Thirdspace (2261)

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Babylon 5: The TV Movies: Thirdspace (2261)
The Plot: After beating some radiers, Ivanova discovers a mysterious artifact. While a team from Interplaneary Expeditions studies the object, it begins to effect the crew of Babylon 5 in strange ways.
Timeline: In 2261, between "The Illusion of Truth" and "Atonement."
By Callie Sullivan on Wednesday, October 21, 1998 - 3:04 am:

Great, great, great film! But why oh why oh why was Ivanova not affected by the ThirdSpace dream? Everyone else who dreamed of the city fell under the influence of the aliens and got into the fight, but Susan was still in full command of her faculties. And if she was the only person who died in the dream, *why* did she die?!

By Brian Webber (Bwebber) on Wednesday, October 21, 1998 - 5:40 pm:

Callie: Not everyone was vulnerable to the dream. Remember Lyta's talk to Sheridan about the artifact? They could only control SOME of the Vorlons. As to why Ivanova died in the dream, who knows?

By Liam Kavanagh on Thursday, January 21, 1999 - 8:34 pm:

Well, if anyone can resist the pull of beings countless millenia old and powerful enough to hurt the Vorlons, its Ivonova. After all, she's just that good...

By Amos on Wednesday, March 10, 1999 - 5:08 am:

After countless requests, TNT has scheduled encore showings of the Babylon 5 TNT Originals. Please note the times and dates and be sure to check our schedule prior to the actual airdates.

A CALL TO ARMS airs on Wednesday, June 9 at 8 pm ET/PT.
THIRDSPACE airs on Wednesday, June 9 at 11 pm ET/PT.
RIVER OF SOULS airs on Thursday, June 10 at 1 am ET/PT.
IN THE BEGINNING airs on March 28 at 10:30 pm ET/PT and on Thursday, June 10 at 3 am ET/PT.

By Sarah Perkins on Monday, July 26, 1999 - 2:42 pm:

All right, where were Marcus and Lennier during this film? I can imagine Marcus off somewhere, since he's a Ranger and all, but hasn't Lennier sworn never to leave Delenn? I kept expecting to see him every time a male Minbari walked by the camera.

Pretty cool film.

By Anonymous on Sunday, January 30, 2000 - 7:33 pm:

Mab Ivonova's reactions to the dream had somthing to do with her being a latent telepath?

By Jason on Friday, December 01, 2000 - 9:01 pm:

Why wasn't Sheridan killed when the artifact exploded? It took out all those nearly invincible fighters.

By Sophie Hawksworth on Thursday, April 18, 2002 - 2:59 pm:

Ivanona refers to carbon dating of the artifact. Carbon dating is used to determine the age of organic material. Was the artifact organic? They don't say so (although the artifact is Vorlon, so it certainly could be organic).

The big problem here is that carbon dating relies on the fact that living organisms absorb radioactive carbon 14 from the atmosphere while they are alive, and stop ingesting it when they die. We know how much carbon 14 is present in our atmosphere and what its decay rate is, so by measuring how much is C14 is left we can measure the age of a sample.

But how do B5 scientists know how much C14 is present in the atmosphere of an unknown alien world???

Refering to the maintainance bot failure, a technician says that every milliwatt of power was drained. The correct statement would be that every milliJoule of energy was drained.

By Jean Stone on Thursday, December 15, 2005 - 6:30 pm:

What was Deuce doing there? In 'Grail' Garibaldi was intent on finding a way to get him thrown in jail (or possibly out an airlock) and at the end they found all the evidence they needed (not to mention that little firefight). So why's he still around almost three years later? Did Garibaldi just forget about it all?

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