League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part
By Mabel on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 3:55 pm:

On the last episode of LICC, our heros prepared for the final battle.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 4:27 pm:

My god.. those shots should have stopped either of the Taconators, but it only slowed them down!
Tacoman grabs one of the Taconators, now with a large hole in his stomach, and slams him to the floor
Steve, how could there be two Taconators?

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 4:34 pm:

Adon, mean while, was watching the entire battle from his spot on the wall where he was still chained up.
I don't know how there could be two Taconators, but I could use some help here.

By Taconator on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 4:43 pm:

Taconator's voice echoes throughout the room.

Fool, you think I would still limit myself to ONE form! I am greater than that!

The metal floor of the throne room bulges and morphs, and many, many Taconators, all identical, rise out of the floor. Tacoman and Milkshake blast several to pieces, but they just reform and the remaining Taconators press in on them until they are swarmed over and restrained.

I control your planet, Captain. Every computer system and piece of machinery is under my control. You seem to forget that in the future, I controlled an entire race! And I shall do so again, when the entire population of Earth become my very loyal subjects. And you shall witness it firsthand.

Outside the viewports, the Earth rotates into view as the station begins to smoothly enter the atmosphere. The massive platform is heading straight for New Atlantis.

We shall join my compatriot, and see what interesting fate you deserve.

By IEEEK! on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 5:48 pm:

The O'kakian flagship's got herpes!

By Rocket Ranger, piloting the ThunderCrane on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 6:07 pm:

(Rocket Ranger maneuvers the ThunderCrane near the plummeting station. He launches a barrage of energy-pulses, at least two dozen, at the top of the station, and a series of ten quantum torpedoes, aimed right at the bottom of the station.)

Uh.....redshirt, whatever your name is, hail the spidership! We've got to stop that thing before it reaches New Atlantis!

By Taconator on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 6:52 pm:

Taconator, his replicas morphed away after Tacoman and Milkshake were restrained, sits back onto the throne. He watches the ThunderCrane's weapons impact harmlessly on the shields, and chuckles.

Oh, this is too amusing. I think its time to bring out my little surprise, to keep your allies busy while my green Warlord friend and I fulfill our plans. You might have been wondering why my occupying ships are such pushovers. Alas, they were but decoys, meant to draw attention away from my fleet hidden in your Asteroid Belt. Now, they will show themselves.

From all directions of the solar plane warp thousands of ships. Instead of the familiar O'kakian war cruisers, they most resemble the terrible X-CwX battleships the League encountered in the Battle for the Future. The massive fleet neatly pounces on the Allied fleet from all sides and begins blasting their ships apart.

By Rocket Ranger on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 6:59 pm:

I've gotta get out of this clunky armor! It's interfering with my piloting skills! (There is a brief flash of light, and Rocket Ranger is now wearing his lighter, silver, teal, and black space/pilot armor) Much better! redshirt, have you hailed the spidership yet?

Female Redshirt: yes, sir. They're on the comm now!

Rocket Ranger: Rocket Ranger to spidership. The station's headed for New Atlantis! We're going to try and stop it! If we fail......well, lets just hope it doesn't come to that. Rocket Ranger, out!

The ThunderCrane hammers at the platform with a barrage of energy-pulse blasts, which seem to have no effect.

No good...I'm going to have to fire all weapons at once. If this doesn't work, I have one more idea, but that's it!

(Rocket Ranger pours on the speed, firing every weapon the ThunderCrane has; Electromagnetic Pulse mines, Energy Pulse cannons,Quantum torpedoes, turbolasers, cryo-missiles, and rapid-fire lightning cannons.)

Don't know if that'll do it or not, but just in case, get ready, crew! The ship's about to transform again! FORM....THUNDERHAMMER!!!!

By BF on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 7:02 pm:

Note to Taconator's author:

Those Electromagetic Pulse mines the ThunderCrane fired will destroy the shields! Don't bother trying to reactivate them; won't work AT ALL! :)

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 7:08 pm:

Adon called over from his hang out on the wall.
Hey Taconator! I may still have a few tricks up my sleeve.

Adon did a dry heave. Captain Tacoman and Commander Milkshake looked at each other. Taconator merely looked perplexed.

Adon looked down towards his chains and appeared to vomit on them. But instead of the contents of his stomach, a beam of energy hit the chains, destroying them. Adon fell to the floor, but had barely touched it before he changed direction and charged Taconator. He drew his sword and prepared to strike, but just before he could connect, an invisible force prevented the final blow. Taconator laughed.

One again, you underestimate my defenses.

By Furby on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 7:13 pm:

Strange. Nobody's here. No enemies. Hm, maybe the ship is remote-controlled? Now that gives me an idea...

By alt-Furby on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 7:14 pm:

We must gain control over the ship and use it for our purposes! Yes.

By Tinky-Winky on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 7:16 pm:

But we could also infect the other enemy ships with herpes. I've found some more egs...

By Dramatic Effect on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 7:35 pm:

Kiehart: I won't let you hurt my captain like that!

*The wiry redshirt slams hard into Taconator 1, knocking him to the floor. The second Taconator fires a bolt of eneryg at Kiehart, knocking him to the floor. The redshirt stands up, with only his shirt being damaged.*

Oh now I'm pissed.

*He charges into the second Taconator, who is still shocked by the redshirt's survival. The second Taconator is kncked back into his throne, the sharp ends imapling him in the back, but bending as soon they contact Kiehart's skin, leaving Taconator 2 temporarily stuck*

The voice in Adon's head returns.

Now would be a good time.

By Taconator on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 7:51 pm:

Interesting, an unkillable redshirt. Well, if you can't destroy them...

A transporter beam shimmers around the redshirt and he is transported into space.

As for you, Wanderer, get back up there.

Adon is flung back against the wall, and new chains appear around him. Taconator gestures, and Adon's sword flies across the room to his hand. As soon as he takes hold of the weapon, a hideous wailing noise echoes throughout the room. Taconator seems to expand into shards of metal. The sword drops to the floor, and Taconator returns to normal.

VERY interesting. Some sort of enchantment, or curse. I'll have to study the blade, I might be able to use it. Well, we are almost to Atlantis. And then the fun will begin.

By On the Bridge of the Okakian Flagship on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 8:24 pm:

The LICC/small bursts into the main control room. Nobody is there, just a few automatic combat devices. They start to fire but they didn't expect such small targets and miss. The members of LICC/small don't miss...

A few minutes later the ship is under control.

"Brother, set a course to intercept the station! Pokemon, to the battle stations! Tubbies, repair the Timeship, just in case we need an escape!"

By Narrator on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 8:28 pm:

The former flagship fires a few herpes eggs at the approaching X-CwX battleships and infects some of them. It looks disgusting. Really!

By Herpes on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 8:29 pm:


By Dramatic Effect on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 8:43 pm:

Kiehart is really upset now. he watches as the ship flies away. Then suddenly, it hits him. "Wait a minute," he thinks. "I'm in a vacuum. So why the hell am I still alive?"

By Lt Commander Rikard on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 8:47 pm:

Meanwhile, on the station Adon, Milkshake, and Tacoman watch as the station approaches New Atlantis. Suddenly, the silver blade of a lightsaber slices through the door. A new door is quickly carved. Quantum Man, Rikard, and the rest of their team break in.

Wow, you look exactly like the Captain.

He deactivates the saber, aims his phaser rifle, and fires. Taconator just smiles.

By Taconator on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 9:40 pm:

You know, I have no idea how you Jedi survive these days. You must have millions of enemies. Well, I must thank you for coming so promptly. It saved me from tracking you down one by one.

Taconator turns to Quantum Man

So you were the holder of the Eye of Light. I really must thank you in particular. You kept the League away long enough for my Warlord friend and myself to conquer your homeworld. As a reward, I shall kill you last.
Taconator gestures and Quantum Man is covered with a shell of pure Anti-Plotonium-Plotonium. The strange metal effectively blocks his powers over physics, except within the shell itself. All of Rikard's weapons, including his saber, fly from him to land on the floor in front of the throne.

Gosh, and me without my ysalamiri. Well, this should keep you.

A glass dome descends around Rikard, and a strange gas is pumped in. Josh immediately begins to sneeze, rapidly.

Find it a little hard to concentrate on your powers, hmm? I have no need for your redshirt security guards.

Plasma beams are emitted from the walls and the redshirts are disintegrated in seconds. Soon, the sky grows blue as New Atlantis grows ever closer.

Ahh, we are here. I'm sure O'kak will just LOVE a present. Or several!

By Taconator, again on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 9:42 pm:

Of course, that is Anti-Anti-Plotonium-Plotonium. Must get the details right.

By Kiehart on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 10:04 pm:

Hanging on for dear life, Jason Kiehat starts tearing into the hull. "I'm not letting this SOB get away from me, no sir!" He thinks to himself (He can't say it to himself, cause he's in a vacuum).

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 10:14 pm:

A shadow falls over New Atlantis, and all the inhabitants look towards the sky. A black shape blots out the sun as the space station approaches the city. Members of the human resistance drop their weapons and flee. The O'Kakian warriors were too busy shivering in fear at the sight of the station.

Onboard the Station, Rikard's saber flies through the air and turns itself on. It swings up to Adon's hand, cutting the chains as it passes. Instead of falling towards the ground, Adon shoots strait up. As he rises, he sends the saber flying, cutting Captain Tacoman's and Commander Milkshake's bonds.

Finally, Adon stops near the ceiling.

Present this!

Both hands hold an energy ball. He begins throwing the balls towards the throne, generating a new one as soon as the old one leaves his hand. Most of them hit the throne but some hit the supports above the throne, causing the ceiling to collapse onto the throne.

Without a single gesture, Adon's sword comes flying out of the rubble, right into his hands.

Then Adon fires one last golden beam through the sword and into the ruble, vaporizing the rubble, the deck below the throne, and several more decks below that. Adon drops to the floor.

I doubt that I stopped him, but it should buy us some time. Captain, you and Commander Milkshake free Rikard. I'll try and get Quantum Man out of that shell. The weapons weren't hit so they should still be...
... too late.

By Rocket Ranger on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 10:19 pm:

Out in space, the ThunderCrane begins to transform; the ship flies straight up, as the sides of the ship begin to turn into a pair of arms. A pair of legs begin to unfold. Then, the front of the ship swings forward and rotates as a panel opens, revealing a face. Yes, the ThunderCrane has just turned into a giant robot; the ThunderHammer! It points up with its left hand, while saluting with its right (because they always do some useless, s t u p i d posing in those Japanese tv shows...don't ask me why)

Rocket Ranger: Okay, this robot's roughly a third of the size of the space station, so trying to push it out of the way is no good! Jadlad, you and the redshirt hop back to the spidership. I can handle it from here!

(Rocket Ranger begins flipping switches and pressing buttons) FORM HAMMER OF THUNDER!!

Suddenly, the robot puts its hands together and pulls them apart slowly. As it does so, in a flash of bright light, a sledge hammer of some kind forms! When its finished forming, the ThunderHammer swings the weapon around needlessly, just like in Japanese tv.

Okay, you pieces of scum, see how you like this! BY THE POWER OF JOHN HENRY! (The ThunderHammer swings the Hammer of Thunder, smashing a big hole in the side of the space station!) A few more strikes should do it!

By Dramatic Effect on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - 10:52 pm:

Believing himself to be victorious, Taconator barely noticed when the air suddenly began escaping through a holr in the station. He turned in time to see a drop into the hole, onto the floor.

"YOU!" Taconator screamed.

"Yeah. Me. Did you think you get rid of an Unbreakable redshirt so quickly? Had to hold my breath forever, but I made it." He lurches towards the villian shouting, "I owe you a debt of pain!"

Adon, with the use of his powers, succesfully seals the hole preventing the others from dying, but the extreme cold inside is still making Tacoman and the others shiver violently. Only Adon, Kiehart, and Taconator stand unaffected.

By Lieutenant PD Insane on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 1:02 am:

Frankovsky: Insane, we can't fire on the O'Kakian battlestation, several crewmembers are there!

We'll leave that to the snow crane (dumb name) unless they call for assistance. Concentrate on the O'Kakian fleet. We need all the help we can get!

Frankovsky: We're getting a message from Rocket Ranger! The O'Kakian battle station is headed to New Atlantis!

Ansh, intercept course!

Hmm, it seems everyone's gettong a personal ship. I'll cobble one together and call it Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

By Captain Tacoman, finally loosing his temper on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 6:30 am:

Steve, activate the heating unit in the exosuit!
Tacoman, now warm from his heating unit, activates every weapon he can find on his exosuit and begins wildly firing at Taconator
Die, Taconator, Die!

By Furby on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 6:56 am:

Ha! Look what I've found: The override codes for the enemy space station! And the sequence to drop her shields is...474747. How creative. Really.

Presses a few buttons.

Oh, and plase prepare the tractor beam.

By BF on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 11:07 am:

Please read my posts, people! Furby, Rocket Ranger already DESTROYED the space station's shield, so the shield overide code is useless, and the ThunderHammer knocked a reaaally big hole in the space station!

Personal note:I don't know if I'm going to be able to post anymore for a while; I know I'll definitely be back late tonight. There's been a death in the family (my great-uncle), and we only have one phone-line. I tried to post 4 times today, and every time the Internet Call-Waiting kicked in, and I had to log off! Remember, after this wraps up, my LotH storyline is next!

By Lieutenant PD Insane on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 11:23 am:

Fire a volley of photon torpedoes!

Frankovsky: Attack pattern?


Frankovsky: Firing torpedoes!

The ship rocks.

Ansh: It's another O'Kakian ship!


Down to 35%!

Reroute power from the warp coils! Colantor can get them back up when we need them! Now, attack pattern Kappa!

By Everest on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 11:25 am:

Mortis, without warning attacks Cloneslayer. CS whips out a crowbar and breaks it over his hide. Mortis and CS spar for a a few minents. CS is clearly defeated. He hits the teleport, C-10 button. At that moment 3% of the earth's surface disapears in an explosion that pushes the Earths orbit. Meanwhile, Darth Mortis Speaks
Nice fireworks show, My friends should have defeated LICC by now, Victory to the dark side. Now, we shall destroy this planet.

Darth Mortis starts gathering energy in his tail, the combination of the dark life twisting engeries will allow him to focus a beam of power to the center of the Earth.
Farewell planet
At that moment Ubermensh punches out the dark lord. Mortis beats up Uber, and grabs him and is prepared to shoot him with the laser. At moment Uber shouts "Rigor". He freezes with rage over that •••••• Emancipator, Uber flees and Mortis blows up, torn by his unfocused energy. that two can be seen from space.

(Far away in the depts of space a creature sees the explosion)

(The Earth is having it's orbit adjusted because of the Explosion)

When the dust settles. Three Golden Triangles are rotating, Calling out to him, Ubermensch rests and regenerates, and sends out a message to the Spidership.

By Lieutenant PD Insane on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 11:27 am:


Didja see that! In the name of Baldur didja see it!

Frankovsky: Receiving a message from Earth! It's Ubsermensch!


By Essence of the Triforce on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 11:31 am:

You have beaten Darth Mortis, As you may remember, Armus and Koster Amojan took me, from Hyrule in their bid for power. Using the Venom symbiont, the Purity virus and DNA from Darksied. Ironically, Zorcell took DPA and absorbed him. Now you have killed Darth Mortis for good. I will grant you one wish. Good hearts will get good wishes and evil hearts will get evil wishes. All wishes are granted in perfect clarity.

By Ubermensch on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 11:33 am:

This is Ubermensch, I defeated Darth Mortis and got the Tri force as an unexpected result. I need advice on what to wish for? Respond on your own time, I can wait.

By Lieutenant PD Insane on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 11:34 am:

I'd like... hmm, well, a toy Spidermobile, a milkshake, an apple sandwich, world peace, and end to pestilence, famine, and Teletubbies. And every man would have his song to sing. Mine's gonna be Rock around the Clock.

By Lieutenant Frankovsky on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 11:35 am:

He's talking to Ubermench, Pete.

Insane: I know. But it'd be nice wouldn't it?

I know what you'd want.

By Lieutenant PD Insane on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 11:37 am:

Insane to Ubermensch, maybe you'd like to join the League?

By Rocket Ranger on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 12:20 pm:

The Hammer of Thunder strikes at the space station several times, knocking chunks of it into the ocean. At least 30% of the station has been destroyed

Rocket Ranger to spidership. I've done all I can do....the ThunderHammer's running out of power! I'm going to have to switch back to the ThunderCrane soon! Insane, that ring you have is a power ring....see if you can do something with it!

By Lieutenant PD Insane on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 12:22 pm:

Hmm, maybe I can blow up the space station with it...

Ansh, try to get a lock on the away team in the Space Station!

By Ansh on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 12:25 pm:

I've got a lock on them!

Insane:energize! (I've always wanted to say that!)

Ansh beams them up

By Lieutenant PD Insane on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 12:27 pm:

Insane uses a pea-shooter to knock open a hatch on the ceiling of the bridge. He then leaps out and uses the ring to send the space station to kingdom KAM in a blaze of glory!

By Taconator on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 12:53 pm:

The station blows into a billion pieces, following Insane's brave attempt to bring the crew back. The Spidermobile, nearly colliding with Earth, reverses direction and starts to rise into space again, as the heroes materialize on the bridge. Just as Tacoman is about to thank Insane and Ansh for the rescue, a VERY familiar voice sounds over the intercom.

Very good, very good. I must say, you are putting up more of a fight than I expected. Surely you don't think you can destroy a non-corporeal being simply by blowing up his physical form, hmm? HA HA HA!

As the heroes watch, the navigation console beeps as commands are entered, and the ship begins to descend to New Atlantis. The crew attempts to change course, to no avail.

Yes, this ship is an ideal vehicle. When I set out to do something, I do it. Now...

Suddenly, the intruder-resistance function activates. Huge arcs of electricity explode from every console and zap the bridge crew to within an inch of their lives. The last thing Tacoman sees before he loses conciousness is the Spidermobile beginning to dock with the huge O'kakian Command Center in New Atlantis.

By More K-NIT TV-47 Viewers on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 1:15 pm:

"Har har, that annoying unkillable redshirt got blown up with the station, har har! Hey, another Wacky Steve commercial. Sardine and Beer Milkshakes?!?"

"Hey, I'd like one o' those!"

"You would, Fred."

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 2:39 pm:

Tacoman wakes up in a prison brig of some sort. His exosksleton is now gone, but the bracelet thing that Rocket gave him is still attached to his suit, which is still on him for some reason
Hello? anybody from my crew around here?

By The Observer on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 3:04 pm:

(Observer appears on the bridge of a deserted Spidermobile.)

Still no news, Captain. I-

(Observer looks around in puzzlement at the empty bridge. The viewscreen shows the interior of a massive hangar, with robotic and organic workers scurrying to and fro.)

Oh dear.

By Commander Adon on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 3:25 pm:

Adon was sitting cross-legged on the ceiling of his cell. His hands were in his lap and his eyes were closed. His cloak was obeying the laws of gravity and was hanging down behind him. His sheath was empty.
I'm here, Captain. I'm guessing that I am in the cell next to you. I have no idea where we are, however. I can't sense anything outside of my cell.

By Ubermensch on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 4:23 pm:

I'm in the Order Leauge of Germany, part of the Department of Superheroes. Remember, we have the same credit union.

I'll wait until the Commodore returns to wish.

By Commander Milkshake on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 4:54 pm:

Milkshake is worried. Very worried. His armor, all his weapons, even the secret ones, and his bracelet is gone. Through the barely-transparent forcefield and the plotonium grate covering the door of his cell, he hears howls of rage from farther down the cell block. As he watches, two huge X-CwX drones bodily haul the stuggling Jason Kiehart down the hall. Several hours later, the voice of Taconator echoes through the cell block.

Terribly sorry your redshirt friend won't be joining you again. I found it necessary to drop him into a massive vat of molten duranium. The cooled ingot is on its way to the Asteroid Belt right now. I'm sure he'll have his thoughts to keep him company. HAHAHAHAHA!

By Furby on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 6:20 pm:

Sometimes I love the IFOS, brother. All those O'kak ships have dropped their shields and shut down their weapons. Even some of the bases on Earth are defenseless and the Resistance is attacking.

Hm, I'd say it's time to take care of New Atlantis. Can we land with this giant ship?

By alt-Furby on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 6:21 pm:

I have no idea. Wait, we just started to go down! I've lost control!

By LICC/small on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 6:22 pm:


By Rocket Ranger on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 6:39 pm:

Author's note: Several hours have passed, huh? (Read last post by Commander Milkshake) :) The ThunderHammer should be recharged by now......

Rocket Ranger re-enters the ThunderCrane, goes to the pilot's seat, and activates the engines

Time to destroy some more enemy ships!

The ThunderCrane launches back into space. The ship takes out several O'Kak ships, firing the ThunderCrane's guns left and right. Suddenly, two X-cwX ships attack the ThunderCrane, one from above and one from below. RR fires the ship's boosters, moving out of the way. The two X-cwX ships crash into each other, and explode!

By Ubermensch on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 7:00 pm:

I wish...

(At that moment, a triangle appears on Adon's right hand.)

By Captain Tacoman, in a bit of trouble on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 7:06 pm:

Time to get out of here...
Tacoman presses the silver button on his bracelet, but nothing happens. He pushes it again, and still nothing happens. He does a suit diagnostic and discoveres his suit is almost drained of power.
Well, this is good...

By Commander Adon on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 7:06 pm:

Adon looks at his hand

What's this?

By Dramatic Effect on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 7:41 pm:

Hey! You had no right to do that to Kiehart! I put up with him being beamed into space cause it gave me dramatic licence(sp?), but the whole molten duranium thing? Uh-uh! No way in HELL!!!

The duranium, cracks, and Kiehart floats out, coughing. "Man that almost killed me. Twice!" He looks around. "Where the hell am I?"

*NOTE: In case you couldn't tell, I left the door open for a new subplot with the line "Where the hell am I?" Work with it*

By Rocket Ranger on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 8:01 pm:

Rocket Ranger contacts the spidership

I've had just about enough of this! I'm heading toward New Atlantis! I feel the need to kick butt and take names in person!

He aims the ThunderWolf toward Earth, blasting several enemy ships to pieces on the way.

Whoever's behind this is about to have a reaally bad day!

[Author's Note: I read JD's note over in discussion 4 about wanting everyone in New Atlantis; otherwise, I'd just have Rocket Ranger take out a few more enemy ships, then head to help Furby!]

By Commander Adon on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 8:05 pm:

Adon flips from the ceiling and lands on his feet on the floor. Mid-flip, he turns into Metallic Adon.

Time to get out of here.

Adon seems to burst into flames just before he punches the force field. The force field flares as Adon slowly forces his way through the barrier. As he punches, the interaction between him and the field creates quite a light show, not to mention generate a strong wind that blows his cloak around. Eventually he forces his way though.

Adon transforms back into normal Adon and quickly releases Captain Tacoman.

Hello Captain. Now that I'm out of that cell, I can at least get my bearings. We seem to be on Earth, quite possibly in New Atlantis. Commander Milkshake seems to be in another part of the the city. We had better get moving before our escape is discovered.

By Dramatic Effect on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 8:09 pm:

Kiehart is floating in space. He keeps tunring himself around, but the gravitational eddys are really disorienting. Soon, he eventually sees a tiny blue orb in the distance. Earth. He starts kicking his way towards it, remembering his swimming lessons. "This is pointless" he thinks to himself. "By the time I get to Earth the war will be over!"

By Meanwhile on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 8:36 pm:

The former O'kakian flagship is heading down to New Atlantis. All doors are sealed. Taconator's laughing comes from the comm system:


Furby: "I hate this guy."

By Plot Complication on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 9:01 pm:

Kiehart continues his long "swim" towards Earth. Suddenly his arms and legs grwo tired, and he finds it much more difficult to hold his breath. "I'm not gonna make it," he thinks. Suddenly he sees a bright light. "What in the world-?" A hand reaches out and a booming voice says, "Come with me Jason. Come, learn the truth. Learn who you really are" "But, my Captain, the crew." "This is the only way you can help them, Wanderer."

By Lt Commander Rikard on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 9:12 pm:

Rikard's eyes open. He's in some kind of cell. He looks around. No sign of Tacoman, Milkshake, Adon, or Quantum. He looks outside of his cell. On a small table are his saber and phaser rifle. Sitting next to them is a small animal. A ysalamiri. He looks down the passageway his cell is in. No sign of any other cell or anything for that matter, just a long hallway.


By ThunderHammer to the rescue! on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 9:50 pm:

The ThunderWolf rejoins with the SnowCrane to form the ThunderCrane again. As Rocket Ranger pilots the ship toward New Atlantis, it transforms into the ThunderHammer robot again. The robot lands on New Atlantis with a mighty thud, the speed combined with its immense weight causing it to smash a giant, gaping hole into the surface below it. Without bothering to form the Hammer of Thunder, the robot begins reigning blows with its might fists, causing damage left and right! After a few minutes, Rocket Ranger shuts the power to the robot off, exits through the hatch on the robot's `jaw', then leaps to the ground, transforming in a flash of light into another set of armor.....

By Commander Adon on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 9:57 pm:

Commander Adon and Captain Tacoman were hurrying down a hall. They have yet to meet any resistance.

I think Commander Milkshake is down this way. There also seem to be a couple of O'Kaks near him, so he might be under guard.

Suddenly, Adon stopped.
Miland? I wonder what he is doing in the area. I though he was over in the Gunthard Universe. Oh well... he's gone now. I wonder what he was here for.

By Dramatic Interlude on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 10:06 pm:

Kiehart is a temple on a strange planet. For some reason it feels familiar, although he's never been here before.

"Where am I?" he asks the light-emenating figure beside him. "You know where you are." "Do I? Feels familiar. Why, why did you call me Wnaderer before? I look nothing like Adon." The lighted figure laughs. "No, you are not Adon, but you are a Wanderer. There. In one of our books. It says, 'One raised to be disposable, becomes invincible.' That is you Jason Kiehart. Redshirt turned Wanderer! It's one of the signs!" Kiehart shakes his head. "No, it can't be." "But it is Kiehart. You must come to realize this truth if you wish to save your captain." Kiehart holds his head up, defiantly. "Really? Well, if I'm a Wanderer, why did I have to hold my breath while in space? Why can't I fly?" The lighted figure sighs. "No two Wanderers have the same powers Kiehart. Like snowflakes they are all unique. Your ability is an unusual one. You are truly indestructable, and like a Wnaderer you will live a nearly immortal exsistence, an exsistance extended even further by your exposure to dimensional portals. You will learn soon to be able to move between the dimensions just as Adon does, and maybe someday more powers will come to light." Kiehart begins to sob. "But the crew already has a Wanderer! I'll have no place!" "Oh you fool! Still thinking like a Redshirt. Your place? Your place was supposed to be on the bottom! A disposable soldier that no cares about! You are better than that Kiehart! You can choose a new place for yourself in life! You can go anywhere, to anytime, be anything!" Kiehart smiles. "Coul-could I still serve the LICC?" "If you wish it." Kiehart smiles, an even bigger smile this time. "Well, then I better get myself a costume. Seeing as I'm not a Redshirt anymore!" "That's the spirit! Now, go save your crew!"

By The introduction of a new Regular Character on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 10:10 pm:

A door behind the Captain and Adon flies open, a birght light comes from it. They turn, prepared to face battle. A man steps out, with two pistols hanging from two gun belts slung on his hip. A long flowing brown cloak floats behind him, his black vest and white shirt clean, his brown pants slightly worn. He resembles the cover of The Gunslinger in many ways. Tacoman recognizes the face. "Jason Kiehart?"

"No, captain. It's just Kiehart now." He smiles and places his hands on the grips of his blasters. "You two look like you could use some help."

By Rocket Ranger, out for blood! on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 10:28 pm:

Author's note: (Okay, Webber, but don't accuse me of copying you when something similar happens later. I've got something planned that I thought up last month before I even began posting!) :)

As Rocket Ranger leaps from the Thunderhammer, there is a flash of light as his armor transforms yet again. When he lands, he is wearing a suit of black armor with teal and silver trim. This armor is much heavier, and he resembles a heavy assault robot more than a man!

Okay, O'kaks....come get some!

By Brian Webber on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 10:42 pm:

RR: Boy I know how you feel. I once started work on a comedic novel about the staff of a tabloid magazine. 9 months later, the TV show The Naked Truth appeared! Imagine my disapointment.

By Ubermensch on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 11:08 pm:

(Uber's eyes are glowing as he zooms toward he ship. His eyes glow with his intention to take the thing into Earth orbit and pound it into atoms. He is fully restored.

By Jadlad on Thursday, January 25, 2001 - 11:26 pm:

Flashback: "Jadlad, you and the redshirt hop back to the Spidership. I can handle it from here!".

Jadlad and the female redshirt dimension hop back to the Spidership and make their way to sickbay and grab Holodoc.

Sorry about this Doc. Am I glad I didn't integrate you into the ships computer. He deactivates the holoemiter despite the Doctor's protests and takes it with him.

Flashforward: Jadlad and the female redshirt have been dimension hopping barely staying one step ahead of Taconator. He grabs the black box he had hidden and its contents are still safe.

I never thought I'd have to wear this again. He puts on his size-changing Cybertec armor. He also hands a small object to the female redshirt.

That's something I was working on in conjunction with Cybertec. It's a Polymorph pistol. It's different from a standard Polymorph rifle in ways other than size. He presses a button on the pistol and armor surrounds and conforms itself to the body of the female redshirt.

There's more. But I'll explain later. We have to go. Jadlad and the female redshirt dimension hop to the Thunderhammer sees that it's empty and make their way to Rocket Ranger.

By The Amazing Quantum Man on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 12:06 am:

Quantum Man finds himself in an empty room. He is chained to the wall with Plotonium shackles.

Now what?

Unexpectedly, he receives an answer.

HA HA HA HA. You call that a costume? It looks like a doll's outfit. You shall make an excellent drone.

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 1:13 am:

(Author's note: Don't ya just HATE it when a post doesn't go through? I've gotta do this again! The following should go right before Quantum Man's post.)

Rocket Ranger is walking around New Atlantis in his Heavy Assault Armor, when Jadlad and the Female Redshirt hop in nearby. He notices they are both wearing armor, and waves to them.

Hey, nice armor! Follow me! I'm going to see if I can find the others....they have to be around here somewhere.... (He notices an O'kak soldier lurking nearby. RR raises his arms, and two green lasers fire from his gauntlets, smashing into the soldier; two big burns appear in his chest, and he falls over dead. RR lowers his arms.) I'm not taking any prisoners. If you have a problem with that, go somewhere else. If you don't, follow me! (Twin jets pop out of the back of his armor's shins and ignite. He flies off down a hallway, looking almost as if he is running on air!)

By Jadlad on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 2:16 am:

Jadlad explaining the pistol some more.

Ok. That Polymorph pistol also has a miniature Sub-Normality Assert-i-tron built into it. So you can reverse the Polymorph effect with it. That reminds me. He activates the Normality Field generators in both armors. And they both follow Rocket Ranger.

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 2:38 am:

Hmmmm......Sub-Normality Assert-i-tron, huh? I've got something better; all my suits of armor are equipped with a Polymorph Reflection Matrix! Basically, anyone who tries to use a Polymorph weapon on me is Polymorphed instead! It reflects the beam back at them.....with 99.9 percent accuracy! (He pauses) I don't use Polymorph weapons instead....I prefer a more...direct approach. My weapons do have stun settings, but I'm not in the mood to use them today! These aliens have taken over our planet, and I want each and every one of them dead...or wishing they were!

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 6:27 am:

Hmm... my suit has power again... I guess there was some sort of dampening field in my cell...
Tacoman takes a moment to look Kiehart over
Nice costume. What happened? I heard a rumor that you had been sent into space the hard way...
By the way Adon, who's Miland?
Tacoman presses the silver button on his braceelt and the exoskeleton appears
This might come in handy pretty soon...

By Commander Adon on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 7:34 am:

Miland is another Wanderer, and we're kinda rivals. Its a friendly rivalry, but rivals never the less.

By Ubermensch on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 8:50 am:

(Flys in, simply smashing through walls.)

By Mabel, wife of the Exec Producer on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 8:55 am:

Stay tune for scenes from the next episode of LICC

One man at the edge of death..
(Show a Tacoface dying.)
One man at the edge of power
(Show Tacoface laughing.)
One man's torture
(Show Quantium man dying)
Can the crew save Earth, or will evil engulf us all.

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