Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Doctor Who: Television Spin-Offs: Class: Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart
Synopsis: The connection between April and Shadow-King Corakinus is growing ever stronger - he's asking for post-coital cuddles and she's threatening to slaughter her newly-released father with the shadow-scimitars materialising out of her hands. Till she slices a hole into the Shadow-realm and leaps through to get her heart back...with new-boyfriend Ram in hot pursuit. Meanwhile, Coal Hill's new Headmistress Dorothea Anes offers Quill her freedom - if only she'll deal with the blood-sucking rapidly-proliferating blossoms that will soon devour/suffocate the world...

Thoughts: April sticks a Shadow-Sword through her mother to cure her paralysis? And it WORKS? Quill is shocked to, er, accidentally-overhear that Charlie LIED about the Cabinet of Souls being empty? OF COURSE he lied, why didn't you CHECK! It takes The Gang a month to question the morality of Charlie's slave-owning culture? Why the hell doesn't April call the police the moment her father tries to phone her, never mind turns up? The new head is EXTRAORDINARILY well-informed yet she doesn't know the Doctor's phone number that was shared with EVERYONE ON EARTH...?

Courtesy of Emily

By V117 (V117) on Monday, October 31, 2016 - 9:40 am:

Co-Owner Of A Lonely Heart

"April starts to feel effects of sharing her heart with Corakinus, and his attempts to sever the attachment only make it stronger.
"When April’s estranged father makes a startling appearance she confronts him with Shadow Kin force, manifesting traits of the Shadow Kin leader.
"Frightened by this extraordinary new-found power, April seeks comfort in Ram, and vows to reclaim her heart as her own.
"Meanwhile, something strange is happening to the others – London is slowly being infested with unusual, sinister flower petals."

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, October 31, 2016 - 10:46 am:


Weren't the vines/tentacles/whatever disappointing enough?

By V117 (V117) on Monday, October 31, 2016 - 5:37 pm:

Apparently not.

By Robert Shaw (Robert_shaw) on Monday, October 31, 2016 - 11:14 pm:

Elsewhere, someone has said this sounds a lot like the rackweed in The Gift (SJA season 3).

I'm not convinced, but I do suspect we'll see some recycled SJA plots eventually.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Tuesday, November 01, 2016 - 7:56 am:

Did they have to recycle one of the WEAKER episodes?!

By Kate Halprin (Kitten) on Wednesday, November 02, 2016 - 7:30 am:



... the Trees are back!!!

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Wednesday, November 02, 2016 - 9:16 am:

Don't even THINK about it, Sunshine.

By V117 (V117) on Thursday, November 03, 2016 - 10:48 am:

Or those, "fairy" things from Torchwood.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Thursday, November 03, 2016 - 5:09 pm:

Oh great, now I'm picturing the stupid fairies from the worst ever Torchwood episode flitting around the stupid trees from the worst ever New Who episode...why don't you guys go the whole hog and chuck in a few characters from a Mick Lewis novel just to ensure my life is TOTALLY ruined?

By Jjeffreys_mod (Jjeffreys_mod) on Friday, November 04, 2016 - 8:29 am:

Class brat: "To catch a fairy, I have to *think* like a fairy!" Hello, sailor!

By V117 (V117) on Saturday, November 05, 2016 - 6:43 pm:

Corakinus has to kill the one minion who's actually made progress because it wasn't enough, who agrees to that he should die.
How are you going to make anymore progress now your leading, (and possible sole) expert in field is dead?
Villian has to show their the villian by killing one of their own people cliche + Generic idiotic warrior race with an all important honour code non development.

The Shadow realm, (thats what I'm calling it) being framed from below, (ie: Hell's usual position unless your a Cathar) and the generic fanatasy genrre style villian race reinforces the idea this was a hijacked supernatural show. Honestly you could swap out the Shadow lot for a bunch of generic demons in hell and nothing would change. It doesn't help they are badly acted either.

"I'm okay mum". April then proceeds to stare omnimusly at her hand. Not very convincing. It's either on purpose to show she can't lie to her mum or she's just poorly written.

Any other Trek fans getting a Bajoran Orb vibe from the Soulbox? Except you know .D.S.9. actually managed to give the objects revered cultural relevance an presence unlike Class.

So it's a memorial board? even for a school that old thats alot of dead/disappeared.

Anyone else think Missy for a split second when the new headmistress is first shown?

So the new headmistress knows about Coal Hill's disappearance reputation and robot, 'inspectors' it is a secret or not? If potential headteachers are told or can find out about it why isn't there any undercover .U.N.I.T. personell at the school?

Calling it that the newheadmistresss will be treated as a villian by the protagonists, (because she#s a Governer's plant) but will actually turn out to be on their side all along in the finale, (if she lives that long).

Oooohhh the, "Governers" are interested in Miss Quill. I'm completely unsuprised or interested for this painfully obvious attempt at a subplot.

One of the lessons soon after the greater heart control op happens to be about an aspect of warfare, what a coincidence. Why are they studying .W.W.2. instead of the standard syllabus subjects of the Unification of Germany or Post war Britain?

I actually like part April's, 'soldier's mindset' rant. Soldiering is death realise and get over it. Death either on the battlefield or in the training barracks, (eg: Deepcut). Why did the influence/pocession cue have to be a stereotypical scifi eye flash instead of something more subtle? As it is they make her eyes look drunken bloodshot more then anything. How did the teacher who is right in front of her miss glowing eyes?

No one else hear and listening in to Quill and Charlie's conversation despite being heard across the room? A student backtalking teacher and giving commands woild be noticed.

Ram and April clearly setup as a couple far too quickly, both screwed up by the Shadow aliens and supporting each other but come on this is rushed even buy the subgenre's standards.

I know April's dad is supossed to be an arsehole but: a.He should have waited till after school had finished to call. b.Not interrupted what was obviously a much needed moment for her. If Ness intended the viewer to want Ram to moe this twit over or April dissect him him Maul style he suceeded with me, (though more due to desire to end another unneeded predictable character subplot before it started then actual character hate).

We get it the new headmistress is a, "Governers" plant with a special interest in our protagonists having her show up just after incidents and trying to be creepy about it is just too much, (Miss Hardbroom she is not).

Oh yeah there are alot of petals around but it's only here I started to really notice. I can't help but think it would have been a better slow reveal if the official blurb didn't spoil it. Then again series 9 did that for several episodes so I shouldn't have expected anything different.

Quill, "Out of the way". *Shove* That student was already partially past you by that point? Maybe the extra moved too quick and they couldn't be bothered to reshoot it

Earlier post soldier's mindset rant April didn't seem to remember what Corakinus says or does while he temporally pocessed/influenced her but now post attempted dad attack she says she can.

Rotating magama rock spehere with multiple psuedo dalek eystalk sticking out of it. I had to pause it because I was laughing hard at that.

Why does Corakinus repeat to his underling what she probably already knows? Did Ness think we'd need a reminder almost halfway through the episode?

Full exposed upper body of Ram but for April only slight side boob. If your going to, "explore adult themes" and stick a guidance warning at least do so and earn it with equally exposed shots of both, (you know gender equality and all that).

How did April's mum not hear them having sex? How much did Corakinus feel through the link? Do we want to know?

"Don't let this chair fool you, if you've hurt my daughter I will kill you". While I can understand and sympathise with the sentiment that is pretty much an empty threat, (unless she's got a mid range gun in that thing's side pocket which I honestly wouldn't put past NuWho at this point).

Wow April's mum is projecting. Granted her experience with arsehole dad should be kept in mind but isn't it part of being a young adult to make one off mistakes like that? Especially in this subgenre?

Why would a tree root bleed red? It wasn't the underside of arsehole dad's foot as he would have reacted and I doubt the petals work through thick shoe soles.

Okay who are, "The Governers", (ie: EverUpwardsReach.Ltd) they know whats happening and can authorise what is essentially murder.

That garden gate was looked like the flimsy precut prop it was, were they even trying?

Damnit areshole dad why didn't you get the message when your daughter held swords to your stomach and told you to run. Given what he's done and his attitude, (the I don't deserve forgivess but want it anyway act) I wouldn't stop her killing him.

She fixes her mother's disability by heal touch, yes the episode shows her healing herself but thats a side effect of sharing a heart with Corakinus. but will they explain how that translates to healing hands.

The following, "He's coming" scene is badly acted.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Sunday, November 06, 2016 - 5:05 am:

Villian has to show their the villian by killing one of their own people cliche + Generic idiotic warrior race with an all important honour code non development.

Fair point, and hey, it's not as if there weren't plenty of OTHER ways we could work out that the Shadow-Kin were villains...

The Shadow realm, (thats what I'm calling it) being framed from below, (ie: Hell's usual position unless your a Cathar)

I think it's a fairly safe bet that none of us ARE Cathars. Where do they think hell is?

"I'm okay mum". April then proceeds to stare omnimusly at her hand. Not very convincing. It's either on purpose to show she can't lie to her mum or she's just poorly written.

She's been lying to her mum for a month and getting away with it (unlike, say, Ram who spilt the beans to daddy in five minutes flat) so probably the latter.

.D.S.9. actually managed to give the objects revered cultural relevance an presence unlike Class.

Hey, that cupboard has AT LEAST as much of a presence as Prince Charlie himself!

So it's a memorial board? •••• even for a school that old thats alot of dead/disappeared.

Especially given the comments in Ep 1 that everyone IGNORES the constant Coal Hill disappearances.

Anyone else think Missy for a split second when the new headmistress is first shown?

No, but now you mention it...

If potential headteachers are told or can find out about it why isn't there any undercover .U.N.I.T. personell at the school?

Or, better still, why don't UNIT evacuate the school, blow it to Kingdom Come and put an armed cordon around the location while they work out how to close the Rift? (Torchwood invented a Rift Manipulator, how difficult can it BE?)

Maybe UNIT's Scientific Advisor is suppressing all Coal Hill info for nefarious purposes of her own. She is a bloody Zygon, after all.

Why are they studying .W.W.2. instead of the standard syllabus subjects of the Unification of Germany or Post war Britain?

Things must have changed since the last time I glanced at a syllabus. Then it was Nazis, Nazis, Nazis (with the occasional Tudor thrown in) all the way. And whilst I was frankly concerned about the least they were INTERESTING. Post-War Britain? You're KIDDING me.

Soldiering is death realise and get over it. Death either on the battlefield or in the training barracks, (eg: Deepcut).

What percentage of British Army soldiers DO get killed?

Ram and April clearly setup as a couple far too quickly, both screwed up by the Shadow aliens and supporting each other but come on this is rushed even buy the subgenre's standards.

Actually I found the kiss last week horribly rushed (coming as it did after a whole episode devoted to showing how much Ram cared about Rachel) but hey, modern-day teenagers, OF COURSE they'd progress to sex after waiting SEVERAL WHOLE DAYS after said kiss.

If Ness intended the viewer to want Ram to moe this twit over or April dissect him him Maul style he suceeded with me, (though more due to desire to end another unneeded predictable character subplot before it started then actual character hate).

I have to admit that introducing TWO 'Dad is trying to kill me!' subplots in one episode (Nightvisiting) was, well, overkill.

(Miss Hardbroom she is not).


Oh yeah there are alot of petals around but it's only here I started to really notice. I can't help but think it would have been a better slow reveal if the official blurb didn't spoil it.

Dammit, you're right.

Rotating magama rock spehere with multiple psuedo dalek eystalk sticking out of it. I had to pause it because I was laughing hard at that.

Missed it. And I could have done with a good laugh.

Why does Corakinus repeat to his underling what she probably already knows? Did Ness think we'd need a reminder almost halfway through the episode?

If this had been a normal TV programme SHOWN ON A NORMAL TV LIKE THE GODS INTENDED US TO WATCH TV YOU MORONS I'd've quite understood the need for an info-dump, but surely no one would have missed a previous episode when you can view them ALL on your computer? (Or were they anticipating that some people would have given up in disgust but might possibly give Class a second chance with a later episode? Do we have much info about iPlayer viewing habits?)

Full exposed upper body of Ram but for April only slight side boob. If your going to, "explore adult themes" and stick a guidance warning at least do so and earn it with equally exposed shots of both, (you know gender equality and all that).

I don't know if you can apply gender equality to nudity. Surely a female's top half is more shocking than a male's and vice-versa for the bottom half.

How did April's mum not hear them having sex?

I'm assuming she must have been out and has just returned or something, surely April and Ram wouldn't have been QUITE so sex-mad as to not check if her mother was around first? Or if they sneaked in thinking she WAS around, they'd've locked the bedroom door?

"Don't let this chair fool you, if you've hurt my daughter I will kill you". While I can understand and sympathise with the sentiment that is pretty much an empty threat, (unless she's got a mid range gun in that thing's side pocket which I honestly wouldn't put past NuWho at this point).

It's a bit unbalanced for a twenty-first century non-Muslim London parent, isn't it? What, if Ram gets tired of April she's saying he has to stick around and marry her in some prehistoric fashion instead of hurting her feelings by ending it?

isn't it part of being a young adult to make one off mistakes like that?

I'd've thought so, even if it WAS a mistake which I doubt - why should it be? At the worst (if he ditches her straight after sex which, let's face it, her mother's attitude has made a LOT more likely) at least April will have ditched her 'born spinster' reputation.

She fixes her mother's disability by heal touch, yes the episode shows her healing herself but thats a side effect of sharing a heart with Corakinus. but will they explain how that translates to healing hands.

I didn't even notice April healing herself so found the whole magically-cure-mummy-of-paralysis-by-sticking-a-sword-through-her stuff INCREDIBLY stupid.

By V117 (V117) on Sunday, November 06, 2016 - 5:08 am:

Hasn't April screwed over her mum by making her able to walk again? How is she going to explain this miraculous recovery?
The social are going to assume she's been faking the whole time and force her to repay years worth of benefits and possibly move if the house was specially adapted. Add to that the near impossibility of getting a decent job and I'd say she's worse off.
Did Ness & Moffat actually think this through enough to follow this up or will it be, (more likely) glossed over?

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Sunday, November 06, 2016 - 9:57 am:

Hasn't April screwed over her mum by making her able to walk again?

It's Jesus Christ and the ex-leper ALL OVER AGAIN!

How is she going to explain this miraculous recovery?

Luckily she doesn't really have to. There must be YEARS of NHS records documenting her inability to walk, it's the poor old doctors and surgeons who'll have to pore over her miraculous recovery and try to think up a reason for it (preferably one that doesn't involve the personal intervention of Baby Jesus - Hallelujah! - or of course of her shadow-scimitar-wielding offspring).

'Psychosomatic' is the obvious solution. It wouldn't be conscious or deliberate, of course, but I can't think what else the 'experts' could deduce but that the shock of attempted-murder-by-her-husband had paralysed her, and his shock reappearance had, well, shocked her legs back into life.

The social are going to assume she's been faking the whole time and force her to repay years worth of benefits and possibly move if the house was specially adapted.

Obviously all bets are off as regards the Tory Government's benefits policies - a guy got sanctioned (i.e. told to live on £0.00 a week for several weeks) for failing to complete his I've-got-a-dodgy-heart-so-I-need-disability-benefit reassessment BECAUSE HE HAD A HEART ATTACK IN THE MIDDLE OF IT AND NO I'M NOT KIDDING - but as long as April's Mum reported her change in circumstances IMMEDIATELY, like RIGHT NOW with no excuses like HOMICIDAL HUSBAND LOOMING OVER ME and DAUGHTER JUST JUMPED INTO A HELL-DIMENSION AFTER STABBING ME IN THE HEART - then I'm fairly sure she'll only be docked all FUTURE disability benefits not required to pay anything back.

Add to that the near impossibility of getting a decent job and I'd say she's worse off.

She lives in LONDON, she presumably had some sort of job before getting paralysed, she's had YEARS to read up on her subject(s), there's really NO REASON she can't just go out and get one of those 'job' things RIGHT NOW.

(Yeah, I didn't say the Job Centre would be SYMPATHETIC about her wasted muscles or rusty-career-path or anything.)

And if the worst comes to the worst and April's Mum (if she actually has a name I'm certainly not going to bother to learn it) has to become a cleaner or something - well, SURELY she'll consider that she's INFINITELY better off not being some hideous dead-weight burden on her daughter for the rest of her life?

Did Ness & Moffat actually think this through enough to follow this up or will it be, (more likely) glossed over?

It's SUCH a cop-out (and insult to the rest of us non-cured cripples) to have the token disabled person suddenly able to walk that, yeah, they MUST have carefully considered the consequences and decided it created enough interesting drama to be worth it.

By Daniel Phillips (Danny21) on Sunday, November 06, 2016 - 4:28 pm:

"It's SUCH a cop-out (and insult to the rest of us non-cured cripples) to have the token disabled person suddenly able to walk that, yeah, they MUST have carefully considered the consequences and decided it created enough interesting drama to be worth it."


Sorry but I sincerely doubt it. Throw away event, I guarantee it.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Sunday, November 06, 2016 - 5:30 pm:


(I'd suggest a small wager only I'm still smarting from that time I lost 50p to someone at Tavern who claimed that the Doctor REGENERATING!!!! at the end of Stolen Earth would TOTALLY be a throw-away event resolved in MOMENTS.)

By Francois Lacombe (Franc0is) on Monday, November 07, 2016 - 6:28 am:

Why would a tree root bleed red? It wasn't the underside of arsehole dad's foot as he would have reacted and I doubt the petals work through thick shoe soles.

It's not a root, it's a squirrel or a rat the blossoms have been feasting on.

By V117 (V117) on Monday, November 07, 2016 - 1:40 pm:

I think it's a fairly safe bet that none of us ARE Cathars. Where do they think hell is?
Simplified: They believed Earth is the creation of Satan, (ie: "Evil" Old Testament God).

Hey, that cupboard has AT LEAST as much of a presence as Prince Charlie himself!
So none beyond physical existance.

Anyone else think Missy for a split second when the new headmistress is first shown?
No, but now you mention it...

If only Missy was written more like this rather then ridiculously over top insane with half her dialogue being Mofat brand, "look at me I'm female".

Maybe UNIT's Scientific Advisor is suppressing all Coal Hill info for nefarious purposes of her own. She is a bloody Zygon, after all.
Did we find out which one died? One of the Zygon/Human hybrids or Bonnie?

And whilst I was frankly concerned about the least they were INTERESTING. Post-War Britain? You're KIDDING me.
No I'm not kidding. Right now I think alot of sane people are worried about Nazi obessions as for Post War Britian I found it interesting and if nothing else it helped explain Tory damage/hatred.

What percentage of British Army soldiers DO get killed?
I'd make a dark joke here but I'll play it safe and say too many.

Rotating magama rock sphere with multiple psuedo dalek eystalk sticking out of it. I had to pause it because I was laughing hard at that.
Missed it. And I could have done with a good laugh.

17:38 to 17:47.

I don't know if you can apply gender equality to nudity. Surely a female's top half is more shocking than a male's and vice-versa for the bottom half.
Why not? Isn't equality in all practical things the point of gender equality? (Well it used to be I guess but thats another dicussion). Why would a female's top falf be more shocking when it's essentially the samething, (the top half of a human's torso?).
Going by her eyesight direction April's mum seemed more shocked and focused at Ram.

I didn't even notice April healing herself so found the whole magically-cure-mummy-of-paralysis-by-sticking-a-sword-through-her stuff INCREDIBLY stupid.
It still is.

It's Jesus Christ and the ex-leper ALL OVER AGAIN!
Good to know you can get Python references, (not that it was one).

(I'd suggest a small wager only I'm still smarting from that time I lost 50p to someone at Tavern who claimed that the Doctor REGENERATING!!!! at the end of Stolen Earth would TOTALLY be a throw-away event resolved in MOMENTS.)
The more I hear about Tavern exploits the more I want a book about them. It'd be like those newspaper reader's letters compalations.

It's not a root, it's a squirrel or a rat the blossoms have been feasting on.
Sorry my mistake. Shows how little attention is commands from someone watching it.

If April didn't want anything to do with her dad why does she have his number? How did he know hers hasn't he been in prison for a long time?

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, November 07, 2016 - 5:57 pm:

Simplified: They believed Earth is the creation of Satan, (ie: "Evil" Old Testament God).

Well, it certainly makes more sense than Earth being created by a benevolent deity, though of course my money's still on the Jaggeroth.

If only Missy was written more like this rather then ridiculously over top insane

I ADORE Missy's over-the-top insanity!

Did we find out which one died? One of the Zygon/Human hybrids or Bonnie?

I'm fairly sure Missy killed the human as I can't see the real Osgood going insane over the death of a Zygon duplicate. Which means BOTH of UNIT's Scientific Advisors are nasty orange blobs, one with a history of homicidal mania and one with a history of genocidal mania.

if nothing else it helped explain Tory damage/hatred.

You don't need years worth of history lessons for THAT, just spend a few seconds watching Thatcher quoting St Francis of Assisi of all things.

Good to know you can get Python references, (not that it was one).

It's NOT?!

If April didn't want anything to do with her dad why does she have his number? How did he know hers hasn't he been in prison for a long time?

She said something about him still having the same mobile phone number, which seems unlikely, you surely get SEVERAL YEARS for paralysing someone, oh and attempting to murder a kid.

And presumably she kept the same number through numerous upgrades.

By Francois Lacombe (Franc0is) on Monday, November 07, 2016 - 7:05 pm:

There may not be enough blossoms to consume humans yet, but there is certainly enough to cause problems as they take little bites off of anyone they come in contact with. From what I've seen, the people at large should have begun noticing something around the halfway point of the episode.

The Shadow King's scientists are having a hell of a time trying to locate Earth, but April just cuts a tear out of anger and hits the right spot with her first try? I don't think so.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Tuesday, November 08, 2016 - 3:33 am:

the people at large should have begun noticing something around the halfway point of the episode.

Not given how many years of pathological alien-denying they've practised...

April just cuts a tear out of anger and hits the right spot with her first try?

Maybe the link between the two halves of her heart were particularly strong at that moment or, um, something...

'He's out' - oh, YA THINK! Did the authorities really take a week or two to inform April's Mum* that, oh, by the way, the guy who crippled you for life in the process of trying to murder you and your daughter is out and about, best of luck, don't have nightmares - or did SHE take a week or two to bother to inform her daughter that, hey, by the way, your would-be murderer is prowling round, do keep an eye open, darling...?!

The police may not be much use for fighting Shadow-Kin/Dragon Tattoos/Dead People With Vines In Their Backs, but they COULD slam April's father straight back into jail where he belongs. (Alright, USUALLY with stalking cases it would take several years and your sanity but luckily, what with him being a convicted attempted-double-murderer, and all...)

'I'm OK, mum, really' - how about ASKING IF YOUR MUM'S OK, April? SHE was the one who got paralysed by this guy.

Quill's been here for 'a few' months. And it's been a month since the ill-fated prom. And she likes reading. Basically...she really SHOULD have got the concept of 'fiction' sorted out LONG AGO.

Matteusz is a PUPIL at this school? Since WHEN!

What sort of Court Order says you're not allowed to contact the woman and child you attempted to murder...except by letter? (Because, what, a letter WON'T UPSET THEM?)

'He's taking me over and I can't stop it' - you stopped him/yourself killing your dad. More's the pity.

What kind of freak regards the Whoniverse as 'a universe of light'?

After MONTHS on Earth, Charlie feels he has the right to tell Tanya not to question the morality of his culture?

'You don't really seem like an Andrea' - hasn't the Headmistress already admitted that she's dug up the truth about Quill? Shouldn't the fact her name's actually Andreth have been included?

'The Governors like a well-run school' - maybe they should have built it somewhere else then? Just a thought.

'It's a Prince's duty to save his people' - well, THANKS, Prince Charlie. Lucky no one mentioned 'Hey you're a COMMONER, you oik!' to the Doctor(s) while HE was saving his people. Over and over again.

'They're souls, they've already lived their lives' - what a marvellously tactful variation on Tom's 'Well, I mean, if you're the last of them, there can't be that many about to save, can there?'

'In the hands of the right person, the Cabinet is not just a weapon, it's a way of bringing the all back, all of Rhodia coming back in a new shape' - uh-oh. Isn't it bad enough that the Doctor decided some slave-keeping evil royalist was more important than any number of innocent young human lives, without him actually dumping the means of Rhodians TAKING OVER ALL OUR BODIES on Earth? What the hell is the MATTER with the guy? Whatever happened to our wonderfully ruthless 'Top layer if you want to say a few words' Capaldi?

In view of the fact that the last two episodes dragged their slender plots out interminably, I was just thinking this actually filled its running-time nicely when the dramatic confrontation between April and her dad dragged on...and on...and on...till it felt like it was directed by KEITH BOAK. (If Class had learnt ANYTHING from Torchwood it should have been to trim five, or better still ten, minutes off each episode.)

*I gave in and looked up her name. JACKIE? SERIOUSLY? I'm sorry, there's only one Jackie in the Whoniverse. End Of.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Sunday, November 08, 2020 - 5:58 am:

'Something you want to tell me' April's mum interrogates her cos the poor girl happens to be playing her violin quite emphatically...

'No more actual aliens still hanging about' - What on Earth is the point of Ram telling his dad the truth about Shadowkin and severed-legs and slaughtered-girlfriends and then NOT mentioning the whole Bunghole of Time thing?

'The Governors speak highly of you' - they're Weeping Angels. Weeping Angels don't tend to talk. Admittedly they'll occasionally rip out your vocal cords and give it a go, but they're highly unlikely to say anything NICE in the process...

Why is Tanya loudly talking about Charlie being an alien as dozens of pupils pass right by her?

'We sit here and talk about war like we have the first clue. The mind-set of a soldier. How can anyone here even guess?' - to be fair, you CAN be in the Territorial Army in Sixth Form college. And they CAN get called up to go to actual war. (Or at least, they could when I was at Sixth-Form colleague, I remember a fellow student getting very nervous when the Iraq War broke out and suddenly his fun hobby might get him KILLED.)

So April's dad's presumably been in prison for quite a while for mutilation-and-attempted-double-murder and suchlike, she'll've got a new mobile phone probably several times in that period, yet she's still got his number programmed into her mobile...under 'Dad'?

'Anyone who wants to kill you is going to have to come through me' - that's very sweet but the main problem at the moment is April's own body, not external threats.

'You're not going to die. I'll tell the others. I'll tell Quill. She's the one who had the gun. There'll be a way to fix this. You're not going to die' - how about PHONING THE DOCTOR? (Not that I can blame Ram for not having TOO much faith in him, given the rubbishness of his new leg.)

APRIL: It's like he's taking me over and I can't stop it.
RAM: That's not true. You didn't attack your dad.
APRIL: But I wanted to. I wanted to kill him. - Why the hell wouldn't you want to kill the scum who paralysed your mother and tried to murder you? That's a perfectly human reaction, nothing to do with Shadowkin.

So April's mum was in the room next door all along? And they didn't THINK of that?

JACKIE: Really? You should still be on your way home from school. Did they give you a note for this?
APRIL: We didn't plan it. - Why didn't she just answer her mother's question that, actually, the headmistress had given them both permission to leave school?

'Don't let this chair fool you. If you hurt my daughter, I will kill you' - that would be more convincing if the man WHO'D TRIED TO KILL YOUR DAUGHTER wasn't merrily strolling around harassing her.

APRIL: Mum, he's not Dad.
JACKIE: Oh, Sweetie, neither was your dad at first. - So, what, she's telling her daughter to stay away from all men forever because they're BOUND to turn into monsters?

So is London (the world?) now out of squirrels?

Oh, NOW Ram comes back. After inexplicably going away for a while after promising that anything that came for April would have to come through him...

Could April's mum's legs not STRAIGHTEN before?

Still feeling weirdly nostalgic about Class even though it's pretty awful.

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Sunday, November 08, 2020 - 4:39 pm:

Glad I haven't caved and actually watched it then...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Sunday, November 08, 2020 - 4:47 pm:

You can't JUST NOT WATCH something just because it's rubbish!

I mean, episode one has THE DOCTOR in it and everything!

By Francois Lacombe (Franc0is) on Sunday, November 08, 2020 - 5:20 pm:

I am honestly sad that they didn't make a second season.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, November 09, 2020 - 4:43 am:

Me too. Mostly out of sheer perversity but also, if Class had actually learnt from its numerous and blatant mistakes, Season Two could actually have been...quite enjoyable.

Plus, I really NEED TO KNOW what the hell the Weeping Angels are doing running a school...(Of course, the novels and audios could have gone for sequels and bloody TOLD me but chose to shoehorn themselves into Season One for some reason.)

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Monday, November 09, 2020 - 1:04 pm:

Oh I watched episode one and realised my worst fears had come true....

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, November 09, 2020 - 1:10 pm:

You think EPISODE ONE is your worst fear?

It was BY FAR the best episode of Class...

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - 10:20 am:

Then why on earth would I want to watch the rest?!?!?

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - 10:43 am:

It's not about what you WANT.

It's about what Nitcentral NEEDS.

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 - 2:20 am:

Nitcentral’s needs can go and bite me.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 - 1:49 pm:

Rather upset to find myself whimpering wistfully about the years of my life I could have saved with that attitude rather than shrieking-outragedly at your gross dereliction of duty...but please consider yourself shrieked at anyway...

By Tim McCree (Tim_m) on Thursday, November 12, 2020 - 5:40 am:

I feel the same way about the Alex Kurtzman Trek shows.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Friday, May 24, 2024 - 2:00 am:

I'm fairly sure Missy killed the human as I can't see the real Osgood going insane over the death of a Zygon duplicate.


According to The Eighth of March: Narcissus, anyway...

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