League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XI

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XI
By Drizzt DoUrden on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 1:26 am:

Previously on LICC;

Rocket Ranger had some kind of plan.

By BF, aka the Author of Rocket Ranger on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 3:34 am:

Yep, and he's not explaining any more of it until Colanator makes a post, answering his question! :)

By Meanwhile, in the Vault of Forgotten Characters on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 4:14 am:

Klassikos begins construction on his new personal craft. It is similar to a Greek trireme, with three levels of engines and nacelles, painted eyes, and a shape rather like a terrestrial sailing ship.

I christen (that's a Greek word meaning annoint, nothing to do with Jesus, but the term "Christ" derives from it) you... the Hektor!

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 9:40 am:

Computer, locate Rocket Ranger.
Computer: Rocket Ranger is in the Electronics lab.
Thank you computer.
Tacoman wanders down to the lab where he sees the modifications going on
Rocket, would the box of stuff you gave me come in handy? The chips to enhance the sensors and other systems?
By the way, I just had a couple of strange dreams...
Tacoman proceedes to tell Rocket his dreams
...yes, that's right.. I was dreaming about the Spidership IV and the Archangel... It was an intersting dream, but I don't know if it was just a dream or a premonition or what...

By Commander Adon on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 10:08 am:

Adon's voice came over the intercom
Adon to Spidership. I have some bad news. Don't use those coordinates, they are a trap. Commander Milkshake and I managed to escape, and I took my suit back to see where the coordinates were. It turns out that it is a space station, and there is X-cwX technology on board!

Now, you must excuse me... I have a tractor beam to worry about.

By Furby on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 10:10 am:

Uh... Help? Help!

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 5:02 pm:

Rocket, I think it's time to launch this ship and suprise the heck out of the remaining O'kakian ships... plus, we need to rescue Furby and Adon.

By Quantum Man on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 5:19 pm:

Since nobody else in the command crew is on the bridge, Quantum Man has taken the conn.

We're ready here on the bridge. Will the regular crew be coming up?

By Rocket Ranger on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 5:41 pm:

Good idea, Captain. Since Colanator's giving me the silent treatment, could you order someone to tie this device of mine into the ship's power source and set it up so it can be controlled from the bridge? I think it would be a good idea to put the controls in your command chair. And yes, I think the box would come in handy; we wouldn't want another Polymorph Rifle malfunction, would we?

He pauses, and motions toward his spherical device

This is a power-booster, among other things; it will automatically increase the power of the ship's weapons and defenses by 25%! In addition, it is also a weapons system; Something I was working on back on Saturn, and I finally finished it. I call it the Phasonator Mk. I! Think of it as a Phase-Cloak beam....anything struck by it will become temporarily intangible, and the weapon's controls let you turn the effect off whenever you want.....however, the effect automatically wears off after two hours if it hasn't already been de-activated.....I tried to make the effect permanent, but that's the best I could do.

(Author's note: Milkshake, don't forget about the wristband RR gave you.....especially if the X-cwX attack! (But don't use the silver button!))

By Commander Adon on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 5:53 pm:

Adon's Combat-Suit was twisting and turning in space, caught in a tractor beam. Blue jets of flame was spouting every which way as it tried to escape the beam.

Come on! Come ON! Lets get out!

The suit pointed its main rifle at the tractor beam emitter and fired. The beam began to loose cohesion as it traveled down the tractor beam. By the time it would have hit the emitter, the weapon was completely dispersed. The shoulder cannons had a similar result, as the physical rounds were pushed aside.

In the cockpit, Adon sat back in despair. The docking bay was looming closer and closer.

This keeps getting worse and worse. At least I can self detonate inside they bay. That should at least hurt them.

Adon accidently hit a control and the arm moved out of the tractor beam. He couldn't angle the big gun to hit the station from outside the beam, but he could throw something. He pulled out the beam saber and ignited it. Then he reached outside the beam and threw the saber at the emitter. The blade hit the emitter and cut off the beam. As soon as the beam was gone, Adon was too.

By BF on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 5:54 pm:

To recap (from part IX) so you don't have to go check, the red button is a one-minute duration personal force-field that takes one hour to self-recharge after being used. The black button is a holographic overlay device that makes you appear to be a normal, nondescript human in casual clothing, but the overlay can be seen through by anyone within 5 feet of you (appears transparent; they can only get a slight hint of what you really look like)

And the silver button? I think I'll keep that my little secret for now.....wouldn't want to ruin the surprise! :) I will give you a clue, however: think `Iron Man'! (And I don't mean the Black Sabbath song!)

By Lord of the Hamburgers on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 8:37 pm:

LICC hasn't answered our message. Something must be wrong.....helm, take us to Earth, maximum warp. We'll pick up a few supplies, then see if we can find them.

Sgt. Fortesky turns toward LotH when he hears the mention of `Earth'.

Earth? Good! I can go to Denver and check in with my precinct! My `medical leave of absence' is almost over, and I'm tempted to quit the force!

Blotzus' voice comes over the comm

This is Blotzus in Engineering. I'm afraid the warp-drive's acting up, and we don't have the parts to fix it! The best we can manage is warp 2.2!

(LotH slams his hand on the console) Blast! At that speed it will take us at least a month to reach Earth!}

Bigg M.A.K.K. turns away from the sensor grid According to my built-in computation system, exactly one month, four days, five hours, and seventeen-point-nine minutes, boss.

LotH: Not good enough! (He activates the inter-ship comm system) Blotzus, I don't care if you have to strip parts from every part of the ship to do it, but I want you to see if you can repair the warp-drive enough so we can reach at least warp 4! (He switches channels) Medi-Computer, what is the condition of Onion Ringster?

Medi-Computer(over comm-system): Onion Ringster's physical condition rating is 100 percent. However, he has not regained consciousness. This is a property of the Heal-o-Matic. Estimation: he should regain consciousness within 1.4 hours.

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 8:46 pm:

Tacoman inspects the power-booster from all sides and with a minimum of effort connects it to the ship's power source.
There. Remember, before I was captain, I was the chief repair person of the original Spidership.
Tacoman opens his suit flap, revealing the keypad again. He presses the combination and the wormhole reappears. He reaches in and pulls out the box Rocket gave him. He opens the box, revealing two closed compartments. One says "spare chips" and the other says "do not open yet." Tacoman opens the spare chips compartment and begins inserting the chips in the places they needed to go.
All crew to your stations. We'll be taking off to face the O'kak fleet in a few minutes.
Tacoman and the rest of the bridge crew, along with Rocket, make their way to the bridge. Tacoman quickly connects the controls for the power booster to the ops station. He also puts a set of secondary controls to the Command Chair, just in case
All systems, report.

By Neelix, in charge of the coffee on Sunday, January 21, 2001 - 9:49 pm:

The Coffee maker is damaged. As for the other systems, you might want to ask someone else.

By Hemaphrodite Redshirt on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 12:41 am:

Spidership IV sir? This is only Spidership III. Does that mean this one's gonna get blown up too?

*A beam falls, a panel explodes, a heart attack occurs, and yet the Redshirt miraculously survives*

Whew! That was close!

By Adons Author on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 7:45 am:

Dramatic Effect, please don't write a whole lot of action or dialogue for Adon. You can put voices is his head, but please don't make him do things. (Since I am Adon, I should decide if he listens to the voices in his head.) If he keeps acting like this, there are going to be some serious repercussions when he sees the Conclave again.

Please delete that post All Powerful Moderator.

By Rocket Ranger, asking Captain Tacoman for permission on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 8:30 am:

Captain, I don't know what was left of the X-cwX drone that you shot in sickbay, but I would like to examine the remains; I might be able to adapt some of their technology for our own use, or I could come up with a way to reverse the process and turn them back to normal!

(Author's note:Yes, I have a reason for this; just planning for the future!) :)

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 10:32 am:

Rocket, you have my permission.
Josh, prepare for liftoff. Insane, get the weapons online. We have some O'kaks to kick around.

By Doggy Doo the wonder dog on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 11:24 am:

Riam ra rtalking rdog, rrsent ro attrack kids. Wolf!

By Commander Adon on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 11:25 am:

A small O'Kak cruiser was bearing down on the Furby's timeship when a yellow beam of energy hit came from above, destroying the cruiser. The Furbies looked up and saw Adon's Combat-Suit wave at them before it flew off in another direction.

That should buy them a little more time. Now to... an alarm when off. What now?

The space station was rotating to face the suit. There was a very large gun mounted on one side of the station. The barrel was big enough to fly the suit into with room to spare. And to make matters worse, there was a red glow in the depths of the barrel. Then, the weapon fired.

It was a beautiful effect. As the beam quickly traveled through space, it left a trail of smaller explosions as it hit tiny particles of matter. Fortunately, the beam didn't hit Adon but it did accidently destroy a number of O'Kak fighters and damage a large O'Kak destroyer.

Adon to Spidership, we have a new problem. That space station has a nasty toy on it. I wouldn't want to be hit by that beam, that's for sure.

By Lieutenant PD Insane on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 11:25 am:

Weapons online, captain! I'm sending a comminique to some allied planets, so they can help.

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 12:27 pm:

Good idea, Insane.
Hmm.. I wonder why a space station would need such a powerful weapon... Perhaps it intends to destroy and conquer planets from here...

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 12:41 pm:

I'm going to go analyze the drone's remains. If anything comes of it, I'll let you know. (He starts to walk out, but stops and turns toward Captain Tacoman) Don't forget about the Phasonator! It may come in handy against that space station! (He leaves the bridge)

By Catalogue of Ships on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 1:20 pm:

There was the Kronos fleet of 16, led by the tactical genius Mi'TaQ, a descendant of General Martok, on his ship, the Vengeance. There was also the Romulan wing of 25, commanded by Sretek, son of Tarmek, on his ship, the Defender. There was the Voth fleet of 9 large ships, and the T'Nai (who LICC made contact with in an unscreened adventure) with 31 runabout fighters let by one standard ship and a fleet of 9 from Nevermoon. There was also a Mon Calamari cruiser put in by the Queue for fun and given to a race called the Milosians. There were a few other Star Wars ships, namely, three Blockade Runners, 12 X-wings and a Corellian freighter. The Wanderers, led by Gnalon, had a fleet of 33 ships. There were also 5 Whitestars and 4 refitted Blue Midgets (with laser cannons). Also one like the Nova 5 and a Starbug.

By Dramatic Effect on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 2:05 pm:

Adon's Author: OK. Hey, do you include your e-mail address when you post? Maybe I could just run some of my ideas by you before hand. Too bad. I thought the idea of Adon bringing down the sheilds with one punch would've been a cool effect to visiualize. But hey, I'm not upset. They can't all be winners you know.

But you're right. It's really up to you to listen to those voices. Speaking of which, how'd you like 'em? I actually spent an hour or so figuring out exactly what to type (perfectionist talking).

By Incoming Message on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 2:36 pm:

This is the O'kakian Spacestation Victory at Terra. Surrender, or we will destroy the concentration camps holding your fellow humans. Do not risk their lives for your purpose.

The station aims the huge cannon at Earth.

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 2:40 pm:

The turbolift doors open, and Milkshake runs onto the bridge.

Sorry, something's wrong with the lift, it wouldn't take me to the bridge. There might be some bugs in the computer. Captain, maybe we should go after the O'kakian Command, in New Atlantis. If we can rally our forces and recapture the capital, their command structure would be knocked off-balance.

By Furby on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 3:18 pm:

I'd say it's time for really desperate actions...

The Timeship flies into the barrel of the station's cannon. Ok, the O'kakian flagship can't reach it there but...But!

By Brian Webber on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 3:26 pm:

Furby: Do I smell a nopble sacrifice coming? Well at least no one can accuse ME of being too serious anymore. How much more serious and dramatic can you get than a noble sacrifce?

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 3:30 pm:

Might I suggest finding a way to neutralize or damage the space station's shields so we can use the transporters? We could use the Redshirt Replicator to make dozens of redshirts, strap a bomb to each one, then transport them over there! What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

We could use the Phasonator! Then we could use the two hours that the space station is intangible to replicate as many redshirts and bombs as possible!

(Author's note: Just how big is this space station, compared in size to say, Babylon 5 or a Borg Cube?)

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 3:34 pm:

RR, you do realize we are now dealing with 64th century technology? It seems like the O'kakians should be able to counter anything!

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 4:06 pm:

Good takeoff by the way, Josh.. I hardly felt it..
Insane, fire the Phasonator at the station! It's time to see what this baby can do. Then, with the help of the massive fleet headed this way, we take on the remaining O'kak ships. And then, with the crews of the various ships, we go to New Atlantas... unless, of course, we just want to blast O'kakian command from orbit...

By Ubermensch on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 4:15 pm:

Uber rose from the ashes of the gate, He slowly regenerated and looked up to fly.

"Good Lord"

Uber looks up into the sky. beyond the realm of Woden, lies the vast O'karian warrship filing the sky. He has a feeling that Valhalla is nearing, that his death is soon. He starts flying to into space, knowing he has seen his beloved fatherland for what might be the last time.

By Commander Adon on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 4:18 pm:

Adon fired yet another shot from his beam rifle. The blast hit the shield and sent a ripple along the hull. No damage was done to the space station.

As far as I can tell, the station has skin-tight shields. This thing dwarfs every ship around here, including that flagship!

Adon tried to fire another shot, but nothing happened. The gun was empty. Adon plugged the rifle into its recharge port between the shield and the arm. He then used his left arm to pull out the other beam saber out of its recharge port on the right shoulder armor, quickly switched the handle to the right hand, and ignited the saber.

A single fighter tried to attack, but the suit side-stepped the fighter and cut it in half with its saber.

By Darth Mortis on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 4:19 pm:

Mortis is standing on Mt. Everest, slowly waiting for a challenge. If none are recieved, he will destroy the earth.

By Youre just jealous cause the voices are talking to ME! on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 4:34 pm:

The voice returns.

Adon, you must unleash your desire to protect your friends. Let it explode from every pore! Justice is your mission Adon, and you have been granted power never seen by any Wanderer before!

By AN ENRAGED BOB THE Q on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 4:50 pm:

I'll give you a hand. [he floats thru the ceiling and withen seconds on the roof of the Spidership. He speaks in a booming voice.} HOWABOUT A PIECE OF THIS ACTION!!! {He outstretches his and they begin to glow. suddenly several Okak ships fall out of the sky. He speaks again} THERE"S MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROM. THE Q ALWAYS REPAYS THOSE BACK IN KIND. WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE ME AT FULL POWER.

By Quantum Man on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 5:10 pm:

Captain, should I fire the Polymorph Rifle at the O'kakian station?

By Surprise! on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 5:34 pm:

A scrambled comm transmission reaches Darth Mortis. They only word he can understand is "Rigor!"

Oups, paralyzed again!

By Yet Another Incoming Message on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 5:49 pm:

We won't give you a chance to reach full power, "Immortal". In the 64th century we had/will have no need of meddling omnipotents.

The space around Bob the Q begins to glow, brighter and brighter. Before the powerful being can react, the light disappears, and Bob with it.

We can see you will not comply, "heroes". Watch your brethren die.

The massive cannon on the O'kakian space station glows with energy.

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 6:03 pm:

Quantum Man, fire the Polymorph rifle at the station. Insane, fire the Phasonator weapon at the main warship.
Ready and prepare to fire ALL weapons. With the new power-booster and the chips to go with it, we should have a lot more firepower.
Hmm.. is the station's shields vulnerable to iron, I wonder...

By Captain Tacoman, adding something on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 6:05 pm:

Oh yes.. send the following message to the ships coming to help us:
You may attack the O'kaks when ready.

By Furby on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 6:11 pm:

Tinky-Winky, now would be the right moment to activate the temporal power capacitor.

By Plot Constipation on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 6:11 pm:

Holodoc: Hmm this is wierd.

Hemaphroditic Redshirt from earlier: What is?

Holodoc: You can't die. I've injected you with every poison known to exist and you never even noticed. Then there was that mess on the bridge where you hit in the head by a beam that would've crushed a car and didn't even get a bruise. You are Unbreakable (free plug for one of the coolest movies from last year).

Since he's not really a redshirt anymore, let's give him a name. How about, Jason Kiehart: Surely you can't be serious!

Holodoc: I am serious. And don't call me Shriley.

Jason Kiehart: Wow! this means I might actually become a real crewmember!

Holodoc: EMH to Tacoman. We've got a problem. There's a Redshirt here with Pinochio syndrome.

By Plot Calculation on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 6:24 pm:

A very small creature crawls through the Jeffries tube just below the bridge, and snickering, severs the power coupling leading to the command center.

By BF on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 6:40 pm:

Wow! First we have a redshirt who can only sustain minor injuries (see first appearance of Female Redshirt; she's only had a sprained ankle so far, and I ain't gonna let her get killed off!), and now we've got one who's unkillable! Next thing you know, LICC will have a semi-regular TEAM of redshirts! (OH, GOD, NO!)

By Rocket Ranger, up to something..... on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 6:54 pm:

64th century, eh? I wonder (pauses) *sigh* .....well, its better than nothing...

(Without saying another word, RR leaves the bridge. He heads to the the shuttle bay and removes a crate from the SnowCrane, then transports it to the Electronics Lab)

I just hope I can get this assembled in time!

By Dramatic Effect on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 7:22 pm:

Holodoc: perhaps you should consider a transfer "Jason." There really is no room on this ship for an unkillable redshirt. We already have a redshirt who survives an awful lot. Perhaps the captain can see to it that you serve with his father?

Jason: You mean that Greymoran guy? I don't know. He's a little creepy lookin' if you ask me.

Holodoc: Wouldn't know. Never really met the man for more than two seconds.

By The Amazing Quantum Man on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 7:47 pm:

{Quantum Man pushes the button to fire the Polymorph Rifle at the O'kak station... Because of the Plot Calculation, nothing happens.

Quantum Man runs a quick diagnostic on the console, and discovers the cut cable. He begins to glow lavender. As he pushes the button a second time, the lavender glow flows down the wire, and when it reaches the break in the cable, causes a quantum tunneling effect, allowing the circuit to be completed.

The Polymorph Rifle fires, and a glow surrounds the O'kak station.}

Got him! Captain, someone has cut the wires to this control panel.

The Polymorph effect begins to fade away, and we see the effect on the O'kak station. It is...


By Acme Redshirt Company Commercial on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 7:50 pm:

Hi, Friends! We here at the Acme Redshirt Company would like to thank you for your business in the past. Unfortunately, our biggest account no longer appears to need our services, and we are going out of business. That's right, all of our redshirts are on sale at discount prices!

Save 10, 20, 30% and more!

So come on down to the Acme Redshirt Company!

Oh, and Thanks for Nothing, LICC!

By Commerical made by the Monty Python Advertising Agency on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 7:51 pm:

Make sure you use the incredible power of American made Crelm toothpaste on the Chinese Communist Conspiracy that's rotting away at your teeth!

By Dear Sirs on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 7:53 pm:

Letter to Acme Redshirt Company:

Female Redshirt and Jason Kiehart seem to be simple flukes, and Jason may be transferring soon anyway. You may not have to go out of business after all!

By Plot Computation on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 8:17 pm:

Just as the O'kakian space station is about to fire on one of the concentration camps down on Earth, the familiar Polymorph Beam fires from the Spidermobile! It strikes the massive fleet-support platform, and a purple glow surrounds the station. The station shimmers, and changes into....

A LARGER O'kakian space station. And a ton of ripe cottage cheese. Unfortunately, the cottage cheese is the Polymorphed remains of the crew of the original station, so the space platform sits there, uncontrolled.

By Dramatic Effect on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 8:26 pm:

Jason Kiehart, back on the Bridge: Uh-oh. Well, on the bright side, at least it's not 'targetting' us. Oh sure, it's firing blindly causing damage to everything in sight, but it's not targetting us anymore. Right? *laughs sheepishly*

Holodoc on the comm: Captain could you send Mr. kiehart back to sickbay please? I haven't finished my tests!

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 8:42 pm:

Over the comm-system, Rocket Ranger hears about what happened to the space station. He quits working on the equipment that he removed from the crate he took off of the SnowCrane.

Well, I guess we won't be needing this after all...I think I'll start examining the remains of the X-cwX drone now! (He activates his armor's comm system) Rocket Ranger to sickbay....could you please beam the remains of the X-cwX drone to the Electronics Lab? I'm going to see if I can modify any of the technology for our use!

By Commander Adon on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 8:48 pm:

Beam saber in hand, Adon's Combat-Suit flew towards the station. A cloud of fighters were in his way, trying to prevent him from reaching his target. Adon, meanwhile, was slicing any enemy fighter that he came across.

Got to Hurry! That thing's going to fire any minute, and it will probably be pointed at the Earth when it does! Gah! Rotten fighters... GET OUT OF MY WAY!

Another fighter was cut in half and exploded, but Adon was too busy to notice.

By Dramatic Effect on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 8:51 pm:

A massive purple portal opens, and out comes a massive gray sphere. A front panel on it opens, and a large cannon extends forward. A massive ball of green light comes out and slams into the O'Kak battle station. The commander of the savior ship hails the Spidership.

"Please don't mistake this as an indication I like you Mr. Tacoman. You may recognize me. My name is Jake Grey. And I did what I did, simply because I want the pleaseure of killing you myself. I wasn't about to let some upstart alien empire steal what is rightfully mine. So long."

The ship disappears into another portal.

Tacoman frowns.

"I think we should tell my dad about this."

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 8:51 pm:

While waiting for a response from sickbay, Rocket Ranger contacts the bridge.

Captain, if you plan on sending anyone over to the space station, I suggest you give them the box marked "Do not open yet" that you put in the wormhole. It could come in handy if there are any.... problems on board the space station. I don't know where the contents came from, exactly; I found them in a mysterious pile of wreckage while patrolling a remote region of Saturn on Rynok-back about three months ago. One of the `objects' was on the hand of a dead, bald-headed, red-skinned alien. From the looks of things, he had been dead at least three days. The other `object' was found several feet away from the wreckage, lying in a pile of twisted metal and rocks. Whoever you give the box to, tell them not to touch the glowing sphere with their bare skin! The results would be....uncomfortable.

By Plot Constellation on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 8:56 pm:

The X-CwX drone appears on a workbench in the Electronics Lab. No sooner does Rocket Ranger start to work on it then it sits up, grins, and explodes into a billion pieces.

By Dramatic Effect on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 9:05 pm:

Oops. Forgot to say what happened after the ball of green light hit. The station shattered into a few hundred thousand pieces.

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 9:05 pm:

Then Rocket Ranger wakes up and sees that the drone is fully intact, except for the burns from where the phaser hit it!

Hmmm.....it'll take at least a couple of hours to examine it with the technology on hand...maybe three!

(Author's note to Plot Constellation: No sabotaging my plans, you dirty rat!) :)

By Plot Monitor on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 9:17 pm:

Note to Dramatic Effect, aka Plot Conternation\Constipation, etc., aka Brian Webber: Don't be too surprised if that post about the space station blowing up into a few hundred thousand pieces gets deleted. And we already took care of the space station before Jake Grey showed up; it wasn't a savior ship, but an interferor ship!

By Drunken Plot Generator on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 9:59 pm:

So, is the O'kak station now destroyed or just the crew polymorphed? The latter would be much more interesting from my point of view. Cheers!

By Plot Monitor on Monday, January 22, 2001 - 10:35 pm:

The crew's just polymorphed, as far as I'm concerned! It was obvious, from the LICC Discussion 4 board that there are plans for the space station.....plans that someone (his initials are Dramatic Effect) shouldn't interfere with!

A spectral voice comes out of nowhere

Sshalll wwwe eerect aa bbarrier tto kkeep ooutt eextradimensional iintereference?

Plot Monitor:No, not just yet!

Bbut ssoon?

Plot Monitor:Maybe; we'll have to see how things proceed!

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 12:49 am:

Computer, give me a comprehensive scan of the drone's outer electronic and cybernetic components. When the scan is finished, encrypt it, code triple-zeta-6, then patch the information into my helmet's HUD and storage memory. Send another copy to the SnowCrane's computer, then delete the information from your memory.

(He starts to leave the room; blue and green lights pass over the drone's corpse, making a slight buzzing sound)

With all the problems that have been going on, I don't want to risk letting someone break into the ship's computer and steal the information!

(He leaves the Electronics Lab, heading for the bridge)

By Narrator on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 7:21 am:

The station, now completely out of control, starts to fire! Fortunately for the LICC/small their temporal device works and saves the Timeship from total destruction. The largest part of the cannon's energy buildup goes straight into the station's shields and causes some quite interesting interference patterns there, thus giving Adon the chance to enter. On the other hand the Timeship is fired like a grenade from the cannon and, yes, it hits the O'kakian flagship, goes straight thru the shields and is finally stuck in the hull.


By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 8:05 am:

Jason, would you like to go to the O'kak station and help? I can give you the box that Rocket gave me...
Send the following message to Greymoran via the Interdimentional communicator:
Tacoman to Greymoran, we just had a strange thing happen...
Tacoman then goest to explain the mysterious cameo appearence by Jake Grey

By Jason on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 8:38 am:

Jason sits back in his chair and puts his feet up on the control panel.

Well, I would, but I'm merely an Author. Perhaps you should ask Adon to do that. Besides, he's closer.

By Captain Tacoman, hoping to clear up confusion on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 10:30 am:

No no... not the Author Jason, the redshirt Jason...

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 10:36 am:

I read you, Captain. Its good to see that we have a new ship. BOOM!!!! Beam the package over too me. I will put it in the space station and hope it does its thing.

Moments later, a box appears below Adon's seat. The Combat-Suit continues heading towards the space station. It hits the shields saber first, and punches a hole big enough for the suit to get through. On the other side of the shield was an empty hanger with globs of cottage cheese here and there.

Adon lands his suit and begins walking towards the center of the station.

Adon to Spidership. I'm inside and the station appears to be abandoned except for the cottage cheese laying around. I am in a corridor leading towards the center of the station. Oddly enough, it is large <BUZZ> for my sui... <BUZZ>. I seem <BUZZ> ...ve reached the... <BUZZ> ...no fur... <BUZZ> ...out <BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...>

By Jason, the author, not the redshirt on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 10:37 am:

Oops... Sorry about that.

By Anonymous on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 11:20 am:

The redshirt Jason should be renamed....again!

By BF on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 11:25 am:

I'm doing this as myself, instead of in-character. If I did it as RR, it would sound like he's giving orders to Tacoman, or advising too much. About the objects in the box that RR gave Tacoman; for plot purposes that I am working on, I'd like PD Insane to get the orange ring, and Jadlad to get the glowing sphere! (Don't worry: I don't plan on having them keep the objects permanently! I have other plans for both items!)

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 11:28 am:

(Author's note: I meant to make that last post after the post where RR has the computer begin scanning the drone, but I was too tired. Sorry.)

Rocket Ranger walks onto the bridge.

Well, I've begun scanning the X-cwX drone to see what I can learn from it. Have I missed anything?

By The Great Emancipator on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 11:43 am:

Darth Mortis... I will take you on!

By Darth Mortis on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 11:45 am:

After hearing the transmission, DM responds with a full band intrared signel. it hits furby, affects his communication port and causes him to switch to spainish.

Hmm, If I remember that Star Wars novel, The one with the Eye of Palatine, the Dark side can be used to take over a ship.
Mortis draws up the blueprint for the station.

By The Great Emancipator on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 11:48 am:

I'm not Furby.

By Catalogue of Ships on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 11:52 am:

The many ships arrive at Earth and begin to take on the O'kakian fleet.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 11:59 am:

Comm, open a channel to the arriving fleet.
Fleet coming to help in the battle, this is Captain Tacoman. Once we have defeated these enemies, I would like some volunteres to storm the O'kakian command post on New Atlantas. Tacoman out.

By Admiral MiTaQ on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 12:02 pm:


Indomitable and Avenger, keep formation with me! Other fleet comamnders, begin your manuevers!

By Bob The Q on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 12:20 pm:

{Suddenly there is a crackling of energy on the Bridge of the SpiderShip and it coalaces into Bob The Q looking rather dazed plus his robes have been torn to shreds} That beam really packs a wallop. Even I need a few minutes to recharge after that one.

By Commander Milkshake on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 12:58 pm:

Captain, I'm reading a great deal of subspace traffic from the Belt. It's strange, because it was silent as a rock, then suddenly all this communication started. I don't know if it's from Allied ships or not...

By Furby on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 2:13 pm:

My brain hurts! What an impact! But alas, it worked! Ha! ... Ouch.

By alt-Furby on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 2:15 pm:

My brain hurts too! Well, the Timeship can be repaired but I suggest we try to take over the O'kakian ship we are stuck in.

Saddle up, lock and load!

By Narrator on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 2:19 pm:

The LICC/small gets all the needed equipment, weapons and special devices and forms an attack formation. Slowly they open a hatch...

By J. Gumby on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 2:20 pm:

My name is J. Gumby, and My Brain Hurts!

By Just for fun on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 2:23 pm:

I know a doctor in the Harley Street who can cure your problems...

The Furby tries to open a comm channel to "Rigor" Mortis but the O'kakian ship blocks the transmission.


By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 2:35 pm:

Commander, I think the subspace traffic is coming from the large number of ships that are coming to help us... At least, I think that's what it is...

By Questioner on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 2:48 pm:

Wouldn't Furby exclaim "Dr*k" or something?

By Apologies All Around on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 3:13 pm:

J. Kiehart: Sure! I'd love to come!

P.S. Sorry about blowing up the station. I'd just been sitting on the Grey "won't let anyone kill you cause I wanna do it myself" thing for a week and was getting itchy. Go ahead and dlete all powerful moderator! I'll use it again later, at a more convenient moment.

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 3:43 pm:

Adon's Combat-Suit stopped at a catwalk. It could go no farther into the station because the corridors were no longer Combat-Suit sized, but normal human sized. Fortunately, the catwalk was at the same level as the suit's hatch. The hatch opened, and Adon stepped out of the suit and hopped over the railing onto the catwalk. With the hatch closing behind him, Adon entered the corridor.

Adon walked down the eerily silent corridor, passing blobs of cottage cheese scatterer here and there. Eventually he came to a large throne room that was mysteriously vacant of cottage cheese.

Adon to Spidership, I seem to have reached the throne room and AAA!

A loud buzzing was heard instead of a reply. Then a laugh echoed through the room.
"They can't hear you, Wanderer. But I can."
The throne slowly turned around. Sitting in the throne was none other than Taconator.

By Darth Mortis on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 4:01 pm:

Freedom fighter, you challenge me? I guess you will become a martyr.

Darth Mortis takes flight and flings a energy ball at nearby Yeti-Sherpa battle, creating a small pit.

All six of his legs emerge

That was a small demonstration of my power. Now how does a petty magician fight death? More pathetic spells, or maybe a few febel punches. I will give you the first punch, and I will get one hit on you. Then the battle will start.

He lowers to the ground.

By Plot Monitor on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 4:46 pm:

Go ahead and blow up the station again later. That post will probably be ignored, too.

Spectral voice:Sshalll Ii Pput uup tthe eextradimensonall bbarrier nnow?

Plot Monitor:NOT JUST YET! If Jake Grey returns and interferes again....MOST DEFINITELY!!

Author's note:The extra letters in Spectral Voice's dialog is meant to resemble an echo, not stuttering, just in case you're wondering.

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 6:04 pm:

*sigh* I planned on doing this later, but.....

Captain, when I came to join LICC, I did not come with just the SnowCrane; On board the Hacklactica, I brought another ship, which is now hiding in a hyperspace rift above the planet with its cloak activated. This ship is called the Thunderwolf, and it can combine with the SnowCrane to form a powerful space combat vehicle called the ThunderCrane or a ground combat unit called the SnowWolf. Due to the circumstances, I think it would be best if I formed the ThunderCrane. We need all the ships we can get!
I need three volunteers to come with me and crew the ship!

(The Female Redshirt walks over to Rocket Ranger)

Count me in, sir! I'm mainly a supply clerk and mechanic, but I have been trained to monitor the science stations!

RR: Okay, that's one....any more volunteers?

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 6:26 pm:

Adon put his hands behind his back. A tiny ball of energy formed in them.

So, why have you come here? And what's with the O'Kaks?

Isn't it obvious? I came here to tear apart that pitiful world that the LICC loves so much. As for the O'Kaks, they also wanted to punish the LICC for what they had done.

You have a lot of guts, allowing me in here.

Adon quickly threw the energy ball at the throne. The ball stopped in mid air, and then flew towards Adon. His own attack hit him, sending him flying back. Taconator laughed.

I'd say that I knew exactly what I was doing.

By Cloneslayer on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 6:47 pm:

A biker apporaches, wearing full black leather, armed to the teeth, and has been training for years. He has been expecting this and gets off his bike and waits for when emacipater fails

He Notices a guy in black, red and yellow with blonde hair in the far distance.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 7:16 pm:

If we need more ships, I could always take my fighter out to fight, unless you need me here, Captain.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 7:35 pm:

Rocket, Josh, take your ships and fight. And good luck to you two.
Tacoman to Ansh, we could use you at the helm.
Contact Adon and check on his situation.... What, we lost contact with him a little while ago? Odd...
Insane, scan the station and see if you can find Adon.
If you can find him, and he needs help, we need to send a team to rescue him.

By Taconator on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 8:50 pm:

Now I must invite the rest of my guest. And to make sure that you don't go anywhere.

Taconator pushed a button and several chains morphed out of the wall, binding Adon to the bulkhead. Adon struggled, but he was unable to break the chains.

Taconator pressed a different button and with the glitter of a transporter beam, Captain Tacoman and Commander Milkshake were standing before the throne.

Now the party can begin.

By Whispers on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 8:59 pm:

The voice returns

Sigh. Why did I bother? Maybe I should find another Wanderer to grant these powers to. Dumbass.

By BF on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 9:33 pm:

Note to Captain Tacoman & Commander Milkshake's authors:


By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 - 9:35 pm:

Okay, the Captain said for me to go launch my ship, but I still need two more volunteers; one for weapons, and one for tactical. I'm manning the helm myself. Is there anyone on board who can handle the job?

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 6:21 am:

Tacoman blinks in suprise and looks around. His eyes wander to the throne, where he sees Taconator
YOU! I should have suspected it when I saw scan of the O'kak ships with 64th century improvements!
Tacoman is forced to kneel before the throne due to a force field of some sort
Why are you doing this to us? Time to see what the silver button does!
Struggling, Tacoman presses the silver button on his wristband

By Lt Commander Rikard on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 9:12 am:

What in the world is going on? All hands, this is Rikard. Tacoman and Milkshake are gone. We're going to need help up here. End message.

It's time to go over to that station. Volunteers?

By Quantum Man on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 9:21 am:

I'll go.

By The Real Taconator on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 9:26 am:

Very interesting, Captain. Is that supposed to do something?

Tacoman hears the voice behind him, and out steps ANOTHER Taconator.

Yes, I find that being two places at once is SO helpful sometimes. I sincerely hope that you have not grown too attached to your new Spidermobile, for it can measure its lifespan in minutes.

Taconator turns to the Taconator on the throne.

Now, brother, how shall we dispose of these two? I know! Let's take them down to the planet and see what our dear friend O'kak thinks. Then we can destroy their friends in a particularly gruesome way.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 9:32 am:

Commander Milkshake stuggles against the forcefield as the two Taconators converse. He finally manages to punch the silver button on his gauntlet. In a flash of light, he is suddenly covered with a bright silver exoskeleton, and easily resists the forcefield. He stands and points his gauntlet at one of the Taconators.

Die, creep!

He fires, and...

By Cloneslayer on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 10:40 am:

Cloneslayer grew impaitent. he whipped out his plastic explosives and surrounded the area with enoght C-10 to blow up the Indian subcotinent. After laying down the plan 2, he loaded his weaponry and pulled machine guns. he blasted enoghth tefealon coated bullets into Darth Mortis for 3 hours. He then pulled out a rocket launcher for a couple hours, and repetedly blasted him. hen he got out the plasma weaponry, and went on with that for a couple days. Realizeing this wasn't working, at least not in time for his background check by the feds to restock, He built a anti aircraft gun, and fired that for a week. Nonthing worked.

By Darth Mortis on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 10:42 am:

Uh, you get first punch, not first weapon raid. I am invinacble, while in defensive mode.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 10:49 am:

With another button push, Tacoman is wearing an exoskeleton much like Milkshake has on. He exits the forcefield, replicates a dangerous looking weapon and aims and fires at the other Taconator
Plot to destroy my crew, will you?

By The Great Emancipator on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 11:49 am:

Ha! Watch this!


Cloneslayer is bound up.


Mortis goes firm.

By Lieutenant PD Insane on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 12:00 pm:

Rikard, I think I'll stay here and guard the ship. I'll need to do repairs on the lightsabre anyway.

Ansh: I'll handle the helm, OK?

Sure thing. Ensign Powers, you take ops. Frankovsky, tactical.

Frankovsky: Both tactical stations, Lieutenant?

No, get Ensign Who or What or Idontknow or someone to take the other one.

PD Insane gets an intraship transmission from Rocket Ranger.

Cool, and orange ring.

By Mortis, Slayer and Uber on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 12:39 pm:

All three hit a button on their arm

Shield of Indifference activated.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 2:27 pm:

The team consisting of Rikard, Quantum Man, and various redshirts headed for the transporter room.
We should probably tell Rocket Ranger what we're doing. Insane, this is Rikard. Hail Rocket Ranger and inform him on what we're doing.

Knowing the Captain, Milkshake, and Adon, they'll probably have escaped before we even find them.

The team, armed with various weapons, beamed to the station.

By BF on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 3:12 pm:

Author's note:Yep, the armored exo-skeleton's were my idea! I e-mailed the info to JD. Make up whatever weapons you want to go with the armor; it also greatly increases the wearer's strength; you could go toe-to-toe with the Hulk in a slugfest! And don't forget the force-field button if you need it....it should still be on your armor's gauntlet.

By Jadlad on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 3:27 pm:

I'll help you out at tactical R.R.. Hey, this sphere is bluish-green, with cool yellow sparks inside! PIZZA POWER!

Jadlad dimension hops to Evasive Countermeasures.

By Rocket Ranger on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 3:35 pm:

Okay, thanks Jadlad. It looks like no one volunterering to take Weapons, so I'll just patch them through to my helmet and control them cybernetically. It's a pain to take the helm AND control the weapons, but I've done it before!

(Rocket Ranger cybernetically activates the SnowCrane's transporter, and beams himself and the Female Redshirt to the ship. They appear at the appropriate stations)

Everyone buckle their seatbelts. This is going to get rough! (RR activates the ship's engines)

By Rocket Ranger on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 3:53 pm:

Author's note: everyone should be worried; PD Insane has a Power Ring! (Just call him Orange Lantern!) :)

The SnowCrane launches from the shuttle bay and heads farther out into space to rendevous with the Thunderwolf. Suddenly a pair of O'kak fighters, both slightly larger than the SnowCrane, attack. The SnowCrane easily dodges their blasts, then maneuvers around and fires a series of rapid-fire bluish-purple energy pulses. The O'kak ships explode when the energy pulses hit. The SnowCrane turns and continues toward the Thunderwolf's hiding place. After a few minutes, a hyperspace warp opens and the Thunderwolf emerges. The Thunderwolf is over twice the size of the SnowCrane, and is red and black in color, with silver and white trim. The SnowCrane stops in front of the Thunderwolf, turns around, and dives underneath the larger ship. The SnowCrane moves into place and locks into place; the SnowCrane's upper hull is merged with the Thunderwolf's lower hull.

I'm transporting us to the Thunderwolf's bridge. The transformation into the ThunderCrane should start soon!

(The transporters activate, and the crew appear at the same stations on the Thunderwolf's bridge; it is about 3/4 the size of the spidership's bridge)

As soon as the transformation is complete, I'll start the engines!

(The Thunderwolf and SnowCrane begin to transform. After about two minutes, the TWO ships have become ONE ship: The ThunderCrane!)

Okay....lets go! (Rocket Ranger activates the ship's engines and the ThunderCrane takes off at warp 1. Inside RR's armor, crosshairs appear on the visor, and a small screen in the lower left corner of his vision provides data on the status of the ship's weapons. Jadlad has control of the ship's defenses and tactical data, while the Female Redshirt has non-combat sensors and communications.)

By Mabel, wife of the Exec Producer on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 4:00 pm:

On the next episode of LICC,
(Footage of people dieing, Ships blowing up and Tacoman saying "Hamburger Pattie!",)

Will the captian make the ULTIMATE sacrifice?

By Anonymous on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 4:05 pm:

It's `DYING', doofus!

By Bob The Q on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 6:28 pm:

{meanwhile in Sickbay, Bob The Q is fully rested. He looks up and with his eyes crackling with energy says "it's time" He disappear thru the ceiling and comes out on the outside of the Spidership} ENEMIES OF EARTH, PREPARE FOR MY FULL WRAITH!!!! {THe Q crackles with so much energy that it can be seen from the moon. He then directs that energy at the surronding O'kak ships withinb seconds, Systems on board the varios ships begin to fail as dozons of Okak explode. many Okak ship begin to retreat higher into the atmosphere.} that should take the wind out of their sales.

By Bob the Q on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 6:41 pm:

That should be sails.

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