The Omega Search: The Hunt For Jake Grey Part Two

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: The Archangel Trilogy: The Hunt For Jake Grey: The Omega Search: The Hunt For Jake Grey Part Two
By Brian Webber on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 9:35 pm:

The Archangel hangs in space. The gray dot that represents Grey's monstourous warship grows ever bigger. The Shi'ar fleet, three MASSIVE battlecruiser six times the size of the Archnagel, but still dwarfed when compared to Grey's Monstrosity, surrounds the Archangel, facing the growing terror coming towards them. The rear of the Archnagel is dark, except for a pinpoint of light. It grows bigger as the shuttle bay door opens. Behind the Archangel, a purple portal opens. The shuttles leaves the bay, and shoots striaght for the portal. And in less than second, it's gone.

The search for the omega particle begins.

Grey will arrive in 11 minutes.

By Brian Webber on Saturday, January 13, 2001 - 10:19 pm:

*A troll strolls through an open archway onto the bridge of Grey's ship, Macedonia 1. The madman Jake Grey sits in his throne, dressed like Alexander the Great, the famous general after whom's home country he named the ship after. In a scrtachy voice the troll speaks*

We will arrive at the target in 10 minute master.

*Grey smiles, a vile, evil smile.*

Excellent. Is the Suncrusher weapon system active? I want to see what effect it would have on a planet. I know it can cause a sun to go nova, and disentegrate entire ships. But for a planet...

*He frowns and shakes his head*

Oh it will be beautiful TorGal.

*He turns to the Troll, smiling again. The troll smiles.*

Beautiful indeed strong one. The Golems are ready to sluaghter any survivors, master. Which ones will be landing? Stone, clay, flesh, iron, diamond?

*Grey scratches his chin*

Hmmm. Well, we've confirmed the planet's native species is primitive. I doubt they anything too powerful. Sending the iron or diamond golems would be serious overkill. We'll land them in case of survivors.

*He laughs. He then turns to the vampyres that manage the navigation console. He fiddles with the amulet he wears. All the vampyres promptly turn to face him, bowing on one knee to the man who controls them*

Continue course for the enemy fleet. I want to say what kind of pitiful attempt to slow me down Greymoran has this time.

*the female vampyre stands up.*

But Lord Grey, the engines slow down when we enter combat mode. Our test will be delayed. Our Lord hates delays.

*Grey sighs*

Oh my dear, you are quite correct of course. But, the delay will merely be ashort one. Greymoran has to date failed in every attempt to slow down my campaign. Even back when the only ship I had was the I, Claudius. But, I won't kill you, because you have given me an idea. We will act as though Greymoran's pitiful task force has delayed our plans. Then we will launch the Darksabre on autopilot towards the planet, then pull back to just the edge of Suncrusher range. He'll think we intend to use the Superlaser on the planet, and attack it. As soon as they are all out of the way, we'll fire the Suncrusher torpedo. Assuming he's smart enough to figure out what we're doing, which I seriously doubt, the torpedo will hit without interference.

*Grey laughs again, laughs until he starts coughing*

Oh man. Oh, I really need to learn to control myself. I'm gonna luagh myself to death at this rate!

By Jackson Tacoman on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 6:44 am:

Meanwhile, the shuttle has entered the Voyager universe. Nearby is a planet that is producing the Omega Particle for power. Hudzen and Tacoman examine the sensors and are amazed by what they see
Tacoman: Amazing... trillions of Omega Particles powering the planet, all contained.
Ok... Hudzen, beam one particle onto the shuttle and keep it in transport suspension, just like Greymoran said.

By Hudzen on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 10:33 am:

We have a small problem. Since the Star Wars Universe has no Omega Particle, the hyperdrive will have no defense against the particle. It may affect it more than Greymoran realized. However, we must find out first. I am beaming a particle aboard.

By Jackson Tacoman on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 2:04 pm:

Hudzen, do a simulation to see if the Omega Particle might affect a hyperdrive engine..
Also, I have an idea on how to slow down Grey a bit more... We get a second particle, let the shuttle be captured by Grey's ship, and while the shuttle is being towed by tractor beam, program the computer to do a engine core breach at the same time the transporter is releasing the second Particle... or would that be too much?

By Hudzen on Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 11:26 pm:

There is a 47% chance that the engine will be affected, compared to an almost definite chance that it would affect a warp core. It is our best chance.

By Brian Webber on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 12:50 am:

Greymoran: It's getting closer. I can almost smell the stench of evil coming off it.

Carrie: Physcially impossible considering the laws of physics, but I understand what you mean.

Keith: Sir, sensors show a large opening appearing in the side of Grey's ship. I can't identify it yet.

Rita: Probably just a decoy, trying to keep us away from him.

Greymoran: True, but this is Grey we're talking about here. He probably thinks we'll ignore it. But on the other hand, maybe he wants us to think it's a diversion. He wants us to ignore it. Or maybe he thinks, aw dammit! We gotta make a judgemnt call here. Keith? Rita? What do you think?

Keith: Too bad we don't have either of our shuttles right now. We could-

Rita: Wait! I got it! have Ahz do a quick fly-by of the other ship. He should be able to tell if it's a deception.

Keith: it probably isn't.

Rita & Greymoran: What?!?

Keith: I just idnetified the ship. it's a Darksabre. Records say it's like the Death Satr from Star Wars only five times smaller.

Rita: ••••. I'm breaking off to engage.

Greymoran: No, not yet. have Ahz take a look at it. With any luck he'll be able to tell. For right now, we might as well play into Grey's hands. Lull him into a false sense of security.

Keith: but what if..

Rita: Please sweetie, don't finish that sentence. You'll make my brain hurt.

By Jackson Tacoman on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 6:43 am:

A purple wormhole opens in front of the DarkSabre and the shuttle emerges from it. The shuttle sits there until almost the last minute, and then heads for the Archangel as fast at it can go.
Tacoman to Greymoran, mission successful. we got the Omega Particle, which is now hovering around Grey's ship. It should be exploding very soon. Open the shuttle bay doors, we're almost home.
By the way, there's a slight chance that the hyperdrive engines might be affected by this explosion, so hold on.

By Brian Webber on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 3:48 pm:

Greymoran: Good work, but sadly you dropped the particle by the wrong ship. The Darksabre might be a decoy. We're sending Ahz to check it out. But dock anyway. We don't have time to send you back for another one.

By Jackson Tacoman on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 4:04 pm:

The shuttle docks with the Archangel and Tacoman and Huzen go up to the bridge and takes their places
Hmmm... sir, the Particle seems to be being swept into the opening that the Darksabre is coming out of. It looks like it might explode inside the main ship...

By Ahz on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 4:05 pm:

With a ripple of space-time, Ahz's shuttle appeared near the Darksabre. It preformed a close range scan of the opening, and made its way toward the docking bay.

I have scanned the opening. It appears to go toward the main reactor.

By Brian Webber on Monday, January 15, 2001 - 6:22 pm:

Grey: beautiful. They're checking the decoy. Excellent. But what was that bright flash outside the docking bay?

TorGal: No idea master. Scanners can't seem to pick anything up. Probably a sensor glare. Not the first time it's heppened my lord.

Grey: I've told you before TorGal, your sarcasm, while appreciated in private council, demines my authority on the bridge. Save your humour for later.

*Caligula had personal sex slaves, most Egyptian pharohs had concubines, Grey has personal comedians. Go fig.*

TorGal: Sorry sir. *he knows he wasn't being sarcastic, but arguing with Grey was a good way to find yourself in a fate worse than death scenario* The Darksabre is approaching the planet.

Grey: Is the enemy fleet reacting?

TorGal, frowning, or rather what passes for frowning with his species: Not quite sir. One of the Archangel's shuttles is firing micro-torpedoes at the Darksabre. Damage is minimal though.

Grey: Good. Now, pull us back, just to the edge of what the damage radius would be if we DID blow up the planet with the Darksabre, and activate the power-up modules. Convince them it's going to fire. If it fails, we'll launch the Suncrusher then, and hope that none of those alien ships there get brave and fly in it's path.

TorGal: Already begun my lord.

By Jackson Tacoman on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 10:24 am:

Sir, looking at the shuttle sensors from when Hudzen and I went to find the Omega Particle, I discovered that we seemed to have picked up two particles... there's still one in the transporter system...

By Brian Webber on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 8:22 pm:

Greymoran: We should hold on to that in case we need it.

Carrie: Sir, sensors show the particle has activated. The "explosion" won't really damage anything outisde of a tiny radius, but the effects will make warp drive impossible for a radius of 100 light years.

Int: Grey's ship


Grey: What the hell was that?

TorGal: Not sure master. There was an energy surge in docking bay 13 and *stops, stares at the console with a craned neck* Sir, warp drive is off line.

Grey: What!?!?

TorGal: not just us sir. The warp drive powered ships in the bays are inactive too. We can't go to warp!

Grey: Son of a •••••! Dammit. Fire the Suncrusher. Now!

TorGal: Sir, at this angle the chances of it hitting the planet are almost nill. The angle will sned it straight the center of the enemy fleet.

Grey: DO IT!!!!

Int: Archangel

Carrie: Yes! Warp drive on Grey's behmeoth is dead! Well, ours is too, but we won't need it like he will! Yes!

Greymoran: Beautiful! We got the-

Carrie & Kieth in unison: Sir!

Greymoran: What?

Keith: You do it.

Carrie: You tell him!

Keith: Your sensors are better than mine!

Carrie: You're a human!

Greymoran: Shut up already! Keith, tell me.

Keith: Sir, he luanched a weapon directed towards us. A small canister travelling at sub-light speeds. Can't tell hwat it is yet, but it will impact with the lead Shi'ar in fifteen seconds if they don't move.

By Jackson Tacoman, with a plan on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 6:19 am:

Tacoman checks the science sensors
Sir, sensors seem to indicate it is a weapon of some kind...
We could try and transport aboard but leave it in transport suspension... Or we can transport it directily in the path of Grey's ship.. use his own weapon against him...

By Hudzen on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 2:41 pm:

The weapon has some kind of shielding that will make it very difficult to transport. Impact in 20 seconds

By Brian Webber on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 3:23 pm:

Greymoran: At this angle it won't hit the planet. Just tell the Shi'ar to get out of the wa-

Carrie: Too late dudes. The lead Shi'ar destroyed it. Apparently it carried a warhead that would've caused the sun to go nova.

Greymoran: Suncrusher? How the hell did he get his hands on one of those?


I failed to mention this earlier, but the reason Grey's ship wnet nuts, is because he has a security where if an explosion or weapons fire and what not is detected in a viotal area, such as the docking bays, all power is deverted to two things. Defensive wepaons, and shields. His offensive weapons went off line, as did his manuevering(sp?) thrusters, making it impossible for him to line up a shot with the planet.


Ext: Space.

The Darksabre self-destructs, damaging Ahz's shuttle.

By Brian Webber on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 6:47 pm:

Rita: Sir! Grey's ship is opening a portal. It's going at full impulse!

Greymoran: Follow it! We have to know where he's going. Once he's away he'll proably be able to use his warp drive again.

Carrie: Uh, sir, does that mean we don't go pick up Radagast?

Greymoran: What?

Carrie: Commander Adon has captured Radagast. They've got him in a suspended animation tube.

Greymoran: ••••. I'll take the shuttle! Pick up Ahz and follow-

Rita: Too late

*the portal closes*

Greymoran: Dammit! Carrie, can you track where he went?

Carrie: Fraid not. He hasn't sent off any dimensional-satellite alarms. Either he's figured out where they all were and destroyed them, or he's discovered a method to block them.

Keith: or he's come across a universe that hasn't been monitored yet.

Greymoran: Alright. Grey tends to wait between attacks, the longest being two months, the shortest being five days. More than enough time to pick up Radagast. Let's go rescue Ahz then head out. We'll use the Spidership's location beacon.

*dramatic pause*

Jackson: bad news sir. We've lost the Spidership's beacon.

Greymoran: What? When?

Jackson: An hour ago I'd say. Somewhere over Earth. Or rather, my, their, Earth. *throws hands up in confusion*

Greymoran, looking paniced: Oh dear. Rita, plot a course for my son's universe. We have to find out what happened. By Helm I hope Radagast didn't escape.

By A Package on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 9:58 pm:

A hole in space-time opens, and a stasis tube containing Radagast falls out. The portal then closes. Stuck to the side of the portal is a note.

From Adon, with love.

Do not open until the 12th of never.

By Brian Webber on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 11:05 pm:

Greymoran freexes at the surprise appearence of the tube.

"Um, cancel the portal Rita. Hudzen, place that in storage for the time being. Jackson, raise Commander Adon, and thank him for his help."

By If you dont know who...I wont tell ya! on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 12:36 am:

(Note to Brian Webber: was that your real e-mail address you posted at LICC? I want to put an end to this if it was....bury the hatchet, so to speak....and I don't mean in your head....)

By Brian Webber, aspiring reporter on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 12:59 am:

if: Yes, that was my real addy. Feel free, although it might be awhile before I reply. I might (key word: MIGHT) get to interview MEREDITH VIEIRA! Aw man that would be sweet!

By Jackson Tacoman on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 6:27 am:

Right, sir.
Tacoman attempts to get Adon on the dimensional communicator and gets him. Tacoman thanks Adon for his help, and Adon relates the latest adventures of the League.
Sir, I know why we lost contact with the Spidership's beacon... it seems that they were trying to get through O'kak lines, were successful in doing so, but in the process, crashed in New York City... the Spidership II is now just another new junkyard in New York City...
Tacoman stands up and salutes, paying tribute to the great Spidership

By Brian Webber on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 9:53 pm:

Greymoran, frowning: She was a decent ship. My son knew how to pick 'em. Maybe if we have time we can snag another one for them. But right now, we need o figure out where Grey went. Ahz, go grab the debris for the Darksabre. Maybe we can figure which of the known Star Wars universes it came from, if it came from a known one, and we can head there, learn some details.

*meanwhile, out in the nether between realities...*

Jake Grey watches the purple swirls surrounding and distoritng his ship.

"I like being here TorGal. It's so dark."

TorGal: Yes it sir. Sir, what is our next plan?

Grey: I have learned from the files I stole from station 47 that there is a top secret project in STU-98. Apparently in that one, a certain legendary captain was born in Germany instead of Iowa. Minor difference. He turned out the same way, but apparently it's off the XDCA monitors. They were experimenting with a new portal generator that would transport ships wihout opening a portal. Most of the details were lost during the data dump, but the gist of it is very interesting. Because without a portal, there would be no way for our enemies to follow us. I want to steal this technology. TorGal, takes us there as soon aswe've removed the Omega residue and can use our warp drive again. How much longer do you think it will be?

TorGal: Three days my lord.

By Dramatic Interlude on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 6:01 pm:

Aboard the Archangel things are tense. Greymoran wants to go help his son and the crew of the Spidership II but is reluctant, because he also desperately wants to kill Jake Grey. According to Carrie, who has known Greymoran for almost two-thirds of a century, Greymoran has never been this angry nor this determined before. and never before has he sought such violent retribution.

Below decks, in their quarters, Rita and Keith Yeager lay in bed, unable to sleep, or make love. Keith rolls over to look his wife in the eyes. "I'm scared love." he says. Rita squeezes his hand and kisses him on the forehead. "I am too."

The ship's computer, incurable wise-ass Carrie, delves into her memory core searches for books she hasn't read yet. Finally she stumbles on The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of: How Science Fiction Conquered the World by Thomas M. Disch She pulls it up, then decides that maybe Jackson would find it interesting, but decides against asking him. She just knows that any second now Greymoran will decide which path the Archangel will take.

Hudzen meanwhile practices his security drills, until he remembers that the ship has no real secuirty force to speak of. If the ship were ever boarded, it'd be up to him to protect the crew. That pressure is hard, even on a 7' 3" 'muscular' robot.

Jackson meanwhile is still coming to grips with the loss of the Spidership II in his home universe. Deep down he wants to go help them, but he can't. I am part of THIS crew, not that one, he reminds himself.

Greymoran enters the bridge. Jackson is at Rita's console, doing a diagnostic check. Carrie's face appears on the viescreen. Greymoran looks at her, and Jackson. "Ahz just sent a message. He's identified which Star Wars universe that ship came from. It's from SWU-3, the one I'd mentioned earlier, where Luke Skywalker had been born female instead of male, remember? Anyway, we're heading there as soon as Ahz is back aboard." He sits in the cpatain's chair, looking somewaht depressed.

By Jackson Tacoman on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 8:38 pm:

Suddenly, a single light begins to blink on Tacoman's console. He goes over to investigate, only to discover...
Sir, the Spidership's beacon is back... Somehow they were able to acquire a third Spidership...
Hmm.. there was also some Q activity in the same area...

By Brian Webber on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 9:42 pm:

Greymoran: That's not important Jackson. My son can deal with whatever the problem is. Unless Grey attacks the LICC directly we can't get involved. Rita and Keith are on downtime, so I'd like you to pilot us through another portal into SWU-3. We need to find out exactly how Grey got his hands on the Darksabre. With any luck we'll find out where he's going next, and maybe even where he's hiding.

Carrie: Portal open sir.