Perpugilliam Brown; "Peri"

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Doctor Who: Companions: Classic Who: Perpugilliam Brown; "Peri"
'PERI'S TITS TM: Twin companions to the fifth and sixth Doctors. The fact that there was a woman attached to them was incidental, at least to some directors...'

It is her humble privilege to minister unto the Doctor's needs. She's an American botany student. She's Pusillanimous Peri. She's positively evanescent. She has a puny mind. Her rose red ruby lips were made for kissing. She can shout just as loud as the Master. She grows feathers on Varos. The Borad proposes to her. The Doctor tries to throttle her. Her shaven-headed brains are blown out on Thoros Beta. She's alive and well and living as a warrior queen with King Yrcanos *boggles*.

By Anonymous on Friday, December 25, 1998 - 12:58 am:

Moderator's Note: This is Mike's original Peri summary:

The name Peri comes from Persian mythology. A peri was a supernatural being descended from fallen angels. They were excluded from paradise until they did pennance. It also means "a beautiful and graceful girl."

I've mentioned before that Nicola Bryant does a very good generic American accent. Occasionally the rythmns of her speech betray her Britishness, but overall I was fooled.

It's too bad that Peri was relegated to the "babe" role. Nicola was criticized for being steotypically dumb, unable to walk and chew gum at the same time. It's a wonder she could walk in all those tight outfits she was forced to wear.

Great set of norgs though, eh?

By Anonymous on Friday, December 25, 1998 - 1:17 am:

By Mike Konczewski on Monday, December 28, 1998 - 6:32 am:


By Ed Jefferson (Ejefferson) on Thursday, February 18, 1999 - 12:18 pm:

I think he is referring to a recurring alien race in Star Trek. "We are the Norgs. Resistance is Futile!"

By Mike Konczewski on Thursday, February 18, 1999 - 2:42 pm:

I thought it was a multiple version of the fat bar regular from Cheers--"Norgs!"

By Ed Jefferson (Ejefferson) on Thursday, February 18, 1999 - 3:03 pm:

Then of course there is the tribute character to him in DS9 - Morg!

By Chris Thomas on Thursday, February 18, 1999 - 8:42 pm:

Actually, I think it's a refernce to Nicola Bryant's "assets" so loved by male fans.

By Ed Jefferson (Ejefferson) on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 9:22 am:

As if we didn't know. For more information you could check The Completely Useless Encyclopedia entry on them.

By Mei on Sunday, January 17, 1999 - 11:27 pm:

Or you could go with the way I friend of mine used to mimic her: Hello, I'm Peri, and these are my breasts.

Actually, I hated Peri from the beginning, for one simple reason: she was supposed to be American, AND SHE WASN'T. The very first time I heard her, I knew. I kept thinking, There's something wrong with her accent. Then she screamed, "Doctor!" and I knew. Her character wasn't the best, and that really ruined it for me.
I do have to say in her defense, they hired her because they considered her American. Apparently she's British/American, and they couldn't hear that her accent was wrong. But I didn't learn that until way too late.
Gotta say, tho, I hated the way they got rid of her. Whoops, she died. No one deserves that. I think they married her off to the warlord because too many people complained.

By Chris Thomas on Sunday, January 31, 1999 - 10:55 am:

If you listed closely to her at the start of the Caves Of Androzani she says "glarse" instead of "glass" with short "a" sound Americans use.

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Sunday, January 31, 1999 - 12:44 pm:

Chris, as an American, I don't understand the above sentance. We generally pronounce "glass" similar to "grass" with an "l" in the correct spot. How do you pronounce "glass" across the pond?

By Chris Thomas on Monday, February 01, 1999 - 12:04 am:

She says "glarrss" - the British way - Americans say glass to rhyme with "ass".

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Monday, February 01, 1999 - 1:35 pm:

Thanks for the clarification, perhaps the Doctor's obvious British accent is rubbing off on her?

By Chris Thomas on Tuesday, February 02, 1999 - 1:04 am:

After only one story together?

By Sarah MacIntosh on Tuesday, February 02, 1999 - 5:38 am:

Actually, not all Brits pronounce glass as 'glarss'. Here in the frozen north our 'a's are much shorter. And we all have whippets and flat caps.

Just a thought.

Oh yeah - did Peri die? I seem to remember her appearing in a New Adventure as 'Gilliam', finding her way back from some planet that the Doctor had stranded her on.

By Sarah MacIntosh on Tuesday, February 02, 1999 - 5:44 am:

Actually, not all Brits pronounce glass as 'glarss'. Here in the frozen north our 'a's are much shorter. And we all have whippets and flat caps.

Just a thought.

Oh yeah - did Peri die? I seem to remember her appearing in a New Adventure as 'Gilliam', finding her way back from some planet that the Doctor had stranded her on.

By Chris Thomas on Tuesday, February 02, 1999 - 6:44 am:

But Peri does pronounce it that way, betraying her British heritage.
And I thought the Inquisitor made it clear in TOTL Part 14 that Peri did not die - it was a Matrix lie or something.

By Chris Thomas on Tuesday, February 02, 1999 - 6:46 am:

Mike - just noticed you referred to the actress who played Peri as Nicola Brown in your synopsis up there - it was Nicola Bryant playing Perpugilliam "Peri" Brown.

By Mike Konczewski on Tuesday, February 02, 1999 - 10:12 am:

An honest mistake, but one that I will correct.

The Inquisitor clearly stated that Peri was not dead and the image of her being killed was a fabrication.

By Chris Lang on Tuesday, February 02, 1999 - 5:53 pm:

Unfortunately, we never do find out what happened to Sil, Kiv, Crozier, and Crozier's assistant. Apparently, in the 'real history', Yrcanos successfully rescued Peri before Kiv's mind was placed in her body, but we're never told how he did it, or what exactly happened. We're just told that Yrcanos rescued Peri and she is safe, and that's that. All in all, a pretty unsatisfying 'resolution', due to its lack of sufficient closure.

By Mei on Tuesday, February 02, 1999 - 10:37 pm:

As I remember it (it's been awhile), at the end of "Trial of a Time Lord," the Doctor is told that Peri is actually alive, that they faked her death. (Supposedly she died because the Doctor was taken away to be tried - which I would have thought would have made her death THEIR fault.) The statement is made that she's actually alive and married to some barbarian chieftain (from the story).
Personally, considering how long the Trial took, I think the British Who fans complained about her fate, and TPTB decided to backtrack. And so yet another female companion winds up in a totally unexpected, rather strange mix marriage. (Leela and Andred, Jo and her beloved, I think there's another. No preparation, no loving looks, just BOOM, we're married.) If they're going to marry the characters off, it could at least make sense.

By Emily on Thursday, February 04, 1999 - 12:53 pm:

Well, Jo and Cliff did give each other the odd loving look, if I remember rightly - it's just that their dates kept getting interrupted by the Doctor (deliberately, I think) or by giant maggots. Susan and David weren't a complete shock either. Leela and Andred - words fail. But even if the writers had been bothered to give any indication of affection, nothing would convince me Leela would stay behind on stultifying Gallifrey with that weedy little idiot. (Well - I suppose he's not that thick compared to all the other guards Gallifrey has been blessed with.)

By the way, the New Adventure where 'Gilliam' appears (and it took me an embarrassing length of time to realise who she was) is Bad Therapy.

By Luiner on Thursday, July 08, 1999 - 4:31 am:

Hello everybody, my name is Luiner.
-hello Luiner-
And I ... I (sob) am a Peri fan (sniff).
-boo!--get him out of here!--what a loser!-

Okay, her accent is not convincing. Very few Brits who fake an American accent sound convincing, though Frasier's dad is the exception. But I suppose that when Americans fake Brit accents there are similar complaints.
And yes, she does have a great body, which for some reason is a subject of ridicule. It's not her fault, she can't help it, she just had the unlucky chance of having great body genes.
She wasn't a strong companion, but that is endemic with Dr Who.
She did have a couple of good points to her character (no, I am not talking about her norgs) She acted as the Doctor's concience during his crazy time. She told him that what he was doing or acting wasn't right. In a way, kept him sane. Heck, she even tried to tone down Yrcanos from his homicidal tendecies - by the way Brian Blessed was great, and did you catch the in-joke from Peri about his overacting?
I can't think of another good quality, but as Emily has her Adric, I have my Peri.

Luiner sits down.

By Emily on Thursday, July 08, 1999 - 5:46 am:

No no no NOOOOOOO! Please, don't compare us. You actually LIKE Peri (fair enough, if a little weird). I feel that Adric isn't any more ghastly than 90% of Companions, I don't understand why he gets such flak from fans, and for some reason (traditional British sympathy for the underdog? A sense of justice? Sheer perversion?) I feel driven to defend him. But I most certainly do not 'have my Adric.'

Please...can everyone just forget I said ANYTHING about this brat? I don't want the label of 'Adric fan' for the rest of my life, it would destroy what little credibility I have. I'll have to pick someone else to defend...Stephen? (No! Not with that teddy-bear!) Dodo? Not with that accent! much mascara...Chris (yawn) suggestions welcome...

By Chris Thomas on Thursday, July 08, 1999 - 9:05 am:

Are you referring to Chris Cwej? Well, why not defend Kamelion? The sonic screwdriver? The Whomobile? Yes... this is getting very silly.

By Luiner on Friday, July 09, 1999 - 3:20 am:

Yikes, sorry I got the wrong impression, Emily. It's just that from your postings I thought you had a certain special something (music wells up) for the guy. A tenderness, mayhaps, maybe even ...

But I guess not (music abruptly ends).

Personally, Dr. Liz Shaw with Ace a close second are my favourites. But I always have a soft spot for Peri.

By Emily on Friday, July 09, 1999 - 8:49 am:

Luiner...I'm just off to be sick. As soon as I stop laughing.

What's so great about Liz? OK so she's got a brain and doesn't scream much, but she just had to wear mini-skirts, didn't she? And she didn't give the impression of actually LIKING the Doctor - I don't mind this when it leads to interesting conflicts like Turlough or Ian or (stretching a point) Tegan, but in this case it didn't. I realise Liz was at a disadvantage because the show was really not set up to deal with someone who didn't say 'Help!' and 'What do you mean, Doctor?' every two minutes. (Tom Baker suggested that he have a talking cabbage on his shoulder, to whom he would occasionally turn to explain the plot.) But Romana II and Doctor IV showed that it could work brilliantly having a brainy Companion. It just didn't in Liz's case.

Chris - yes, it was Cjew I was talking about. Thanks for the Kamelion suggestion. If anyone can be bothered to attack him, I might just take up his defence. Even though there's no way he's a proper Companion.

By Chris Thomas on Saturday, July 10, 1999 - 12:07 am:

Well Kamelion did manage to appear in two stories and a Missing Adventure. No he wasn't a proper companion... just different.

By Scott McClenny on Sunday, July 11, 1999 - 9:00 pm:

What's that supposed to be Gillian or Gilliam?
Just wondering as one of my paternal 4 times
great grandmothers was a Gilliam.

Any way I have read where Nicola USED to work in
New York and was in fact married at one point to
an American actor,so as she explained it she had
dual citizenship because of it.
Also they had an American producer come in when
they hired her for the role and she pretty much
fooled him.

Actually to start with Peri was SUPPOSED to be
this brilliant science student(botany)but alas..
slipped down into screamhood like Sarah.

By Chris Thomas on Monday, July 12, 1999 - 1:40 am:

It's definitely Perpugilliam - with an M.

According to the chapter "Being The Companion" in The Sixth Doctor Handbook, which draws extensively on an interview that Bryant did for the fanzine The Frame, it indicates she went straight from drama school into Doctor Who... she did not act in the US before she was in the series.
But, as Bryant says: "When I auditioned for Doctor Who, John [Nathan-Turner] had no idea I was not really American. I do have dual nationality through my marriage to Scott (although we're now separated), and also my room mate at boarding school was from New York so I had picked up her accent.
"I had been playing an American in No, No, Nanette and an agent, Terry Carney, who came in to see it, assumed I was American.
"He called me up and asked me to go and audition for Doctor Who.
"He didn't want to take on someone new out of drama school unless they had a job, so this was in his interest as well as mine.
"I told him I wasn't strictly American but he told me to be American anyway.
"So I did and I thought that if they weren't happy with my American-ness, they'd just reject me.
"There was someone from Denver at the office and I thought that if I convinced him I must be doing all right."
When she made her first TV appearance as a guest she kept up the American pretence, talking about driving and the difference between the UK and the US.

The original character outline for Peri, devised by John Nathan-Turner, script editor Eric Saward and writer Peter Grimwade (who was introducing her in Planet of Fire) never indicated she was a brilliant student.
It simply said: "Perpugilliam (Peri for short) is a wealthy 18-year-old American student studying botany". That's all. The rest goes on more about her personality and her family background a little.

By Scott McClenny on Saturday, July 17, 1999 - 6:34 pm:

She appeared in NO NO NANETTE before doing Dr.Who.
I guess I was a bit confused because she had a
friend from NYC.
She retells the story of ehr hiring in THE

Ok,now where in the world did they get the name
Perpugilliam,sounds like Lewis Carroll.:)

By PJW on Wednesday, January 12, 2000 - 2:54 pm:

Little Miss Busty's in Casualty this week. And while I'm there, hasn't Peter Davison's career picked up lately? Not only was he in a couple of millennial comedy sketches for the Beeb, but he's billed quite highly in two new series next week - one a sitcom on ITV and t'other with Diana Rigg, in which he plays an Insp. Christmas.

By Chris Thomas on Thursday, January 13, 2000 - 1:19 am:

Did you ever see her in Blackadder's Christmas Carol?
Shock revelation: my girlfriend rates Peri as her second preferred companion after Ace. Well, it did surprise me.

By Luiner on Sunday, January 16, 2000 - 5:56 am:

Ode to Peri (in freeform abab verse, because I am not Shakespeare or Coleridge).

Oh Peri, Peri, Peri.
First saw you in a swimsuit.
My heart started beating merry.
Wow, you were mighty cute.

Oh Peri, Peri, Peri.
I was enchanted by the fake accent.
Saying "bloody" in American only you can carry.
You reached parts of my body nobody ever went.

Oh Peri, Peri, Peri.
When the Doctor strangle you,
his arms I wish I could parry.
He is not good enough for you.

Oh Peri, Peri, Peri.
I could treat you far better than that.
If only you could agree with me to marry,
So that together we can grow old and fat.

Oh Peri, Peri, Peri.
My love for you cannot be unnoticed
For you are very, very...
Let's say you fill quite well your bodice.

Oh Peri, Peri, Peri.
Just say you love me with sincerity.
I will be so happy, Peri,
And I will please you for eterntity.

By PJW on Sunday, January 16, 2000 - 7:23 am:

You're in there.

By Luiner on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 1:18 am:

Judging by the time I wrote that little ditty, I was definately in an altered state of mind, either from fatique or from beverages made from barley, hops, yeast, and water. But sometimes I wax rhapsodic when it comes to Peri.

Oh Peri (sigh)

By Emily on Friday, February 25, 2000 - 10:47 am:

Wow...I can't wait for your Liz Shaw ode. By the way, I think you meant 'eternity'...or was it a Freudian slip?

By Luiner on Sunday, February 27, 2000 - 1:09 am:

Oops, that was a Freudian slip. A little embarassing, since I think the whole psychoanalysis thing is a load of quackery (apologies to those that practice that noble profession).

Still, to be a true slip, I probably should have added an extra 't' in there.

By Luiner on Sunday, November 12, 2000 - 5:37 am:

Well, having recently met the great PERI, ie Nicola Bryant, I must say she is an altogether really nice person. Didn't care for her minders, though, at the autograph session. However, she looks as great as she did back in the series. PJW (aka Pete) can attest to that.

Still grinning at getting my photo taken with her. Pete was a little more blase about it. I guess that can happen with Brits who are constantly exposed to DrWho celebrities, something that just doesn't happen in Texas. However, if I met Nicola a hundred times, I would still get a bit giddy and all tingly inside.

By Emily on Sunday, November 12, 2000 - 1:26 pm:

Come on Luiner, stick that photo up so that everyone can see you with an arm round Peri, grinning all over your face.

By Luiner on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 3:08 am:

If you look at it again, Emily, you will see it is her arm draped around me. But I am grinning.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the courage to ask her to sit on my lap. Probably just as well. She would either slap me silly or have the policemen in the shop throw me out. At least I think they were policemen, they might have been extras from the Resurection of the Daleks.

By Pete on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 - 7:22 am:

Luiner, did the photo, (encapuslating for ever that moment in time - that split second in fact - when Nicola Bryant by your side), turn out okay? It was well-angled, pin-sharp etc?

Talking about 'touching' companions, my younger brother at a previous convention bragged relentlessly about his touching/gripping of Sophie Aldred's backside. A fan-shot video of the event, seen later, proved beyond doubt that the lying little weasel had his hand nowhere near her bottom!

Thought I'd share it.

By Luiner on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 3:03 am:

Wonderfully compositioned, Pete. While the sharpness on the photos were less than satisfactory, I scanned the negatives yesterday with a new negative scanner and found that the fault lay with the developers, not you or my camera. You are the master of the snapshot.

I will email you the snaps, soon.

By Pete on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 6:02 am:


By Luiner on Monday, April 23, 2001 - 2:02 am:

Ahem, (The bearded Luiner clears his throat, a trio starts playing in the background. Nice jazzy walking bass line, interspersed with flashes of saxaphone, clashes of cymbals, riffs of snares, and booms of the bad big bass drum. The dark room is filled with smoke and he puts his shades on. Glass of whiskey in one hand, cigarette in the other, nodding his head to the phat beat). Groovy.

Out of the darkest nightmare that is my mind, I bring to you:

Ode to Peri: Part Two (a torchsong).

Peri, come with me into fantasy.
Snatch the TARDIS for a joyride.
Leave the Doctor, hogtied,
and I'll tell you why you should be with me.

I would be dinner to an Androgum,
just to let you run far away.
As long as I know you're okay,
let him eat my torn flesh, let him say "Yum!"

Don't be afraid of the evil master,
however badly he treats you.
One step, sticky mess, on my shoe.
Baby, you will suffer no disaster.

Does the tin Cybermen make you frantic?
No problem, I find them quite quaint.
They're gone with help of gold spray paint.
Enough time for us to get romantic.

With me, you'll go to places that are fun.
To decadent Weimar Berlin?
Studio 54? Dancing!
Do you prefer holidays in the sun?

You want these places and more, the grand tour?
Hand me the key to the blue box.
Magic word is "yes", sexy fox,
and the universe will be our oyster.

Thank you.

(Whereupon Luiner walks off the stage and falls flat on his face, spilling drinks from the cocktail table onto the customers.

Serves him right for wearing his sunglasses at night.)

By Dan Garrett on Monday, April 23, 2001 - 6:29 am:

I can't believe you got through all that without any mention of her ample breasts.

How gallant of you.

By Emily on Monday, April 23, 2001 - 3:41 pm:

Luiner is indeed the soul of chivalry :)

Though if I was Peri, I'd be a bit suspicious that he was just trying to get his hands on 'the key to the blue box'. I certainly would be, in his position.

By Luiner on Tuesday, April 24, 2001 - 1:15 am:

Not all that gallant, I mentioned her...ahem...assets in the previous ode. Just didn't want to be redundant.

Oh, man! I just realized that 'box' can have an alternate definition in American slang. That was very clearly unintentional. Certainly, I don't think her's is blue. Not at all! Blue Box clearly means the TARDIS and I will just shut up now before the hole I am digging gets too deep... argh!!!! ...did it again!!!

(Luiner blushes beet red and slams his head against a wall, vowing to inject a syringe full of soap directly into his brain, all the time while shaking his fist at the sky and yelling "Damm you Freud!!!")

By Emily on Tuesday, April 24, 2001 - 2:41 pm:

Luiner, for heaven's sake! We're all Who fans here. Whatever blue box means to filthy-minded Americans who dwell in tragic ignorance of the Whoniverse, there is only one thing it can possibly mean on this site.

By Dan Garrett on Tuesday, April 24, 2001 - 5:38 pm:

Luiner may have been intimating that Peri might have been a little on the cold side when he made his rather obvious joke. Well it raised a smile out of me who has (slightly drunkenly) just returned from a local (rather tasteless) comedy night at the local pub.

By Emeric Belasco on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 3:28 am:

I feel queasy.
I'm sorry, but Nicola Bryant really isn't a very good actress, is she? Her mumbling, panting and snorty sniffling when being fumbled by Jek in Androzani semi-wrecks large chunks of the story for me. HORRIBLE! Maybe I'm just too limited to overlook the matter. However, is anybody willing or able to excuse the Peri creature for me, so I can look forward to the forthcoming Androzani DVD? Yours, in friendly anticipation...

By Dan Garrett on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 4:00 am:

Lis Sladen as Sarah was much more a mumbling whimperer than Peri.

Nicola Bryant never bothered me as an actress possibly because I was fixating on her tight leotards for most of her appearances on screen.

By Emeric Belasco on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 6:43 am:

Yeah, that's true Dan. Sarah-Jane did whimper a lot, and I like her. Perhaps I should decide it's some kind of disability which comes with travelling in the TARDIS...oh dear, what a desperate theory that is. I should get more sleep, and accept the Peri thing for what she is. Incidentally, I just remembered Bryant was rather good as the Awful Screeching Woman in Blackadder's Christmas Carol...

By Luiner on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 1:18 am:

And I was just about to challenge you to a duel, Emeric. Phew! Lucky escape.

Let's face it. Most companions whimpered at least a little.

Dan, I am glad you got the joke before I did. Serves me right for writing that while sober (mostly). From now on, the only odes are drunk odes.

By Emeric Belasco on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 4:49 am:

Seems I was saved by the bells...

By Chris Todaro on Sunday, May 06, 2001 - 9:03 am:

I had no problem with Peri's accent or Nicola Bryant's acting. Yes if you're American and listen closely you can tell she's really British but I will bet she sounds better to Americans than American actors sound to British people when they try to do a British accent.

The problem I had was with some of the dialog she was given.

For instance,talking about the Doctor's outfit in TWIN DILEMMA:"You'll look dreadful." No American girl Peri's age would use the word "dreadful." She might say "stu-pid," or "ridiculous, " or "dumb," but not "dreadful."

Or the even bigger one:
"It's a diminutive of my proper name Perpugullium." No way would an American girl say that. She would say, "It's short for Perpugilliam."

Come to think of it, I've lived in America all my life and I have yet to meet anyone named Perpugillium.

By PJW on Tuesday, May 08, 2001 - 5:07 am:

Surely her name ought to have been shortened to Gilly? Or, if we were being silly, Perp?

By Emily on Tuesday, May 08, 2001 - 2:26 pm:

Well, in a cunning plan to conceal her identity, she was referred to as 'Gilliam' for most of Bad Therapy.

By Luiner on Wednesday, May 09, 2001 - 11:34 am:

Most Americans have middle names. If she would rather use her unwieldy first name (images of her having to write her first name completely on homework assignments when she was in school, kids making fun of her name - calling her Pee Brown, Perp, Purple G), I wonder how bad her middle name is.

By scott mcclenny on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - 9:51 pm:

It maybe just me,but watching the final season
of Three's Company on Nick-At-Nite I've noticed
that Jack's girlfriend Vickie looks a wee bit
like Peri.
Like I said it maybe just me.

P.S.Lucky for the Doctor that he never had
Chrissie for a Companion!!!!!:)

By Will on Friday, December 14, 2001 - 10:23 am:

Or would she be an asset when the Daleks meet up with her? "Ack! We can not ex-term-inate this human! She is confusing us! We must retreat! We must retreat!"
Certainly King Peladon would probably jump out of his throne, push cutey Jo Grant aside, and say, "Hello! I'm incredibly rich and powerful and I want you asd my queen!"

By Kinggodzillak on Sunday, March 23, 2003 - 2:43 pm:

Peri is my absolute favest Who companion and I love her to bits! So there.

By Emily on Friday, March 28, 2003 - 6:01 pm:

Might one hazard a guess that Kinggodzillak is a male of the species?

By Kinggodzillak on Sunday, March 30, 2003 - 12:17 pm:

Oh, how did you guess? :)

By markvthomas on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 9:46 pm:

Coming soon to a (about to be ruined) Japanese City near you....
KingGodzillak Vs MechaKingGozilliak Vs KingGidera Vs The Japanese Self-Defence Forces !
"Hi, I'm Johnny Gomez, & I'm Nick Diamond"
"And in our main bout....."
(Anyone know Where I can get a A-Cycle Wave Generator on short notice !)
"Sorry, Kinggodzillak, But I could'nt resist the temptation !"

By Kinggodzillak on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 12:57 pm:


So, that Peri, huh? :)

By John A. Lang on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 7:39 pm:

RE: Chrissie from "Three's Company" as a companion. If she wore on "Dr. Who" simular outfits from "Three's Company", wooo boy! The episodes would become VERY INTERESTING indeed!

By markvthomas on Saturday, September 27, 2003 - 8:20 am:

True, but Mary Whitehouse & the N.V.A.L.A (National Viewers & Listener's Assoication) would have been onto the BBC like a ton of bricks over this...

By Kevin on Wednesday, August 10, 2005 - 12:29 am:

Peri has a reputation for being a bit of a whiner, but I see this only as a reaction to the sixth Doctor's overbearing personality. She was totally fine before the Twin Dilemma. (Though weren't we all?) Of course we only got to see her and the fifth Doctor togteher in two stories. Do the books and audios portray her this way too? Or do they just make a whiner no matter who she's with?

By Mike Konczewski on Wednesday, August 10, 2005 - 3:54 am:

She's not so bad in the books. And that includes the ones with the Sixth Doctor; check out "Palace of the Red Sun" if you don't believe me.

By Emily on Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 8:03 am:

Ooh yes, you wouldn't believe how brave and strong and non-whingy Peri is in the books and audios. (In fact, I don't believe it either, and I've read and listened to the bloody things.) Check out Warmonger for Peri becoming the Scourge of Sylvana, the most feared guerrilla leader on the planet...

...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

By Frobisher The Living-Impared God on Sunday, August 14, 2005 - 4:49 pm:

Re:"The Scourge Of Sylvana"...
I can imagine Tegan or Leela definitely acting as a brave/feared resistance leader, but Peri...?
Even Polly, Zoe or Mel, I'd argue, are more plausable female candidates for this role....

By Emily on Monday, August 15, 2005 - 6:36 am:

Yeah, Leela's the obvious candidate, but don't forget she fled her planet rather than become its leader. And, while she can certainly give it her all TRYING to motivate a bunch of rebels, she's not enormously successful. I mean, just look at Leela signally failing to lead that Sunmakers gang into revolution with shrieks of 'Manhood manhood MANHOOD!'

Tegan...if she's in one of her really bolshy moods. Otherwise she'd probably just have a fit of screaming hysteria, a la Four to Doomsday.

Yup, I can just *shudder* see Mel giving chirpy pep talks, forcing the rebels to do callisthenics, and leading them on their first mission to break into a health food shop and nick all the carrot juice before attempting to overthrow the evil regime...

Polly - well, she would certainly keep the resistance happy by making them lots of coffee, but to be honest I can't picture her in a leadership role.

Zoe - yeah, she's highly intelligent, bossy, and thinks a lot of herself (Doctor's almost as clever as she is, indeed). On the other hand, her screams of terror whilst going into battle might just put her team off...

By Frobisher, the on Saturday, September 03, 2005 - 9:43 am:

Re:Emily's last comment
What about Ace a/k/a "The Mad Bomber" then...?

By Emily on Sunday, September 04, 2005 - 7:58 am:

Oh yeah, no question about it. Who can't picture Ace heroically leading a rebellion, waving a baseball bat and hurling cans of nitro-9? Even before the NAs turned her into a space mercenary? She'd be great at it, providing of course she didn't get distracted by worrying over her parental problems, shouting 'BOOM!' at embarrassing moments, or falling in love with the nearest guerrilla who would promptly die...

By Emily on Wednesday, September 14, 2005 - 2:22 pm:

The only Companions I can think of off-hand who DID actually lead rebellions are Ian (very successful at turning a bunch of pacifists into killers after threatening to sell their young women to the Daleks...jolly well done, Ian); Sarah (not her fault the rocket break-out failed, it was a nice try); and K9 (even through the Doctor had to make the inspirational speech AND bully the rebels into doing ANYTHING the daft little tin doggie told them to). Hmm...Barbara probably ended up leading a bunch of Manoptera or something - I can't possibly be expected to remember anything about The Web Planet. And she did incite a Roboman revolt, but that was cheating, they HAD to obey her.

As far as off-screen is concerned...the Brig did a marvellous job of overthrowing the treacherous British Government in The Dying Days. And Erimem led armies a couple of times, but then on the first occasion she DID happen to be Pharaoh, that gives you a really unfair advantage when it comes to getting people to follow you into battle.

By Richard Davies on Thursday, September 15, 2005 - 7:28 am:

Vicki motivated the Xerons in the Space Museum to rebel, though she was helped by the fact the Moroks didn't fit any tamper-proofing onto their computer.

By Emily on Thursday, September 15, 2005 - 1:03 pm:

So she did! And, OK, there were only about three Xerons, but all the was a very successful revolution for which she should get full credit.

By Simon on Tuesday, July 04, 2006 - 4:05 pm:

Ooh Nicola Bryant !. Well she was a big girl wasn't she.

By Mark V Thomas on Friday, October 27, 2006 - 8:59 pm:

Poor old Peri...
We (Finally) get to meet her mother in The Reaping, & she gets blown up at the end, as a result of a self destructing piece of Cybertechnology....
As a result, Peri's now a orphan....
(P.S Will we ever meet Peri's father...?).

By Emily on Saturday, October 28, 2006 - 3:24 pm:

So between which two stories is The Reaping supposed to fit in? Cos I must watch out for Peri suddenly looking desolately orphaned...mind you, it might be hard to notice with all the other things that happen to her...trapped for two years in the fifteenth century with a Pharoah (The Kingmaker)...becoming the Scourge of Sylvana, the most feared guerrilla leader on the planet (Warmonger)...getting her body destroyed and her brain absorbed by an undersea sponge (Shell Shock), getting sexually abused by her stepfather (Shell Shock), getting her arm ripped off by a dinosaur (Warmonger)...attempting to seduce the Fifth Doctor (yup, it's that Warmonger again)...

By Mark V Thomas on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 8:47 pm:

I honestly coud'nt tell you, Emily...

By Mark V Thomas (Frobisher) on Friday, February 20, 2009 - 1:02 am:

Re: The Reaping
It happens after Revelation of The Daleks & before Episode 1 of Trial of A Time Lord, apparently...

By Kevin (Kevin) on Sunday, July 04, 2010 - 6:18 pm:

According to the DVD for Planet of Fire, Nicola Bryant was spotted and recommended to JN-T by William Hartnell's son-in-law.

By Judibug (Judibug) on Tuesday, November 30, 2010 - 6:22 pm:

Would anyone have noticed the difference if Nicola Bryant had just stood there and jiggled up and down?

"I call this one, Bouncey and this one, Squeezey..."

By Mark V Thomas (Frobisher) on Friday, December 03, 2010 - 9:35 pm:

In the case of Nicola Bryant, not really (through preferably in far skimpier clothing, as some male posters on the Vintage Erotica forum, would argue, on a certain thread there...).

By Lolita Bradbury (Lolita_bradbury) on Monday, July 11, 2011 - 4:51 am:

It would be interesting to read a novel with, say, the 5th Doctor and
Peri that had originally been conceived for, say, the 4th and Leela.

"Hey, Duckter," said the Amazonian American. "You want I should slit
this guy's throat?"

"Peri, you really must stop killing people."

"Why, Duckter? He'd'a killed us, soon as look at us."

"Well..." The Doctor scratched his head. "To be honest, meta-ethics
was never my strong suit."

"Uh," said the goon breathlessly, his bald head sweating profusely
over Peri's heaving lycra-leotard-stretching bosom, as she held him in
an iron headlock, "you see, if you killed me, you'd be no better than
me. Right? So you can't."

"Oh yes, that was it", said the Doctor.

Reluctantly, she let the man go. He fell, panting, to his hands and
knees, dust mingling with his tears.

Crouching down to grin toothily into his tormented face, the Doctor
said, "Hello. Would you like some celery?"

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, July 11, 2011 - 5:13 am:

You are REALLY good at this.

I mean, writers these days are always claiming 'You just write for THE Doctor, it doesn't really matter which one' but you've pretty much proved 'em liars...

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, August 01, 2011 - 2:53 pm:

I HATE the Sixth Doctor/Peri relationship. Colin spewing bile and contempt and hysteria at the poor girl, whilst occasionally being NICE and CONCERNED about her, just to keep her completely off-balance so she won't DEMAND to be dumped back home. Why the HELL does she keep travelling with him? This wasn't what she signed up for, a few adventures with that nice-but-dull Davison...

...Sure, it mellows by Mysterious Planet but I've just been watching Mark of the Rani and I DON'T CARE.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Wednesday, August 03, 2011 - 1:37 pm:

In case anyone's wondering where their conversation went, I dumped it in the Ask the Matrix: Calling the Moderator section, as it had nothing to do with our dear Ms Brown, or, as I am henceforth referring to her, The Companion I'd Least Like To Swap Places With And Yes, That Includes Katarina.

By John E. Porteous (Jep) on Wednesday, August 03, 2011 - 3:49 pm:

On the other hand,she might make it worth trading places with C.B.-I can't do much worse than he did(only Eccy could do that).

:-) :-) :-)

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, February 18, 2013 - 1:12 pm:

'If everyone is saying, "Oh, I hate Peri, she's so loud-mouthed", there's a little part of you that thinks, "I'll just tone this down". Yet, the fans perhaps don't realise there might be a really good reason why she was so noisy...she's maybe on the brink of a breakdown' - Nicola Bryant in DWM. WAS she on the brink of a breakdown? She SHOULD have been - hell, EVERY Companion should have been - but it's the first I've heard of it.

By Judibug (Judibug) on Thursday, September 03, 2015 - 8:05 pm:

One thing that's always annoyed me about the 'She didn't die' revelation was the fact that she's now revealed to be stuck on some paintboxed alien -hole with Brian Blessed.

Couldn't they have just said 'She's been returned to her own time on Earth' instead? Step Dad Howard probably thinks she drowned trying to get back to shore in Lanzarote.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Friday, September 04, 2015 - 4:40 am:

Or, as Moffat's Decalog short story put it, 'Consider, for a moment, the plight of the grieving parent whose daughter is not dead, nor in any conventional sense missing, but is a Warrior Queen on Thoros Beta. Can you imagine explaining that while the police are digging up your garden?'

By Natalie Salat (Nataliesalat) on Friday, March 04, 2016 - 7:26 am:

Yeah you'd think either The Multi Coloured Clown or the Scottish Midget would intervene given Peri's step-dad and/or parents are in serious danger of murder charges from PC Plod.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Friday, March 04, 2016 - 10:52 am:

Our Hero couldn't even be bothered to go back to say goodbye to Peri and check she was actually happy marrying the warmongering chauvinistic maniac. His chances of feeling a duty of care to tell her parents/the police what happened are non-existent.

Mind you, given Peri's reaction to Howard in Planet of Fire, and what the novels hint about it, it would serve the child-abusing scumbag right if he was suspected of murdering his stepdaughter, or, at the very least, of her drowning herself or permanently going on the run after he imprisoned her on that boat.

By Matthew See (Matthew_see) on Sunday, October 29, 2017 - 5:26 pm:

Saw Nicola Bryant in Star Trek Continues: To Boldly Go Part 1:

During her time in Doctor Who, Nicola Bryant as Peri mostly travelled with Sixth Doctor Colin Baker and Baker himself had earlier appeared in another Continues episode The White Iris.
When she was playing Peri in Doctor Who, Nicola Bryant played her as an American despite being a Brit in real life and Doctor Who itself is a British series.
Ironically in the Doctor Who-Star Trek spectrum, Nicola Bryant as her Continues character Lana gets to speak with her real Brit voice in a fan series that is based on an American TV series.
Curiously enough she had been in proximity of being in official Star Trek as it has been claimed that she was one of many actresses who was considered for Captain Janeway in Voyager but I read in TARDIS Wiki that she only auditioned for a guest role in that series albeit unsuccessfully.
Incidentally To Boldly Go serves as the finale of Star Trek Continues with this fan series ending where they think that TOS should have ended with the conclusion of the five-year mission.
To Boldly Go is the first part of the saying To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before with the second part of this saying being the name of the second Star Trek pilot.
When it comes to titles the said first part comes after the second instead of the other way around.
Nicola Bryant as a Doctor Who luminary gets to see off the end of TOS as envisioned by this fan series.

By Tim McCree (Tim_m) on Monday, October 30, 2017 - 5:17 am:

Nicola uses her natural British accent in this.

She made a convincing American on Who. Didn't the BBC claim that she was American at the time she was on Who?

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, October 30, 2017 - 5:22 am:

She lied to the BBC about being American, the way Janet Fielding lied about Australian airlines having lower height-restrictions, Lis Sladen 'accidentally' lost a couple of years off her age, etc etc...

By Richard Davies (Richarddavies) on Monday, October 30, 2017 - 2:19 pm:

Nicola Bryant did at least have American citizenship because she was married to an American.

By Francois Lacombe (Franc0is) on Monday, October 30, 2017 - 6:15 pm:

That's not automatic.

By Tim McCree (Tim_m) on Wednesday, November 01, 2017 - 5:27 am:

A lot of Brits can do good American accents.

A few cast members of The Walking Dead, including the lead (Andrew Lincoln) are actually British. However, you couldn't tell by listening to their characters speak.

She lied to the BBC about being American, the way Janet Fielding lied about Australian airlines having lower height-restrictions, Lis Sladen 'accidentally' lost a couple of years off her age, etc etc...

No doubt it was easier to get away with that, in the pre-Internet days.

By Richard Davies (Richarddavies) on Wednesday, November 01, 2017 - 2:42 pm:

Hugh Lawrie as House, which must be a shock to anyone who caught Blackadder or Jeeves & Wooster on a repeat because they didn't see them the first time round.

By Kevin (Kevin) on Wednesday, November 01, 2017 - 3:28 pm:

I don't think we need proof that some Brits can do good North American accents, but I'll throw in Dominic West and Idris Elba.

By Tim McCree (Tim_m) on Thursday, November 02, 2017 - 5:16 am:

I wonder how long it was before the BBC found out that Nicola was actually British.

By Natalie Salat (Nataliesalat) on Sunday, May 13, 2018 - 9:42 pm:

Peri is just so... wet.

Literally, at one point.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Monday, September 09, 2019 - 2:18 pm:

Planet of Fire:

'This island, Howard. I'm bored out of my mind' - jeez, READ A BOOK, moron. (Didn't Year of the Pig claim you're an ardent reader of Proust?)

'You can pay me back out of your allowance' - if she's got an allowance why was she planning on working to re-buy her plane ticket?

The Doctor's referring to Peri as 'the girl' just as often as the Master is. Well YOU'LL BE SORRY when you're both 'girls' being patronised to death by the patriarchy. (Well, JODIE!Doc will anyway. The patriarchy TRIED to patronise Missy in The Missy Chronicles: Dismemberment and let's just say it didn't go too well for 'em...)

Why is Peri all wimpishly 'Oh no'-ing at the sight of the growing Master instead of grabbing the TCE and shooting him?

Why is the Doctor playing hard to get with Peri?

By Tim McCree (Tim_m) on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 - 5:31 am:

"I am the Master!"


I love that bit.

By Emily Carter (Emily) on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 - 6:08 am:

Yeah, she was a real breath of fresh air, pity the arrival of Colin Baker destroyed her character's chances along with Doctor Who, my life, etc etc.

By Aledi vi Sepul (Aledi_vi_sepul) on Sunday, December 26, 2021 - 11:01 pm:

Yeah, SaraH Jane and Clara are two of the most well liked Companions so Peri could have been done better.

By Gaia Nicolosi (Aledi_vi_sepul) on Thursday, January 27, 2022 - 3:43 pm:

Have a Perpugilliam Blue.

By Tim McCree (Tim_m) on Friday, January 28, 2022 - 5:36 am:


By Gaia Nicolosi (Aledi_vi_sepul) on Friday, January 28, 2022 - 6:20 am:


Now she can be an alien spy

By Gaia Nicolosi (Aledi_vi_sepul) on Friday, January 28, 2022 - 1:53 pm:

And again, it's her but older. Of course, since it's Peri, it feels like the only way she has aged is her boobs got half a size bigger.

By Gaia Nicolosi (Aledi_vi_sepul) on Saturday, January 29, 2022 - 6:41 am:

Peri Blue, third version.

By Gaia Nicolosi (Aledi_vi_sepul) on Thursday, February 03, 2022 - 8:48 am:

And now there's a Peri Green, too.

By Gaia Nicolosi (Aledi_vi_sepul) on Thursday, February 03, 2022 - 12:38 pm:

And Peri Yuki, too.

By Gaia Nicolosi (Aledi_vi_sepul) on Friday, February 04, 2022 - 4:46 am:

And here's eight Peris together!

By Gaia Nicolosi (Aledi_vi_sepul) on Saturday, February 05, 2022 - 9:22 am:

The Krontep Accent thing became a fanfic.

By Brad J Filippone (Binro_the_heretic) on Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 2:03 pm:

Interesting how she ended up marrying King Yrcanos. In the previous story she could have ended up with six husbands if Queen Katrika had won.

By Gaia Nicolosi (Aledi_vi_sepul) on Monday, August 29, 2022 - 5:24 am:

There are various echos of Peri, similiar to Clara.

It's likely that one of them had married the six husbands, maybe staying in 2000000.

Actually, if Tegan's with Nyssa and Mel's with Ace, maybe Peri deserves a wife, too.

Perhaps Kathryn Chambers or Grace Holloway. Or Erimem, really.

They go on triple dates together.

By Gaia Nicolosi (Aledi_vi_sepul) on Saturday, October 29, 2022 - 7:27 am:

By Tim McCree (Tim_m) on Sunday, October 30, 2022 - 5:20 am:


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