League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part V: Greymoran

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part V: Greymoran
By Brian Webber on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 5:40 pm:

Ladies and gentlemen, this, is Brian Webber. Welcome to Epsiode V of this grand tale.
In the next week or so, you will witness the final chapter of the Greymoran saga here on Start Wars.
But the long trans-dimensional struggle is far from over.
Please visit my website. http://members.fortunecity.com/bdwebber/porch.html

Anyway, previously, on LICC...

By Plot Complication on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 07:30 pm:

Minsc: Then, you are not wizards? *looking disapointed*

KEY: Oh no.

Maya, elbows Tacoman: What did I say? I said, "when in Rome." Why does no one ever listen to me? Sax never listened, Frank never listened, Arkady never listened...

Back on the Spidership:

Greymoran: We're geting closer to the edge. I can feel it. I can't open a large portal yet, but I can send a coded message throguh to some friends of mine who can take care of TerrSec while we go to the Forgotten Realms planet to resuce your captain and stop my brother. May I? *gestures towards the comm unit*

As Tacoman, Minsc, Boo, maya, and KEY enter the mine, the stench of something nauseates the party. A nearby miner idnetifies it as the "infected iron." No one in the party knows what that means. The miner explains that most of the iron they've shipped to Nashkel, Beregost, and Baldur's Gate has corroded and fallen apart before they even get past the mine entrance. But the miners have refused to give up, even in the face of the attacks in the lower levels.

The heroes enter the lower levels, and discover a massive hole in the side of the lowest level. After fighting their way through Kobolds, giant spiders, and exploded traps, the bruised and bloodied heroes stop to sip some of Minsc's healing potion. They see a small cave off to the side. KEY shivers. "Whatever we're fighting against is in there. I can feel it." Maya sighs. "I feel it too. Let's go."

By Commander Adon on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 6:15 pm:

Greymoran, what if you had more energy? Could you open a large enough portal then? Or I could open a portal from here and let a small group through, since we know where the Captian is. I don't know if I should since this whole battle has a "destiny" feeling to it. And playing with destiny has always been unhealthy.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 6:40 pm:

Ok.. I'm going to activate some shielding.. and I think I can extend it around the rest of you...
Several areas on Tacoman's body glow. From those areas, ball shaped objects rise, position themselves around the group, and activate a shield
That should protect us somewhat in the final battle. I was able to modify their shieldsing with some of my own, but I don't know how long it will last. it's the closest thing to magic I have.

By Female redshirt on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 6:43 pm:

A female redshirt with short brown hair comes onto the bridge; she has a slight limp:

Female Redshirt:"Commander, I was trapped in a supply closet for a few days, and I just managed to free myself. Can I do anything to help, sir?"

By An Open Letter from the ACME Redshirt Supply Company on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 9:22 pm:

Dear Valued Customer,

Holiday greetings from the ACME Redshirt Supply Company.

As you may know, our redshirts have been outfitted with a Holiday Adapter™ (patent pending). This device allows redshirts to survive during the holiday season, so as to avoid confusion with major characters who are simply dressed in red with the festivity of the season.

We would like to remind you that the Holiday Adapter™ expires at midnight on the morning of December 26.

Thank you for your patronage of the ACME Redshirt Supply Company!


Wipe M. Out
Customer Service Representative

By The Big Dog running the Female Redshirt character.... on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 1:31 am:

I know that already, so that previous letter is being sent to file 13. Have a nice day! :)

By Me again.... on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 1:33 am:

For information dealing with the aforementioned Female Redshirt, please refer to the Cybersoap Confessions board.....

(*Warning! Future Plot Spoilers There!*)

By The Observer on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 2:34 pm:

Greymoran, perhaps you should refrain from giving new LICC episodes particular names. It confuses the Official Record-Keepers.

(Kira and Jake, sitting unnoticed in the corner furiously taking notes, look up and wave at the heroes.)

Now, this alternate universe is based on a D&D type of Role-Playing Game?

By GundamWolf on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 2:47 pm:

No, Observer, not a D&D type of RPG. This alternate universe IS a D&D RPG game world. The Forgotten Realms (The alternate universe) & Greyhawk are the two main D&D game worlds. See the end of my post in Cybersoap Confessions.

By The Observer on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 3:02 pm:

Ahh. I never had the chance to visit an actual D&D universe, but I have been assigned missions to several similar dimensions. I wonder if I still have those...oh yes, here they are. I'd never thought I'd use these again.

(Observer pulls a battered leather rucksack from one of his pockets. It initially seems to be empty, but Observer reaches in and pulls out a suit of silver dragon scale mail and a two-handed eternium sword of parrying.)

This adventure should be interesting.

By The Spelling Police on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 4:23 pm:

Observer, Not only that, but he misspelled "League".

By Anonymous on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 5:53 pm:

Now someone's complaining about spelling?! Read just about every post made by Plot Complication if you want to see mispelling! He's never heard of spellcheck!

By Commander Adon on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 6:52 pm:

Ah, a good, old fashioned, world with knights and swords and spells. How refreshing.

Adon reaches under his cloak and pulls out a shield. The face is polished silver and it bears strange markings.

I haven't used this in awhile, and this shield has a special trick. It can amplify the sunlight reflected off it, making the light blinding. It has proven useful in the past.

By Captain Tacoman, ready to enter the cave on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 7:13 pm:

Tacoman turns to his companions
Shall we go in?
Wait.. let me give the cave a quick scan...
Tacoman extends his hand toward the cave. The gauntlet scans the area and the information is relayed to Tacoman's helmet
Ok people, my sensors show a number of critters, including the last of the kobolds...there's also a strange energy pattern...a few traps...Hopefully the shield will work.

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 8:55 pm:

Greymoran, will you be able to take us all to the alternate universe?

And will our guns work in the alternate universe, or will we have to rely on these more rudimentary weapons?

Milkshake gestures to Observer's sword

By Female Redshirt, eager to help on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 2:13 am:

The Female Redshirt looks at Commander Milkshake:

Sir, can I be of any assistance? I've been trapped in a supply room for several days, and I anxious to get back to work. Please tell me what I can do.

By PD Insane on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 7:52 am:

Hooray! Hooray! It's Christmas Day. Champagne!

pulls a champagne bottle out from his console, fizzes it up, and blasts Josh Rikard out of his seat with the cork.

Actually, it's just 47-up, so you can have some, Ansh.

Hurls it at the Engineering console.

By PD Insane on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 7:53 am:

And I volunteer to stay here. I'll be in charge of festivities now SuperBob has departed us.

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 11:04 am:

Very well, Ensign Female Redshirt, you are the Bridge Chief of Replacing Exploded Consoles. And it looks like Josh's console is shorting out from that 47-Up, so...


...you can replace it. I hope we're not pointed toward any asteroid belts right now. Computer, activate autoconn.


By PD Insane on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 11:07 am:

Who's in command? Is one specific person the most qualified, or shall we draw lots? Is Josh going with you? If so, can I be in command?

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 11:18 am:

Well, I am First Officer, Lieutenant. Colanator is Third Officer and almost always stays with the ship. I am waiting for Greymoran to tell us what we need to do to rescue the Captain, but I'm getting a bit impatient. I just might use Dimensional Cartography to find him and go after him myself.


Also, Lieutenant, I hesitate to leave someone who sprays sugary beverages around in command of this vessel.

By Lt PD Insane on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 11:21 am:

Well, in a previous situation when both Tacoman and you were away, command was given to Lieutenant Josh Rikard, over both Colanator and Quantum Man. If you leave now to follow Greymoran, Josh will be in command, I would assume.

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 11:22 am:

Plus Adon is Second Officer, but...

looking over at Adon practicing his swordplay

I think he's going with us on this mission.

By Lt PD Insane on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 11:24 am:

Right, I'll replicate some stuff.

Wanders off. Comes back a few minutes later with paperchains, a tree, and other knavery. Including a Chanukai for Frangelica and Quantum Man.

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 11:29 am:

Actually, the position of Third Officer should be a rotating position, shared by Colanator, Quantum, and Josh, all Lieutenant Commanders.

stepping out of character

I suppose the Ranked Character List on the Archive Site is our Chain of Command. So if the Captain, myself, Adon, Colanator, Quantum, and Josh were not present, you would be in command.

By Lt PD Insane on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 11:34 am:

What about Frangelica? It looks like I'm going to have to climb the ladder to reach the exalted position of command. Oh, I'd probably waste it anyway, but it'd be fun. I would get people to do forfeits and take two cards and stuff.

Note to Cmdr Milkshake's author from Insane's: Still guessing my roles?

By Commander Adon on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 1:33 pm:

We already found the Captain, I just don't want to open a portal and head over there because it may cause more problems than it solves. Since Greymoran has a better idea what is going on, I will let him decide if sending a small group over now would be wise.

Author's note: Merry Christmas everyone!

By Female Redshirt.....Merry C yall! on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 1:49 pm:

Sir, I'll have that console fixed in a few minutes. I need to go get some more equipment to finish connecting the wiring.

she salutes, then leaves the bridge:

Author's note:What Adon said!

By Jadlad on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 3:09 pm:

Hmmm. Maybe I'll ask for a field commision when this is over.

Author's note: Have a Merry Christmas everyone!

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 4:06 pm:

So what are we waiting for? Let's go in.
Tacoman and company enter the cave, finding...

By Anonymous on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 8:08 pm:

(....a box full of candy canes and a partridge in a pear tree?)

By Brian Webber, tired and bloated after Chritmas dinner. on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 11:04 pm:

Greymoran: Hmm? Sorry. I must've drifted off (reality, my step-grandfather got baldur's Gat II for chistmas and we couldn't get him away from the computer! Thank god for hunger, eh?). No. The effects of the portal explosion are still too strong for me to open anything bigger than a few inches. I'll send the call. Continue towards TerrSec (smiles). By the time we're there, we should have no problem.

Back in nashkel mines:

Minsc: Wherever Minsc and Boo go, evil stnads aside!

Maya: These sheilds remind me of a book I read as a kid. Dunes or something like that.

KEY: Dune. Good book, shitty movie.

The cave ahead appears empty. A trap is sprung. Bolts of pink energy disperse against Maya's and Tacoman's sheilds. They continue onward. A samll dome made of rock appears ahead. Kobalds with flamin arrows surround the entrance. On either side of the group of Kobolds, two large grey blob-like things throw smaller blobs. Tacoman's scans reveal that these blobs would be paralyzing if they made contact. Worse of all, the arrows are ACTUALLY weakening the sheilds! Must be some kind of magic arrows. Tacoman raises his rifle. With less metals here, he may able to fire it without the beams bouncing off the walls. But wait! The sheilds might still be strong enough! What is a smart captain to do!

By A Holiday Redshirt on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 11:30 pm:

A redshirt was decorating the ship's Christmas tree. He stopped when he thought he heard a noise coming from the tree.

As he peered into the branches, a raccoon suddenly leapt out of the tree and mauled the redshirt. The raccoon then jumped back into the tree, which was promptly sucked into a hole in the space-time continuum, taking what was left of the redshirt with it.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 7:41 am:

Tacoman activates his suit's emergency power to strenghten the shields. He then remodulates the shields to block the arrows, which still weaken the shield, but not as much as before
That problem solved. Now...
Tacoman sets his rifle to heavy stun on wide beam and fires at the blobs and Kobolds. The Kobolds are stunned, but the blobs still throw things. In despiration, Tacoman sets his rifle to kill and fires at the blobs, which kills them
I didn't want to do that, but I had no choice.
Hmm.. I'm going to have to tell Adon about my shield modifications...
Turning to his companions
You see, Adon is a member of my crew and is the one who gave me the shield device. He's a Wanderer who can travel the dimensions... Hmm...

By Female Redshirt....One-Woman Repair Crew on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 7:57 am:

The Female Redshirt walks back onto the bridge with a small toolkit. She opens the toolkit, pulls out a pair of pliers, a soldering iron, and a small screwdriver. She then finishes repairing the damaged control board, closes the toolkit, tests the controls to make sure they are working,then walks over to Commander Milkshake:

"Sir, the controls have been fixed. Is there anything else that you need me to do?"

By Commander Milkshake on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 9:40 am:

Not at the present, Chief. Remain on station. We might be having a lot more exploding consoles in the future, so stay alert.

Greymoran, you want us to "continue towards TerrSec"? Does that mean go back to Earth?

By Furby on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 1:41 pm:

Hmmmm, I never played Baldur's Gate(s) or D&D but on the planet of Lost Guardia I have a reputation as a fierce warrior.


How nice, my old Ninja Level 47 costume! Bonsai!

By The Observer on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 2:38 pm:

(Observer is polishing his sword)

I was assigned to two similar dimensions, one a strange place called the Dungeons of Doom and another within the Drakalor Mountain Chain on the world of Ancardia. Those were interesting times.

By Female Redshirt, offering some helpful equipment on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 3:17 pm:

"Sir, I've been listening to your conversations since I came on the bridge, and I found some things in the supply room that may come in handy"

She pulls out several anti-gravity climbing rods and anti-toxin patches from her toolkit, and hands one of each to each person on the bridge:

"Good luck, and may you all come back safe! I'll be in the Hydroponics Lab if anyone needs me."

She leaves the bridge, her limp slightly less noticable.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 4:06 pm:

Tacoman happens to have his dimentional communicator on and has been listening to the current conversation
Tacoman to Observer, I think I've visited the Drakalor chain at one time... Did you get to meet Blup, the baby dragon?
By the way, this conversation is occuring inside my helmet, so my companions can't hear... it just looks like I'm standing there thinking about something...

By The Observer on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 5:07 pm:

Yes, I reunited him with his mother, as well. Her reward couldn't have come at a better time...

By Brian Webber on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 8:21 pm:

Minsc: Crew? Ahh, I see! Wizard has a ship! A fien boat she must be! Is she docked near here?

Maya: Great work with the sheilds. Maybe I should take some of it back to mars with me.

KEY: Thos eblobs were scary man! Look how many kill shots it took! My god!

Back on Spidership;

Greymoran: I meant towards the fleet. But no matter. Focus all sensors forward. *smiles again* See if you recognize the fleet of ships attacking the TerrSec forces

*On screen a blurred image of small ships swarming about the larger TerrSec ships. Any Babylon 5 fan would recognize those ships has White Stars."

Greymoran smiles again and says, "Ah, I see President Sheridan got my message after all." On ward. We'll be out of the affected area in a few hours, then we go to Cormyr to pick up a small itme, THEn we can go get your captain.

By GundamWolf, curious as ever on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 9:48 pm:

Uhhh....Is this BEFORE or AFTER Babylon 5: The Crusade?! (I'm still mad at TNT for dropping the show...mumble...mumble....)

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 6:19 am:

Yes Minsc, it is a very fine ship that has survived a lot of adventures. If we survive this, I will take the three of you on a tour of the Spidership.... four, if you want to count the hamster...
Yeah, the first shot was just a heavy stun, but that didn't work, so I had to kill them
Maya, Thanks. If you do get that tour of my ship, I'll let you talk to Adon. He's the one who gave me the shield.
As for the docking place of the ship, it's actually in another plane of existance, and the crew is trying its best to get here to rescue us.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 1:41 pm:

Wow..Greymoran, you can bring entire fleets from other dimensions? That must require a ton of energy.

By Spaced Redshirt on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 6:28 pm:


By Lt Commander Rikard, back from break on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 8:19 pm:

Rikard walks onto the bridge with a few weapons that he can actually use.

Well, I'm ready to go. When do we leave?

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 9:25 pm:

I am sorry, but I can't stand waiting around here anymore. I am going to open a portal to the Captain's location now, and the rest of the ship can meet up with us as soon as Greymoran is strong enough. Anyone who wants to come with me is welcome, but the portal will close as soon as I am through.

Adon opens a swirling vortex and the crew members who wanted to go on this trip step through. Adon is the last to go. The group appears at the entrance of a mine.

By Furby on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 9:41 pm:

My dear brother, you are looking really strange in the monk outfit. Do you have the "Nuclear blast" spell bookmarked in case of emergency?

By Brian Webber, Storyteller on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 9:56 pm:

Greymoran: I didn't bring the White Star fleet (shortly before A Call To Arms). But my good friend Draal has acces to a device that can create portals three times larger than the biggest one I can create. large enough for that fleet.

At the mine entrance:

The Amnish guard thier swords. "Stand away citizens! One of them shouts! The mine is closed until Minsc and the others stop the demons from poisining our Iron. Now stand back!"

Looking behind them the interpid crew realzies that they are surround by aromored men with arrows and swords.

Adon notices a small purple flash in the air. Probably a portal. The Spidership has come. Those left aboard and Greymoran are probably en route to Cormyr to grab "the item."

In the mine;

Minsc: Anothe rplane of existence?!? You hear that Boo? A gift it would be to travel with you wizard! Spidership eh? How did she get her name? Are there wizards as powerful as you on this boat? Any Rangers or Theives? Paladins? Oh we can't wait!

Maya: First things first Minsc.

KEY: Uh guys?

The intrepid group find themselves surrounded by skjeltons and Kobalds. A panicked looking man Stares at you. "Did Tazok send you? Blast him! I was doing fine until that Candlekeep twerp began interfering with my work! Do you work for that cursed wench Kara? Well, my minions will stop you!" The man starts a chant. Several globes of pink slam into Maya's sheild. She is unhamred, but the force of the blast was felt even through the sheild. She fall to ground with thud. "Ow! She proclaims. Minsc's face launches from child like enthusism to barbaric anger. "This is evil that deserves a good butt kicking!" Without throguht he rages twords the man with his sword raised. He slices the ehads off several Kobolds, and turns one of the skelton warriors into a pile of dust and shards of bone. The man in a panic cast an entangle spell that passes Minsc and traps his own minions. Tacoman and KEY were protected from the vines that appeared by their sheilds. Tacoman is temporarily blinded by the thick branches that hold the enemies to the ground. As soon as he clears them with his weapon, he sees Minsc standing over the carcass of the man who attacked them. The skeletons crumble. The Kobalds beg for their lives. Minsc closes his eyes and starts taking deep breaths. "Sorry you had to see that Boo. Minsc sometimes loses his anger in the face of evil." There's not much left of the men. Maya picks up a scroll. "It's from that tazok character he was talking about. It basically says that he's displeased with this man's performance. The rest I can't read. It's covered in blood. Including his •••• name!" "Uh, help." A slow, droaning voice comes from nearby. Tacoman shines a light in the direction of the voice. A small hidden cave. A man in purple robes is tied to a few stalagmites. "A little help please? My name is Xan, and that monster you just killed stole my sword! It's in the chest in his personal quarters. Could you get it for me? It has a glowing blue balde and my name enscribed on the hadnle."

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 10:36 pm:

Citizens? Sir, you insult me. I have been summoned here by the very group that has been sent to destroy the demons.

Guard: "But how? No one has left the mine since they entered."

Do not mettle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. Do you wish to face the wrath of a wizard?
Adon held up his hands. Small, glowing balls formed in his palms, and his cloak started billowing around him even though there was no wind. The crowd drew back with a gasp, allowing the group to enter the cave unhindered.

By Brian Webber on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 2:53 am:

All but one (evil grin).

Nice try. Captain Tacoman explained the situation to me. And while my companions here didn't understnad, I'm not ••••••. I've been an Amnish soldier for twenty years. I've seen things that would turn your hair white. What proof do you offer that you're not from TerrSec?

On the ship;

Greymoran smiles as the shuttle containing him and remaining crew members (who satyed, BTW?) lands in a forest near Cormyr. He replicates period appropriate clothing for the crew members and steps out. "Come," he says. "We must find this item. In case we get seperateed, it's a small statuette of a DracoLich.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 6:37 am:

I guess we could get it... But first, let me scan the area to see if everything is safe...
This time, Tacoman whips out a small but powerful tricorder and begins to scan
Hmm... if these readings are correct, a small number of my crew is near the mine entrance...wonder how they got there... Ah, Adon is there. That answers that.
Xan, where is this guy's personal quaters?
Tacoman whispers to KEY and says:
Just who is this Tazok person?
Tacoman activates his helmet's communication system
Tacoman to Adon, I know you are at the top of this mine. My companions and I are at the bottom. I'll activate my homing signal so you can find us.
Tacoman activates his signal and speaks to his companions
I have a signal going so that my crew can find us. We might as well stay here until they do.

By Nitpicking K-NIT TV-47 Viewers, in an open letter to K-NIT TV-47 on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 11:55 am:

Dear K-NIT TV-47 Executives,

Is Brian Webber posting under his real name for a reason? We really don't like this D&D storyline. Give us space opera!

By Helpful suggestion on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 12:15 pm:

Then stop complaining and wait till it's over.

By PD Insane on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 12:20 pm:

I found Captain Tacoman and a bunch of weird characters. Hi, Taco! Hi, everyone! Adon and the rest, come on down!

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 2:00 pm:

How'd you get down here so fast, Insane?
After a while, Adon and the rest enter into the small cave
Hey crew! You all know KEY, so let me introduce Maya, from the Red Mars dimension, Minsc and his hamster Boo from this dimension, and the guy over there indicating the guy in purple is named Xan, who is looking for his sword.
Maya, Minsc, meet my crew.

By Commander Adon on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 2:22 pm:

It is nice to meet everyone. Perhaps we should get moving before that guard wakes up. I doubt he will be happy. You see, he wanted proof that I was a powerful wizard, so I showed him my magic wand.

Adon pulled out a small metal cylinder. There was a button on one end, and the other end was open.

I got him with a sleeping dart.

Adon pointed the device at a redshirt that had come along. The device made a soft sound and the redshirt grabbed at his neck. "Adon... Why?" And he passed out.

Don't worry. He'll be all right in a few minutes, I only used a small dose.

By The Observer on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 2:23 pm:

(Observer steps forward, garbed in true RPG form. Armor made of silvery dragon scales, brown coarse cloak, rucksack, leather boots and a polished sword in a plain scabbard strapped onto his back.)

It is good to see you again, Captain. Greetings Maya, Minsc, Boo and Xan. Is this what you were seeking?

(Observer plucks a sword out of the air. It has, of course, a glowing blue blade and the name "Xan" in script inscribed on the handle. He reverses the sword and presents it hilt-first to the purple-robed Xan.)

I thought I sensed a mystic artifact. Here you are. What are we supposed to do here, Captain?

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 2:33 pm:

Minsc, do you think we've cleared the mines of Kobolds? Or at least enough that the iron can get out in good shape?
By the way Adon, the shield you gave me worked like a charm.
Tacoman explains to Adon how he had to modify the original design to fit the current adventure
...and I think it would only work with armor like mine.
Nice costume Observer.
So how are things on the ship?

By The Observer on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 3:37 pm:

Repairs are almost done, Captain. Terran Security sabotaged many vital systems, but Colanator and his team have worked their usual magic, and the ship should be fully operational soon.

(Observer looks around)

It looks like the rest of the crew remained on the ship. They went to secure an item that Greymoran needed.


(A loud twanging noise cracks in the air, followed by several more. A crossbow bolt shatters against Tacoman's armor, and another strikes Observer in the side. The others duck to avoid the deadly projectiles. Suddenly dark, diminuative figures scramble out of the shadows, casting aside their crossbows and drawing swords. Several pitch-colored orcs with glowing red eyes grin as they advance on our heroes.)

By Lt Commander Rikard on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 3:43 pm:

When we left things were kind of messy but a redshirt that had been stuck in a closet happily volunteered to fix everything while we came to find you.

By PD Insane on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 3:53 pm:

I decorated stuff, but it's too late now so I'll have to take it all down. *sigh*...

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 5:15 pm:

Observer, are you alright?
Personal shields are still up, but getting weak.
Adon, Insane, fire at the orcs!
Adon, Insane, and Tacoman raise their weapons and fire at the orcs. This time, the weapons are set to kill, and in short time, most of the orcs are dead, and the rest are in retreat
That was a mouthful.
I think it's time we leave the mine and back up to the surface.

By Commander Adon on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 6:20 pm:

Adon fires a blast at the retreating orcs.
I don't like orcs very much. Have you ever been to Middle-Earth? Lovely place; lots of orcs though.

As our heroes were leaving, the exit tunnel collapses, trapping them in the mine. Adon looks at the rocks and pulls out a headset. He puts the headset on and then looks at the rocks again.

Its a hands-free tricorder. This doesn't look good. The tunnel is severely weakened, and any attempt to dig or blast our way out will cause the whole thing to collapse. It looks like we will have to find another exit.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 6:25 pm:

Minsc, do you know of another way out of the mine?

By Furby on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 7:34 pm:

Casts a level 7 shield spell for the group, just for safety reasons.

By Brian Webber on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 9:41 pm:


Greymoran: Found it! I found the statuette! Let's go to the Captain! Quickly.

Back in the mine:

Maya: Orcs? This guy's letter said nothing about Orcs!

KEY: I have no idea who Tazok is! I never got that far in the game!

A black clad figure appears behind the Orcs. Radagast!

He opens several portals and forces all but Tacoman, Maya, and KEY through. Minsc and Xan appear in the city of Nashkel. They decide to track down this Kara character that the baddie mentioned earlier. The crew ends up back on the Spider ship. Mya holds the sword that Minsc gave her. Tacoman has his phaser-rifle, as does KEY. Radagast surrounds them with a wall of flame.

Their raise their weapons.

KEY: "Well captain, it's been an honor meeting you Would've loved to join your crew. In case I don;'t survive this, tell my wife Rita I love her."

Maya: "Chances are neither of us is getting out of here alive tovarich. Too bad. I'd given serious thought to John's marriage proposal."

KEY: "Yeah. it really sucked when he died."

Maya: WHAT?!?

The orcs begin to jump over the flames. They rush the three heroes. Suddenly, a bright blue falsh appears and a large mass of water comes from the samll pool behind Xan's cave. It takes on the form of a brutish human, and punches Radagast and the Orcs nearest him. They appear to drown quickly.

The other orcs tunr away from the heroes, long enouhg for KEY, and Maya to finish them off while Tacoman scans the area where the water monster appeared from. Gryemoran and the other crew members are floating above the water in a semi-tranparent bubble, holding onto a weird statuette. He motions to the heroes to get as close to the bubble as they can. Once inside the sphere, Greymoran explains;

"Hello again captain. Your first officer nearly messed things up, but thankfully my brother failed to underestimate the value of several redshirts working together. Now we must stay in this waterproof sphere. Until I can chant the key spell, that Water Monolith will run amok." He chants, the monolith collapses. The statuette he was holding stopped glowing.

The bubble floats gently to the ground. Greymoran quickly whips up a teleport spell and take them all back to the shuttle. "Captain, you did masterfully. Better than I had hoped. I wish I could ask you and your crew to join the XDCA, but I fear that I am the only one left." He frowns.

Tacoman places a hand on his shoulder and says...

By Lt Commander Rikard on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 9:58 pm:

"Well, that was interesting... and fast. Hey, where's the Captain?"

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 6:40 am:

I'm sorry to hear that, Greymoran. Would you like to join my crew?
Are Maya and KEY here? Did they survive the final battle? If they did, I want to take a tour of the ship.
Tacoman collapses on a nearby chair in tiredness
That was one heck of an adventure. I think I need another emergency power pack, though...

By Klassikos on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 11:11 am:

I know I've only been here for a few days, but I think I ought to make myself rekord-keeper or something, Kaptain?

By Padawan on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 12:01 pm:

Isn't that what the Observer does on Kira's page?

By PD Insane on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 12:03 pm:

Greymoran could join our crew, but what would he be? A civilian, I suppose. Not everyone ahs to have a position.

By Klassikos on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 12:33 pm:

I meant I would do a ship's log, keeping newkomers up to speed, sort of thing.

By Two Angry Posters on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 1:18 pm:

then they all diy

No, they don't.

yes thgey do.

They don't.

they do gozdillia coms in an eats em

No, Godzilla doesn't. You're too immature for LICC.

wahts imature?

Shut up. Don't post this.

I can do waht i like you •••••• moran

No, I'm older that you

sez hu? hehe im postign

By The Observer on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 1:49 pm:

Oof! I'm fine, Captain. Few things can penetrate a dragon's scales. I might have a bit of a bruise, though.

Well, Klassikos, our Archives are our closest thing to a Ship's Log, and my Compendium is designed to help newcomers learn the history and setting of the League.

A tip to all prospective posters: Please Use The Spellcheck!

By Two angry posters on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 2:04 pm:

The two angry posters were the same person, it was a joke, Observer.

By Klassikos on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 2:51 pm:

This is for people who kome in in the middle of an adventure and need to know what's going on.

Oh, and kould someone explain that insident with "Mr TAMbourine Man"? Who was he?

By Commander Adon on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 2:55 pm:

Well, that was an interesting ending. We probably should get back to our home dimension soon. I'm not sure how the locals will react to our presents, but I know that at least one won't like me.

By PD Insane on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 2:56 pm:

You mean, presence, right, or do you mean Xmas presents?

By Protectors of the Void on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 8:13 pm:

Tacoman's shuttle inexplicably falls through a hole in the space/time continuum and materializes inside the Spidermobile shuttlebay.

We had nothing to do with this, we assure you.

By Captain Tacoman, happy to be home on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 8:24 pm:

Tacoman steps out of the shuttle and looks around
Ah, good to be back home.
Maya, KEY, if you two are still here, may I give you a tour of the Spider?

By The Amazing Quantum Man, just recovered on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 8:32 pm:

Bridge to Shuttlebay. This is Lt. Cmdr Quantum Man, acting commander Spidership II. Who just arrived?

Tacoman answers.

Welcome back, Sir. Everyone else went with that Greymoran fellow, but since I just got out of sickbay, I remained aboard. Sir, will you come to the bridge and take the conn?

By Brian Webber on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 9:26 pm:

Greymoran: I know you're sorry, but there is nothing you can do. I must do this for myself. The traitor Jacob Grey has to suffer for what he did to all my friends and colleauges. Without the XDCA, the multiverse will be in chaos. Can I depned on you and your crew to watch over this universe? Grey is a genocidal madman. He'll destroy the same world thousands of times, a different way each time, just for fun. With the ability to jump entire fleets from universe to universe makes him a tetrillion times more dangerous than those Pirates my order was used to facing. *extends his hand to tacoman* Good luck captain. I hope you and your crew continue having excellent adventures. *he opens a small portal. KEY and a gorgeous woman, probably in her mid-thirties, with brown hair, deep green eyes that penetrate your soul, and a smile that melts men into- oh, sorry. Where was I? Oh yeah. KEY and his wife step through* "Greymoran," he says "we're ready. Where's this ship you were talking about?" Greymoran nods, then turns back to Tacoman. "Jake Grey destoryed most of our XDCA aquired ships. However, one of the security bots, Hudzen managed to slip away in a Defiant-class ship; a ship from the Star Trek DS9 universe. She's not much, but she's the best we got. Her name is the Archangel. I'd love to give you a tour, but a TerrSec ship got past the White Star fleet. It'll be here in a hour." He opens a larger portal. He, KEY, and Rita step through. The last thing Tacoman hears before the portal closes is, "Goodbye, son."

For the record: Maya has returned home. KEY went home to get his wife. The two of them has decided to join Greymoran's campaign to stop the ultra-evil Jake Grey. This campaign will start on Sax Russel's movie board Jan. 1st (Thanks Sax!)


By Commander Milkshake on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 9:43 pm:

Milkshake, along with the young Q q, materializes in the shuttlebay.

Captain! Good to see you. I got impatient and asked q here to help me locate you. We traced your astral pattern to a cave in another dimension. These crazy monsters with swords attacked, and q brought me back here, just in time. Glad to have you back.

By Jadlad turning purple in the face on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 12:12 am:

Jadlad thinking to himself-By now my lungs were aching for air.

Jadlad exhales.

See Insane? I told you I could hold my breath untill the Captain came back.

By PD Insane on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 4:21 am:

All right, I believe you...

I think we ought to ahve a new board, now this storyline is over.

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