Cap'n Toby

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: The Lone Gunmen: Season One: Cap'n Toby

By Maagic on Friday, June 01, 2001 - 10:47 pm:

Langly's childhood hero is accused of being an international spy

By MikeC on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 12:57 pm:

A leftover? This was a not bad show, although it took a long time getting to what, we, the audience knew for the longest time. This, more than any other episode, seemed a LOT like an "Avengers" episode.

Great to see Tom Poston, by the way.

"Ancient Chinese secret, huh?"

By Charles Cabe (Ccabe) on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 3:20 pm:

There is a HUGE nit I just noticed last night. If you watch the episode with a rose filter, the Chinesse writing dosen't show up like it should. Cap'n Toby might be a spy, but not a good one :)

(PS nice reuse of Koko's copy center. It was on an episode of the X-Files.)

By constanze on Monday, June 16, 2003 - 2:40 am:

Okay, a lot of this ep. confused me. First, why are the lone gunmen themselves so ready to jump to conclusions? I thought they wanted to be real journalists, not the yellow-press type. Also, if they want to read between the lines, why do they accept the solution that meets the eye, instead of questioning alternatives? E.g. when the microfilm is found in Cat'n tobys dressing room, they think its evidence of his guilt, just like the chinese letter, although good spies are hardly that stu-pid to leave important things lying around in unsafe areas.

Second, as Ccabe noticed, I suspected that the hidden characters wouldn't be picked up by the camera and therefore, not sent.

Thirdly, just what job does the blonde-with-pink-sunglasses hold at the show, that she can smuggle the secret messages there for weeks on end? The FBI guys have the cover of building workers on the show, capt'n toby is part of the show, likewise the producer. When jimmy and the others first discover the blonde in the mall and she arrests them, she says she is with the CIA (which makes sense if its about foreign spionage), and she has some credential she shows the mall police. However, these credentials can be faked, and when jimmy and yves clear up the secret at the end, I'm unsure whether the blonde was a double-agent or just pretending to be CIA with fake credentials. Esp. if she, like Yves says, does it only for the money, she would take no risks. I don't know on what clues Yves bases that assumption, however. And if the blonde only works for the money, why did the chinese give her the very cool, sophisticaed poison darts?

I think this ep. should have been the next-to-last, with the previous ep. the last, as that would have made a better closing ep. than this one.

By MikeC on Monday, June 16, 2003 - 5:04 pm:

Still both are better than "Jump the Shark."


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