League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part IX

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part IX
By K-NIT TV-47 Announcer on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 2:29 pm:

An alien Warlord has captured Earth.

Shot of O'kak on the bridge viewscreen

An old enemy seeking revenge.

Shot of Taconator stepping out of the shadows

Can the League help liberate their homeworld?

The Spidermobile jumping into warp

Next time, on LICC 2.

By Commander Milkshake, stunned on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 2:35 pm:


He really did it...

Captain, we need to prepare the ship for the heavy opposition O'kak certainly has in store for us. With your permission, I and the engineers will refit the ship with additional armor and weapons. We'll most likely need them.

By Dramatic Effect on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 3:12 pm:

Aboard the Excalibur President Sheridan walks up to captain Matthew Gideon.

"I hated to call you away from your mission from like this, but it was an emergency. I know finding a cure for the Drakh plauge back home is your priority, but I owe to these people to save their Earth."

Gideon: Their Earth, sir?

Sheridan: I'll explain later. Just follow the Spidership.

Gideon looking confused: Yes Mr. President. You heard him people! Follow that ship.

Excalibur crew, mostly in unison: Yes sir!

Sheridan walks over to the communications console and hails the Spidership.

"We're ready at this end Captain. Just give the word and well jump into hyperspace."

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 3:41 pm:

Of course Commander, permission granted. We will able to go to travel at warp while you do it, right?
Mr. President, we are getting together with the remains of Earth military at Alpha Centuri.
Mr Rikard, time to Alpha Centuri?

By Resistance on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 4:41 pm:

The South Seas
Darth Pah Armus is sunning himself on the shores of his island sipping drinks. He is building up a healthy tan, sort of. A moment latter he reforms sensing a distrubance in the Force. He slowly looks around, realizeing that the bodyguards life signs are gone. His eyes flame up, and he cries
"Show yourself, who are you!"
At that moment, at least 100 Terrasec officers descend upon Armus. They fire a ultrasonic blast that suffiently degrades Armus's body. The next wave goes forward with freeze blasts and ice beams. Next wave comes a bazooka blast that reduces him to rubble. he slowly reforms, and is captured with a time decellorater.

A large reptileian speaks
"Excelant bring him to The Guardians lookout. It shall now serve as a prison"

Berlin, Germany.
The Hall of Order has become a refuge for the members of the Reichstag, the Chancellor, and the Kaiser's family and the Crown Prince. The Legion of Order is holding out agaist the Terrasec troops. The Kaiser has been killed. Wunderfrau, Besearker and Wutenker are hurt badly. Captian Germany died in battle with one of O'kak's body guards. Ubermencsh is trying to keep the sheilds up. He's sealed the doors, and is watching the battle from the sky on satalite.

Silicon Valley, Ca.
Terrasec is attacking the Overlord, he convinces them the orders were misinformation.

St. Louis, Mo. A mild mannered man is sitting at a computer, with his wife and daughter. two agents burst in. "Give us the superuser code" The man tells his daughter to look away, this will be too gory for her to see. They shoot him. He reveals that he started wearing a bulletproof vest after a experiance with militant government agent. He procedes to use his Macintoshes built in weaponry to finish them off.

By Dramatic Effect on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 5:24 pm:

President Sheridan: Bad news Captain. Hyperspace isn't as fast as war drive. Time estimates say that if you don't take more than three hours at your Alpha Centauri rendevous we will arrive at Earth a mere six minutes before you do. We'll go straight there. Good luck.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 6:07 pm:

Good luck to you too, Mr. President.
Ths ships under Sheridan's control change direction and are gone. Several minutes after this, the Spidership arrives at Alpha Centuri. In front of the Spidership sit the remaining ships of Earth's once powerful military fleet
Open a channel to the ships.
Earth Fleet, this is Captain Tacoman of the LICC. First of all, the O'kaks are about 10 minutes away from arriving here, so we may want to depart for quieter spaces to talk. Second, once we get to said quieter spaces, we need to devise a plan to take Earth back from the O'kakians. President Sheridan of the Babylon 5 universe has a fleet already on its way to Earth, and we will meet them there. If anybody has a suggestin of where a safe place to depart to might be, let me know pretty soon. Tacoman out.

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 6:13 pm:

Yes, indeed, Captain. Some of the engineers will need to go EVA but they'll be contained in the ship's warp field.

Science Officer, I want continous long-range scans of Sector 001 as we approach. I want to know what we are dealing with. Perhaps, Captain, we can use Prof. Negative's tactic and approach from the asteroid belt. The metals inside the asteroids would make any O'kakian sensor scan fairly useless.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 6:13 pm:

Good luck to you too, Mr. President.
Ths ships under Sheridan's control change direction and are gone. Several minutes after this, the Spidership arrives at Alpha Centuri. In front of the Spidership sit the remaining ships of Earth's once powerful military fleet
Open a channel to the ships.
Earth Fleet, this is Captain Tacoman of the LICC. First of all, the O'kaks are about 10 minutes away from arriving here, so we may want to depart for quieter spaces to talk. Second, once we get to said quieter spaces, we need to devise a plan to take Earth back from the O'kakians. President Sheridan of the Babylon 5 universe has a fleet already on its way to Earth, and we will meet them there. If anybody has a suggestin of where a safe place to depart to might be, let me know pretty soon. Tacoman out.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 6:17 pm:

Good idea, Commander. Pass that information along to Sheridan and tell him to meet us at the outer edge of the asteroid belt.
Tacoman to Earth Fleet, we are about to head to Sector 001. Our plan is to approach from the asteroid belt so that the O'kakian sensors won't detect us. We will meet at the outer edge of the belt and discuss plans. Tacoman out.
Helm, Earth's asteroid belt, best speed.

By Plight of Armus on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 7:22 pm:

Darth Pah Armus was slowly coming to. He gazed about his surroundings. White buildings, gardens, black impish being. Black impish Being! He slowly looked up and saw something that resembled a genie in blackface, and behind him was some green kid. He figured he must be dead and ended up in stereotype heaven. However, the time effect was not entirely gone, he collasped back into time freeze.

By The Plight of Ubermensch on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 7:29 pm:

The upper shields had been breetched, the building was collasping. Ubermensch swore by the will to get Deutschland out of this. He went subterrianian, and sent the Government to the Gnomes who owed him a favor. He then got into the spaceship that brought him from a dying civilization from the inner earth, and headed toward space.

By Happenings in Port Mike on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 7:32 pm:

Despite the best efforts of the Fisherman, Port Mike was slowly falling. however without causality.

By Inspector Mystery on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 7:35 pm:

Awaiting your orders Sir.

By Al Gore on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 7:36 pm:


By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 7:50 pm:

Earth Fleet, helm, engage. Let's kick some O'kakian butt.

By Furby on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 8:01 pm:

LICC/small, report to the Timeship! We'll try to slow down the enemy fleet...

By Dramatic Effect on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 9:24 pm:

The babylon Fleet, as some of the Spidership's crew have called it, came out of hyperspace as close to Earth as possible without hitting the gravity field. The ships launch their fighters and open fire. Several damaged o'kak ships that were being repaired are torn to shreds. The O'kak fighter defenses are caught off guard> Most of them are destroyed before they can activate their shields. The O'kak cpaital ships with their shields up have difficulty targeting, thier sensors blinded by the flash of wepaonry hammering against their sheilds, although they are well protected. The temporary mine field they were setting up however is not so lucky. The White Stars tear through them quickly, as they weren't even powered yet. The last mine falls. All remaining O'Kak ships have their shields up. The sheilds appear unaffected by the babylon Fleet's weapons. President Sheridan orders a retreat. An O'Kak cruiser comes up from over Earth's horizon and fires a massive bolt of energy that slams into a damaged Minbari cruiser. The ship explodes on impact. The White Stars turn around and engage the cruiser, moving too fast for any of it's weapons to get a lock on them. They are distracting the cruiser so the three remaining capital ships can escape.

By Incoming Message on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 9:35 pm:

sshhhzzzz...Captain Tacoman, this is General Murphy, provisional C&C of the Earth System Military. We cannot hold against the O'kakian fleet in a frontal attack. Recommend you try to covertly land your ship on Earth. We are transmitting coordinates of a Free Earth Resistance cell in New York City. Contact the resistance and find a way to attack the O'kakian Command in New Atlantis. For now, try to avoid the action and just get your men on the planet. We will have to retreat soon. Murphy out.

By Rappin Papa Smurf! on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 10:47 pm:

Now....L.I.C.C. headed into the starfield

Going after the aliens who had no shield

Blasting and battling, heading to Earth

To knock those aliens off the humans' turf

Got their order from a guy named General Murphy

Watch me now, as I get down and get Smurfy!

By Quantum Man, returning to the bridge on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 11:12 pm:

Thank you Ensign Hawkingstein, I'll take over Science. Scanning sector 001, Commander.

Long range scans indicate over 100 O'Kakian vessels. Preliminary indications show that they are the same as before. They may still be vulnerable to iron.

Should we assume our pirate personalities, sir?

By Cutthroat Jimlad aka Lt PD Insane on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 5:40 am:

Aarh! Cutthroat Jimlad 'ere! The scurviest cur whoe'er sailed the seven seas! Arrh! Let's load up thur cannons and foir 'em at O'Kakrians! Hur Hur Hur!

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 6:53 am:

Ok... inform both General Murphy and President Sheridan about the O'kaks vulnerablility. It may help them in their own fight.
Get the iron ready on this ship. We may need to fight our way to Earth.
Commander, is there any way we can slip by the O'kaks sensors?
Once we get to Earth, land in New York City and contact the Resistance cell.
Now, let's free a planet.

By alt-Furby on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 9:05 am:

Captain, our Timeship is ready to create a inverted chroniton field which will slow down the enemy fleet to only 10% (unless they have a dampening field of course).

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 9:56 am:

The Spidermobile is being buffeted by the intense space battle. Thousands of energy beams and explosive weapons, along with the opposing fleets, create a mad, frenzied dance of death and destruction. Lt. Cmdr Rikard weaves the ship through the midst of the conflict, avoiding O'kakian fire while Adon expertly targets the enemy.

Captain...this is really strange, but I'm seeing changes in the O'kakian fleet that didn't show up in our initial sensor scan. They seem to be using advanced weapon designs and new types of shields. I don't think I've seen this technology before. Whatever it is, it's making mincemeat out of the Earth/Alternate-Earth fleets. They are returning fire with iron projectiles, but the iron only seems to be affecting older and smaller O'kakian ships. We did encounter an O'kakian ship before that was impervious to iron.


That was close. Colanator has designed a type of cloaking device that will work only if the ship's engines are shut down. What I recommend is try to disable one of these smaller enemy craft and latch on to it as it retreats back to Earth. What do you think?

By Homeworld Buffet Commercial on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 10:01 am:

Stop on by for our Spider Buffet, Tuesday 4-8 pm. Spider Salad, Spider Soup and Carved Roasted Spider! See Buggy the Arachnid and get balloons for the kids! $7.95 a person, so bring the whole family! That's Homeworld Buffet, Rt. 8, near Grinsville and Meldomine, across from Flem's Hardware. Stop by today!

By Lt Commander Rikard on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 10:46 am:

There is some good news, the ships that we hit with our weapons seem to work. Must be that awesome LICC technology.

By Lt Commander Rikard, again on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 10:47 am:

I mean that we're damaging them.

By Ubermensch on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 11:03 am:




Guten tag, I have come to aid you in war with the O'nakians, jah.

By Cutthroat Jimlad on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 11:29 am:

Aarh. Do the O'Nakians be anyhing loik dey O'Kakians, Ublermenscher?

By Snickerdoodle on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 11:39 am:

No, don't encourage him! Geez...

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 2:12 pm:

Commander, will it work? If you think it might, do it.
Hmm... the O'kaks have had time to update their shield technology...
Tacoman steps over and looks at the scans of the ships
strange... it sort of looks like the scans we took of the ships coming from the black hole in the 64th century...

By Anonymous on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 3:30 pm:

Kang.....er, Tang, anyone?!

By Kodos and Kang on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 4:14 pm:

Foolish Humans! HAHAHAHAHA!

By Anonymous on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 4:44 pm:

I was referring to Kang the Conqueror, the time-travelling villain from Marvel Comics, not the Simpsons character!

By Kang on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 5:04 pm:

You insult my honor! I shall get my blood brothers Kor, Koloth and Dax, and I shall destroy you!

By Commander Adon on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 5:43 pm:

I would call in some Wanderers, but our forces have been thinly stretched since the One Thousand Year war. I don't think any can be spared. I also used up all my favors getting all those Wanderers here the last time. I'm sorry.

Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who enjoyed my long post back on Thursday.

By The Observer on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 6:24 pm:

Captain, I will have to report to my superiors. This situation is most unexpected. The Warlord O'kak was not supposed to invade Earth, ever. This may be the result of a temporal deviation. I will be back soon.

(The Observer disappears)

By Lord of the hamburgers on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 6:39 pm:

On-board the Condimental, Lord of the Hamburgers is pacing back and forth in the control room\bridge. Sgt. Fortesky and Blotzus are seated at the security and communications consoles

I hope they received my message. The situation is most dire!

Blotzus is examining the comm panel, but stops and looks at LotH

I'm sure they did, boss. They may have problems of their own to deal with right now.....


Everyone looks surprised. Lord of the Hamburgers stops pacing, and smiles

The Heal-O-Matic deactivation alarm! Onion Ringster must be fully recovered!

By Ubermensch on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 7:08 pm:

(Switches on a UT, starts speaking in German)
Ah, now I speak perfectly in English. This is a clever device.

The O'kakians have captured every major city on earth. the underseas settlements we lost contact with about five months ago. We belive the O'karian base is in the Murky depts. New Atlantis fell after a 13 day seige. Shortly thereafter Port Mike surrendered. The O'kakian Base is located at the Terrasec training base deep in the heart of their hollow mountian. Their is a resistance cell network across Earth, but the bulk of the army is hideing in Greenland. Each Contient is ruled by a henchman of O'kak. Our best bet is to kill or capture the general. However, I have a feeling a even darker force is behind this. We must get to Earth.

By Dramatic Effect on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 7:50 pm:

President Sheridan: Captain Tacoman! We took care of the O'Kak mine field. You can land troops on Earth at anytime. I'm afraid we've taken heavy damage and have to retreat. Good luck.

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 8:32 pm:

All right, Captain, we've taken down an O'kakian scout. It's started its automated run back to Earth. Hang on!

The Spidermobile, avoiding "shot and shell", speeds over to the scout and uses its legs to latch on to the damaged vessel. Colanator activates the new cloaking device and the Spider shimmers from view.

Entering the atmosphere...looks like we're heading toward New Atlantis. We'll be passing over the eastern seaboard in a few seconds. Detach!


Uh oh, we can't get the thrusters started...Colanator, try the auxiliary engines!


Too fast! All hands, brace for impact!!!!

This is just like that movie....


By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 8:38 pm:

Tacoman to General Murphy, is there any way you could send at least one troop ship through the lines? I have a feeling the resistant cells could need some new people.
Comm, send the following message to Lord of the Hamburgers:
This is Captain Tacoman of the LICC. I don't know if you'll get this message, but if you can, we need your help. Earth has been taken over by one of our old enemies, the O'kaks. We need all the help we can get in fighting them on the planet. I'm sending all revelant data with this message. Tacoman out.
Ops, Is there any remaining army troops on Earth, and if so, where are they?
Here's what we can do... after we meet the remaining troops on Earth, we'll take back the planet, country by country, continent by continent if we have to.

By Captain Tacoman, injured but alright on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 8:54 pm:

The bridge is now a mess and upside down. Most of the systems have either been completely destroyed or severly damaged. Further inspection shows that the bridge seems to be several meters from the rest of the ship. This is evident because the front viewscreen has been ripped away, giving the bridge crew a good view of the rest of the ship, which is no longer in shape to fly. By some miracle, the brige crew is alive, but shaken and bruised. Much of the ceiling has collapsed, but emergency force fields hold the rubble so it doesn't crush the crew.
Is everybody alright?
Steve, where are we? besides up a creek without a paddle?
It looks like the Spidership II has flown its final mission...

By Furby on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 9:00 pm:

Aims the Timeship at a very large O'kak battleship and fires a particle pulse.


The battleship is surrounded by the usual blue forcefield and it is caught in a temporal vortex.

Slow-Motion! Hahaha!

The battleship's shield can't adapt fast enough to the various weapons being used against it. Bad luck, especially if you can't maneuver...

Kaboom! Nice fireworks!

By Ubermensch on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 9:05 pm:

I told you, troops are in Greenland.

By The Last Gasp of Spidership? on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 9:15 pm:

The O'Kak leader stares at the battle over a holographic display console. He's not happy.

"I'm going to my personal flagship. I will personally see to it the Spidership never makes it to Earth."

*cut to the O'Kak's largest ship, until this moment hidden inE arth's shadow*

"Ah, it will be glorious. And look! My work is already half done! The 'mighty' Spidership is crippled! Oh, this will be fun. All weapons, target that wreck and fire. make sure no escpae pods leave!"

*aboard the Spidership*

A critically wounded Redshirt looks up at Tacoman.

"Sir, *cough* I studied that battleship's defneses. Ram it's primary weapon emitter just a few second before discahrge *cough* it will be *cough* the shields will be dow-"

The Redshirt dies in Tacoman's arms.

Tacoman stands up, anger in his eyes.

"The priority is Earth. Give me ramming speed!"

By Commander Adon on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 9:43 pm:

Adon was taking his way toward the Hanger when he was thrown down the corridor by an explosion.
What is going on out there?

Adon made it down to the Hanger and powered up his suit. He tried to leave the ship, but the outer doors wouldn't open.
Come on, give me a break!

Outside the ship, a pair of energy blades sliced the doors apart. As the doors fell from the ship, Adon's Combat-Suit was standing silhouetted in the door frame, holding a pair of energy blades. He powered down the blades and placed them in the shoulder armor. The robot opened its wings and leapt from the Hanger to engage any enemy ships that came in range.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 11:40 pm:

Rikard gets up and looks at his now dead console. He hits it. Nothing happens. He looks around at his less than stellar landing.

Well, you know what they say, any landing you can walk away from is a good landing.

By Commander Milkshake, shaken but not stirred on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 11:48 pm:

Ouch! Aside from a hard landing, I'm all right, Captain. On my broken arm, too. My helmet visual sensors are out of whack, I can't see a thing. Just a second, and I'll...

Milkshake pulls off his helmet. As he does so, he catches sight of the immense destruction.

Oh no. I thought the shields were up. It must have been that last quantum torpedo. Farewell, Spider II. It's been a good ride. Now, we need to see to the crew. And...a funny thought just occurred to me. It's a bit inappropriate, considering the situation, but...not once have we ever landed safely in New York City!

Let me check the the sensors...

Milkshake uses his height to activate the sensor console, now on the "ceiling".
Reserve power only. Most of the sensors are destroyed, but I'm not detecting any enemy ships. I think we fooled them. I don't detect the Furbies' timeship. They must still be in orbit. Insane, Quantum, Josh, are you all right?

By Ensign Redundancy on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 11:52 pm:

crawls out of the smashed turbolift

Captain, all the redshirts are dead. I only survived because I was wearing this Hawaiian shirt I got from my folks, and...

The physical laws of redshirt doom reassert themselves and the redshirt is crushed by a task chair that falls from the ceiling.

By Rocket Ranger on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 11:59 pm:

A voice comes over the comm-system (or what's left of it):

This is Rocket Ranger, aboard the SnowCrane. I managed to get out with some of the crew, mostly red and blueshirts. I've got room for several more. Want me to transport any of the command crew or anyone else to my ship?

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 12:08 am:

Negative, Rocket Ranger. We are seriously behind enemy lines, and we do not want them to detect a transport. Just a second, let me check my gauntlet sensors...we seem to be in Central Park, near the Lake. Leave a few blueshirts and redshirts to watch your ship and meet us here. We need to recover as much of the crew as we can and contact the Resistance.

By Jadlad on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 12:08 am:

Jadlad appears on the bridge as Rocket Rangers message plays.

I'm going over to the SnowCrane. But first I want to get something.

Jadlad goes to what's left of his quarters and grabs a box from his closet. He inspects the contents and nods his approval. He then hops to the SnowCrane.

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 12:22 am:

On board the SnowCrane, Jadlad appears standing just behind Rocket Ranger, who is taking a strange, rectangular black box out from a compartment in the floorboards of the SnowCrane's cargo bay. The ship is crowded, filled with blueshirts and a handful of redshirts...

Oh...welcome aboard, Jadlad. I'm just taking this box out of the compartment I stored it in. Its contents may be vital to our survival...and helpful in the future for a long time to come. I guess we'll have to land the ship and hide it. Fortunately, I've got a Mark III Phase-cloak and a short-range, remote-piloting device in my armband!After we land, I'll dematerialize the ship and hide it in the sewers. The blueshirts and redshirts can stay onboard. There's enough supplies onboard to sustain them for at least a couple of weeks!

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 12:24 am:

Rocket Ranger looks at the gathered redshirts and blueshirts

One more thing....don't overtax the restroom facilities, okay? I just had them cleaned and repaired a few days ago!

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 7:10 am:

Tacoman exits the bridge and looks around. The bridge section close to the Lake in Central Park, while the main body of the ship lies several meters away. Various other pieces of the ship, including the legs, are scattered all over the general area. Tacoman looks up and notices several damaged building tops from where the Spidership must have careened into as it crashed.
Steve, we need to contact the local resistance cell. From there, we can raid the remains of the ship to find weapons, undamaged shuttles, and other things that might come in handy...
She was a good ship, Steve. I just hope that once this crisis is over, we get another one.
By the way, do you want me to look over your helmet? It might be fixable...

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 8:49 am:

Rocket Ranger moves toward the controls of the SnowCrane, which has already landed. He presses a button, and a small compartment opens. He pulls out something, but its hard to tell what

Can't go without my lucky spoons! Titanium alloy, platinum coated! Never leave home without `em! I won the Space Marshal's annual talent competition by playing `Old Man River' on `em last year!

He closes the compartment, then moves toward a video monitor system right behind the control center, looks it over, and presses a few buttons

Okay, so you won't be bored while I'm gone, I just activated the video entertainment center. Here...I'll start you off with a few episodes of Iron Chef. The Natto Battle, then the Octopus Battle, then the one with Bobby Flay in New York.... he pauses, then looks at Jadlad Lets get out of here! He opens the side hatch, and he and Jadlad walk out of the ship, and move a few feet away, after RR closes the hatch. RR activates a remote control device in his armband and turns on the phase cloak. The ship dematerializes and sinks underground. After several seconds (almost half a minute!), He gives Jadlad the signal. Jadlad dimension-hops himself and RR over to Commander Milkshake and Captain Tacoman.

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 8:56 am:

Having just popped..er, hopped...in, Rocket Ranger and Jadlad survey the damage

Rocket Ranger: Oh, my! I didn't think the damage was this bad! Its completely trashed! He looks at Captain Tacoman, and hands him the mysterious black box Here. This might come in handy. I suggest you either find a safe place to put it, or find someone willing to guard it with their life, sir! The box contains what were supposed to be upgrade chips and circuit boards for the Spidership's sensors and the Polymorph Rifle. A Reverse Incurve Fluctuator to prevent the weapon from Polymorphing the ship if it malfunctioned; instead, only the gun itself would have been affected!
The box also contains something else we may need in the future, but I don't think I should reveal that just yet; you never know who may be listening! The O'Kak could already be aware of our presence and could be hearing what we're saying! They're tricky devils! I heard about them when I was stationed on Saturn!

By The Observer on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 9:53 am:

(The Observer phases into view beside Tacoman, Cmdr. Milkshake, RR and Jadlad.)

Well, Captain, they're just as mystified as I am. I'll have to...

What is this? The ship, destroyed! This was most definitely not supposed to happen! We are now experiencing a major temporal deviation. This means that most of my restrictions are lifted, at least until my Superiors trace the root of the deviation and either accept the new timeline, or send an Observer like myself to prevent it. I have a few powers I am not allowed to use except in dire situations like these.

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 9:54 am:

Thanks, Rocket. Perhaps if we survive this and we get a new Spidership, we can use the chips and boards. Now, to put them somewhere safe...
Tacoman opens a flap on his suit, revealing a small keypad. Tacoman press a series buttons, and a small wormhole appears. He then puts the box inside the wormhole, pushes another button on the keypad, and the wormhole disappears. He then closes the flap.
Dimensional pocket. Something I found in the Cybertec catalog.
Steve, get a console working. See if you can find the coordinates that General Murphy sent us. Rocket, come with me to see if we can find the ship's armory in this mess. I have a feeling we may need the weapons.

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 9:57 am:

Hi Observer. What kind of powers?

By The Observer on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 10:16 am:

Well, some of these powers are rather draining, but...

(As Tacoman and the crew watches, a hideous sound echoes across the Park. The parts of the Spidermobile miraculously reattach themselves, and the restored ship shoots up into the sky, backwards! Just as it reaches the level of the highest tower, it stops, holds in place for a moment, then disappears. The ruined ship once again appears around the heroes.)

I can reverse time to a limited extent. Comes in handy sometimes.

By PD Insane on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 11:17 am:

Well, can we get the Spider back then?

By The Return of Big Ed on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 12:10 pm:

Hey, look at all this junk, hey, Jack! What are you doin' here? You got dibs? No probs?

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 12:51 pm:

Ed, how did you get away from the O'kaks? Don't tell me you're part of the resistance?
I agree this is a pile of junk, but this pile of junk was, until recently, the mighty Spidership.

By Big Ed on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 1:19 pm:


By Big Ed on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 1:19 pm:


By Rocket Ranger on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 1:25 pm:

(Sorry, Ed. The Doctor's not here right now! :) )

Rocket Ranger looks around for a minute, then addresses Captain Tacoman (1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ;) ).

Captain, why don't Jadlad and I check out the armory while you try to figure out what's going on with the resistance? I'm sure Jadlad can show me where the armory is... He looks at Jadlad Uh...can you dimension-hop us there, or do we walk?

By Commander Adon on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 1:26 pm:

A sonic boom diverted everyone's attention to the East, where Adon's Combat-Suit was falling head first towards the sea. It had it's rifle out and was shooting down all the fighters that were following. He got the last one just as he hit the water's surface with a splash.

Within moments several warships arrives and the crash site to begin searching for the Suit's remains. The water around the ships began to boil, and an energy blade cut the ships in half. The operator of the blade was below the water's surface. Soon after the last ship was sunk, there was a huge explosion that sent a fountain of water 100 feet in the air.

A little while later, a very wet Adon caught up with the rest of the crew. He was on foot.

Sorry about taking so long to get here. If I flew, it would have attracted unwanted attention. I'm sure that you are wondering what happened back there. Well I saw the Spidership crash, so I decided to check for survivors. Unfortunately, I had some company on the way down that I needed to get rid of. Don't worry about the suit. It is safe and sound on the ocean floor, and quite undetectable in its present state.

By Meanwhile in the Orbit... on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 1:26 pm:

The Timeship has frozen some other O'kak battleships and the united fleet finished them. The battle looks far better than a few minutes ago.

"Ok, where is the #@*&%§ flagship?"

Uh-oh, at this point we should remember that the Timeship only has the dimensions of a large chest and the O'kak flagship is slightly larger...

By Darth Simultaneous Posts on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 1:28 pm:


By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 2:12 pm:

Ed, nice owl impression. Steve, Adon, let's find the resistance... of course, this local chapter could be called a piece of the resistance...

By Lt Commander Rikard on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 2:17 pm:

Rikard runs through the ruined parts of the Spidership and makes his way to the now ruined landing bay doors. He forces them open and peers in. On the side of the bay, still in pretty good condition sits his new fighter he runs over and pries the hatch open. He gets in and tries to turn it on. Nothing happens. He hits it. Everything flickers on. It's active.

Yes! It still works!

He checks sensors and discovers something rather disturbing. Three squadrons of O'kak fighters and one very heavily armed and very large O'kakian battleship, one of the flagships's primary support ships, heading for the Spidership's wreakage.

Uh oh.

He opens the emergency comm system.

Captain, this is Rikard, we're going to have company very soon. O'kakians.

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 2:28 pm:

I hear you Rikard. Tacoman out.
Observer, do you still have an apartment here somewhere, and would it be still intact? I ask because we're going to need a place to hide very soon.
Steve, find the coordinates and frequency to which we can find the New York resistance. We can contact them from the Observer's apartment, if it's still in one piece.

By Jadlad on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 2:40 pm:

Jadlad dimension hops RR and himself to the armory. They grab as many weapons as they can cary and Jadlad dimension hops the two them back to the Captain Tacoman and the others.

I just had a thought. Be right back!

Jadlad and RR dimesnion hop to what's left of the sickbay and gets as many medical supplies as they can. Jadlad downloads Holodoc's program into the moblie emitter and they all dimension hop back to the others.

Whew! That's all we could grab. I also got the Holodoc. Anything else we need?

By Jadlad on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 2:41 pm:

Wait a sec. Has anyone heard from Colanator?

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 2:48 pm:

We also seem to be missing Ansh...
By the way, Jadlad, how many people can you dimension hop at a time?

By Jadlad on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 3:09 pm:

One. Any more than that will kill me. I think I've mentioned that before.

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 3:15 pm:

If you need to move, Captain, I have a compact, short-range, site to site transporter unit. It was just put on the market by Delphonetric Industries. Only has a range of about 10 and a half miles, and can only beam up to 6 people at a time. However, it has signal scramble and encrypt capabilities; anyone who `listens' to the signal thinks its just a common radio commercial for mentholated rub! Do you want it?

(Author's note: more hi-tech than you thought he'd be, ain't he?)

By Quantum Man on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 3:18 pm:

I should be able to tunnel to wherever we go. Owww my head...

By qwert on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 4:09 pm:

Please go to LICC 3. It's right below "Why I Never LEft Ohio"

By The_Spider on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 9:17 pm:

Hello. I am a writer for the on-line magazine im-ur.com. I've heard alot of things about this LICC. It seems to be growing in popularity. I've seen several websites that mention it. Judging form what I've read however, there aren't that many users. I get the impression that many of these people are simply observers, who read rather than particpate. Anyway, I'd love to do an interview with whomever created the LICC. Tell him or her to reply to me here (I prefer not to give my e-mail address). Thank you.

By ScottN aka The Amazing Quantum Man on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 9:45 pm:


Try The LICC Archives.

This grew out of general silliness, and took on a life of its own...

By Anonymous on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 11:38 pm:

ScottN, you've been had by `The Spider'. Go read `Shameless Plugs'. `The Spider' is obviously Brian Webber!!

By Noise From the Comm System on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 7:11 am:

*KRRK*by to Spi*KRRK*ip, F*KRRK* to Spider*KRRK*:

Don't forg*KRRK* the Sith Repai*KRRK* De*KRRK*ce stolen *KRRK* *KRRK* ship. It's still *KRRK* carg*KRRK* bay *KRRK*.

Static noise.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 10:25 am:

Hmm... I was just thinking... we've got that Sith ship with us... I wonder if we can use that somehow...

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 10:44 am:

I don't know if we can use it, but there seems to be a patrol heading in this direction. I think that I need to lead them away from here. Be back soon.

Adon leapt into the air and flew off. When he was far enough away, he got the patrol's attention and then led them on a merry chase through the city.

By Cadet Ansh Tembar on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 11:13 am:

It's all right, I'm here, but I was a little shaken by the crash so I haven't been speaking much.

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 2:14 pm:

What about my short-range site to site transporter, Captain? Do you want it or not? I should warn you...its a prototype, and it hasn't been fully tested! It may only work for a limited amount of times, or it may not even work at all!

(Author's note:I'm trying to turn Rocket Ranger into sort of a LICC version of Q from the James Bond movies....)

By Commander Milkshake on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 2:21 pm:

Milkshake jogs back onto the bridge through the hole in the viewscreen. He is carrying a sack of equipment.

All right, Captain, I broke into the computer core and downloaded the resistance coordinates onto this PADD. I then wiped the core to prevent O'kak from getting any useful information. I also visited the Sith ship we had in what's left of the shuttle bay. It's pretty well gone, and the crew broke out of the brig and escaped, but I found a few interesting pieces of equipment. Colanator's all right, he's busy scavenging equipment and weapons we can use.

May I suggest we vacate the area as soon as possible? We've been here nearly 45 minutes, and a patrol is certain to come by sooner or later. Observer, you know this city better than I do, is there some place we can hide and set up a base?

A low rumble is heard, and out of the trees on the far end of the wreck emerges an Armored Personnel Carrier. It moves to inspect the crashed ship.

Uh oh, we better get out of here.

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 2:33 pm:

Just tell me the location, Observer. If its within 10 and a half miles of here, I'll transport us there!

(He pulls out a small, blue circular disk from the back of his armor's jetpack, and places it on the ground. The disk expands to ten times its previous radius, just large enough for six people to stand on. He then takes out a triangular-shaped control device from a compartment in his belt:)

Hold on a second....Commander, please hand me that circuit board lying on the panel next to you. I might be able to use it to boost the transporter's range! Remember, it should be safe to use this....anyone who detects the signal will think its a radio commercial! That part I guarantee!

By Lt Commander Rikard on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 2:45 pm:

Rikard launches his fighter and turns to face the arriving patrol ship. When the patrol ship sees it fires. Rikard turns his ship and flies away with the patrol ship in pursuit.

That should give them time.

He looks up and sees the approaching warship, only 4 kilometers away.

By The Observer on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 2:47 pm:

Here are the coordinates, if you'll allow me...

(Observer takes the control device and taps it several times)

I don't know what has happened to it, but my defense systems should have kept my apartment safe. Here we go...

(The remaining crew of the Spidermobile pile on to the transporter field disk and beam away, just as the carrier turns toward the bridge section.)

(Everyone materializes, safe and sound, in Observer's penthouse apartment, on the 227th floor of the Fermallan building.)

Well, that wasn't so bad. Refreshments, anyone? Good to see the old place is still standing.

By The Observer on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 2:52 pm:

Oh dear. It appears young Commander Rikard went to cover our escape. Please, make yourselves at home, while I see to his safety.

(Observer slides open a wall, revealing a staircase to the roof, which he climbs, the wall sliding shut behind him. A few moments later, a strange-looking fighter craft launches from the roof and heads uptown.)

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 2:59 pm:

Within moments, there was a knock on the window. Adon was standing outside, and he smiled and waved when he was noticed. The Observer opened the window and Adon stepped inside.

Hi gang! It would seem that we are on the most wanted list and I had a good portion of the army chasing me too.

I wasn't followed. I just let the army think that they hit me with one of their tank rounds. When it exploded, I took the opportunity to quickly leave. As far as they know, Adon the Wanderer is gone.

By Ubermensch on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 4:26 pm:

Sorry for my abscense. I had to take some men from the wreakage to the finest health care Germany can offer, but it took a lot of paperwork to get through the socialized medicine and the red tape. We should get out. Any suggestions? How big is our army, I have one.


At that moment, millions of ghosts arise, every dead German Solider ever arises and fights for the Last son of Inner Earth.

By Commander Milkshake on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 5:13 pm:

Good job, Adon. Nice place Observer's got here. Better view than the last place, and I doubt any mining droids will find this here. Now, a cold drink.

Milkshake grabs a Coca-Pep out of Observer's fridge, sits down on one of the overstuffed chairs and begins to work on his helmet.

By The Bots on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 6:08 pm:

Crow: Nope no mining droids, just us.
Servo: Crow, you idiot, this isn't Brain Guy's apartment!
Crow: Well, they DID call that guy Observer
Servo: Did that look like Brain Guy to you? Wrong Observer! Let's go before they get mad at us. Let's see a movie.
Crow: There's nothing out right now except for bad movies.
Servo: As if you aren't used to it.

They walk out.

By Captain Tacoman, getting down to business on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 6:19 pm:

Tacoman wanders from out of the bathroom where he has been taking a quick shower
Ah.. I feel better now.
You know, this is a nice place... Tacoman wanders over the the fridge and pulls out another Coca-Pep. He then goes over to Observer's entertainment center and inspects it
Anybody want some music? I don't think there's anything good on holovision now that the O'kaks are here... but you never know...
So, we need to contact the reistance. Do we go to them, or do we offer the use of this apartment?
Alright... what was everybody able to recover? Jadlad, Rocket, what weapons and medicines were you able to get?
Steve, what equipment did you get from the Sith ship?
Colanator, what were you able to get?

By Rocket Ranger...unmasked! on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 8:07 pm:

Rocket Ranger has several pieces of equipment laid out on the dining room table and is working on something with his toolkit

I managed to find several medkits, a couple of medical scanners and a few different rifles, five phasers, a beam-cannon, two vibroswords, a vibro-halberd, and a pulse-beam weapon of some kind. I'm working on something that may come in handy, but its a surprise! (He pauses a second) Might be easier to work without all of this armor on! Armor....power down! (Suddenly their is a bright white glow for a second. When it fades, Rocket Ranger's armor is gone; he is wearing a black and teal jacket with a Space Marshal badge on it, a white shirt, and black jeans with black harness boots. He has short blond hair, but his eyes are covered by a pair of silver and black sunglasses. He looks over at the rest of the team and smiles:) Much better. My real name is Quincy, by the way....Quincy Kyle Rocket. And, please, don't call me `Q' or `Quince'! I hate that! (He looks over at Jadlad) What did you find, Jadlad? I know you got the Holo-Doc, but were there any synth-flesh canisters or bandages in there?

By Quncy K. Rocket on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 8:17 pm:

Before Jadlad can say anything, Quincy starts working with his tools again. After a few seconds, he stops, puts down the tools, and walks over to Commander Milkshake, then Captain Tacoman, and hands each of them a strange-looking metal bracelet. Each bracelet matches the coloring of the person's armor, with three small buttons, one silver, one red, and one black on a white background on the side

Here. These bracelets may come in handy; the red button is a short-duration personal force-field; it can only be used for about a minute, but recharges. It takes about an hour to recharge.
The black button is a holographic overlay device; when you use it, it disguises the fact that you're wearing armor; you will appear to be a nondescript, normal, typical human in casual clothing. However, and this is important, anyone within five feet of you may see through the disguise. The holographic projection has a duration of about an hour and a half before it needs to recharge. The silver button? It's a surprise. I'll tell you when the time is right!
(He steps back, and looks at Jadlad) As I was saying, what medical gear did you find? And what weapons?

By Brian Webber on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 8:39 pm:

Yeah, I am The_Spider. I just wanted my request to be formal. So sue me. Anyway, what do ya' think Jon? We can do it through e-mail. The interview will be in the Hobbies section of im-ur along with my popular D&D article.

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 9:52 pm:

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
Everyone scatter. I will do my Observer impression and hope that whom ever is on the other side is friendly.

With a glitter of light, The Observer stood in Adon's spot. As the rest of the group hid, Adon walked up to the door and calmly opened it.

On the other side was The Observer's next-door neighbor.

Neighbor Joe: "Hey Man. I thought I heard voices over here, so I decided to check on you. You know that those O'kaks took over, us humans haven't been able to assemble in large groups."

Don't worry about it. I'm just letting two friends of mine stay here until they can find a new place to live. Their were evicted from their old places by the O'kaks.

Neighbor Joe: "Hey, no problem man. Its just that we can't be too careful nowadays."
Joe shook Adon's hand and left. Adon closed and locked the door, and resumed his normal appearance.

It would seem that The Observer's friendly neighbor also left us a gift.
Adon held up a scrap of paper that Joe had palmed to him when he shook Adon's hand.
It is a set of coordinates. They may be where the resistance is stationed.

By Furby on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 10:15 pm:

Ha, O'kak-boy, prepare to be embarassed! The next seconds wont be easy for you because they will last hours!
You will know what I mean sooner or later...

Fires a chroniton pulse at the flagship.

By Quincy K. Rocket...self-appointed Chief Gadgeteer! on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 10:41 pm:

Quincy is working on some equipment again.

Does anyone have anything that needs to be repaired? Might as well make sure we're ready in case anything happens.

By Thank God Its OVER! on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 10:50 pm:

The God Of Merciful Plot Endings swoops down and destroys the O'Kak, repairs the Spidership II, sends Sheridan and his people home, and sits and waits to watch Tacoman's next adventure

By Im not using the BladeWolf name on this board anymore.... on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 7:57 am:

Oookay, lets ignore that last post! I know I was mad because a new plot was started when I had one in mind, but I was actually enjoying this, so unless the person who made the previous post WAS the person who started this plot, lets just pretend it was never posted, okay?

By Rocket Rangers author on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 8:02 am:


a.) I don't know about the rest of you, but I actually look forward to LICC getting a new ship.

b.) I'm intrigued by what the team is going to do with the equipment Milkshake retrieved from the Sith Ship.

c.) We need to find out just what exactly the O'kak's plans for Earth are!


d.) I'm a little teapot, short and....er...I mean... You haven't found out what the silver button on the bracelets Quincy gave Tacoman and Milkshake does yet! :)

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 9:16 am:

A lot of strange stuff, Captain. Some appear to be weapons, while the markings on others...I'm not fluent in Sithspeak, but they seem to be channels for the Force. I guess the Force-proficent heroes in our group might benefit, but they'd probably be corrupted by the Dark Side.

We should probably wait for Observer and Rikard to get back, before we contact the Resistance. I checked the holo, what channels are working are nothing but O'kakian propaganda, and strangely, Survivor 3001 is on. Weird.

By Okakian Fleet, tired of being pushed around! on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 9:18 am:

High in orbit, the Furby Timeship has just used its awesome time weapon on the O'kakian flagship. The chroniton burst impacts the huge cruiser, and fizzles out! The Furbies recieve a transmission.

Interesting, my friends. However, if you wish to see something very interesting...

The flagship fires a massive beam of pure anti-proton!

By Colanator, making an appearance on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 9:21 am:

I was able to strip Engineering of several power generators and cells for our energy weapons, some magnetic canisters of anti-matter, and all the phasers on the Engineering deck, Captain. My crew was able to take most of the portable medical equipment from Sickbay, if it is needed.

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 10:36 am:

Well, we seem to have everything ready. We should head over to the coordinates and see what's waiting there. I elect to go first, in case its a trap.

By Quincy K. Rocket...self-appointed Chief Gadgeteer...since no one has offered him the job! hint, hint on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 11:38 am:

Quincy looks at Adon

I need to check the site to site transporter (hereafter known as the STST!) to make sure its working properly, then you can go!

He takes a look at the STST pad, picks it up, looks at the bottom, then puts it back down. He then pulls a strange-looking device out of one of the pockets in his jacket and points it at the pad:

Hmmm.....everything seems to be fine, but.... if Adon goes in alone, then we follow, it'll have to be recharged before it can be used again. Should take about two to three hours.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 12:00 pm:

Good job, crew. It looks like we may be able to resupply the resistance with stuff...
Rocket, do you want us to push the silver button NOW?
Also Rocket, you can be the chief of Clever inventions... a permament spot when when we get a new ship.

By Quincy K. Rocket on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 2:12 pm:

(Go check the archives: RR's ALREADY listed as Chief Gadgeteer (and as Captain of the SnowCrane, but it should probably be pilot, not captain) under unranked personnel.)

Now, back to out story....

No, Captain. Don't push the silver button just yet! The consequences would be disastrous, and I don't think Observer would like having to find a new place to live! Let me know when we're ready to leave, and I'll armor up!

By Rocket Ranger\Quincys Author on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 2:14 pm:

And I know, I should have put `Note from Quincy's Author' at the beginning of the last post, but I forgot!

By PD Insane on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 2:18 pm:

Inventing new positions and I'm Ops Manager??? Maybe we ought to make Tactical a two-person console on the new ship so both Adon and I can operate it.

By The One with the Question on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 2:34 pm:

Is this board too big yet?

By Lt Commander Rikard on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 2:51 pm:

Falcon 3: Falcon three to Striker. We've lost half of the squadron, but we seem to be defeating the O'kakians. We'll hold them off while you head down to the planet.
Rikard: Okay, good job Falcons. I'm going down.

Rikard's fighter slipped into the atmosphere as Earth's fighters began to wipe out the O'kakian forces. When he'd headed up, he had helped turn the tide of the battle part because of his skill and part because he was flying a very advanced and modified fighter. As he approached the city, another patrol craft approached firing. The weapons hit his shields.

Rikard: As much as I'd like to, I don't have time for this.

He fired two of his photon torpedoes and one of his two quantum torpedoes. The patrol ship lit up the sky. He went to New York and landed in the bay that was nearest to Observer's apartment. He found a crashed taxi in the street and found the entrance to Observer's secret apartment. He knocked on the door.

Hey guys? It's me.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 4:02 pm:

Welcome back, Josh. How's the space battle going?
Also.. I think it may be time to get a new board...

By Move along... on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 5:05 pm:

(Suddenly, the heroes discover...Insane ate all the Cheese Whiz and all the grocery stores are closed! Dum Dum DUMMMMM....

On that dramatic note, the episode ends. Tune in for Part X, same time next board.)

By POed in Baltimore on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 5:10 pm:

Is it safe to assume Sheridan and his people have been sent home now, or are they still ruunign away from the fight like the yellow pansies they are?

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