You Know you've been watching too much Stargate when ...

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Stargate - SG-1, Atlantis, etc: The Gate Room (aka the Stargate Sink) [general topics + SG-1 topics]: You Know you've been watching too much Stargate when ...
Intro from Callie:
I set this topic up as a result of a real-life event that happened to me last night. So without further ado ...
By Callie Sullivan on Tuesday, July 25, 2000 - 6:49 am:

You know you've been watching too much SG-1 when, minutes after you've just watched four episodes back-to-back, the telephone rings and it's a lady who wants to speak to your sister who's out, so you ask to take her name, and she says, "Yes, the name is Gould." And you scream.

By Hathor on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 12:37 am:

So that's why you screamed.

By KAM on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 12:44 am:

You hear "Winnie the Pooh" and think it's a technical discussion. ;-)

You look at the constellations and pretend to push them.

You see a giant donut and think that would be a great hiding place for a Stargate.

By Callie Sullivan on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 3:29 am:

(another true one)

You spend the time while you're lying under a CT scanner watching the ring spin round but are disappointed that each time it stops there's no 'clunk-chunk' sound, and no matter how hard you strain your ears, you can't hear anyone shouting, "Chevron two engaged."

But you're mighty relieved when, once the sequence finishes, there's no huge whoosh because your feet are sticking out into the area where they would have been fried!

By Callie Sullivan on Tuesday, August 08, 2000 - 3:38 pm:

(yet another true one!)

Waiting for a bus, you're killing time by idly reading the programme on a nearby notice board for some church services. You see that the title of one of the services is:

"The writing is on the wall! - Daniel 5."

And you immediately think, 'He must be in the Cartouche Room on Abydos!'

By Callie Sullivan on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 - 3:09 am:

You’re watching an episode of Murder, She Wrote and one of the characters is played by the actor who plays Sha’re's father, but you dissolve into total hysterics and miss half the plot of the episode when you discover that the character’s name is Mr Jaffa.

By Merat on Thursday, December 07, 2000 - 8:23 pm:

You're at Epcot and you see the host of the Millenium parade, 8 feet tall, gold face, booming amplified voice, and looking like Quetzicotal. You're first thought.... "Gou'ald!"

By SpottedKitty on Friday, December 08, 2000 - 3:30 pm:

You look at Spearmint Polos and think *Ohhs, An ant Stargate..."

By Scott McClenny on Wednesday, March 14, 2001 - 5:21 pm:

You watch old reruns of MacGuyver and wonder where
in the world Daniel,Sam and Tea'lc are.

You start making crazy lists comparing O'Neill
to Picard and Janeway for instance.

You watch specials on Discovery Channel about
ancient Egypt and are disappointed when they
don't mention buried alien Stargates

By KAM on Thursday, March 15, 2001 - 1:29 am:

You think about the Antarctica Stargate & wonder if there are any Penguin Goa'uld. ;-)

By Callie Sullivan on Thursday, March 15, 2001 - 3:22 am:

Scott - can we see the lists?!!

By Lauren Mag on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 10:55 am:

When you take a trip to Colorado and all you can think when looking at the real Chyenne Mountain (even after someone tells you what they do there) is "That's where the Stargate is! I wanna go there!"


By Callie Sullivan on Wednesday, April 04, 2001 - 6:53 am:

You glumly realise that SGC aren’t going to defeat the Goa’uld any time soon, because you’ve just watched an episode of Thunderbirds and if the Hood’s glowing eyes are anything to go by, the Goa’uld are still going to be around in sixty-odd years’ time.

And then you start wondering whether Kirano is a Jaffa and whether he's got a larval pouch ...

And then you think, “I really must get a life”!!

By Don on Friday, June 08, 2001 - 2:26 pm:

You know you watch Too much Stargate when:

You see a broken vase on the floor and bellow "CHILDREN... KREE!" and your kids respond.

By Callie Sullivan on Wednesday, July 11, 2001 - 4:22 am:

You type up a report written by your boss which frequently includes the initials for a body called the Strategy and Coordination Group. It's only after you've circulated it to all members of the Group that you realise that you have consistently used the initials 'SGC' instead of 'SCG' ...

(Thankfully they all thought it was just a misprunt!)

By Callie on Monday, July 30, 2001 - 4:08 pm:

You’re really tired and about to go to bed but make the fatal mistake of just flicking through the channels before turning the TV off … and are jarred awake by the sight of General George Hammond, complete with uniform! It only takes a moment to realise that Don Davis is playing the role of another general but you’re immediately hooked and end up staying to watch the rest of the film just because Hammond’s in it!
You then spend the rest of the film squeaking, “Cor! He’s been in Stargate too! Who was he?!” before you realise that it’s the guy who played the young Lieutenant Hammond in the episode 1969; and then squeaking, “And that’s Maybourne!! And guess what – he’s playing a baddie!” after which there’s no way you’re not going to watch the rest of the film in case anyone else from SG-1 turns up.
(The film, BTW, was The Atomic Train starring Rob Lowe and it was a really good film – but I’d still rather have had the sleep!)

By scott mcclenny on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 7:23 pm:

You watch A & E's Biography of Henry Winkler just
to see if they mention McGuyver!

By Callie on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 8:00 am:

You get promoted to Brigadier General on Showtime's site and immediately rush onto Nitcentral to tell everyone, regardless of the fact that it means absolutely nothing!
(Well, nothing apart from the fact that you've spent far too much time online playing games when you should have been doing some work!)

By Don on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 9:41 am:

way to go Callie!!

By Merat on Thursday, November 15, 2001 - 11:44 am:

Way to go, Callie! I'm only a captain myself :) Captain DylanHunt, actually :D

By KAM on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 5:05 am:

Congratulations, General Sullivan, sir! (salutes)

By Brig Gen Callie on Friday, November 16, 2001 - 6:26 am:

(returns salute) Carry on, everyone.

[No, that doesn’t feel right. Being a BG isn’t as exciting as, say, being a First Prime. At least then I could roar “KREE!!!” at people and scare them half to death!]

By scott mcclenny on Sunday, November 25, 2001 - 9:37 pm:

You have all of Jack's O'Nealisms memorize.

You suspect that the WWF is really a Gou'ald

By Merat on Monday, November 26, 2001 - 7:22 pm:

*is obediantly scared half to death by Callie's "KREE!!!".*

By the way, what was the episode in which Daniel tried to explain the meaning of Kree?

By Callie on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - 2:35 am:

That was Season 3's Point of View. Mind you, his explanation didn't seem too effective to me - the word 'Kree' seems to mean so many things that you'd never know whether to run, pay attention, salute ...

By y2kyle on Wednesday, January 09, 2002 - 2:38 pm:

You know you've watched too much Stargate when you see those commercials for Minute-something-or-other (some new calling card/pay phone thing in the US) and you wonder why Richard Dean Anderson looks so strange until you realize that he's not wearing olive drab...

By Merat on Wednesday, January 09, 2002 - 7:19 pm:

You know you've been watching too much SG1 when, during a McGuyver episode, you wonder why Jack doesn't just zat the guy.

By Callie on Tuesday, March 12, 2002 - 8:28 am:

You’re on the phone with your boyfriend (age 51 and a Chief Designer) and you both happen to be watching the same programme on the TV when there’s a brief shot of the entrance to the complex at Cheyenne Mountain. You expect nothing less from yourself but know that you have completely corrupted your boyfriend too when both of you exclaim in unison, “Oooh, Stargate!”!

By Callie on Tuesday, April 02, 2002 - 1:43 pm:

You watch the season 8 X Files episode “Roadrunners”, the one where Scully has an insect-like beastie implanted into the base of her spine which starts working its way up her spine to her brain (and which, if it does reach her brain, will take over her mind) and spend that entire part of the episode yelling, “It’s a Goa’uld! It’s a bleedin’ Goa’uld! Someone get Dogget a zat gun!”

By Callie, who can barely type for yawning on Saturday, June 29, 2002 - 7:42 pm:

You go online at midnight and learn that the next episode should be available for download at 1.50 in the morning. And you sit up until then, staying online for most of that time, running up a huge phonebill, clicking “Refresh” every ten minutes or so while playing computer games to kill the time. And at exactly 1.53 the episode becomes available. And then it won’t download because too many people are online picking it up at the same time.

And you keep trying for nearly an hour.

And then, at a quarter to three in the morning, instead of going to bed exhausted, you go onto Nitcentral to tell all your chums what a sad obsessive Stargate fan you are!

By SpottedKitty on Sunday, June 30, 2002 - 5:32 am:

Guess what I just downloaded. ^_^

*goes hide*

By Callie on Monday, July 01, 2002 - 7:39 am:

Think yourself lucky that I managed to get it myself this morning, otherwise you’d have been wise to move to another continent!

By SpottedKitty on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - 2:32 am:


By Callie on Friday, November 08, 2002 - 2:45 am:

You’re watching the season 6 opening episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the one where Willow and the gang call on Osiris to bring Buffy back to life. (You’d almost forgotten KAM’s comment about it in his notes on The Curse and anyway, he didn’t mention the episode title, so the use of an ‘Osiris jar’ comes as a bit of a surprise.) When Willow falls across Buffy’s grave and vomits up a huge snake, you find yourself saying wisely, “That’ll teach her to mess with a Goa’uld. So is that how Daniel’s professor died too?”

By KAM on Friday, November 08, 2002 - 3:57 am:


By KAM on Monday, November 25, 2002 - 4:29 am:

When watching an Energizer commercial and they say the tagline of "the bunny inside" you think, 'That's no bunny. That's a Goa'uld!!!'

And they actually ran the commercial as SG-1 ended tonight. ;-)

By KAM on Thursday, November 28, 2002 - 5:57 am:

I was reading Nekht Semerkeht by Robert E. Howard & Andrew Offut and toward the end the title character says, "Nekht Semerkeht of Egypt in whom Sethis has resided these tens and tens of centuries." Hmmm...

By TT Snim on Sunday, February 16, 2003 - 11:55 pm:

You know you have seen to much stargate when...

You actualy KNOW all the meanings of "KREE!"

By mei on Tuesday, February 18, 2003 - 9:43 pm:

You see T'Pol holding a weapon, and think she has a zat gun. (True story. Took me a second or two to realize she wasn't. ;)

By KAM on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 4:18 am:

You see a commercial for Pop Secret (a microwavable popcorn) and think, 'If Richard Dean Anderson owned it, would it be called Double Pop Secret?'

By Scott McClenny on Sunday, March 30, 2003 - 1:27 pm:

You start to wonder where O'Neill's fishing cabin in Minnesota is and if he shares it with MacGyver and if it's anywhere near Bemidiji,Minnesota.

Looking at eels in the aquarium some how makes you nervous.

You start making lists of people you suspect of being Gou'ald.

By Callie on Saturday, May 17, 2003 - 2:57 pm:

You’re watching the episode “Villains” from season six of Buffy and when an enraged Willow blasts Osiris for not bringing Tara back from the dead, you say out loud to an empty room, “Ooh, Daniel’s gonna be peeved about Willow bumping Sarah off.” Then you add, “Mind you, she’s not looking too good these days.”

By mei on Wednesday, October 01, 2003 - 8:17 pm:

There's a new Whataburger ad, which features a voice-over. At the very end, they show just the mouth, saying the tagline. I think it was the tagline; I was distracted by the thought that I knew that mouth. It's one of the bad guys from 'Summit', I think Ba'al. The one with the funny lip - which is why I recognized it. I want to watch it again, to be sure.

By mei on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 5:05 pm:

My cat has two toy mice. The older one is a regular brown. The other one is a lovely teal color. When referring to it, I called it - you guessed it - Teal'C.

By Callie on Sunday, October 26, 2003 - 8:07 am:

The hillside on the other side of the river to where you live is a rubbish tip which is slowly being converted into parkland. A huge machine is pouring sand onto the top of the hill, forming a massive tall cone. The sunlight shining on it creates a single line of shadow down one side of the cone, making the cone look more like a pyramid shape. You take one look at it and think hysterically, “Arrgghhh!! Anubis has arrived and is setting up home!!”

By mei on Monday, November 03, 2003 - 9:12 pm:

You read in a book: ..he saw what appeared to be a small amphitheater, ringed by stone pillars. And you wonder where the ring is. And the DHD.

And then you remember, Oh, yeah,wrong book. ;)

By John A. Lang on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 12:12 pm:

You know you've watched WAY too much Stargate when you don't walk through an open jump through it..hoping it just MIGHT actually BE a Stargate!

By Dude on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 3:34 pm:

If the first thing you think when you see the cover of the Charmed novel Mirror Something-or-other (OK, I forogt the title, so sure me!) is "Hey that look's like the Stargate!

By Kree Alan Morgan on Sunday, November 30, 2003 - 4:44 am:

You see a picture of a giant wreath at the Mall Of America and you wonder why the SGC disguised the Stargate, put it in a mall with lots of civilians around, and why did they hang it up in the air where anyone coming through will fall and break their necks?

You're reading the origin of the Golden Age Hawkman (1939) and you start snickering when Khufu & Shiera are taken to Abydos to the temple of Anubis and Khufu promises to come back from the dead for revenge and as Hawkman he fights Dr. Hastor the reincarnated high priest of the god Anubis (and Hastor mentions coming back from the dead as well).

By Callie on Monday, December 01, 2003 - 3:06 am:

You’re watching an episode of Andromeda (namely Season 2’s ‘The Prince’) and when they go to Prince Eric’s homeland you spend the rest of the episode saying scornfully, “That’s Tollana! What are they doing in Tollana?!”
(clearly the episode was filmed in the same place as Pretense and Between Two Fires but they didn’t even try to make it look different! I spent the rest of the episode seeing whether they’d bothered to remove the Stargate!)

By KAM on Monday, December 01, 2003 - 3:13 am:

Is it a sign that you watch too much or too little when you confuse the names Hastor & Hathor? D'oh!

By Thande on Monday, December 01, 2003 - 5:33 am:

You go on holiday to British Columbia and say things like 'hey, that's the forest on P3X325321D!' or 'that's the forest on Edora!' or...erm... 'that's the forest on the planet from 'Deadman Switch!''...until the tour guides chuck you into Lake Louise, anyway.

(You may hear the voice of experience in this)

By Callie on Wednesday, February 11, 2004 - 2:18 am:

On the way to work you see a man wearing a “North Face” jacket and have to stop yourself grabbing him by the lapels and demanding, “When were you last in Antarctica digging up Ancients?”!

By mei on Monday, September 13, 2004 - 6:14 pm:

You're flipping thru a magazine and see a StarGate - then go back and find out it's an ad for a truck or something.

You see an ad for 'Millenium' (the sci fi show) and think it looks like a StarGate.

By Callie on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 11:27 am:

You go out to an icy wasteland just to build this!

By mei on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 9:43 pm:

I actually dreamed I was at Stargate Command. I was an officer of some sort, and I made somebody give me a zat gun. And I could actually feel it! Now that was cool!

By Thande on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 6:30 am:

I don't know if this is a universal thing, but it occurred to me the other day that all the really diehard, hardcore Stargate fans I know are really tall blokes with untidy hair (let's call them the RTBUH Segment in demographic terms. :)).

By ScottN on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 7:02 am:

Callie might resent that one, Thande :)

By Thande on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 8:28 am:

I meant know in person. :O

By Snick on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 10:08 am:


Does 6'1" count as "really tall"? Ya got me with the untidy hair, alright.

By Thande on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 12:58 pm:

I'd say so. A pattern emerges! I wonder if anyone can come up with an evolutionary explanation for this...

By Merat on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 1:56 pm:

Well, I'm only 5'10'', but again, untidy hair. Maybe guys with untidy hair like Sam, I dunno.

By Callie on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 4:53 pm:

all the really diehard, hardcore Stargate fans I know are really tall blokes with untidy hair

*Wonders if 5'9 is too tall, while scurrying away to find her comb, and reminding herself that she really must trim her chin whiskers more often.*

By KAM on Saturday, March 26, 2005 - 1:16 am:

You're reading the Amazing Spider-Man #130 and you wonder what the laser gun means when it makes the sound "Kreee"?

By Callie on Sunday, March 27, 2005 - 9:30 am:

You’re watching the new Doctor Who opening credits and think to yourself, “Wow – the TARDIS travels through time and space using a wormhole! Has he got a Stargate in there?”

By Callie on Sunday, May 01, 2005 - 11:08 am:

You’re watching the Doctor Who episode “Dalek” and think to yourself, “I’m glad that Sarah Gardner got herself a nice new job after having Osiris removed.”

By mei on Thursday, August 04, 2005 - 10:55 am:

No fair, guys. We don't get the new Dr. Who in the US yet. Don't know when we will. And don't think we're not upset about it, too!

I was watching an ad for The slogan is: It's all about the O. As in, It's all about the Office. She says it several times, using different O words. The last time, she's wearing a gold O necklace, and says (I swear), But sometimes, It's all about the Goa'uld.
I was watching the ad with my mom, who just started watching StarGate, and she heard the same thing!

By mei on Monday, August 15, 2005 - 10:43 am:

I was watching a disaster movie and I heard a red alert siren in the background, and my first thought was, StarGate!

Later that night, I incorporated StarGate into a bad dream. I dreamed I was sick (just before I woke up and realized I was sick), and I told someone, I'm not taking this through the StarGate; I'm not getting everyone sick.
(I don't handle sickness very well.)
It was very strange to wake up and remember what I'd been dreaming.

By Callie on Tuesday, January 10, 2006 - 6:09 am:

You know you’ve been watching too much Atlantis when you see a guy walking away from you in the street who has very long straight blond hair and is wearing a floor-length leather coat – and all you can think is “Wraaaaaaaaaaith!

By constanze on Tuesday, January 10, 2006 - 12:03 pm:

As long as he didn't try to su-ck your life energy from you, he probably wasn't... (If that happens to you: bad luck. :))

By Callie on Wednesday, March 01, 2006 - 8:48 am:

You know you’ve been watching too much Atlantis (or, at the very least, too much Rodney McKay) when you realise that on several occasions recently, instead of simply saying an urgent, “No,” you’ve been saying, “No-no-no-no-no-no-no.”
(Luckily, so far, I’ve not been in many situations where I’ve also found myself saying, “Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa,” but I have no doubt that if the opportunity presents itself ...)

By Callie on Monday, May 15, 2006 - 10:55 am:

And whenever you want to say “thank you” in a slightly sarcastic way, you find yourself doing it the way that Zelenka did it in The Siege part 2 when Beckett agreed to get another stimulant for him and McKay.

By SlinkyJ on Saturday, September 16, 2006 - 9:00 pm:

Posted by mei
My cat has two toy mice. The older one is a regular brown. The other one is a lovely teal color. When referring to it, I called it - you guessed it - Teal'C.

-I guess it's a sign I'm watching too much Stargate too, because a simular situation happen to me recently, and at work. I work in retail, bookstore, and while on the phone with a customer looking at the picture of a particular book, I described the color of the book, and instead of saying it is teal, I said it had a Teal'c color. The customer actually went 'What?!', like they recognized what I said and couldn't believe it. I covered it up by repeating myself, saying, 'Yeah, I said it was a teal color.'

By mei on Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 11:49 am:

Good save, SlinkyJ. So far I've managed not to say anything strange to anyone (except the cat, and what does he know), so I guess I'm lucky.

Except that, everytime the name O'Neill comes up - however it might be spelled - I always say: O'Neill, with two Ls. Luckily, the only person I normally say it to is my mom, and she's a Gater too.

By KAM on Thursday, January 18, 2007 - 1:04 am:

I think Dr. Catastrophe (or his artist) watches too much Stargate.

By Jean Stone on Friday, January 26, 2007 - 2:47 pm:

Just happened to me. When you're going combing through lists and find a place called Chula Vista and your first thought is that you've discovered Chulak...

By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Friday, January 26, 2007 - 6:16 pm:

You know you watch too much Stargate when all your passwords on the Internet is "KREE"

By Callie - login password Kree - wait, did I type that out loud? on Saturday, January 27, 2007 - 2:30 am:

Now I know who's been hacking all my internet accounts! ;-)

By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Saturday, January 27, 2007 - 4:30 am:

You know you've been watching Stargate when all the doors on your house are not vertical rectangles....they're huge circles

By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Friday, February 02, 2007 - 4:42 pm:

You know you've been watching too much Stargate when you ask everyone in your community to sign a petition to re-name your road, "KREE STREET"


You know you've been watching too much Stargate when you call the planetarium and ask for "Name a star" and desire the name "KREE"

By John A. Lang (Johnalang) on Friday, February 02, 2007 - 7:38 pm:

...Your childrens' names are "Kree" and "Goa'uld"

By Callie (Csullivan) on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 4:19 am:

You're standing in the street when a small crew of workmen go past, one of them driving a little crane using a remote control. Immediately a tune starts up in your head which you can't place for a while, then you realise that it's the very distinctive music from the scene in Fail Safe where Jack was driving the bomb across the asteroid.

I've not watched that episode in years, but the tune started in my head instantly!

By Don F (Dupmeister) on Thursday, June 11, 2009 - 9:37 am:

you are building steps to your back door using 16" stone tiles and as you slide them next to each other the sound immediately reminds you of an ancient control panel for a time loop machine.

By Don F (Dupmeister) on Thursday, June 11, 2009 - 10:14 am:

Ok this is no Joke, I just took an order from our website and the customer's name is:

Col. S Carter

and its going to a military base! :D

By ScottN (Scottn) on Thursday, June 11, 2009 - 12:45 pm:

Is it in either Nevada or Colorado? :-O

By Don F (Dupmeister) on Thursday, June 11, 2009 - 5:56 pm:

North Carolina actually :-) I guess that is the secret base noone knows about :D

By Don F (Dupmeister) on Friday, June 12, 2009 - 6:18 am:

you are redecorating your basement and while deciding how to decorate it you look at the paint color called "Atlantis" from this you suggest a Stargate theme for the basement, complete with decorating the door with Gate symbols and draping a translucent blue fabric over the doorway.

and your wife says "thats a great idea!!"

By Callie (Csullivan) on Monday, January 04, 2010 - 4:00 am:

"Hallowed are the Timelords" is the only thing you can think in Doctor Who's The End of Time when the Timelord President tells how the Timelords are going to destroy time and ascend to pure energy.

By Callie (Csullivan) on Friday, January 15, 2010 - 3:21 am:

you have to choose a new password for files which you are about to email to members of a committee at your workplace. Each time the committee meets, you choose a new password, and you do it by going onto Wikipedia, typing in the date of the meeting and then selecting a surname from the list of people's birthdays.

For the upcoming meeting on 23rd January, you scan the list of birthdays, squeal with delight, and set the password as "anderson". And giggle every time you see mention of it. And then tell everyone about it on Nitcentral.

Happy birthday for next Saturday, Richard Dean!

By ScottN (Scottn) on Friday, January 15, 2010 - 9:20 am:

Cool! Now I can hack your files!!! :-O

(just kidding)

By Callie (Csullivan) on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - 2:58 am:

You know you’ve been watching too much Universe when, just as you're about to get off the train, you see another commuter wearing a T-shirt with "Flogging Molly on tour" on the front. And you're really tempted to burst into a rousing chorus of "It's Been The Worst Day Since Yesterday" but desist simply because you'll have to face your fellow commuters again the next day.

By Keith Alan Morgan (Kmorgan) on Tuesday, July 06, 2010 - 12:38 am:

I was working on this cartoon & as I was adding the letters to the amulet I kept thinking, "Chevron 1 engaged! Chevron 2 engaged!"

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