These are the Voyages...

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Enterprise: Season Four: These are the Voyages...

By Anonymous22 on Monday, May 02, 2005 - 9:30 am:

no this is the real ending for Enterprise, I ve fallen and cant get up

I am going to get the dvd for Miror Darkly though

By Adam Bomb on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 9:48 pm:

From TV Guide's description, it seems to play more like the 179th episode of Next Gen than an Enterprise episode.

By John-Boy on Friday, May 06, 2005 - 2:39 pm:

Thats because Enterprise sucks so bad, they have to make the end of it seem like a The Next Generation episode. :)

By Rona on Monday, May 09, 2005 - 6:24 pm:

Entertainment Weekly has already reviewed the last ep. They give it a B.

By Josh M on Monday, May 09, 2005 - 9:52 pm:

Pretty good for EW. I usually see much lower grades for TV eps.

By Josh M on Monday, May 09, 2005 - 10:20 pm:

BTW, Sci-Fi Weekly at gave it a C-. Go here if you want to read the review.

By Benn on Monday, May 09, 2005 - 10:35 pm:

Just from Sci-Fi Weekly's description, I'd say that's beyond "apalling". It sounds very insulting to the fans of Enterprise. The series isn't even allowed to go out as its own show - it's essentially an ep of The Next Generation. At least they didn't go the "It was all just a holodeck projection" route. Might as well have.

From what I've heard on the rumor mill, Trip is the one to die.

By John A. Lang on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 7:57 am:

Troi (Sirtis) Looks lovely as ever in the pic!

By Chris Todaro on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 11:06 am:

I'm willing to reserve judgement until I actually see it. My impression is that it's not going to be as bad as everyone seems to think it will be, but probably is not a good idea for the series finale.

Perhaps the idea was to make "Enterprise" seem more like a member or the entire "Trek" family of shows, and that's why they brought in characters from another series. Also, it will be the last first-run "trek" episode of any kind for a while, so in a way it's not just the "Enterpise" finale, but finale for "Star Trek" as a whole (at least for a while). Handled well, it could work. I actually enjoyed preview scenes with Riker and Troi (but then again Colin Baker is my favorite "Doctor Who" actor, so what do I know?)

I will take a "wait and see" attitude.

By ScottN on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 11:52 am:

It could also be Berman's way of trying to establish it as canon, since ISTR that they had left the words "Star Trek" off the titles in S1, so that it would not be required to be part of the Trek-verse.

But, that said,....

HEY BERMAN!!!! We tuned into this to watch the "Enterprise" finale, not an episode of NextGen!

By Snick on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 12:03 pm:

Only reason I'll be tuning into it is to watch an episode of NextGen.

By Harvey Kitzman on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 12:13 pm:

I think the problem is that the Killer B's were more interested in doing a show for the sake of doing a show and keeping their creative team together. I truly hope that Manny Coto, a person who actually respects the unique history and traditions of Star Trek, gets ownership of the franchise. To the Killer B's I say, "Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out. Goodbye, and Good Riddance!"

By Rene on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 1:41 pm:

Not that Star Trek Enterprise needed to be established as canon, since it already was, but "In A Mirror Darkly, Part 2" did that already by having Archer's and Hoshi's Starfleet records in the USS Defiant's database.

And from what I read about this episode, it's not gonna be good at all. I don't care if this is the last Trek episode for awhile, I want a proper finale for Enterprise, not a wasted episode featuring Next Generation characters.

By LUIGI NOVI on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 1:43 pm:

What's the cover date for the issue of EW?

By Richie Vest on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 5:40 pm:

Persoanlly I am glad i can see my favorite Trek Character Will Riker one last time but at the end of the day the crew of Enterprise deserved their own end

By Matthew Patterson (Mpatterson) on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 6:45 pm:

Honestly, I think putting the TNG characters in there was genius. Why? Because that's the only way I'm going to watch this thing.

By Rene on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 7:28 pm:

Personally, I don't care what people who don't watch Enterprise think. This finale should be a reward for those who stayed, not those who left.

By John-Boy on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 7:37 pm:

I have to agree that you guys that stayed and watched this junker of a show should get a better finale than this. Since Paramout can't give you back all the hours you wasted on this cr@p, maybe they could send some money? :)

I too will be watching this only because Riker and Troi are in it.

By Rene on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 7:40 pm:

I find that attitude insulting.

By Josh M on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 7:51 pm:

Luigi Novi: What's the cover date for the issue of EW?
Don't know the date, but the cover has Ray Romano and Patricia Heaton on it. I believe that it's on newsstands right now.

By Benn on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 8:27 pm:

I read the review at a Walden's in the Mattoon, Illinois mall today. It was all of one paragraph that had quite a bit negative top say about the finale, despite giving it a B. Talk about damning with faint praise... The praise barely rose above a whisper.

Live long and prosper.

By John-Boy on Wednesday, May 11, 2005 - 7:34 am:

The EW cover date is May 13, 2005.

By Biggy on Friday, May 13, 2005 - 11:52 am:

Given the letdown we were given in the Voyager finale, I'm not surprised at yet another disappointing end to a Trek franchise.

By Berman and Braga on Friday, May 13, 2005 - 1:57 pm:

What do you mean, "disappointing"? This is our valentine to you fans!

By the fans on Friday, May 13, 2005 - 2:05 pm:

I guess it's our lucky day.

By John-Boy on Friday, May 13, 2005 - 3:58 pm:

But its not Valentines Day, it Friday the 13th!!! :)

By Thande on Friday, May 13, 2005 - 4:21 pm:

He's right, you know!

And I hadn't even realised it!

*Ten ton weight falls on Thande*

By LUIGI NOVI on Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 12:29 pm:

Valentine? Well, I'd sure like to shoot an arrow through Berman and Braga's heart right now. :)

By Thande on Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 12:58 pm:

I like the implication in Luigi's comment that Berman and Braga only have one heart between them. :)

Sort of the opposite of a Time Lord - which is ironic given how much they like time travel...

By oino sakai on Saturday, May 14, 2005 - 9:16 pm:

I have watched Star Trek since the airing of the very first episode. I have over this long time come to accept that most of the audience prefers action-adventure to drama. Sad, but true.

But I am pleased that the audience prefers quality to B&B, even in the action-adventure format.

When Star Trek returns-- although I know that in some form or other it will never go away-- I hope that the producer(s) of that show realize something.

Good writing is the Prime Directive.

Good acting comes a close second.

Then comes the skin-tight cat suit and other special effects.

By Dave Flitton on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 1:55 pm:

I was extremely let down with the finale, more focus was on the Next Gen crew than on the Enterprise crew. The death of Trip was badly setup, badly scripted and badly directed. The actual end seems to show that Next Gen is more important than Enterprise, Riker and Troi cut out and stopped the historic scene before it ended. There were some good moments but too few to enjoy. They had better make up for such a bad end by making movies of the Enterprise crew. I think there would be some excellent stories there.

By John-Boy on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 3:07 pm:

Of course The Next Generation is more important than Enterprise! Is there anyone here that really doubts that?

"Moves of the Enterprise crew"?!? "Excellent stories there"?!? You are kidding right! I got a good laugh out of that one!!!!!!

By Rene on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 3:13 pm:

No need to be a troll.

By ScottN on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 4:41 pm:

Of course The Next Generation is more important than Enterprise! Is there anyone here that really doubts that?

It should not be so on an episode of "Enterprise".

By John-Boy on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 6:18 pm:

I can't argue with that statement ScottN, but when even the creators make and episode like this, it says alot!

By Uno-man on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 3:34 pm:

was it just me who saw this...when Trip is taken to sickbay just before he is put into the scanner (sorry I don't know what that cat-scan device is called), he SITS-UP, and I swear he winked at the camera!
now did any one else see that?
it was almost like the actor knew he, (Trip Tucker) would die, like the hand wave Denese Crosby did to her fans before "Skin of Evil"

By Rene on Thursday, June 16, 2005 - 5:49 am:

Um...he winked at Archer and Archer smile.

By LUIGI NOVI on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 12:09 am:

That medical scanner has more than one use, I believe, and I forget the exact name Phlox has used in past episodes to refer to it (I think he may have used it near the end of Fallen Hero), but for Trip's condition, I think he referred to it as a hyperbaric chamber.

By Zarm Rkeeg on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 11:52 am:

Y'know, for some reason this board got me to thinking yesterday. If the producers were dead set on doing a Frakes/Sirtis crossover series finale, here's what I would have proposed.

Returning/going somewhere of no special importance to the plot (as usual) Enterprise stumbles across a spacial anomoly, in which they can bearly detect a ship surrounded by bizzare, non-Vulcan-Science-Directorate-approved temporal readings. Taking most of the senior staff on a rescue attempt (that, or giving most of them no important role in the finale, once again as usual,) Archer, T'pol, Trip, Phlox, and however many regulars can be reasonably taken along on the mission enter the rift in a shuttlepod and discover a strange spacecraft. Aboard is a dark, mysterious stranger and a few of his crewmembers, many of whom are already dead. The captain explains that this is a temporal rift, a kind of time nexus (not to be confused with a time-space Nexus) in which his heavily damaged ship is trapped. The rift is essentially open to every point in time simultaneously, which makes exiting the rift a difficult proposition: every time leads into the rift, and the rift leads outwards to everytime- if you don't have the proper phasing technology, your individual molecules will be spread throughout random timeframes when you try to leave.
As Archer and Co. try to decide what to do, several other rescue parties appear, including a TOS Movie-era crew, a group of Preservers from way back when, and a team from the USS Titan (fresh out of spacedock with missing parts that won't be delivered until Tuesday), led by Captain William Riker and his wife.
The many teams agree to help the ship's mysterious captain and his almost fanatically devoted crew, as this ship has advanced technology that may be able to get them all safely out, once it's repaired. The only stipulations: the rescue teams are not allowed into a large chamber filled with technology beyond their understanding, a vast cathedral of machines and energy conduits leading to a single, tiny platform in the middle; also, one locked crew cabin is off limits.
The crews do their best to repair the strange technology, all the while having scores of meaningful heart-to-heart talks between the teams, especially Archer and Riker. (More meaningful than what we got in the real finale anyway.)
However, the teams are soon beset with a series of random, minor, but often leathal accidents with the unfamilliar technology... some that should not be able to occurr. The Preservers are wiped out, as well as the movie era crew and the engineers from the Titan. (If it's necessary to kill off Trip, that happens here as well, probably leaping in to save Archer or T'pol from a deadly electrical discharge.)
As suspicions between Riker, Troi, and the Enterprise crew, they decide to slip past the crew of this ship and into the locked quarters. After a tense comando/stealth infiltration operation, they discover a lone occupant. A single human male, tortured, beaten, restrained and near death: Crewman Daniels!
Through daniels they learn that after the timeline was re-set following the Nazi Takeover incident, only one faction of the Temporal cold war (besides the Federation itself) remained unaffected; this ship was hidden in an anti-time pocket, the same one that it's now in. The mysterious captain is Future Guy, the man who has been giving orders to the suliban all this time! (Optional shocker moment: Future Guy is actually the guy from Voyager's Year of Hell series!!! Dum-dum-dum!)
Once many of his allies were eliminated by the timeline re-setting, and his options were low, Future Guy remained hidden in his anti-temporal pocket, trying to create an all-out temporal war. The Federation sent Daniels, an old pro at dealing with Future Guy, and his partner Braxton, who was killed in the mission. Daniels was halted, but not before accomplishing part of his mission: Future Guy really *is* stranded in this pocket of his own creation, and despite needing help with his own repairs, has been eliminating his workers as repairs near completion because he knows that they will try to oppose him when they discover the truth. Daniels urges them to help: Future Guy is at his weakest with most of his technology off-line and many of his crewmen dead. A strike now could end this temporal madness once and for all!
In a final comando raid, the assembled Starfleeters fight their way though the ship to the large cathedral-chamber, the temporal broadcasting chamber that Future Guy uses to send his messages. There, a final confrontation with Future Guy ocurrs. Daniel tries to face him, but he is too weak by far and is quickly killed. Archers engages in a mano-a-mano battle to delay Future Guy as T'pol and Riker, working together, re-program the temporal equipment to collapse the anti-temporal pocket. With a last salute to Archer, Riker triggers the temporal device, and Future Guy, along with his ship, are removed from the timeline in a bright burst of light...
Captain Archer, along with his entire crew in an inspection pod, (in the tradition of Star Treks past) are ferried onto the brand-new NX-01 Enterprise, along with a wounded Klingon that they are preparing to transport to Qo'nos for their maiden voyage. A confused Archer breifly starts asking about a race known as the Suliban, and the attack in Broken Bow, but is quickly reminded that the Klingon's vessel simply had a close brush with an ion-storm.
As they prepare to board Enterprise, the scene changes to another ship preparing to leave space-dock. Captain Riker puts a few finishing touches in his ready room, including a large photograph of captain Archer. As his new XO arrives to tell him that the ship is ready to depart, Riker asks if he/she knows much about captain Archer, then proceeds to give a one or two sentance mention of the highlights of Archer's exploits in this "corrected" timeline, concluding with "...and I met him, once."

Then, with a rousing parallel speech by Archer/Riker to their respective crews, the two vessels pull out of spacedock, accompanied my a montage of other Starfleet vessels (Including Voyager and Defiant near DS9) and a multi-captain reading of the "Space, the Final Frontier" Beginning with Zefram Cochrane, (Space, the final frontier), then Janeway (These are the voyages of the starship), Picard (Enterprise. It's continuing mission...), Kirk (To seek out strange, new worlds), Sisko (To find new life, and new civilizations,) Riker (To boldly go...) and finally Archer, as the Enterprise arcs away from Earth and into whatn lies beyond... Where no man has gone before.

Well, there you have it. Not many more plot holes than the average Enterprise episode, and a heck of a lot more interesting. (Although it doesn't include Shran :-( )
What do you think?

By Zarm Rkeeg on Friday, June 17, 2005 - 1:27 pm:

Oh yeah. Great formatting there. That should be :-( followed by a closing parenthesis.

By The Newbie on Saturday, June 18, 2005 - 11:00 am:

Why did they do this? First of all, it's boring. What is Riker looking for, sorry, I forgot, but did he actually find it and what had did it have to do with all that? If it is about Enterprise taking a detour or disobeying orders, he could have watched STIII or STVI....
Letting him appear as the chef was funny, though. But why would everybody come and talk to him? There's never been something like "I had a problem, I talked to the chef, now I'm better" or "stop buggin' me, tell the chef"
Why, please, can anyone tell me why they didn't let us hear Archer's speech? O.k., Troi and Riker are gone, but they didn't shut down the Holodeck, did they? This is giving me this "and-then-what-happened"-feeling. Argh!
Why did that cable trick kill anyone else instantly but Trip (who held the cables!!!) stays alive so he cann tell his captain something heroic and THEN die. Where have all the MACOs gone? (Or where they there and I can't remember? It's been months since I watched it...)

By Uno-man on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 12:41 am:

Here's an episode I'd like to see, --someone finds out who temperal guy is...!
I sometimes go to these conventions and the SECOND I meet a writer of the show (assuming they go to these things ) I;m going to BUG the **** out of him/them. until they admit THEY didn't even know.
Personally I didn't give a tribbles fuzzy behind about the Xindi, or any of that. I felt that TPTB had created a mystery that would reveal itself eventually. Now I feel cheated beyond words, TPTB could have made things better, they could have allowed Trip to live, and now I feel TPTB were just greedy money hungry Targbait. and now StarTrek is dead. and the only remainder is the conventions or whatever/whereever/whenever in comes in reruns.
I hope TPTB are satisfied and I can only pray that they never make anymore shows. especially if this is the result.
Thank You for letting me rant.

By Zarm Rkeeg on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 3:03 pm:

So, that's a vote in favor of my version, then? :-)

By The Newbie on Thursday, August 04, 2005 - 7:51 am:

This could be a movie, actually.....

By Zarm Rkeeg on Saturday, August 13, 2005 - 7:23 pm:

Thanks. :-)