Play It Again, Seymour

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Quantum Leap: Season One: Play It Again, Seymour
Episode Summary:

Me name's Bogart..... Humprehy... Bogart.

'E'd leaped into a detective that had enough lookalike features of Humphrey Bogart to keep the woman screaming. His mission? To speak in tongue and make "and her blossoms were as full as an apple basket on a summer day" kinda sentences.

Err.... NOT! (hehhhheh heh)

'E's Nic Allen, and he has to solve the murder case of his partner... Once and for all.
By Darth Sarcasm on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 11:34 am:


This episode (supposedly the finale for Season One) has a completely different credit sequence from the rest of the season. The episodes after the pilot all open with Sam narrating the intro of the "time travel experiment that went a little... caca." Then it goes into a somewhat cheesy credit sequence with a cartoon outline of someone "leaping" interspersed with clips from the show.

But this last episode opens without the opening narration. On top of this, the credit sequence is the more familiar one that opens with the sky shot and historical images as dates scroll by. And the clips from the show include material not in the first season (like Sam as a girl).

So... were there episodes filmed for the first season that were carried over to the second season?

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