League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XIX

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XIX
By Yet Another K-NIT TV-47 Viewer on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 10:50 am:

Wait, I'll make some popcorn before the show comes back on...oh shoot!

By PD Insane on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 11:52 am:

Peter Dionysus Insane enters the bridge, still in his new attire.

I'll take tactical, have we got any awesome Really Huge Missiles, dude?

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 12:36 pm:

SnowCrane to spidership....we're about to hook up with the ThunderWolf. We'll fire the EMP-Cannon as soon as the ThunderWolf's systems are activated. Then its ThunderHammer time! (He cuts commnications....) Wayne, get those engines up to maximum power. Kent, arm the quantum torpedoes, but put the launcher on stand-by...we don't want to waste them if we don't have to.

By Chish & Fips commercial on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 12:42 pm:

Ladies and gentlemen, Chish & Fips is sad to announce that we will no longer be able to offer our Rocky Mountain Oysters platter. This is due to the fact that our supplier has been run out of business for violating the Quality Control Act.
However, Chish & Fips is proud to announce that, thanks to a new supplier, we are replacing the Rocky Mountain Oysters with our NEW, Baked Barbecued, Beaver-Burgers! Our Beaver-Burgers are baked in the oven, then smothered in our own, secret recipe barbecue sauce, and served with a side order of our famous onion and chocolate cole slaw with a heaping helping of our own french fried turnip sticks.
Chish & Fips....now with 16 exciting locations....try one near you!!!

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 12:45 pm:

Ops, fire the EMP generator at the same time that the ThunderWolf fires their cannon. I want maximum EMP generation.

By Klassikos on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 12:49 pm:

Klassikos enters the bridge.

Kaptain, I would like a word with you. Would it be possible if my ship were to be kovered in that Wanderer-style metal? It would render it a powerful device to use.

By Kiehart on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 2:22 pm:

Kiehart runs up to the bridge when he hears the Red Alert. "Captain! Welcome back to the land of the moderately sane." (insert Tacoman's response here) Kiehart smiles then turns to Ranger. "Have you got MY fighter fixed up yet? We'll need everything we got against those ships."

By Frank Sidious on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 2:46 pm:

The LICC must defeat the Whyte Kastles for our plans to work. 22D-R, transport some Really Huge Missiles onto the Spidermobile.

By Rocket Ranger to Kiehart on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 3:18 pm:

Kiehart, your fighter is ready, except the engine's a little touchy. You may have to bang on the control panel every once in a while. We'll try to find a replacement engine later, but for now that's the best I could do.
Its armed with four pulse-lasers and two proton missiles. The missile control system is voice-activated. You have to yell "I am the Man!" to get the system to come on. Sorry, but thats what Kent encoded the system with. Unless you know anything about advanced systems programming and encoding, you'll have to wait until we get through with this mission. Then you can change the voice-command to whatever you want!

By Kiehart on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 3:42 pm:

Kiehart nods. "I am the Man will have to do for right now. I'd prefer something simple like, "Fighter. Arm missiles." but that's the way the cookie crumbles. And no, I'm not an expert, but I am a fast learner. Are there any other tricks I should know about?" "No time!" a redshirt calls out, shortly before he trips over the captain's chair and snaps his neck. Kiehart shivers slightly then turns back to Ranger. "Right, no time. I'll just figure it out as I go along, like always." Kiehart rushes to his fighter, amazed at the job Ranger did in re-buildsing it. "Wow!"

By Lt Commander Rikard on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 5:58 pm:

Rikard runs into the bay.

Come on Kiehart, we have a battle to fight.

He climbs into his ship and launches. He slips into formation and checks his readings.

Four squadrons. We're still outnumbered five to two. All ships, this is Rikard, hang back until the EMP is fired. Rikard out.

This is where the fun begins.

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 6:44 pm:

Milkshake to ThunderWolf, we are armed and ready. Are your EMP Cannons active?


Acknowledged...wait until enemy fleet is in position...wait for it...wait for it...FIRE!

Two MASSIVE blasts of Electromagnetic energy eminate from the Spidermobile and the ThunderWolf. The two pulses strike the WK fleet simultaneously, and huge spiderwebs of blue lightning arc around and over the Whyte Kastle ships. Then, suddenly....

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 7:42 pm:

.....all of the enemy ships come to a grinding halt!

Okay, guys, its time to form the ThunderCrane! We'll clear the way so that the rest of the team can make it to the planet!

The SnowCrane, piloted by Kent, moves toward the ThunderWolf and the two ships connect and morph to form the ThunderCrane.

Lets show these WK jerks just what this ship can do!!

By Suddenly... on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 8:16 pm:

... a hyperspace tunnel opens and out comes a small fighter craft. At first it rams a few WK ships and then starts to fire at the rest of the fleet.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 8:24 pm:

Ops, fire all weapons we have at the Whyte Kastle fleet! Order the fighters and shuttles and things to fire!
Jadlad, Quantum, anybody else with fancy powers, use them!
Computer, replicate a large explosive chalupa just outside the torpedo tubes. Tacoman to torpedo bay, when the chalupa arrives, place it inside the torpedo tube.
THe chalupa appears and is placed inside the tube
Ops, fire the chalupa!

By LICC Quartermaster on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 8:52 pm:

Captain, some Really Huge Missiles® just appeared in the torpedo bay!

By Kiehart on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 9:07 pm:

Kiehart swings his fighter around, flying circles around one of the disabled fighter. "Yeah, this'll •••• 'im off." He circles the fighter a few more times then fires. He then begins a strafing run, blowing up five more fighters. "Kiehart to Rikard. How long till these bad boys can get back on line, and how many you think we can pick off 'fore it happens?"

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 9:13 pm:

Chalupa fired! Arming Really Huge Missiles...firing!

The Chalupa, followed by the Really Huge Missiles, burst from the Spidermobile's torpedo bays. The Missiles target several of the largest WK ships and blow them to pieces. The Chalupa dives into the largest concentration of the Kastle fleet and explodes into a flaming conflagration, melting every battleship near the huge fireball. Milkshake takes the controls of the Polymorph Rifle, and deftly begins picking off WK ships, one by one.

Captain, I have...


Direct hit on the Engineering section! Power losses all across the board, but the shields are holding! They're using some new type of weapon that can penetrate our shields!


Every electronic console and display on the bridge sputters and dies. The lights follow, leaving the bridge crew in complete darkness. After a few tense seconds, the emergency power comes on, and the consoles are reactivated.

Captain, the Kastles have something that disrupts our power conduits without harming the hull.

By Kiehart on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 9:59 pm:

Kiehart's fighter flew past one of the bolts that hit the Spidership. "Holy mary mother o' god what the hell was that?" Kiehart swings around to see a disabled Spidership drift slightly off. "Dammit. Rikard, did you see which enemy vessel that came from?" "It came from of the smaller vessels. A destroyer I believe." Kiehart brings his fighter around, and heads straight for the destroyer. "I am the MAN!"

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 10:17 pm:

The ThunderCrane swings by and destroys two starfighters with its pulse-cannons. Inside Rocket activates his helmet's comm-system.

There's something I think you should see.... (He flips a switch that transmits a picture to the viewscreens of the spidership and Rikard and Kiehart's fighters. It is of an ominous, navy and white ship. Titanic, humongous, gigantic (and yes, even....McLarge), it easily dwarfs the destroyers. It is at least ten times their size...and it is heavily armed!) I don't know where it came from. It was just...there all of a sudden. It may have some sort of cloaking device. The good news is it apparently only has extremely heavy armor, no shielding.

By Lord of the Hamburgers, the Charbroiled Avenger!! on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 10:22 pm:

Suddenly the voice of the Lord of the Hamburgers comes in over the comm-systems of the spidership, ThunderCrane, and Rikard and Kiehart's fighters.

We were afraid that this would happen. Rominaius had been planning to create such a ship, but we believed he lacked the resources to do so. Apparently we were wrong....that is a Gamera-class ship....the second most powerful class in the known universe! Unless someone knows where we can get hold of a Godzilla-class vessel in the next few minutes, we're up the proverbial creek without a paddle...or a boat, for that matter!

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 10:39 pm:

No shielding?!? Ha ha ha ha! Mr. Insane, would you kindly transport the bridge crew of that large WK ship into our brig? Then we can perhaps Polymorph the dreadnought into a nice flower arrangement, or perhaps a Shar-pei...

By Kiehart on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 11:20 pm:

..the ship fires a blast of energy that slams hard into the Spidership, tearing off one if it's nacelles. Milkshakes falls to the floor, hits his head and is knocked unconscious.

Kiehart brings his fighter into a firing position on the smaller vessel that disabled the Spidership. "Say hello to oblivion." Kiehart fires the two missles. The ship's forward hull disentegrates. The explosive decompression takes care of the rest. "That's one problem out of the way. Now, what do we do about Gigantor over there?

By Rocket Ranger....devious little devil! on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 12:56 am:

Rocket Ranger contacts the spidership....

Commander, forget about using the transporters or the Polymorph Rifle. I've provided the warship's bridge crew with a....distraction. (He pauses) If you'll remember, I examined a dead X-cwX drone and I later captured a still-living drone and examined it. But no one ever asked what happened to the drone. Simple...it was in stasis...until exactly three minutes ago. And now its on that ship's bridge....with some modifications I added to its systems. I can't control it, but I can deactivate it and return it to stasis at any time!

By A whole lotta dead Whyte Kastles! on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 1:02 am:

Suddenly bright red and purple lights begin flashing randomly from the warship's bridge. Several seconds later, several bay doors open in the warship's sides and at least two hundred starfighters fly out!

LotH (on the comm): Oh, no! We're in for it now!

Rocket Ranger (on his helmet's comm): No, we're not.

LotH: What are you talking about?

Suddenly, before RR can say anything, several hundred energy blasts fire at once, obliterating the WK fighters!

Rocket Ranger: That is what I was talking about! The Sslrth have arrived!

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 6:49 am:

Doctor to the bridge! Commander Milkshake might need medical attention.
Ops, fire every weapon we have aboard! release the magnetic mines! Fire another chalupa right at the gigantic fighter!
Jadlad? We could use some Pizza Power right about now!
Furby, open a channel to the Whyte Kastle fleet and start singing!
We really need a vacation!

By Lt. Jadlad on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 6:51 am:

With that, Jadlad begins making an entire pizza with everything on it and hurles it at the warship. It grows in power and size as it appraches the warship and by the time the pizza touches it it leaves nothing behind but some tomato sauce and cheese!

Blueshirt: Did you see that? That pizza even had a kitchen sink in it!

Yellowshirt: Forget that! It had a pizza kitchen!

Jadlad doesn't stop to admire his work and begins throwing supercharged pizza slices at the Sslrth starfighters as fast as he can and takes nearly 1/3 of them out by himself.

Blueshirt: Remind me not to get on his bad side!

By Lt. Jadlad on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 6:57 am:

=/\= How's that Captain? =/\=

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 9:51 am:

Ow...it's okay, Captain. My armor's life-support systems revived me...firing Chalupa, releasing magnetic mines.

Milkshake pulls his helmet from a small cubby underneath the Ops console and puts it on.

OW! That's the last time I go into battle not wearing this, I swear!

By Commander Adon on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 12:13 pm:

During the confusion of the space battle, a small shuttle slipped through the fleet and jumped into warp. It landed on a planet some distance away and was immediately surrounded by WK troops.

The shuttle's hatch opened up and Adon stepped into view holding the strange pistol.

Goodbye, boys.

Adon fired. The shot went high and right of the intended target, but in the end, it didn't matter. The explosion destroyed or disoriented all of the troops in the area, allowing Adon to slip into the Clone's fortress without being followed.

When Robin said that he got the good shells, he wasn't kidding. One down, four to go.

By Kiehart on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 3:30 pm:

Kiehart wathces as the Ssrlth ships exit warp and begin firing at the WK ships. "Yes!" he cheers. He looks down at his snesor panel. "What the-" He hits few buttons and sees a shuttle leaving the Spidership. It takes off into warp. "I've got the feeling that I'd better follow that shuttle."

By Frank Evil on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 3:48 pm:

Everything is going according to plan. Muhahahahahahahahhaha!

Frank Fra-whatever: Muhahahhahahahaha!
Number Two: Muahahahahhahahahahahahaa!
Henchfranks: Muahahahahhahahahahahahah!

By Inspector Mystery on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 3:58 pm:

Captain, shall I bring the polymorph ray online?

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 4:21 pm:

I thought it already was, Inspector. If it isn't on, turn it on. if it's already on, fire that sucker!
Nice work on the Kastle ship, Jadlad... but I was of the impression that the Ssrlth were on our side...

By Sslarth on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 4:38 pm:

[The Sslrth are on our side! Lets just consider that a typo...he meant WK!]

General Sslarth contacts the spidership...

Nice job of taking out those WK fightersss....we will stay here and defend against any WK forces that show up, while you attend to the planet below. We have a gift for you, our new alliesss...(Suddenly, a particle-beam cannon (shoulder-mounted model) appears on the spidership's bridge) Use it well, my friendssss....

By Kiehart on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 4:48 pm:

Kiehart flies into the planet's atmosphere, tracking the shuttle that left the Spid3ership. He lands right next to it. He gets out of the cockpit to see WK boides littered throguhout the area. "What the •••• happened here?" He hears the familiar sound of a pistol being armed. A voice says, "Turn around. Slowly." Kiehart turns around. His eyes light up with recognition. "Adon!"

By Gratuitous Redshirt Death/Plot Point on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 5:10 pm:

Aboard the Spidership, a redshirt scratches his head. "Hey! Where did Kiehart and Adon go?" He then sneezes, passes out, and dies.

By The Observer on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 6:03 pm:

Captain, perhaps we should go to aid our comrades on the planet. I notice this new ship is equipped for safe planetary landings.

By Commander Adon on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 6:24 pm:

Adon turned, pointed the gun towards Kiehart, and fired. A large wall collapsed on to an incomming group of WK troopers. Adon pulled out another shell and loaded it.

Missed again. You're welcome to come along, Kiehart. But we had better be careful. This guy has my old powers. I just hope that he hasn't mastered them yet.

By Kiehart on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 6:42 pm:

Kiehart frowns. "He has your powers? How did he do that?" Kiehart checks all the guns in his arsenal, then he pulls out one his automatic wepaons. "Armed and ready to go. Let's got get medevil."

By Rominaius clone on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 7:38 pm:

The Rominaius clone is in his castle's war-room, with some of his generals. A messenger enters and hands a note to the clone....

Clone:And so, I think we should....what's this? He reads the note So....they have actually managed to send some members of their pitiful little group to this planet. Well....he crumples the note and throws it down I won't disappoint them! He looks at one of his generals. Send every ship we have in the immediate vicinity to take care of the enemy ships in space, while I get ready to confront our...visitors!

By Furby on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 8:20 pm:

Brother, I'm transporting down to the surface. You may continue playing with those enemy ships until they are dust.

The Furby fighter turns around and starts again smashing WK ships.

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 8:34 pm:

Observer, prepare the ship for planetary landing.
Continuing firing all weapons at any Kastle ship that gets in our way.
Launch a few battle suits with yellow and blueshirts to help the fight.

By Rocket Ranger on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 8:45 pm:

Rocket Ranger activates his helmet's comm-system. The Condimental, spidership, Furby fighter and Sslrth fleet can hear him; anyone on the planet cannot...

I beamed the X-cwX drone off the warship and put it back into stasis. I won't use it again unless absolutely necessary. Maybe someday I'll find some way to make it more useful....controllable, or even give it a will of its own.
I'm invoking my powers as a space marshal. If the WK are not stopped here....if Adon and the others do not stop the Rominaius clone....every ship here MUST fire on the planet and destroy it!
They're too great a threat to be allowed to continue. They've already cost the universe countless lives. This world is only a base of operations, so no innocents will be murdered if this world is obliterated! He cuts communications.... Wayne, begin the transformation to the ThunderHammer!!!
Suddenly the ThunderCrane begins to transform; first, arms come out of the ship, then legs. Finally, a head appears. The robot does some utterly needless posing, then moves toward the planet.....

By Plot Complication on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 9:06 pm:

Kiehart and Adon walk towards the Castle in the distance. Suddenly an alarm goes off in the back of Kiehart's head goes off. "Adon, duck!" The two hit the floor just as a burst of energy flies through the spot where they were stnading. The clone Rominaius stands there with an evil smile on his face. "Good to see you again Adon."

By Rominaius clone on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 9:14 pm:

Know that you will die soon, and there is nothing that you can do to stop it! (Suddenly fifteen Whyte Kastle soldiers, fully armed and armored, appear behind Rominaius) Throw this...outsider in the dungeon, and bring the Wanderer...or should I say former Wanderer...to me! Hahahahaha!! (The clone disappears...it was only a hologram!!

By Furby on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 9:54 pm:

Like in slow-motion the WK soldiers fall down. The reason is a small Furby with a big smoking gun.

"Hehehe. This is fun!"

By Kiehart on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 9:55 pm:

Kiehart smiles. "Go ahead. Try to take me. I'm actually hoping you do it." Two of the soldiers move. Kieharts raises his weapon and with a quick motion empties three neutronium jacketed bullets into each soldier. "Adon, get back! I'll hold 'em off!"

By K-NIT TV-47 Viewer, talking to his buddy on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 9:58 pm:

This is getting old. All they do is shoot, shoot, shoot. Who does K-NIT think they are, UPN? I'd like to see them go to another Superhero Convention.

By Plot Excitation on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 10:59 pm:

Suddenly, one of the WK soldiers activates his communicator....

Its not going to work...they're just too dangerous to take by ourselves. Send in the Capture-Mech!!!

Suddenly there is an ominous sound, of something really big taking footsteps. Several seconds later, a giant mechanical `beast', about fifty feet tall, appears. It has two legs, an armored cockpit jutting from its body, and four strange-looking arms, each with various projectors and guns on it. The beast fires a devastating blast of energy from a giant cannon underneath the cockpit that knocks the heroes to the ground!

Throw the furry creature and the one in the black coat into the dungeon, and bring the other one to the King! (The `beast' moves forward. It fires bluish-colored beams from its arms that strike Kiehart, Furby, and Adon.)

By Plot Instigation on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 11:03 pm:

Kiehart and Furby find themselves transported into a pair of prison cells right across from each other. The cells appear to be three walls, with a `door' made up of force-field bars, each approximately two inches from the next one, going horizontally. Their weapons, communicators, and other equipment are missing! Suddenly, two WK guards come down the hall and stop in front of Kiehart's cell. The guards are armored, but appear to be unarmed.

Well, you don't look so high and mighty now, do you? Soon we will be victorious! Your forces in space will be destroyed, and nothing will stop our glorious leader from ruling the entire universe, as his destiny is fulfilled!

By The Final Battle begins!! on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 11:07 pm:

Adon finds himself in a large white room. The room has a balcony with three doors, and a white and silver staircase leading up to it. There is a circular wall underneath the balcony with windows that look down at a drop-off that is well over 100 feet! The room is completely empty, except for a table in the middle of it. On the table are Adon's weapons, and a note.

By Kiehart on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 11:13 pm:

Kiehart growls. "Later on I'm going to see about getting this bad luck of mine removed if possible. You OK Furb?"

By Escape!! on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 1:12 am:

The two guards walk down to the end of the hall and turn the corner. Suddenly the force-field bars keeping Furby and Kiehart in their cells begin to flicker. After several seconds, the bars disappear completely, and the lights begin to flash on and off, before the lights finally stabilize. However, the force-field bars are still gone!

By Re-introducing a character....sort of.... on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 1:27 am:

[EVERYONE read my post in Discussion 7 before reacting to this!]

Suddenly time freezes. On the spidership's bridge, a young japanese woman dressed in red and black appears. She is wearing a red leather jacket with black bands piping on the sleeves, red gloves, black and red pants, and red knee-high boots. A crossbow is slung across her shoulder, and a long lightsaber handle hangs from her belt. She looks around for a second...

W...what happened? Where am I?! (Suddenly a ghostly head appears before her, roughly three times the size of a normal human head. It is Doctor Eternity.) Everything is as it should be. In the future, you and LICC encountered an enemy who somehow used his powers to throw you back in time. He took away your powers, changed your appearance and your memory, wiped everyone's memories of you, and as an insult, made you a redshirt! I have restored you, and your powers, but this as close to your normal time that I could place you. This is actually a few weeks after you originally joined the team, but due to fluctuations in the timestream, I was unable to take you to the point in time when you were changed. This is the best I could do. (He looks at Observer, who is the only member of LICC unaffected by the time-freeze.) I allowed you to be unfrozen and hear this so that she would have an ally if anything goes wrong, or if she needs someone to talk to. DO NOT tell anyone about this....even the other Observers! (He looks at the woman again....) I am sorry, but when I leave and restart time, you will remember none of this. However, you and everyone else will not realize that anything is wrong. You will all `remember' that you joined the team right before the beginning of this mission. You will all also remember that the female redshirt was slain, and her body destroyed! I wish you good luck! (He disappears, and time restarts!) Captain, do you think Adon and the others will be able to stop the clone and get his powers back?

By Furby on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 7:15 am:

Hmmm, either it's a very strange coincidence or a deliberate trap. Anyway, we should try our luck. I'll walk on the ceiling - no normal creature would expect me there...

By Commander Adon on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 7:33 am:

Adon walked over to the table and picked up his weapons. They seemed real enough. Then he checked the pouch on his belt. Sure enough, the two shells were still there.

It looks like I have most of my equipment back. Time to read the note...

By Captain Tacoman, enjoying a bit of destruction on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 7:48 am:

I'm sure they will. Crimson.
Could it be possible to lock on to the clone's biosignal and beam him to our brig? And then we can beam our team out and start the total destruction of area...

By Kiehart on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 1:34 pm:

Kiehart nods at Furby's suggestion. "Allright. I'll go through the door first. They only thing on me they can bruise is my ego, and that's beginning to develop a calous." Kiehart steps through. The guards stand up in shock. "One of them shouts "Hey!" but with a quick swing Kiehart swipes the gurads communicator before he can use it. A pulse of energy from the other guard slanms into his side. Kiehart isn't damaged by the blast, but the physical force of the impact knocks him to the ground. Kiehart holds his breath when he hits the floor. The two gurads go over to check and make sure he's dead. And then, suddenly, from the ceiling...

By No we cannot, Captain on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 1:35 pm:

A redshirt looks back and answers the Captain....

Sorry, sir. We can't do that. There appears to be some sort of energy-shielding around the castle that prevents our transporters from working. We can't beam anyone in or out!

He reaches down to scratch an itch on his knee, but accidentally scratches himself. He walks off the bridge, not realizing he has contracted the flesh-eating virus....

By The note on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 1:39 pm:

Adon reads the note. It says....

I am waiting for you behind one of the doors on the balcony above you. One of the other doors leads out of the castle. The other door leads to instant death. Choose well, fool!

Rominaius II

P.S. I know all about the Silver Maiden joining your side. Feel free to bring her with you; I will enjoy killing her almost as much as I will enjoy killing YOU!!

By The Observer on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 2:49 pm:

(Observer looks oddly at Crimson Crossbow for a second, then looks back at the Auxillary Tactical console. Lt. Insane is occupying Tactical One.)

I've seen this before, Captain. The shielding around the castle appears to be one of the new tachyon-field models. The shield does not oscillate frequencies, so we cannot send a transport beam between shield cycles. However, there is a trick I picked up a few years from now...

(Observer taps furiously on the console for a minute or two...)

Blast! They're compensating. Captain, I may be able to get one or two crewmembers into the castle, but we cannot beam anyone out until that shield is down. We can also destroy some of these anti-atmoscraft guns and land a short distance away. We can then send an assault team to destroy their shield generators.

By RoCkEt RaNgEr on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 3:03 pm:

Rocket Ranger comes in over the comm...

Observer, I hate to tell you this, but I've done a scan, and one of the shield generators is inside the castle itself. I tried to contact the others on the planet, but they're not responding. Something must be wrong. Our only hope is that Furby and Kiehart somehow stumble upon it, recognize it for what it is, and take it out! We're already trying to take care of some of the atmoscraft guns! (The ThunderHammer robot forms the Hammer of Power) BY THE POWER OF JOHN HENRY!!! (ThunderHammer nails an atmoscraft gun with the hammer, smashing it to pieces, then fires its pulse-fire cannon at a capture-mechm obliterating it.)

By Commander Adon on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 3:04 pm:

Three doors, with the clone behind one of them. If I only had my sensing abilities, I could pinpoint where he is.

Majashala, I could use your help.

By Oops! on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 3:05 pm:

[That should have read `capture mech mk II' (flying model).]

By The Silver Maiden on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 3:11 pm:

The Silver Maiden materializes next to Adon, this time without the burst of light.

Greetings, Adon. I have been with you all along, silently watching. Unfortunately, I'm not as powerful as I used to be. The Whyte Kastles were supplying me with equipment that amplified my powers, but it ceased to work when I turned on them, and later the devices self-destructed. I sense nothing behind the first door. The other two, however....I sense life behind both, but I cannot tell which one the false Rominaius is in....

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 3:17 pm:

Sounds good Observer. Target the guns. Helm, once the guns are gone, prepare to land the ship.
Get an assault team ready.

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 4:02 pm:

Observer, the energy pod on the dorsal side of those guns are un-shielded, hit them there. Captain, shall I lead the assault team, or do you have someone else in mind?

By Moving right along... on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 4:22 pm:

Kiehart and Fruby stand triumphantly over the downed gurads, and the back up that they had been able to call in when Furby began his attack. "Well that was fun. Any idea where we need to go next Furb?"

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 4:22 pm:

Milkshake, this one is yours. You can use one of the spare battle suits we have in the cargo bay...then again, I happen to know that the CyberTec catalog has a nice group of battle suits this time...

By Commander Adon on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 4:22 pm:

Hmm... One door is obviously wrong, and we have a fifty-fifty chance on the other doors.

Adon walked to the first door, and Silver Maiden protested.
Silver Maiden: "What are you doing? There's nothing back there."

Adon smiled.
I know.

Adon drew the pistol and opened the door. Inside was a long room lined with marble pillars. Sitting in a throne at the far end of the room was Rominaius.

Its so nice to finally meet you.

Adon fired at Rominaius. The clone jumped out of the throne before the shell hit and landed in the center of the room. Adon looked at the clone's reflection on the floor. He saw Rominaius's reflection, and a ghost-like reflection of Adon in the floor. Adon looked over at the Silver Maiden, and her reflection. Her complete reflection stared back at them. Then Adon looked down at his reflection. His own ghost-like reflection stared back at him.

I think we found the right clone.

By Furby on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 6:51 pm:

We should do a search for Adon. I'd say he is currently having some "talks" with Rominaius the clone. But I have no idea where he is...

By The clone needs some metal polish! on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 7:23 pm:

The clone sneers at Adon, and draws its sword....

So....you have both come to die, as I hoped you would! (The clone tranforms into...er..Metal Clone!) This will end here...either of you will leave this castle alive!

By Furby on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 8:26 pm:

Hmmmmmm, my internal sensors don't show any signs of Adon. Some parts of the castle must be shielded...

By Kiehart on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 9:11 pm:

Kiehart grumbles. "Figures. So, if you were a sheilded area of a castle, where would you be?"

By Commander Adon on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 9:29 pm:

Adon drew his own sword and attacked. The two beings fought for some time. Even though the clone was faster and stronger than Adon, he was no match for Adon's skill. Suddenly, the clone took off into the air with his hand on his right cheek.

The clone looked at the blue stain on his palm, and a matching blue line across his cheek.

It would seem that you are not as impervious as you let yourself believe.

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 9:51 pm:

The Spidermobile, quickly dispatching most of the anti-atmoscraft guns on the western side of the castle, touches down in an empty WK staging area. The area around the castle appears to be abandoned, most of the planet's forces being on the WK spaceships. The bridge hatch opens, and a ramp slides down to the ground.

All right...Insane, Observer, Crossbow, Quantum, Jadlad, you're with me. Ensign Superflous, contact Rikard and Rocket Ranger and have them and their ships meet us at coordinates 5642 by 4573 mark 47, 1 kilometer due east. We may need air support, and will need their firepower to complete the mission.

Milkshake opens the bridge storage locker and pulls out the massive shoulder-mounted cannon the Sslrth presented to the crew. He hefts it onto his shoulder, and secures it onto his armor with self-sealing stem bolts. He types a few commands into the Ops console, and a sensor map appears on the viewscreen.

Okay team, here's the situation. There are 6 shield generators surrounding the castle, and one inside the shield perimeter. We are going to proceed to the westernmost generator, here. If we can knock this out, and the fighters destroy the two nearest generators in the network, it should make a breach just large enough for us to get inside. All those of you who are going to take weapons, make sure you have them ready. There shouldn't be much resistance, as the Sslrth fleet is keeping the WK forces busy in orbit. Let's move out!

By Kiehart on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 10:00 pm:

Kiehart and Furby decide to split up. Kiehart goes donw the hall, pushing and pulling any staue and book he finds, hoping to find a secret passage. "OK, what am I doing wrong?" Kiehart closes his eyes and concentrates. "OK. Book-levers and Statue arms are an Earth cliche. The WK would not do that. So where would they put a switch to open a secret door?" He leans against a painting. The one eyed creature creeps Kiehart out so he steps away, but not before noticing that his finger went through the "iris" of the p[ainting. He sticks his finger all the way, and feels a button. He presses and a door opens. A weapons locker. Kiehart's eyes light up at the sight. "Enough firepower to level the whole castle!" His eyes lower to a table. "And mine and Furby's gear!"

By Oh no! on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 10:04 pm:

The Greenstone Wizards have now all gathered together in their hall. Butrfli looks around with concern. Something about this doesn't fel right, but she stays silent. Mostly out of fear. The wizards begin their chant. A birght light surounds them all. A blinding flash causes Butrfli to cover her eyes. The wizards appear in an empty area. A wizard closes his eyes, and places his fingers to his temples. "Yes, we are in a storage area. The bridge is this way. The only people aboard are disposable soldiers called Redshirts, and some scientists and repair technicians. They can do no serious harm to us."

Milkshake hears a noise that sounds like the Spidership III's engines powering up. "What the-" He turns just in time to see the Spidership take off clumsily into the sky.

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 10:24 pm:

Milkshake hears a noise that sounds like the Spidermobile III's engines powering up.

What the-

He turns just in time to see the Spidership take off clumsily into the sky.

Milkshake to Tacoman!


Milkshake to Spidermobile computer!

More static

I'd say we have trouble. I doubt the Captain's taking the ship. Milkshake to Ranger!

"Rocket Ranger here."

Someone's hijacked the Spidermobile! Get Rikard and try to intercept it!

By I dont think so! on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 10:32 pm:

Rocket Ranger comes in over Tacoman and Milkshake's comm-systems.

I'm on it. I could use the ThunderHammer to
stop the ship from taking off, but then we'd have to conduct massive repairs before it would be spaceworthy again. So...I think I'll do....this! (Tacoman and Milkshake hear Rocket pressing some buttons.) There. I just reactivated the X-cwX drone and transported it to the bridge...and I armed it with a spare lightsaber and activated its berserker-mode circuit! Whoever's trying to take off is going to be in for a world of hurt!

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 10:40 pm:

Rocket Ranger to Rikard....I have a plan. (The ThunderHammer transforms back into the ThunderCrane.) I'm going to use the ThunderCrane's ion-cannons and tractor-beam to try and stop the spidership, or at least slow it down. Wayne is in the SnowCrane's cabin right now. If this doesn't work, I'm going to separate the ThunderWolf and the SnowCrane, and you and Wayne may have to engage the spidership while I prepare to stop it. Unforunately, if I have to stop it, it may....disastrous.

By Takin off. on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 10:42 pm:


The Grenstone Wizards that are on the bridge are caught off guard by the being that apaperead on the brdige. Thankfully one of the wizards keeps his wits about him and throws a teleport spell at the drone. The drone vanishes, sent to only God knows where. "Learn to work those sheilds acolyte! We cannot have anymore of these attempts. You! How is their engine system coming?" "Looks like we can go alot faster if we hit these buttons here." "Well then, why haven't you pushed them?" "We can't use it quite yet. We're not out of the planet's pull yet." The wizard in the captain's chair snarls at him. "Hit them NOW!"

By Colanator, not about to let someone take over the ship again... on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 10:51 pm:

Suddenly Colanator morphs out of the floor directly behind the captain's chair. He grabs the wizard occupying Tacoman's seat, and Vulcan-pinches his shoulder, rendering the spellcaster unconcious. Several of the wizards hurl spells at the liquid metal cyborg, but Colanator drops back into the floor just in time. The red alert alarms blare...


A white, powdery substance falls from small hatches onto the floor of the bridge. Instantly, an opaque sedative gas fills the command center!

By Nice try. But only Tacoman holds the key to the ships recovery. on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 11:04 pm:

The other wizard raises their golden rings, say a small chant, and are suddenly protected by reflective fields. When Colonator reappears and fires an energy beam at them, it is reflected back on him. The remainign wizards cast teleport spells on Colonator, sending him out inot space along sid ethe Drone. The eldest wizard places his hand on a control panel and chants. Suddenly with ease he is able to hack into the command codes and undo the freeze. "That fool thought he could defeat 12 of the fastest spellcasters in all the Realms."

Below decks a concerned Butrfli feels that nagging snese of dnager tug harder than ever. She closes and thinks a single word. "Tacoman."

On the planet Tacoman is wlaking towards the castle. He suddenly stops. He hears a feminine voice whisper his name.

By Point of Order Man on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 11:09 pm:

Point of Order!

Colanator's CMOS switch was activated by Commander Milkshake and never deactivated! Colanator would not use violence against the Wizards!

I hereby declare the last post null and void.

By Point of Order Man on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 11:10 pm:

That should be "NO_VIOLENCE" CMOS Switch.

By Pretending the Colanator incident never happend as per Poitn of Orders suggestion. on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 11:24 pm:

The wizards smile with glee. "Well, in a few minutes our learning spells will reach critical mass and we will know everything we need to know to take this ship back to our world. But first, I think a test of this ship's weapons would be in order. Did I not see a castle on that planet we left behind?" "Yes milord, I believe we did." "Good. We will return to the planet long enough to level it. Bring my precious Butrfli to the bridge. I wish for her to see this moment of triumph."

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 1:02 am:

Rocket Ranger brings the ThunderCrane to bear on the spidership and fires the ThunderCrane's ion-cannons. The cannons cause a total systems shutdown, and the spidership begins to fall!

Good! He flips a switch and activates the ThunderCrane's tractor-beam, which stops the spidership from plunging to the ground. Now....to bring back the X-cwX drone. Good thing I implanted a homing signal device in its cranium and made sure the drone's self-transporter was in working condition! (He pulls back his sleeve and presses some buttons on his wristband. The X-cwX drone appears onboard the ThunderCrane, in the storage bay, and shuts down. Rocket activates his helmet's comm-system.) Okay, I think that stopped them. Shouldn't I transport someone over there to...take care of our would-be thieves?

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 1:08 am:

Wait a minute....Captain, don't you and Commander Milkshake still have those new beltbuckles I gave you a few days ago (off-screen)? Activate them, and they should beam you back to the ship! You'll appear in transporter room 2. However, the beltbuckles will then need to be recharged before you can use them again.

(Rocket switches channels....) ThunderCrane to Condimental....someone has attempted to steal the spidership, but I've stopped them...I think. If the spidership attempts to leave the planet before I call you again....DESTROY IT!!! (He switches channels once more.) This is Rocket Ranger, aboard the ThunderCrane. I don't know who you are, or why you are trying to steal our ship, but forget it! I have completely disabled the ship's systems. Surrender the ship, or I will destroy it, and you along with it! I have three quantum-torpedoes and a Thunderlancer-cannon locked onto the ship....and they are aimed right at the bridge!!!

By Captain Tacoman and friends on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 6:30 am:

Tacoman, glances around the bridge for the owner of the voice and thinks "Who are you?" Down in the storage area, Butrfli responds with "My name is Butrfli, and the group of wizards I'm with are trying to take off with your ship. I think I can stop the wizards from stealing your ship."
Tacoman thinks: "Well, do it"
Butrfli goes up the the bridge, where the head wizard has placed Tacoman in a holding spell and is about to kill him with a spell. Butrfli looks at Tacoman and recognizes him from her dream. With little effort, she bops the wizard on the head with her stick, just as he releases the spell towards Tacoman....

By Meanwhile in the Castle... on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 9:24 am:

Kiehart and the Furby are searching room for room.

"Funny. There is no hidden room in normal space. And no signs of a transdimensional vortex. Very funny."

By PD Insane on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 11:26 am:

There's gonna be some serious ***-kicking goin' on soon.

By Commander Milkshake on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 2:24 pm:

Milkshake reaches down to activate his buckle-transporter, but it sputters and dies. He quickly checks his gauntlet-mounted tricorder.

They've activated a ion-scatter field over this whole area. Not good news for us. Press on, team. Insane, Quantum, you two are on recon. Scout out the area, let me know immediately if you spot any resistance.

By Colanator on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 2:29 pm:

Colanator morphs out of the floor, Vulcan-pinches another wizard, and morphs back into the bulkhead. Tacoman hears the engineer's voice over his helmet-comm.

Captain, my cerebral operating system is not configured to use violent force against attackers. I require command-level authorization to change my system perameters.

By Captain Tacoman and a plot point on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 2:29 pm:

The killer spell brushes by Tacoman, barely hitting him. Butrfli leaps over and touches him with the middle of her staff, healing Tacoman. She looks at the rest of the assembeled wizards and says:
I'm sorry, but I had to help him. Leave him alone and never come back!
Tacoman, now unfrozen, notices Butrfli for the first time and says
You look familiar... I saw you somewhere before...I know... it was in a dream I had!
The two of them compare dreams and discover that they had the same dream, only from different sides

By Lt Commander Rikard on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 2:57 pm:

Rikard streaks toward the Spidership in his fighter.

Rocket, that ship is one of the most advanced in the galaxy and unfortunately, they've somehow managed to get their systems back up. I don't think we're going to be able to stop it without getting onto the ship. Not even the Condimental and ThunderCrane are going to be able to stop her if we don't get on there and fast, or unless Captain Tacoman is able to defeat all of those wizards unless he gets help. The command codes might work if the hijakers haven't already changed them. We could also use tachyon bursts. They will be forced to remodualte their shield frequencies and if we time it right, we can beam a few people aboard the Spider.

By Furby on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 5:37 pm:

I'm afraid we must wait until some explosions show Adon's location to us. Let's do some mayhem until now! There are still quite a few WK soldiers left!

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 6:33 pm:

I see you're not familiar with the Thunderlancer, Rikard. It fires a devastating beam of sonic AND electrical energy at the same time! One shot and it will blow those wizards' minds....literally!
As for the shields.....(Rocket flips a switch, then fires an EMP burst at the spidership.) What shields?!

By Nitpicking K-NIT TV-47 Viewer on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 6:48 pm:

Unfortunately, the sonic energy cannot pass through the vacuum of space.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 6:54 pm:

Tacoman to Rocket and Rikard, I think everything's under control, thanks to this beautiful woman that's before me...
On the ship, Butrfli blushes
And as for the wizards...
Tacoman picks up a nearby phaser and points it at the wizards
I agree with the lady. Don't come back.

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 7:11 pm:

The Clone glared at Adon he was suddenly pelted by a sudden stream of stones from the remains of the throne. He saw that the Silver Maiden was causing the stones to swirl around and pelt him in an endless stream.

The Clone: "Be patient. I'll take care of you next."

The Clone sent a burst of energy towards the Silver Maiden, knocking her off her feet. He turned towards Adon with a scowl and was hit by a shell from Adon's pistol.

The shell exploded, sending the Clone flying across the room, into a very large pillar, knocking it over. Adon ran over towards the Silver Maiden.

Are you alright? Thank you for buying time for me to get him.

Laughter echoed through the hall.
I don't think I got him.

Adon loaded the silver shell into the pistol.

By Mmmmwwwwhhhhaaaa!! on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 9:24 pm:

The clone walks out from the rubble, unharmed and dusting his robes off. He raises his sword and points at Adon....

You will die slowly AND horribly for that! But...first...He looks at some of the rubble. It rises into the air. He turns and looks at Adon, and the rubble flies toward Adon! At the same time, the clone hurls several energy-balls at Adon AND the Silver Maiden!

By Kiehart on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 9:53 pm:

One of the energy balls flies through a wall, narrowly missing Kiehart and Furby. "Jesus!" Kiehart yeklps in shocks. "Well Furb, I think we just found Adon."

By Just a wee bit of closure. on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 11:27 pm:

The captured Greenstone wizards are herded towards the cargo bay. Tacoman, Colonator, and Butrfli march them in with their magic dispersing weapons. Tacoman walks forward to the Wizard who declared himself the elader, the one with the look of betrayal on his face, to ask hima few questions...

By K-NIT Viewer on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 12:00 am:

Man that Butrfli chick is hot! Oh I hope they keep her for awhile. A lot more fun that that Kiehart wuss.

By Another K-Nit viewer, sitting next to the other one on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 12:52 am:

Kiehart isn't a wuss. He's a pansy.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 6:20 am:

Alright mister, why did you feel it was necessary to take over my ship? How did you get access to the systems? And is there any way to get you back to your home dimension?
looking at Butrfli
Say... I think you could be useful in sickbay.. with that healing staff of yours...
Butrfli glances at Tacoman and says
Thank you, my love. I'll do what I can.

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 10:00 am:

The energy balls obliterate Adon and The Silver Maiden. Rominaius started laughing.

You missed.

Rominaius stopped laughing. Adon and The Silver Maiden were on the other side of the room. Rominaius immediately realized that the Silver Maiden made him think that they were where he had fired.

Adon started walking towards Rominaius, and Rominaius charged Adon. The two met in the center of the room. Rominaius brought his sword down for the final blow, and Adon drew the pistol and fired the last shot at point blank range.

The explosion send Adon sailing across the room and into the wall. Rominaius went flying through a pillar, the back wall, and through several other walls before finally coming to a stop.

The Silver Maiden ran over to where Adon was lying.

Silver Maiden: "ADON! Are you all right?"

By Plot Complication on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 11:49 am:

The wizard glowers at Tacoman. "For over a century our order was laughed at! Never taken seriously by the Mage's Council, or anyone else. Governments ignored us, people laughed at our attempts to rule the realm. We wanted to be noticed dammit!" The wizard gets up in Tacoman's face. "And most of all I wanted you dead, because I hated my uncle. The bastard let his family belive he was dead. LEt them live in a state of perpetual grief till the day they passed! And your face reminds me of what was done to them every time I see it!"

By Kiehart on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 12:26 pm:

Kiehart and Furby look through the holes in the wall. "Oh God, Adon's hurt! We have to get in there. Furb, can you fit thorugh these holes? I'm too big." Furby nods. "By the way Kiehart, if you are indestrcutable, why do you still dodge energy blasts and things that are thrown at you?"


NOTE: I'm sorry I used the Furby character without permission, but I have been wondering why no one had asked that question yet.

By Interesting turn of events.... on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 1:11 pm:

The clone begins to laugh....

Hahahahahahahahaha! You haven't a clue! Not only do I possess your powers, Adon, but they are amplified! Even if you still had your powers, I would still be more than a match for...you...OWWWWW!!!! The clone switches back to flesh and begins to grimace in pain. He begins to glow yellow for a second, and so does Adon, When the glow stops, Adon has a portion of his powers back...but only a small portion. The clone looks confused, What happened? No matter....He turns to metal again. I will still destroy you! He creates four more energy balls. Two head for the Silver Maiden, and two toward Adon.

By Very interesting indeed on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 1:31 pm:

Kiehart watches all this through the gaping hole in the wall, surprised that he and Furby haven't been noticed. "What's wrong? I-I can't move. I feel, I-I feel like I'm not supposed to be in this fight., I guess this has to be Adon's and Adon's alone. But don't go anywhere Furb. Just in case I'm wrong."

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 2:29 pm:

Adon gets onto his feet. His face is a little smudged, but he appears to be relatively unharmed.

Its show time.

Adon runs towards the incoming energy balls, and drew his sword. He used the sword like a bat and deflected one ball back towards The Clone, and the other towards the pair heading towards the Silver Maiden. The deflected shot hit one ball, destroying both. The explosion knocked the other ball off course, so it missed The Silver Maiden.

Now, its my turn.

Adon looked like he was about to fire an energy blast, but nothing happened.

H'Koth. It seems that I don't have all my powers back yet.

By K-NIT TV-47 Viewer, talking to his buddy on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 2:31 pm:

Watch. He's gonna defeat the clone again, and then the clone won't be dead. What idiot at K-NIT decided to put this stu-pid episode on?

By Tacoman and Butrfli on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 2:37 pm:

Look Pal...
Butrfli taps Tacoman's shoulder and says
Let me handle this, my love.
I know our order was ignored and laughed at. I felt the shame and the pain as much as you, but Tacoman here had no control over what his relatives have done in the past. I see no reason to hate or kill such an innocent and handsome person. There are other ways to get noticed in our realm. I can't think of them right now, but there are ways.
Tacoman: Colanator, see if you can get back control of the ship and land it on the planet.

By Another K-NIT viewer on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 2:39 pm:

Is it just me, or is LICC2 not up to the standard of LICC? What we need is a storyline like the Superhero Convention or the Time Travel Quests. Those had quality writers!

By PD Insane on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 2:42 pm:

Yeah, this place [isn't too good]

By The aforementioned other K-NIT viewer on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 2:45 pm:

How exactly did PD Insane respond to what Tacoman said when he's on the planet?

By Furby on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 3:28 pm:

Hmm, it sure looks entertaining from here. Wanna have some popcorn, Kiehart?

By Ending that silly little subplot. on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 3:30 pm:

The angry wizards quivers with anger. "But he abandoned us. We could've been a force for good, allies to the greta Elminster but he and his twin just left us hanging in the wind." The wizard begin to tear up. He waves his hands. Taocman prepares to fire his rifle but Butrfli places her hand on his. "Wait." The wizard recites a chant, and in a bright flash, the wizards are gone. Only Butrfli and Tacoman are left in the bay. The donwed computers come back on line. The Spidership is free. Butrfli smiles. "They've gone home."

By Kiehart on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 4:18 pm:

Keihart nods. "Probably." his voice denotes the emotioanl conflict he's facing. Every instinct in him is telling him to help Adon and the Silver Maiden fight this clone, but soemthing in the back of his head refuses to let him so much as shout warnings to his crewmate. "Furby, are you feeling the same thing I am right now?"

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