League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XVIII

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XVIII
By Commercial on Saturday, February 17, 2001 - 6:42 pm:

Come on down to Wacky Steve's! Try our Flaming Papaya-Starfruit Shake! Bring the kids and meet Commander Milkshake himself!

That's Wacky Steve's, Route 8 just past the Truckey's.

By Chish and Fips! on Saturday, February 17, 2001 - 7:06 pm:

Forget Wacky Steve's! Try Chish and Fips, now with fifteen locations to serve you! Yes, that unique dining experience, Chish and Fips, where service begins with `serve'!
Tuesday night is now theme night at Chish and Fips; this week: Haggis Night, where the Haggis is warm and the ale is cold, and the barf-buckets are in large supply!

(Due to warnings from the health board, we are unable to offer our famous Rocky Mountain Oysters at this time)

By Yet Another K-NIT TV-47 Viewer on Saturday, February 17, 2001 - 8:02 pm:

Yuck, Haggis! Who'd want oatmeal stuffed into a sheep's intestine? Too bad Taco World closed. Honey, call for a Flamingo's Pizza, will ya? Extra marshmallows!

By Good W-NIT RADIO 90 Announcer on Saturday, February 17, 2001 - 8:21 pm:

`So you can take that cookie, and stick i'....We interrupt to bring you this breaking news bulletin. The K-NIT TV Studio building has mysteriously errupted into flames. Firefighters have responded to the emergency and are dousing the flames as we speak. According to reports, the broadcast studios have not been damaged, but most of the offices have been destroyed or suffered extensive smoke and water damage. We now return you to our regular program, already in progress...

By Brian Webber on Saturday, February 17, 2001 - 10:41 pm:

Responding to somethign Ranger said in the previous chapter;

Kiehart smiles. "Nice weaponry. I'll keep what you said about those mines in mind. I may be able to find a way around that little disadvantage. The pruple button is the one I'm not supposed to push? How about if we're in a situation where we only have about one minute to live?"

By The Observer on Saturday, February 17, 2001 - 11:06 pm:

(The brig doors hiss open, and the Observer walks in. He dismisses the guards, and walks over to Rominaius and Adon.)

He'll never crack, Adon. Not even on pain of death. He is a true psychotic, and what is worse, he holds all the cards. What we have to do is change the rules.

(Observer begins to enchant another spell, and the evil King begins to look confused.)

I am clouding his judgement, and confusing his mind. He thinks he is in his throne room, surrounded by his servants. Now...

Oh Mighty Majesty, your plan is working perfectly. Our enemies, the LICC, are in retreat. However, we need to send ships to protect your clone. The fleet needs the coordinates to organize the rendezvous.

(Rominaius loses his confused look, and resumes his haughty demeanor. He confidently speaks a series of numbers, and within 2 minutes Adon and Observer walk out of the brig, triumphant.)

By Kiehart on Saturday, February 17, 2001 - 11:20 pm:

Kiehart studies the weapons console over and over again, wanting to make sure he gets it right once they've entered the heat of battle. The remaining Sslth ships have joined up with the SnowCrane. "Hey Ranger. Maybe when we're done you can help me re-build that fighter. The WK were building a duplicate of Rikard's fighter. I managed to steal it away, but it got swiss cheesed while I was getting the Captain's missing skin sample."

By Rocket Ranger on Sunday, February 18, 2001 - 1:30 am:

I might. As a matter of fact, I've got a few ideas for new offensive weapons systems I'd like to try out. If you agree to let me use the fighter to test them out...you flying, me watching...you've got a deal. And I don't think the purple button would help if we only had one minute to live.....that weapon takes a minute and a half just to charge up before it can fire!
(He pauses) I'm keeping control of the quantum torpedoes, though....this ship only carries three of them, and the launcher is linked to my helmet. (He activates his helmet's Comm-system) Rocket Ranger to Sslrth command ship: We should reach the spidership in about an hour and a half, if its still where it was when I left it.... If we get separated, head for the Sol System of the Milky Way galaxy, and wait for us near Neptune! Rocket Ranger, out! (He looks back at Colanator, then at Kiehart.) I sure hope we haven't missed anything!

By The Silver Maiden on Sunday, February 18, 2001 - 3:01 am:

The Silver Maiden appears before Adon and Observer. She gives Observer a look that makes his blood run cold. Then she looks at Adon, an apologetic frown on her face.

I'm sorry for what I've done, and I want to help you regain your powers. But, I must speak with you privately!

By Lt Commander Rikard on Sunday, February 18, 2001 - 11:22 am:

Rikard had been standing outside the brig to make sure Adon didn't actually kill the king before they got the information they needed. Now that they had walked out, Rikard approached Observer after Silver Maiden and Adon went to talk.

You realize that may not have worked. Rominaius is a smart man. He probably wouldn't tell his regular troops where everything is. He'd probably only tell the highest brass in his militairy. I'm just saying that the coordinates that he said may just be a decoy.

By The Observer on Sunday, February 18, 2001 - 12:44 pm:

That is true, Mr. Rikard, but I clouded his judgement. He was not thinking clearly anyway. He became so filled with his own self-importance and arrogance that he magnamiously gave us the coordinates.


Besides, if it is a decoy, I have some other tricks...

By Kiehart on Sunday, February 18, 2001 - 1:45 pm:

Kiehart smiles. "Sure. In fact maybe a total redeisgn would be in order. I wouldn't wanna look like a Copycat would I?"

By Lt PD Insane on Sunday, February 18, 2001 - 3:15 pm:

Peter Dionysus Insane enters the bridge in a different garb. he now has a black t-shirt and flared trousers (Oh come on you know what those are, you Americans out there)

Hi, everyone! Hey, what are you all looking at me all for?

By Jon Wade knows where this is leading on Sunday, February 18, 2001 - 6:00 pm:

On the Forgotten Realms world Elminster addresses a council of Mages on a very important matter. "-and that is why we must close our world off. We must instill a barrier to prevent furhter incursions from other dimensions. That Wanderer's theft of one of the weapons from my collection and Jake Grey's leveling of the entire Sword Coast were the last straws. We have had peaceful dealings with the XDCA in the past, but those days are long gone. I figure that with all our powers combined we can remove all dimensioanl access to this entire solar system, the safest option, in a month. All those in favor?" Most of the various Wizard clans show support. But one defiantely stands out. The Greenstone Wizards. Elminster senses that they're up to something, but has no proof. Therefore he simply says, "Very well. It is decided. We will start tomorrow."

In a small room in the back of the old castle where the mages met, the Greenstones, three dark green clad wizards look around, making sure they aren't being spied on. "This could damge our plans Fierakas." "Agreed, Dorthan. Our plan to steal a starship and raise barriers of our own will be all for naught if Elminster succeeds." "We must step up our plans Fierakas." "But Dorthan, we have yet to choose a ship!" "How about the Spidership of the LICC? Isn't there commander a son of your Uncle Greymoran?" Fierakas shudders. "Dop not mention that cowards name in my presence! He faked his death and ran off to join the accursed XDCA without telling my parents, believing he was dead until theri last breath. He lied to them. A crime that he could never make amends for. We will take the Spidership, kill Greymoran's son, and we will rule this planet, and all it's pitiful creatures. Make the Magi Council pay for laughing at us." Dorthan nods. "I'll get Butrfli. I believe she is ready to test her combat skills." Fierakas sighs. "I have yet to understnad your attraction to that creature. Gather the Order. We will ALL go. As soon as we are all together."

By One Mad DungeonMaster!!! on Sunday, February 18, 2001 - 6:05 pm:

Oh, hell no!! We're not bringing the Realms, or anyone from it, back into LICC! Take this over to the Archangel board, or I'll bring the Simbul and the other Chosen of Mystra into this...and you wouldn't like that!

By Commander Adon on Sunday, February 18, 2001 - 6:36 pm:

Adon left the Observer's company and went to his quarters. Once there, he opened a channel to The Conclave and made his report. The Conclave agreed not to take the Silver Maiden away for judgement until after the whole thing was over.

He also sent in a request for a special item, which soon appeared on his desk. He put the box away and called the Silver Maiden to come in.

I'm sorry, but you still must appear before the Conclave for what you have done, but I will also stand before them on your behalf. I'm sorry, but it must be done. Now, what did you want to speak to me about?

By Brian Webber on Sunday, February 18, 2001 - 6:37 pm:

OMDM: Jon Wade and I have been working on this for a few eeks now! We're using this to inroduced a character we both created, but he will playing by himself. And for God's sake take some fukcing Prozac.

By Anonymouse on Sunday, February 18, 2001 - 9:36 pm:

Eeek! A mouse!

"I'm actually a pygmy prairie dog, ma'am."

Eeek! And he talks! Abner, get the broom!

By Lt PD Insane, eating some green vanilla pudding on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 11:20 am:

Yeuh, I'm feeling a little strange... and why do I have this sudden urge to use my power ring as an ear-ring? And I have an urge to check out some of these new bands - Bullet Train To Heck, Ham on Rye, The Full Bhoona and soforth...

Lt Frankovsky: Pete, where did you get that ridiculous rock outift?

From a guy on deck 13, section 47. Frank, his name was...

By Anonymous on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 2:46 pm:

Peter Dionysus Insane's outifit looks like your average gang outfit. Also, he got it from a guy named Frank. I'm betting the Frank Conspiracy is involved in this.

By Franks on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 2:57 pm:

Far away from the concerns of the LICC...

Frank Sidious: We cannot hope to have the forces of Whyte Kastles join us, so we must wait for our strike on the LICC.

Frank Maul: Peter Dionysus Insane has been given one of our hallucinogenic outifits. He will be converting to "punk" status as a test.

Frank Sidious: You have been trained well, my young apprentice. Keep me informed on the situation with the LICC.

Frank Maul: Soon we will reveal ourselves to the League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions. Soon we will have revenge.

By A Future Ally on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 5:10 pm:

A tiny blip appears on the Nav console, and appears to be heading directly into the inevitable battle. The camera tightens in on the blip, and through studio magic, appears in space next to the craft making the blip. The craft appears to be in pretty rough shape, moving along under impulse power. The camera tightens in and moves through the window into the cockpit. There you see an average looking young man piloting the ship.

"I'm coming! I'm not sure what I'll be able to do when I get there, but I'm coming!"

Suddenly the young man starts shaking and moving erratically.

"NO! Not now! Well, I hope I have hands this time..."

The shaking and convulsing gets worse as the young man's shape begins to disintegrate. Eventually, there is nothing there but a pile of primordial goo on the floor. From the middle of the goo stretches an arm. A big arm. The puddle reforms into a large gorilla like shape. The young man's voice comes from the gorilla's mouth

"Well, at least I can still pilot this tub, not like that time I changed to a snake...or the week I spent as a kitchen knife...", says the young man.

"Off I go! LICC, get ready for your newest member, Changearoo! *mumble* Dang I gotta get a better name..."

With that, the gorilla sits down in the pilots chair, and resumes his flight towards the Spidership.

By The Silver Maiden on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 7:10 pm:

The Silver Maiden raises an eyebrow, and looks at Adon, intrigued

You don't remember me, Adon? Has it been that long?! I'd think you would remember our first encounter, brief as it was, after only 20 years! It was on Galordon IX....does that jog your memory, or should I use my powers to make you remember?

By Lord of the Hamburgers, the Charbroiled Avenger!! on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 7:12 pm:

The Lord of the Hamburgers contacts the spidership on the Condimental's comm-system...

We need to have a strategy meeting, before we decide how to proceed against the Whyte Kastles. Meet us at the nearest Wacky Steve's. The Anchovy and Caramel Milkshakes are on me!!

By Captain Tacoman, still in the game on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 7:33 pm:

Tacoman wakes up, looks around, and says
So has that piece of skin arrived yet?

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 8:01 pm:

How about a black and red paint job with some silver trim for your fighter? (He pauses) Uh-oh! It looks like we've got company! Get ready to start shooting!

(Three white and navy WK starfighters appear and head toward the SnowCrane. One of the ships contacts the SnowCrane.)

Surrender and you will not be harmed. Follow us back to our warship, or be destroyed!!

(Rocket Ranger smiles inside his helmet.) SnowCrane to Whyte Kastle ships. I have a better idea....why don't you eat hot laser?! (He cuts communications, then looks at Kiehart) Send these jerks to Valhalla, please!

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 8:07 pm:

Very well, Lord. There's a Wacky Steve's on Theta Beta Three, Northern Continent. Mr. Rikard, plot a course.

By Commander Adon on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 8:56 pm:

Galordon IX? I remember leading the Galordon charge there against Then-Don's forces, but I don't remember...

Adon's eyes flew open.
That was YOU? I never thought that I would ever see you again!

By Kiehart on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 9:04 pm:

Kiehart smiles. "Good idea." He presses a few buttons, disentigrating the lead WK vessel. The others break off into evasive manuevers. "Oh no. You don't get away that easy!" Kiehart seems to be enjoyign this a tad too much. He succesfully gets a lock on one of the enemy ships. "Oh yeah. There's my •••••." he fires a full barage of weaponry, shredding the ship's hull.

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 9:16 pm:

Hold on a minute, Kiehart....I want to try something. When I say `go', aim the lasers at the ship's engines! (Rocket flies the SnowCrane right by the last remaining starfighter.) GO!! (Kiehart fires the lasers, blowing the starfighter's engines to pieces with surgeon-like precision. The SnowCrane makes another pass, as the enemy pilot ejects from his ship. Rocket activates the tractor beam, and pulls the pilot into the ship's cargo hold.) There. When we get back, we can question him and find out what they're planning in this sector.

By The Silver Maiden on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 9:25 pm:

(i{She sits down in a chair with her back to the wall, facing Adon.}) Yes. I was the one who saved you from the laser-cannon blast that almost beheaded you. If I had not pulled you to the ground, we would not be having this conversation right now.
I was also the one who caused Then-Don's own bodyguards to turn on him and assassinate him. If I had not, he would have defeated you. Within three days, according to my calculations.

By Kiehart on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 9:26 pm:

"That's assuming he knows anything Ranger." Kieharts rubs the back of his neck. "Oh, and, um, I'm uh, sorry. I lost control back there. But we really should get to the Spidership ASAP. Tacoman needs this skin sample."

By Plot Complication on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 11:20 pm:

Jon: Play close attention. This post affects you in the future.


Tacoman is standing in a chaotic wasteland. Every now and again he sees a vision of himself doing horrible insane things. "Stop! Stop it you bastard!" he scream repeatedly. But the curse that has taken over his body will not listen to him. Suddenly a vision appaers next to him. A beautiful woman appears. "I can't stay long, but I must warn you. There is a plot to steal your ship. My master will prefer to capture you all alive, but he'll kill you if he has too. Be alert your poor soul. And fear not. The end of your pain is near. I have seen it in my dreams. It, and you." The woman gently strokes Tacoman's cheek. "I will come with my master, but I will not let him you my love."

By Oopsie! on Monday, February 19, 2001 - 11:21 pm:

...let him HARM you... is what that shoudl've said.

By RoCkEt RaNgEr!! on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 1:42 am:

You've got the skin sample?! We need to get that to Taco as soon as possible! Kiehart, there's a helmet underneath your seat....unless you can survive without oxygen for a long period of time, I suggest you put it on! I'm cutting life support to the cabin, but leaving it on in the cargo-bay, so our prisoner doesn't suffocate! I'm also cutting the power to the energy-weapons...we'll have to rely on the anti-shield mines and the quantum torpedoes if we're attacked.
Colanator, put every iota of energy you can find into the ship's engines!! We're outta here!

By Kiehart on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 1:45 am:

"Yeah, Ranger. I thought you already knew that. That's how my fighter got blown up in the first place. Oh, and I approve the whole red and black trim thing. Maybe you could add a few extar frills so it looks NOTHING like Rikard's?" Kiehart smirks at this. "Oh, and I don't need to breathe, but I feel more comfortable doing it, so I'll take that helmet."

By On a small shuttle on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 1:46 am:

Out in space, a small shuttle is flying toward Theta Beta Three.....on-board are a pilot and a passenger, both wearing flightsuits.

Pilot: We're almost there. Do you think we should contact them, Kent?

Passenger: I don't know, Wayne. Its your call. After all, you outrank me.

Pilot: Lets wait until we get a little bit closer.

By RoCkEt RaNgEr on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 4:12 pm:

Whatever trips your trigger, Kiehart....prepare, people...I'm going to maximum warp....NOW!!

Rocket puts the pedal to the metal (or whatever) and the SnowCrane hits maximum warp.

We should make it to the spidership soon. It looks like they're at Theta Beta Three. Good thing I installed that homing signal in my lab!

By Brian Webber on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 4:19 pm:

Kiehart nods. "Good. The only thing that Jake Grey hologram didn't tell me was what we're supposed to do once we get the sample back to the Captain. I don't suppose you'd have a book on customized curses lying around?"

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 4:59 pm:

I'm a scientist, not a sorceror!

By Kiehart on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 5:17 pm:

"Just thought I'd ask."

By Robin the Wanderer on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 5:57 pm:

Adon and the Silver Maiden finished reminiscing, and the Silver Maiden left Adon's quarters. Adon turns and pulls out the box that arrived just before the Silver Maiden did.

Adon undid the latch and opened the box. Inside was a strange looking pistol, five bullets in a row, and a small silver disk. Once the box opened, the disk lit up and a miniature Aviaron hologram appeared. The tiny bird-like creature spoke.

Hello Adon. I got you message, but I was only able to find five shells. Be careful with that last shell. Don't use it unless you absolutely have to.

Adon looked at the center bullet in the row (Aviarons count from the outside in). That bullet was silver, and covered with red markings. The other bullets were gold, with black markings.

Adon picked up one of the gold bullets and loaded the pistol with it. The weapon was only a single shot weapon. He put the gun under his cloak, and placed the remaining bullets in a pouch on his belt.

By Any Highlander fans here? on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 7:51 pm:

Back on Earth......

My name is Glen Cole, and you are about to die! (He draws his sword, a finely crafted broadsword, circa the late dark ages) Shall we, my dear?

The woman looks at him and smiles. There can be only one! (She draws her weapon, a silver and black `club' roughly two feet long) Lets go.

You're fighting with a club?! You must be suicidal!

She smiles and motions for him to attack. Try me.

It's your funeral, my dear! (He charges and raises his sword to attack. As the blade slices toward her, a blue energy blade ignites from one end of the `club', cutting off the blade of Cole's sword, then his head.)

No....its yours. (She turns off the energy blade. Lightning rises from Cole's remains and embraces her.....)

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 8:01 pm:

The SnowCrane approaches the spidership.

I hope the Whyte Kastle problem is taken care of soon. I've got to get back to Earth soon. Its almost time to start filming the next season of Iron Chef! Its a pain being Iron Chef Mexican, but thankfully the show films an entire season in a month and a half! I just hope the executives decided not to agree to the idea of adding an Iron Chef Cannibal to the show! Some guy named Han. E. Ball applied for the job, and the executives were seriously considering it!

Suddenly the SnowCrane receives an incoming communication.

Hey, Quincy! Is that you flying that hunk of junk?

(Rocket sounds pleasantly surprised.)

Rocket: Wayne, is that you?! What are you doing here?!

Wayne: We couldn't let you have all the fun. Kent and I came to back you up. We know you don't like flying that rusty heap by yourself!

Rocket: Tell Kent he still owes me that twenty-five dollars for the World Series bet he lost!

Wayne: Will do. There's a Wacky Steve's down on the planet. What say we meet down there?

Rocket: Go ahead. I'll be down in a few minutes. I have to make an important delivery to the spidership first. Rocket Ranger, out. (He cuts communications and looks at Kiehart) Wayne Reid and Kent Cranston. They're college buddies of mine. Best mechanic and weapons officer I've ever known...next to myself, that is.

By Kiehart on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 8:37 pm:

Well, we'll need all the help we can get won't we? And If you're REALLY that concerned about the whole iron Chef thing, just fly on back! Colanator and I can handle things from here. Plus we've still got the Sslth (you'd forgotten bout them hadn't ya?) with us. 9 warships total.

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 9:08 pm:

Adon enters the bridge.
Well, now that we have the coordinates for the clone's base, perhaps we should get going as soon as possible.

By gymnastic redshirt on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 10:01 pm:

A redshirt on the bridge looks at Adon and replies.

Not just yet, sir. Some of the crew are still down on the planet. He starts to leave the bridge, but..uh-oh..he bumps into NOTHING WHATSOEVER, flies backwards and does a triple-axle, does a 360 flip, and lands on his feet Oops! He bumps into nothing again, does another triple-axle, proceeds to leave the bridge, and is squished flat by the elevator doors!

By Back on Earth..... on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 10:06 pm:

After the Quickening has finished, and she has rested for a few minutes, she stands up and grabs her `sword', then looks at her watch...

Well, that was fun. (She looks back at Cole's remains) That's what you get for messing with someone who's at the head of the class! (She pauses) I can't believe its this late! I've got to find a way off the planet so I can rendevous with the spidership. Wait until they see me now! (She runs over to a black and blue motorcycle, takes the helmet off the seat, puts it on, climbs onto the bike, starts it up, and drives off.

By I know who this Immortal is on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 10:36 pm:

Oh, no.....

By The Immortals author on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 1:23 am:

Ssshhh!!!!! Shush!!! Be quiet!! Shut up!!! Zip the lip!!!

By The Management on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 8:59 am:

To the Highlander types: Please read the discussion boards about dragging existing SF wholesale into this board. Thank you.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 9:16 am:

Hmm. Milkshake to Lord of the Hamburgers. We have the coordinates of the Rominaius Clone. Do you still wish to meet on the planet?

By Lt PD Insane on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 1:46 pm:

Peter Dionysus Insane is in his quarters. Interestingly, the only Gilbert and Sullivan he is interested in is the 2039 rock interpretations done by the group First Contact. He continues repairing his lightabre. We now come to a particularly gnarly version of "When the Night Wind Howls"...

Replicator... one jar of hair dye - purple!

He applies the dye, making his hair purple. He activates his lightabre, and a strong red blade emerges...

By Comic Relief on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 3:38 pm:

Re: gymnastic redshirt

I didn't know Mitch Gaylorad was a Redshirt! Gymkata!

By Lord of the hamburgers, the Charbroiled Avenger!! on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 3:48 pm:


Yes, Commander. Send us the coordinates, and we'll meet you there.

By Lt. Jadlad on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 3:53 pm:

Holodoc: Well you're cleared to leave.

Jadlad: Thanks doc. I love that new look I gave you!

Jadlad makes his way to the Bridge.

Jadlad: I've been listening in and heard about the skin sample. I'll go get it.

Jadlad dimesion-hops to the SnowCrane gets the skin sample and hops back to the sickbay of the Spidership.

Jadlad: Here you go doc. I'm going up to the bridge.

Jadlad makes his way to the bridge and takes a seat.

By Rocket Ranger on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 4:15 pm:

Rocket Ranger shuts the SnowCrane's engines off, then looks at Kiehart. Well, since you're security, our prisoner is all yours! (He opens the door to the cargo-bay so Kiehart can retrieve the prisoner, then looks at Colanator. The situation must be dire, indeed, if Jadlad hopped in here to get the skin sample instead of waiting for us to bring it to sickbay! (He pauses) Well, Colanator, I suppose you'll be wanting to get back to the engine room to make sure things are running smoothly. Nice flying with you. (He activates the SnowCrane's transporter I'll be down on Theta Beta Three, if anyone needs me. If the spidership has to leave, don't worry. I can summon the ThunderWolf to pick me up. (He steps onto the transporter pad and beams out.)

By Kiehart on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 4:45 pm:

Kiehart goes below to talk to the WK prisoner. The pilot is sitting on a cot, staring blankly at the wall. "Allright. Let's get down to business. I am going to transfer you to the Spidership, where you will be interrogated by the ship's security force. You will go with me, with no resistance. Resistance will be met with excuciating pain. I will not kill you, because I imagine that you do not consider death a threat or a punishment. Do I make myself clear?"

By The introduction of Butrfli on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 6:31 pm:

back in the Forgotten Realms universe, a tall Asian-looking woman with short black hair opens a door to where the Greenstones are gathered. She looks around and says:
Did somebody call for me?

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 6:35 pm:

Doctor: Captain, here's your skin sample, but I don't know what do with it.
Tacoman: I don't know how to explain it, but I know how to handle it...
The Doctor hands the skin sample to Tacoman, who holds it in his palm. Tacoman instantly falls asleep

By The Changearoo on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 6:51 pm:

A small, run-down craft approaches the Spidership. The gorilla piloting the craft pokes at the control panel until he manages to hit the comm button... Aboard the Spidership, the bridge viewscreen flares to life, showing a large, hairy gorilla.

"Greetings, Spidership! I am *grumble-grumble*Changearoo, um, master of shapeshifting, although something appears to be messing with my powers. I have come to join your crew. Permission to come aboard?", hails the gorilla.

During the middle of his speech, the gorilla starts to shake a little. By the time he finishes, his skin starts rippling, and standing in the gorilla's place is a young man with multicolored clothing on.

"There! I'm starting to get control of my powers again."

By New development with the Immortal on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 6:55 pm:

Back on Earth, the female Immortal is about to board a ship bound for outer space. Suddenly time freezes around her. A strange man dressed in blue and silver appears, and is the only other person that is not frozen in time.

This isn't right. You should not exist....not like this, anyway. You were never meant to be an Immortal! Their time has passed!

The Immortal draws her weapon, but when she tries to activate it, nothing happens!

W-who are you? What are you talking about?!

The strange man looks at her. He has a blue and silver headpiece on, and he has white hair and a short beard, but appears to be no more than 35.

You were not supposed to die at the hands of the one known as O'kak, and you were never meant to become an Immortal if you did die....which is not supposed to happen for a long time to come! I am known as Doctor Eternity....I am a sorceror who has existed since the beginning for time itself. And you must be...repaired. Things must be changed. And I have the ability to do so! (He pauses.) You will not remember any of what has transpired since your `death', except this...know that you ARE more than human! (He points at the Immortal. She vanishes instantly!)

By A message for Adon on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 7:10 pm:

(How ya like them taters?)

Suddenly Adon hears the Silver Maiden's voice in his head....

When you confront the clone, call my name.... Majashala, and I will appear. You will need my help to defeat him!

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 8:42 pm:

Greetings, Changearoo! Permission granted. We must warn you, however, that we are heading into a volitile situation.

By Kiehart on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 8:46 pm:

Kiehart looks at the prisoner as he escorts him to the transporter. The pilot stands defiantely proud. "Give me your name pilot." "I will say nothing to you." "Ah, but you just said something. Now say something else. What is your name?" The pilot stands silent, glaring at the back of the transporter room. "GIVE ME YOUR NAME!" Kiehart howls into the pilot's ear. The pilot flinches but stands tall, hands clasped behind his back, his poker face unwavering. Kiehart steps infront of him and stares deep into the prisoner's eyes. The two stand glaring at each other for hours before Kiehart again demands his name. He walks back and forth in front of the pilot's line of vision, repeating "Give me your name." over and over again. A few minutes later Kiehart moves with lgihtning speed right up into the pilot's face screaming, "WHAT IS YOUR NAME!?" The pilot's upper lip begins to quiver. Kiehart smiles. Only took about three hours, he thinks to himself. "Give me your name pilot." The pilot mutters something, but then tightens his lips. Kiehart backhands the pilot. The shock of the attack, and the hit causes the pilot to slip his name. Kiehart smiles. "Thank you."

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 9:28 pm:

I'll have to remember the Silver Maiden's message for later. Well, lets get going. I am eager to try and get my powers back.

By Something for Kiehart! on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 11:48 pm:

Suddenly a small warp portal opens up. A small green box falls through it and lands in Kiehart's hand, then the portal closes. Kiehart opens the box and finds two small, green devices. One is `U'-shaped, and resembles a 21st century electrical plug with a small red light on it opposite the ends of the `U'. The other device is a small box, roughly twice the size of the `U'. Kiehart reads the note....

If the prisoner refuses to talk, and knowing how fanatical the WK are he probably won't, stick the `U' up his nose and stand back at least 15 feet. Activate the other device, and it will send just enough electricity into his brain to cause excruciating pain without knocking him unconscious or killing him! DON'T let the charge run through him for more than 15 seconds at a time or use it more than 3 times in one hour, or it may cause irreversable brain damage or even death!
Signed Rocket Ranger.

By Kiehart on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 12:16 am:

Kiehart smiles. "This should be interesting. Now, pilot, now that you've told me your name, you should have no trouble telling me where your people set up there new base of operations after there orignal base in this area of space was dusted. Would you like to tell me?" The pilot stands straight, not saying a word. "Sigh. I guess I'll have to do this the hard way." He jams the U up the pilot's nose, like RR said. He steps back, then pushes the button. He holds it down for 14 seconds. The pilot writhes on the floor in pain, but somehow manged to not scream. "Oh, not even a scream for me? We'll have to rectify that." Kiehart pushes the button again, holding it down for 14 more seconds. The pilot writhes on the floor, tears sreaming down his cheeks, biting his lip to keep from screaming. "Oh come now. You wouldn't want to damage your brain would you? The brain that has been so loyal to the WK till now? Just tell me the name of the ship your fighter came from, and it's last known location, and I'll take that thing out of your nose. I'll even let you have a small nap. Now, will you tell me?" Kiehart does his best puppy dog begging look. "Pwease?" The pilot clenches his cheeks and turns to face the floor. Kiehart sighs, stands up, and walks away. He pushes the button, holding it down for 15 seconds. He then leaves the room. But not before walking over and kicking the pilot in the stomach.

By Plot Point on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 12:21 am:

The Greenstone Wizards gather together in a massive hall hidden deep in the Cloakwood Forest. "It will be time to move soon. Once Aynka arrives we can move to steal the Spidership, and rule this planet."

Butrfli watches this display of bravado from the wizards with a barely contained smile. She has been with this order since her wings had been damaged when she was a child. She then frowned as the image of the strange man appeared befor eher eyes again. The night before she'd had a dream about meeting him in an arid wasteland that frightened her. "Who are you?" she mutters under her breath to herself?

By Evil K-NIT TV-47 Executive on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 12:33 am:

Hey! We can't have the Spidership crew acting like evil bad guys, can we?

Oh wait, the ratings are going up! I'll get the credit for this!

By Viewer on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 1:01 am:

Letter to K-NIT;

Um, I thought Kiehart was just trying to break the bad guy's will. I didn't know he was being evil. If he is I'll stop watching.

By Lt Commander Rikard on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 8:49 am:

Kiehart turns the corner and runs into Rikard

Hey, Jason. You weren't torchuring our guest, were you?

By Lt Commander Rikard on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 8:52 am:

Kiehart turns the corner and runs into Rikard

Hey Jason. You weren't torturing our prisoner, were you?

By Anonymous on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 1:31 pm:

I'm so sorry, but he couldn't be `torchuring our guest'. We're all out of torches!! Hehehehe

By Really Old Teenager From Outer Space on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 2:10 pm:


By Film Critic Leonard Maltin, criticizing the Teenager from Outer Space on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 2:14 pm:

No, no, no... that should be, "WITH TORTURE!"

By Kiehart on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 4:24 pm:

Kiehart looks at Rikard. "How did you get here?" [He's still on the SnowCrane.] "And please, it's just Kiehart. I dropped the Jason part awhile ago."

By Captain Tacoman, definitly back to normal on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 8:05 pm:

Back on the biobed, Tacoman wakes up. He looks at himself and then at the area around him
Why am I in sickbay? What happened? Why do I have a sudden craving for hamburgers? Doctor.. Doctor? interesting new look...
Doctor: EMH to Commander Milkshake, Captain Tacoman is awake and seems to be back to normal...at least as normal as he can be.
Tacoman tries to rise from the bed, but as he does, a strange bar of light flares to life, keeping him on the bed
Can someone help me up here? And get me my cybersuit...

By Lt Commander Rikard on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 8:09 pm:

When Rocket arrived he told us that you guys had a prisoner that you were transferring over to the Spidership. When you never arrived, they sent a few of us over here to see what you were doing. Apparently, torturing a prisoner. Of course, if this is just the SnowCrane and not the ThunderWolf then where is our guest, the cargo bay?

By Rocket Ranger on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 8:55 pm:

Heading back to the spidership's cargo bay, now that he is back on the ship, Rocket receives a message from Holodoc on his badge-comm.

What's that? The Captain is back to normal? Okay....I guess you don't need the light-bar to hold him down anymore, then....(In sickbay, the restraining bar of solid light disappears) I'm heading to the cargo-bay. Tell the Captain that I have two grayshirts, Wayne Reid and Kent Cranston, to help me fly the SnowCrane and the ThunderWolf now. We're going to go check the SnowCrane out. Wayne has some modifications to the ship's systems that he wants to make. Rocket Ranger, out. (He deactivates his badge-comm and proceeds to the cargo-bay, Wayne and Kent follwing right behind him.) I wonder what Kiehart did with the prisoner....

By Kiehart on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 9:10 pm:

Kiehart smiles. "Not torture. Just a little will breaking excercise. I started small, getting him to tell me his name. In a little while I might be able to get some important info for you. Unless you have a better way. He's in the transporter room. Don't worry. I deactivated the pads."

By Kiehart on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 9:54 pm:

OK, so Kiehart ISN'T on the SnowCrane. Woop-de-do!


Kiehart and Rikard walk into the transporter room. The prisoner is writhing on the floor, desperately trying to blow RR's electro shock deivce out of his nose, his hands bound behind his back. Kiehart walks over and lugs him up onto his feet. "Meet Lt Commander Rikard, your new interrogator." kiehart then throws the prisoner onto the floor with a loud thud. "Tell him what he wants to know, and you'll never have to see me again." Kiehart gently taps the button that Ranger had given him, without pushing it. The pilot's eyes fill with fear.

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 5:01 pm:

Tacoman to Milkshake, where's my cybersuit?

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 5:21 pm:

Good to have you awake and healed, Captain. Unfortunately, your cybersuit was pretty much destroyed when we rescued you. I'll put in a new order for one, using my DoS expense account. Are you ready to take command, or do you wish a little recuperation time?

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 6:21 pm:

I think that once I get a new suit, I should be just about ready to get back into action.

By Anonymous on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 7:15 pm:

Suddenly a Holo-Tailor comes into existence.

Would you prefer something in a tweed, or do you prefer a nice, silk, double-breasted?

By Da Clone on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 7:26 pm:

Somewhere, on another planet, in an evil-looking castle, sits a man on an ivory throne , with demonic-looking skulls carved on the armrests. The skulls have deep-blue sapphires for eyes. The man is dressed in navy robes and looks exactly like Rominaius, if he were a decade younger. He is also more muscular. The crown once worn by the real Rominaius is now adorning his head. Two men, dressed in white and navy, attend him.....

Sire, what will you do next?

`Rominaius' looks at the man, his eyes squinting evilly. He pauses before he answers.

Since I now possess the powers of a Wanderer, nothing can stop our holy mission. However, I have decided that we MUST destroy a threat to our mission.....a very minor threat, but a threat nonetheless.

The other man looks puzzled. And what threat is that, my lord?

The clone smiles evilly Why, the group of trouble-makers known as the League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions, of course! And their pitiful allies, Lord of the Hamburgers and his crew! (He pauses) Do we know the current location of the spidership?

Man #1: Yes, my lord.

Man #2: And the Condimental is close behind it.

Rominaius clone: Excellent. Ready my personal warship, the Pikkelnonyon, and tell all the crew to make sure all the starfighters on-board are fully armed! That means replacing the lasers with....our secret weapons!! (He begins to laugh maniacally. The two men tremble as they bow and leave the room in haste.

By Captain Tacoman, remembering things on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 9:08 pm:

Hmm.. the last thing I really remember is the Whyte Kastles killing Jadlad's father, and the rest gets blurry from there...
I remember anger... and large battle suits...
and that strange dream before I woke up this last time... the one with the beautiful woman...

By Kiehart on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 9:12 pm:

Note To Rikard: I left you a PRETTY BIG HINT THERE PAL. The priosner is all yours.

By Lt Commander Riakrd on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 12:11 am:

Rikard turns to the pilot after Kiehart leaves.

I'm sorry that our regular security guy couldn't talk to you right now. He's busy trying to figure out how to get his powers back. I must say, this is an interesting device. Not that I am really going to use it. Of course, I could always call Kiehart back to have a chat with you, the choice is yours.

The pilot just stares ahead. Rikard looks at the pilot's rank

Ah, don't worry ensign. Right now, if we're right, our ship is traveling to the heart of the WK fleet. You'll probably be back with you buddies at the end of the day.

The pilot says nothing

What if I were to tell you that we have the original King Rominaius in our midst? Well, guess what, we do. Bring him in.

Two redshirt guards walk in and drop a still confused Rominaius onto the ground. The two redshirts survive, for now...

As you can see, you great leader is here with us. By not talking, you have told me all that I need to know. You see, earlier, one of the members of our team did a little spell on your king. He told our man, Observer, the coordinates for your main planet and fleet. At first, some had thought that maybe Rominaius would not tell a regular officer where the coordinates to everything was. Luckily, by not speaking, you have confirmed that you in fact do know the coordinates and that they are correct. That and the fact that we've detected a huge WK fleet. If it's not your homeworld, then it's definitely a major post with one of your largest fleets. I hope you feel better knowing how much of a help you've been to the LICC. Have a nice day. Rikard to transporter, beam our two guests to the brig.

The pair disappear in the Spidership's transporter beam. Rikard leaves the room.

By Bad News!!! on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 1:23 am:

Suddenly there is a `Red Alert' on the bridge. A redshirt comes running in, with some bad news. He looks at Commander Milkshake.

Sir, I don't know how it happened, but....Commander Rikard just had a captured WK pilot and King Rominaius in the transporter room for interrogation. When he finished, he had them beamed back to the brig. Something went wrong in the transport. I don't know how to tell you this, but....somehow they've escaped!! (He leaves the bridge, heads down the hall, and begins climbing down a Jefferies tube. Unfortunately, he loses his grip. Even more unfortunately, this particular Jeffries tube runs all the way to the bottom of the ship. He is turned into a human pancake when he hits bottom.....

By EVEN MORE Bad News!!! on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 1:29 am:

Suddenly, everyone on the bridge realizes what the `Red Alert' is for. On the viewscreen, there are aproximately 120 WK starfighters, as well as two destroyers heading right for the spidership!

Rocket Ranger(walking onto the bridge: Looks like we've got trouble. I've summoned the ThunderWolf from its hiding place, and Wayne and Kent are in the SnowCrane, even as we speak. I think we'd better launch, and Rikard had better get his starfighter ready to go, too. This is going to be one heck of a fight! Better get the Polymorph Rifle online, sir. Its gonna get overworked today!

By Captain Tacoman, back in action on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 8:29 am:

The cybersuit that Milkshake ordered for Tacoman arrives. Tacoman puts it on.
Wow... the latest model, too. Ok... wormhole generator... active and running on my account... small polymorph weapons... Advanced sensors and hologrid generators. I think I'm ready for command again.
Tacoman goes up to the bridge and looks at the viewscreen
I think it's time for a little action here. Ops, all weapons at the ready.

By Captain Tacoman, adding more on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 8:31 am:

Get the EMP generator warmed up. We'll probably need it soon. Rocket, can the ThunderWolf and SnowCrane produce EMPs?

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 8:53 am:

If you mean `Electromagnetic Pulse', the closest thing that the SnowCrane has are its magnetic anti-shielding mines. The ThunderWolf, however.... (Rocket smiles)

By Lt. Jadlad on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 9:09 am:

Well Captain, It looks like they approved and integrated my miniature polymorher designs into the newest sets of armor.

But enough about that. I want to make those W.K.'s pay for what they did to my father. I may not have always agreed with what my dad said and did. But I loved him.

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 9:45 am:

Rocket looks at Jadlad and smiles.

Why do I get the feeling that someone's gonna be getting a Power Pizza with everything on it before this is over? (He looks back at Tacoman) The ThunderWolf has an EMP-Cannon, but it can only be fired once every five minutes. The EMP effect lasts for about an hour, though. You got a plan in mind, Captain?

By Commander Milkshake, back at Ops on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 10:14 am:

Launching all fighters and speeders. Polymorph Rifle ready. Engineering reports the secondary generators are online, ready to provide power for weapons and shields. This is going to be some battle. I suggest those of the bridge crew with gadgets and powers that might help in this situation, get them ready!

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 10:45 am:

But first, I think it's time to go to the next board...
Ok.. here's what we do.
Fire the EMP so that the Whyte Kastles are mostly powerless, and then we hit them with everything we've got.

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