League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part I

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part I
By Voice-over on Sunday, November 12, 2000 - 4:57 pm:

Shortly after the cancellation of LICC: The Original Series, K-NIT TV-47 was flooded with viewer responses protesting the action. Nearly 95% of the station's 47 regular viewers called for a return of the series, which was abruptly cancelled during a cliffhanger episode involving the evil Professor Negative. After nearly two weeks, the station released a press statement stating that they would begin production of a new television series featuring the spacegoing heroes, and which would feature new storylines and new adventures. All of the original actors were signed on for the project, and the entire world population of LICC fans waited anxiously for the first of the new episodes. Wait no more.

By LICC2 Opening Credits on Sunday, November 12, 2000 - 4:58 pm:

A view of space. The view seems to speed by planets, stars, nebulas and asteroids. Suddenly, out of the void, appears a shining, metallic eight-legged spacecraft. The camera pans the full length of the vessel, pausing slightly over the holo-violet words emblazoned on the hull, SPIDERMOBILE II. As triumphant music plays, the Spidermobile changes to cruise configuration, and leaps into hyperspace, inside its vapor trail a vague picture of Hamburger Pattie's face. Scenes from past adventures roll, showing each character, with the actor/author name displayed underneath. Finally, huge words in Techno Blue font appear on the screen. League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2. The music swells to a crescendo, then fades. The episode begins.

By Professor Negative on Sunday, November 12, 2000 - 8:10 pm:

(The now-older Egads hurries up to his Boss, who is still gloating over his powerful creation.)

"We sent the message, Boss. The President of Earth asked for 24 hours to gather the money."

Ha, ha. That fool, he is trying to stall for time while he orders his navies and spies to locate us. Well, it is time for a demonstration of just what my Device can do.

(Negative taps on a shiny metal panel mounted on the Chronos Device, and a bank of controls rotates out from the machine. A holographic emitter silently slides out of the machine and projects an image of surrounding space. As the fiendish Professor manipulates the controls, Earth rolls into view on the holodisplay.)

Let's see what they think of THIS!

(Earth. The capital city of New Atlantis. It's a beautiful morning as seabirds fly above the city and lobbyists hurry to work, riding the mass-transit gravlines criscrossing the capital. Suddenly, the huge marble-columned and gold-domed Capitol building, the most visible monument of the human race's Golden Age, shimmers and disappears. Scientists all over the globe register a temporal flux centered on New Atlantis, followed by a terse subspace message from the Asteroid Belt.)

"Earth is next. 1 hour."

By Captain Tacoman, hitting the talk show circuit on Sunday, November 12, 2000 - 8:18 pm:

the words Two months later appear on the screen
...So Captain, tell us about your latest project.
Well Ron, I just finished writing a book about the history of the LICC, straight from the logs of the Spidermobile itself. It should be in stores soon. And in a few days, the original crew will get together for a reunion.
Ron: That's great Captain! Hope it goes well!
I hope it does too, Ron.
Ron: Whoops, I see it's time for a commercial. Announcer: Coming up next, Jackie Hanna from the Orion Park Zoo with some amazing animals.

By Captured Redshirt in Negatives base on Sunday, November 12, 2000 - 8:23 pm:

Whoa! That means we survive all this. We are fated to win this mission! We are invincible!

The redshirt charges out of the circle of cyberguards, straight toward the Chronos Device. He makes it all of 1.2 meters before he becomes free-floating atoms.

By Captain Tacoman, making plans on Sunday, November 12, 2000 - 8:26 pm:

Tacoman walks out of the studio and notices the destruction of the Dome, since he was also in New Atlantis
My god... I think the reunion will have to come sooner then I thought...
Tacoman pulls out his communicator, punches in a few numbers, and gets his party
Steve Milkshake? It's Tacoman. I think it's time to get the crew together again. Yeah, the destruction of the New Atlantis Dome.. I think Professor Negative might be in town again. How soon can you contact the rest of the crew and get the Spidermobile out of storage? Yeah... Yeah... Can you get it all done in less than an hour? If nothing else, get a hold of Frangelica. Yeah, I'll stay here. I'll just be at the Spaceport. Alright. Bye.
Tacoman closes the communicator, puts it back, and starts to head for the Spaceport
Hey, Taxi!
A taxie pulls up and takes Tacoman to the Spaceport

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, November 12, 2000 - 8:42 pm:

Milkshake sets down the handset of his antique phone and lies back in bed. He checks his chronometer. 2:23 A.M. He groans and gets up.

So much for the 6-month leave.

Out of habit, he hits the control that detints his apartment window, revealing the twinkling lights and picturesque skyscape of Old San Francisco. Milkshake gets dressed in a rumpled suit that he forgot to have pressed, and sits down at the comconsole to contact the crew. As he logs on to his telemessage provider, he glances at the holostill picture on his desk, and after thinking a minute, places a local call.

By KNIT TV-47 Viewer, part of the other 5 percent on Sunday, November 12, 2000 - 10:03 pm:

This sounds like exactly what the KNIT executives would do. A huge glaring plot hole. How did the crew get free from Negative and why is Negative implementing his plan two months later???

clicks over to When Rogue PsychoBots Attack 8

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 9:42 am:

Ok... how about this for a plot device....
While we were tied up, Milkshake and I searched out suits' nooks and crannies... We found a time/wormhole device that, when activated, propelled us several days in time. We escaped, but the asteroid was propelled in time two months...
The crew decided disband for a six month leave, and only now has Negative caught up with us...
How's that for technobabble?

By KNIT executive on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 1:09 pm:

Ssshhhh!!! Not yet, Tacoman! We need to leave that glaring plot hole open so we can manipulate the vieweres into watching "LICC XXXI: The Lost Adventure" during Sweeps Week and capitalize on their rage.

By Commander Milkshake, taking care of business on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 1:59 pm:

6:25 am. Fog wreathes the famed hills of San Francisco as the sun rises over the City by the Bay. Milkshake sends the last of his telecom messages and opens a channel to Tacoman's cell phone.


Taco, it's Milkshake. I've sent messages to almost all of the crew. Colanator at Daystrom, Observer in New York, Josh in Sacramento, Mystery in London and Quantum in Cambridge. Did you know Quantum Man holds the Lucasian Chair at Cambridge? News to me. Anyway, Endymion is still busy on Skuld, I guess helping in the affairs of ruling an entire planet. I don't have the slightest idea where Adon is. Probably in another dimension. I also don't know where Frangelica is. I heard she was working with Quantum a few months ago, something about laws of physics in parallel universes, but she wasn't there when I checked. I left a message on her roving voicemail account. I got Insane out of Bellevue, he's taking the Coast Shuttle over here, and we'll head up to the ship as soon as he gets here. The techs on Skydock say that it will take another 12 hours before the Spider is refueled and prepped, something about a deuterium teamster's strike. Anyway, I'm still trying to contact Jadlad, SuperBob, and the Furbies, but the Pokemon and Teletubby Squads, along with the red, yellow and blue-shirt crew, are already on their way up to Skydock to help get the ship ready. Since you're in New Atlantis already, I'm guessing you've got the paperwork going at the Department of Superheroics for reactivation of the League, right? Anyway, I'll call again from the ship when we get up there. Bye.

By Cadet Ansh Tembar on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 2:25 pm:

A shuttle lands and the young Ansh Tembar steps out and nocks on Tacomans door. He opens it

Tacoman: Ansh! I thought you were at the acadamey?

Ansh: When I heard about what was hapening I asked for a few months leave.

By Ensign Peter Dionysus Insane on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 2:28 pm:

Insane's shuttle arrives, Insane greets Milksahke.

Hey, Steve! They exchange a very-high five.

You may know you interrupted me from my lieutenancy aptitude test... but I'll do anything for an old buddy.

Note from Author: Actually, I tried to post as Insane on Milkshake's comm before, but Milkshake beat me to it...

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 2:31 pm:

i{Tacoman is on the phone with the Department of Superheroics}
Yes... Reactivation... Why? Because of Professor Negative! It's being done? Thanks.
So Ansh, should we mosey on up to the Spider?

By Professor Lt. Cmdr. The Amazing Quantum Man on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 2:55 pm:

Tacoman's comm unit beeps.

Hello, Captain. There is an extremely high probability that I can rejoin you all, but I am not certain.

See you on the SpiderShip!

By The Observer on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 4:30 pm:

(New Manhattan. The majestic durasteel and silver-sheathed towers of the New City rise thousands of feet above the ruins of the Lower City. Highest of all rises the New Empire Building. In a exquisitely decorated penthouse near the pinnacle of the towering structure, something strange is happening. A bookcase slides out from its normal position against one of the penthouse walls, revealing a strange portal with a shimmering void beyond.

A cloaked and hooded figure steps out of the void, and the bookcase slides silently closed. The figure walks across the living room to a minibar, and pours himself a gin and tonic, before sinking down onto a overstuffed couch.)

Whew! I better not ask the Superiors for any more 21st century assignments. Too rough on the old being.

(The man stares out the huge windows making up the outer walls of the penthouse, then notices the flashing message light on his telecom console. He gets up and sets down his drink before checking the message. The message plays, and the man takes another sip of his drink.)

Another assignment. Well, it'll be good to see my shipmates again. Computer, reply to latest message, voice transmission.


This is Observer. I'll meet you on the Ship. Good to hear from you again. Out.

"Message sent."

(Observer takes one last look around his new apartment, then sets the coordinates of his quantum transporter to the massive skydock complex orbiting Earth. The bookcase slides open once more, and the figure steps through, leaving the apartment empty, again.)

By Inspector Mystery on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 4:59 pm:

{Meanwhile at that moment, The Inspector is at his London Flat and has just received the call to action.} It will be good to see the crew again. almost nothing has happened since I last saw them well there was that daranuim smuggling case with Scotland yard but that was wrapped up rather Quickly. I wonder what Frangelica is doing?

By Captain Tacoman, ready for action again on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 6:24 pm:

Hold on Ansh... let me take care of one more thing...
Tacoman makes another phone call
Morty? Yeah... this is Tacoman. Cancel the rest of the talk show appearences. The LICC rides again.
Ansh looks at Tacoman questioningly
That was my agent.
Alright... off to the Spaceport. I had the Department of Superheroics get a shuttle for us.
In a several minutes, Tacoman and Ansh are at the Spaceport and are aboard the shuttle, on their way to the Spidermobile

By Frangelica on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 6:58 pm:

The passengers on the NYC E train whimper as the heavily armed mugger relieves them of their watches and wallets. Not one is prepared to stand up to this foe. Is there no justice left?

But what is this? An orange flash brightens the tunnel! It's SUBWAY MAN, defender of righteousness and public mobility! In mere minutes the mugger has been dispatched with and peace has been restored.

A young man with a neatly trimmed beard who has just left the Jewish Theological Seminary dares voice his gratitude. "Thank you Subway Man. Without your timely aid, that punk would have walked away with my superhero pager and I would've missed my connecting flight to the Spidership."

"Spidership?" inquires Subway Man, whose previous superhero identity, incidentally, was called Frangelicoh. "The League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions is being reassembled?"

"Yes!" cries the young rabbi. "Are you a member?"

"No," admits Subway Man. "But I know someone who is. And if she joins you all on the Spidership, you may see me there as well, for I could not bear to be parted from her for so long."

By Lt. Josh Rikard on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 7:03 pm:

The door to a small apartment opens and the lights turn on. A figure walks in and notices his answering machine is blinking. He punches a button and a small hologram of Tacoman appears.
Tacoman Hologram: Hey Josh. Negative's back. Sorry to cut leave short; he came back a little early. The coordinates to the Spaceport that has the Spidermobile is attached to this message. Hope to see you soon. We could sure use our helm officer.
Josh smiles as the coordinates pop up. He looks over at the dog sitting on the couch.
Josh: Well, time for work. I guess I'll have to take you back to Bennett's, huh Chubb?
He walks over to his closet and opens it to reveal a clean LICC uniform that hasn't been worn in two months with lieutenant pips on it
Time to add another one of those to the collar.
Not long after, an A-Wing Starfighter shoots out of San Francisco's docking port

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 8:04 pm:

The bridge of the Spidermobile II is dark, cold and silent. That's Milkshake's first impression as he and Insane step off the turbolift.

Ahh. Good to be back. Now where was that switch?

As Insane jumps onto one of the wheeled chairs and starts to roll across the bridge, Milkshake pops open a hatch on the aft bulkhead, near the Engineering station. The object of his search is a large red button, marked "On".

Here we go.

The blue-armored commander punches the button, and every console, viewscreen and light panel comes to life.

Hmm, the ventilation system smells a bit musty, have to have that checked. Colanator, how's everything in Engineering?

Ship's systems online. Fuel tanks filled, warp core nominal.

Good. Now-

Milkshake is interrupted when Josh Rikard and The Observer arrive at once, one stepping out of the turbolift and the other stepping out of thin air.

Hi, good to have you back. If you will take your stations...oh that's right, Observer, you don't have a station. Well, Mr. Obvious retired, so you are now Science Officer. Lt. Rikard, plot a course towards the Asteroid Belt and lock it into the nav computer, but don't engage. We're still waiting for the Captain and the rest of the crew.

By Fourty Seven on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 9:10 pm:

In the Celestial Halls of Deep Firmanant Nine.

Chronos watching from Ops.

"This is not recorded in the Records of time? Who can this be happening."

The Creator god 47 apporaches Chronos.

"Indeed you are right, An Avatar must be sent, tis the power of the Nameless darkness at hand. Despite the destruction of the Overlord Mainframe, evil still exists to the Kingdom of Earth. This must be resolved now and forever. "

(Note: It was to be revealed that the Darth Armus and Morgan Council of the Overlord were two manifestations of the same evil force.)

By Commander Adon on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 10:46 pm:

A mountain trembled, then exploded. At the center of the explosion was Adon, with small pieces of rock dramatically falling around him. He hadn't aged a day since we last saw him. As soon as the debris stopped falling, a breeze ruffled his hair, and he looked in the direction of New Atlantis.

He finally surfaced. No doubt Captain Tacoman is assembling the old crew even now. My attendance is, no doubt, required.

Adon drifted north, where a metal giant slept. As he approached, a hatch opened in the giant's torso. Adon flew through the hatch, that closed behind him. Seconds later, a pair of green eyes lit up, the combatsuit sat up, leaped into the air, and transformed into plane mode. Moments later, he was aboard the Spidershp II, and at his usual place on the bridge.

By Lt. Cmdr. The Amazing Quantum Man on Monday, November 13, 2000 - 11:23 pm:

A lavender waveform appears on the bridge. It collapses into Quantum Man.

I thought I was the Science Officer?

By Jadlad on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 12:05 am:

Jadlad dimension hops back into his apartment on his way to the store (He forgot his keys again.) and his vidphone rings.

Oh hi, Milkshake. The Captain's getting the crew back together? I'll just hop to the Spidership. Be there soon.

He hangs up the vidphone, changes into his costume and starts dimension hopping to the Spidership. He appears above his chair at the back of the bridge and promptly lands on his face.

Owwwww! Gets up and rubs his nose.

Jadlad reporting for duty sir.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 6:13 am:

As the shuttle approaches the Spidership, Tacoman takes time to put on his armor
The old thing still fits... activing holomatrix
With a sizzle, Tacoman's head appears in place of the helmet. Tacoman pauses, hearing the pilot's approach to the ship
Pilot: Shuttlecraft Hercules to the Spaceport, we are in position and preparing to dock.
Voice from Spaceport: Acknowledged.
As the Shuttle prepars to dock, it flys by the Spidership. Tacoman and Ansh rush to the windows, watching the beautiful ship go by
My god.. I never tire of looking at that ship.
The Shuttle docks, Tacoman and Ansh leave the shuttle and go to the Spidership. Several minutes later, the bridge doors open, and Tacoman and Ansh step out.
So, are we ready for a mission, and is everybody here yet?

By Inspector Mystery on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 7:43 am:

Inspector Mystery reporting for duty.

By Superrabbi on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 11:18 am:

A bright flash of light illuminates the bridge, and three figures appear. The tallest and burliest is a beadred man in a white, blue, and black cape discreetly trimmed with ritual fringes; he is accompanied by a short young woman in a white unitard, black pseudoleather jacket, and MiB shades, as well as a taller young man clad in an orange and silver superhero outfit carrying a duffel bag.

Shalom Aleichem, Captain! Superrabbi reporting for duty. And look who I ran into in New York on my way over here!

By Frangelica on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 11:22 am:

Hi guys! Sorry I didn't get your message-- my comm wristlet went on the fritz while I was hanging with the Guardians and I forgot to get it fixed. Wow is it good to be back! Taco! How's it hanging? Hey Mystery, we've got some catching up to do. Oh, and permit me to introduce Subway Man, my fiance. He's dropped in once or twice before-- he called himself Frangelicoh then and kept a pretty low profile.

By Commander Milkshake on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 12:47 pm:

Welcome back, everyone. Greetings, Subway Man. You are a lucky man, congratulations to you both. Sorry, forgot about that, Quantum. Captain, per your permission I would like to make the Observer the League's Temporal Advisor. Given his extensive experience with properties of Time Travel and Temporal Physics he should be valuable, especially given our current mission.

Colanator reports that we should be able to get underway soon.

By Captain Tacoman, back in the saddle again on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 12:50 pm:

Tacoman walks down the ramp, goes to the captain's seat, and sits down
Hey Frangelica! Nice to meet you, Frangelicoh.
Milkshake, how are preparations going, is everybody here yet, and have there been any modifications to the ship?

By Captain Tacoman, adding more on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 12:52 pm:

Milkshake, Observer can indeed be the Temporal Advisor.
Ansh, would you please take the Con?

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 12:59 pm:

Its good to see everyone again. Frangelica, I have heard so much about you, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.
Adon takes off his hat and bows to her.
I wish the best you and Subway Man.

Adon reaches behind him and pulls out a combination earpiece and eyepiece. He puts the earpiece in his ear, and the eyepiece lights up. He checks his console and reads the information displayed on the eyepiece.

Tactical is powered up and ready. Receiving a message from Earth Departure Control, we are cleared to leave at your discretion, Captain.

By Cadet Ansh Tembar on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 1:50 pm:

Ansh stares at Frangelica

Ha..Have you come back in time? It's just you look just like me but older!

By Ensign Insane on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 1:52 pm:

I'll take ops then.

Note: Here are the stations on the bridge...

Captain's chair, currently occupied by Tacoman
Helm, currently occupied by Ansh
Ops, currently occupied by Insane
Tactical, currently occupied by Adon
Science, currently occupied by QM
Others miscellaneous monitors, occupied by other main cast members.

By T. A. M. agotchi on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 1:55 pm:

Meanwhile, in a replicator, a cyberpet is lurking

Hmm, I'm glad I managed to hide in here when my physical presence broke up. Now I just hope Ensign Insane will notice me.

By T. A. M. agotchi on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 1:55 pm:

Meanwhile, in a replicator, a cyberpet is lurking

Hmm, I'm glad I managed to hide in here when my physical presence broke up. Now I just hope Ensign Insane will notice me.

By Ensign Insane on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 2:21 pm:

Hmm, I'm missing SuperBob's funeral. Ah, well.

By Commander Milkshake on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 2:24 pm:

No, I have Ops, I believe Josh Rikard has Conn, if I'm not mistaken. How about we reprogram the virtual consoles on the Bridge to create a new Nav console alongside Conn, and Weapons alongside Tactical, for Ansh and Insane to man, respectively.

By Ensign Insane on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 2:46 pm:

Conn and Helm are the same thing! Conn and Ops are at the front of the bridge like on the E-D amd E-E. Adon is at Tactical and Josh hasn't arrived. Also, since you are exec you don't need to also be ops. Weapons and Tactical are the same console, currently occupied by Adon.

By Cadet Ansh Tembar on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 2:48 pm:

Ansh tears herself away from hero worshipping Frangelica

I'll take conn till Lt. Rikard gets here and then I'll take engineering.

By Lt Rikard on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 3:39 pm:

Rikard's modified A-Wing tears through the morning sky. It approaches the spaceport where the Spidership II currently resides.
Rikard: New Atlantis Spaceport. This is Lt. Rikard requesting permission to enter Spidership II's landing bay, over.
Spaceport Staff: Granted, the Spidership is in Docking Bay 4. Welcome.
He cruises to a smooth landing in the Spidermobile's bay. He climbs out as an ensign approaches his fighter.
Rikard: Permission to come on board.
Ensign: Granted, Lt Rikard. Welcome back sir.
Rikard smiles and heads for the bridge.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 4:48 pm:

Alright everybody... final systems check before launch... and lunch, for that matter...
Milkshake, was anything new added to the Spider in the last two months?

By Commander Milkshake on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 5:36 pm:

Hmm. Let's see.

Milkshake crosses the bridge and opens the main equipment storage hatch. He then proceeds to pull out quite a few interesting items.

Polymorph pistol, a neutron grenade, handheld coffee replicator, voice disguiser...Ah, a new Ratliffian Battle Mode Activator...doesn't work, hmmm.

slams the hatch closed

Well, I've been doing Ops for so long, it's become a habit, but you are welcome to take the post, Insane. Just watch out for the EPS system actuator on the console, it's a little sticky. Ansh, since Colanator installed a new Bridge Engineering station, you can man that, and then Colanator can stay below and dote over his beloved warp core. That is one dedicated android.

As the bridge crew takes their stations, Milkshake takes the Commander's chair to Tacoman's right.

I'll have to get used to this. Now, Negative has been very gracious in allowing us to prep the Spidermobile and allow the crew time to arrive, but I think we need to get underway. All stations, status report.

By Frangelica on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 8:19 pm:

In the words of the immortal Furby, "A female!!!"

Greetings, felicitations, salutations! You must be Ansh. God is it good to have another clueful woman on the bridge crew-- no offense meant to Lt. Liza, I'm sure. I have a feeling you and I are going to get along very well.

Time travel? Not that I know of. Maybe we have an ancestor in common. I'm not aware of having any long-lost half-sisters, but after all, we are missing an adventure...

rumples Adon's hair playfully Adon, you twit. I haven't been away for that long. (Thanks for the good wishes all!)

Subway Man takes the communications station and Frangelica scoots down to the main deflector array to install some extra Plotonium units, ones to help delfect boring omni-energetic villains.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 8:57 pm:

Commander, is everything ready to launch?
If it is, prepare for launch and prepare to leave spacedock.

By Captain Tacoman, giving a few promotions on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 9:02 pm:

By the way, when I applied for reinstation, I also asked for promotions for some of you.
Ensign Insane, I hereby promote you to Lieutenant.
Lieutenant Josh Rikard, I hereby promote you to Lieutenant Commander.

By Guess who on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 9:43 pm:

Suddenly a wormhole opens behind the ship and a very small shuttle appears. It performs a rather unusual docking maneuver. A hatch opens...

"Awwww, what a terrible hangover!"

"Two hours of fight, two days of party and two weeks of hangover, my dear brother!"

"I hate it... Wait, I'm smelling females!"

By Dramatic Departure on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 - 10:46 pm:

At last, the Spidership was ready to go.
Several umbilical connections to the Spidership to the spaceport. As soon as the ship has been disconnected, the Spidership's running lights illuminated the registry, name, and several external features. Finally, the sublight engines powered up, and the great ship left the Spaceport and made its way into the stars.

There was a restaurant that overlooks the area where the ships docked. Inside, a small crowd had gathered to watch the Spidership's departure, and they cheered when the ship moved out. But one figure watching the even did nothing. As everyone was watching the ship leave, the figure paid for his drink and silently left the restaurant, seeming to melt into the shadows as he left. If anyone had been asked to describe him, all they would have remembered was that there was they had an odd feeling about him, nothing more.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 - 8:54 am:

Helm, as soon as we're clear, set a course for Professor Negative's asteroid at warp 4.
Once that's done, engage

By Lieutenant P. D. Insane on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 - 1:39 pm:

Thanks, Cap'n! I'd like to thank Commander Milkshake, and my sisters and my cousins (whom I reckon up by dozens) and my aunts...

Bibeep Bibeep Bibeep!

Bibeep Bibeep Bibeep? It's coming from that replicator!

He pulls out a cyberpet.

Hello, little feller. Who left you out here alone?

By Cadet Ansh Tembar on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 - 1:41 pm:

In the immortal words of what? Surely if Frangelica's that intelligent she doesn't like those detestable objects! I hate them! Well, there's always a replicator to replicate some water...

By TAMagotchi on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 - 1:47 pm:

On the screen of the cyberpet were these words...


The cyberpet plays the tune for Jingle Bells and the following words appear on the screen as the appropriate bit of music plays


By Lt Commander Rikard on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 - 2:49 pm:

The turbolift opens and out steps Rikard.
Sorry I'm late. Hi everybody. Thanks for promoting me.

By Furby on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 - 9:43 pm:

Hmmm, we should TAMagotchi temporary assign to LICC/small...

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 8:00 am:

Makes sense to me, Furby.
Alright... we need a plan in order to defeat Professor Negative. We know that the mining ship idea won't work again. Any new ideas?

By Jadlad on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 11:49 am:

Why are you looking at me Taco?

The rest of those random files I took from Negative only had notes about us on them or had been heavily encypted from what I found out. So I gave the few encrypted files to Taconator to see if he could get to the data, because I sure couldn't.

By Taconator on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 11:56 am:

Taconator, as he originally appeared in LICC #1, walks onto the bridge.

The encryption algorithims on these files are really complex. I was able to salvage some small technical diagrams and the location of Negative's base, but not much else. Here you go.

Taconator sets a few PADDs down on Jadlad's console.

What are you all staring at me for?

He leaves

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 1:20 pm:

Taconator? How'd he get here?

By Lieutenant P. D. Insane on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 1:26 pm:

I think the TAMagotchi needs a new body. What say we create a holographic Tam O'Shanter for him and slap a holoemitter on? Or use the cyberpest as a holoemitter. I could tamper with its matrix.

By Commander Milkshake/Dust-Speck Man on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 2:18 pm:

Milkshake pulls his deatomizer gun and runs into the turbolift before the door closes. He reemerges a second later, looking sheepish.

He disappeared. This is strange. I don't...

Milkshake abruptly seems to disappear, but upon closer examination, he has been replaces by a tiny microscopic figure who walks across the bridge surprisingly quickly, and leaps up onto the Commander's seat.

...know where he's gone. Systems are at 100% percent, we're ready to depart.

By Lt. Insane on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 2:20 pm:

I'm not going into a turbolift.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 2:43 pm:

I think I'll use the transporters. Oh, uh, we have a course laid in, Captain.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 5:34 pm:

Did everybody else see Milkshake disappear and replaced by a microscopic figure?
Hmm... Tacoman whips out a tricorder and approaches the turbolift, scanning the entire time
Odd...there's a strange temporal\probability field inside the lift...

By inspector Mystery on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 5:41 pm:

So what is the plan indealing with Negative, this time?

By Commander Adon on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 6:08 pm:

What if we were to use the brute force method and blast our way in? This will, unfortunately, result in a large number of redshirt deaths, so we might want to save that as a last resort option.

Author's note: I love this new spell checker!!! It means that my posts are virtually errore free!

By Captain Tacoman, with an idea on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 8:05 pm:

Hmm... If that's the same asteroid with the hazmatite, we could fire at the rock and destroy the asteroid...

By The Spelling Police on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 8:23 pm:

Author's note: I love this new spell checker!!! It means that my posts are virtually errore free!

Obviously, you didn't use it this time.

By Furby on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 8:35 pm:

I suggest we put the TAMagotchi in the turbolift and wait what happens then.

By Jadlad Jadlad and Jadlad on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 1:45 am:

Just then Jadlad walks out of the turbolift and sees...himself!?

What the?! I finish making arangments with my landlord about my apartment, dimension hop to the engine room to get those files I wanted decrypted from Colantor and now I find myself already up here?

Both Jadlads:Does anybody know just what the heck is going on?

Just then the older Jadlad who appeared on the monitor from when Jadlad left because of his powers going out of control appears from the turbolift. He sees two younger versions of himself.

I'm sorry about this Captain. I see I missed getting one of my younger selfs from one of the many alternate timelines before he showed up here. Scans both younger Jadlads and takes the hand of the one sitting down. Come on. I've already got your evil sister from Professor Negative's spaceship lab and freed this Jadlad. Time to take you back where you belong. Darn alternate timelines. I hate 'em

Both Jadlads disappear in a flash of bluish light leaving only the Jadlad of this timeline.

Why are you staring at me Taco? Anyway, Colanator said and I quote "The encryption algorithims on these files are really complex. I was able to salvage some small technical diagrams and the location of Negative's base, but not much else.".

By Jadlad on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 1:47 am:

I couldn't get the spellcheck to work for me. Sorry for any typos. I'm going to bed now.

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 6:33 am:

ALright... I want a few answers... Why has the turbolift suddenly become strange-place central?
How do we get Commander Milkshake back..no offence to Dust Speck Man, of course... and why are all these Jadlads showing up?
Ok... display the diagrams and location on a monitor.

By The Observer on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 9:00 am:

(Observer stands up, holding a strange handheld scanner.)

Captain, I may have the answer. From Negative's latest message to EarthGov, he suggested that he would use his temporal-warping Chronos Device on Earth until EarthGov caved in to his ransom demands. I believe he is creating areas of temporal instability randomly around the Solar System. We just happened to be caught with one. This scanner I picked up 430 years from now should help us avoid any further disturbances. The crew will have to take the stairs, I suppose.

By Frangelica on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 10:06 am:

Hmm... temporal instability. Could we possibly use this to our advantage?

By Stammering Redshirt on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 1:09 pm:

C-C-Comput- ut- uter, crea-crea-cree-cree- ata - atea hologar... hogloram... horgolam... of... Tama... Shana... Shantanat... natner!

The TAMpered with TAMagotchi is slapped on, but the hologram is no Tam O'Shanter...

By TAM OShaTNer... on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 1:11 pm:

Seeing Lieutenant Liza

Well... done... cutty... sark...

By LICC Fan with No Life on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 1:36 pm:

Mr. TAM OShaTNer?

In episode 37, was the combination to your safe 3-2-1-4 or 4-3-1-5?

By TAM OShaTNer on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 2:07 pm:

Get... a... life...!

He thwacks the fan, and runs off into the shuttlbay. He steals shuttlecraft Brehm and sets off.

By Commander Adon on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 2:25 pm:

We could sent a bomb into the hazmatite deposits, but someone will have to get in and set a bomb himself. The hazmatite interferes with the transporter beams. And the asteroid is too thick to set off the hazmatite by shooting at it from the outside.

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 2:54 pm:

Any way we could contact an annoying talking bomb and reconfigure it so it doesn't talk but just explodes?
Perhaps send a redshirt that's color shifted so they could survive the mission?
Or perhaps we cound send in all three Jadlads to confuse Negative and his people while somebody plants the bomb...

By Cadet Ansh Tembar on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 3:35 pm:

If there's a chance I can survive this mission, I'll go. I'm small and no-one will notice me.

By The Annoying Talking Bomb that You just Knew would show up! on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 3:54 pm:

Hi! I'm a 30 second bomb!
Hi! I'm a 29 second bomb!
Hi! I'm a 28 second bomb!

Quantum Man takes the bomb and throws it into the turbolift

Hi! I'm a 10 day bomb!
Hi! I'm a 9 Day 86399 second bomb!
Hi! I'm a 9 Day 86398 second Bomb!

By Lt. Cmdr. Professor The Amazing Quantum Man on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 3:56 pm:

Captain, in addition to resetting the timer on the bomb, the temporal anomaly has apparently given the bomb a mute button.

Reaches over and pushes a big blue button on the bomb labelled "Mute". The bomb stops talking at 9 Days and 96330 seconds.

By Lt Insane on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 4:01 pm:

If only TAM hadn't left...

By Dust-Speck Man/Commander Milkshake on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 4:49 pm:

Hmm, maybe we can use that to destroy Negative's base.

Dust-Speck Man runs into the turbolift to retrieve the bomb, but Milkshake walks out. His armor is scarred and burnt, and tendrils of smoke still rise from his charred gauntlets.

Another time shift. I guess this time it set the bomb fuse to -1 second. Funny.

By Captain Tacoman, devising a plan on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 8:16 pm:

Ansh, I suppose we can equip you with a hologenerator or cloaking device so you can slip by everybody...
Hmm... you can get in there, plant the bomb, get out, and we can remote detonate the bomb from here... I think we may have an idea here...
By the way Milkshake, are you alright?
By the way, time to the asteroid?

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 8:46 pm:

Yeah, I'm fine...

Milkshake walks out of the men's restroom in a new suit of armor.

Running out of these, gotta order some more. Yeah, I have the catalog, thanks anyway, Taco.

sits in Commander's chair and turns on his little display screen

ETA to outer section of Asteroid Belt, 45 minutes.

By Commander Adon on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 8:57 pm:

Commander Adon hands a small pouch to Cadet Ansh Tembar. Inside are several odd colored golf balls, and what looks like a wristwatch.

A portable shield generator. Don't use it unless you have to, since once you turn it on, you will set off every alarm in the place. The shields will also disrupt transporter lock. Good luck.

By The Observer on Friday, November 17, 2000 - 9:20 pm:

(A hatch on the floor of the bridge opens, and Observer steps out.)

I found the stairs. Anyway, Captain, I would like to accompany Ansh. This mission is bound to be very dangerous. If I need to, I can transport the both of us across light-years. And...

(Observer's form shimmers and in his place...)

Professor Josias Negative, at your service.

(He shimmers again, and..)

Hey Boss, how are we gonna beat those League guys?

(Another change...)

Greetings Captain.

(He looks like a cross between Metallic Adon and O'kak, with Milkshake's armor and Quantum Man's violet nimbus.)

I have forms for all occasions. I can also turn invisible and intangible.

By Lt Insane on Saturday, November 18, 2000 - 3:25 am:

Ansh is in a program on the holodeck and won't be out for another hour.

Note from author: You sure picked a bad time! Wait for Ansh to retuen before continuing this.

By Cadet Ansh Tembar on Saturday, November 18, 2000 - 4:50 am:

Sorry I was just running a simulation and I think I can manage. Thanks Adon. I'll take a spanner and some hand cuffs just in case. If we're caught Observer you can pretened to be Negative and capture me. Ok, I'm ready.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, November 18, 2000 - 6:33 am:

Ok... all we can do is wait to get to the asteroid. Milkshake, how far away can we be from the asteroid to transport? Or will we just let Observer do what he does best?

By Lt. Insane on Saturday, November 18, 2000 - 9:50 am:

I wonder if that Pest(i) MewQ is still lurking on this ship...

By alt-Furby on Saturday, November 18, 2000 - 7:46 pm:

We should simply sell a red shirt to Negative and wait a few seconds...

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, November 18, 2000 - 8:00 pm:

Is Scott Free still around somewhere?
Remember... that industructible redshirt guy...

By Inspector Mystery on Sunday, November 19, 2000 - 11:18 am:

Captain, There is an unauthorized use of Shuttle craft Brehm and I'm not sure if it was cleaned properly from two months ago.

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, November 19, 2000 - 1:37 pm:

Well, Captain, the Warpfinger Institute just published a new paper on high-velocity transport procedures. It looks like the transporters can function adequately when the source vehicle is traveling at Warp 7 or below. With a good hand at the Conn, we can rip through the Asteroid Belt too fast for Negative to detect and leave Observer and Ansh in a hidden area of Chronos Facility. How about it, Commander Rikard? Think you're up to the task?

By The Observer on Sunday, November 19, 2000 - 3:18 pm:

That sounds like a good idea, Captain. I can transport myself and others across space, but it is extremely draining and I use it only in emergencies.

By Commander Adon on Sunday, November 19, 2000 - 3:47 pm:

I would go along, but considering what happened last time, I think I will stay here on the ship.

By Spaced Redshirt on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 6:26 pm:

Do you

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 6:56 pm:

Understandable, Adon.

By A Curious K-NIT TV-47 Viewer on Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 8:44 pm:

Why is this board open?

By Excited K-NIT Viewer on Monday, February 10, 2003 - 12:55 pm:

Why is there new material in the rerun? Is this the director's cut?!?!?!?!

By Superpowered K-NIT viewer on Monday, February 10, 2003 - 2:58 pm:

Why not, Why not and Sure!

By Ensign Undead on Monday, February 10, 2003 - 3:00 pm:

Oh no, the temporal fields are still affecting us! I'm still alive and I died back in LICC1!

By Ensign Ensign on Thursday, December 25, 2003 - 11:59 am:

Ah, time travel. Isn't this wonderful?

By A post four years too late, hey the board IS still open on Thursday, April 29, 2004 - 8:55 pm:

"No problem, Commander," Rikard says.

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, April 30, 2004 - 10:13 am:

Fine. Make it so.

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