League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XIII

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XIII
By JR Ross on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 8:59 am:

On the last Episode of LICC, Tacoman's evil twin from the mirror universe layed the smackdown on our Heros. But surely, this will still pass faster than the Trunks Saga.

By Anonymous on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 10:33 am:

(Is it gonna be a slobbernocker?! :) )

By BF on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 12:47 pm:

I have just one question...Do you smell what the Rock is coo...uh, I mean....`Shouldn't this be over soon?'

By Iron Chef on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 12:52 pm:

A figure appears. He is wearing an apron and a chef's hat, and carries a knife. Interestingly, both he and his clothing appear to be made out of steel.

I am Iron Chef!

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 1:13 pm:

Tacoman and company continue their search for jailed shipmates. They discover Quantum Man in his cell
Adon, If I can get the cell open, could you release Quantum's shackles?

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 1:39 pm:

Author's note: To whoever posted as Iron Chef.... :) (It ain't me, folks!)

Rocket Ranger, Jadlad, and the Female Redshirt run down a hallway. No one is there. They turn down another hallway. Still no one there. They run down YET ANOTHER hallway.....right into a group of five O'kak soldiers!

O'kak soldier(wielding a really BIG rifle): Surrender or be destoyed!

Rocket Ranger: okay, pick....(Two 20mm energy cannons pop out of the shoulders of his armor. RR fires the cannons; twin bluish-purple energy balls strike the soldiers, obliterating them. Only a black stain (and their rifles) remain where they stood) ...be destroyed!

The female redshirt runs over and picks up one of the rifles.

By Commander Adon on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 1:58 pm:

I should be able to, if you can get the door open.

Moments later, the force field is down and Adon is working on the shackles.

Lets see... Ah-ha! I know what to do. This may sting a little.

Adon grabs hold of one of the chains, and he braces himself with one foot on the wall. Then Adon pulls the chain right out of the wall, leaving plenty of slack for Quantum Man to get out.

There you go. Now, lets get going before we are discovered.
No sooner had he said this when there was the sound of lots of guns being pointed in his direction. Outside the cell were about 50 O'Kaks armed to the teeth, pointing weapons at our heroes.

By Iron Chefs Author on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 2:09 pm:

Iron Chef is being introduced in preparation for the LotH plotline.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 2:55 pm:

Six hours after he woke up, Rikard was still working on shorting out his forcefield.

There, that should do it.

He ran over to his weapons and the ysalamiri.

Well my little friend, let's see if Taconator has any transporters sitting around.

Ten minutes later he finds one with no opposition. It's almost too easy.

Well, I'll just beam you away.

He beams this ysalamiri and any that he can detect about 1,000 kilometers from wherever he is. He feels the Force come back. He scans for his friends and soon finds them... with about 50 O'kakians surrounding them. He walks out and turns to find about ten O'kakian soldiers aiming their weapons at him

Hey guys.

By BF on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 3:30 pm:

Note to Iron Chef's author: I hope he's not a villain, because the villains for the LotH storyline have already been mentioned....sort of. You won't find out what `W.K.' stands for until the LotH actaully meets LICC! :) (Of course, if IC is a villain, he could be allied with the W.K.!)

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 3:35 pm:

There is a series of loud noises, like something massive taking large steps. The ten O'Kak soldiers with their weapons aimed at Rikard look at him, only to see Rocket Ranger standing behind Rikard with his shoulder cannons out. Next to him are Jadlad and the Female Redshirt, both also armored. Jadlad is holding a Polymorph pistol, and the female redshirt is holding a reaallly BIG energy rifle.

Rocket Ranger: You really don't want to try to fight us, do you? I'm not in the mood to play games!

Female Redshirt (smiling sinisterly): Me either, boys. Run away, and we might let you live!

Rocket Ranger: Is everything okay, Commander?

By Ubermensch on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 3:52 pm:

Uber bursts through!

At his uber speed he knocks out the weapons from the hands of his opponents.

"Prepare to taste power"

He blows his freeze breath amoung the O'kakians.
He procedes to to shatter them with one punch

The remaining ones are burnt away.

"The power of the Triforce, how great! What is the next target of our wrath?"

By Commander Adon on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 4:09 pm:

Captain Tacoman was forced into the cell with Adon and Quantum Man.

O'Kakian Trooper: "The Master wanted you alive, but 'killed while trying to escape' will still please him."

Adon crossed his arms to make an "X" shape over his chest.
That will be even more difficult then you can image.

The troopers fired, and at the same time, Adon spread his arms to about twice shoulder width apart and clenched his fists.

Every shot was blocked by a golden barrier. Adon quivered under every impact on the shield.

Captain, Quantum Man... please feel free to fire at them. You can fire out through the shield.

By Kiehart the Gunslinger on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 4:16 pm:

Kiehart whips out his pistols and fires once. The shot hits thee O'Kakian warrior right in his weak spot. He drops to the floor. What truly amazes Adon is that Kiehart never even aimed!

By The Amazing Quantum Man, showing his stuff on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 4:23 pm:

Quantum Man raises his hands and points them at an O'Kak guard. A lavender beam shoots from his hands.In addition, he seems to blur and there appear to be two of him.

The beam strikes the guard, and because of larger than expected quantum effects, goes right through any of his shielding, dropping him on the spot!

Don't even think about trying to break the laws of Physics!

By Plot Monitor on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 5:12 pm:

Suddenly 20 O'kak guards rush into the room, each armed with a phaser rifle. They manage to get the drop on Kiehart and disarm him! One of the guards, who has a long scar on the side of his face speaks

Ha! Ha! You won't be able to fight off all of us! Beat him into unconsciousness, then....OFF TO THE BLACK TOWER WITH HIM!

By Q Bob on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 5:47 pm:

Could I be of assistance?

By Captain Tacoman, having fun on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 6:16 pm:

With amazing agility, Tacoman in his exoskeletal suit leaps onto the ceiling, activates all his weapons and begins firing at the O'kaks. As soon as a path is open, he leaps behind the guards and out the cell door. Outside the cell, Tacoman notices more guards rushing to the scene.
Hi guys, are you here for the party?
Tacoman resumes firing at the guards in front of him fully clearing a path for his companions, who join him in getting rid of the approaching guards
Wow.. this exosuit is really something... Remind me to compliment Rocket the next time I see him...
Another thing... how are we going to defeat Taconator? I mean, he's a non-corporeal entity and all...

By Furby on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 6:44 pm:

Only five minutes and our ship will crash into New Atlantis' main building! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

By Brian Webber on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 7:26 pm:

Suddenly 20 O'kak guards rush into the room, each armed with a phaser rifle. They manage to get the drop on Kiehart and disarm him! One of the guards, who has a long scar on the side of his face speaks

Ha! Ha! You won't be able to fight off all of us! Beat him into unconsciousness, then....OFF TO THE BLACK TOWER WITH HIM!

However, due to Kiehart's Wanderer abilities, although it hurts like hell, he doesn't pass out. He relaxes his body, and with a careful twist gets loose form the O'Kaks holding him, manages to pull one of his guns away. With four shot, six gruads go down. The other 14 back away, shocked into inaction. Kiehart grabs his second gun from one of the bodies, and with lightning quick moves, he's up into an air duct, and gone. "The whole ••••••• universe is against me I swear to God."

By Ubermensch on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 7:28 pm:

You won't get him, for I am power!
(Uses eye beams to hit O'kaks with his eye beams and burning them to death.)
Use the Polymorph rifle on Taconator, change him into a form. Or did anyone see that episode of superfriends with the devil and the witch and the zombies, does anyone remember the bubble Luthor invented. Does anyone have Old DC fans phone number, he might have one, we'll Reich Express it here. To victory!

By Plot Monitor on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 8:13 pm:

Kiehart gets about twenty feet down the air duct, when he hears a noise....a sharp, whining noise, coming from several directions. He turns down another side-duct, only to be cut off by two, razor-sharp, spinning buzzsaws! To make matters worse, the air duct begins to fill with a green stun-gas! There are no side-ducts for him to turn down...how is he going to get out of this one?!

Author's note:No, Webber....I don't have it in for you or Kiehart; I'm just trying to make things more....interesting!

By Take THAT Plot Monitor! Kiehart can escape scenarios like yours with an ability that is nothing short of James Bond-ian! on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 8:41 pm:

Kiehart is not knocked unconscious by the gas, but it stinks so badly he is unable to avoid vomiting. "Aw geez! I just cleaned this outfit!" he shouts angirly. "Well, the blades won't cut me. If a two-ton beam couldn't crush my head-" He stiocks an arm out. The blades bend and break off. The gas makes him puke again. "God dammit!" He escapes the death trap and checks his belt for his communicator. Then he remembers. He never had one to begin with. "••••." he exclaims. "Where are you Captain?" he mutters. He notices a panel with light leaking through it. He pries it open part way and peeks inside. Inside is the body of Taconator straped to an unfamiliar aparatus. Above it is a viewscreen. On that viewscreen is the non-corpoeal Taconator form, playing games with the crew of the Spidership. "So that's how he does it." He says. He checks his guns. One gun is fully loaded, the other is empty. He tucks the empty one in it's holster, and raises the other. He pokes the barrel out of the little hole he's created, aims for the real Taconator's head and...

By Commander Adon on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 9:07 pm:

Most of the O'Kaks had been taken care of, so Adon dropped the shield and took care of the last few troopers himself.

Whew. I forgot how much work a shield like that takes. On the plus side, we are close to my sword. I hope you don't mind a little side trip.

Adon places both hands near his left hip, heel to heel. Little ribbons of energy flew through the air and collected in his hands, forming a glowing ball. When he had gathered enough, he pointed his hands and the ball at a nearby wall. The ball became a beam of energy that blasted through several walls.

The group walked over the rubble and eventually entered a large room. In the middle of the room, under a clear barrier of some sort, was Adon's sword.

By Taconator, who LOVES to be evil on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 9:13 pm:

HA HA HA HA HA! How will you defeat me?

The walls and floor morph, and huge arms made of the cell's duranium lining pummel and beat our heroes. Tacoman and Milkshake blast some of the arms, but more appear. The O'kakian guards, their morale boosted, fight back and score several hits on our heroes.

Meanwhile, in the air duct, Kiehart is speeding through the tight passage, into the heart of the complex. Suddenly...

Ho ho! Unkillable victims are SO much fun. You can get so much use from them!

The sides of the duct bulge inward, pinning Kiehart's hands to his sides. He tries to use his formidable strength, to no avail. The ceiling and floor then start to squeeze the Wanderer...HARD.

The wonderful thing is, you can feel pain without dire physical injury. I know you can be wounded, my assassin found that out. HAHAHAHA!

Aside from the thousands of PSI squeezing the Wanderer, the metal begins to heat up. First it grows warm, than hot, then it begins to glow. Cherry red, bright red, then white-hot!

Mmmm! Something smells good! Roasted Wanderer! Get the Barbeque sauce! HAHAHAHAHA!

By Plot Complication on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 9:14 pm:

And beyond that sword, is the same bed that Kiehart found.

By Kiehart the Gunslinger on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 9:17 pm:

Kiehart relaxes his body, loosening the grip of the walls. He manages to pull back a split second before it would've re-grabbed him. He kicks the panel out, and flops over into the room, breathing heavily. "I, am, exhausted!" He turns his head to see Adon and Tacoman staring at him. Kiehart reaches for his loaded gun in order to end the real Taconator's existence, to learn to his dismay that it was crushed and melted back up in the duct. And worse, most of his clothes were burnt off too.

By Taconator, foiled again on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 9:18 pm:

Shoot! Write a post, leave for 30 minutes and what do you find. Okay, place this in just before Taconator's last post.

Kiehart blasts the real Taconator's head into a thousand pieces. The non-corporeal Taconator exclaims in surprise.

Curses, my backup is gone. You will pay, Wanderer!!!

Huge metal arms extend from the wall and stuff Kiehart back into the air duct.

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 9:29 pm:

The O'kakian soldiers press in on the heroes. Milkshake and Tacoman blast many of the guards, but they seem to be appearing in waves. Milkshake fires two rounds into one approaching guard, and another into a metal arm, then...

Out of ammo! Adon, I suggest you get your sword and start chopping. I need to recharge my gamma-gun clips.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 9:32 pm:

Rikard's lightsaber deactivates. On the ground are ten O'kakian guards. He turns to Rocket, the Redshirt, and Jadlad.

Well, that wasn't too hard. Time to find everyone else.

Five minutes later they arrive at the door to where the battle is being staged. They peer into the room...

By Small Narrator on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 9:34 pm:

Suddenly some vital parts of the building collapse. It seems that a spaceship has missed the landing pad. The resulting shockwave blasts away many of the guards.

By Kiehart the Gunslinger on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 9:45 pm:

Kiehart was lucky he found the spare bullets in his pocket. Six. Just enough to re-load (Kiehart is carrying specially weighted six-shooters with neutronium jakceted bullets). With one bullet he ends Taconator's existence. Or rather the existence of the physcial body. With the body, the control center so-to-speak, gone, the non-corporeal form looses all control, and begins attacking everything in site; even his allies.

Kiehart looks sheepishly at Tacoman and Adon. "Oops." He starts to say something more, but metal arms extend from the wall and stuff back into the superheated air duct. "What is with this guy! I thought he wanted to kill Tacoman, njot me!" he screams.

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 9:45 pm:

Overjoyed by the chance to destroy several O'kak soldiers, Rocket Ranger charges into the fray. He fires his armor's shoulder cannons, obliterating a soldier that was about to blind-side Milkshake. The cannons fire several more times, wiping out about twenty guards. Rocket Ranger then retracts the cannons, and opens a storage pod on his belt. He pulls out what appears to be a small metal rod. However, he holds it out and from each end of the rod extends a blade made of blue energy! That's right, folks! It's a DOUBLE-BLADED LIGHTSABER!

Looks like you could use some help! Time to put those exo-skeletons to a real test of fire, gentlemen!

By JD on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 9:48 pm:

Brian! Brian! Head over to Pesti's chat room, if you two are still around.

By JD on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 9:49 pm:

No, place Taconator's last post before his next-to-last post. Get out of that air vent.

By Kiehart the Foul-Mouth on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 10:21 pm:

Kiehart is stuck this time. No amount of relaxing or struggling seems to help. So he does something brilliant. He let's the ducts continue to compress. It doesn't kill him. Eventually, the duct walls give and collapse, and Kiehart falls on his butt. But his other gun is gone. He then proceeds to go on a rant that goes a little something like this;

•••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••••

By Plot Monitor on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 11:04 pm:

Unfortunately, Kiehart's tirade attracts the attention of about a dozen or so heavily armed O'Kak soldiers.

(BTw, Webber, is it pronounced Key-Heart, or Kai-Heart?)

By Commander Adon on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 11:10 pm:

Adon dodges several metal arms.
I will try and get my sword, but it may prove more difficult than it sounds.

Adon leapt into the air and began flying towards the sword. One giant arm attacks him, but he grabs the arm and pulls it out of the wall. He lands carrying the giant metal arm and continues running towards the sword case. When another arm attacks, Adon swings his borrowed arm and knocks the attacking arm out of the way. The impact destroys both arms.

At last, Adon makes it to the case. He pulls back his arm and punches the case, which shatters into millions of tiny shards. Adon picks up his sword.

Excellent. Lets rock.

With one quick swipe, the sword's pedestal was on the floor. Adon stood on the platform. Adon drew back the sword so that the blade was pointing up, and the hilt was near his right ear. The sword began to glow a bright yellow.


Everyone in the group dropped to the floor. Adon swung the sword in a broad stroke, and a golden beam of energy fanned out from the sword. The energy beam vaporized everything from Adon's chest level on up. Things below that line were unharmed.

When the light cleared, all was still in the room. Adon was still standing on the pedestal, but his sword was now near his left ear. He released his left hand, twirled the sword around, and sheathed it.

By Ubermensch on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 11:37 pm:

The ship will crash!
(Uber fries one last O'kar and zooms out to push the ship into a decaying orbit.)

By Reich Express Man on Friday, January 26, 2001 - 11:51 pm:

(Walks up in middle of fighting)

Okay, I have one package. Contents are one Furby Ghostbuster expansion pack, a energy containing ball, and a set of one time use dragon balls from a DC fan. Will anyone sign?

By Captain Tacoman, not being himself on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 6:29 am:

As Tacoman and Milkshake make their way down the corridor, a large group of arms appear and lock hands so that the heros can't get through.
So, he wants to play rough, huh?
Tacoman connects the shielding of the exosuit, his own suit, Rocket's bracelet, and the shield that Adon gave him together. He activates his exosuit's arms, legs, and body to become buzz saws and runs towards the forest of arms. The various saws cause the metallic arms to become destroyed
That was easy.. and fun...
The exosuit reverts to its natural form. More O'kak guards enter the area, and Tacoman activates more weapons that should be allowed on a single suit and begins firing hot death at the guards.
This is the most fun I've had in a long while!
Suddenly, a strange red light shines on Tacoman. A hologram of Taconator seems to be superemposed on our hero as Taconator takes posession of Tacoman's suit
And now heros, you will die. It is ironic that the instrument of your death will be one of your own
And with that, a hideous number of weapons and death implements appear on the exosuit, and Tacoman begins firing on the rest of the heros...

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 8:51 am:

Inside his own armor, Rocket Ranger smiles fiendishly.

Big mistake, Taconator! Now I've got you right where I want you! (He flips up a panel on his left gauntlet and presses a few buttons. Tacoman's armor begins to glow with a strange greenish color) I built some safety protocols into the exoskeleton modifications I gave Tacoman and Milkshake....protocols identical to those of my own armor. Taconator, how do you like the taste of my ENERGY-DAMPENING FORCE-FIELD?! Lets see you get out of this one! In about 3 minutes, there's not going to be enough of you left to bother anyone ever again!

By Furby on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 10:31 am:

What an impact! You know, I nearly spilled my coffee.

So, that was the HQ? Then where is O'kak himself?

By Lt Commander Rikard on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 11:42 am:

After Rocket Ranger walked in Rikard was about to join him when he had the sense to duck. When he did that the door to the room blew open as a yellow wave flew past. When he looked through the now doorless frame he saw Adon with his sword.

Well, things look like they're going pretty well.

He turns to see five O'kak guards wearing exosuits of their own. He fires his phaser. Each one has a personal shield.

O'kak: Surrender LICC, these suits have X-wcX technology and the ability to repel a heck of a lot of magic. You will all die!

LICC: Yeah Right

By Captain Tacoman, in a battle of wits on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 12:54 pm:

The posessed Tacoman reaches for the silver button on the bracelet, saying:
Once the exoskeleton is turned off, I can take posession of Tacoman's cybersuit
But wait, there appears to be a struggle going on! As one hand is reaching for the button, the other is trying to stop the first hand! It looks like Tacoman is attempting to regain control!
Oh... no...you...don't!
Oh yes I will, and once I have control of your suit, I can take over your body, too! HAHAHAHA
By the way, you only have about one minute left to live.
For the next 30 or so seconds, a slap fight occurs between Tacoman's two hands, as each entity attempts to control the exosuit. Yes, it probably looks as strange as it sounds.
I must get back to the red light!
Tacoman leaps at the red light, still shining into an empty spot. Mere inches from getting there, he suddenly stops
Ha! another few seconds, and Taconator will be no more!

By Commander Adon on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 2:04 pm:

O'Kaks with exosuits? This should be fun.

Adon disappears in a blur. He reappears on the far side of the O'Kaks with a smile on his face. As soon as the O'Kaks try to move, their exosuits fall to pieces. Seconds later, the O'Kaks follow suit. (Audience: "groan")

You look better like that.

By Rocket Ranger, grinning while explaining him trap! on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 3:39 pm:

Press the silver button all you want, Taconator. It won't work. You see, during my free time I've been studying LICC's files, and the file on you especially. The probability computer I built predicted that you might try something like that, so I created the exoskeleton as a trap. The energy dampening force-field will drain you away to nothing, while preventing you from escaping at the same time. In other words....YOU'RE FINISHED!!

(Author's note:IF Taconator is killed off during this story, will his brothers, the Tostadanor, the Enchilladanator and the Burritonator, come after us for revenge?) :)

By Padawan on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 3:47 pm:

And what about Tacoman's evil "antithisis {thats a big word meaning complete opposite}" Cresadila Man?

By Ubermensch on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 3:53 pm:

A few more degrees...


The battleship is deflected into space.

(Uses X-ray vision)

Hmm, there using that tactic from Batman Beyond, not Superfriends. It worked better. We need kill switches on all suits.

By Plot Palpitation on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 4:35 pm:

In the shadows at the end of the room, an arm swings into view. A large arm. Holding a VERY large gun. Which fires a very large energy blast, which strikes Tacoman squarely in the back, blasting away most of the exo-suit structure. Just before Taconator's conciousness is erased, the field shuts down and he escapes back into the computer systems of the Command Center. The large arm holding the large gun aims and fires again. And again. And again. With the precision of an expert marksman at a shooting gallery, Adon is blasted off his feet, then Rocket Ranger, then Milkshake, then Rikard, all joining their Captain already sprawled on the floor. The person who owns the impressively large arm steps forward into the light. High Warlord O'kak, and behind him a score of VERY large X-CwX-O'kakian Drones. The Drones, with 64th century accessories, seem to be mindlessly loyal and brutally competant at their job.

By Captain Tacoman, in control of himself again on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 4:48 pm:

Whispering to Rocket
It's nice to have my suit back in my control again.. If I pressed the silver button, would a new exosuit come into being?
Tacoman, using his helmet communicator sends the following message on a band designated for Earth forces and those helping them:
Tacoman to all remaining ships in the fleet, beam down your people at New Atlantas and start the counter-invasion.

By JD, barging in again on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 4:53 pm:

Jon, goto Pesti's chat room, I'm there

By The LICC/small Prepares For Battle on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 5:37 pm:

alt-Furby: "I think I have discovered O'kak's location. Ouch, he is busy fighting our friends!"

Furby: "Get me my chainsaw! And my screwdriver! And a new cup of coffee! Prepare to attack from behind!"

alt-Furby: "Members of the Pokemon Drop Squad, use your special abilities in the upcoming fight! Teletubbies of Doom, psychological warfare is a must today!"

All: "Today is a god day for somebody else to die!"

By Commander Adon on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 6:02 pm:

Hey Ugly!
An X-Cw-X/O'Kakion drone turned towards Adon. Adon drew his sword and attacked. Unfortunately, the drone caught the blade with its bare hand. Its other hand had a rather large gun which was pointed at Adon.

This is gonna hurt.

The drone fired and sent Adon flying across the room. The drone smiled for a moment, before a jolt of energy traveled from the sword into the drone, disabling it. As the drone fell, Adon ran and caught the sword before it hit the ground. As soon as the sword was in his hand, Adon rolled over and fired a blast through the blade into another drone.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 7:11 pm:

Tacoman slowly gets up and presses the silver button. The remaining exosuit disappears. He then presses the button again, and a whole new suit appears. His hands morph into large claws, and Tacoman starts slicing and dicing a number of drones. Weapons of all sorts and descriptions appear on the suit and Tacoman fires every one of them at the drones.
You're next, O'kak. You don't take over a guy's planet and expect to get away with it. Not with the LICC around.

By Ubermensch on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 7:28 pm:

I have pushed the ship into a stable orbit. Now, I will return to the ship and pull a "Magnus" on the robots.

By Ubermensch on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 7:57 pm:

Ubermensh remembers, flies back to the Fortress of Lebensraum, and carries a ship.

He appears on the battle with ten uber mole people.


(Uber crushes a robot in half with bare hands, continues the fight)

By High Warlord Okak on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 7:59 pm:

Interestingly, every drone that Adon slices or that Tacoman rips apart reforms and continues to fight. O'kak laughs. He raises his extremely large gun and points it at the nearest hero, which happens to be Milkshake. Unfortunately, Milkshake took O'kak's energy blast hard and is out cold on the ground. O'kak gestures and several drones surround the unconcious first officer and the alien warlord.

Captain, Wanderer. Drop your weapons or Milkshake dies. My hand is quick.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 8:12 pm:

Sighing You heard him, Adon. Put down your sword. I suspect he's serious.
The exosuit reverts to its natural form. As O'kak gives a smile of triumph, Tacoman suddenly disappears. Drones suddenly fall to pieces and Milkshake vanishes. Seconds later, both he and Tacoman appear at the end of the corridor.
Your hand may be quick, my friend, but I have the technology to slow down time.
Tacoman to all friendly troops, we could use some reinforcements right now.
I wonder if the Spidership is still docked with this building... I could remote program it to fire a couple torpedos and destroy the complex...

By High Warlord Okak on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 8:30 pm:

Time, really? Two can play at that game. If you would be so kind, Taconator?

Drones suddenly repair themselves, Adon and Milkshake are in restraints, and O'kak is pressing the muzzle of his extremely large gun into Tacoman's forehead. He leans in close, and says...

Don't mess with me, Hu-Man.

O'kak holds up the bracelet which controls RR's exo-armor suits. With one hand, he crushes it. Or tries to. It's really strong. So real fast like he throws it on the floor, swings the gun around and blasts it. He then swings the gun back against Tacoman's head. A little too hard. He meant to just push it against his forehead again, but he was too fast and gives the Captain a terrible whack on his head right next to his left ear, sending the unfortunate hero to the floor.


Aw heck. Kiehart, get in here and save these guys.

By Ubermensch on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 9:22 pm:

Did you quick, did you say POWER!

(Holds hand with Triforce of Power on it, It glows on adon as well.)

I am Ubermensch, Prince of the Subterraian realm of Inner earth and it's last son, I am defender of the fifth Reich, protector of the Volk, Heir of Siegfried, holder of the Sacred Lance. I have fought minions of Woden, Monsters, demons the Hitler's brain cyborg, and all others who would threaten Order. I have the Will to beat you.

You Schisermensch you will fall to me.

(Faster than the V-2 Rocket he speeds forward and gives several cowboy punches to the face.)

By Commander Adon on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 9:50 pm:

Adon was wearing some sort of metal mittens and very thick metal rods connecting the mittens together. His feet, however, were two metal bracelets connected together by a length of strong chain.

Once again, you underestimated me.

Adon falls onto his back and managed to kick off his boots. He catches his feet on the mittens, and fires a blast of energy out of his feet. In one smooth move, he gets onto his feet and draws his sword. An O'Kak turns and fires a weapon at Adon. Adon catches the beam on his sword and absorbs the energy from the beam, making the sword glow with the same color as the attack.

Finally, the drone stopped firing.

Here, you dropped this.
Adon swings his sword and sends the attack back towards the drone. The beam hit the drone, and the drone was vaporized under the beam.

Regenerate from that!

Another drone fired, and Adon reflected the attack off his sword into Commander Milkshake's restrains, destroying them.

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 9:52 pm:

Rocket Ranger stands up, slightly shaken but none the worse for wear, and sees Ubermensh fighting the O'Kak Warlord. Ubermensh does not see at least half a dozen X-cwX drones slowly moving toward him. Activating his armor's computerized targeting crosshairs on his helmet's heads-up display, RR triggers his armor's shoulder cannons and wrist-rockets and fires, knocking several X-cwX drones to the ground. Unfortunately, they are not harmed whatsoever!

Oh, great! He activates his armor's comm-system and contacts the computer back in his lab aboard the spidership Computer, I'm uploading the data on the X-cwX from the drone I had you examine. Please analyze the data on the drone and see if you can concoct a cyber-virus that will affect the X-cwX drones. I want them permanently disabled! I don't care if they're just deactivated, paralyzed, or permanently dead!

Computer voice (over helmet's internal comm): Analysis will take approximately 5.15 minutes.

RR:Fine. When its ready upload the data to my armor's weapons systems control program, and to my double-saber's internal computer.

The drones RR knocked down start to get up.

I've had enough of this! He draws his double-bladed lightsaber, activates both blades, and begins hacking the drones to pieces, but they reform soon after the pieces hit the ground.

By BF on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 9:54 pm:

Jason/Adon, if you're still here, make a post! I need to talk to you about an idea I have, over in Matt's chat room!

By Jason/Adon on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 9:58 pm:

um... ok...

By Kiehart the Gunslinger on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 10:08 pm:

Kiehart decides to search the ship for some weapons and some clothes. Fighting Taconator naked and unarmed wouldn't be pleasent.

By Plot Monitor on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 10:19 pm:

Kiehart searches and finally finds a locker with clothing in it: a black bomber jacket, a red, blue and purple hawaiian shirt, white bermuda shorts, an aqua-colored Miami Dolphins cap, and a pair of snakeskin cowboy boots. There are no other clothes to be found anywhere on the ship!

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 10:31 pm:

Rocket Ranger finally gives up using the double-saber on the drones and deactivates it. He turns and shouts

Adon! Use this! Maybe with your powers backing it up, it will be more effective! He tosses the double-saber towards Adon, who grabs it out of the air and ignites the blades

Just then, Female Redshirt, her armor cracked, stands up and grabs her HUGE rifle and points it toward the O'kak Warlord.

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 10:41 pm:

Milkshake finally wakes up.

Ow, my head. Are we there yet...uh oh!

Milkshake watches Adon chopping down drone after drone. Three of the cyborgs reform directly behind Adon. Milkshake tosses away his spent rifles and pulls out a small spheroid from his belt. He thumbs a control on the side of the sphere, and yells...

Adon, JUMP!

Milkshake hurls the sphereoid just as Adon leaps straight up in the air, 6 feet up. The grenade strikes the ground and instantly disintegrates every drone 6 feet in all directions. The Wanderer lands back in the bowl-shaped depression created by the blast, and Milkshake pulls a small pistol out of his belt and charges after O'kak.

By JD again on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 10:43 pm:

BladeWolf, chat!

By Kiehart on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 11:24 pm:

Kiehart looks at his new outfit. "The whole ••••••• universe is against me." He looks around for a weapon. "One things for sure. I'll never get another Gunslinger type outfit, and the six-shooters are out. Next time I'm going like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix. All black, cool sunglasses, and LOTS of ammo! Now, where's a weapon." he looks, and looks and finally finds something. A small knife that was clearly weighted especially for throwing. "That's it? ••••. Maybe I can remove of these table legs and use it as a club."

By BladeWolf isnt here right now....the name is BF! on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 11:29 pm:

Sorry, JD. Wasn't here when you posted; I just checked in! :( I'll be back in about ten minutes; if anyone needs to talk, post!

By BF on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 11:34 pm:

I'm even willing to talk to Webber! (I must be a glutton for punishment!) Ten minutes until I return to make Female Redshirt's next post, starting....now!

By JD, finally leaving this board to make room for the story on Saturday, January 27, 2001 - 11:35 pm:

Well, I'm over at Pestichat, I'll stay there for mebbe 1/2 hour.

By Dramatiuc Effect on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 12:25 am:

Kiehart goes looking for the crew. While looking for them he finds something interesting. A room full of vats. He decides to investigate. Inside all these vats are clones of Taconator, at various stages of development, from small baby to elderly man. He raises his club to strike the first vat. The makeshift club crashes down hard. Nothing. Whatever the vats are made out of their too strong for even Kiehart to break. "Hmm. I wonder if there's a communicator round here somewhere. I bet Adon or the Captain could smash these things." While searching, he stumbles across a button marked "Oxygen Control". "Well," he says to himself. "This probably pumps air into those vats, but I won't chance it. I'll hold my breath first." He pushes the button.

By Rocket Ranger on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 12:46 am:

Rocket Ranger has gone back to blasting the X-cwX drones, because it takes them longer to reform after being blasted than it does from being sliced and diced (go figure).

This is getting old! I keep blasting, and they keep coming!

Female Redshirt takes aim at O'kak with her HUGE rifle and prepares to fire.....

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 7:10 am:

Tacoman, who was knocked out from being hit behind the ear, wakes up with lots of people and drones fighting over and around him. He pulls out his Cybertec catalog, quickly thumbs through it, and orders the largest weapon he can find. A few seconds later, it arrives. He stands up and starts blasting drones left and right.
Anybody got a polymorph rifle? Maybe if we change the drones to something else they won't regenerate...
With that, Tacoman also takes aim at O'kak

By Furby on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 8:59 am:

Now it is time for revenge!

Presses a few buttons. Suddenly many drones and O'kaks are wearing red shirts... He presses another button. It's the MewQ homing device.

Let's watch the massacre!

By Newly Created Redshirts on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 9:01 am:


By alt-Furby on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 9:05 am:

Gone forever in five seconds. Fine. Very Fine.

Bites a few drones. They die immediately of blood-poisoning.

By Ubermensch on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 11:03 am:

(Uber and the Warlord are fighting, Though Ubermensch has the strenght and speed advantage, General O'kak has years of battle experiance. Uber eventually puts him in a full nelson and holds him steady for exactly 10 seconds, enoght time for a good shot to hit O'kak in the head with a shot.)

By OKakian Warlord on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 12:17 pm:

Adon takes RR's double bladed lightsabre and holds it in an attack position.

Adon: "Lets get ready to slice and dice, ugly."

The O'Kak turns and fires at the Female Redshirt. The beam punches clean through the Female Redshirt, knocking her back to where the wall would be, if the attack that hit her hadn't destroyed the wall behind her as well.

The O'kak turned and pointed the weapon towards Commander Milkshake.

Drop it, you he dies too.

Adon an the O'Kak stare at each other for a few seconds, and then Adon tosses the lightsabre aside. The sabre roles across the floor and stops near what was left of the Female Redshirt.

"Now give me your sword. Do it, or he follows the female. And disable that security measure you have on it.

Adon paused again before he drew his sword. A flash of light ran down the blade and twinkled on the tip. Then Adon tossed the blade toward the O'Kak, who caught it.

Hahaha! This blade obviously holds most of your powers. And with it, I will rule the universe with the ELIMINATION OF YOU!

The O'Kak swung the sword at Adon, who caught the blade with his bare hand.
Adon: "I guess the sword doesn't hold my powers."
Adon put his hand on the O'Kak's chest, and fired a blast that vaporized the O'Kak, leaving the sword in Adon's hand.

By Padawan on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 12:22 pm:

JD, can we go to Pestichat?

By Ubermensch on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 1:30 pm:

Apparently the Warlord is stronger than he looks as Uber is being dragged along on his back.

"I'll break his neck"

Uber closes the Full nelson.

By Ubermensch on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 1:34 pm:

After breaking the neck, Adon blasted the warlord. Uber looks blown up.

"Good Work Adon, next time DON'T EXPLODE HIM IN MY FACE!That really hurts."

By Rocket Ranger 3:16! on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 4:19 pm:

Author's note: I created Female Redshirt, but I gave Adon permission to kill her during a conversation in Pestichat (Thanx, Matt. We all owe ya one!). And she IS dead...no fixing that, please!

Rocket Ranger looks around. One of the X-cwX drones apparently survived, somehow having dodges the effect that turned the others into redshirts. With a vengeance, Rocket Ranger grabs the drone by one arm and slams it against the wall, the puts in a bear hug. The crushing force of the attack eventually snaps the drone in half. It reforms, but Rocket Ranger takes it out with one well-placed roundhouse kick that knocks it for a loop. It does not get up.

I hope that drone's still alive. I want to examine it. It's easier to get data from analyzing a living drone than it is from examining a dead one!

Author's note 2:Don't try doing anything about the drone RR just knocked out; I have plans for it! :)

By Terrian Resistance on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 6:36 pm:

South Park, Co: The residents are enngageing in combat.
Ned: It's an O'kakian
Jimbo: It's coming towards us!

New New York: Fry: Leela, Look out.
Bender: I'll bend him (Breaks a Terrasec agents neck)
Leela: thanks I couldn't see him. He came from the side.

Port Mike: Mayor ScottN. is leasding a small army.

Kami's Lookout: Mr. Popo stands with the bloody mangled corpes of several dozen Terrasec agents.

All across Earth: General overthrow of Terrasec, O'kak and Sith Forces. The Sith have abandoned the planet and the O'kakians are on evact. Terrasec is starting to prepare to enact to go underground, or surrendering.

India: Darth Mortis's corpse is discovered and is sent to parts unknown.

By Plot Monitor on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 6:59 pm:

And in St. Louis, the Dallas Cowboys have just won a record seventh straight Super Bowl, their latest victory a 47-3 stomping of the New York Jets!

By Furby on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 7:08 pm:

Look, there is an O'kak soldier running around in a red shirt!


Wow, that meteorite must have hurt!

By Terra TV on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 7:15 pm:

It has been reported that red paint is the most powerful weapon against the O'kak aggressors. Just for your own security, don't wear red.

This newsflash was presented by Acme Redshirts Co. - "He's toast, Jim!"

By Taconator on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 7:38 pm:

With the death of Warlord O'kak, the drones briefly hesitate, then continue to fight. The voice of Taconator thunders across the room.

So you killed him. No matter. He left a bit of his genetic material with me, and his brainwave pattern. A new O'kak is growing as we speak. A better one, with some of my technological benefits.

Hear me, heroes. Your planet is doomed. Even now, at the other side of this facility, a missile is counting down to launch. The missile will gain a low orbit, and release octillions of my assimilation nanobots. They will turn this world into perfection! MY perfection. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 8:03 pm:

Tacoman, who has been fighting O'kaks and drones in another part of the room speaks up
Ok people... Here's what we need to do! We divide into two groups, one attempting to stop the growth of the new O'kak and the other going after the missile.
Or... We could evacuate and bomb the place from low orbit...

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 8:07 pm:

I say we stay and fight. Besides, the Anti-Air/Spacecraft guns around here are scary.

By Kiehart on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 8:12 pm:


A long metal object swings out and slams hard into the head of the drone coming up behind Tacomna. He turns to see a badly dressed Kiehart swinging a make shift club. The drone is twithing on the ground.

"Sorry I'm late sir. Taconator burned all my clothes and melted my guns. You still need an extyra pair of hands?"

By Furby on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 8:22 pm:

Waitaminute! Assimilation nanobots? Yummy!

By alt-Furby on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 8:25 pm:

Does the remote in-red-dresser work with nanobots?

By The Teletubbies of Doom on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 8:29 pm:

I suggest we go to the wreck of the flagship and use it's cannons to disintegrate the missile (and maybe other parts of the building too).

By The Second Smurf of Power on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 9:39 pm:

Why don't we just smurf the missile, then we smurf Taconator! After that, we can smurf the X-cwX drones and O'kak with our smurfers, then we smurf the smurf outta here! How does that sound?

By The First Smurf of Power on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 9:43 pm:

But that wouldn't work! If we smurfed the missile and smurfed Taconator, then we wouldn't have any smurfers left to smurf O'kak and the drones with! Why don't we do this...we smurf the missile then Taconator with our smurfers, then we use our smurfers to smurf the drones and O'kak! That sounds much better than your plan!

By Both Smurfs of Power on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 9:47 pm:

Second Smurf of Power: That's what I said!

First Smurf of Power: Oh! I thought you said....never mind! Well, I'll be a smurf of a smurf!

Second Smurf of Power: Maybe you need your ears smurfed!

First Smurf of Power: Maybe! Oh, smurf it! Lets think of something else!

By Nitpicking K-NIT TV-47 Viewer on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 10:00 pm:

Nit. Mayor ScottN was killed.

By High Warlord Okak on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 10:33 pm:

It's nice you think you killed me, But you only hit my body guard, dressed up to look like me. Didn't you ever see Episode 1? Even Taconator did not know.


This was an attempt to solve this crisis. It's elseworld so it dosen't count unless accepted.

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