League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part X

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part X
By The Observer on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 5:01 pm:

Part X already.

Anyway, before the episode opens, I'd like to encourage all posters to read Kira's and Scott's comments at the end of LICC Discussion Part 3 and the beginning of Discussion Part 4. They have some very good ideas on how to improve the story and preserve its uniqueness. That said...

(The whine of Observer's small ship is heard in the apartment, and soon the wall slides open, and the extra-dimensional watcher steps out.)

Very good job, Josh. I was, pardon the pun, observing from a distance, ready to step in if you needed help. It appears the battle for Earth may perhaps be won by the Human forces, although the Warlord's navies show no signs of tiring.

Captain, may I see the coordinates of our contact in the Resistance? I am very familiar with this city, and occupied or not, I can usually find my way around.

By Brian Webber on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 5:08 pm:

Hopefully we'll see the end of the O'kak storyline here.

Oh, and before anyone forgets;

By Plot Complication, Dramtic Effect, Greymorna, Brian Webber, ad nauseum. on Friday, January 12, 2001 - 07:56 pm:

Anonymous Redshirt: Commander Adon, a hail is coming in for you. Someone named Carrie.

Adon: I'll take it here.

Carrie: Great news! We have a time-stop protection amulet on board. We can send to you right away. Just put it on, and next time Radagast tries to stop time, he'll appear to everyone instead of just you. Stun him, and place him in suspended animation. As soon as we can free up some time we'll come and get him. Good luck.

*A tiny portal opens and a amulet plops out onto Adon's lap*

Several hours later, Radagast appears again. "Hello Adon. I'm glad to see you are wearing your sword. We have a long jour-" ZAP!

*A stun bolt knocks Radagast to the floor. He is stunned, but still alive. Tacoman and Adon lift him into the stasis tube where he'll be placed in suspended animation*

Tacoman: That was so easy I'm almost disapointed. I was hoping for at least a little skimrish. Oh well. I guess he's not our problem anymore. The Archangel should be here soon to pick him up. I just hope it's not too long though. I want to be rid of this guy already.

I suggest one of you go over to the Greymoran board, and we can FINALLY put an end to this. Then I can go and focus ALL my energy on that board, and thus stop bothering you guys! :) Good plan eh?

By Anon E. Mous on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 5:34 pm:

What's to wrap up, Webber? Just make a post that Radagast was transferred to the Archangel and be done with it!

And we're not going to wrap up the O'kak storyline just because one person whines about it!

By Brian Webber on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 5:48 pm:

Well, after previous posts, I've realized it's not a good thing to use other people's characters. So, I'd rather play it safe and let someone else deal with it.

By Brian Webber on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 6:49 pm:

OK, let's try this.

From Greymoran's Revenge Part Two;

By Brian Webber on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 08:47 pm:
Rita: Sir! Grey's ship is opening a portal. It's going at full impulse!

Greymoran: Follow it! We have to know where he's going. Once he's away he'll proably be able to use his warp drive again.

Carrie: Uh, sir, does that mean we don't go pick up Radagast?

Greymoran: What?

Carrie: Commander Adon has captured Radagast. They've got him in a suspended animation tube.

Greymoran: ••••. I'll take the shuttle! Pick up Ahz and follow-

Rita: Too late

*the portal closes*

Greymoran: Dammit! Carrie, can you track where he went?

Carrie: Fraid not. He hasn't sent off any dimensional-satellite alarms. Either he's figured out where they all were and destroyed them, or he's discovered a method to block them.

Keith: or he's come across a universe that hasn't been monitored yet.

Greymoran: Alright. Grey tends to wait between attacks, the longest being two months, the shortest being five days. More than enough time to pick up Radagast. Let's go rescue Ahz then head out. We'll use the Spidership's location beacon.

*dramatic pause*

Jackson: bad news sir. We've lost the Spidership's beacon.

Greymoran: What? When?

Jackson: An hour ago I'd say. Somewhere over Earth. Or rather, my, their, Earth. *throws hands up in confusion*

Greymoran, looking paniced: Oh dear. Rita, plot a course for my son's universe. We have to find out what happened. By Helm I hope Radagast didn't escape.

By Protectors of the Void on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 7:46 pm:

NO! We are reinstating the ban on interdimensional travel. The barriers are up, once again. First, the non-native beings in this universe will be returned.

Radagast disappears from the stasis unit on the wrecked Spidermobile and appears on the bridge of Greymoran's ship, still unconcious.

The White Star fleet disappears from the staging area at Alpha Centauri and reappears somewhere in its home universe.

Now begone!

By Anonymous on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 7:57 pm:

Ohhhkay, now this has changed from `LICC 2 Part X' to `Greymoran\Radagast Part Whatever!'

By Brian Webber, feeling a little hot under the collar on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 8:07 pm:

Protector of the Void: I was TRYING to get some closure here ****weed! There would be a post from body saying here, Greymoran saying thanks, and everything returning to normal. But you ruined it ***hole! God ****, I wish people would stop ****ing all over me for trying to be creative!

By Lisa Kajiwara on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 8:17 pm:

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Calm down Brian. I agree that Protector is a bit of a yutz, but you overreacted. You are doing a good thing trying to get closure here.

To the rest of you, some of the people here have amazing memories. What would happen if one person said "Hey, is Radagast still in suspended animation? What happened to his tube? Did it break when the ship crashed?" You know what will happen? Brian, if he's the kind of guy I think is, will feel obligated to say, yes, it broke, and Radagast is loose. This is a great thing Brian is doing, trying to wrap it up. He's trying to get rid of Radagast forever (at least from this board anyway). So give him credit. It's not perfect what he's doing. But what person here can honestly claim to be the best story teller who ever lived? None I would imagine. So please, go easy on the kid (I assume he's a kid). He's doing the best he can.

Back to Brian. You sir, need to calm down, like I said before. I've been reading the LICC posts for awhile, and I notice you tend to drift towards anger, even when no one is verbally assaulting you, and that is a problem. I recommend getting professional help.

By Furby on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 8:29 pm:

Oh sh*t, O'kaky-baby has better shields now! Evasive maneuvers! Shields to maximum!

The antiproton pulse misses the Timeship.

That was close. Fortunately his sensors have difficulties to track us. Brother, fire again at the ship. He should concentrate his fire at us and neglect the main battle.

By PotV on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 8:30 pm:

Forgive me. Now I'm being rude. Go ahead with your story. I'm very sorry.

Welcome Lisa. It's always good to see other people taking an interest in our story. How long have you been reading LICC?

By Kremin Warrior on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 9:04 pm:

A warrior appears and hits the brown wizard with a chroniton time erasing pluse from "Year in hell"

He is fading but showing resistance.

By Brian Floyd, also known as BladeWolf... on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 9:24 pm:

Webber, take what Lisa said to heart; if you saw my posts earlier where I got mad because of the O'kak story starting, or my now-deleted rant over in NovaQuest (man, I hate that name), you know that it doesn't exactly help make the others like you! I think you need to take some time off and think before you post again if you're having trouble calming down; wait a day or so before you come back. We'll still be here!:)

By See the post before this one.... on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 9:27 pm:

Oh, yeah....anyone who wants can come on over to NovaQuest. We need more people; the board's going pretty slow right now, and we need to speed it up, so I'm inviting you all to....

Come on down! You're the next contestant on the Price is....er, I mean....come on over to NovaQuest....because whacking a dragon with a mace is a good thing! ;)

By Last post of Darth pah Armus ever, sort of on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 9:36 pm:

Armus slowly comes too again.

The dwaft and kid are no where to be seen. in their stead are a dark tall sith apprentice, a member of a insectitoid race, which ressembles a giant mantis.

"Welcome Darth Pah Armus, you might be wondering why we took you, captive. Well, I am Darth Zorak.". After you and Ccabe exiled me to Jarso, I wandered around begging for scraps. I eventually got into one of Hamburger Pattie's warp points and was sent to the Dragon ball Universe. There I joined up with Frieja and the Ginyu Gang. I even had my own saga. "Zorak Saga" I was trained into the greatest fighter, eventually turning on that •••••• lizard. However, I was destroyed by Goku. My corspe was found during the Android saga, rebuilt into Zorcell. I spent centuries searching for the Dragon balls. I made two wishes, one was for immortallity, the other to be brought here. I contacted the O'nakians, they agreed to attack Earth. While they hatched their own plot, I worked behind the scenes working on a way to capture you.
(Brandishes tail)
Darth Armus procedes to blast Zorak with all his energy, Zorak shruggs it off, moves with lighting fast speed, and absorbs Armus.

They began to merge into Darth Mortis.

By Solemn-Voiced Announcer on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 9:51 pm:

And so perished a long-cherished institution of the League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions...

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 9:55 pm:

Author's note: Time to finish the Radagast thread...

That's right... I almost forgot about that Radagast character.
Adon reaches under his cloak, and inexplicitly, pulls out a stasis tube with Radagast inside. He writes a quick note, sticks it to the tube, and opens a portal. He pushes the tube through the portal, which promptly vanishes.

There. What if Jadlad were to teleport me to those coordinates. If I don't send a coded response, then its a trap... just follow the sounds of explosions to find me... if that is all right with Jadlad.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 10:08 pm:

I don't know, Adon. Maybe I'd better accompany you. Better to work as a team, and I know how O'kak thinks. At least I did, before he managed to capture Earth...

By Brian Webber on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 11:09 pm:

A holographic image of Tacomna's clone appears smiling.

"Don't have much time guys, but we can't thank you enough for catching Radagast for us. As you can imagine, the last thing we need is another bad guy running amok. Maybe someday we can get together and talk about how you accomplished. Till then, have fun. And wish us luck in capturing jake Grey."

Yea! It's finally over! So long suckers! I'm gonna play with my spin-off now!

By Quincy K. Rocket on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 12:12 am:

Quincy looks at Adon & Milkshake

Jadlad said he can only take one person with him. Let me adjust my STST, and you can use it!

He kneels down next to the teleporter pad, pulls out some tools and the circuitboard he asked Commander Milkshake to hand him (on the last board), and makes some quick modifications

There....that should work.....

(Author's note: I hate to say this about Webber, but considering his attitude...good riddance! My little `fit' was a one-time thing, but his has been building up for a long time!)

By Dont insult Brian Webber. Youll only make it worse. on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 12:17 am:

Quincy your name is? Well, now they'll all know who to blame when i start up a new annoying subplot! Thanks, buddy :) *inset evil laughter*

By Quincys Author on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 12:25 am:

Uh-oh! *inset `bring it on, come get some-type dashing smile'*

By Insert Foot In Mouth.... on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 12:33 am:

Me and my big mouth!.... (don't worry; I can always go over to HIS board, if he starts something here...) :)

By Me Again on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 12:52 am:

Forget that last post; Nawdle's p.o.'d at me, and anyone reading these last few posts probably is, too! If this causes problems, I'll leave LICC for good!

By Brian Webber, grinning like an idiot at the moment on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 1:02 am:

Aw forget it. I'm not in the mood to be bitter right now. I just learned that I may be able to do an interview with meredith Vieira! Can you believe it? Oh that would so cool. She is SO sexy (go to my webpage as soon as it's back up and check out my dedication to her if you don't believe me).

Carry on boys!

By Jadlad on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 1:24 am:

To answer you Taco. I grabbed a few polymorph rifles, some plasma grenades with launchers, something I've been working on myself (I'll reveal it if and when the time is right).

The Medical supplies I grabbed are three dermal regenerators, two medical tricorders and one emergency Med-kit. Not to mention the Holdoc. That reminds me.

Jadlad picks up the mobile holo-emitter and activates the Doctor.

Doctor, You better go check on Quantum Man.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 7:55 am:

Ok... Adon, Milkshake, go to the coordinates indicated to see if it's safe. If it is, contact us.

By In the Timeship on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 8:56 am:

Furby: Set a collision course to the O'kak warship ahead of us!

alt-Furby: I really don't know if that's a wise idea?!

Furby: <Schwrznggr> Trust me! </Schwrznggr> I want to see some nice fireworks!

Pursued by the O'kak flagship the Timeship accelerates. Both O'kak ships fire but miss the Timeship and hit each other. The flagship has better weapons and shields and thus the Timeship passes by a cloud of ionized gas a short time later.

Furby: How's that! I got this idea from a computer game a long time ago!

By Commander Milkshake on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 11:29 am:

Ready, Adon?

Milkshake pulls out yet another of his ubiquitous large scary weapons, turns on his personal shields, and activates the transporter. The two Commanders shimmer and disappear.

By PD Insane on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 11:30 am:

Hey, look, GiantLand! Oh, ****, the O'kaks have taken over!

By 43242nd Plot Twist on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 11:31 am:

Meanwhile, in orbit, the Furbies are gleefully finishing off O'kakian ship after O'kakian ship. They fail to notice the massive fleet launching from the Eurasian continent and drawing closer, weapons at the ready...

By Ghost of Darth Pah Armus on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 12:34 pm:

Darth Armus appears before Adon in a vision.
Adon, Adon, the sith relics, they were my pimp cane, the ultra pokeball, and the Gore Lockbox. The pimp cane can be used to unlock your dark powers, for in it is a seal on them. Let's just say a long, long time ago your family worked for me a long time ago as sith, but they betrayed me and I sealed most of their power, the cane is weakening. Break it, and the full extent of your power can be know. Darth Mortis will be immortal, but can be absorbed by the ultra ball. Use it on him. He will have to be weakened severely. Then take the orbs of light and darkness, the Ultraball and put them in the lockbox. There no one can get to them. Help me Adon Kenobi, your my only hope

Oh, my final words are

Et tu, Zorak.

Darth Pah Armus returns to the nameless darkness from which he emerged 16 billion years ago.

By Ubermensch on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 12:37 pm:

Ubermensch appears over Eurasia with the Luthenwaif, they engage the fleet. They'll take care of it.

By A minor incident that will come back to haunt us a year from now on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 12:39 pm:

A shadowly form, goes into the wreakage of the Spidership II, grabs a small bag of marbles and leaves

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 2:30 pm:

Tacoman is looking over the the former Spidership's inventory, comparing it to what the crew was able to rescue
Hmm.. it says here that somebody had a small bag of marbles, and I don't see them here...

By PD Insane on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 2:31 pm:

It's a conspiracy.

By Annoying K-NIT TV-47 Viewer on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 2:55 pm:

Hey! The LICC has lost its marbles!

By Commander Adon on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 3:12 pm:

Commanders Adon and Milkshake appear in the center of a spherical room, floating in mid-air. The reason that they are floating is because they were in an anti-gravity room. Standing on the walls using magnetic boots were O'Kaks guards. Each one was pointing a weapon at the center of the sphere where Adon and Milkshake floated helplessly. They were completely surrounded.

Adon looked around the room.

This may be just me... but I think that this was a trap.

The lead guard shouted out: "Silence! Our leader will be pleased that we not only captured that detestable Milkshake, but the Wanderer as well."

By Commander Milkshake on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 3:30 pm:

Milkshake whispers to Adon

Notice anything strange about these guards, Adon? They look like O'kakians Borg-ized, or...X-CwXized! I have a bad feeling about this...

By Bob The Q on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 5:43 pm:

{suddenly there is a flash of light and out of it steps Bob the Q wearing black robes} It looks like I arrived just in the nick of time. The q high council wishes to pay you all back for your aid in the Q-war a few months back, so they sent me. Q would have come too, however had other business to attend to. Now for your payment. {he snaps his fingers and there is a new Spidership} your going to like this it is more durable than the last one.plus there is a redshirt replicater so you never have to requsition any more. Plus I have decided to stay and help in this war.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 5:55 pm:

Tacoman to Milkshake, is everything alright? Come in Steve!
Tacoman looks out the window of the Observer's apartment and sees a new and advanced Spidership sitting near the ruins of a building
Thanks Bob!

By Anonymous on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 5:56 pm:

I think I need some aspirin, how about you?

By Rocket Ranger on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 6:08 pm:

Author's note (god, I hate posting that):Darn it! When it was time to get a new ship, I was going to suggest the team go for something new, like a Mantisship or a Cricketship or something!! (Just kidding!! :) )

Now, back to the story....

Quincy looks out the same window as Tacoman, and sees the new ship

Hmmm....except for a few minor differences....it looks the same as the old ship! (He looks at Bob the Q) I don't suppose it has a fully functioning electronic & mechanical engineering lab, does it? (He looks at Tacoman) So...do we go and see why Adon and Milkshake aren't answering, or do we go and hook up with the Resistance?

By Captain Tacoman, getting plans on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 7:07 pm:

Observer, you don't happen to have a replicator, do you?
the Observer points to a small cabinet. The cabinet opens, revealing a replicator. Tacoman programs it to construct a hover-generator.
Ok... we send this to where we beamed Milkshake and Adon. We can cause it to transmit its findings to Observer's holovision set. If they're in danger, we take the new ship and find the resistance, and then rescue Milkshake and Adon.

By Greeting from the Comm System on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 7:18 pm:

Furby here. The orbital battle looks better than expected. Our Timeship is chased by the enemy flagship - those guys are firing at us but usually missing. Instead they hit their own ships! Hahaha! But we'll get a problem when the last minor ship is destroyed because our temporal weapon doesn't work against the flagship. Uh-oh. Any ideas?

BTW, what is a Luthenwaif?

By Ubermensch on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 8:43 pm:

(Note: Luthenwaif is a bad spelling of the German Air force during the second world war.)

Uber and two planes are flying, they are shooting, U is boring through bulkheads, until
he is struck by a beam of incredible power.

Ubermencsh: AHHHHHHHHHH!

The next thing Uber sees is a Mantis flying at him. It has the horrible eyes of a symbiont, the beak and profile of a mantis, black armor, and a tail with a giant red beam shoting out at Uber. He goes hand to hand, working faster than Uber could hope to. He then sends his horrible energy called the Necrocharge. Ubermensches corpse falls to Earth. The Mantis grabs it and tosses it directly into the Brandenburg Gate. Darth Mortis destroyed the Last Son of Inner Earth. Now he is heading to the spidership. Will our heroes beat this final menace, with unlimited power and unrestrained malice?

Ubermensch is lying broken amoung the remains of the heart of the German nations.

By Quincy K. Rocket on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 10:04 pm:

Quincy looks out the window

I guess I'd better get the SnowCrane out of the sewers and get the redshirts and blueshirts onto the NEW spidership.....(he pulls the right sleeve of his jacket back, revealing a silver, black and teal wristband. He flips up a panel on the wristband, and presses a couple of buttons)
There! The phase-cloak's reactivated, and the SnowCrane should come up in a few minutes.

By Brian Webber on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 10:08 pm:

Uber: It's Luftwaffe I believe (the correct spelling).

By The Acme Redshirt Company on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 10:10 pm:

As Bob the Q says, "a redshirt replicater so you never have to requsition any more", a loud cry of despair is heard...

OH NO!!!

By Brian Floyd....still BladeWolf in NQ! on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 10:25 pm:

Yep, Webber's right....its Luftwaffe (thank you, Hogan's Heroes re-runs! (Just kidding....I've read books on Baron Manfred von Richtofen...aka the Red Baron))

By the way, Webber, if you do get to that interview, let me know when its out....I'm curious to see how you write (I think the oriental woman on The View...can't think of her name...is hotter, btw).

By Big-Time Iron Chef Fan 1 on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 10:35 pm:

On board the SnowCrane, down in the sewers, the redshirts and blueshirts are still watching a marathon of Iron Chef episodes....*

Voice on TV:.....The Octopus Battle is ovah!!
(*cut to commercial*)

Female Redshirt (Yep, she's still alive!):I kind of thought one of them should have used some onions and mushrooms. Would've worked perfectly with the texture of octopus!

Another redshirt:I don't know....I thought that dish the challenger made where he took the octopus and put in those parchment... The engines start up, interrupting the conversation What the heck?!.....

Outside, another redshirt is...er...adding water to the sewers. As he finishes, he hears the engines, and turns just in time to see the ship rise and dematerialize through the top of the sewer

Abandoned reshirt:NOOOOOOO!!! I'm still down here! Suddenly a giant alligator comes out of nowhere and swallows him whole!

* The Octopus battle was #1 in the Fan's Choice Marathon. Its barely even in my top 5!

By Brian Webber, young horny guy on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 10:37 pm:

Floyd: Lisa Ling? Yeah, she OK, I guess, but Meredith is way hotter. You know who else is gorgeous? Deborah Norville. I love the shows of inside Edition when she's worn those skirts, and you can see those sexy legs of hers. Oh man, what I wouldn't do to get her and Meredith into my bed.

By Brian Floyd, playing censor! on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 10:42 pm:

WATCH IT! This is a PG-Rated board! (I prefer redheads, myself) Now let this be last we speak of it....unless someone wants to start a hot-babe chat board.....

By Brian Webber on Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 10:50 pm:

Redheads? Yeah, I like redheads too. Lea Thompson is cute (when she's red anyway). And Gillian Anderson! Me-ow!

By Adons Escape Attempt on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 7:41 am:

Adon and Milkshake were being led down a long corridor by several O'Kaks guards. Their hands were bound together by some sort of futuristic material that even Adon couldn't break. The leader of the guards was carrying Adon's sword in a crude sheath.

Adon was dragging his feet to give himself more time to think of an escape route. One of the guards was growing impatient, and he kept hitting Adon in the back with the butt of his weapon.

Finally, Adon had enough. He dropped to the floor and spun around on one leg, sweeping the guards around him off their feet. One of the guards that wasn't knocked over brought up his weapon and fired. Adon was faster, and instead of hitting Adon, the shot hit the bonds, breaking them.

Adon began dodging attacks from the guards and tried to make his way to Commander Milkshake. He didn't see the leader of the guards come up behind him until it was too late. Adon turned around just in time to see the flat end of his sword coming down. That was the last thing he saw for awhile...

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 7:44 am:

So people, shall we wander to the new ship?

By Furby on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 8:47 am:

Hey what's that? Is it an O'kak ship? Is it a plane? Is it a mantis? No, it's Darth Mortis!

Brother, give me the old spellbook! Fast! Good, hmmm, Mungo, Mothra, Mortis, hmm, fine! Ha! Haha! Hahaha!

The Furby speaks the magic word towards the approaching Darth Mortis.


Suddenly the Darth becomes stiff like a brick and his flying abilities also change into that of a brick. He falls down to Earth and creates a formidable crater on impact.

Could please somebody take a very embarassing picture of him now and send it to the Sith Council?

By Lt. Liza on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 8:47 am:

RE: the LICC'S lost marbles.

I've found the lost marbles is cargo bay 22.

By Quincy is Rocket Ranger again! on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 9:11 am:

(If you ask me, LICC lost its marbles a long time ago! :) )

I guess I'd better armor up again, just in case! (Quincy stands with his arms at his sides, then does some posing, throwing his arms out in various unnecessary motions (ala Power Rangers), then slams his bracelets together) Rocket Ranger....Rocket Power! (Suddenly, in a flash of light, he is wearing a different suit of armor than the one he had on earlier; this one matches the coloring of Quincy's jacket; black armor, with silver and teal trim. The armor is also slightly heavier than the other armor) There...that's better! This is my normal armor, by the way....the suit I had on before is my SnowCrane Pilot armor! I have three other suits, by the way.....

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 10:17 am:

Milkshake suddenly bends over, and using his suit's formidable strength, snaps his bonds, grabs the two guards flanking him, and smashes them both into the wall. He pulls out his plasma rifle, riddles the remaining guards with crackling energy, and grabs Adon and beams out of the building. That was the plan, anyway.

What really happened was that Milkshake bent over, used his suit's formidable strength, failed to snap the bonds, sort of desperately pushed one guard into the wall, kicked out at the other one and missed, and suffered a stun blast from the first guard.


Milkshake slumps to the ground, and as luck would have it, falls directly on Adon's sword, which immediately cuts his bonds. In a flash, Milkshake grabs the fearsome sword, and destroys the two guards. Swinging the mighty sword with both gauntleted hands, he carves straight through the enemy cyborgs between himself and Adon. He makes it to the unconcious Wanderer, slings Adon over his shoulder, and activates his armor's transporter unit.

By Darth Mortis on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 10:21 am:

Darth Mortis comes around and chops furby in half with his front claws.

I am a mantis, I have double team attack. Kicks his parts. You seem to think my evil can be fought with magic.

At that moment, Darth Mortis discharges red smoke from his armor it spreads through the ship and when it subsides, all clothing is red. Darth Mortis can really go killing at will.

(Furby: Remember the rules about shooting Tacoman)

By Yet Another K-NIT TV-47 viewer on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 10:28 am:

Whoa! Furby-bashing is back! I wonder if ANYBODY has taken the Pesti-Sith seriously...

By Anonymous on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 12:16 pm:

I'm not sure Darth Mortis' author can get away with chopping Furby in half....unless both characters have the same author......hmmmm......

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 12:55 pm:

Milkshake and Adon reappear in a dark room, which appears to be a closet of some sort. Milkshake opens his emergency first-aid kit and uses a tissue regenerator to fix Adon's concussion, then hyposprays him with a stimulant. The Wanderer slowly comes around. As soon as Adon awakens, Milkshake's sword hand suddenly becomes numb, and Adon's sword drops from his paralyzed fingers. Adon reaches over to take the weapon, and Milkshake's hand returns to normal.

Weird. I wonder why I could touch it when...no matter. Adon, are you all right? I had the second set of coordinates programmed into my suit transporter and I took us there. I have no idea where we are actually, so be ready in case this is another trap.

By Commander Adon on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 1:11 pm:

Adon slowly staggers to his feet.
Thanks for the rescue. I have one monster headache right now. I did have an interesting vision, though.

Adon tells Commander Milkshake about the message from Ghost of Darth Pah Armus.
I wonder what it means. And when we get back, I am going to have a long talk with The Observer's friendly neighbor.

By Furby on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 1:12 pm:

You can't kill the Furby! It was a hallucination!

BTW, did you ever hear of "rigor mortis"? And it would be really funny when the extremely powerful Darth Mortis can be stopped for a short time just with one little word...

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 1:17 pm:

Very impressive, Rocket.
The remaining crew wander to the bridge. It has all the bells and whistles that can be found in all the major spaceship and spaceship accessories catalog. Including...
Hey, a command chair with the works... drink holder, recliner option... what's this button do?
Tacoman presses the button, which shows various displays on the arms of the chair
Very nice... ooohh.. a rich Corinthian leather...

By Furby on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 1:39 pm:

Furby to Tacoman, Furby to Tacoman, requesting assistance! It's getting hot here in the orbit. I think we could handle the O'kak battleship yet another year or so but there is a new adversary. I managed to paralyze this Darth Mortis for a short time but that guy seems to be quite nasty.

Of course the Sith Council is laughing at him right now - they've got a very special photo.

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 2:14 pm:

Rocket Ranger,having overheard Furby's message, walks around and looks at the bridge, then steps over to talk to Tacoman

You want me to go take the SnowCrane and give him some assistance? My ship's got a few nasty surprises you haven't seen yet!

By Drizzt DoUrden on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 2:40 pm:

Tacoman heads below decks to check out his new quarters. "Cushy" he thinks to himself.

Suddenly he hears a strange noise. He jumps and turns to see a blob of yellow goo on the floor. Wondering what is it, he reaches for it. it moves, and slaps him in the face.

Suddenly his eye water, and sever pain courses through his body. Running through his memory he quickly realizes what has happened. The "blob" thing is a solid mass of mustard gas. Tacoman needs to get the holodoc soon or he'll die. But how to get past the blob, who inches toward him menacingly? He can barely talk, so the communicator may be out of the question.

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 3:06 pm:

Tacoman, in pain, activates his wrist mounted lasers and fires at the blob, stunning it. He tries to move around it, but it still seems to follow him. Moving toward the replicator, Tacoman punches in an order for a standard phaser. The phaser appears, and Tacoman sets it for kill. He fires at the blob, dispersing it. He rushes into the corridor, about to black out. In despiration, he reaches for the comm panel and sends a morris code message to Rocket Ranger. With that, he falls to the floor, unconscious, a victim of a mysterious malevolent mustard gas

By Commander Adon on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 7:41 pm:

I think that I should call for my ride, this party is getting boring.

Adon pulls out a tricorder and scans the area.
We seem to be in an abandoned part of the city. And we are also close to the outer wall. Time to call my ride.

Adon pulls out a communication device and presses a button on top. Meanwhile, out in the ocean, a submarine was searching Adon's combat-suit. It found what it was looking for when a pair of green eyes lit up and the suit sat up. Before the sub could do anything, the suit shot out of the ocean and into the atmosphere. It quickly flew to the harbor and landed. It then walked toward the building where Commanders Milkshake and Adon were hiding, oblivious to the shots that O'Kaks were taking at it. The massive machine stopped at Adon and Milkshake's building.

Stand back. This will get messy.
Seconds after Adon spoke these words, the nearby wall exploded. The object withdrew from the wall and revealed itself to be the base of the combat-suit's shield. The the suit held out its hand toward Adon and the cockpit's hatch opened. Adon hopped from the building into the cockpit.

Don't worry, Commander. This will get Captain Tacoman's attention.
Then the hatch closed. The suit turned around and opened up on the O'Kak troopers on the opposite side of the street with its shoulder cannons.

By jheti on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 8:20 pm:

Redshirt 1 to Redshirt 2: ...and so the guy says to the panda, who gave you the bl;ack eye?

Redshirt 2 to Redshirt 1: That's not funny.

Redshirt 1 to Redshirt 2: Oh what do you know about humour you donkey raping •••• eat-

Redshirt 2: Oh my god! It's the captain!

Redshirt 1: What did this to him?

Redshirt 2, covering his nose: I don't know but whatever it is it stinks and stings. let's get him to sickbay.

*on the way to sickbay Redshirt 2 dies of an anurism*

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 8:49 pm:

Rocket Ranger runs down the hall, in time to see the redshirt keel over dead, and helps the other redshirt take Taco to the sickbay. He then backtracks, only to find where Tacoman was attacked. He activates his armor's sensors, only to find.....another mustard gas blob! As the blob moves toward him, Rocket fires a blast of C02 from his armor's right gauntlet, freezing the gas blob solid! He takes the blob to the lab for analysis.

Author's Note:Rocket Ranger can't be gassed; his armor's fully sealed, with a self-recycling, auto-filtered oxygen system. Someone write an analysis post if you want...I'm not going to follow up on it.

By Drizzt DoUrden on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 8:56 pm:

Quick analysis of the creature turns up something disturbing. No one is quite sure what kind of creature it is, or where it came from, but one thing is certain. It's been through a dimensional portal.

By The Observer on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 9:05 pm:

(Observer appears just as Tacoman is rushed into the sickbay.)

Computer, activate the EMH!

"Warning, General Protection Fault in module HOLO-3XCCDEMH."

Drat. Well, haven't used this in years, but it still should work.

(Observer raises his hands and chants an ancient spell.)

Extraxi toxicum nidor, captio crystallinus!

(Tacoman's body glows, and the otherworldly mustard gas is purged from every cell of his body. The gas is drawn from him and thickens, then solidifies, into numerous harmless crystals surrounding the Captain's body.)

Let's hope that worked.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 9:21 pm:

A dark apartment sits. Suddenly, it's door breaks in. Rikard walks in with a phaser rifle. He's in the apartment of Observer's neighbor. He looks around for about five minutes before going into the guy's room. He opens the closet. The man lies, tied, gagged, and unconcious. Rikard feels for a pulse. He feels a weak one.

Rikard to Spidership. Two to beam directly to Sickbay.

The two disappear in the transporter's beam only to appear in Sickbay.

I found the neighbor except he's unconcious and he may need medical attention.

He sees an unconcious Tacoman with crystals surrounding him.

What happened to him?

By The Observer on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 9:50 pm:

(Observer walks over to the stricken neighbor)

He was poisoned. A type of intelligent gas, it attacked him and infiltrated all of his cells. I managed to remove the toxin. He should be fine with a little rest. Now...

(Observer looks at the neighbor)

This is Sam Powell, lives in the apartment one level below me. What is he doing here?

(Rikard tells Observer about the ambush set for Milkshake and Adon.)

Incredible. Sam never had a malicious bone in his body. Something must be wrong here.

(Observer places one hand on Sam's forehead, then draws back in surprise.)

Mind Control. An electronic source. I know this. Here, help me with this, Commander.

(Observer and Rikard set up the medical sensor banks over the prostrate neighbor.)

Scanning, there. A chip, just outside the temporal lobe. Crude connections. Should be safe to remove.

(Observer and Rikard move to the surgery transporter, preparing to beam the chip away. As they concentrate on the delicate procedures of transporter surgery, they fail to notice the patient's skin slowly taking on the white and green color of an X-CwX drone. They also fail to notice the assimilated neighbor getting up from the biobed and moving towards them.)

By Dramatic Effect on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 9:50 pm:

Redshirt 1: We found him in the hallway sir. He was unconscious. We think it was a gas based attack because the smell almost overpowered me and the Redshirt I was walking with. It smelled like rotten mustard sir. Rocket Ranger found another blob and froze it for examination by the EMH as soon as soon as we can get him back on-line.

*Redshirt 1 accidentally touches a hypospray with penacilin, to which he is allergic. He dies before anyone can do anything.*

By The Annoying Talking Bombs Return! on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 10:14 pm:

A transporter effect occurs, and something materializes on an unused bed in Sickbay.

Hi! I'm a 30 second bomb!
Hi! I'm a 29 second bomb!
Hi! I'm a 28 second bomb!
Hi! I'm a 27 second bomb!

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 10:44 pm:

Rocket Ranger walks into sickbay, just in time to see the bombs

Oh? They want to go that route, do they? Well, I don't think so!! (Rocket Ranger points at each bomb. As he does so, each bomb is sucked up into a portal that opens above it, and the portal closes!) Had a group of terrorists that used that trick back on Saturn! After they pulled it the third time, I developed that little trick I just pulled! My armor's sensors perform a quick scan, then send the bombs back where they came from....five seconds before each is due to explode! (He pauses, smiling under his helmet) Someone's getting a very nasty surprise about now!

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 10:53 pm:

Rocket Ranger activates his armor's comm-system

Rocket Ranger to bridge! Activate shields immediately! We just had someone transport some bombs into sickbay, and we need to make sure they can't try that trick again! (He switches channels) Jadlad, Colanator, report to sickbay asap, please. I have an idea, and I need your help!

By Jadlad on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 11:02 pm:

On my way. I've got the Doctor from the Spidership II and Quantum Man with me.

Jadlad and Holodoc from the second Spidership walk into sickbay helping keep Quantum Man upright.

Came as fast we could.

By Medical Blueshirt on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 11:21 pm:

Calm down, Rocket Ranger. The Annoying Talking Bombs show up all the time. You deal with it, just like redshirt deaths.

By Attorney wearing a grey flannel suit and patent leather shoes on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 11:23 pm:

Excuse me, I'm from Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe, attorneys at law, and I'm here to serve Bob the Q with a lawsuit from the Acme Redshirt Company for restraint of trade.

Do you know where I can find him/

By Guess Who on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 11:37 pm:

A phone booth appears sliding down. Two teenage boys step out.

Ted: Look Bill! That female Blueshirt looks just like your mom dude! Remember when I asked her to the prom?

Bill: Shut up Ted! We've got to finish our history report!

Both: Later future dudes!

They get in the phonebooth and it disappears into the foor.

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, January 19, 2001 - 11:51 pm:

Rocket Ranger looks at Jadlad

Why do I have the sudden urge to play air guitar?!

RR turns around, just in time to see the X-cwX drone. He yells:

Observer! Rikard! Watch out!

By Franklin Blair on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 12:00 am:

I must regret to inform you that Planet Taco is closing its doors. We simply could not compete with Wacky Steve's lower prices and unique flavors. All remaining assets are being sold to Wacky Steve's so we can pay outstanding debts.

Thank you.
Franklin Blair, founder of Planet Taco.

By Another Commercial! on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 1:31 am:

We proudly announce the grand opening of the new dining experience....Chish and Fips! Chish and Fips, with twelve...yes, TWELVE...locations to serve you! You haven't lived until you've tried our special recipie Rocky Mountain Oysters with our own trademarked, patented, copyrighted AND certified Garlic, Chocolate, and Teryaki sauce! Dine on our famous Tuna Tortellini with Peanut Butter Gravy! Kids twelve and under eat free!

(Chish and Fips is a wholly-owned subsidiary or Galvanized Salvage and Fertilizer, Inc.)

By Padawan, desperately trying to keep continuity! on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 3:58 am:

RE: the LICC'S lost marbles.

I've found the lost marbles is cargo bay 22.

Ccabe, please try to read previous posts. The marbles really were stolen, by a mysterious shadowly figure. They are not in Cargo Bay 22. Of course, Bob the Queue might have created more marbles to go there.

By PD Insane on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 4:02 am:

Wahey! My tactical station has levers and switches and smart colours. Adon's is just LCARS.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 6:40 am:

Tacoman is still asleep, but you can his eyes twitching furiously. We focus in on the eyes, and are immediately in Tacoman's dream. He is surrounded by a number of the bad guys that he has confronted over the years, all of them chanting
Go to the dark light! You have the capacity for evil within you! Turn to the Dark Side!
Tacoman: Never! I will never turn evil!
A figure walks toward Tacoman.. It is Taconator, but he is wearing Radagast's clothes. He smiles in an evil way and says:
Yes, you have the evil within you, my son. Don't fight it.
Tacoman: NOOOOO!!!!
Suddenly, the host of evil decend upon Tacoman. In sickbay, panels showing Tacoman's condition start sending alarms. Back in the dream, the evil nanites manage to infect Tacoman's dream body. Back in sickbay, Tacoman's eyes turn an errie red color, and he begins to rise, pull out a weapon, and aim at the nearest person, who happens to be Rocket. Back in the dream, Tacoman manages to fight and defeat the various evil guys, including the nanites. Back in sickbay, the red in Tacoman's eyes fade. He notices the drone advancing on Observer and Rikard and fires his phaser at the drone.
Oohh.. what happened? The last thing I remember is something yellow attacking me...
With that, he lies down on the bed again

By Darth Mortis on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 11:40 am:

I have made Furby half the toy he used to be, now, I must prepare for the final battle

Flys away

By Lt Commander Rikard on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 2:40 pm:

Watch out!

Rikard turns around at Rocket's warning and reaches for his rifle as the drone is shot in the back...

By Bob The Q on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 3:55 pm:

Did I hear that someone was looking for me? Well let's just fix that. {He snaps his fingers and the attorney disappears} Whoever said that being a q was not any fun did not know what he was talking about. now to fix the other problem {He snaps his fingers again and any remaining mustard gas disappears} I really relished that. but seriosly, saddle up and lock and load.

By Dream Sequencer on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 4:22 pm:

Tacoman slips into his dream state again. This time he's standing in full uniform on the brige of a ship he doesn't recognize. The chairs are all toppled, a hole is in the viewscreen. Outside is an aird desert world, yet Tacoman has no trouble breathing. Panels are blown out. A large hump of metal is on the floor next to him. Next to that pile is a bent and broken BAR (WWII era assault rifle) gun. The shadows of two people that were apparently holding onto each other are burnt into the rear wall of the bridge. A hand is on the floor, preventing the turbolift door from closing all the way. Tacoman reluctantly walks over to see the hand is still attached to an arm, which is attached to a torso, wearing his uniform. Instincitvely he knows it's his clone, the one he sent to join his father. He then realizes where he is. The bridge of the Archangel. The air is dead and stale, as if it were a million years old. He walks through the turbolift door, removes the hand and heads below deck to the engine room. He finds the tattered remians of a uniform he's never seen before. It's blue, but that's all he can tell. "Carrie!" he screams, hoping that wise-ass computer his father introduced him to was still on-line. Nothing. He walks the length of the ship over and over again until he finds the mess hall. A battle was fought here. Tables and chairs are strewn about in pieces. Burn marks cover almost every inch of the walls. He sees the light reflect off something shiny. He picks it up. It's his father's Dragon & Lion facing each other in ayin-yang style amulet, surrpsingly intact, considering how most other metals aboard are rusted. He leaves the mess hall through the opposite door, and falls flat on his face on the surface of the planet. Looking up he realizes that half the ship has been sheared off. He looks forward again, to see something sticking out of the sand. The closer he gets to it, the more the wind starts to pick up. He reaches it. It's a pair of makeshit tombstones. The tombstones bare the respective names, Tom and Angelina Murphy. "Everyone I cared about is dead." Tacoman leaps at the voice and turns around to see his father. Greymoran appears old and haggard, walking on a cane made of scrap metal. "You, Adon, and Milkshake are on the other side you know. And over that mountain lies the Spidership IV. Only a week old she was. The others are there, scrounging for what little food can be found there. I still come here from time to time to see you my son. Your spirit still roams here, though only in my dreams." "What happened father?" "It, happened." he points to the sky. Tacoman realizes that a gigantic gray orb is floating over th planet. "He loves to watch us suffer and die on this acursed ball of dust." Greymorn coughs out. "For almost a thousand years we've been trapped here. With no hope, and only our companionship to keep us alive." Greymoran starts to lose his balance. Tacoman is unable to move, and just watches dumbfounded as his father falls to his knees. "I failed you!" He screams to the air. "I failed you all!" Tacoman begins to cry, hearing his father scream such a primal scream. "How can I stop this from happening?" he chokes out.

Tacoman awakes in sickbay.

By Brian Webber on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 4:35 pm:

Oh wait. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. Do the rules of character control apply to dream sequences? I hope not. I think this is proably one of my best posts ever! So heavy and dramatic! Man I wish I could write that good whenever I try to start a novel (writer's block sucks).

By BF on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 5:04 pm:

Amen, Webber! Amen! Writer's block sucks BIG TIME! (liked the dream sequence, btw) I've got an idea for a novel I've been working on for several weeks, and I still haven't gotten past the character creation stage!

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 5:12 pm:

As everyone is standing in sickbay, something else arrives via transporter; a purple creature, vaguely humanoid. It is about eight feet tall, with a reptillian head that has four black horns. The creature has black spike-like projections on its knuckles, and on its back. It hisses. As the creature begins to move toward Tacoman, Rocket Ranger notices:

Not again! I told the bridge to get those shields up!

Two 16mm energy cannons fold out from the shoulders of RR's armor and lock into place. He fires the cannons, and two blue-green balls of energy impact on the creature, blowing it to pieces; all that is left is a black stain on the ground where it stood. The guns then retract back into RR's armor.

Jadlad, come with me..... (He heads toward the door. As he walks, he activates his armor's comm-system) Colanator, meet me and Jadlad in the Electronics Lab. I need your help with something, please.

By Brian Webber on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 5:22 pm:

BF: Thanks, but unless Tacoman himself comments on the dream thing, I won't know how well it REALLY went over.

By alt-Furby on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 5:46 pm:

Brother, now that this new Darth player is gone, what shall we do with the O'kak ship?

By Commander Adon on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 6:51 pm:

Adon's Combat-suit walked through the streets of New York. Carefully cradled in its left hand was Commander Milkshake. There were O'Kak troops throughout the city firing at the suit, but their weapons didn't have enough power to make it through the suit's armor.
I've computed where those coordinates were, so I am going to pay them another visit. I've also detected the Spidership's beacon. I'm going to drop you off there and head out.

Eventually, the suit kneeled down in the clearing where the new Spidership was and gently set Commander Milkshake down. Then the suit got up and walked away, ignoring the shots that were being taken at it from the surrounding buildings.

When it was far enough away, it jumped into the air, transformed into its plane mode, and quickly gained altitude on its way into orbit.

By Drizzt DoUrden on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 6:56 pm:

Note to Adon's author: It may be time to unleash Adon's fury in a way that rivals his brutal beating of Darth Terror earlier.

By Darth Mortis on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 8:17 pm:

Darth Mortis is stalking Adon, from beyond detection and lower than radar. The Civilian Civil Defense volenterrs are watching for him.

He starts circleing the Earth seven times to prepare for ramming speed at near light speeds

By I hear that voice again on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 8:20 pm:

As Adon flies upward, he hears a voice in his head. But unlike most of the voices he and Tacoman had been subjected to in recent weeks, this voice, while unrecognizable, was benevolent, and kind. "You need not turn to evil to realize your full potential Adon. And you need not be angry to deliver your justice."

By Commander Adon on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 8:53 pm:

Adon's combat-suit reached orbit and transformed into robot mode. He flew towards a nearby space station. As he approached, he was caught in some sort of tractor beam.

Adon was thrown forward against the restraints.

What is that? Computer: Identify what happened.

Computer: "We have been caught in a tractor beam. Unknown tech detected."

Computer: D-Link. Identify unknown tech.

Computer in another voice: Technology appears to be X-cwX in origin."

This is bad.

By These voices, I hear them on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 8:58 pm:

The voice appears again.

Adon, this is nothing you can't handle. You must come to your full potential.For the good of our people you must.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 9:28 pm:

Tacoman sits up on the biobed, shaking his head. He looks around sickbay, noticing both the downed drone and the stain
Where the heck is everybody? I have a couple of strange dreams to relate... the first I think I understood, but the second was just plain weird...

By Brian Webber, proud writer on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 9:44 pm:

Jon Wade: I take it you liked my little dramtic interlude than? :)

By Brian Webber, proud writer on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 9:45 pm:

Jon Wade: I take it you liked my little dramatic interlude than? :)

By Brian Webber on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 9:46 pm:

oops! Sorry about the double post.

By Anonymous on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 10:12 pm:

It happens. :)

By Lt Commander Rikard on Saturday, January 20, 2001 - 10:49 pm:

Rikard's fighter lands in the landing bay. He gets out and walks to the doors.

Computer, who's in command if Tacoman is in Sickbay and Adon and Milkshake are not on the ship?
Computer: Commander Colanator
Rikard: Okay. Where is he now.
Computer: Electronics Lab

Rikard goes to the Electronics Lab.

By Rocket Ranger....starting his plan on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 1:19 am:

Rocket Ranger is in the Electronics Lab with Jadlad and Colanator. He is working on a strange, spherical object that appears to be made of a bluish-gray metal with a glowing red crystal suspended in the middle RR turns the device on; it begins humming, and the crystal's glow flashes between red and white.

Commander Colanator, I needed you here because you're the ship's Chief Engineer. Can you tie this device into the ship's power source and hook it up so it can be controlled from the bridge? Its a new weapons system modification that I think will come in handy!

By Bob The Q on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 11:53 am:

About these dreams you have been having, tell me of them. {Tacoman tells the Q of his dreams and of the voices that he and Adon have been hearing} It's an orb you say? and black too? If that's what I think it is than this does not bode well. Two millenia ago there was a renegade Q named Seglar, who would go to varios planets in the multiverse and do what you just described. He was eventully sentenced and imprisoned. He was so evil, He made the sith Q look like Adon. Perhaps I will stay longer.

By Anoying Anonymous Nitpicker on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 3:09 pm:

Actually the orb was gray, and looked more like a ship than an actual orb.

By K-NIT TV-47 Viewer on Sunday, September 30, 2001 - 10:59 pm:

I love these reruns.

By Confused Redshirt on Wednesday, December 05, 2001 - 9:16 am:

AAH! Another Temporal Paradox, I'm stuck all the way back here! Help!

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