Hatchery Part 2

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Enterprise: Season Three: Hatchery: Hatchery Part 2
By inblackestnight on Monday, June 25, 2007 - 12:08 pm:

"Archer makes a big deal about the Xindi-Insectoid babies needing antimatter from Enterprise in order to survive. At the end of the episode, the Insectoids are born and we find out that they will survive until the next ship arrives." TUE

JoshM already commented that the antimatter was for the ship, but Trip's statement about them surviving until the next ship comes around was just an assumption, since they don't know when that will be.

"However, nothing directly conflicted with Spock's assessment of WWIII as being in the 1990s until First Contact." Jesse

I was always under the impression that the EW and WWIII were sperate events, but the discussions about them here made me reconsider. Thanks fellow nitpickers!

"It seemed odd to me that when Archer told Trip to see that the hatchery was repaired, Trip and T'Pol immediately started questioning him… I was kind of disappointed to see that their reaction was genuine. Is the crew really so lacking in compassion and long-range thinking?" Nove

Although the reactions were a bit out of line, I believe staying there a few days, and using their supplies, to assist the unhatched Insectoids would've compromised their position. They were lucky Reed destoyed that patrol craft so they weren't discovered.

"My question is, how does Justin know that this fact about the Marines also holds true for the MACOs? He says no indication was given that they have this training. But doesn't this episode serve as that indication?" LN

Due to Archer being infected by that goop, I would say this ep does not serve as that indication. I'm also fairly certain that in one of Reeds outbursts about the MACOs that he declared that they don't have starship training, and we find out here the major went to West Point and not the SF Academy.

Archer wanted the adult Insectoid bodies brought to Phlox so he could do an autopsy. Would autopsy still be the correct term when talking about insects? Wouldn't it be dissection?

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