God Among Us

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Doctor Who: Audios: Torchwood: God Among Us
Future Pain

'So, yeah, apparently God's living in Cardiff now. Fancy.' Yvonne's got Mayor Ro-Jeddah in protective custody while her Sorvix people flee the planet, Ng's revealed to be God's Herald but has tired of the death of worlds, Tyler's in telesales, Whitehall's demanding proof of the existence of God, and Jack and Orr are fighting a psycho-plasmovoric giant slug at Mr Colchester's memorial service...

Thoughts: Of course I'd've been the first to complain about Colchester's miraculous survival but dammit, why kill off Torchwood's best character (again)? The Sorvix ripped open the Rift and fled...without anyone noticing any Rifty side-effects? Everyone's fairly convinced a hungry puddle is God instead of, say, that woman obsessed with the appalling nature of cocktail sausages at the funeral?

The Man Who Destroyed Torchwood

I, Brent Haydon of Tomorrow's Truth Media - which I run from my mother's basement - am DESTROYING insidious Torchwood! Exposing its LIES about the Sorvix ruling Cardiff when they just want to distract us from the REAL enemy - FOREIGNERS! And here's my man on the inside - Tyler! Oh. What do you MEAN, I was useful for debunking the Sorvix but now you've downloaded child-porn onto my computer...?

Thoughts: Mildly entertaining but somewhat over-stretched. Brent rants about aliens seeing us as food or breeding stock, but somehow omits to mention Children of Earth, the PROOF that actually, aliens see us as spliffs? Why is God helping random losers in bars get millions of YouTube followers? And in what way is this living up to her destroyer-of-worlds reputation?

See No Evil

The whole city's gone blind, thanks to an alien predator who brings their own darkness with them, in order to bite off people's heads. Yvonne gets everyone herded into Bute Park to be a nice tempting target and then shoots the thing dead when it duly turns up. Meanwhile, Captain Jack is getting Colchester's widower Colin safety back home - and snogging him when the late Colchester walks in...

Thoughts: 'She lost me a good friend' - so Jack doesn't care that Ng also murdered people? If the creature's all-but invisible then frankly being able to blind millions of people and build barriers and suchlike doesn't make MUCH evolutionary sense. None of the blind people NOTICE that PC Andy's strobe lighting restores their sight? And how fortunate that bullets can kill a patch of darkness.

Night Watch

Everyone's sleeping and with God's permission the Night Sun has just nipped through the rift to nibble on our dreams - whilst Orr keeps watch and, er, collects lost souls from the Sapphire Planet drawn to woe. And ends up in a bucket after accepting God's love. Whilst Colchester is debating his own existence with his husband and Yvonne is attempting to conjure up Ianto - and getting Norton instead.

Thoughts: How come Colin's allowed to keep Colchester's possessions when the rules and regulations state Torchwood gets to confiscate them - as they did his body? 'I just can't help helping' - and you don't mind leaving every planet you 'help' as a wasteland? Yvonne suddenly goes MAD and attempts to magically recreate Ianto cos of his great record - hello! CYBER-GIRLFRIEND IN BASEMENT!

Flight 405

Trapped on the edge of the Rift for sixty years, a plane carrying a Lens-that-beams-energy-in-and-out-of-other-dimensions is about to destroy the world. So precocious 1950s ghost (soft-light faradine projection. Whatever.) Norton Folgate beams up there with an Yvonne-projection, they stop the crash...and then they offer the Lens to the evil Committee for which they're secretly working!

Thoughts: At this extortionate price I expect longer than 45 minutes. And better than...whatever THAT was. I thought that half-baked Committee idea had been put out of its misery years ago? Colchester THANKS Captain Jack for being there for his widower EVEN THOUGH HE WALKED IN ON 'EM ABOUT TO HAVE SEX? Jack has been miraculously cured of his latest brief and pointless flirtation with mortality?

Hostile Environment

Alien fire-drones are offering the homeless of Cardiff a choice - take part in clinical-drug-trials or be burnt to death. Tyler Steele being one of said homeless, he hacks a drone and tracks the supervillain - ordinary bloke Ben trying to pay the mortgage - to his lair and offers him the same choice as he's been offering Tyler and his new comrades. Whereupon Yvonne offers Tyler an official place in Torchwood.

Thoughts: Why is Tyler more worried that a passer-by might talk to him about God than that she might tag him with her phone, resulting in yet another potentially-devastating drug-trial? The homeless didn't just jump on the next train outta Cardiff? Ng - that's rape-Gwen's-body-and-kill-Gwen's-mother Ng - is overcome with guilt that Torchwood didn't do more for casual-occasional-informant Tyler?

Another Man's Shoes

The body-swapping technology the Committee's planning on using when the Reset happens - to select new bodies from the survivors and take control of the devastation - has been activated by God to test Torchwood. While Jack-in-Colchester's-body is celebrating his husband's birthday and Norton-in-Tyler's-body shags anything that moves, Andy-in-Yvonne's-body discovers she's working for the Committee...

Thoughts: Fun if confusing. When God promises that THIS time she won't destroy the planet why doesn't Ng ask for details like WHY NOT? Andy tells Ng he'll never forgive her for what she did to Gwen (AT LAST! Though as a policeman surely he should be thinking in terms of LIFE SENTENCES rather than forgiveness-in-a-Christ-like-act-of-benevolence)...and then offers to make her a cup of tea?

Eye of the Storm

The power station the Sorvix kept off the coast has been shaken loose by recent storms and its meltdown could take out half of Western Europe. Realising the Committee are trying to divert its energy into the Earth's core to destroy us all, Folgate uses the Lens to send it into the Rift instead. Yvonne likewise betrays the Committee to evacuate Cardiff and divert the coming tsunami into the Hub...

Thoughts: Yvonne claims that UNIT consists of red-faced men in epaulettes? When was that EVER the case, let alone now that it's all-female...er...put on hold pending financial review...? Smart of Colchester to get suspicious of the convenience of the very thing they need to stop this disaster dropping into Torchwood's laps - but it's THE WHONIVERSE, 'serendipity' is its middle name...

A Mother's Son

Two months after Cardiff was all-but destroyed in a tsunami, Bethan Foster is ineffectively trying to find the son who was washed away, Andy Davidson is ineffectively trying to run refugee camps, and an Inquiry is ineffectively trying to discover who gave the last-minute order to raise the flood defences. Bethan stops Yvonne drugging the water long enough to tell the world that it was Torchwood.

Thoughts: So Orr's alive? That's the second Torchwood member this season to get killed off only to turn up again. Only we actually CARED about Colchester. Bethan betrays Orr to Tyler WHY, exactly? The genocidally-ruthless Committee wreak vengeance on Yvonne for betraying them by, er, holding a bureaucratic investigation that might uncover the fact that she saved (what's left of) Cardiff?


ScrapeJane - a lonely ghoul who eats souls - was invented by urban explorer Meredith Pope for fun but has now started invisibly ripping anyone - or Weevil - who believes in her to pieces, courtesy of God's faith-field. Colchester and Ng eventually dispose of the millennial monstrosity by smashing the stained-glass-window on which she was based and claiming it's the end.

Thoughts: Most Weevils eat each other, and only wander out for the occasional human treat? I thought they were all snuggled up very uncannibalistically in Dead Man Walking? It REALLY didn't occur to Colchester that getting his husband to believe in ScrapeJane was a terrible idea? Ng didn't mention sooner that the flood resulted in God screaming and then falling silent for two months?

Day Zero

With Cardiff's water supply shut off due to mould contamination, Orr is its only source, resulting in Andy 'yellow-stickered Mosley' Davidson shooting people who'd seized control of the 'illegal cache'. Yvonne finally talks to Captain Jack and a tired God, Orr starts crying to make it rain and glowing cos it's the end of the world, and God gets locked up by the Disaster Recovery Committee...

Thoughts: Everyone's chanting for water (not the most sensible thing to do when you're thirsty), yet no one asks how much poisonous mould they ingested before the supply was cut off? And everyone just assumes Orr's supply is pure? Why does Colin think Orr's a 'marvel' for being in a room with working taps - and why doesn't he realise that SHE'S generating the magic water?

Thoughts and Prayers

The Committee's Reset is spreading - first Cardiff, then the world - but Torchwood escape from their various incarcerations and make their way to the Hub, where Yvonne instructs Orr - imbued with God's powers - to use the Rift-Manipulator-and-dimension-bridge established there by the Committee to blow up their homeworld. Whereupon Torchwood go on the run after getting blamed again...

Thoughts: It's a great relief that Andy was undercover rather than evil but I'm not sure he was any use at it, let alone several-dead-civilians-worth of use. No one's ever asked God what she wants before? There's not a single token question about the morality of wiping out an entire inhabited planet? God really WAS a bit of a waste of space wasn't she, though maybe as an atheist I shouldn't complain?

Courtesy of Emily

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 - 4:35 am:

Ok. I have to review this set. I suspect it's a sequel to alien amongst us? What do I need to know?

Unless Emily wants to ship me her cds.....

....wow I can hear her laughing from here!

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 - 11:53 am:


The Hub has reappeared (miracle? Large rebuilding project? Don't ask me) and seems identical to before it was blown up.

Aliens are now running Cardiff. (They'd taken over by the time Aliens Among Us started, probably some sort of explanation was given, damned if I remember WHAT.)

Alt-Yvonne Hartman from Pete's Universe has popped in, started running Torchwood cos everyone got sick of Jack just not bothering to be around much, think she's been ousted and has teamed up with Cardiff's alien mayor (think Blon only obviously not quite as much fun).

New Torchwood members include:

Orr, an alien shapeshifter who alters according to people's desires. When in a sentient building s/he grew a sexy elevator or something. No, I'm not making this stuff up.

Mr Colchester who is so perfect he feels like he's ALWAYS been at Torchwood. Astonishingly English and old-fashioned and courteous and sexist, oh and he's married. To a Muslim man. He's just apparently been shot dead (Colchester I mean, the husband was apparently shot dead a few episodes earlier only HE turned out to be just fine and judging by the God Among Us cast list so will Colchester).

Ng who took over Gwen's body for months without anyone noticing, had sex with Jack, killed Gwen's mum etc, eventually Jack got a wee bit suspicious and left the Rift open in order to separate them into two beings, whereupon Gwen abruptly departed Torchwood forever (bloody Eve Myles' bloody other commitments), Ng's still lying around. Unfortunately said Rift-opening brought the Cardiff-running aliens' god through.

There's also Tyler who kinda works for the mayor and occasionally reports to Torchwood. Well, I think it's that way round anyway.

Oh, and there's a nasty anti-alien terrorist group only apparently Captain Jack's been secretly running it all along only of course it was all a double-bluff. Or something.

Yes this all sounds unspeakably rubbish but thanks to the RTG magic most of it actually worked pretty well, or at least WOULD have done if Jack n'Gwen, you know, ACTUAL TORCHWOOD, hadn't been AWOL most of the time.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Friday, October 26, 2018 - 4:59 am:

Future Pain:

Tyler info-dumps the events of Aliens Among Us to a random stranger he's ringing up to sell insurance-refunds to WHY exactly? (Alright, he's feeling very frustrated but this can't exactly be a new feeling for Tyler.)

Tyler would give ANYTHING to have Colchester back even though he couldn't stand the guy? Why would he say something like that, hasn't Cardiff had enough other innocent casualties over the last few months/years? (I don't remember Tyler being inadvertently-responsible or anything? And even if he was, working for Cardiff's Sorvix Mayor all that time should have got him used to blood on his hands.) I was kinda expecting Colchester to be miraculously-resurrected on the spot, given that a remark that jarring has to be leading SOMEWHERE and I'm pretty sure the woman he's talking to is actually God.

'What have I got left? The knowledge he died saving the world. That's something. And ten lasagnes.' - DID Colchester die saving the world? I got the impression the world distinctly wasn't saved, God coming through has doomed us all...

Of course I'd've moaned my head off if Gwen (and Rhys) hadn't bothered to attend Colchester's funeral but that cameo of voices-that-didn't-sound-much-like-them-to-ME wasn't much better.

'Make your peace with Yvonne' 'She threw me off a building' 'You can be very annoying' and (to Colchester's widower) 'He was a magnificent person who thought of you sexually often' - Orr is starting to come into hir own, not before time.

Blimey, that creature in the car-park goes on a lot. Also not sure how Orr destroys it, there's a delicate balance between embarrassing info-dumps and leaving it ALL to the imagination, you know.

Torchwood couldn't even pay the water bill when they re-occupied the Hub? How exactly did they restore it and pay everyone wages and suchlike?

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Saturday, October 27, 2018 - 1:57 am:

Tyler info-dumps the events of Aliens Among Us to a random stranger he's ringing up to sell insurance-refunds to WHY exactly?
It's so people like me who haven't heard the previous season have some idea of the starting point to this little adventure. Common writing technique. Phil calls it a "cabbageism"- basically when a character treats another person like a cabbagehead so the audience is "in" on the story.

I was kinda expecting Colchester to be miraculously-resurrected on the spot
Dude, there's like 11 episodes to go so I'm thinking you're yet to be proven wrong...

Blimey, that creature in the car-park goes on a lot. Also not sure how Orr destroys it, there's a delicate balance between embarrassing info-dumps and leaving it ALL to the imagination, you know.
and defeated a little too easily methinks for a "God"...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Saturday, October 27, 2018 - 4:35 am:

Apparently the Cardiff Unknown podcast spends all 23 minutes regurgitating Aliens Among Us for those who neglected their Aliens Among Us duties, but I got so annoyed I switched off after a couple of minutes. (No doubt I'll be back to nitpick it shortly, it's like I just can't help myself.)

Dude, there's like 11 episodes to go so I'm thinking you're yet to be proven wrong...


and defeated a little too easily methinks for a "God"...

Which makes Torchwood continuing to blithely assume it IS God rather stupid (even by Torchwood standards. Anyway, they have a Glorious New Leader who probably brings their collective IQ up a few points even if she IS, y'know, Yvonne Hartman).

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Saturday, October 27, 2018 - 2:04 pm:

Second episode: that was.....bizarre. I was rolling my eyes at the typical portrayal of you tubers. White male...check. Mums basement.....check.
It's actually really hard to nitpick because apart from Tyler moping around like an angry git basically telegraphing that he's gonna betray Brent it's hard to know what's real.
This story advances the plot how exactly?

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Saturday, October 27, 2018 - 2:48 pm:

The Man Who Destroyed Torchwood:

It's actually really hard to nitpick because apart from Tyler moping around like an angry git basically telegraphing that he's gonna betray Brent it's hard to know what's real.

QUITE. People who spend entire episodes doing dream sequences don't realise how hard they make life for the poor nitpickers.

This story advances the plot how exactly?

To be fair, they've got TWELVE EPISODES, they can afford to spend some of 'em messing around.

Could even Brent have believed that food manufacturers would put additives in our food so our faeces will be tastier for the Ware-villes in the sewers? Did he think the...Ware-villes were PAYING them?

Couldn't he go straight to the police and tell them the TRUTH - that someone else downloaded the filth and that he's never looked at it? Or maybe destroy his computer or phone or whatever it was on and start again with a new computer that presumably he can afford thanks to divine intervention giving him loads of viewers?

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Tuesday, October 30, 2018 - 1:16 pm:

See No Evil:

'I look beyond the outer skin, I see inside' - what, just like Orr, you mean? Aren't Ng and Orr just a bit too SIMILAR? Torchwood now has TWO alien freaks who can see inside you and change shape to suit you...and, incidentally, NO Welsh members. (Though Ng's kept the Welsh accent for some reason.)

'It wants us vulnerable because this is a hunt' - how the hell did Yvonne leap to THAT conclusion! (Alright, she's entirely correct but that's not the POINT.)

NO ONE asks if their blindness is permanent? (Does NO ONE read Day of the Triffids any more?) Or responds to the night-vision goggles working with a sigh of relief that it's not permanent?

'No one else is going to be stupid enough to try the roads so basically they'll be empty' - sure, cos when all those drivers SUDDENLY WENT BLIND they'd totally NOT HAVE CRASHED THEIR CARS ALL OVER THE ROAD.

Yvonne: 'Things have been busy, ever since City Hall literally dropped on top of me' - oh, is THAT what happened in Aliens Among Us? How come you're in such good health then, you're not CAPTAIN JACK.

So first Yvonne makes BLIND Andy shoot out of the car at a PATCH OF DARKNESS he probably wouldn't be able to see, let alone hit, even if he wasn't - hello! - blind! - all because she's driving (they don't teach you to shoot and drive in Torchwood?!) and then she gives him the goggles so he can shoot while she just carries on driving even though - hello! BLIND NOW!

Captain Jack's been mortal or dying (or whatever) ever since the explosion at the end of Aliens Among Us? Look, this would be a great idea to explore if only it hadn't already been explored across ten excruciating episodes in Miracle Day.

Also - WORSHIP our Bad Wolf Rose Tyler Goddess-Creature! - it would take more than a stupid explosion to mess with HER work.

Was there any point whatsoever in making Colin a Muslim when there's never been the slightest indication that, well, he's a Muslim? Sure, all god-botherers are raging hypocrites - or they'd've done their godly duty and stoned me to death in the street long ago - but Rita-from-God-Complex managed to be brave and intelligent and BORN Companion material and STILL somehow manage to convey that she actually BELIEVED in this...stuff.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Wednesday, October 31, 2018 - 6:43 pm:

Night Watch:

If the Night Sun puts entire planets to sleep, does that mean the rest of the world is out too - a second The Invasion-style planetary snooze? Cos no one MENTIONS it.

'I didn't think I would sleep...or COULD sleep' says Captain Jack. Well, you dropped off in Small Worlds though obviously I don't take anything in Small Worlds as canon.

There's a magical Paradigm Projector lying around the Hub (after it's been destroyed. Several times)?

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 11:14 pm:

And https://www.glamadelaide.com.au/audiobook-review-torchwood-god-among-us-part-1-by-big-finish/, here is my review part one of this season.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Thursday, November 15, 2018 - 3:48 am:

(only without the finesse of Russell T Davis’ deft writing hand).

I dunno if 'finesse' is the word that springs to mind with RTG but *sob* I MISS his WRITIN' HAND!

whilst dealing with a new band of recruits...All of them carry on where the previous team lead off

Do you mean 'left' off? And they ARE the previous team (even if Ng spent twelve episodes pretending to be Gwen for, er, some reason).

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 8:48 am:

There's a magical Paradigm Projector lying around the Hub (after it's been destroyed. Several times)?

Also after the Hub's alien tech has been flogged off to the Yanks, according to the novels and Miracle Day...

Captain Jack's been mortal or dying (or whatever) ever since the explosion at the end of Aliens Among Us? Look, this would be a great idea to explore if only it hadn't already been explored across ten excruciating episodes in Miracle Day.

Also if it hadn't been briefly and implausibly dealt with in a casual one-liner ('I think the Black Sun cured me') in Flight 405...

Flight 405:

Don't do ANOTHER plane-crashing-to-Earth story, not after Ianto's Fall to Earth was such an unexpected classic.

God continues to work in mysterious ways. Seriously, she hasn't got anything BETTER to do with her life than pop aboard a ghost-plane to offer Norton tea and biscuits?

No one at Torchwood wonders where Orr is?

Andy doesn't question Norton's sudden 'Found it!' claim AFTER they'd supposedly searched every inch of that plane?

Yvonne claims that Andy has 'just risked his life' - actually he risked an eternity of torment, 'life' doesn't BEGIN to cover it.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Thursday, February 21, 2019 - 3:11 pm:

Hostile Environment:

'It takes a long time for them to burn, especially when its raining' - but no one NOTICES?

TYLER: I've spent the day sleeping in my own .
GOD: Apart from that - god, God is SO RTG, isn't she...aside from the fact that, halfway through her sojourn on Earth, she's done little but offer the odd person some soup or biscuits...

Aaand still none of Torchwood seem to have noticed that Orr has disappeared/ended up in a bucket...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 5:54 am:

Another Man's Shoes:

Oh. Tyler's NOT a proper Torchwood member, just a lodger? I got the impression Yvonne signed him up at the end of the last episode? It didn't sound unofficial, and as Tyler's been unofficially working with Torchwood for years, unofficial status would have been utterly pointless anyway.

Ng claims that everything she did was to stop God finding this planet? How did having sex with Captain Jack or KILLING GWEN'S MUM help (fail to) achieve this?

Why doesn't Tyler check that Norton's using PRECAUTIONS whilst having sex in HIS body? Has the guy-from-the-1950s even HEARD of AIDS?

Even infatuated Andy (never mind the rest of the team) should be questioning Yvonne's declaration that Ng's in charge because she's far more dependable with the day-to-day admin than Captain Jack is. Ng's a MURDEROUS IMPOSTOR, even Torchwood should have some sort of STANDARDS.

'What happened to Orr' - AT LAST! (Though Ng needn't think that just because she's the only Torchwooder to give a about their vanished comrade, I'll forgive her and/or make her tea...)

'Clever Colchester...I underestimated him' - yeah, as you're pretending BE Colchester, maybe don't say that out loud, Jack.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Sunday, February 24, 2019 - 9:22 am:

Eye of the Storm:

'I've been working towards what's about to happen for the last ten years' - it's been TEN YEARS since alt-Yvonne slipped through the dimensions! Doesn't time fly when you're having fun!

Oh, NOW Folgate realises the Committee's been lying to him? Which bit of their DESTROY AND/OR ENSLAVE THE PLANET agenda was he on-board with before and, y'know....WHY?

Why is Jack in such bad shape? Either he died and got resurrected - in which case he should be absolutely fine - or the radiation shouldn't really have affected him at all, a la Utopia.

Aaaand yet again...when did a planet-destroying God become Earth's Champion and WHY? And if she's God, how come the Committee-guy can run rings around her? This is even worse than when God decided to drive an ice-cream van...

Oh, DAVID WARNER was playing the Committee-guy! On the one hand, it's a relief not to recognise his voice as BF wheel him out at every available opportunity and usually I instantly spot EXACTLY who the Unbound Doc/Cuthbert/Mycroft/Betterman etc etc are. On the other hand, he sounds incredibly like Colchester (I blame Captain Jack for previously drawing attention to Colchester's 'low unearthly rumble') which makes for WAY more confusion than merely thinking 'Oh god, not David Warner again'.

'I did my duty....I did my duty....I did my duty...' - you sold your species to alien planet-destroyers for no readily apparent reason you alt-uni , don't try coming over all REAL Yvonne on me now.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, June 24, 2019 - 1:08 pm:

A Mother's Son:

'You'd think people would just leave' - er, QUITE.

'I'm on the winning side and you lot are history' - sorry, since when has dear old PC Andy come out with that sort of thing? Especially to his beloved Yvonne? Doesn't he realise the Disaster Recovery Committee are EVIL? (Not necessarily nits, it could be that it's all explained in the previous box set and they're just being over-optimistic expecting me to remember.)

Wouldn't the numerous people given orders by Torchwood have MENTIONED it to someone in the two months before they were forced to forget?

Yvonne offers to make Bethan forget her son with one retcon pill. This isn't exactly the first time I've wondered how the that drug works. Extracting one person from all her memories of the last twenty years? HOW? And it's hardly gonna wipe Bethan's friends' and families' memories of Anthony, not to mention her house presumably full of his stuff...

Still, at least Yvonne had the decency to OFFER, unlike Gwen in Adrift.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 - 5:48 pm:


God I miss Gwen. And God I miss Captain Jack, where the IS he?!

'ScrapeJane has already killed once' - Colchester is a racist! He's only counting human casualties and totally ignoring the Weevil nest she ripped to pieces!

'I think I came back because my husband loved me...he believes in me so much he brought me back' - you do remember he was ABOUT TO HAVE SEX WITH CAPTAIN JACK when you came back from the dead, right? You weren't exactly the first thing on his mind. (Also, if you can't think of a better explanation for Colchester's Lazarus trick...just don't GIVE us an explanation. Better still, don't kill him off then resurrect him in the first place.)

And it's 'exactly the same' Colchester bizarrely claims vis-a-vis ScrapeJane despite the fact NO ONE loves HER.

'I'm lost and I'm frightened because maybe Colin will realise I'm not real and stop believing in me' - hmm. Wasn't there an earlier episode that dealt with the whole 'You're not real!' issue? Without Colchester vaporising?

Why exactly is Torchwood being BLAMED for the tsunami instead of THANKED for, say, GETTING THE NUCLEAR SUB OUTTA THERE?

By Francois Lacombe (Franc0is) on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 - 7:14 pm:

Why exactly is Torchwood being BLAMED for the tsunami instead of THANKED for, say, GETTING THE NUCLEAR SUB OUTTA THERE?

Did they cause the tsunami?

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Thursday, June 27, 2019 - 4:04 am:

Certainly not.

They just realised there was going to be a tsunami shortly before it hit, and when that came out at the Inquiry suddenly everyone's bizarrely shrieking 'OMG Torchwood caused the tsunami!' (HOW? WHY?) instead of 'OMG thank the gods that Torchwood realised a tsunami was on the way and raised the flood defences, started an evacuation and ensured a nuclear sub didn't spill radiation all over us AS WELL.'

Also, I'm not sure how the revelation of Torchwood's very existence fits in with that old lady's 'Bloody Torchwood' in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Friday, June 28, 2019 - 12:43 pm:

Day Zero:

'Cardiff has never been so interesting' - oh I dunno Andy, having Bubonic plague, Roman Centurions and the Devil's son stomping around was marginally more interesting than a water shortage.

So Andy's furious with Yvonne for causing all this (by working for the Committee), and says the Disaster Recovery Committee will fix it. Has he really not noticed that the Committee is behind the DRC? How can Yvonne not point this fact out to him?

Oh, so NOW Captain Jack sees fit to pop up and ask Yvonne why she was working with the Committee?!

'I was working WITH them not FOR them' is Yvonne's 'explanation' for why she was helping a bunch of evil aliens destroy the world. 'If I'd made the simple choice the world could have been reset. Maybe that would have been better' - in what conceivable way? 'But they knew you couldn't let all those people die' says Captain Jack, being weirdly supportive of Yvonne and even more bizarrely of the Committee. 'Couldn't I? It was Tyler. He talked me into improvising' - oh-kay...?

'Something's wrong with Jack! He's not reviving!' Ng yells loudly enough for everyone to hear.

'Where did this come from' - you're not the only one wondering why Colchester's suddenly viciously attacking you, Tyler.

'You saved the world' - Cardiff isn't the world, moron.

Oh not YET ANOTHER 'Jack is mortal again!' storyline, PLEASE.

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Saturday, June 29, 2019 - 3:52 pm:

You must have been happy to see the hosts of that ridiculous "podcast" get their final bow surely?

First episode of part 3 was very VERY dark and very depressing. A bit like most of Miracle Day....

Enjoyed episode 2 much more. Still struggling to not hear Gwen when Ng speaks.....

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Saturday, June 29, 2019 - 4:11 pm:

You must have been happy to see the hosts of that ridiculous "podcast" get their final bow surely?

Are you suggesting I'm the sort of psychopath who'd be happy when one mildly-annoying person was ripped to pieces and another locked in a psychiatric ward?

Yeah, OK, TOTALLY happy.

First episode of part 3 was very VERY dark and very depressing.

Only if you care about the bereaved mother's suffering, which I'm struggling to do as a) she really ought to have grasped the fact that HER SON IS DEAD by now, b) she really ought to have googled Cardiff before packing him off to university there and c) she really oughtn't to have betrayed Orr like that.

Still struggling to not hear Gwen when Ng speaks.....

Yes, it's a bit odd that she's actually MORE Gwen-like since stopping pretending to be Gwen.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Sunday, June 30, 2019 - 5:30 am:

Thoughts and Prayers:

'Finally! I was beginning to worry' - so, er, why DID it take so long? We finally get an explanation for Our Captain's earlier brief pointless spell of mortality (to pay for Colchester's resurrection. Which was all due to Tyler wishing really hard. Or something) but not for THIS.

'You're working for the bad guys' Captain Jack tells Andy. Andy responds that he knows where he is with them, things got too complicated, he WANTS 'a fresh start' (viz, the obliteration of most of humanity). 'There'll be a mass slaughter' Jack points out. Andy claims he's fine with 'a clean slate with only the right people in it'. This would be a massively unsatisfactory 'explanation' of why our adorably-if-stupidly-heroic PC (see, for example, Children of Earth: Day Five) turned genocidally evil, and it's rendered EVEN MORE pointless by Captain Jack's later revelation that 'Andy's been working on the side of the angels all along. He's been working for me.'

'This is the day God dies' - sadly not but it IS the day she decides to open a cafe. This whole 'God' thing didn't work out particularly well, did it.

Surely the perception filter wouldn't work if people KNOW you're there?

Um, why does Andy arrest Yvonne? Is maintaining his cover more important than her LIFE, because if the Committee were pissed off at her before for temporarily-delaying their Fiendish Scheme to wipe out most of humanity, they're gonna be REALLY pissed at her BLOWING UP THEIR PLANET which was (presumably) chock-full of their friends and family.

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Thursday, July 04, 2019 - 1:53 pm:

I prefer to think of the arrest as the prelude to some kinky sex thing between the two of them.

This was ok. Not brilliant. Not awful. Just ok.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Thursday, July 04, 2019 - 3:48 pm:

I prefer to think of the arrest as the prelude to some kinky sex thing between the two of them.

Actually I think I'll just stick with YVONNE IS DOOMED!, thanks all the same.

This was ok. Not brilliant. Not awful. Just ok.

I'd put it better than 'OK', but the promising (i.e. RTG) bits never quite came to fruition...

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - 1:04 am:

and here is my review for vol. 3 of this set.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - 2:07 pm:

'John Barrowman’s Captain Jack Harkness is kept very much on the sidelines until the final episode which will no doubt anger some fans of the original series' - well, seriously annoy anyway. No Gwen and barely any Captain Jack? If you think Orr and Ng will ever replace 'em in anyone's hearts you've got another think coming.

NG wrote A Mother's Son? Thank the gods I didn't know that at the time, despite Ianto actually making a decent job of it, Leela's The Abandoned has scarred me for life when it comes to Who characters being permitted to WRITE episodes.

'A strong, if not entirely satisfying, conclusion to an audacious season' - that's actually...very fair. Unlike the 3/5 score.

'Fans who have yet to experience Torchwood on Big Finish may need to start with the first God Among Us set- or even better yet, the Believe set which features the original cast from the TV series' - Nah, God Among Us is a sequel to Aliens Among Us so start with THAT (certainly not Believe which rather squanders the fact Owen bothered to turn up for a change).

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - 4:33 pm:

Well, oh great and ever-knowing moderator, what score would YOU have given it out of five??

Nah, God Among Us is a sequel to Aliens Among Us so start with THAT (certainly not Believe which rather squanders the fact Owen bothered to turn up for a change).
Yes but GAU at least attempts to tell us what happens in the first. Honestly at $90 for the entire season on download, I'm trying to help people save money. At least "Believe" has recognisable characters and is limited to one set even if it may not be the greatest Torchwood eps ever.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 - 3:27 am:

Well, oh great and ever-knowing moderator, what score would YOU have given it out of five??

I'd've probably stretched to a four.

Not that it's MY views on the audio that matter so much as your mere 60% clashing with what YOU said about it being strong and audacious. I know you do half-stars and could maybe have slipped this one, just so it scored better than, say, Sync which you rightly pointed out was 'thin on plot and character development...hits predictable beats...does not provide the listener with too many surprises or shocks.'

Yes but GAU at least attempts to tell us what happens in the first.

Though I don't know how successful that attempt was since I HEARD Aliens Among Us. (It didn't, for example, give us a clue about how the Rift had mysteriously returned post-House of the Dead, or how the Hub had been mysteriously rebuilt post-Children of Earth, though to be fair neither did Aliens Among Us.)

Honestly at $90 for the entire season on download, I'm trying to help people save money.

A noble aim but maybe just tell 'em to avoid Big Finish like the plague. Being a Who Fan carries a high chance of being a fanatical-completest and once you start, well, you're pretty much doomed.

At least "Believe" has recognisable characters and is limited to one set even if it may not be the greatest Torchwood eps ever.

If you're THAT desperate for some Owen-y goodness, I'd recommend Corpse Day. Shorter and cheaper than Believe and very, um, well, I'm not sure the words have been invented to describe it, but let's just say it's...unforgettable.

By Matthew See (Matthew_see) on Monday, December 09, 2019 - 6:33 pm:

A Mother's Son:
A Mother's Son is the first episode of Part 3 of God Among Us.
I was surprise to find the said mother Bethan Foster was played by Mina Anwar who had played Rani's own mother Gita Chandra in The Sarah Jane Adventures.
Her performance as Bethan is in sharp contrast as Gita and magnificent at it.
Written by Alexandra Riley who also plays Ng but curiously did not write herself as Ng in this episode.
This comes in the aftermath of the previous episode Eye of the Storm as Bethan is a mother whose son became missing because of it.
This is Bethan's story as she dominates it with limited appearances by some of the Torchwood characters.
This in the midst of an inquiry on recent events.
Water became the key aspect in all this and on second listen the first indication of this was when Yvonne at the inquiry refused water.
Then later on God said it explicitly about something in the water.
Absolutely enthralling on hearing the pouring of water as its significance is revealed.
Among the witnesses at the inquiry was a submarine captain.
At the same time in listening to this I saw
A Series of Unfortunate Events 3.3 Grim Grotto: Part 1 which coincidentally featured a submarine.

A Mother's Son is truly a mesmerizing episode thanks to Mina Anwar as a frantic mother looking for her son.

All this culminates with a choice that has been left ambiguous at the end.

By Matthew See (Matthew_see) on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - 12:48 am:

Cardiff Unknown:

Cardiff Unknown is a Big Finish podcast set within the world of Torchwood and released in October 2018 as a tie-in to God Among Us and can be listened here:


The hosts of Cardiff Unknown, Jeff and Niamh who presents a programme of events relating to Torchwood.

They interview Brent Hayden who is featured in the second God Among Us episode as The Man Who Destroyed Torchwood (well he tried to be).

One case they investigated is Flight 405 before the episode about it by that name.

Gareth Thomas is referenced undoubtedly an in-joke of him appearing in Ghost Machine playing Ed Morgan.

Jeff and Niamh would later turn up in a full fledged episode ScrapeJane, the subject of which they investigate in this podcast.

Very fun way to promote God Among Us.

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - 1:04 am:

Very fun way to promote God Among Us.

If by "fun" you mean "annoying" then yes you are spot on.

By Matthew See (Matthew_see) on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - 1:12 am:

No doubt you are satisfied what happened to Jeff and Niamh in ScrapeJane.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - 4:08 am:

Yeah, it WAS quite satisfying...

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - 1:22 pm:

What she said!

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Thursday, January 02, 2020 - 5:56 am:

So, what now for Torchwood - casually killed off on-screen without the Doctor giving a ?

Presumably Big Finish will just ignore this and carry on with the present-day adventures of Torchwood?

After all, they have some excuse, as Blon put it: 'We're in Cardiff. London doesn't care. The South Wales coast could fall into the sea and they wouldn't notice.'

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, June 29, 2020 - 1:31 pm:

Presumably Big Finish will just ignore this and carry on with the present-day adventures of Torchwood?

I'm GOOD at this.

Yup, Torchwood are alive and well and spying on the Eighth Doctor in 2020 London in Stranded, regardless of the events of Spyfall (Doctor says they're 'gone') or of God Among Us (they're on the run. AGAIN).

And it's not just random hitherto-unheard-of Torchwood agents, we're talking ANDY DAVIDSON, here...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 - 4:42 pm:

Yup, Torchwood are alive and well and spying on the Eighth Doctor in 2020 London in Stranded, regardless of the events of Spyfall (Doctor says they're 'gone') or of God Among Us (they're on the run. AGAIN).

OK, to be fair, we finally get an explanation in Stranded 2:

'Torchwood, it's all a bit...er...gone. Has been for months. After that trouble in the Bay, they all became persons [sic] non grata. I had to arrest my girlfriend' - dear old Andy.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Sunday, May 30, 2021 - 8:15 am:

Brent rants about aliens seeing us as food or breeding stock, but somehow omits to mention Children of Earth, the PROOF that actually, aliens see us as spliffs?

Also odd that he failed to mention (and presumably notice) the fact TWO alien conspiracy freaks were murdered within a few hours of each other in Cardiff in The Conspiracy (with Torchwood's fingers deliberately left all over both scenes)...

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