The Quality Of Mercy

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Babylon 5: Season 1 - Signs And Portents (2258): The Quality Of Mercy
By Douglas Nicol on Saturday, July 31, 1999 - 1:42 pm:

Apparently there was going to be a scene where June Lockhart and Bill Mumy walk past each other, and point at each other as if they recognise each other. From Lost in Space of course

By Gordon Lawyer on Monday, June 24, 2002 - 5:17 am:

I was wondering, when JMS was explaining about Centauri Things, did any smart alecks comment "Hmm, sort of a six shooter."

By Luigi_novi (Luigi_novi) on Sunday, February 08, 2009 - 2:40 am:

So Lennier defended Molinari because his teachings require him to help someone save face? What, and the morality behind the act commited by that someone doesn't enter into it? Like the fact that Molinari cheated the other players?

By Cyber (Cybermortis) on Sunday, February 08, 2009 - 6:40 am:

Thinking about this I think Lennier is making a political decision by defending Molari - and it has to be said its a master-piece of logical thinking;

Lennier knows that as the Centari Ambassador, Malari holds diplomatic immunity. So even if the other card players wish to press charges Malari will get off scot-free. Or in other words morally it makes no difference what Lennier does since Malari is not going to get punished for his actions.

The card players themselves are unlikely to want to make much of a fuss. Apart from anything else this would boil down to going into open court and admitting that someone was able to cheat them using their genitalia. However it is a fair bet that news or hints that Molari was cheating will get around the station. This will mean that in future no one on the station will be willing to play cards with him again. (I could be in error, but I can't recall Malari playing cards after this episode).

Given that none of the other players, or Lennier, seemed aware that the Centari had...errm...six appendages we can only conclude that this is not something that the Centari talk about much.

If Lennier says nothing then the worst that is likely to happen is that details about Centari anatomy they don't talk about will become popular knowledge - probably embarrassing the Centari.

However Lennier also has diplomatic immunity as Delen's aide. So he can take the blame without any repercussions to him - or any shame since his excuse is a reasonable one. By doing so he places Malari (and probably by default the Centari) in his debt without having to really do anything.

(It is also possible that Lennier is aware that Malari is likely to hide behind his diplomatic immunity, and hence do nothing to repent his sins here. Lennier, on the other hand, can take responsibility and if he wishes compensate the other players).

The really great thing about this is that no one seems to have worked any of this out, or considered that Lennier may have taken the blame for any reason other than what he said. (Which, given the nature of Centari politics could be considered a nit in itself. I'd have expected Molari to have been a little more suspicious).

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