Such Sweet Sorrow

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Digimon: Digital Monsters: Season Three: Such Sweet Sorrow
Synopsis: With a little help from friends, the tamers finally start to make progress. Justimon receives the strength from Sakuyamon and cuts the D-Reaper in two. Likewise, Jeri is able to blow a hole in the kernel by calling on Leomon’s strength. Unfortunately, the Chaos starts to flow in: scarring Jeri and reviving the D-Reaper again. Then (surprise!) the Digimon Sovereign emerge in this world and attack the D-Reaper. Meanwhile, “project doodlebug” is activated. Janyu informs Henry that he loaded the Juggernaut program into Terriermon. Now that a wormhole between the two worlds has been open, they can use Juggernaut to create a miniature Black Hole, reversing the flow of the wormhole and reverting the D-reaper back to its earliest form. It succeeds in pulling the D-reapers away, allowing Gallantmon to rescue Jeri, but things go bad. Mizuno realizes that he didn’t account for the Digimon/human hybrid when he made the red card, meaning that the Bio-merge can’t be sustained. Thankfully, Kazu and Kenta show up, allowing Marineangemon to rescue everyone (again).
Back in the park, Impmon introduces his tamers to everyone, and is finally forgiven by Jeri. Then the unbelieveable happens: all the Digimon start de-digivolving. Ashamed, Janyu explains that the Juggernaut is sending the Digimon back to the Digital World. He knew this would happen, but allowed the plan to go ahead so that the world could be saved. As the gate to the Digiworld vanishes and their partners vanished, Takato promises Guilmon that they’ll be together again.
Later, life has gone back to normal once again, and even Takato is starting to get used to life without Digimon. At least, until he visits the tunnel Guilmon tried to dig to the Digiworld and finds a familiar pattern of light...
By Blitz - Digimon Moderator (Sladd) on Tuesday, January 20, 2004 - 4:41 pm:

So.... WHY does another gate thinggie show up at the end?

By Blitz - Digimon Moderator (Sladd) on Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 2:22 pm:

Great Moments: I was very impressed by this episode. I really didn’t expect them to pull such a downer after so much dark stuff this season, but the creators were brave enough to stick with it and not throw in a forced happy ending. Well, almost…


The creators tried to put a fast one on us as all the digimon are pulled back into the gate. All of them are reverted back to their baby forms, yet Marienangemon is still a mega! I know, it LOOKS like a baby, but still...

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