Next Spinoff?

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Highlander: Immortal Sink: Next Spinoff?
By triggins on Saturday, August 19, 2000 - 7:09 am:

I wonder if the powers that be will attempt another spinoff of Highlander. Or are they content with the movies.

By Art Vandelay on Sunday, September 24, 2000 - 1:19 am:

I saw a picture in a magazine recently. It showed Lorenzo Lamas (Renegade) with long hair, wearing a duster and carrying a samurai sword. He was standing beside a blonde woman (who looked like Tess) and a kid (who looked like Rithie). The title of the show is, wait for it, 'The Immortal' Is this to be a spin-off or a rip-off. Has anyone any info on this show?

By Local Immortal on Monday, September 25, 2000 - 2:30 pm:

I don't, but this sure looks like a blatant rip-off, to me.

By Mirror Duncan on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 4:15 pm:

The Immortal made it into the top ten for synidcated shows for the week of October 9-15.

By Triggins (Triggins) on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 7:02 pm:

Lucas Byron who played Josh Cole in the Mountain Men episode of Highlander guest starred in a episode of the Immortal. So not only are they ripping off the series they are using the same guest stars as well.

By Art Vandelay on Monday, October 29, 2001 - 9:14 am:

I hear rumours of a new Highlander film called Highlander 5:The Source where they try to discover the origins of the immortals. There are also rumours of a new series called 'Trinity' about three immortals who work for a government agency.

By Triggins (Triggins) on Monday, October 29, 2001 - 4:31 pm:

They both sound great. I hope they pan out.

By BF on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 6:35 pm:

`Trinity' sounds awful. Immortals working for the government? Bah! The government should never find out the truth about Immortals, or at least we should never find out that they know if they do. If they do the series, I hope Duncan, Amanda and Mythos show up and go head-hunting!

Highlander 5, eh? If they do it, I hope they have Kate from Highlander 4 in it. (In the Director's Cut, they tacked on a happier ending after Duncan is at Connor's grave; Kell didn't kill her. He only cut off her necklace. Apparently he really did care about her.)

As for `The Immortal' sucks. Its not a spin-off, but a blatant rip-off. But he fights demons, not other Immortals.

By adam on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 10:20 am:

Highlander 5!! truely this franchise is immortal. and its quickeningly catching up with Star Trek for number of spin offs.

By Brian Fitzgerald on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 11:49 am:

I wouldn't mind a cameo from Christopher Lambert in H5 if they make one. As one of the producers point out on the H4 DVD commentary, Connor was only killed in the presant day; meaning that he can still appear in the series' traidmark flashbacks. Heck Ramerez was already dead the first time we met Connor but he still almost stole the movie in flashbacks.

Also I agree about having sexy Lisa B return as Kate.

By Local Immortal on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 2:57 pm:

I wouldn't mind a cameo from Christopher Lambert in H5 if they make one.

I agree, because that was the real kicker about Endgame - they killed Connor off just as Lambert was showing some actual acting talent!

I just hope they handle the makeup better this time, so Connor doesn't look like he's in his fifties again.

By BF on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 8:33 pm:

And don't forget Fitz. They used him in flashbacks after he was killed off, too.

If you haven't seen the Director's Cut of H4, Duncan goes back to that place Kate worked at and finds her coming down a flight of stairs. They talk and sort of make up. Duncan tries to give her back the necklace that he gave her when they were married, and she tells him to keep it, because she's not ready yet. It looks like they're going to get to know each other again.

I haven't seen the normal cut of H4, just the Director's Cut, so I have no idea what else they added. According to the box, it has about 12 minutes of added footage. The added ending was kind of obvious, though.

And can anyone tell me what else Lisa B has appeared in? She looked familiar, but I can't quite place where I've seen her before. Or is she a newcomer?

By Brian Fitzgerald on Thursday, November 01, 2001 - 9:04 pm:

She was in Almost Heros and she had a singing career in the UK.

You can check her website here:

Check what was diferent about H4 at this link:

By Art Vandelay on Friday, November 02, 2001 - 6:07 am:

She played Hugh Grant's girlfriend in 'Bridget Jone's Diary'.

Also I forgot to mention that in the same article I read about H5, they mentioned that they haven't ruled out Conor appearing in a flashback.

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