, I think you should listen to Anonymous, I think it would be interesting to have you as a collegue.

By Nyla on Tuesday, January 19, 1999 - 6:14 pm:

Yes, Matthew, you can. <smiles condencendingly and mentally pats him on the
head.> :-)

Chris, re "dork": Oh. My. I didn't know that, pardon me.

re Careers: heck, now I'm confused. My mom thinks I should be a vet, my dad is a
social worker, one of my cousins is in AmeriCorp and the other is in politics.
(She's an aide to Rep. McCarthy. However, the AmeriCorp cousin met the
president first. NO SNIDE COMMENTS, please--It was an AmeriCorp thing. ) So, I
have opposing views from all sides. Disagrees, are *you* a phyicist, or have I
somehow misread you? And do you appear here under another (hopefully shorter)

By Nyla on Tuesday, January 19, 1999 - 6:17 pm:

I hate it when my messages cut off--it was going to end with the word "handle?".
As a note, does anyone else sense a note of Irony in the title of the section our
Tell-All-Mega-A-Thon is taking place under? ;-

By Matthew Patterson on Tuesday, January 19, 1999 - 8:52 pm:

Condescendingly? I'll bet I'm older than you are. Anyway, I play percussion (and I don't mean just mindless banging on a trap set, I mean REAL percussion) for the Louisiana Junior Youth Orchestra and for my school band (although compared to what I'm used to in Texas, the school band is like being back in beginner band for me). I was in a production of the anti-drug play "Addict" researched in Freeport, TX, only 15 miles away from my home (my former home, I should say, as I moved to Baton Rouge, LA, only two weeks ago), I was selected as the best percussionist in my county a few months ago in our last contest, I live in the most illiterate state in America, I enjoy Classic TV on Nick at Nite even though I'm not old enough to remember any of the shows on it except the Wonder Years which reinds me of me, and I think I've said too much already! (And Nyla, go with the physicist. FBI agents don't get any respect anymore.)

By Chris Ashley on Tuesday, January 19, 1999 - 8:53 pm:

Re "dork": Not a problem, you had no way of knowing. Just my little brain filled with useless facts....

Yes, I had thought that the discussion wound up in a rather appropriate place. Funny how these things work out, eh? Not entirely off topic, I should think.

By ScottN on Tuesday, January 19, 1999 - 11:31 pm:

Are/were we *ALL* band geeks?

By Lea Frost on Wednesday, January 20, 1999 - 10:13 am:

I wasn't! I was a choir geek. :-) (And still am, in all likelihood.)

By Matt Cotnoir on Wednesday, January 20, 1999 - 11:33 am:

No. i was a computer geek...and still am

By Someone who disagrees on Wednesday, January 20, 1999 - 2:27 pm:

Nyla-- Soon to be physicist. And yes my messages do litter this BBS under another handle (that is significantly shorter)

As for everyone, I am a member of the band, so I guess you can add me to that "band geek" list. And I also write music as a hobby.

Just thought I'd share that as everyone else is.

By Nyla on Wednesday, January 20, 1999 - 3:37 pm:

I'm a choir geek AND a 'puter geek. I took the Hackers test and came out with the
offcial title of Geek, three from the top, and that's because I can't find the stinkin'
compiler, so I can't write programs! ARRGH!
Anyway, I also sing in the St Theodore of Taurus Orthodox Church choir. I'm an
undergrad alto, if anyone cares. (Undergrad is our term for partnered with a
mature singer.)
Where was I?
Oh, yes. Disagrees, it's nice that you have another handle. Care to tell us? Just so I
know where you're coming from...
Matthew, age is immaterial. I still can pat you on the head condencendingly. (Wow,
I typed that word right the first time.)
Everybody: I was considering the FBI because I don't have much of a math talent,
which I am told is essential forbeing a physicist. Well, to put it another way, I can
do trig but I can't memorize the freakin' multipcation tables. Grrr... On the other
hand, I was considering the Army but have asthma, which means I couldn't do it.
Grrr. The FBI seemed like agood alternative.

KND (Hey, this

By Amos Painter (Apainter) on Wednesday, January 20, 1999 - 5:12 pm:

Ditto here, on being a Computer Geek, my school's staff comes to me and my friend for help on the school's computer system. And I got stuck designing the schools web page.


By Chris Ashley on Wednesday, January 20, 1999 - 8:37 pm:

I suppose I qualify as a band, computer, *and* choir geek to some degree at least. (My computer geekness is limited to Macs though, so the usual tests probably wouldn't apply.)

Well, Nyla, from what I understand if you can understand concepts but not memorization you'd be fine in physics if you've got a decent calculator. (TI-85 meself.) I can mebbe ask my friend who's minoring in physics.

By Kyle Powderly on Thursday, January 21, 1999 - 12:15 am:

Why do I think we've suddenly moved from the restrooms on the Enterprise to the uni on Ally McBeal? (insert Barry White tune here)

Nyla: work hard - the FBI rejects a LOT of applicants every year, some seemingly for no reason whatsoever...ask my cousin.

Back to the topic of this board, here's something to think about: the 'organic paste' that starships use as raw material for the replicators - anyone remember where it comes from? (Reuse, reduce, recycle, replicate)

(a former band geek, youth group geek, DEC-10 geek turned choir geek, youth pastor geek, PC geek)

By Nyla on Thursday, January 21, 1999 - 8:03 am:

My post cut off. I was going to add : Hey, this is fun!

This is my response to every post since my last one: Hmmmmm.

Well, I have more personal trivia if anyone cares....but if not, I'll just keep it all
to my little old self.

BTW, Chris, my hot little hands are typing on an iMac. No, I'm not rich, just
extraodinarly lucky. :-) At least in that respect, I have a chance to go to a ST
convention with Nimoy and John DeLancie, but can't afford it. :-(


By Someone who disagrees on Thursday, January 21, 1999 - 1:42 pm:


I'm not going to reveal my other handle.

But I surmise that you already have some inclinations as to what it is.

By Matthew Patterson on Friday, January 22, 1999 - 7:52 pm:

Yeah! More Mac users! That makes, um, four in the Guild that I know of. Me, Nyla, Chris, and the Chief. Re: physicist: does memorization even count anymore? Every engineer/biologist/math/technical type person I know is drowning under moundsof charts and periodic tables and graphs and old Dilbert cartoons and God knows what elase. It seems that all you have to be able to do is know generally how to work the problem and know which buttons to press on the calculator to get it to do it for you. At least, tha's the impression I got from my old Algebra teacher. (I hate Algebra. And yet I get good grades in it so everyone assumes I love it. And my dad's a chemical engineer so everyone expects me to want to be one too. Nobody would really believe that I want to play music professionally. And now the whole Web does. I've gotta be more careful with that.)

By Chris Ashley on Friday, January 22, 1999 - 9:07 pm:

Well, Matthew, I'm sure we've all said things on this site that we wouldn't want paraded around if we were running for public office. I don't know your parents, so don't worry about me telling on you. ;-)

By Someone who disagrees on Saturday, January 23, 1999 - 6:49 am:

You can get good grades in Physics by just knowing how to generally do the problem and then typing the numbers in the calculator. However you will get nowhere in Physics.

Physics is about understanding the things around us. And if you don't understand why you use that way to solve the problem then you don't understand Physics.

By Nyla on Saturday, January 23, 1999 - 7:17 am:

That's *it*, exactly--I have problems with the most basic things, like
memorization. Yet I have all these moments of sudden intuition, when I suddenly
go, "Oh! So *that's* how it works!" Admittedly, they happen at strange moments,
which is why I have have been dubbed 'The Princess of Non Sequiters'.

By Chris Ashley on Saturday, January 23, 1999 - 8:18 pm:

I hear ya. It'll just dawn on you: "Of COURSE pressure=force÷area!" Or: "Of COURSE current=charge÷time!" And you just have to tell everyone. And everyone else looks at you strangely for a moment.....

By Nyla on Monday, January 25, 1999 - 12:24 pm:

Yeah. I got black holes while reading The Physics Of Star Trek in the bathroom,
and I shrieked, it was so cool. Freaked my mom out. I do it with other things,
too--I almost made my mom have a wreck by feverishly vomiting out (vivid
metaphor, huh?) my latest theory about Scully's infertility. ("_OH, WOW!!!_
Hey, mom, guess what?--WATCH THE ROAD!!")
Get the pict

By Todd Pence on Monday, January 25, 1999 - 6:17 pm:

In response to what Jimmy Doohan said:

You would want to hold that phaser with a VERY VERY steady hand.

By Occupied and In Use on Thursday, January 28, 1999 - 12:35 pm:

Torres and the Engineering crew have to install good old fashinoned flush toilets on Voyager. They may need to replicate some port a pottys, too.

By Scott McClenny on Saturday, January 30, 1999 - 10:37 am:

Read the novel Seven of Nine by Christie Golden.
In it Janeway,Neelix and I believe Tuvok end up
in a rather long line of aliens waiting to see
the big alien emperor honcho and Janeway's
thinking:"I hope everyone remembered to use
the head before we came because it looks like
it'll be awhile."
BTW:For those of you who missed it BRIDE OF
CHAOTICA as some rather humorous mention of
the facilities in it.I mean the part where Neelix
reports that they have only four or five operating
lavatories and the Bolians have...
This leads me to the question I've asked before..

By Chris Ashley on Saturday, January 30, 1999 - 8:30 pm:

I only saw the second half of the ep. Could anyone repeat the line in full? if they happen to remember, of course

By Patrick Sweeney on Sunday, February 21, 1999 - 8:21 pm:

If I remember correctly, the Jeri Ryan bathroom problem only occured while she was wearing the full BORG suit from her first 2 or 3 eps. This is from a direct quote from her off of a fan page.
On the Physics topic, I am in Physics now at College (RPI), and we get crib sheets to right down any formulas you want, but you still have to know what they mean, since they ask you to derive stuff from them, and not just use them in the normal way.
Not to scare anyone...

By dwmarch on Sunday, February 21, 1999 - 9:39 pm:

Re: Unisex bathrooms on the Enterprise.

Phil made a big deal in one of the Guides about how a man *and* a woman both go into the washroom on the Enterprise's bridge in an episode. There are two things about this that make it not such a big deal...

One, perhaps the door we see on the bridge is an outside door. Behind it there could be two more doors, one for the men and one for the women.

Two, perhaps it's a unisex bathroom like we see on Ally McBeal. In a universe of infinite possibilities...

By Rodnberry on Monday, February 22, 1999 - 2:19 am:

Also, perhaps they use bidets but instead of water they use sonics like with the showers? And then some sort of chemicals or bacteria to eat the waste? An even grosser possiblity (which is done today in studies) would be recycling the waste. Or did someone else here think of that, too? I forget.

By Sophie Hawksworth on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 4:53 pm:

Kirk and Spock have their own private bathroom.

In 'Metamorphosis', Scott claims to be recording a log 'in loo of Captain and First Officer'.

Seems an odd place to record a log. Maybe he didn't want the bridge crew to hear what he had to say about them...

By ScottN on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 9:02 pm:

Bad pun, Sophie! I love it.

For those who don't get it, "Loo" is british for restroom. Of course, Scotty was recording in "lieu", but why let that spoil a great joke.

By Anonymous on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 9:33 pm:

I've got some 'Start Trek Technical Journal' that I picked up at a convention many years ago and the plan drawing of the Enterprise bridge clearly depicts a head with two toilets and one basin in it. The good captain also has a private head of his own in his ready room, on the opposite side of the wall with the fishbowl.