
Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Doctor Who: Audios: Masterful

Gloaty McGloatface drags his other selves to an obsidian castle to celebrate his conquest of the universe with a spot of karaoke and Jo-Grant-sacrificing. Then the Entropy Wave he accidentally unleashed on Kiamet arrives, having devoured the rest of said universe. Our Anti-Heroes flee via timescoop to refugee ships (Young Prig and Bald), lakeside romances with a woman called Kitty (American and Crispy), galaxy-edge romances with each other (Missy and Unbound) and road-trips (Saxon and War) before reuniting for the War Master to kill them all with poisoned champagne, thus wiping out this timeline cos the Entropy Wave is their future self...

Thoughts: Bat**** crazy, as befits a Glorious Master Reunion, and considerably more fun than any multi-Doctor story Big Finish have produced. Sadly, any attempt to follow the plot is stymied by the fact that Jacobi and Beevers sound way too alike, Gatiss and McQueen sound way too alike, Culshaw sounds nothing like Ainley and Simm (somehow!) manages to sound nothing like Simm. Thank the gods for Missy (even if SHE'S inexplicably painted as the crazy one. Whilst Pizza-Face settles down and does the washing-up for LOVE?). Still, with dialogue like 'I thought you were just one of the Doctor's hapless corduroy noise machines', who cares about the plot?

I Am The Master

'It was such a beautiful pink planet. It made me quite itchy to destroy it.' The (pizza-faced) Master regales us with his century-long ruination of the ecosystem of infuriatingly happy Glox. Now the Doctor's arrived, he's earworming a misfortunate listener into transforming into a shrivelled black replica of himself as a distraction as he flees in his sound-booth TARDIS...

Thoughts: Why is the Master addressing his earworm-monologue to 'you people back there on Earth' when WE'LL be useless when it comes to taking his place ON THE PLANET GLOX? The Master flattened Rome? The Master moves sideways to a different galaxy when the Doctor foils him? The arrival of the Doctor is 'something annoying' rather than his entire raison d'etre?

The Switching

After a moment of dizzying blackness for the Doctor, he wakes up in the Master's cell...and body...whilst the Master gets busy in the UNIT lab. Well aware that the body-swap was doomed to be brief, the Master is content with getting himself switched to a prison with a view...whilst the Doctor is furious by his friends not noticing that anything was wrong.

Thoughts: The Doctor has 'infuriating sticky-uppy hair' (it's PERTWEE not TENNANT, people!)? Jo swans around UNIT HQ in a tasselled bikini? The Doctor wears the TARDIS key round his neck? Jo kisses the Doctor on the cheek? Jo is all 'You're not going anywhere [in the TARDIS] without me!' rather than, say, 'Ugg, hate space and time travel, let's stay home'?

Courtesy of Emily

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 1:24 am:

No idea where to find the appropriate thread for this but here is my review of the Short Trip “I Am The Master”

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 2:40 am:

No idea where to find the appropriate thread for this

When they went audio I just carried on sticking the Big Finish Short Trips in the Novels: Short Story thread. But if you're desperate for a section for the THREE (!!!!) POUNDS PER PATHETIC LITTLE THING in Audios I shall create one.

Not only does The Master talk about how the Big Finish studios are set up, he also goes on to describe the apparently wonderful lunches that get mentioned on many a Big Finish interview disc.

Oh dear gods NO.

it provides a cheap opportunity for listeners on a budget to experience a Big Finish audio


Oh. It's 2.99 dollars as well as pounds? That IS a lot cheaper than if you're a Brit. Has BF never heard of an EXCHANGE RATE? Though I s'pose post-Brexit we'll be lucky if the pound IS worth as much as a dollar - American, Australian or Zimbabwean for all I know...

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 5:33 pm:

What’s a Brexit?

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Thursday, November 15, 2018 - 4:11 am:

It's BRitain EXITing the European Union because some neo-fascist nutters wrote lies about how much money this would make the National Health Service on the side of a bus. And voters actually BELIEVED them.

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Friday, December 13, 2019 - 5:38 pm:

Welcome John Simm to the ranks of audio Masters!

8-disc set called "Masterful" released next year....

By Judibug (Judibug) on Friday, December 13, 2019 - 9:14 pm:

Next, they'll hire Rodney to play the Ainley Master who will get to kill Tom Baker over and over...

By Keith Alan Morgan (Kmorgan) on Saturday, December 14, 2019 - 2:53 am: locking him in a lighthouse, setting fire to it, and reciting "The Cremation Of Sam McGee".

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Saturday, December 14, 2019 - 8:09 pm:

Ignoring the pathetic attempts at humour above, here is some more info on the release (which is January 2021, not 2020).

By Judibug (Judibug) on Saturday, December 14, 2019 - 8:37 pm:

"Ignoring the pathetic attempts at humour above"

Hey, you're the one who loathes the pratfalling goofball...!

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Monday, December 16, 2019 - 1:46 pm:

Wow, no snarky comments from Emily about this release? Is she ok? Can someone check on her and her 50 cats please?

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, December 16, 2019 - 1:49 pm:

Certainly I've commented. Under The Destination Wars.

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Monday, December 16, 2019 - 8:20 pm:

Of course, why wouldn't I look in the destination wars for something completely unrelated...

...silly me...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Tuesday, December 17, 2019 - 2:47 am:

Hey, it was the place we were discussing Dreyfus's Master. Of course it's the place we'd discuss his...mysterious absence from a Master-filled set. Also there WAS no Masterful thread at the time due to it not being published for years and years...

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Tuesday, December 17, 2019 - 6:33 pm:

Yet you normally move things on a lot less than that....

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Wednesday, December 25, 2019 - 2:05 pm:

As trailers go, this is quite fun.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Wednesday, January 06, 2021 - 4:07 pm:

Anyone else, when hearing the Master declare 'See that star on the left? I tried keeping [the Doctor] shackled and burning in orbit around it. But...she escaped. So I plunged her into the heart of it. The Doctor's dead. So very, very, very...kebabbed', find themselves a) thinking 'Yeah, you may be overestimating JODIE!'s escape abilities a bit there, Sunshine', b) feeling disappointed that he doesn't burst into the 'I killed the Doctor dead!' song from The Scorchies and c) FINALLY remembering to feel guilty that you didn't think 'Oh no not our JODIE!' or something. (I mean, OBVIOUSLY this timeline will all be rewritten but I still managed to feel a BIT sad when Missy shoved Jo to her death.)

No Masters respond to the Doctor being described as 'her'? On the one hand, this is exactly how it SHOULD be but on the other hand, some of these guys should be a bit more...old-school. (I mean, if Peter 'billions of years beyond your petty human obsession with gender and its associated stereotypes' CAPALDI was talking to Osgood as if the Master becoming Missy as something beyond comprehension...)

Since when has the Doctor talked to the Master about their childhoods?

Jacobi thinks HE could have averted the Time War if only his other selves had died sooner? That's the 'War Master' who got so scared when the Dalek Emperor took the Cruciform he whipped out a watch and became a naked human child...?

'Six Masters sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g...let's throw our TARDIS keys in a bowl' - on the one hand this is really funny, on the other I was QUITE freaked-out enough by THOSE scenes in The Doctor Falls...

'Capering around like a pantomime villain in a pointless disguise' - yeah, but that's AINLEY and for some reason* you're trying to make it MISSY.

'Madder than the rest' Jo has the cheek to call darling Missy, like she's an expert on any of 'em bar Delgado. Isn't everyone forgetting that Simm was the drum-loving nutcase and Missy actually managed to go cold turkey on being evil?

Saxon to Missy: 'Now I've won, my greatest victory is that I don't get to turn into you...none of us relish becoming THAT. It's not the body, it's the madness.' - All her other selves are repeating Jo's LIES! 'But I'm inevitable. You can only hold the crazy back so long' - Even MISSY is falling for the 'Missy is the crazy one!' lie.

Jo wouldn't wake up a universe-destroyer by skimming a pebble across a lake if the Doctor shouted 'No!' at her first.

'My Master and I...we had a moment or two, didn't we' - no you bloody didn't Jo! Unless this is attempting to canonise that kiss in PDA Verdigris...

'Do you wanna go on adventures with me? We'll have fun. And crumpets. And I'll be oh so sad when you die' 'He keeps winning. I've got the biggest weapons in creation and what has he got? A screwdriver and a simpleton' 'I'm trying to work out why he keeps them around - I hear you nag nag nagging and it's all I can do not to reach for the deep-fat fryer' - Some of the best bits are Missy attempting to fathom the Companion conundrum by means of Jo, but why is this acting like it's Missy's first time? She had a couple of tries in her second box set.

Why didn't Pizza-Face think to prepare Kitty for a shock BEFORE showing her his true face? The fact that American-Master (I never thought I'd say it but thank the GODS for Eric Roberts, the only one you can be sure of other than Missy) encouraged him should have made him much much more wary, in fact I STILL can't believe that not only did a Master (and one of the REALLY pissed-off ones) give it all up for love but another Master genuinely wished him well.

'Hand your life over to me' - blimey, I don't remember the Lumiat being quite so...Valeyardish during her last (and first) appearance.

'You're no better than King Canute, ordering back the waves...' - the Master doesn't even realise that Canute was trying to make the point to his adoring subjects that he COULDN'T hold back the waves?

So why did the Young Captain-Master try to kill his FUTURE SELF with biscuits - especially when he's the one who doesn't approve of murder?

'Goodbye Gallifrey, no one will miss you' - OK, I guess Gatiss is more of a Dhawan type of Master than a Simm one...people do seem to forget that Simm was DEVASTATED by Gallifrey's destruction.

'It's like herding cats without a chainsaw' - Missy would NEVER herd cats with a chainsaw! She's evil but not THAT evil!

They don't think to send for the Doctor to sort this out even as they complain that the Doctor would have saved the universe from the Vampire Puddle? (Yes, I know she's dead but grab one of her previous selves why don't you, it's not like you have much respect for the Laws of Time.)

Um, why exactly are the other Masters all agreeing that Missy has to be stopped? Other than not liking her hat? They didn't even know about her plan to play snog, marry, kill with her former selves...

OK, so suddenly Missy really IS as mad as everyone's been claiming and has no problem with having a future self who'll eat every universe: Jacobi: 'You knew! And you were going to let it.' 'Totally. For funsies.' 'You are utterly mad.' 'No, I'm the only one who stopped pretending to be sane' - I'd hardly say that Simm pretended to be sane (THE DRUMS! THE DRUMS! Not to mention that thumbs-up when the Cabinet he was gassing gasped 'You're insane!')...Whereas Missy was so reasonable she GENUINELY cried for her victims and decided to stand with the Doctor.

James Dreyfus is conspicuous by his absence. Whilst they got clean away with a lack of Delgado by the simple expedient of him chucking Jo into the timescoop in his place...

*Probably involving her still being alive while Ainley...isn't, as is painfully obvious whenever Culshaw pretends to be him, though to be fair he's pretending to be Kamelion pretending to be Ainley, on the other other hand, Kamelion did a way better job in Planet of Fire...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - 7:10 am:

Whilst Pizza-Face settles down and does the washing-up for LOVE?


Gallifrey Base:

'There's a one-hour spoilery interview about Masterful with Goss on Youtube. Around the 16-17 minute mark he makes it very clear that Beevers killed her.'

Well he sure as hell didn't make it very clear in the actual story...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 - 2:34 pm:

'My Master and I...we had a moment or two, didn't we' - no you bloody didn't Jo!

My bad, they obviously did, according to the Master in I Am The Master anyway...'"K'vo paused. "What is she like, this assistant?" "Loyal. Brave. So brave. I've seen her courage overturn the world. Banish demons."'; 'There had been moments in the past half-century when he had felt something approaching affection for the Earth people among whom he lived. There was a young mycologist on Sakhalin Island, who strongly reminded him of Josephine Grant...'

By Rodney Hrvatin (Rhrvatin) on Saturday, February 06, 2021 - 3:23 am:

And here is my review of this set. Apologies for using the phrase “outstanding job” twice in close proximity to each other (before our moderator starts foaming at the mouth over such trivialities).....

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Saturday, February 06, 2021 - 4:11 am:

Ah, it's great that you're now nitpicking your own reviews to save me the bother...

I admire (indeed, share) your enthusiasm for this one, but did you really have no trouble telling all those Masters apart? I know I'm not the only one, some Outpost Gallifreyans were complaining...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 - 12:53 pm:

If the Master reverts to his 'true', Beevers, form on a regular basis (Companion Chronicle Mastermind) owing to being the living embodiment of entropy and all...why wasn't Masterful blessed with SEVERAL Beevers-Masters, eh? EH?

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Sunday, June 06, 2021 - 2:14 am:

'My Master and I...we had a moment or two, didn't we' - no you bloody didn't Jo!

My bad, they obviously did, according to the Master in I Am The Master anyway...

Oh, and About Time says that cuts to the Terror of the Autons script included 'the Master watching the hypnotised Jo leave and calling her "...a pretty little thing. A pity I couldn't keep her"'. OMG the Jo/Master thing has been going on UNDER OUR NOSES since Day One!

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Sunday, July 18, 2021 - 9:43 am:

I Am The Master:

'You should have seen my mum and dad on Gallifrey' - your WHAT and WHAT! I've barely come to terms with you running across your father's estates on Mount Perdition hand in hand with L'il Doccy...

The Master's lived for many millennia? Well, I s'pose Time Lords don't always meet in order and he DOES know about JODIE! (or other female Doctors, of course) and there IS some nonsense about him always defaulting to pizza-faced incarnation so this might not be the Deadly Assassin/Keeper of Traken one...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Sunday, July 18, 2021 - 1:18 pm:

Um, the last post referred to the I Am The Master audio and the PREVIOUS post referred to the I Am The Master book. Just to be clear.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 12:21 pm:

The Switching:

The Master clutches a laser scalpel at the sight of Jo? (Look, it's just that several things recently have been implying that, well...they have a bit of a THING going on.)

It's THE MASTER who was responsible for changing Sexy's roundels to shallow dishes! The FIEND!

'It's really glam and funky' - no it bloody isn't and surely even JO should be aware of this fact.

The Brig has a SECRETARY?

The Master thinks the Doctor would call the Brigadier 'sir'? (Well, maybe he was unduly influenced by their time at the Academy, the Doc WAS calling Borusa 'sir' centuries later...)

'Oh Mike, you never needed his approval' - NO pet/stray/snack takes THIS attitude towards Our Hero!

By Francois Lacombe (Franc0is) on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 12:41 pm:

The Brig has a SECRETARY?

Of course he does. Why would you even be surprised about that?

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 1:04 pm:

Cos I don't remember SEEING one, in all those years...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Thursday, September 23, 2021 - 2:00 pm:

OMG the Jo/Master thing has been going on UNDER OUR NOSES since Day One!

Well the War Master has certainly put paid to THAT (6.2: A Quiet Night In), in a way that even Missy didn't manage when she MURDERED Jo...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 5:17 pm:

'My Master and I...we had a moment or two, didn't we' - no you bloody didn't Jo! Unless this is attempting to canonise that kiss in PDA Verdigris...

Ah. Actually that was a fake-Master who kissed Jo and the Master himself was...not amused. ('"And as for kissing Miss Grant..." He shuddered.')

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