League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part VII

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part VII
By The Powers That Be on Thursday, January 04, 2001 - 12:57 pm:

This space intentionally left blank.

By The Spectre on Thursday, January 04, 2001 - 1:02 pm:

Can I call you "Austin"?

By DisneyMan in Disneyland! on Thursday, January 04, 2001 - 3:12 pm:

*Groan!* Suddenly 1,002 giant, rabid dalmatians appear out of nowhere, and attack the Spectre!

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, January 04, 2001 - 3:34 pm:

So who are going to go after? Darth Fury, Radagast, who I suspect is my real father, or attempt to see why TerrSec was after us?

By Inspector Mystery on Thursday, January 04, 2001 - 4:21 pm:

Captain, I would recommend that we should try to ascertain Terrsec's motives.

By Jake Dominguez, busy busy busy on Thursday, January 04, 2001 - 4:35 pm:

A hatch in the bridge deck opens, and Jake Dominguez crawls out. He is covered in oil stains and has a monkey wrench in his hand.

Not yet! There's a reason TerrSec is going bonkers. Leave them alone for a while.

He opens a collapsible ladder, climbs it, opens a hatch in the ceiling and goes through. The hatch slams shut.

By Lt Commander Rikard, in and out of character on Thursday, January 04, 2001 - 4:36 pm:

I'm sure Quantum will make it. He's a regular. He may experience a heck of a lot of pain and he may end up traumatized for the rest of his life, but he'll survive. Besides, isn't the Greymoran plot over? Wasn't it the one with Taco going into the Dungeon and Dragons game? It wasn't resolved?

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, January 04, 2001 - 4:41 pm:

That was part of it Rikard, but I think he wants us to find Radagast, too.
So we will leave the TerrSec story for now, and then who knows what...

By Jadlad on Thursday, January 04, 2001 - 7:04 pm:

Who? What? When? Where? Why? I'm so confused (Even more than normal.). What are we doing?

By Captain Tacoman, getting confused on Thursday, January 04, 2001 - 7:32 pm:

For once, I have no idea either...

By Plot Complication on Thursday, January 04, 2001 - 10:21 pm:

A message comes throguh on the Spiderhip's comm. Audio only.

"Hello Tacoman. Is Greymoran there? It's President Sheridan. We did a good job of taking care of that enemy fleet you sent us after. We didn't lose one ship. Some ships have to towed home however, including the one with the Dimensional skipper eninge. If you're still on that ship you're call came in from, could you come help us out? Thanks."

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, January 05, 2001 - 6:31 am:

Ops, open a channel to President Sheridan.
Greetings, Mr. President. This is Captain Tacoman. Unfortunatly, Greymoran has left this dimension to battle the forces of evil in another. We could give you his dimensional coordinates if you want.
If "the ship that you're call came in from" is refering to the Spidership, yes, we are still on it. We will help out when we can. Tacoman out.

By PD Insane on Friday, January 05, 2001 - 12:51 pm:

Waaaaaaaaaitaminute! How fast do we go through Presidents? We had President Fleem on board XIX, on board XXVI we had President Zimmerman and now President Sheridan??

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, January 05, 2001 - 1:15 pm:

President Sheridan of the Babylon 5 universe, Lieutenant. Since Mr. Absurd was elected Vice-President of Earth, I suppose there's been another election lately.

By Commercial for MP Redshirts, LTD on Friday, January 05, 2001 - 2:42 pm:

Hello, Ship Captains!

Are you tired of having your ACME redshirts die boring deaths?

Cut to a scene of an exploding console killing a redshirt

Wouldn't you like to have your redshirts die more interesting deaths, like this?

Cut to a point-ed stick impaling a redshirt

or this?

Cut to a bengal tiger eating a redshirt

or even this?

Cut to a 16-ton weight falling on a redshirt.

Well, then, come on down to MP Redshirts, LTD., where boring is out! We have volume discounts for major customers too!

By IBM Nitpicker on Friday, January 05, 2001 - 2:43 pm:

This post intentionally left blank, except for this sentence.

By Plot Complication on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 12:18 am:

President Sheridan: No good. Without the dimensional device on White Star 22 we can't go anywhere. If you could just sned a couple of technicians to fix the device, we can just head home and not be a further both-whait, what the hell? Power up the weapons! We're under att-" the message fizzles out.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 6:31 am:

Ops, what attacked Sheridan's ships?

By PD Insane on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 7:10 am:

The craft is unidentified, captain.

By PD Insane on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 7:12 am:

One or more ships appeared and fired, severely damaging the President's ships. They then disappeared, they may have cloaked or maybe gone into warp. The systems on the ship are not like those we know so I can't determine what happened.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 9:25 am:

Ok.. set a course for Sheridan's fleet. Maximum warp. Continuous scans for whatever hit them.

By Anonymous on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 1:42 pm:

Those better be TerrSec ships attacking them! There are waaaaay too many plots going on already!

By Captain Tacoman,attempting to bring the plots together on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 3:12 pm:

Perhaps Darth Armus has joined with TerrSec to attack the ships...

By Captain Tacoman, correcting himself on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 3:12 pm:

Actually, I should have said Darth Fury instead of Armus...

By PD Insane on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 4:00 pm:

Y'know, I THOUGHT those ships kinda looked familiar...

By Plot Complication on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 6:29 pm:

The Spidership arrives at the battle scene to find destroyed ships everywhere. The area is littered with escape pods, but only seven register life-forms.

By The Artist Formerly Known As GundamWolf on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 7:55 pm:

Wonder if by any chance Radagast is onboard one of those enemy ships? :)

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 8:37 pm:

Transport the life-forms aboard. Tell the Doctor we have incoming casualities.
I'll be in sickbay to see who survived and what they can tell me about what happened. Milkshake, you have the bridge.

By Commander Adon on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 9:07 pm:

I will head out and preform a visual search on the debris. I will transmit all the data that I can find.

Moments later, Adon's Combat Suit left the Hanger in robot mode and began performing a close range scan on all the debris.

By Plot Complication on Saturday, January 06, 2001 - 11:05 pm:

Int: Sickbay

Preisdent Sheridan and Delenn are the only two survivors conscious. Several Rangers lay on the beds in various states of injury, ranging from broken arms to severe concussions.

Tacoman approaches Captain Sheridan. Sheridan frowns and tilts his head. "Are you, Greymoran's son? He had a picture of you as a teenager he showed me. You haven't changed much if it is you."

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 7:02 am:

Thank you, Captain.
Yes, I am related to Greymoran, but I've received evidence that he's just my uncle. I have reason to believe that Radagast is my real father.
Now, what happened out there?

By Al Gore on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 9:06 am:

RE: President Sheridan

I demand a recount!

By Darth Fury on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 9:47 am:

Darth Fury sits on his throne in the command center of his dark Sith battle cruiser.

What are they DOING???

A small green humanoid scuttles over to him.

"They appear to be turning away, my Lord."

But I have captured the Eye of Light and their comrade, don't they care??? I will soon have the ULTIMATE POWER, do they not realize this???

"It appears not, my Lord."

Change course! After them! They will not ignore the most powerful Lord of the Sith!

"Right away, my Lord."

By The Observer on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 11:59 am:

Oh, why did I ever think I could keep track of the story?? Ouch, my head.

All right. It seems to me we can set aside Radagast (whom we just finished fighting in the last storyline) and TerrSec (which should figure in future storylines) and just go after Darth Fury. But now this new aside about the B5 fleet. I need an aspirin.

By Annoyed K-NIT TV-47 Viewers on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 2:35 pm:

Can't we just stay in the LICC universe? Do we really have to go in to D&D and B5, and all these other universes? Don't TPTB have ANY imagination?

By Commander Adon on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 3:42 pm:

Meanwhile, Adon was performing a close range scan of the debris field.
Adon to Spidership, we may have a problem. Some of the debris are definitely part of the attacking group. It looks like the attacking ships were Sith ships. Darth Fury might be paying us a visit very soon.

No sooner had he said these words, did Darth Fury's battle cruiser appear in the debris field. Adon's Combat Suit transformed into plane mode and flew back to the Spidership at top speed.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 4:14 pm:

Rikard sat at the helm and stared at the debris. Something wasn't right, something was tugging at the back of his mind, but he didn't know what it was. Adon's voice came over the comm.
Adon: Adon to Spidership, we may have a problem. Some of the debris are definitely part of the attacking group. It looks like the attacking ships were Sith ships. Darth Fury might be paying us a visit very soon.
Rikard: He's still here.
No one heard him because emergency alarms went off as Fury's ship appeared and fired at the Spidership.

By Plot Complication on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 4:39 pm:

Sheridan: Rada-who? Greymoran never mentioned a brother. Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's a pleasure to meet you. Anyway, we couldn't identify the ships that attacked us. And I'm sad to say we were only able to kill two of them. Do you know what they were? I've never seen anything like them in my life!

The Spidership's alarms go off

*turns to the woman next to him* Delenn, keep an eye on the rest of the Rangers. Captain, if it's allright with you, I'd like to come to the bridge with you.

By Darth Fury on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 5:19 pm:

Now they will take notice of me. Apprentice!

Darth Fury's Sith apprentice appears before the bridge dais.

My loyal apprentice. Our enemies are at hand. You will go and attack them where they are weakest. When you succeed, you will have proven yourself a true Lord of the Sith. Are we ready?

The aforementioned green humanoid once again scuttles up to the command throne.

"Yes, my Lord."

Lock the beam.

The black Sith battlecruiser suddenly fires a beam of intense cerulean energy that attaches onto the Spidermobile's shields. A thin yellow beam within the larger beam lances out and punctures the protective barriers.


The Sith apprentice shimmers and disappears in a transporter effect, just before the Spidermobile shakes itself free of the penetrating energy beam and retreats. As the first salvos of weapons fire impact on the Sith cruiser's shields, Fury throws his head back and laughs.

By Anonymous on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 5:29 pm:

Suddenly a small white ship appears out of nowhere, obviously deactivating a cloaking device of some sort. The ship speeds by the Sith ship, firing several powerful beams of purple energy. The beams cause no damage whatsoever, but completely disrupt the Sith ship's shielding! On-board the Spidership, a laughing voice comes over the comm-system

They're all yours, people! Death to the Sith!

The ship makes another pass by the Sith ship, firing a series of four small torpedoes. The torpedoes close in on the Sith ship, splitting open before impact and releasing small electromagnetic pulse generators, freezing the Sith ship in place. The strange white ship then speeds away at about warp 5, reactivating its cloak just before it disappears from the viewscreen's sight

By Darth Fury on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 5:58 pm:

Curses! We forgot to activate the Nosy White Deus Ex Machina Ship Shields! Activate them!

"Yes, my Lord."

The Sith Battle Cruiser is restored.


By The Amazing Quantum Man, taking advantage of the uncertainty principle on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 6:04 pm:

I'm getting tired of being cooped up... I prefer uncertainty...

Concentrates for a second. He collapses into a waveform, which fades through the wall.

The waveform travels towards the bridge, and collapses into Quantum Man, right behind the nav console.

Quantum Man shoots a lavender particle beam into the nav officer, stunning him, and then quickly reads the nav console.

So, we are traveling at heading 47 mark 47 at exactly .47c. That would make my momentum exactly...

As he says these words, he vanishes off Fury's ship into a wave of quantum uncertainty.

By Eye of Darkness on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 6:12 pm:


Darth Fury, now completely taken over by the Eye of Darkness, also collapses into a waveform and disappears.

By Commander Adon on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 6:36 pm:

Adon drops out of his Combat Suit onto the shuttlebay floor and begins walking toward the bridge.

Something doesn't feel right. Adon to bridge, has anything been beamed aboard from the Sith ship?

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 6:42 pm:

Internal sensors report nothing, Commander. I don't think our shields were open long enough. Tactical, arm Ion Torpedoes and the Polymorph Cannon. Let's finish off this Sith Lord for good.

By Commander Milkshake, remembering something on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 6:45 pm:

Try to disable the cruiser. Target the Ion Torpedoes at the engines, and try to polymorph their weapon banks into something more managable.

By Fluke Piestalker on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 8:11 pm:

Suddenly, the strange white ship reappears. However, this time it is accompanied by a MUCH larger ship that is almost twice the size of the Sith ship. Darth Fury receives a message over his comm-system

This is Colonel Fluke Piestalker of the starship Hacklactica! You have five seconds to drop your shields, or you will be destroyed! Your Deux Ex Machina shields mean nothing, as we have the ultimate weapon at our disposal: the Super-Mega-Titanic-Last-Minute-Miracle-Bend-Over-And-Kiss-It-Goodbye-Because-Even-God-Can't-Save-You-Now-Power-Cannon!

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 8:15 pm:

Tacoman has been listening to the battle as he and Sheridan rush to the bridge. Tacoman turns to Sheridan and says:
Sounds like it's busy up there.
As Tacoman and Sheridan turn a corner, the catch a glimpse of a green humanoid turning another corner
Tacoman to Milkshake, I think we may have an intruder... scan deck 4, section 7 for anything unusual...

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 8:24 pm:


The ship shudders, and display screens on the bridge roll and crackle.

Ops, Status Report!

"The anti-matter generator on deck 4 is gone! The walking actuator on leg R-2 is damaged, some hull damage but no venting."

What about the shields?

"Shields up, Commander."

Which means...a saboteur. Adon! Organize your security teams. If the sensors can't find him, we'll have to find him the hard way. Captain, get yourself and our guests out of there! Tactical, fire torpedoes!

By Darth Terror on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 8:34 pm:

Tacoman and Sheridan run down Deck 4, D corridor, heading for Turbolift 47 to take to the bridge. The explosion of the anti-matter generator has caused damage to several of the corridors, and in one darkened hallway a green, scaled humanoid waits. One scaly claw extends out of the shadow, and clenches.


The bulkhead opposite Tacoman and Sheridan explodes, knocking the two off their feet and showering them with shrapnel.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 8:58 pm:

The tugging at the back of Rikard's head becomes a very dark feeling. There is definitely a presence on the ship.
I'm going down there.
He stands up and goes to the bridge turbolift door as another crewman takes the helm.
Insane, if you want to come, come on. Let's see if the training that we've done has paid off. Observer probably should take on this guy, too.
He makes sure his lightsaber is attached to his belt and enters the turbolift.

By Commander Adon on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 9:29 pm:

The green scaled creature was about to attack the stunned captain and president, when it turned around with a hiss. Adon was standing behind it.

Hi there. I hope you don't have any long term plans.

Adon picked up the thing and threw it down the corridor. He then placed himself between the thing and the two men.
You had better get going before that thing gets up. I will try and hold it off.
As the two men left the area, the thing got up and held up its hand.
What are you trying to dooooooooooooooooooo?!?!?!?!?!
An invisible something forced Adon through the deck, leaving a rather large hole.

By Dramatic Effect on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 9:53 pm:

The sabotuer engages Sheridan and Tacoman in hand-to-hand combat. "This is gonna be fun." He announces before launching himself into the air, and with uncanny speed kicks both the Captain and the President in their heads.

*Imagine a fight sequence like that between Jet Li, Mel Gibson, and Danny Glover in Lethal W eapon 4, and that's what this fight will look like*

By Jake Dominguez on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 10:06 pm:

Excuse me, Darth Terror is my character, and he's not going to show himself right yet.

The saboteur wheels around, clomps down the hallway, rips the decking open with one clawed hand and jumps down to Deck 5.

By JD/Darth Terror on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 10:35 pm:

Sorry, amend that. He is going to fight Adon. Hee hee hee.

Terror lands on the floor of Deck 5, startling several blueshirts. He ignores them, and clomps over to the stunned Adon. He grabs the Wanderer with one hand, rips a bulkhead panel open with the other, and crams the Wanderer into an exposed EPS conduit!!!


By Eye of Darkness on Sunday, January 07, 2001 - 10:40 pm:

A violet waveform rips across known space, with a black waveform hurtling just behind.


By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 6:55 am:

Tacoman sits up, glad that his helmet helped to protect against the kick. He gets up and checks Sheridan.
Hmm... stunned, but alive, thank goodness.
Tacoman notices the large hole in the deck and looks into it. He is in time to see the Terror send Adon into the conduit
Tacoman sets his gun to heavy stun and fires at Terror from above.
Tacoman to Milkshake, it's time to end this. Fire at the Sith ship with everything we have.

By Commander Adon on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 7:16 am:

Tacoman's shot hits Darth Terror, but it doesn't stun him. It does surprise him, however, and that split second was all the time Adon needed to knock Darth Terror back and get out of the plasma conduit himself.

Adon's cloths are a mess, and he stands there smoking, partly in anger for being pushed into a plasma conduit, and partly because he was in a plasma conduit.

Why don't we step outside and settle this like men?

Adon hit a nearby control panel, and both he and Darth Terror vanished in a transporter beam. They materialized on a barren world at the edge of transporter range.

That's better. So you like to push people around, do you? Well PUSH THIS! Adon fired an energy blast at point blank range directly at Darth Terror.

By Fluke Piestalker, Hacklactica Commander on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 8:45 am:

On-board the Hacklactica, Fluke Piestalker contacts the Spidership over the comm-system

The Sith ship has been paralyzed by our...ally's electromagnetic pulse generators! It can't escape! Now's your chance to either destroy it, or flee!
If you ever need us, send out the file that I'm sending to your ship's computer! The Spidership's computer starts making noises; its receiving a file downloaded into its system; as soon as it has finished, the Hacklactica leaves at maximum warp, the small white ship following it.

By Darth Terror on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 9:19 am:

Darth Terror growls in a hideous voice.

I don't have time for this.

The green-skinned apprentice streches out one claw and neatly deflects the energy bolt, Vader-style. He gestures and the ground beneath Adon explodes, sending the Wanderer hurtling into space.

I doubt that will hold you, but I have work to do.

Terror shimmers and disappears.

By Commander Adon on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 9:31 am:

Adon stopped going up and just hung there in mid-air. He looked down at Darth Terror just in time to see him disappear.

K'GROK! I hate people who push and dash. Oh well, it will give me a chance to change cloths. Adon to Spidership. I need a transport back to the ship. I will explain later.

By Lieutenant PD Insane on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 10:07 am:

Rikard and Insane rush in.

We're here to, well, I see you've got everything under control. Where's the Darth?

By Furby on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 10:42 am:

I suggest we steal everything we can get from the Sith ship - business as usual.

By Darth Terror, living up to his name on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 11:02 am:

The Spidermobile is still chasing the elusive Sith cruiser. One ship or the other fires, and attempts to dodge the return fire, then resumes an evasive course. On one exchange of fire, the Spidermobile powers up its vaunted Polymorph Rifle...and fires!

The familiar purple beam does not emerge from the large violet weapon mounted under the bow of the powerful arachni-ship. Instead, a powerful purple explosion blooms from the weapon, and the lower surface of the Spider's bridge section is changed into runny banana pudding. The undercooked dessert, not able to hold the pressurized atmosphere inside the ship, blasts out into space and explosively vents several decks of the Spidermobile.

By Captain Tacoman, accepting defeat for now on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 12:26 pm:

Tacoman to Milkshake, force fields on the affectd decks! Break off the persuit and land somewhere to repair the damage! If the sensors are still working, look for where Adon ended up and land there. We can't take any more punishment.

By Commander Milkshake, holding the ship together on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 12:34 pm:

The Spidermobile is REALLY shaking now. The lights on the bridge, reminiscent of old Star Trek episodes, flash on and off, and the crew lean back and forth as the camera is shaken, also reminiscent of old Star Trek episodes.

Damage report!!

The redshirt at Ops stops shaking and looks at the display.

"Decks 5-8 vented to space!"

Emergency forcefields!!

"Forcefields up...and holding. Commander..."

Feedback from the exploding Polymorph Rifle travels up to the Ops console and turns the unfortunate redshirt into a large pile of extra-rich potting soil.

Oh no...Tactical, back us away from the Sith cruiser, evade any weapons fire. Furby, take a transport or your timeship, if you still have it, and pick up Adon.

Milkshake runs to the Ops console, which by now has stopped emitting the polymorph effect.

Milkshake to the Captain. Our saboteur is still on board. If-

Tacoman and Sheridan, battered and bruised, enter the bridge from the Turbolift.

Good. Captain, should I go after the Sithspawn as well, or should Rikard and Insane handle it?

By Lieutenant PD Insane on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 12:35 pm:

Can I be of help?

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 12:42 pm:

Here, you take Ops. Furby, never mind about the shuttle, the transporter still works. Insane, beam back Adon to deck 8, near what's left of the Polymorph Rifle. We'll try to find Darth Terror from there.

Milkshake picks up a very scary weapon and enters the turbolift.

By PD Insane on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 12:59 pm:


By Commander Adon on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 1:25 pm:

Adon materializes on deck 8 and sinks about an inch into the banana pudding. Fortunately, the forcefields keep him from sinking lower and the air from escaping into space.

EWWW!!! Now I almost wish that I didn't take off what was left of my boots on that planet. Now to find Darth Terror.

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 1:58 pm:

Milkshake emerges from the turbolift and walks right into the banana pudding. He groans, and squelches down the dark corridor to find Adon.

Adon, you made it all right. Can you sense Darth Ter...

The ship shakes again as a hideous sound of tearing metal echoes down the corridor.

Never mind, he won't be hard to find. This way!

The two Commanders run down the hall to the source of the sound.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 2:52 pm:

Rikard turns the corner and runs right into Milkshake and Adon.

Did you guys hear something?

By Darth Terror on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 3:07 pm:

Just as Rikard finished speaking, a green blur speeds down the hallway and slams directly into Adon, knocking the Wanderer several meters back down the corridor. Rikard grabs his lightsaber, but Terror picks him up and throws him into a wall. The huge scaly apprentice knocks Milkshake to the deck, sending his gun sprawling, and begins to try to tear the armor off the commander.

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 3:28 pm:


Milkshake, struggling to get free, pulls a small hand weapon out of his belt and fires into Terror's chest. The beast roars, knocks Milkshake away and speeds down the corridor, toward the Engineering section.

By Captain Tacoman, in deep banana pudding on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 3:37 pm:

Up on the bridge, Tacoman is being bombarded by damage reports, a blow-by-blow account of what's happening to the Terror hunting party, and various stations trying to escape the Sith Ship.
Search party, is everybody alright?
Ops, is there any type of force field that could contain Darth Terror for at least a few minutes?
Captain Sheridan, please have a seat. If you have any good suggestions, I'd like to hear them.
Tacoman yells toward the ceiling
Where's a good Deux Ex Machina when you need one?

By Fluke Piestalker on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 3:46 pm:

You could always call the Hacklactica back.....:)

By Commander Adon on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 3:48 pm:

Adon got up and hurried over to the fallen commander.
Milkshake?! Are you alright?

Commander Milkshake smiled and gave a thumbs up sign. Adon and Rikard both sighed in relief.

I'm glad to see that you are alright.

Adon to the Doctor, Commander Milkshake may need some medical attention, deck 8 section 47. Please hurry.

I'll take Josh with me to Engineering, since it looks like that is where Darth Terror is headed.

Josh. I want you to climb on my back and brace yourself. I am going to run down to engineering as fast as I can carrying you, since it seems the transporters no longer seem to be working in this area.

Rikard climbed onto Adon's back. As soon as he was on, the two men seemed to disappear in a blur. From Josh's point of view, everything around him except for Adon became a blur of color for an instant. When it stopped, he was in Engineering. From Adon's point of view, everything around him slowed to a crawl. It looked like he was running past frozen members of the crew, when all they saw was a colored blur for an instant.

As soon as Adon had stopped, Rikard got off of Adon's back.

I just hope we can stop him before he does any serious damage.

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 4:57 pm:

Ops, contact the Hacklactica. Explain the situation to them.
At this point, I wouldn't mind the help of the Q, any of them...

By Darth Terror on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 6:45 pm:

As Adon and Rikard enter Engineering, they see a fearful sight. Terror is roaring in fury, and firing energy blasts at the pulsating warp core. Actually ON the warp core is Colanator, in liquid metal form. Every time Terror fires a blast, Colanator oozes quickly over the surface of the core and blocks the blast before it can penetrate the engine.

Terror stops as Adon and Rikard enter Engineering. He smiles a reptilian grin, holds out his right claw, and clenches it shut. All of the entrances into the Engineering section slam shut. The containment doors slam down and fuse with the deck. The same occurs on every level above and below Main Engineering, doors slamming closed, until the entire core area is sealed off. Terror grins again, and speaks.

You, Wanderer. You and me right now. And when you are dead, I will deal with the young Jedi. And then your ship will be doomed. Come and meet your fate, Wanderer.

By Commander Adon on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 7:26 pm:

Fine. The gloves come off.
Adon drew his sword and, with a flick of his wrist, jammed the sword into the deck, burying it halfway up the blade. With a shrug of his shoulders, tossed what was left of his cloak onto the floor.

Lets rock.

Adon fired an energy blast, which barely missed Darth Fury. As the scaly Sith started laughing, he didn't notice that the beam had turned completely around and was heading back toward him. He realized his error when the beam hit him in the back. The force of the blast threw him forward. He couldn't stop himself before Adon punched him in the gut.

Darth Terror fell to his knees and wheezed.

I don't like people like you.

By BladeWolf on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 7:43 pm:

The Hacklactica responds to the signal, returning to the scene at maximum warp. It prepares to fire the Ultimate Weapon at the Sith ship! The small white ship appears soon afterward and speeds by the Sith ship, firing a hail of blue energy blasts that ionize the Sith ship's shields and controls. The white ship then moves past the Spidership and pulls up alongside it.

I admit it; I created the strange, white ship that showed up and attacked the Sith ship, but I had nothiing whatsoever to do with Fluke Piestalker and the Hacklactica, but if he can influence my posts, then I d*mn well should be able to influence his! ;)

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 7:54 pm:

Fluke, we have a renegade Sith on the loose and in my engine room. Sensors show he is attacking several of my crew members. half of my ship is made of banana pudding. I think some help might be in order.

By Darth Terror on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 7:54 pm:

And I despise enemies of the new order the Sith are bringing to the galaxy.

Adon draws back for another blow, but Terror quickly grabs the Wanderer's arm, swings him over his head and smashes him down onto a console. Terror then extends a claw and fires a beam of pure ChAoS full into Adon's face. The Wanderer struggles to escape the energies penetrating his being, but Terror, with a maniacal grin, pours more corrupting power into the Wanderer. Then the ChAoS beam abruptly stops as Terror rears back, the glowing green blade of a Jedi lightsaber sticking out from his chest! Josh had sneaked up from behind and ran the Sith through with his energy blade. Terror kicks backward, propelling Rikard across the room. The lightsaber is knocked from his grasp and shuts off. Adon jumps to his feet and...

Author's Note: I am completely ignoring all meddling ultimate-power ships, white, small or otherwise. Ridiculous. This is between the League and the Sith.

By Darth Terror on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 7:56 pm:

Author's Note: Besides, Fury is off chasing Quantum Man, and the Sith Cruiser is uncommanded and holding back.

By Commander Adon on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 8:39 pm:

Adon jumps to his feet and...
...spit out a tooth. Wiping the side of his face off, Adon took a step forward.

Very Clever. I don't suppose you've ever seen THIS!
With his last word, Adon transformed into Metallic Adon. The transformation sent a shockwave rippling across Engineering, throwing the ruined console one way and sending Darth Terror the other way.

With a red blur, Metallic Adon intercepted the flying Darth on the other side of the room and kicked him strait up. With another blur, Adon beat him to the ceiling, pounded him back down toward the deck. With yet another blur, he beat Terror to the deck and with an uppercut, he connected with the middle of Darth Terror's back. Darth Terror folded nearly in half with the impact. Adon tossed the inert form of Darth Terror across the room, and reverted back to his normal self, gasping for breath.

Josh,... Colanator,... We need to... do something... about that guy... I... don't... know... how much longer... I can keep... this up.

By Dramatic Effect on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 8:52 pm:

Darth Terror bolts down a corridor to escape Adon's wrath. He is stopped in the hall by three humanoids, all three with boney protrusions from their heads. They are holding metal staffs. "In Valen's name you will surrender or face the consequences!" He smiles. "I can handle you."

One and a half mintues later:

Darth Terror: "Mommy", he mutters in pain.

Adon: "What the-" *looks at the bleeding Rangers standing over the mangeled form of the Sith warrior. Their wounds seem to be merely superficial. The same cannot be said for Terror.

By His name is R...oops, gotta go! on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 9:17 pm:

Suddenly there is the distinct sound of a transporter activating. In between Adon and the Rangers appears a man dressed in silver, black and teal armor, with what appears to be a jetpack attached to his back. He is holding a pair of ray-guns that look like something out of a 1940's Saturday movie serial. His armor, however, is of modern design...

Am I too late, Commander Adon? I tried to get here sooner, but...He looks down at Darth Terror Oh. I see it's over already! I came here from the planet Saturn, where I was assigned as an intergalactic marshal. I want to join your organization.

By Meanwhile... on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 9:29 pm:

...a raiding party is on their way to the drifting Sith ship.

I want one of those Sith robes!

Forget it.

"Shut up! Please! Watch your consoles."

By Darth Terror on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 10:56 pm:


Terror jumps to his feet, sending Rocket Ranger and his team flying. He once again stretches out his claw, and all can feel the might of a newly-born Lord of the Sith. He glows with black energy. He gestures, and the Rangers shoot to the ceiling and are pressed against it with tremendous force. Josh's lightsaber sputters and dies as the Sith Lord drains its energy cell. Metallic Adon summons his sword and holds it at guard, shielding himself from the chaotic force.

NO! With the Wanderer's demise I become stronger than any of you. I will finish you! ARRRGGHHH!

With a hideous battle cry, Terror charges directly at Metallic Adon. Adon raises his fearsome sword, pulls back, and just as Terror reaches him, strikes!

45 seconds later...

Colanator oozes down the corridor to find...several Rangers gasping on the floor, one young helm officer slumped against the bulkhead, in a Jedi healing trance, and one Wanderer lying prone on the deck, next to him a sword crackling with black lightning.

By Dramatic Nitpicker on Monday, January 08, 2001 - 11:57 pm:

Rocket Ranger and his team flying.

Um, wrong Rnagers. U'm talking about the An'la'shok from babylon 5.

And none of their names are Rocket.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Tuesday, January 09, 2001 - 3:12 pm:

Josh Rikard comes out of his trance and looks at the dead lightsaber in his hand. He pushes the button. Nothing happens.

Insane is not going to be happy about this. It took him weeks to build that.

He reaches behind his back and pulls out a second saber. He lights it. It illuminates the room with its silver glow. He slowly and, because he never fully healed, painfully stands up. He acknowledges Colanator limps toward Adon. The Wanderer doesn't move. Rikard puts his hand on Adon and closes his own eyes. He then opens them.

He should be fine.

He glances over at the sword. His voice is barely audible as he says,


By Usher on Wednesday, April 04, 2001 - 12:41 pm:

For full information about the Adon/Darth Terror fight, see the next board, or contact Brian Webber.

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