Rising Star

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Babylon 5: Season 4 - No Surrender, No Retreat (2261): Rising Star
The Plot: Sheridan's future is decided by Earthgov. Garibaldi searches for Lise. Delenn has a proposition to the League of Non-Alinged Worlds.
Notes: This is the last appearance of Marcus Cole and Jason Carter. Also, the last appearance of Susan Ivanova and Clauida Christian until "Sleeping in Light."
By Sarah Perkins on Sunday, September 05, 1999 - 6:18 pm:

Now I did cry during this episode, when Ivonava was talking to Franklin. I knew Susan would be upset with Marcus's actions, but I didn't realize that she had loved him, or at least could have. I also had no idea that Claudia Christian was such a good dramatic actress. I've always liked the way she plays action and comedy. But this scene was amazing.

A small nit: Later in the ep, Lennier is talking to Delenn about Marcus and mentions Ivonava's comment about all love being unrequited. How did he know she said that? Has Franklin been spreading her confidences around?

And now we discover that Ivonava as well as Marcus will be leaving the show. I don't know if I'm going to like season five at all. . . .

Finally, they're married--love and success to J&D!

By Sarah Perkins on Monday, September 06, 1999 - 11:59 pm:

OK, here I am again. I have trouble with some slang terms, so maybe someone could help me understand a quote from this ep. Ivonava tells Franklin that she wishes she had "boffed" Marcus. He responds, "Boffed?" Ivonava smiles a little and says that's something Marcus would have said.

I looked up "boff", the verb, and it means (1) to cause to be overcome with laughter, and (2) to hit or strike. Which did Ivonava mean, or is there another meaning to this term?

By Richie Vest on Tuesday, September 07, 1999 - 7:23 am:

Sarah--In American Slang "Boff" means "to have sexual relations with someone"

By Sarah Perkins on Saturday, September 11, 1999 - 4:26 pm:

OK. Seriously, something like that would have been my first guess, given their relationship and Marcus' attitude towards this subject. Thanks, Richie.

By BARA on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 3:10 am:

I never understood why they didn't just use the machine to revive Marcus (with proper supervision of course, and two donors instead of one). I mean, if it was good enough for Garibaldi...

By Gordon Lawyer on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 5:46 am:

It's been a while since I've watched this one, but I think that by the time anyone found him, Marcus was already dead and the machine can't bring back the dead.

By Brian Webber on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 1:14 pm:

Couldn't they just put him in a sarcophagus?

Oh wait, wrong show. ;)

By Gordon Lawyer on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - 6:00 am:

I'm afraid that one flew over my head. Please elaborate.

By ScottN on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - 8:57 am:

It's a Stargate SG-1 reference, Gordon.

By Torque, Son of Keplar (Klingon) on Monday, August 25, 2008 - 3:30 pm:

If sheridan would like to expose Bester and the PsiCops, why not turn off the jammer that Bester tossed him...

By Brian FitzGerald (Brifitz1980) on Saturday, April 24, 2010 - 10:32 am:

Probably because Bester could see him doing it. I believe the thing had a light on it. Bester could see the light turn off and than just clam up, or start shouting about how he would never let Sheridan do (such & such) knowing that the cameras were back on.

I did read a quote from JMS that if he had known that Claudia Christian (Ivonava) would not be returning for Season 5 he would have handled her exit differently. He would have let her die and kept Marcus. Apparently he really wanted to deal with her reaction to Marcus having sacrificed himself for her in the coming season.

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