In which story did we see the Doctor....

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Doctor Who: Ask the Matrix: In which story did we see the Doctor....
By Kevin on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 3:50 am:

Ok, as requested (by me), here's a compilation of the 'Name an episode where we see such-and-such happen' ready to be updated with Doc9 and 10 incidents. Included below are discussions of when did the Doctor wear a hat, when did he exhibit any musical ability, when did he take a drink of alcohol, when did he eat, and when did he sleep. I'm sure there are others, but these are the ones that came to my mind.

I made a few edits, usually to the post that started the topic change, filtering out other topics.. These are indiciated with {...} and each of the dicussions below indicates where you can find the original.

Hats. (Originally from the Colin Baker board)

By KevinS on Sunday, October 03, 1999 - 11:21 pm:
Fluff question of the week: Is the sixth Doctor the only Doctor not to have donned a hat?

By Ryan Smith on Monday, October 04, 1999 - 03:38 am:
If you don't count the policeman's helmet we wore briefly in "Attack of the Cybermen," then yes, he would be.

By Chris Thomas on Monday, October 04, 1999 - 04:33 am:
Don't recall McGann wearing one.

By Will Spencer on Monday, October 04, 1999 - 11:29 am:
And Pertwee only wore a hat when he escaped from his hospital in Spearhead From Space.

By Gordon Lawyer on Monday, October 04, 1999 - 03:59 pm:
Did Hartnell wear a hat?

By Chris Todaro on Tuesday, October 05, 1999 - 12:53 am:
I think he had a ski cap that he wore from time to time.

By Ryan Smith on Tuesday, October 05, 1999 - 01:13 am:
The publicity still of "An Unearthly Child" show him wearing a cap, but it's been a while since I've seen both the pilot version and the actual story, so I don't remember if he wore the cap in the story or not.

Hartnell did wear a cowboy hat in "The Gunfighters."

It's very likely he did wear other headgear from time to time; he was the Doctor that dressed in period clothing the most.

By CBC on Tuesday, October 05, 1999 - 09:52 am:
Hartnell also wore a white hat in at least one episode of The Dalek masterplan, when the Daleks confronted him in ancient Egypt.

By KevinS on Tuesday, October 05, 1999 - 10:40 pm:
Hartnell also had a hat in "The Chase," while sunbathing with Barbara.

By Chris Thomas on Wednesday, October 06, 1999 - 04:13 am:
Cushing didn't wear a hat as far as I can recall.

By Emily on Monday, October 11, 1999 - 04:59 am:
Cushing! He's no Doctor.

Musical performances of the Doctor.
From the Patrick Troughton board.

By Gordon Lawyer on Saturday, June 26, 1999 - 12:56 pm:

Was the Second Doctor the only one to play a musical instrument (though some might consider "play" to be a bit of a charitable term)?

By Ed Jefferson (Ejefferson) on Saturday, June 26, 1999 - 01:31 pm:
I believe the 7th Doctor played the spoons ;-)

By Kevin S on Saturday, June 26, 1999 - 04:37 pm:
And Jon Pertwee could croon "Martian Moon" with the best of 'em. :-)
I've always wondered: if one of the later Doctors picked up a recorder, would he remember how to play it?

By Chris Thomas on Saturday, June 26, 1999 - 11:48 pm:
According to Happy Endings, the Seventh Doctor doesn't know how to play cricket any more and has to read an instruction book.

By Luiner on Monday, June 28, 1999 - 02:52 am:
At the beginning of the Power of Kroll, Tom Baker's Doctor plays a flute he made himself out of a reed he plucked from the swamp.
Later on in the show he uses his voice to break a window, though that wasn't very musical.

By Luiner on Monday, June 28, 1999 - 04:03 am:
Almost forgot, the first Doctor played, sort of, a lyre in Nero's court in the story The Romans.

By Chris Thomas on Monday, June 28, 1999 - 04:56 am:
The Fourth Doctor whistles quite a bit too.

By Emily on Monday, June 28, 1999 - 04:58 am:
Ah, but the point was he couldn't play the lyre, so he used the Emperor's New Clothes trick - claiming that only those of immense intelligence would be able to hear his music. But somehow he got rather good at stringed instruments by the time the Fifth Doctor played the harp of Rassilon.

By Gordon Lawyer on Wednesday, June 30, 1999 - 10:40 am:
THE SPOONS?!?!? Well at least he has rhythm.

By Brian Smith on Friday, July 09, 1999 - 04:08 pm:
Actually, if I recall correctly, Davison tried to play a flute of some kind in Castrovalva.
Its when he's going through and putting together his costume.

By Brian Smith on Friday, July 09, 1999 - 04:13 pm:
Oops, forgot.
Collin Baker plays the organ in Attack of the Cybermen.

By Emily on Friday, July 16, 1999 - 01:26 pm:
Yes, that was the final straw. I always considered Colin Baker completely unrecognisable from his predecessors, and then when the TARDIS became unrecognisable organ for god's sake!...I reached for the off switch (I'm not saying I actually pressed it, however).

The Second Doctor also sings - that Rasillon's Tower nursery rhyme. Though given that the response is 'Are you in pain, Doctor?' not very successfully.

By Chris Thomas on Friday, July 16, 1999 - 11:37 pm:
Doesn't Colin Baker also sing "On With Motley" during The Trial Of A Time Lord?

By Kevin S on Sunday, July 18, 1999 - 12:56 pm:
And Sylvester McCoy sings "As Time Goes By" in "Paradise Towers."

By Emily on Monday, July 19, 1999 - 05:10 am:
And William Hartnell sort of sings in The Chase.

By Kevin S on Monday, July 19, 1999 - 10:03 am:
I'm having a hard time recalling this, Emily, and I just watched the story recently. What does he do, sing along with the Fab Four?

And an I'm surprised no one's called me on this, but I meant to say the Doctor sings in "Happiness Patrol," not "Paradice Towers."

By Mike Konczewski on Monday, July 19, 1999 - 10:12 am:
That's right Kevin. The Doctor, Ian, and Vicki all sing along with the Timescope 'cast of the Beatles.

By Brian Smith on Monday, July 19, 1999 - 11:08 am:
Well Kevin, I'd have called you on "Happiness Patrol", but other people beat me to it.
Mel's remarks in TOATL suggest that her doctor couldn't sing.
Yes, PT's singing in The Five Doctors is slightly painful.
McGann, or however you spell his name, hummed along with the opera.
I can't think of any others, at the moment.

By Emily on Tuesday, July 20, 1999 - 05:08 am:
Tut tut tut, what bad memories everyone has. I've just checked The Chase, and Hartnell's lying outside the TARDIS sunbathing and singing away. Barbara asks 'What's that awful noise' whereupon he gets offended and says that his singing could charm the nightingales out of the trees. Though as it happens she was referring to the Space/Time Visualiser noise. We then hear what I can only imagine to be the first Dalek attempt at singing - the repeated chant of 'TARDIS TARDIS'.

By Kevin S on Tuesday, July 20, 1999 - 08:41 am:
Hey! Those Daleks weren't singing. It was a form of Gregorian Chant!

As I've said on the Chase board, this is hands-down the worst Dalek scripting. (Actually, I said "worse" when I meant "worst." And to think I teach English!) One of the Daleks actually stutters and mumbles before it gives its report.

By Chris Thomas on Saturday, July 24, 1999 - 05:42 am:
Here's a bit of a list of where the Doctor sings (up until Survival, anyway):
1. Sunbathing outside the TARDIS in The Chase.
2. Hums a section from The Poacher as he walks over the wasteland in ep. 1 of The Krotons.
3. Sings in Ashbridge Cottage Hospital's shower in ep. 2 of Spearhead From Space.
4. Sings a version of Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky in ep.1 of Doctor Who And The Silurians.
5. Sings Le Donna e mobile as drives Bessie in ep. 1 of Inferno and then Shine On Martian Moon in ep.7.
6. Sings I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire just before his experiment explodes in ep.1 of Terror Of The Autons.
7. Croons the Venusian lullaby Kickleda Partha Menin Klatch in The Curse Of Peladon and The Monster Of Peladon.
8. Whistles Colonel Bogey in The Face Of Evil, The Talons Weng-Chiang and The Invasion Of Time.
9. Hums London's Burning as it does in The Visitation.
10. Sings I Want To Be Happy as he prepares for the masque in Black Orchid, ep.1.
11. Doctor Two sings the Gallifrey nursery rhyme in The Five Doctors.
12. Sings a snatch of The Barber Of Seville in ep. 2 of The Two Doctors.
13. Sings On With Motley as the TARDIS dematerialises in The Trial Of A Time Lord, ep.12.
14. Croons As Time Goes By in ep.3 of The Happiness Patrol.

And on the Doctor Who and the Pescatons record, he sings Hello Dolly.

By Ed Jefferson (Ejefferson) on Saturday, July 24, 1999 - 07:16 am:
Several NAs have references to Doc7's sppon playing ability. Maybe it is important for Time's Champion?

By Chris Thomas on Saturday, July 24, 1999 - 10:21 pm:
Maybe spoons are important when messing about with time? Didn't the Third Doctor's contraption in The Time Monster have spoons? Or was that forks?

By Ed Jefferson (Ejefferson) on Sunday, July 25, 1999 - 03:18 am:
To hear Sylvester's spoon playing, IIRC, he plays on a version of the theme on 'The Worlds of Doctor Who' CD (the last track?).

By Luke on Monday, October 02, 2000 - 12:12 am:

Going back to the instruments posts way above, there's a short story called 'Gone Too Soon' in 'Short Trips and Side Steps' (it won a competition with the BBC or something) where the 6th Doctor learns how to play guitar, grabs a bass, and steps in for Stuart Sutcliffe when the Beatles were playing that strip club in Hamburg!

Also, the 5th Doc plays the harp in 'Five Doctors'.

from the Mission to the Unknown/The Dalek Masterplan board
By Luiner on Thursday, July 08, 1999 - 04:26 am:

Now, what I really miss about British sports television is the live matches of Snooker and Darts. Those are sports I can really get into. Simple to follow rules. You don't have to be in shape to be a good player (some of the better darts players looked morbidly obese, if memory recalls correctly) and there was always beer.

Speaking of beer, Doc #4 was positively a tee totaller. Whereas #3 wouldn't pass up a fine wine, and #7 had the odd pint or two, #4 would rejoice in ginger ale. I realize that Tom Baker didn't want to drink or smoke on a children's show, but we don't deal with reality. So, I am curious why his particular regeneration didn't drink any alcohol. After battling the Cybermen, Daleks, Silurians, and others, the first thing I would do is go to a pub or bar and ordered a nice bitter, pilsner, or an good Irish stout.
Heck, I would even get a Miller Lite (uck!) after that whole Key to Time thing.

But that's me. (shrugs shoulders)

By Emily on Thursday, July 08, 1999 - 06:20 am:

I do remember Tom Baker drinking drugged wine in Brain of Morbius. And was it wine they were drinking when he cut Romana's hand in State of Decay?

But the words 'Garcon! Three glasses of water, and make them doubles' do suggest that he didn't 'carry on like a one-man wine and cheese party' like his predecessor.

What about Docs 1 and 2? I suppose 5 would be too young and innocent to drink alcohol.

By Chris Thomas on Thursday, July 08, 1999 - 09:54 am:

And did he drink the wine in Warriors' Gate? And how do we know it wasn't alcoholic ginger beer, anyway?
In the novelisation of The Twin Dilemma, Professor Edgeworth reflects on getting drunk with the Doctor (Number 4) and having to pay for all the drinks and in Transit, when Doctor 7 drinks too much ouzo (I think), there is comment on Doctor 3's love of fine wines and Doctor 4's preference for beer.

By Luiner on Friday, July 09, 1999 - 03:52 am:

Those darn novels. But I always wondered what incarnation of the Doctor Edgeworth was talking about. Thanks.

I think it was wine Doc #4 in Brain of Morbius, which may have reinforced his abstinence from alcohol.

Now I have to rewatch those videos.

By Anthony on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 - 01:19 pm:

I seem to remember a reference in either the novelization or the actual television story (or both) of "Planet of Fire" to the Fifth Doctor buying a beer on the beach on Lanzarote because it was such a hot day.


From the Two Doctors board
(I still think we discussed this somewhere else at longer length, unless my memory's just fusing this and the drink discussion.)

By Kevin S on Sunday, July 18, 1999 - 11:02 pm:

What cannot be explained is how Baker's Doctor began to feel the effects of Troughton's Doctor being turned into an Adrogum. Doctor Two was cured, so the effects couldn't possibly go any further, let alone skip ahead four regenerations.

By Luiner on Monday, July 19, 1999 - 03:46 am:

Maybe because (this is pure speculation, by the way) the Sixth Doctor is closer in space/time than the other Doctors. So he could feel the second Doctor's transformation, better.
The first Doc couldn't because he was before all this, obviously.
The third Doc may have, he certainly had the munchies during the Day of the Daleks with all that wine and cheese.
The fourth Doc had all those jelly babies to keep him from being peckish.
The fifth Doc probably felt it during the King's Demon at King John's banquet, and we just didn't notice his appetite.
The seventh and eighth Docs were after these events.
There, all explained.

from the 2nd Series General Discussion board
By Emily on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 05:35 pm:

Omigawd. Is he in...pjamas? OK, I'm not saying it's not a sensible thing to do after you've regenerated, taking to your bed with a cup of cocoa or something, but...this is the DOCTOR. He doesn't wear bedclothes. He doesn't have a bed. He doesn't sleep. {...}

By Chris Todaro on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 09:44 pm:

"...He doesn't sleep."

Sure he does. I can think of at least two instances right off the top of my head where he goes to sleep or least mentions it.

From Robot:"Good Night, Brigadier" (Shuts off light and goes to sleep on the table)

From Twin Dilemma: "...A clear gaze. At least it will be given a few hours sleep."

I'm sure there are more examples but as I'm about to go to sleep myself I can't remember.

By KAM on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 01:10 am:

The First Doctor slept a few times. IIRC in Edge Of Destruction & Marco Polo.

Anyone else think it would be funny if it turns out the Doctor sleeps with a teddy bear? ;-)>

By Kevin on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 01:58 am:

Sleep is for tortoises.

By Kevin on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 6:41 pm:

After all this, the only thing I can add is Eccleston sings a tidbit of 'Luck Be a Lady' from Guys and Dolls in his premiere episode.

By Emily on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 6:13 pm:

Right. New series-wise...

SPOILERS for new series, including Christmas Invasion!!!

...we have our Eccy tucking into a roast-and-veg with the West-End-musical kids (The Empty Child), drinking tea (The Unquiet Dead), coffee (Rose), about to eat chips (The End of the World), landing on Earth just to get milk (The Empty Child), being vouched for as a normal, not in any way grass-and-safety-pins eater by his Companion (World War Three), drinking port (World War Three), and eating and drinking on his date with a monster (Boom Town). And he has the cheek to repeatedly complain that humans are obsessed with their beans-on-toast! No wonder he dies. *Sob* It wasn't the Vortex energy, it was all that food he's just not used to...

And our Tennant not only continues the fine tradition of ranting on and on about human food consumption, he relies on tea to get him through his regeneration, he kills aliens with satsumas and then he sits down to a full Christmas meal. Please, someone tell me he's not gonna croak it through overeating too, I couldn't bear it...

And sleep. The Tenth Doctor does an awful lot of sleeping.

By Kevin on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 7:28 pm:

So far every example of the Doctor sleeping comes from the that Doctor's first story, right after regenerating. Not sure these really count.

Did Pertwee sleep in the alternate Earth cell in Inferno? Or was he just resting and spouting off, 'Aw go away and give me some peace?'

By KAM on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 11:30 pm:

Kevin - So far every example of the Doctor sleeping comes from the that Doctor's first story
Me - By KAM on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 01:10 am:
The First Doctor slept a few times. IIRC in Edge Of Destruction & Marco Polo.

Of course I believe that the 4th Doctor lies down with his hat over his eyes in The Androids Of Terra. Which is certainly a sign of resting if not full-fledged sleeping or at least napping. (Having fished before I can tell you there is a fine line between fishing & napping. ;-)

By Kevin on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 2:37 am:

I sit corrected.

There's also the Doctor resting with hat-over-eyes in the first scene of Leisure Hive.

By Chris Thomas on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 7:08 am:

Does the Fifth Doctor collapsing and fading in and out of existence in The Five Doctors count as sleeping? He seems to have lapsed out of consciousness at one point.

By Chris Thomas on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 7:14 am:

And doesn't the Second Doctor sleep in The Two Doctors, admittedly due to the influence of drugs? But then doesn't he fall asleep of his own accord in the restaurant, after eating the meal with Shockeye?

Is Third Doctor asleep at the end of the Planet of the Spiders, after he collapses from the TARDIS? Or what about when the Seventh Doctor is being operated on in the telemovie?

By Kevin on Sunday, March 05, 2006 - 10:55 pm:

On a related note, what hallmarks of Doctor Who HAVEN'T we seen yet? I don't think we've seen quarries yet. (Although wasn't one mentioned, where the lone Dalek fell through time?) Have we seen any running though corridors?

And hallmarks we probably won't see (except maybe as post-modern nods, like the spider hitting the camera in End of the World): wobbly sets, aliens who are foils for the Doctor because they're actually made of foil, an explanation for the sinking of Atlantis....

By Emily on Monday, March 06, 2006 - 8:55 am:

Actually, the Sycorax spaceship was filmed in a quarry...and I wouldn't be surprised by bloody Atlantis popping up, what with RTG blessing us with YET ANOTHER end-of-planet-Earth story...and yeah, plenty of happiness of the corridor-running variety - Doc n'Rose spend their first meeting fleeing Autons down a corridor, the Doctor leads those soldiers racing down hospital corridors in Aliens of London, I think the chase round Downing Street involved the occasional corridor, Dalek of course consisted of little but being pursued down corridors (alright, AND up stairs) by the eponymous hero (sorry, villain), then it's back to Albion Hospital for more corridor-related action - this time involving gas-masked zombies - and then it's the funniest corridor-running scenes EVER as Our Heroes chase Margaret...and last but not least our darling Captain Jack is nobly exterminated while backing down a corridor.

By Mark V Thomas on Friday, March 10, 2006 - 4:47 pm:

Re:Emily's last comment
With respect to the possibility of Atlantis appearing, I'm tempted to reply "what, again"...?
(So far as I can recall, it's already been destroyed twice, & Professor Zaroff was planning to destroy the remnants in The Underwater Menace...)

By Emily on Saturday, March 11, 2006 - 5:51 am:

Yeah, but as the Doctor says in one of the novels, 'I've been to all three Atlantises...'

By KAM on Sunday, March 12, 2006 - 2:27 am:

We only have the Dæmon's word for it about him destroying Atlantis.

By Emily on Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 8:30 am:

True, but I don't think someone with the power to destroy the world would bother pretending he'd wiped out an island.

By Kevin on Sunday, May 07, 2006 - 6:59 am:

This week with 'The Girl in the Fireplace' we get a couple new ones. The Doctor sings 'I Could Have Danced All Night' from My Fair Lady (another musical. What's next? 'I Feel Pretty'?) and dances (a Moffat obsession?), and drinks wine. He also has a banana but apprently drank it rather than ate it.

Moffat, are you reading this board?

By Emily on Tuesday, May 09, 2006 - 12:42 pm:

Plus, the Doctor goes and gets a snog. This is becoming such a frequent occurrence that I think we'll have to make a list (SPOILERS for new series):

The Highlanders - kisses (male) someone-or-other on the lips whilst pretending to be German in order to confuse him. Or something.

Terminus - gets a peck on the cheek from Nyssa.

The Two Doctors - gets a peck on the cheek from that Spanish girl.

The telemovie - repeatedly engages in disgusting practices with the woman who's just killed him.

The Parting of the Ways - gets kissed on the lips by Captain Jack, kisses Rose (albeit for Time Vortex-related reasons) and dies of it.

New Earth - gets kissed on the lips by Cassandra-Rose.

Girl in the Fireplace - 'I'm the Doctor and I've just snogged Madame de Pompadour!'

By Emily on Saturday, June 10, 2006 - 4:55 pm:

Alright, how about hugs?

Does he ever hug Susan? Certainly not when they're saying goodbye, but surely there are scenes where she's clinging to him and wailing 'Grandfather, grandfather' or some such?

I'm sure Vicki gets a hug sometime...after Ian and Barbara leave, maybe - at the beginning of The Time Meddler?

Mel in Dragonfire (ANYTHING to get rid of her)

Rose in Father's Day

Rose in Boom Town

Rose in The Parting of the Ways

Harriet Jones in The Christmas Invasion?

Pustule-covered plague-carrying sub-human in New Earth

Sarah Jane in School Reunion

Rose in The Girl in the Fireplace (well, let's face it, it's the LEAST he could do...)

Rose in The Idiot's Lantern

Zack in The Impossible Planet

Rose in The Satan Pit (bloody hell. What IT is about this chav?)

By Emily on Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - 10:29 am:

OK, forget this hugging n'kissing nonsense. In which stories did we see the Doctor committing genocide?

TV-wise, there's:

Logopolis (I'm sorry, if you take the Master to Logopolis you - and, more to the point, half the universe - have gotta take the consequences. Especially as you've already realised it's such a bloody stupid idea that you'd rather drown your TARDIS).

The Macra Terror - yeah, it was the Macra who were terrorised! And wiped out! By that smug git who had the cheek to claim that THEIR planet had been restored to its RIGHTFUL inhabitants - i.e. those godawful humans!

Terror of the Vervoids - ditto for the poor old Vervoids, not that I'm wasting MUCH sympathy for those miserable bunches of leaves. At least the Doc actually got put on trial for this, though don't ask me why they then let him go despite there being NO defence to genocide.

The Invisible Enemy - I'm not saying he didn't try nicer methods first, but when it came to the crunch the Swarm's a goner.

The Sea Devils - OK, he probably didn't kill enough of 'em to qualify as genocide, though he presumably killed every alive one on the planet (their OWN planet, let's not forget) which could easily've led to all the others hibernating forever, so...let's give him the benefit of the genocidal doubt. Same for Warriors of the Deep.

Remembrance of the Daleks - bye-bye Skaro. Frankly it's a shame the Doc didn't have the guts to genocide the Daleks in Genesis, would have saved the universe a lot of bother. I suppose what happens in The Daleks, Master Plan, Evil, Invasion of Earth etc may also qualify as genocide.

Silver Nemesis - the entire Cyber-fleet. I'm sure other Cyber-fleets, not to mention Ice Warrior fleets, are also despatched sometime...Moonbase? Seeds of Death? Oh, and the Rutan fleet in Fang Rock...trouble is, there'd have to be hundreds of thousands on board for these to qualify as genocide, and we're never (bar Parting of the Ways) told how many baddies hang around on their fleets.

Call me speciest, but I'm not including giant maggots, spiders, etc. They're not genocide, they're...pest control. Plus I can't even REMEMBER what he did to the race of giant slugs in Twin fact I can't even remember if there WAS a race...ah, sometimes amnesia is so merciful.

Horns of Nimon. Of course, they had only themselves to blame if their planet exploded. But only the Doctor to blame that they didn't get off it in time.

Curse of Fenric - hmm. Is averting the haemovores' (or any race's) creation genocide?

By Andrew Gilbertson (Zarm_rkeeg) on Sunday, February 20, 2011 - 2:28 pm:

Okay, I'm at another one of those did-I-just-imagine-this moments. Right now in Who Viewing, I'm down to two Troughton stories left (Space Pirates and War Games)- not counting color crossovers like Two Doctors, Three Doctors, Five Doctors, etc.

Now, I could've sworn that in an early Doctor Who Confidential, I saw a Black and White clip of Troughton on a tricycle or other kiddie bike riding in circles around the console room. With only two B&W Troughtons left, and one of them mostly reconstruction, I am starting to wonder if maybe this is something I just made up in my memory? Only... there was also a clip of Troughton in the dark with numerous mirror images... and I just saw that one in Seeds of Death, so if this tricycle memory is a fabrication, it's insinuated itself alongside some genuine memories...

So, any recollection of this clip, or perhaps a similar one from a different Doctor, that could account for said errant memory? The last time I posted such, it was pegged as the E-space trilogy, so I'm hoping a knowledgeable Whovian can reaffirm my tenuous sanity in regards to strange and obscure clips once again...? :-)

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Sunday, February 20, 2011 - 3:50 pm:

I'm sure Colin Baker was forced to ride an exercise bike in the console room, but there is simply NO WAY that ANY human could be SO perverted as to confuse THAT with darling Troughton riding a tricycle.

So sadly I have no idea what you could possibly be thinking of.

By Andrew Gilbertson (Zarm_rkeeg) on Monday, February 21, 2011 - 7:09 am:

Well, if you don't recognize it, no one will... so I must've made it up.

WHY would I do that??? It's the strangest, most random thing... and oddly enough, I've been looking forward to getting some context for it for Troughton's entire run. The context apparently being 'Andrew's Insane.'

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, February 21, 2011 - 12:44 pm:

Don't put too much faith in me. My memory's rubbish, I've pretty much given Old Who a rest for the past six years, and the Troughton era was never exactly the most worn-out of my tapes during TSLABYOD. (Owing to the fact the BBC burnt the fabulous Seasons 4 and 5 and left us with that godawful Season 6, obviously - nothing against Troughton himself.)

By Andrew Gilbertson (Zarm_rkeeg) on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 - 6:41 am:

Yes, but on the other hand... you're Emily. Which pretty much compensates for all of that. :-)

By John E. Porteous (Jep) on Thursday, February 24, 2011 - 3:13 am:

Excuse me, Andrew-are you sure it was the Troughton Doctor.

Didn't a McCoy story(The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)have someone riding a tricycle in it???

I don't remember if McCoy did-anyone here know??

By Andrew Gilbertson (Zarm_rkeeg) on Thursday, February 24, 2011 - 6:31 am:

No... I thought it was, but as a potentially fabricated memory, the validity of any and all details are in question. It could've been someone else and I somehow failed to realize it at the time, or managed to group it in with the 2nd Doctor in my memory...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, March 07, 2011 - 12:30 pm:

From the Monsters: Vampires section:

Mandy: Eccleston: I'm not descended from an ape.

Me: Actually I don't remember him ever specifically stating that.

Mandy: I can't find it now, but I remember they were outside somewhere and he was talking to Rose.

OK, someone work out when n'where this was!

I mean, it's not as if Eccy n'Rose have many stories together...*sob*...(Let alone OUTSIDE instead of on a bloody space station...)

By Amanda Gordon (Mandy) on Monday, March 07, 2011 - 3:36 pm:

It may not be Eccleston at all. I may have merely associated it with him after all his "stupid ape" comments. I know some Doctor said it though, something along the lines of "at least I'm not descended from anything as embarrassing as an ape." (I know, that's singluarly unhelpful.)

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, July 21, 2014 - 6:33 pm:

I'm pretty sure that was in the novels, not on-screen.

Unfortunately there are rather a lot of novels...

By Judi Jeffreys (Jjeffreys_mod) on Thursday, November 27, 2014 - 7:28 am:

what brand of tea - leaf or bag - would the Doctor partake of?

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Thursday, November 27, 2014 - 1:56 pm:

Nine would have a bag of PG Tips, or whatever the commonest, northernest tea is.

Twelve wouldn't care what type the tea was, after he'd put in a few dozen sugar-lumps.

Seven wouldn't care either, providing he could have a debate about the slave-trade as he sipped it.

Six wouldn't care either, once he'd roared 'Tea? TEA? Tea?' and hurled it in someone's face.

One would avoid all such beverages like the plague, for fear of getting engaged again.

Five would have whatever upper-class British cricket-bores usually drink.

My original instinct was that Three would insist on rare Earl Grey leaves at UNIT's expense, but on second thoughts he'd take whatever common soldier's tea Benton brewed up.

By Francois Lacombe (Franc0is) on Thursday, November 27, 2014 - 2:09 pm:

Eleven: what type of tea goes well with fish fingers and custard?

By Judi Jeffreys (Jjeffreys_mod) on Thursday, November 27, 2014 - 9:59 pm:

Krusty: Green tea? What's that - Mr T.'s Irish brother?!

By Francois Lacombe (Franc0is) on Friday, November 28, 2014 - 5:23 am:

Ten would say "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I don't drink tea"

By Judi Jeffreys (Judibug) on Friday, November 28, 2014 - 5:37 am:

Ten: Don't you know, Rose? Coke adds life!

I bet Ten slurps down some Cherry Coca-Cola...

By Keith Alan Morgan (Kmorgan) on Friday, November 28, 2014 - 6:35 am:

Six wouldn't care either, once he'd roared 'Tea? TEA? Tea?' and hurled it in someone's face.
And as the person is screaming from having boiling water hurled in their face he quips, "Not enough sugar?" ;-)

One would avoid all such beverages like the plague, for fear of getting engaged again.
I seem to have a vague memory of a line that implies the first Doctor was a part of the Boston Tea Party.

My original instinct was that Three would insist on rare Earl Grey leaves at UNIT's expense, but on second thoughts he'd take whatever common soldier's tea Benton brewed up.
Or maybe a Long Island Iced Tea. ;-)

Four: Tea is for Tortoises!
Sarah Jane: Tortoises don't drink tea.
Four: No, but they start with it! I'm a Time Lord! I triapse through time! I don't have the time to tarry with trivial things like tea!

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Friday, November 28, 2014 - 2:48 pm:

Ten would say "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I don't drink tea"

Ten owes his LIFE (or at least his functioning synapses) to tea! He would NEVER say such a thing!

And, hell, he drank that vile orange squash in Idiot's Lantern, and yearned for a hot dog in Age of Steel, didn't he? He can hardly start getting snobbish about TEA.

And as the person is screaming from having boiling water hurled in their face he quips, "Not enough sugar?" ;-)

THAT would actually have been a bit too funny - Six's attempts to be witty during murder always fall flat on their face.

I seem to have a vague memory of a line that implies the first Doctor was a part of the Boston Tea Party.

Eccy says (Unquiet Dead) that he pushed crates at the Boston Tea Party. Sadly he doesn't say WHICH incarnation had such a hatred of tea...

Four: Tea is for Tortoises!

Or, of course, Four could have got wildly enthusiastic about tea (the way he did about muffins at the end of Talons). Or both, at different times in his long life.

Come to think of it, one of the Gareth Roberts MAs - Well-Mannered War, I think - had him slip a full cup of tea into his pocket.

Five spent the last ten minutes of The Awakening standing around in the TARDIS waffling about tea, didn't he? And didn't even think to mention which BRAND...

Ditto for THREE Doctors in Day of the Doctor...

By Judi Jeffreys (Judibug) on Saturday, November 29, 2014 - 4:47 am:

Doesn't he put a hot beverage in his pocket in Kroll?

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Saturday, November 29, 2014 - 5:41 am:

Can't remember. But that would certainly explain why Gareth Roberts thought he could get away with such a crazy thing.

By Judi Jeffreys (Judibug) on Thursday, January 15, 2015 - 8:17 am:

Would the doctor prefer Ovaltine or Milo?

By Natalie Salat (Nataliesalat) on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 - 6:49 am:

He eats a lolly from a paper bag in the Dominators, but you can't tell what type it is, from memory.

The Three Doctors was definitely the first mention of jelly babies I noticed when I watched them all in order recently. Just can't remember if he offered them to anyone, or just ate them himself.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Tuesday, July 04, 2023 - 5:23 am:

Doesn't he put a hot beverage in his pocket in Kroll?

Can't remember. But that would certainly explain why Gareth Roberts thought he could get away with such a crazy thing.

Never mind Gareth Roberts, it would explain how THE TWELFTH DOCTOR thought he could get away with such a crazy thing in Witch's Familiar...

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