
Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: Star Wars: The Jedi's Sink: Miscellaneous Nits: Lightsabers
By guardian on Tuesday, May 30, 2000 - 4:09 pm:

i have created this discussion because there are many things about lightsabers that are worth talking about, and i can find no proper place for a nit i just discovered-being that for some reason, i cannot acces the A New Hope board. when i click on it, i go to "droid designations"

my nit: after obi-wan is *killed*, luke shoots all the stormtroopers in the cargo bay. the blast doors close on where vader and obi-wan were fighting. as they close, you can see vader holding a long silver rod. i guess this is supposed to be his lightsaber and the sfx guys forgot to add it in. this is from the 1995 video tapes, so if anyone has the special editions, pull them out and see if the erorr still stands.

By Jason on Tuesday, May 30, 2000 - 4:10 pm:

I've seen it in the special edition. They didn't change it.

By Sven of Nine on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 10:15 am:

Oops, sorry, thought this topic was about *lightsabres*. Guess I was wrong... :P

By AWhite (Inblackestnight) on Tuesday, August 07, 2007 - 1:42 pm:

Since there's only three other posts on this board I thought I'd add a poll of favorite lightsaber designs along with nits. Although I am partial to the classic Obi-Wan design, Mace's and Dooku's are also interesting looking. Dooku's, and Ventress', curved style seems like it would be easier to handle in combat, not that the ohter's would be difficult. There is also one in the EU, which I beleive is a Sith's but not sure, that has three spike-like protrusions around where the beam comes out that I thought a memorable design.

I'm pretty sure this is mentioned in the Ep I boards but when Quigon(?) is burning through the doors at the beginning how does he not burn his hands? Also, in the Clone Wars animated series, Kit Fisto(?) uses his lightsaber underwater. Does anybody know if this is a special design or can they all work underwater?

By MJF (Obijuan) on Tuesday, August 07, 2007 - 7:26 pm:

I'm partial to Luke's green lightsaber. The design is simple, as it sould be for the Jedi's first attempt at constructing the weapon. Yet it is also elegant. The look of confidence on Luke's face as he caught the saber over the sarlac pit and activated it was classic. The green was a good color choice, as the blade was used primarily in dark places around figures clad in black.

The EU has many interesting lightsaber designs. If you're in a bookstore and can get your hands on the graphic novel Empire Vol. 5, there is an illustration of the Jedi and the Sith toward the end of the book, including a female Jedi with white hair holding a lightsaber that is inspired by the elvin styles of the Lord of the Rings films.

Many other designs can be seen on this page:

when Quigon(?) is burning through the doors at the beginning how does he not burn his hands? - Inblackestnight
Qui-Gon Jinn was using the Force to protect himself from the heat of the melting door. He had to concentrate carefully, so Obi-Wan stood at his back and protected Qui-Gon from the battle droids.

Also, in the Clone Wars animated series, Kit Fisto(?) uses his lightsaber underwater. Does anybody know if this is a special design or can they all work underwater? - Inblackestnight
Depends on what sources are considered canon these days. The films don't mention it, but they also don't mention that lightsabers contain controls to change blade length and intensity, among other functions. Wookiepedia's entry on lightsabers mentions that they would short out if used underwater, unless they were specially modified for that purpose, such as Kit Fisto's lightsaber.

The EU novels do mention that Luke was able to use his lightsaber on a rock wall that separated him from seawater, and that the lightsaber functioned normally as the water geysered into the room. This would seem to indicate that the lightsaber hilt was sealed and not vulnerable to leakage. In contradiction, the novel Shatterpoint indicated that Mace Windu had to coat his lightsaber in a special resin to resist a corrosive fungus on his homeworld, which would indicate that the lightsaber did have certain vulnerabilities.

I'd assume that the blade itself wouldn't be affected if it were put in water. I'd imagine that doing so would be a tremendous power drain, as the blade would be constantly vaporizing the water. Sealing the hilt to make it watertight wouldn't seem to be difficult in the SW universe, so I'd imagine that most Jedi would take that precaution.

By AWhite (Inblackestnight) on Wednesday, August 08, 2007 - 1:08 pm:

Thanks for the info and website Obi-Juan! I like the green as well, it's my favorite color, but Luke's is nearly identical to Kenobi's. The only differences are the color of the grips, Ben's are black, and the emitter, Luke's sticks out the end. I do believe that the Clone Wars animated seres is canon. In fact it's probably safe to assume something is canon in the SW universe than not.

including a female Jedi with white hair holding a lightsaber that is inspired by the elvin styles of the Lord of the Rings films.
Now that sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out.

By Mark V Thomas (Frobisher) on Wednesday, August 08, 2007 - 4:44 pm:

Re:AWhite's last post but one...
It sounds like Exar Kun's double bladed lightsabre to me....
(Think of it as the prototype of Darth Maul's weapon...).

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