In Dino Veritas

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Sliders: Season Two: In Dino Veritas
Plot Summary:
The Sliders inadvertently trespass a San Fransisco park in which dinosaurs are a protected endangered species. In fleeing the park, they inadvertently drop the timer and thus must dodge dinos, poachers and holographic rangers to find it, each other and a way to the next world.
By Chris Lang on Thursday, January 07, 1999 - 3:40 pm:

Quinn goes missing for quite some time, with no satisfactory explanation. It's way too obvious that Jerry O'Connell was busy with other projects and the producers were working around him.

By Wolverine on Monday, December 03, 2001 - 2:13 am:

He was only missing for a few minutes!

By John E. Porteous (Jep) on Saturday, June 26, 2010 - 11:14 pm:

I'm sorry to be so late with this-but someone needs correct this. This is not a dinosaur story-the dinosaurs are a red herring and could be replaced by any large carnivore.

"In Dino Veritas" means "the terrible truth". When our heroes slide in they're wearing special shock collars-if you lie, you get shocked. the more often you lie-the worse the shocks get.Lie enough and it kills you.

Picture a group of modern Americans who can't tell even a small white lie-what secrets would be reveiled??(IIRC-someone, Rembrandt(I think, but maybe the Professor) confessed to loving Wade, and part of this story was dealing with that).

This is also why Quinn was cut off from the rest-if he wasn't, TPTB would have had to deal with the Quinn/Wade relationship,one way or the other(clearly not something they were ready to do).

By the way-the collars were removed before our heroes slide out at the end of the story(again IIRC).

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