Azati Prime Part 2

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Enterprise: Season Three: Azati Prime: Azati Prime Part 2
By inblackestnight on Monday, June 25, 2007 - 9:43 pm:

"4 hours would be plenty of time to send the MACOs down and take over the facillity, and then the Xindi wouldn't get suspicious from lack of communication." Zarm
"And why can’t he or his people contact the Xindi to tell them? Wouldn’t Daniels be better-equipped to prove this to them by taking one of them into the future?" LN

These are two things I did not consider and make much more sense than what happened. I guess too many poorly written shows have dulled my wits to think of these things.

"[8472] is a race that invaded this galaxy and took on the Federation's worst menace, actually overpowering them." Jesse

Actually, the Borg invaded their space and they retaliated, but didn't plan to stop there.

"That’s why they [Dominion] had to bring the Breen in, as Weyoun told Damar in that last nine-episode arc." LN

The Breen was brought in because of the Cardiassian casualties, not JH losses.

Sparrow47: The point is, the Xindi knew the Enterprise was around as soon as it showed up.

Luigi already debated this but I would like to ask why the Xindi didn't keep better tabs on Enterprise, since they eventually found out it was in the Expanse?

"But, as a country [post-WWI Germany], her industry, her economy, her infrastructure, and her government was intact." Jesse

Germany's economy and infrastructure were most definately not intact. The value of the mark was almost nothing and people would have to use a wheel-barrow full of money just to get a few groceries.

"cause their brains were the size of a plum" Thande

Archer said walnut, but realistically plum is probably more accurate.

"This is halfway across the galaxy. Yet, there is no mention of this in the 24th century. It *MUST* have grown between the 22nd century and the 24th century." ScottN

Good points Scott, but it's probably a safe bet to conclude Enterprise not only prevents Earth's destruction, but also the Sphere-Builder's invasion as well.

Unless there was absolutely no other option, I seriously doubt the Klingons will ever join the Federation. Tucker and Mayweather get questioned when they pass the defense perimiter but are not followed and are allowed to return to Enterprise without any problems. One would think that with such a sensitive project going on in the system it would have better security. Also, when NX-01 arrives there, I think it's the same red giant footage they fooled Degra with earlier. Fantastic Episode!

By AWhite (Inblackestnight) on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 - 6:26 pm:

LN: At the end of Act 1, when Archer steps onto the Enterprise-J 400 years into the future, the last ship we see zoom past the window is a Prometheus-class ship, which first appeared when it was being tested in Message in a Bottle(VOY)... So they’re still using Prometheus-class vessels 200 years after they were commissioned?
A good catch Luigi; it the only one I recognized until I read through this board. While it may appear to be a Prometheus-class ship, as I'm sure TPTB simply re-used the model, perhaps the interior of the ship is radically different? I'm only defending it because I happen to like the Prometheus :-)

Kazeite: then we see USS Dauntless (NX-01-A ), and also Nova class starship...
LN: THAT’s what that second ship was! Thanks, Kazeite... That’s potentially a nit...
Good eye to you as well Kazeite! I would say that using the Dauntless design is more of a nit than Prometheus considering that Dauntless wasn't even a real Federation vessel. The only way I can think of for SF to have a Dauntless-like design would be that while analyzing Voyager's records they saw the ship and liked it so much decided to make one of their own.

By Luigi_novi (Luigi_novi) on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 - 9:42 pm:

Yeah, I like the Prometheus too. And yeah, the inside could be different. The Akira-class and the NX-class were outwardly similar in structure.

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