Movie - Memory Of Shadows

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Babylon 5: The Zocalo (aka the Kitchen Sink): Movie - Memory Of Shadows
By Chris Marks on Thursday, December 16, 2004 - 8:04 am:

Good news and bad news.

Firstly, the good news.
Pre-production is apparently being done on Babylon 5 - The Memory Of Shadows, a (presumably theatrical) movie to be filmed in the UK (don't know why, all the props, costumes and sets that still exist should be in the US, but never mind).

The bad news is, that Warners don't think there's enough star power in the existing cast to carry the movie, and want to recast.

See for more info.

By Brian Webber on Thursday, December 16, 2004 - 1:40 pm:

Dude, did WB learn NOTHING from the Star Trek movies? YOU DON'T RE-CAST THE PERFECT CAST! Morons.

By Mary Jane on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 8:13 pm:

And it just seems to be a rehash of been there, done that storytelling. More left over Shadow technology which has been done. Even the plot description about the intelligence officer wanting info on a loved one dying in a mysterious ship explosion sounds like Gideons backstory. I want new B5, but I want Sheridan, Delenn, Ivanova, etc. I would accept rehashed plots if they at least had original characters.

By Tunka Toa on Friday, February 25, 2005 - 5:39 pm:

Current reports from various sources say the movie is basically "dead". Mira Furlan was one who said this, so I would assume there is some truth to it.

By Douglas Nicol on Saturday, February 26, 2005 - 8:19 am:

I know it's not the best source, but there's no update on the IMDB about it.

By Richie Vest on Saturday, February 26, 2005 - 7:15 pm:

JMS announced on his own website that this script is not a green light. I read it off of

By Havey Kitzman on Tuesday, March 01, 2005 - 9:19 am:

This sucks! I'm sure it would have been a great movie!

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