League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part III

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part III
By LICC Writer on Friday, December 08, 2000 - 2:02 pm:

Three episodes and they haven't cancelled us yet! Yahoo!

By Lt PD Insane on Friday, December 08, 2000 - 2:04 pm:


By Evil K-NIT TV-47 Executive on Friday, December 08, 2000 - 2:59 pm:

Hey, C.J.! Yeah, it's B.S. Maybe we should cancel that League of Cosmic Whatever shows, what do you think?

By Frangelica on Friday, December 08, 2000 - 3:03 pm:

What's happening and why are there four plots going on at once? Please, people, if someone else has started a story, go with it for a while and end it before starting yours... it's polite... and saves headache.

By The Observer, plot advisor on Friday, December 08, 2000 - 3:43 pm:

Well, Adon's story and the League's story have merged, we can only hope that Greymoran's puzzles and the KEY have something to do with why TerrSec is going after Adon and Tacoman...and I think everyone's ignoring Armus.

By The Observer on Friday, December 08, 2000 - 3:46 pm:

As for Hamburger Lord, I dunno.

By Lord of the Hamburgers, the irritated, charbroiled avenger! on Friday, December 08, 2000 - 4:01 pm:

(That's Lord of the Hamburgers, Oberserver (You know, like Lord of the Dance?)

By Lord of the Hamburgers, the charbroiled avenger! on Friday, December 08, 2000 - 4:14 pm:

On board the Condimental, the Lord of the Hamburgers is sitting in his ready room, contemplating things. Suddenly Sgt. Fortesky enters, a joyous look on his face:

"Sir, I have some good news! I was in the mess hall eating, when Blotzus called me to the gym to help him repair the hydraulics to the ultra-abdominizer when all of a sudden Bigg M.A.K.K. entered. He's in the engineering room, working on a plan that may save us all!"

LotH gets out of his chair and stands up:

"But we are too far away! We'll run out of fuel and supplies long before we can reach the Spidership!"

Sgt. Fortesky: "Bigg M.A.K.K.'s already thought of that. His plan may save us. However, it will require us to drain what's left of the energy to the weapons systems!"

LotH:"Just as long as it doesn't affect the infirmary. O.R. is still in the heal-o-matic!"

LotH pauses:

"Tell Bigg M.A.K.K. to continue. In the meantime, I want you to see if you can repair the communications system. It is imperative that I contact Jadlad!"

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, December 08, 2000 - 4:26 pm:

Tacoman pulls Captain Yeager out of his ship
Captain, can you hear me? What happened to your ship?

By KEY on Friday, December 08, 2000 - 4:58 pm:

Captain Yeager: We accidentally passed through a purple swirling thing. Kina like a black hole, except it was visible only from up front. Looking form the side angle we came in it we didn't even notice it. We showed up over a planet that resembled mars, but it looked like it did pre-terraforming. Then we were hit by a cluster of nukes while our shields were down. They came Phobos. I blacked out. When I awoke again, my crew was dead, and we were drifitng towards the purple hole. I came through, in a different area of space from where we started, and I saw your ship.

*passes out*

By Frank on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 3:04 am:

Approaching the Condimental is a ship which looks like early terran design, perhaps Daedalus-class. They hail the ship. On the screen is a giant frankfurter with legs in a captain's chair, surrounded by humanoids at consoles

Greetings, Lord of the Hamburgers. We are your worst enemy. Behold... The Frank Conspiracy! Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah!

By Jadlad on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 6:01 am:

Taco! "A purple swirling thing."!


I know the person who's posting as "Lord of the Hamburgers, the charbroiled avenger". No it's not me. It is however somebody I hoped would get to post here on the LICC boards for some time and this person has already agreed to let us finish up two or more plotlines before posting the plotline involving Jadlad again.

And the Frank Conspiracy, your not Lord of the Hamburgers worst enemy. But you never know. You might become the Lord of the Hamburgers worst enemy later on.

By The Frank Conspiracy on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 6:23 am:

We are EVERYONE's worst enemy!

By Klassikos on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 6:26 am:

A stocky fellow in a toga comes up to the crew.

Greetings, Takoman. I am Klassikos, expert in Greek and Roman history and mythology and I have heard about your league. I feel my assistance might be helpful. I propose we send a wooden horse into the TerrSec building, with us all inside.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 6:34 am:

Observer, if we set off an explosive on the transports, and evacuate here while it explodes, would we able to escape? And if we leave here with Captain Yeager, would he be able to return with us?
So the pieces are starting to fall together...
We've found the key, learned about the purple circular thing... now, we've got to determine how Yeager can help us...
Tacoman pulls out a tricorder and scans Yeager
Hmm... a few bumps and bruises...no internal damage... I think he may be alright..
Ok... somebody retrive his ship logs and all other information you can get. I want answers.

By Captain Tacoman, adding more on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 6:36 am:

Oh yes... welcome to the league, Klassikos. Your knowledge may be useful to us.

By Lt PD Insane on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 6:40 am:

I like the wooden horse idea. But first I think I'll see if KEY has anything to say about this...

Observer, didn't you hear me? I said I'd like to beome your jedi apprentice, since Josh doesn't seem capable.

By Phils Angels on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 9:59 am:

Amanda: I can help. Arbok, I choose you!
Bury into the center, Arbok

Arbok: Charbokkk!

Amber: I'll pull an improbable stunt to distract them.

Beth: The Break in occurred at 12:00. Seven unknown intruders broke into Terrasec headquarters, and laid waste of it. They were carrying some high power weapons, and blew up the whole building.

Amanda: Go, Destroy them.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 11:14 am:

He's right, I'm not very capable. After all, no one trained me. I just used that manual that that guy gave me. The only things that I know about training are what I read in the manual. Of course, all of this time I just assumed that we were training off-camera... or off-posts or whatever it would be called.
He turns to Yeager
Nukes huh? As in nuclear weapons? A whole cluster of them? And they didn't blow you to oblivion?

By Lord of the Hamburgers, the charbroiled avenger! on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 4:54 pm:

On board the Condimental, Lord of the Hamburgers uses the on-board comm system:

"Bigg M.A.K.K., we have trouble! Do we have enough power to fire the Ultra-Mega Thunder Cannon?"

Bigg M.A.K.K.:"Yes, but only enough for one shot! I'm working on the plan Fortesky told you about. It should be ready for implimentation in about an hour!"

Lord of the Hamburgers, pressing another button:

"Blotzus, get your weapons ready! We may have...visitors!"

By Lord of the Hamburgers, not sure how to use italics! on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 5:03 pm:

(Sorry I violated the agreement I made with "Jadlad" I made not to post again until the current plot is resolved. Won't happen again, but I DO want the "Frank Conspiracy" to either leave LotH alone, or get blasted to pieces!)

By The Observer on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 5:27 pm:

I'm afraid that would be disastrous, Captain. While we are here, we exist outside of normal time. When we return to our dimension, we will arrive at the exact second we left. We cannot use this place to escape danger in our native universe.

I would be willing to train you, Lt. Insane, but my duties to the Legion of Observers prevent me from taking the time needed to teach you properly. Perhaps in the future, I might be able to train you (and Cdr. Rikard too, if he wishes).

By KEY on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 7:48 pm:

Nukes huh? As in nuclear weapons? A whole cluster of them? And they didn't blow you to oblivion?

Well, our ship WAS about five times bigger than you see it. That right there is the bridge sturctucre, and the emergency eninges, which are hangin on mostly by wires and bent beams. Plus, alot of them missed. Primitive targeting systems.

Oh, and one more thing. Shortly before that attack, Someone in an ornage robe briefly apeared next to me and whispered something that sounded like "Tacoman" in my ear.

By Anonymous on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 7:52 pm:

I don't think KEY's swirly thing is the purple circle Greymoran mentioned. Listen to this exact quote from Pat II.

"Fear the one with the purple circle. He will only bring you misery."

That implies that the purple circle belongs to a man, not a spacil phenomonen. If you ask me, Tacoman and his ship should find this swirly thing and go through it.

By Quantum Man on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 8:43 pm:

But the question is, how do we get out of the transport? I should be able to tunnel through the wall and have a high probability of being in the cockpit. I should then be able to take over the transport and free us.

By Commander Adon on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 9:05 pm:

I could cut our way out of the transport. The only problem is that the transport is flying and we are in two transports. The flying thing is no problem for me, but it would cause some serious problems for everyone else.

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 9:21 pm:

Well, Tacoman and I have built-in jumpjets in our armor, Quantum can probably fly (or at least negate the effects of gravity), but as for the rest...

Observer, you don't have some sort of flying spell, do you?

By Ubermensh, of GermanysOLD on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 10:52 pm:

(A tall blonde male wearing black with a silver U on his shirt and carrying no religous artifacts appears. He also has bad muschache)

Ubermensh will fly you to safety jah. Mock scnhell safety.

(Ubermensh rescues the LICC and drops them off at the Hall of Order in Berlin, Where Captian Germany, Wutenker, and Wunder Frau work on the OLD. They call a cab)

By KEY on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 11:44 pm:

hey! What the hell is going on here?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

By Lt PD Insane on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 2:59 am:

I love it when this place goes insane!

By Padawan on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 3:02 am:

Wait a minute... weren't the LICC already transported to a hillside by the Observer?

By Frank on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 3:12 am:

Frank Franklin: Sir, it seems they're too powerful. We'll need a better ship.

Captain Frank: Very well. We shall return to the peaceful embrace of the laboratory. But we'll be back. Muhahahahahahahaahhahahahahaha!

The ship leaves...

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 6:22 am:

Milkshake, with our suit's replicators, do you think we can make a flight belt for the rest of the crew?
Or are we going to go follow the German guy's lead?
This is getting confusing...
Tacoman turns to KEY
You say someone said "Tacoman" in your ear, huh? Well, i happen to be Tacoman... glad to meet ya
Any luck retrieving his ship logs?

By Ubermensh on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 12:42 pm:

You took unst cab to ust hill. Your where you want to be in any case.

By Inspector Mystery on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 2:01 pm:

I have uploaded about 47% of their files, Captain.

By Frangelica on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 3:36 pm:

Okay, let me get this straight...

1) We're all now back in real time. In Germany. On the run from TerrSec, who are still after us but may or may not be hostile. (We think they're hostile.)

2) KEY is now with us, mainly recovered from his headache. Someone put a purple swirling spatial phenomenon in front of KEY's ship, taking them through something like a wormhole to the place where they were attacked.

3) Somewhere else, Lord of the Hamburgers and the Frank Conspiracy are battling. We are oblivious to them.

4) Somewhere else, Darth Armus is plotting. We are oblivious to him, too.

Whew, that's better.

Captain Tacoman, I suggest we split up. If TerrSec is truly hostile to us, it will make us harder to catch. Some of us can go with Cpt. KEY and see if we can discover who owns the purple swirling thing-- once we've discovered that, we must then stay out of his way. Another group should investigate this TerrSec biz, go undercover, and see what they want from us. I don't believe for a minute that they're trying to "protect" us from "harm."

I volunteer to go undercover at TerrSec headquarters, and I think Tacoman ought to accompany KEY, just in case Tacoman's long-lost father figure is the one who owns the purple anomaly. Perhaps some of the flashier-powered heroes like Adon and Observer should go with KEY too... these weird anomalies sound like they may need a heavy touch.

By The Observer on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 6:57 pm:

Actually, I have experience in Earth law enforcement agencies, and have infiltrated TerrSec myself a time or two. May I accompany Frangelica on the covert operation, Captain?

I would like to know exactly how this "Ubermensh" took us from my personal universe without my consent. Strange.

By Ubermensh on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 7:31 pm:

Ubermensh used the unconquerable will of the German people to teleport us. I once brought Siegfried from the past to help us.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 7:41 pm:

I think we should just let Adon walk around in the open and when TerrSec arrives we'll ambush 'em, take some of them prisoner, and question him.

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 7:45 pm:

Alright. Frangelica, you take your team to TerrSec headquarters. The rest of us will beam up to the Spider and investigate the purple swirling thing.
Inspector, Obeserver, Milkshake, KEY, you're with me. Josh, I may need you at the helm too.

By Plot Complication on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 8:22 pm:

As Tacoman, KEY and the others walk away, Greymoran suddenly appears in front of them. But wait, no! It's not Greymoran. It looks just like him, but the benevolent smile isn't there. Nor is the yin-yang symbol. The amulet this look alike is wearing is that of a sword. And his robe is black and silver, not orange and red. He smiles at Tacoman and KEY. "Hello." he says. "I am Radagast. I am the last thing in this universe you will ever see. My brother will be very displweased, I hope." He raises his hands, a purple hole opens in front of everyone, but only Tacoman and KEy are sucked through. The others are left standing in shock. Radagast vanishes. Greymoran appears behind the others, with a frown on his face. "as I feared, I was too late." He turns to Oberserver. "We must go to the planet Cormyr. In the ruins of the ancient mines, we will find what may be our only chance to save them. But we must pace ourselves. Too soon, and three whole universes will collapse."

By Commander Adon on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 8:28 pm:

I will play the bait. Unless TerrSec is using highly exotic, extradimensional weaponry, they shouldn't be able to do much to me. Now, to find a place where it won't look like I am waiting for them to attack me. I think I know just the place...

Moments later, the TerrSec infiltration group was covertly watching Adon practice in a field similar to The Observer's little universe. Waiting for TerrSec to make their move.

By a sarcastic god plays a funny game on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 9:03 pm:

A dictionary appears out of nowhere and hits Ubermensh on the head.

By Ubermench on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 10:50 pm:

Ze gods are dead, save mighty Woden. He tried to kill us because we are descendents of Siegfried.

By Thunderhead on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 12:47 am:

Just then, a bolt of lightning hits the ground in front of Ubermench, knocking him off his feet!

By Lt. Liza on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 4:39 am:

At least he didn't hurt Roy.

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 6:52 am:

Tacoman blinks and looks around in suprise and shock
Where is the rest of the group, KEY, and where the heck are we?

By Thunderhead, Ubermenchs worst nightmare... on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 8:57 am:

A being whose head appears to be made of lightning descends from the sky, and lands in front of Ubermench. He is wearing a blue bodysuit with white gloves and a big white `T' on the chest. He points at Ubermench:

You have been warned, Ubermench:do not invoke the name of Sigfried again, or you shall be destroyed! I was empowered by the gods themselves, and you will live to regret it if you cross me!

\i(In a blinding burst of light, Thunderhead disappears!}

By PD Insane on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 12:07 pm:

Where's the captain? Where are we? What's going on??? This is crazy! Sticks his head in a barrell of water.

Milkshake: That's not water.

Insane: Hic! Yesh, an then I shed, I shed, hic, you wannem? Well, I donhave the money, hic, haec, hoc, and then I shes!

Milkshake dunks him in a barrell of real water.

French toast please.

By Cadet Ansh Tembar on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 12:11 pm:

Ansh comes through the door of Wacky Steve's Milkshake Shoppe.

Hi! I've just been to the Chip Shop down the road, and... wha? Where are they, Wacky Steve?

Wacky Steve: I `unno. Taken away a while ago. Continues mopping up a milkshake container. To the madhouse... or prison... madhouse...

By Ubermensh on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 12:44 pm:

Mighty Siegfried vexed Woden to his last day, when he took the treasure, and freed his slave. Ve will fight you.

(Wutenker, Wunderfrau, Captian Germany, Frankfruter Bun and the Krautbots gear up to do battle with Thunderhead.)

Vust for you
(Ubermensh pulls out a seven foot spear. It is the Holy Lance, the Spear of destiny that pierced Christ and was the holy Relic of the First Reich. It is said that every time the Hasburgs took it into battle, they were unstopable.)

Vu will die

(Wagner's ring cycle starts playing)

By Plot Q on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 12:51 pm:

Okay! A little plot adjustment. Things are getting out of whack.

Frangelica and The Observer are off to penetrate TerrSec headquarters in New Atlantis. They are unaware of the Captain's predicament.

Milkshake, Insane, Jenny and the rest are back at Wacky Steve's Milkshake Shoppe to regroup and discuss new options.

Adon is acting as bait nearby while Milkshake's group is monitoring him, waiting for TerrSec to attempt to capture him.

By Padawan on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 1:27 pm:

I thought Milkshake and Insane were in Germany with the others? ANSH is in Wacky Steve's.

By Padawan supplemental on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 1:30 pm:

Oh, reread your post. Back at Wacky Steve's.

By Thunderhead, coming back with friends!... on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 1:34 pm:

Little does Ubermench know that Thunderhead has been secretly watching,and, with his superhuman hearing,heard him mention the name of Sigfried. Thunderhead appears from the sky, hurling lightning bolts at the Germans, blasting the ground in front of them in a blitzkrieg attack. Thunderhead turns to leave, but changes his mind, and faces his opponents:

"You were warned, Ubermench! I shall return to teach you the error of your ways, and your allies will not be able to help you! When I return, I will not be alone!

With that said, he disappears in a burst of light so bright, it temporarily blinds all who see it!

By Big Ed on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 1:35 pm:

I'd like a beer milkshake, Steve.

By Thunderhead, explaining his p.o.v. on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 1:39 pm:

(Thunderhead is not a villain, by the way. He just has it in for Ubermench!)

By Wacky Steve on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 2:05 pm:

Sure thing, Ed. Cudweiser or Boors?

By Plot Complication on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 2:16 pm:

"Oh no," KEY mutters. It's Mars. Just as it looked when my ship was attacked. We must be on Phobos. Look at the velcro floors. And the rotation. This is just like the Phobos station isn those Mars books I read as a kid. Kim Robinson was the guy's name I think." "Hello. May I help you?" a russian accented voice from behind startles KEY and Tacoman. They turn to see a tall man with long red hari and beard, smiling. "I am Arkady Bogdanov. Welcome to Phobos. May I ask how you got here?"

By Acting Captain Milkshake on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 5:52 pm:

All right people, let's examine the situation.

Milkshake, Quantum, Jadlad, Josh, Insane, Ansh, Mystery and Ed are all seated at the biggest table at Wacky Steve's.

The Captain and KEY have disappeared, perhaps into another dimension. My suit's sensors can find no trace of the Captain's homing beacon, and Earth's SensorNet cannot locate him inside the Solar System. To have any chance of locating him, we need the equipment on the Spidermobile, but TerrSec has probably captured it. Colanator is in charge of the Spider while we went on leave, but I haven't recieved the hourly "all's well" signals from him.

Now, we need to recapture the Spidermobile without damaging it. Any ideas?

By Wotan on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 7:12 pm:

Appears in a flash and throws a Nietzsche book at Ubermensh. Thousand Valkyries are singing!

By 1000 Valkyries on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 7:16 pm:


By Captain Tacoman on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 7:44 pm:

Just a second..
KEY, I've been to Mars and vacationed on Phobos... and this doesn't look like the Phobos I know, so I assume we're in a different dimention.
Turning back to Arkady
And as for how we got here...Part of my crew, KEY and I were getting back to our ship when someone named Radagast appeared, summoned a purple swirling thing and sucked KEY and I into it, and we appeared here...
In fact...
Tacoman presses a button on his wrist and a holographic version of the purple thing appears in the air
Ever seen something like that?

By Thunderhead, back for the attack! on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 8:47 pm:

In a burst of light, Thunderhead appears next to Wotan. However, he is not alone; with him is a man in futuristic viking armor wielding a massive sword, a 16th century samurai warrior in black and gold armor holding a katana that is completely black, and a man who appears to be made of yellow-white light, wearing a white cape and a silver skull cap:

Thunderhead:"Wotan, my lord, let us teach Ubermench and his worthless allies the error of his ways! Everyone, introduce yourselves!"

Viking:I am Beowulf XII,the descendent of the warrior who slew Grendel and his evil mother!

Samurai:I am Sable Shogun!

Light man:And I...I am Baldur, the god of light!

Before anyone can react, Thunderhead teleports and appears before Ubermench. He wrenches the spear of destiny from him, teleports back, and throws the spear into the distant sky.

"Ubermench, if you surrender now, we will be merciful. We do not wish to destroy you, we only wish to show you the error of your ways!"

Thunderhead waits for Ubermench's decision.

By Plot Complication on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 10:02 pm:

Arkady: Ah the whole dimensional travel thing. Heard that story before. Maya Toitovna, I'm sure you know who I'm talking about "key.", had visions of two men meeting her on Mars, and that I would be the one to bring you to her. I'd always blown it off as a bad dream until now.

KEY: Maya Toitovna? Oh my god! I loved her! She was my favorite character n the book! Holy •••• this is gonna be sweet!

By Arkady Bogdanov on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 10:06 pm:

Well, let's go. John Boone invited me to a celebration of soem sort. An ice comet is going to be detonated over the planet, and all the First Hundred plan to be there. At least, all that are left. Tatiana's death is still *sighs* It still wieghs pretty heavily on us. She was the first of us to die. As for your image there, no, I haven't seen that person. But 10-1 odds are that Maya has.

By Commander Adon on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 10:08 pm:

Adon was looking into the distance, seemingly oblivious to the Agent creeping up behind him. Suddenly, Adon spun around, pulled out an odd looking rifle out from behind him, aimed, and pulled the trigger.

Instead of firing immediately, the end of the barrel split into two prongs. A band of energy traveled between the prongs toward the agent. As soon as it left the weapon, the energy beam split into three energy beams. When the beams hit the agent, they rapped themselves around him, tying him up. Adon then powered down the weapon and replaced it underneath his cloak.

Hi there! How are you doing today? I suppose you wouldn't want to tell me why you have been following me, would you?

By TerrSec Agent on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 11:07 pm:

Not really, no.

He touches a device that has been in his hand the entire time. It is a sight to sight transport. He begins to beam out but the transporter beam begins to waver and the TerrSec agent ends up not going anywhere. The device then shuts down and floats out of the agent's hand into Adon's

By The Legion of Order on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 11:20 pm:

(Ubermensh then procedes to fly faster than a luger bullet and grabs the Lance)

How dare you!
(Procedes to fight thunderhead using both the spear and his superhuman powers)
Even gods are no match for fate, and my fate is to dominate.

(Wutenker takes a missletoe wutenrang and tosses it at Balder. Balder falls.)

Wunderfrau ties up Beowulf in a lasso of collective guilt. He feels bad for his ancestors crimes agaist the Grendels.

Frankfruter Bun, then procedes to use black magic on the group.

Captian Germany then procedes to help Ubermensch beat up Thuderhead.

A new Superhero named The Increditble Bersearker, Changes into a Were-Beast, and samuri's little steel blades are no match for the plet of the were beast.

(As the Northren European Pantheon was beaten on a weekly basis by giants, Loki, or someone else. The order leauge doing the same thing is not that far featched.)

By Thunderhead, triumphant at last! on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 12:33 pm:

As Frankfurter Bun starts to cast a spell, the Sable Shogun's katana slices through the air, absorbing the energy of the spell.

"My blade was forged from ancient steel and is empowered against all forms of sorcery!"

Baldur notices that Wutenker has turned his attention elsewhere. Baldur stops pretending to be injured by the mistletoe wutenrang, which completely missed him, and drops Wutenker with a blazing uppercut that also unleashes a blast of blinding light! Wutenker is dazed and blinded by the attack!

"Someone needs to teach you how to throw properly! You missed me by a mile!"

Thunderhead grabs the Lance from Ubermensh, hits Captain Germany upside the head with it, then procedes to give Ubermensh the beating of his life with the weapon. As Ubermensh tries to pull it away from Thunderhead, Thunderhead's body procedes to glow with electrical energy, shocking Ubermensh.

"I told you there was no way you could beat us! Now let me show you the folly of your actions! He takes the Lance and snaps it over his knee, breaking it in half! iThis was a fake!

Just then, Beowulf XII breaks free from Wunderfrau's lasso, having no guilt whatsoever for his ancestor destroying such murderous creatures as Grendel and his mother!

Thunderhead helps the defeated Ubermensh to his feet:

"I'm sorry, but I had to test you to see if you were worthy. The spear was a fake! The real spear has been stolen, and we need your help to recover it! We don't know who took it, but we do know that they are either in Germany or France!"

By Thunderhead, dropping some knowledge on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 12:40 pm:

(Note to Ubermensh, whoever you are: read Beowulf before you start commenting about Grendel and his mother! They were murderous beasts who got what they deserved!)

(P.S. to everyone else: After the current plots are resolved, can we drop the evil relative\clone\duplicate stuff for a while?! It's getting old!)

By Commentator on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 3:24 pm:

Um, is everyone on the same board? Perhaps Thunder and Uber and their minions would like to take their battle somewhere else, perhaps to the Epic History of Nitcentral board.

By Ubermensch on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 5:05 pm:

Very well,Ve shall go to "Man in the High castle world."

(Everyone is teleported to another timeline.)

By Angel Amanda on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 7:36 pm:

Now, Let's go get Terrasec. Angels to Morgan, can you send us the Gundams?

By Wotan on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 8:10 pm:

If they come back I'll throw some Gesetzbuchs and Vorschriften at them.


By Meanwhile on the remote island of Mururoa on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 8:21 pm:

"I'll be right back! Just taking a radiation shower! Could I please get the neutron soap, brother?"

By Plot Complication on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 8:49 pm:

Meanhwile, on Mars, KEY and Tacoman are being stared at by every one in the private tent set up exclusively for members of the First Hundred. The various men and women of the group look at them in confusion. Then a woman, with light gray hair, beautiful, tall, walks over to both of them smiling. "You're here! This proves I'm not crazy!" Arkady starts laughing. "Nothing can do that Maya my dear." KEy's jaw hits the floor. Maya takes Tacoman's hand. "I was told that I would be found by a key, and a piece of Mexican food. What does Mexican food have to do with you?"

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 8:56 pm:

Well, my name is Tacoman, madam
whispering to KEY
and unfortunatly, I've never read Kim Robinson's stuff... only Spider Robinson..

By Jadlad on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 - 11:59 pm:

Captain Milkshake, if they are in another dimension, I could try dimension hopping my way to them.

But the downside is I can take one, and only one person back with me each trip, any more than that would kill me. That's assuming I can even find them. I could dimension-hop my entire life and not find a single trace of them.

What I need is a way to pinpoint their location.

"(P.S. to everyone else: After the current plots are resolved, can we drop the evil relative\clone\duplicate stuff for a while?! It's getting old!) "

Thunderhead, Why do you think I dropped the stuff with the multiple Jadlads and the evil alternate sister stuff? I got tired of it myself!

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 7:00 am:

KEY, I have an idea.. I've got a transdimentional emergency beacon in my armor. If I activate that, somebody may notice and come rescue us...
Tacoman activates the beacon, which sends out a signal that the crew will recognize

By Mysterious figure with a tambourine on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 11:36 am:

A mysterious figure enters Wacky Steve's.

Hello, everyone. (laughing)Nyayayayayayayayayayayaya!

By Colanator on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 11:49 am:

Meanwhile, the Spidermobile rests in stable Earth Orbit within Earth's gargantuan spacedock facility. Within the ship, however, things are hardly peaceful. Uniformed TerrSec agents patrol the many decks of the ship, waiting to apprehend the League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions.

The ship's Sensor Control Center is empty, and dark. On one of the dark panels, a small tone sounds, and a light begins to flash continually. The room remains quiet for a few minutes, then strangely, one of the bulkheads begins to change. A lump of metal oozes out of the duranium wall, then falls to the deck. It skitters over to the flashing panel, and morphs. In seconds, Colanator is formed. He quietly checks the console.

The Captain's emergency beacon. According to these readings, he is in an alternate dimension. He requires assistance. I must alert Commander Milkshake and the crew.

Colanator disables the panel, then morphs back into the wall. He disappears into the solid metal surface just as the Sensor room doors slide open, flooding the room with light from outside. A TerrSec agent, wielding a plasma rifle, looks around the now-quiet room. Finding nothing, he turns and leaves.

By PD Insane on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 12:22 pm:

Wait a minute... does this make that guy "Mr Tambourine Man"? Uh, oh. I've got a bad feeling about this. Ever since I was in that weird cult I was able to work out this sort of thing...

By Mr TAMbourine Man on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 12:44 pm:

What sort of thing, Pete?

By Plot Complication on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 8:07 pm:

maya: Tacoman? *snickers* Your name is tacoman?!? *starts laughing uncontrolably*

Meanwhile, back on the ship;

Greymoran: No! You can't recuse your captain yet. We have no way of knowing if he and key have found the woman. Until the three of them are together in the same spot, we can't go near them! The effect will be catastrophic. We must go to Cormyr!

By TerrSec on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 8:37 pm:

Hey! Who's that?

Several heavily armed TerrSec agents occupying the Spidermobile's bridge swing around to see Greymoran standing alone talking to himself. They raise their weapons, but with a startled look, Greymoran disappears.

By Upset over the unauthorized use of the Greymoran character by TerrSec on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 8:52 pm:


hey, wait a second! Greymoran mentioned Cormyr and the timing earlier, to Tacoman's crew, remember?

By Commentator, hoping tempers wont flare on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 10:01 pm:

To get to Cormyr, first the crew needs to regain control of their ship from TerrSec. First things first.

And sometimes posters use other characters briefly in a plot twist. It's happened before. It's wrong to post as another character, or have another character do more than a simple action needed to make a point. Plus, Greymoran shouldn't have been on the ship.

By Anonymous on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 11:37 pm:

(Okay, how about this...it was actually a hologram of Greymoran, and the power source to the projector failed !)


By Jadlad on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 1:39 am:

But first we have to regain control of the Spidership. I think we can safely assume TerrSec has put a transdimesional shield around the Spidership to prevent me from simply dimension hopping onboard. The moment I try it'll just bounce me back to where I was and give me a pretty good shock to my system to boot.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 5:01 am:

:sighing: Yes, my name is Tacoman. I know it's an unusual name, but I happen to be a superhero with an odd name.
Hmm... with a slight modification of the beacon, I bet I can convert it into a communications device... and one to speak with Milkshake, since he's got a receiving device...
Tacoman reprograms a second beacon, and begins to speak
Tacoman to Milkshake, Tacoman to Milkshake. KEY and I are alright. We appear to be in another dimension, possibly a dimension inspired by a writer named Kim Robinson. We've met some people who might be able to help, including a woman named Maya, who is currently laughing about my name for some reason...
Tacoman out.

By Commander Milkshake on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 10:10 am:

Milkshake snaps closes his communicator and sits back down at the table.

That was the Captain. Apparently he's all right.

Now, as for the Spidermobile...Colanator managed to contact me on a secure frequency and pass on information about the Spider and its situation.

Milkshake activates a holofield showing the Spidermobile and the surrounding TerrSec ships.

Josh, you take your X-Wing and make a diversion. Fly an orbital course about 1.2 clicks away from the ship. See if you can take out any TerrSec ships that might be around. Your fighter should be able to outmaneuver any persuing fighters.

Quantum, Insane, and I will take my speeder, which has a top-of-the-line cloaking device. With your X-Wing being chased by any TerrSec ships, they probably won't notice us. We'll enter the ship through the airlock adjacent to the bowling alley on Deck 9. It should be unguarded. From there, we'll use the Jeffries Tubes to get to the bridge.

Jadlad, while we are making our way to the bridge, see if you can dimension-hop into an empty TerrSec troop ship. There should be quite a few nearby. Take control of it, then assist Josh in taking down any nearby TerrSec fighters.

My team will take control of the bridge, and beam out any occupying TerrSec troops. We'll have to blast out of Spacedock, I'm afraid, and on our way out, we'll tractor Jadlad's transport and Josh's X-Wing into the shuttle bay. Then we'll warp outsystem before TerrSec can stop us.

Any questions?

By PD Insane on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 10:14 am:

Yo Hut! Let's get with it! Groovy!

By Mr TAMbourine Man on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 10:21 am:

I think not. Prepare for trouble. I have with me... The Ultimate in Polymorph Riflery!

He pulls out a polymorph rifle and fires on Klassikos, turning him into a wine jar, then on Big Ed, turning him into a beer glass. He then turns Milkshake into a milkshake mug.

Nyayayayayayayayayayayayyaya! I am INVINCIBLE! I am OMNIPOTENT! I... no, no, no, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

He is whisked away by the Queue and the people are returned to their normal state.

By Pete the Queue on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 10:22 am:

I'm sorry about that. We will deal with this TAM person...

By PD Insane on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 11:36 am:

Saddle up! Lock 'n' Load!

By Quantum Man on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 11:44 am:

Commander, if I may make a suggestion. They almost certainly have the airlocks alarmed. If we can get close enough, I can get through. They can guard against dimensional shifts, but they can't guard against the laws of physics!

By Big Ed on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 11:45 am:

Who is this TAM guy anyhow?

By Jadlad Superguy on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 1:30 pm:

On my way. Good luck and see you guys later! Pizza Power!

Jadlad pulls up his mask and begins dimension-hopping and soon finds an empty troop ship and quickly heads to the main bridge controls.

Now lets see, where's the start button? Ahh. There it is. The transport powers up. He taps his hidden communicator. And speaks on a secure line.

Jadlad to Lt Commander Rikard, I'm aboard troop transport..1138-47.

By Cadet Ansh Tembar on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 1:45 pm:

What about me?

By Commander Milkshake on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 2:57 pm:

Ansh, you and Adon (I forgot him too) form a second strike team. Adon and Ansh will take Adon's battlemech and enter the ship through the ventral deuterium hatch. There, make your way to Engineering and capture it. Colanator will need your help bringing the engines online.

Quantum, you get inside and disable the alarms from the inside so we can get in. See if you can take out the TerrSec agents near our penetration areas.

Let's move out!

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 3:39 pm:

Maya and the people around here, I have something to ask you? Have you ever seen a purple swirling thing that looks like this?
Tacoman activates his glove, which once again produces a holographic version of the purple swirling thing that transported Tacoman and KEY to this alternate Mars

By The Amazing Quantum Man on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 4:16 pm:

The various teams split up and go on their ways.

Commander Milkshake's ship approaches the airlock next to the bowling alley.

D*mn, that Spidership is beautiful, isn't it? Commander, please keep the ship cloaked. Can you move the ship closer to Auxiliary Control? I don't need an airlock, and if I can get there, I should be able to disable alarms without being detected.

Insane, who is piloting, manages to get close to Aux Control

Here goes nothing.

Quantum Man goes to the portion of the ship closest to the Spidership, and stands stock still. He begins to blur out into a lavender waveform, and spreads out throughout the passenger area. The wave seems to go through the bulkhead as well. Insane and Milkshake hear a disembodied voice saying,

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle in Action!

Suddenly the lavender wave collapses, and Quantum Man is no longer on the speedster.

A lavender waveform collapses into Quantum Man onboard the Spidership.

[to himself] Good. I materialized in this storage locker. Let's get to work!

[whispers into comm unit]: I'm in.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 5:54 pm:

Actually, it's an A-Wing now. The X-Wing is in pieces because of Negative. Unfortunately still, TerrSec impounded my modified A-Wing. I guess I'll have to rent a fighter.

He looks around but everyone is gone.

Oh well.

Rikard heads back to the Spaceport and gets and rents a fighter, which happens to be an X-Wing. He then notices a small modification that only he had.

Hey! This is my fighter.
Owner: Sorry sir, we found that on an island that was filled with lava. It's a miracle it survived.
Rikard: You see that torpedo launcher. That's a Class 2C launcher. I installed it myself. It was extremely hard putting it on an X-Wing. Besides, I work with LICC.
Owner: LICC? Ha!
Rikard activates his saber.
Owner: Oh well, I'm sure we can come to an agreement.
Rikard: Here, here's an autograph and if you give me your address, I'll send you the rest of LICC's on a group picture, okay?
Owner: Yes sir! That would be great! My kids are going to love me!
Ten minutes later, Rikard is in the sky. His communicator comes to life and Jadlad's voice comes through.
Jadlad's voice:Jadlad to Lt Commander Rikard, I'm aboard troop transport..1138-47.
Rikard: Acknowledged.
He approaches the TerrSec ships and fires. An assault vehicle lights up in a spectacular fireball. Then, about 20 fighters appear, heading straight for him.
Rikard: Here we go

By Inside the Spidership... on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 6:17 pm:

The slightly modified transporter in the LICC/small area is activated and, yes, LICC/small returns from vacation. A quick sensor scan shows signs of highly unusual activity. Fortunately nobody from TerrSec was able to enter the LICC/small compartments because those guys are at least 6 ft tall and you know the rest...

"Pssst! Anybody from us out there?"

By Commander Adon on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 8:28 pm:

Meanwhile, Adon was with the captured TerrSec agent.

Yes, I understand Commander. I'll pick up Ansh and meet you on the bridge. Adon out.

Adon turned to the captured Agent. What can I do with you? I know! He opened a portal, picked up the agent, and tossed him in. As the portal closed, Adon called out "Don't get lost!"

Soon Adon has his combat suit and in robot mode, literally picked up Ansh in a space suit. Both left the planet and made their way through the complex space battle going on outside the ship. The combatsuit opened the hatch with one hand, then gently pushed Ansh through the open hatch.

I'll meet up with you soon. Don't worry about me.

As soon as the hatch was closed, a TerrSec craft made an attack run on the combatsuit. The suit held onto the Spidership with one hand, and batted the craft away with the other hand in a King Kong fashion.

The combat suit flew up to the Shuttlebay. It landed inside and was greeted by several TerrSec Agents standing on a catwalk. Their weapons didn't have the strength to penetrate the suit's armor, and Adon wasn't in the mood to deal with them gently. The combatsuit's shoulder cannons opened fire, collapsing the catwalk and taking the Agents out of action.

The suit kneeled down and the eyes went dark. A hatch opened up in the stomach area, and Adon dropped out with the hatch closing behind him. Quietly, Adon made his way into the ship.

By Plot Complication on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 8:34 pm:

Maya: Sorry bout the laughing, I just *snickers*, thought it was an odd name. Anyway, I have seen something like that once, but it was in a dream. In the dream, you me, and KEy here were in a cave. You had a ray gun, key was holding a club, and I had a two-handed sword. There was someone else there. A man in an ornage robe. The four of us were surrounded by a ring of flames, and creatures that resembled rabid devil dogs were leaping over the flames trying to attack us, and we were fighitng them off. Then a swirling thing like that appeared, only larger, and it was causing a violent storm, and the orange robe guy said, "Two of us must die in order to close it." Then the dream ends right there. So, if my dreams are prophecy, it means that two of us aren't going home.

KEY: Holy •••• dude.

Greymoran (back with the other good guys): I can get your ship back for you. *disappears*

The ship glows a birhgt pink glow.


She's all yours. Now, the only way top get to Cormyr is through one of our Dimensional Portals. I'll create one as soon as you've confimred that all TerrSec forces are, disposed of. *grins*

By The Amazing Quantum Man on Thursday, December 14, 2000 - 9:40 pm:

Blurs into a waveform.

The waveform moves slowly along the ceiling of the corridor until it comes to the door to Auxiliary Control. It pauses for a moment, and then disappears.

Inside Auxiliary Control, a lavender waveform collapses into Quantum Man, who takes the lone TerrSec guard by surprise, and renders him unconscious.

Let's see... where are the alarm controls... OK, here they are. Security Control routed to Auxiliary Control... Maintaining dummy data on Bridge consoles... Disabling Alarm system... All bridge command consoles set up for dummy confirmation.

Quantum Man to Milkshake. Alarms are disabled, I have control of the ship. Lots of guards aboard, though, and it looks like Adon got into the Shuttlebay...

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 6:24 am:

Maya, could fate be changed if I gave you and KEY weapons?
Do you happen to know where the cave is?
I can't think of anything else to add for now...

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 9:41 am:

On the bridge, about 15 or 20 TerrSec troops wait anxiously. Suddenly, they shimmer and disappear, as Quantum Man beams them off the ship. Milkshake and Insane charge through the door two seconds later, brandishing laser rifle and lightsabre. They look at each other sheepishly, then get to work on the controls.

All right, transferring Command functions. Beaming remainder of TerrSec guards. Insane, bring up the shields.

"Aye, Commander."

Milkshake to Colanator.

Colanator partially morphs out of the bulkhead next to Milkshake

Gyaa! Okay, Cola, get to Shuttle Bay 1 and escort Ansh and Adon to Engineering. You and Ansh restart the warp core, we need Warp 9.5 or better out of this baby.

Yes, Commander.

Colanator morphs back out.

"Shields at 20% and recharging, Commander."

Good. Now...

As the bridge regains Command Control, every console and display activates. The viewscreen sparks to life, revealing a dark blur against the starry sky. The blur wavers, and turns into a massive battle cruiser. It has TerrSec markings on the side.

What the-? A TerrSec starship??? They must have been building it in secret, interstellar vehicles are beyond their authority. Insane, charge weapons. Insane!

Milkshake turns to see Insane being stuffed down a garbage chute by a very large battlebot. VERY LARGE. Its thick metal hull glimmers with the shine reminiscent of pure Plotonium.

Oh, no.

By Commander Adon on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 12:31 pm:

Adon turned a corner when he saw a humanoid figure wearing, what looked like bio-mechanical armor. The figure turned, and seemed to smile.

Figure: "I have been waiting for you. I knew that we would meet one day, either as allies or as enemies. So what are you? My ally, or my enemy?"

I cannot be your enemy or you ally if I don't know what you are here for.

"I have been sent to put an end to the LICC."

Adon drew his sword. Then I will be your enemy. Adon charged. At the same time, the several blades grew out the figure's forearm. The thing missed Adon, and Adon scored a hit across the thing's midsection. Both opponents turned and faced each other. Energy crackled around the cut, and within seconds was healed.

"Give it up. You cannot win."

By Bruce Wayne over Voicelink on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 1:09 pm:

Terry,.. I mean Adon, do you remember Hercules and the Hydra? You need to blast him open and keep him from regrowing.

By Cadet Ansh Tembar on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 2:53 pm:

Ansh is sitting in a small cupboard oblivious to what's going on and waiting until all the TerrSec people have been taken care of. All seems quiet and then she hears footsteps coming down the corridor. She opens the door.

Adon, I've been waiing for you! They've been got rid of, haven't they? Adon?

She turns round and sees a huge BattleBot clumping down the corridor. They notice each other at the same instant. Ansh starts to run away but is grabbed by the BattleBot and clobbered on the head.

Adon, help!

By Lt Commander Rikard on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 2:57 pm:

Rikard's X-Wing screams through space pursued by about 40 TerrSec fighters. A TerrSec battle cruiser pulls up in front of him and fires. It misses but scatters the fighters behind him. He does a 180, picks off a fighter and fires. The fighter is obliterated but a few seconds later the pieces recombine to create a new fighter.
Rikard: What in the...?
He checks his sensors.
They're robotic, and it's not easy to blow 'em up.
He switches to photon torpedoes, courtesy of the owner of Spaceport and fires. He hits one, but this time it's vaporized. It doesn't reform. He checks his torpedo count. 14.
Rikard: Great
He looks up to see three TerrSec fighters firing....

By PD Insane on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 3:01 pm:


This is like the SuperFunHappySlideGiantStraw I heard about at GiantLand.

He falls into the garbage.

Yeech. I'd better get out of here!

He activates his lightsabre and sticks it into the door, which starts to melt around the blade. He removes his hand

Now, I'll see if I can find something worthwhile in this... hey, look, baloney!

Looks around more.


Looks around more.

Hmm, a few wires, a bucket, some IC chips... I could really get somewhere with that droid I'm planning to build...

The doors melts down.

Yay! Let's get with it!

He puts the various items in the bucket, gets his lightsabre and runs off. He is confronted by a battledroid.

Droid: Halt, you're not allowed in...

After disposing of the first droid he finds another behind him.

Droid2: You're... Hack!

PD Insane runs back to the bridge, where he takes the tactical station at the back of the bridge, facing forward.

By Captain Tacoman, itching to return on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 3:39 pm:

Maya, as pleasent as this place is, I need to get back to my own dimension...of course my crew can take care of themselves, but I'm just ready to get back...

By The Amazing Quantum Man, who is luckily still in Auxiliary Control on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 5:00 pm:

Watches the security scanners...

D*mn! I'm on my own again!

Returns control to Auxiliary Control

Let's see... didn't we have some Anti-plotonium around a few adventures back?

Editor's Note: The episodes with Plotonium are currently unavailable at the LICC Archives, so I'm working from memory here...

Computer, do we have any Anti-Plotonium on board, and if so where is it's location? Failing that, is there any Anti-Plotonium on Earth within transporter range?

Reads the reply.

Crud. It's in the shuttlebay. Well, let's see what I can do... Computer, beam the Anti-Plotonium from the shuttlebay to Auxiliary control.

Amazingly enough, this desparate attempt at a "deus ex machina" works!

Quantum Man to Colanator, I need you in Auxiliary control, ASAP.

By Phils Angels Gundam wing on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 5:26 pm:

A trio of space battle mechs approaches the battle in space and start blasting the robot soliders in space.

(They were made with the Overlord OS meaning their systems beat up on robots.

By Plot Complication on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 5:44 pm:

Maya: No clue where the cave is. Frankly, I don't even know what I'm supposed to do after I meet you guys. I suppose we just wait for the ornage robe guy to show up. Anyone up for a cup of kava?

KEY: Always wanted to try that stuff. *sees Joh Boone across the tent.* Excuse me a moment. I've always wanted to talk to John boone. *mutters under breath* Rita is not gonna believe this when i get home and tell her.

By Furby on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 7:17 pm:

Hey, you evil BattleBot carrying Ansh! I will reset you with a wrench!

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 8:33 pm:

Maya, I'll take a cup of kava.
Tacoman is handed a cup, and he drinks
Hey, this is pretty good...
Perhaps I should attempt to contact my crew...
Tacoman reactivates his interdimentional communicator
Tacoman to Milkshake, how are things going in our home dimention? Over here, things are getting interesting...
Tacoman proceeds to tell Milkshake about Maya, her dream, and what he's observed around him

By Plot Complication on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 11:17 pm:

KEY is creaming his jeans because he gets to meet many of his literary idols.

By Anonymous on Friday, December 15, 2000 - 11:40 pm:


By Captain Tacoman, asking questions on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 6:54 am:

Are you sure you wanted to put it that way?
And is it time for a new board?

By Commander Adon on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 7:24 am:

If someone was watching the battle between Adon and the bio-mechanical terror, all they would have seen was the corridor rapidly disintegrate, since the two combatants were moving too fast for most people to see. Suddenly, they stopped. Adon appeared winded, and the thing didn't even look phased.

Give it up. You know that you cannot win.

Adon smiled. We'll see. Adon fired an energy blast into the thing, knocking it into the one bulkhead that wasn't damaged in their fight. That bulkhead had a power conduit running through it. And when the thing was knocked through the bulkhead, it caused power disruptions throughout that part of the ship. The thing found itself suddenly covered in rain of ultra-hot plasma. Instead of being vaporized like any normal object (and most abnormal objects), the thing climbed out of the plasma unharmed.

That wasn't bad, now you can try mine.

The armor around the thing's arm morphed into a large energy cannon. The thing fired, barely missing Adon, but still cutting a hole through several bulkheads and the outer hull, vaporizing a TerrSec fighter and almost getting Rikard as well. At that point, Adon decided to take this fight away from the ship. He pulled out the personal transporter unit he took from the TerrSec agent.

Hey, Ugly! Try and catch me, I dare you!

Then Adon hit the activation button and disappeared in a transporter haze.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 10:52 am:

Rikard was flying near the Spidership with one of the fighters trailing him when a hole blasted out of the great ship's hole. Something vaporized the fighter pursuing him. He scanned the area and found Adon and something else fighting and moving impossibly fast. Adon disappeared from sensors.
Rikard: Time for a little payback,
He flew his fighter and targeted the enemy thing, switched to phasers and fired a narrow but powerful beam. It blew the thing back a few meters, but it got up undamaged and fired back a very powerful beam at Rikard, barely missing him. It then disappeared, transporting somewhere else. Rikard's sensor beeped. Five ships coming in. Twelve on long range sensors. Shields: 25%.
Rikard: Man, these guys just keep on coming.

By Angels Wing on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 1:29 pm:

Amanda: We are here to help.

By Commander Adon on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 3:58 pm:

Adon materialized in some sort of TerrSec prepping area. Several technicians scattered when they saw who had beamed in. Within seconds, there was a crackling sound, and the thing materialized inside the room.

If that is the best you can do, this whole thing will be over tomorrow.

It's not, now the gloves come off.

Adon put the heels of his hands together and unleashed a devastating energy beam at point blank range. When the dust cleared, everything in front of Adon was gone, including the bio-mechanical warrior. Behind Adon, the blast had left what was left of the room in ruins.

This looks like some sort of TerrSec facility, I wonder if I will be able to find anything here.

By The Amazing Quantum Man, doing his Bruce Willis Impersonation on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 4:54 pm:

Colanator morphs out of the wall.

We need to make some shells out of this Anti-Plotonium.

Quantum Man and Colanator quickly make some shells to fit a standard Mark I rifle. Quantum Man rigs a couple of bandoliers of the Anti-Plotonium shells, and picks up a Mark I.

Thanks, Colanator! Now it's time to break the laws o'Physics!

Quantum Man's collapses to his waveform, and waves through the corridors. He sees the battlebot holding Ansh. His waveform collapses behind the 'bot.

Bye, bye, 'bottie!

He fires an Anti-Plotonium shell at the 'bot. The shell reacts with the 'bot's Plotonium armoring. The 'bot explodes, but since Quantum Man fired at the back of the 'bot, Ansh is unharmed.

Yippie ty yi yay.

Hi Ansh. Let's get you a weapon! We need to recapture the Bridge. Insane and Milkshake need our help!

By alt-Furby on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 6:13 pm:

Brother, I have installed a link to the internal communication systems.

By Furby on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 6:16 pm:

Very good!



Every TerrSec agent who couldn't turn off his comm unit fast enough is paralyzed, disoriented and totally helpless. The LICC members only get a very light headache.

By Plot Complication on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 7:40 pm:

Greymoran appears next to Observer. "Let's go to Cormyr." he says, and raises his hands. A pruple swirly thing appears in front of the good guy's ship. All goes well, for a second. Suddnely the swilr turns into a violent storm. Greymoran's face changes from benevolance, to shock and fear. "Oh no. Not now." The purple swilry thing explodes. But the ship remains unhamred. But the good guy's dimensional hjooper (forgot his name) discovers something distubring. He can't skip anymore. A study of the surroundings reveals that when the swirly thing blew up, the area covered by the shockwave has been turned into an anomolay, where dimensional and time travel is impossible. And even at top sp[eed, the Spidership would take three days to get out of the area, and be able to resuce their beloved Captain. Greymoran falls to his and screams at the sky. "•••• YOU RADAGAST! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!" Then he breaks into tears. "It can't end like this. I';ve fought too hard and too long to lose now."

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, December 17, 2000 - 2:05 pm:

Just after Quantum Man and Colanator free Ansh, a blackened figure limps down the corridor. Milkshake, his armor dented and smoking, stops by the three heroes and leans against a wall.

....What a fight. Quantum, Cola, Ansh, good to see you. We need to get to Aux Control. The bridge is destroyed. We've got a few hull breaches, too. Anyone find out if Insane is all right?

By Commander Milkshake, who really should read ALL the boards on Sunday, December 17, 2000 - 2:09 pm:


By Spaced Redshirt on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 6:27 pm:

Ccabe still

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