League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XXIV

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XXIV
By Lt PD Insane on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 1:19 pm:

Insane and Mystery enter the bridge.

Captain, there's a device which might come in useful some time. It seems to be somekinda time-speeder-upper.

By Rocket Ranger on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 2:56 pm:

Rocket Ranger looks intrigued...

A time accelerator? Mind if I take a look?

By Artsy-Fartsy on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 3:11 pm:

Rocket, may I assume that our little fact-finding mission to level 13 has been called off for now? If so, I'll be in Sickbay talking to Quito. If not, just say when and I'll be right behind you.

Oh, and thanks for the force-field.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 4:45 pm:

A time accelerator you say.. I wonder why that was down on the surface...
By the way, Insane, meet our guest. He's a jediesque figure.

By Rocket Ranger on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 6:04 pm:

Yes, Artsy, the mission has been called off, but you can keep the force field. You're welcome, by the way. (He pauses) Good news! From Kiehart's description and the splotches that Ojanon made appear on Kiehart, I now have an idea of just what exactly our intruder is!

By Ojanon and Rocket Ranger on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 6:09 pm:

Ojanon interrupts, sounding grim.

As, do I, friend Rocket. I'm afraid that we might be dealing with a Gamma Prime Bloodmonger. Either that, or a Karvalian Lifedrinker.

Rocket Ranger looks as if he is in deep thought for a second, then turns toward a monitor.

Computer, display all data on the Karvalian Lifedrinker and the Gamma Prime Bloodmonger. Search the data for keywords "mist", "hallucinations", and "vampirism".

By Furby on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 6:22 pm:

Vampirism? Somebody should replicate lots of garlic!

By Crimson Crossbow on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 7:09 pm:

Crimson Crossbow smiles at Furby, obviously amused...

Hate ta tell ya this, Furb, but the garlic stuff's a bunch of nonsense. So's the stuff about vampires being undead, and sunlight having a fatal effect on them. You've been reading too many books, or watching too many movies.
You see, on Earth, vampirism was confused with Porphyeria, a disease that causes its victims to exhibit the `classic' signs of vampirism, such as an allergic reaction to sunlight and an aversion to garlic.

Everyone gives Crimson Crossbow a strange look.

My brother Kentaro is a horror novelist, and when I was younger I did some of his research for him.

By Furby on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 7:38 pm:

Too bad we can't use the old trick with blood, antimatter and a red shirt inside the ship.

By Rocket Ranger, horror novel fan on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 7:59 pm:

Rocket Ranger looks at Crimson Crossbow, surprised.

Your brother is Kentaro Anzaki?! I love his books, especially "Lunch with a Lich" & "Job Interview with a Nosferatu"!

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 8:08 pm:

Wasn't he also the author of "Tennis playing for Werewolves?"
Looking over Rocket's shoulder So what have you found?

By Ensign Who... or What... or... Idontknow on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 9:59 pm:

Is that Time Accelerator anything like the Acme Time Speeder-upper device we have in the Science lab?

By Count Verticetorix on Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 10:58 pm:

(A meessage comes in)
Greetings, I am Count Verticetorix, a visiting count from a spooky Eastren European country.On the past few weeks, I have found your hospitality, "Deliscious". Would you and your crew join me in my quarters for dinner at 2400 tomarrow. I would "Enjoy" your bloo... Presence. Thank you.

By Soyburger Patricia on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 1:26 am:

(Walking down the corrider, thinking to herself, looking at an odd piece of paper in her hand)
So what is this $100 I won from that strange man who appeared & disappeared in Sickboy?

(She stops before a door)
Zen Forward?
(She enters and sees large room filled with a bar, tables & large viewscreens showing what's ahead of the Spidermobile)
Well, this is new.

(She orders a carrot juice & sits at a table)
No sign that any of the 5 have detected the presence of either Quito or myself. It seems the ship's weirdness magnet has effectively shielded us.

Waiter: Your drink, miss.

Thank you. (She takes a sip) This seems to be liquid gemstones. I wanted the juice of an orange vegetable.

Waiter: Whoops! A carrot/carat/karat mix-up. You sometimes have to be careful about what you order here. *gulp* I'll get you the proper drink.

Then again, leaving her here may not be the safest decision.

Oh, well. Once I answer the captain's questions I can leave, draw the 5 away & eliminate them. As long as I don't need to use my powers too much the 5 will never know I'm here. So I'd better leave before I'm asked to stop that vampire that's killing redshirts. That would certainly attract their notice, and as powerful as LICC has become I don't think they could handle an all-out assault by all 5.

Waiter: Your drink, miss. The right one this time.

Thank you.

(Patricia stares into space thinking about what she has to do.}

By Crimson Crossbow on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 5:10 am:

Crimson Crossbow looks at Tacoman, and she is NOT happy...

Actually, Captain, the title was "Tennis LESSONS for Werewolves", and it was, in fact, the first book my brother had published. It was a kids' book, but it failed miserably, so he became a somewhat serious horror novelist instead. In fact, they're going to remake "Job Interview with a Nosferatu" into a musical! And "Lunch With a Lich" is being filmed as a movie, right now!

I believe some hack actor named Prance Lepperman is playing the lead role, Melvin Campbell, but the great actor Victor Dayblind is playing the Lich!

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 6:17 am:

My apologies, Crimson. I think I actually read "Job Interview" once... pretty good book if memory serves.
Count Verticetorix? I don't remember picking up anybody by that name. Rocket, when you get done searching those records, could you please look up this Count?
Looks around Is Commander Milkshake here?

By Lt PD Insane on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 11:05 am:

He's a little busy right now, I'm filling in at ops.

The sensors register something/

Captain, a black ship heading this way. It's been badly damaged, but it looks like the configuartion is the same as the Frank ships which atacked us. It doesn't seem to be in any position to attack, I suggest yellow alert.

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 7:01 pm:

Mr. Insane, I think we're already at red alert...
Can you hail the ship?

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 8:06 pm:

Captain, the data has been compiled. From what it says, I'm sure this isn't a Gamma Prime Bloodmonger. There is no information on mist or hallucinations associated with it. But, in case you're wondering, the Bloodmonger is a yellow lizard-like creature with blood-red eyes, and it drains blood from its victims with a razor-sharp probe in the back of its mouth, as it has no actual teeth.
The Karvalian Lifedrinker may be our little...visitor. Any victims who have survived report suffering mass hallucinations during the attack and for several minutes, sometimes even hours, afterward. People who have hunted them also report that they do occasionally appear to dissolve into a blood-red mist, but according to scientists who have examined slain Lifedrinkers, this is actually an after-effect of the creatures teleporting. The bad news is that, surprisingly, the description of the Lifedrinker's physical appearance is quite vague, but they are NOT humanoid!
I also have some bad news regarding Kiehart...anyone attacked by a Lifedrinker suffers some severe side-effects afterward that last for anywhere from 2 to 3 days: increased perspiration, nervousness, and severe impairment of motor functions (in other words, they have trouble walking)! Other victims suffer the delusion that they have become a Lifedrinker themself, and even try to drain blood from others. Unforunately, this dementia takes much longer to cure.
Some victims have been known to die days after the attack, too. However, I think Kiehart is safe from that happening, as long as he remains in Sickbay!

By K-NITpicky viewer on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 12:04 am:

Wait a minute! On the previous episode Tacoman welcomed Soyburger Patricia to the Bridge & was about to ask her questions, but here she goes into Zen Forward & hasn't been asked any questions yet!

Also the stuff about vampires being undead was a translation error. Nosferatu meant 'not dead', not unlike the Crimson Crossbow herself.

By K-NIT Viewer on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 12:37 am:

increased perspiration, nervousness, and severe impairment of motor functions (in other words, they have trouble walking)!

So, how is that different from the way he noramlly acts?

By Lt PD Insane on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 1:04 am:

Aye, captain.

There is the usual NextGen open-communications sound.

By Mr Plot Twist on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 1:43 am:

On the screen appears a worse-for-wear individual in a Frank outfit, standing on a dark, battered-up bridge.

"We are the Frank Conspiracy! Resistence is futile!" he remaerks. He then sighs.

By Ensign Sam, from Yosimite on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 3:17 am:

A redhaired yellowshirt, with a noticeably thick mustache and baggy eyes, speaks up.

Ah say we blast thuh varmint!!

By Auntie Nit on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 5:21 am:

Obviously the Soyburger that Tacoman saw on the bridge was another illusion.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 5:27 am:

Member of the Frank COnspiracy, we fought off your numbers once before, and I think we can do it again.
Tacoman peers closer at the screen Is there something wrong over there?

By Ensign Wedge on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 9:29 am:

This is Ensign Wedge. Crewman Briggs and I found he body of the Count. He died sometime last night.

By Captain Tacoman, getting a grip on the situation on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 9:36 am:

So what's going on? We have Soyburger with her story of Quito... we have a dead Count... we have the Frank Conspiracy again...

By Member of the Frank Conspiracy on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 11:41 am:

Right. I... uh... was just passing by... start, warp drive, START!!!! He hammers his console, to no avail. Look, I was leader of a cult a while ago, and thought the Frank Conspiracy followed on well... *sigh* You might as well take me aboard, this bucket of bolts isn't going anywhere.

By Mr Plot Twist on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 12:09 pm:

And so, the Frank ship is brought into a shuttlebay, and Frank is given quarters (with replicator deactivated). Time passes, and Inspector Mystery is assigned to bring him food. He begins to make conversation, asking him his name.

"Well," the Frank replies, "I was known as Frank Praetorius, becasue that was my name for the cult I was in."

"GREAT SCOTT!" Mystery exclaims. And leaves the room.

By Ensemble on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 12:56 pm:

Meanwhile, Insane is talking to Valko in a corridor.
Valko: The Frank Conspiracy was defeated by the LICC shortly after now. I cannot give you any more details.
Valko: Praetorius was obviously trying to create a new and better Frank conspiracy.
Insane: You're changing the subject, Valko. What happens with the Franks??? Do I live to take my revenge???!!!
b{Valko}: The Spidership is destroyed, and...
Mystery runs in.
Mystery: It's Praetorius! We;ve brought him aboard!!!
Insane: We must stop him from...
Mystery: Oh, no, the device we brought in!
Insane: What about it?
Mystery: The nature of his attacks fits perfectly with such a device as we have!
Valko: You're right. He must steal it from the Spidership, right now!
Insane: We must destroy it!
Computer: Alert. There has been an authorized site-to-site transport.
Mystery: Who or what made that transport?
Computer: The Frank currently aboard.
Insane: We must warn the captain.

By Praetorius on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 12:59 pm:

Praetorius beams into a room occupied only by a redshirt. His riggings with the computer also caused a console explosion, which results in the redshirt falling over. Praetorius steals his uniform.

Now, I will begin a new regime as leader of the Frank Conspiracy! This Spidership will offer me the ability to rule!

By Mr Plot Twist on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 1:13 pm:

Insane hails the bridge.

"Captain, that Frank we brought on board. He's the Praetorius Taz Valko was telling us about! Not only that, but he's escaped from his quarters!"

Tacoman calls for intruder alert, and General Quarters Condition 4, when the door to the bridge opens and out steps Praetorius, dressed as a redshirt. Tacoman stands up.

"Not so fast, Captain Mexico. My phaser is set on stun. I will set it higher if you show any resistance, and will not hesitate to fire." He aims his phaser at Josh. "You're next, helm boy." Josh raises his lightsabre. "Ah, a Jedi. You will be an interesting opponent." He fires several stun-blasts at Josh, most of which are deflected, but one hits him. He slumps to the floor unconscious.

"Good." Praetorius then runs to the helm and sits in the chair. He noticeably turns his phaser up a few settings, and begins piloting the ship. "Computer," he requests, "reroute tactical power to conn station." And he gives Insane's command codes. "And, now, we begin our attack on the nearest Terran starbase..."

By Duet on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 1:52 pm:

On Starbase 911...

Ops guy: Commander, there's a ship approaching. It's the Spidermobile III!

Commander: They're not scheduled for a check-up yet. I wonder what brings them here?

Ops guy: They're charging weapons!

The place is hit, and the celing falls.

Commander: Red alert! Weapons posts and shield raised!

By Battle Sequence on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 1:55 pm:

The shield surrounding the starbase is raised, and the weapons appear from their posts, firing up at the Spidermobile, which continues to fire down, and manuever around.

By Artsy-Fartsy, getting more than she bargained for on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 4:52 pm:

Artsy is sitting in Sickbay with Quito asleep on her lap, trying to make sense of the images that seem to float around the little humanoid while she slumbers, when the ship suddenly pitches to one side.

Butrfli and the Holodoc exclaim in surprise. Butrfli tries to raise Tacoman on the bridge and fails.

But Artsy has no attention to spare for the current predicament the Spidership is apparently in. Quito, who woke when the ship jolted, wraps her arms around Artsy's neck and is crying softly and uncontrollably. It isn't from fear, but a sorrow so deep that Artsy is flooded with it, dark in shades of blue and black and dusky silver, and completely unrelated to the dream images she had seen around Quito. Suddenly wondering what triggered this sensation, and staggered by the alien's strength in transmitting it to her, Artsy tries to soothe her and get some answers. "Shhh, little one, what is it? What's wrong? C'mon, tell me."

Quito draws back just enough to look into Artsy's eyes, and immediantly the artist is drowning in a flood of images: a mist that forms into a reaching black hand and vanishes in a flash of red light; a massive explosion of blue fire; various memebers of the Spidership crew, including Rikard, Rocket Ranger, and Insane, in battle with an unseen foe; and a man in the uniform of the Frank Conspiracy lifting a fist into the air, signifying his victory....

With a gasp, Arsty rocks back into the real world, staring down at the trembling Quito and her irridescent tears. Turning to Holodoc, she demands, "I thought you said she was *mildly* telepathic! Is there anything else you know about her that you haven't told me?"

Not ready to try explaining what she has just seen, Artsy waits for the Doc's response and for the deep purple of her concern to fade....

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 5:44 pm:

Rocket Ranger is quite aware of what is going on....

Nice try, Praetorius, but I don't think so!

He heads toward the engineering section and looks for Colanator...

Colanator, we need to talk. Apparently that Frank we were dumb enough to bring aboard has taken over the ship. Can you do anything about it? Shut down the systems, I mean? If we can't find a way to stop the spidership, I may have to take the SnowCrane out and stop this the hard way....with the ThunderHammer!

By Lt. Vedge and Ensign Briggs on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 6:45 pm:

We have found a Bloodmonger on deck 25. However it is dazed and confused. It matches with an animal reported stolen on a planet with 25 murders last year. This should be the end of this.

By Captain Tacoman, caught by a phaser on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 7:29 pm:

A blue beam flashes out at Praetorius' phaser from Tacoman's wrist. It is a mini-tractor beam, and Tacoman is trying to knock the phaser away. He almost succeeds, but Praetorius fires the weapon directly at Tacoman, who staggers and goes down
I hope that was a heavy stun Tacoman looses consciousness

By Jack the Ripper, making his mandatory appearance on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 7:51 pm:

(A scruffy looking cockny appears)KILL YOU ALL, MAKE YOU SUFFER, DIE DIE!
(Runs wild with a knife stabbing random people)

By Kiehart on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 7:59 pm:

Kiehart struggles to break free of his bonds. He felt moments before it happened that something was about to go horribly wrong. While he struggles he sees the mental image of Tacoman beign stunned by some guy in a Redshirt. "Butrfli! I don't know how I know, but the Captain's been assaulted. You should get up there." As Butrfli exits sickbay in a panic, Kiehrat mentally kicks himself. "I should've asked her to free me. God I am such a dumb-ass!"

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 8:50 pm:

Milkshake walks onto the bridge just in time to see Tacoman hit with the phaser blast and Jack the Ripper appear. Wordlessly the Marine pulls his ever-present plasma rifle and blasts Jack, then Praetorius. Jack goes down, but somehow Praetorius is unharmed.

Uh oh.

Praetorius smiles and fires two power level 16 phaser blasts at Milkshake. The first smashes into and is absorbed by his armor, but the second penetrates the damaged suit and....

Milkshake disappears in the screaming fury of the phaser beam.

By Colanator on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 8:56 pm:

As Rocket Ranger explains the situation, Colanator immediately morphs one arm into the main Engineering control panel and interfaces with the ship's systems. Colanator begins to solemnly intone the computer's event warnings.

Disabling Command Functions...Working.
Disabling Propulsion...Working.
Disabling Weapons and Defense Systems...Working.
Warning: Unknown Input Authorization. Waiting for Permission by Accepted Command Node.

Colanator looks puzzled, and slightly worried.

This is not possible. I am configured to access system functions in the highest level of security. However, there is a fail-safe. Rocket Ranger, sir, if you would pull that large red lever over there...

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 9:10 pm:

Rocket Ranger pulls the red lever.

There. (He pauses) I wonder if I should send 1210 up to the bridge....wonder how our `guest' would like that!

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 11:04 pm:

Rocket Ranger walks over to Colanator.

Colanator, stand still, please. (He examines Colanator, then located the panel, opens it, and reactivates Colanator's Violence Switch.) There. Better to be safe than sorry. We might need you to go after Praetorius later! By the way, what exactly does that lever I pulled do?

By Colanator on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 11:16 pm:

Every light, panel, and console goes out. The only illumination comes from the warp core, and that dim blue light quickly fades as the matter/anti-matter reaction ceases. Soon, everything is in total darkness.


By Holodoc on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 11:50 pm:

There's less than a split second power interruption in sickbay and brings the EMH comes back online automatically. She* transfers herself to her mobile emitter and goes to check on Kiehart.

Well, Mr. Kiehart you're still restrained.

Taps her com badge.

Doctor to Colanator. What's going on?

*The EMH is still a woman from what Jadlad did on a previous board.

By Colanator on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 12:13 am:

The Communication System is out, along with the rest of the ship's systems.

Colanator takes a glowstick from the wall and ignites it, casting eerie green light through the Engineering space. He moves to a large panel marked, "Emergency Communications", and opens it. Inside are a number of blunted cones made out of stiff paper with a coating of wax. The cones are brightly colored, and have a lip on the larger end. They are attached firmly to the wall by their smaller ends.

Colanator picks the one marked "Sickbay" and pulls on it. The cone comes off, and pulls a length of twisted cotton fiber attached to its bottom out of the wall. Colanator pulls it until the fiber is taut, then speaks.

There is no need for alarm, Doctor. We have shut down power to all systems to prevent hijacking. Seal off Sickbay.

Colanator releases the cone, which springs back into the wall. He selects another one marked "Security, and speaks into it.

This is Commander Colanator. Hostile Forces have seized control of the bridge. All available security personnel to assist.

Colanator then turns to RR.

We should go to the bridge as well. I am tired of people trying to take over my ship!

By Holodoc on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 12:24 am:

Thank goodness we're on a separate power supply.

She checks on Kiehart again after she seals off sickbay.

Nope. You are definitely not going anywhere.

By Artsy-Fartsy on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 12:31 am:

Artsy, in Sickbay, has been mulling over the images Quito sent her and is now in a state of alarm. Unable to do anything where she is now, she rises to make her way out to the bridge. Unfortunately, Quito will not let go of her, and while Artsy is struggling to pry the little alien off, Holodoc obeys Colonator's order and seals the Sickbay doors.

Frustrated, Artsy flushes a firey orange-yellow and slams a fist against the floor. "They need help out there! Is there any way I can get out? And could you help me get this little one to let me go?"

Quito turns her eyes to Artsy's again, and this time she sees Milkshake hit by a phaser blast, accompanied by a white-hot mental scream....

By Rocket Ranger on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 12:33 am:

Rocket Ranger grabs his helmet, which he had placed on a console before examining Colanator.

After this is over, we need to have a meeting in Ops...you, the Captain, Inspector Mystery, and Adon, when he returns. I think we need to work on upgrading the systems' security. Those wizards took over the ship, and now this....

He puts his helmet on.

Lets go, Colanator. I think its time we hand Praetorius' head to him.....a teal, double-bladed lightsaber forms in his left hand...literally!

By Colanator on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 12:38 am:


Colanator morphs a variety of *extremely* sharp bladed weapons out of his limbs.

Ahh, to be violent again. Ranger, if you will take the auxilliary Jeffries Tube to junction B34, and from there connect to the Main Circuit Tube and levitate to Deck One, you should reach the bridge in 2.531 minutes, approximately .546 minutes after me.

Colanator leaps 10 feet up to the ceiling, and morphs through, heading for the bridge.

By Rocket Ranger on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 2:29 am:

Rocket Ranger smiles inside his helmet...

Big mistake, Colanator; I fly, not levitate. According to my calculations, I should arrive on the bridge about .145 minutes before Colanator! What the heck....I'll take it slow, and let him have some fun before I get there....

He enters the Jefferies Tube.

By PD Insane on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 2:46 am:

Insane has entered the bridge


All right, Praetorius! You will pay!

He raises his lightsaber, and Praetorius raises his phaser, on highest setting. He fires it several times, and Insane deflects the blasts, resulting in several damages to the bridge. Crewmembers run. Some are wounded. Insane continues leaping around, deflecting the bolts. Paretorius takes Josh's lightsaber from its belt, its user still unconscious, and lunges at Insane. They spar constantly.

"You're quite good at this, Praetorius."

"My gang was a sword one."

"Well, let's see how you match a Jedi!"

They continue their fight on the bridge, now empty save for the prone forms of Tacoman and Rikard, Insane hacking furiously. He eventually hits Praetorius' hands, clutching the saber, with his own weapon, and Josh's lightsaber bursts, with Praetorius falling to the deck. Insane poises his blade to Praetorius' throat. Praetorius says, quietly and choked,
"I understand this sort of thing leads to the dark side."
Insane realsies what he has done, what he may do, and the events not too long ago, involving the Franks. He keeps his saber active, but with his other hand he taps on a console right beside him. Nothing happens. He kicks Praetorius' head, resulting in him completely losing consciousness. He then presses his comm badge.
"Insane to Rocket Ranger. Do you read? Praetorius has been knocked out. Come up here before he comes to again. I--"
He passes out on the floor of the bridge.

By Plot-ot-ot Twist-ist-ist on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 4:39 am:

And then a cow fell on him.


By Butrfli, here to help on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 5:25 am:

The turbolift doors open, and a somewhat sweaty Butrfli sppears
Here I was riding up to the bridge, when the power goes out! I had to open the emergency hatch and fly the rest of the way.
My goodness, what's happened here?
Butrfli goes around and scans the various people
Tacoman, Insane, and Praetorius are knocked out,but still alive...
Commander Milkshake... She removes his helmet, revealing a heavily scarred, but barely alive commander My gods.. what happened to you?
Butrfli touches Tacoman, Insane, and Milkshake with her staff. Tacoman and Insane waken, and Milkshake's wounds lessen
That should help him a little, but we still need to get him to sickbay.

By Blue Individual on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 5:52 am:


By Lt PD Insane on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 6:00 am:

Ugh... I think I need a break. This ship's a Frank magnet. Keep the fire burning, guys! Adon's gonna have to handle tactical on his own until I get back... who's gonna run it till he gets back, though?

By Jack the Ripper on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 10:00 am:

(Jack slowly comes to)
So they are all gone. It's time to take over the ship. Now, if I wasn't a ignorant commoner I could operate the controls

By Padawan on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 10:02 am:

Pesti, can you coem to Pestichat?

By Confused K-NIT TV-47 Viewer on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 10:03 am:

How did the turbolift doors open if Colanator and Rocket Ranger turned off all power????

By Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 10:11 am:

A mad cow hits Jack the Ripper. He is flat like a stamp.

By Excited K-NIT TV-47 Viewer on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 10:15 am:

Do all these cows mean that Ze French Knight is returning?

By Colanator on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 10:57 am:

Colanator morphs out of the floor of the bridge., just as RR springs out of a Jeffries Tube.

.0003 minutes, Rocket Ranger. What is happening here?

By Butrfli and Captain Tacoman on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 1:39 pm:

Tacoman and Insane were knocked unconscious by this guy here Pointing to Praetorius
And it looks like Milkshake disappeared, but I was lead to believe for a moment that he was severly injured.
Butrfli turns to Tacoman Are you alright, my love?
Tacoman: Yeah, Yeah. I'll be fine.
Colanator, take Praetorius somehwhere he won't get away.
Butrfli: I'm just glad I could use my staff to pry the doors apart.

By Donna on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 4:47 pm:

(A women wearing a black robe is sitting across from Soyburger. Her hair is dirty blonde. Black glasses obscure her bright blue eyes and face, which bears a fleeting resembleance to Adon and Hamburger Pattie, and masks fragmented memories. How she was born, where she came from, her earlist years. Her most concrete memory was her time with her dead boyfriend Isolerdor. Under her robes, she carried a sword. Though her religion prohibited the use of blade weapons, but she used it anyways. She could use the Quarterstaff and bow if needed. She thought she knew who the women was. She said a prayer to Llanwylln, and moved toward the women and spoke)
Hi! Are you Hamburger Pattie?

By The Observer on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 5:19 pm:

Allow me to restrain that villain, Captain. It didn't seem to work on Radagast, but I try not to abandon a useful skill because of one failure.

(Observer speaks a few magic words, and Praetorius is suspended in a bubble of time, completely frozen.)

I cannot sense Commander Milkshake anywhere within several light-years. I hope he is all right.

By Rocket Ranger on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 7:34 pm:

Blast it! Colanator, it looks like we missed the fun! (He flicks his wrist, and the double-bladed lightsaber disappears.) Oh, well. So.... interesting little trick, Observer. I wish I could do that.

By Commander Adon on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 7:52 pm:

A vortex formed on the bridge, illuminating the dim room with a fantastic light display. A figure appeared in the center of the vortex and stepped onto the bridge. When the vortex closed, everyone recognised the figure as Commander Adon.

It seems that you guys have had some exitement while I was away.

By The Observer on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 10:12 pm:

Welcome back Adon, welcome back.

(Observer somberly looks over the bridge, then says)

I suppose, now that I can calmly speak about it, that I should explain what happened at the Supervillain Convention and the transformation I went through. Once, many centuries ago, I had the misfortune of meeting one of the most powerful mortals in the universe. This amoral individual had found a way to tap into magic, or Magick, Mana, the Force, Reality, whatever you prefer, in a way that gave him tremendous powers. The Legion of Observers were given the task (by several universe-watching groups) to destroy this being by any means possible.

I won't describe the battle, but when he was defeated, he did not go quietly. I was nearest to what was left of him, and his being flowed into me in an attempt to control me. With the help of several fellow Observers, I managed to control him...

But whenever things are in dire peril, I let him "out", as it were, and therefore I can use his powers for good, not evil. It gets more and more difficult as time goes by to keep him silent. That's it.

By Kiehart on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 10:47 pm:

Suddenly, in sickbay, Kiehart begins sweating unctrollably, and his legs begin to twitch. "wh-wha-what's happening? DOCTOR!" He begins to feel increasingly paniced and fearful. He wants to run all over the ship to find whatever it is that's triggered such a violent reaction from his Danger Sense, but he can't seem to feel his legs. "DOCTOR!!!!" He screams.

By Lt PD Insane on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 11:22 pm:

Good, Adon, you're back! You'll need to operate tactical on your own for a while, I'm taking a break. I'll go down to the starbase and get passage on the next ship which comes along. Bye for now!

By Commander Adon on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 11:42 pm:

OK. Good luck, and good travels.

Observer, I am most impressed that you are able to keep such a powerful mind under control. Although I don't have the power to help you, I might be able to find someone who can. If you want the help, of course.

By Soyburger Patricia on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 3:03 am:

No, I am Soyburger Patricia. Hamburger Pattie is my mirror counterpart from the dimension of JARSO.

Who are you?

By Auntie Nit on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 3:10 am:

Dear Confused K-NIT TV-47 Viewer:

For safeties sake the tubolift doors are equipped with a manual control so the people trapped inside by power failure can exit.

Yours truly,
Auntie Nit

By Donna on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 6:15 am:

My name is Donna Burgher, Enchantress of Llanwylin, and warrior. I was told, or truth be told, extorted infomation that I might be related to her, or at most she might know my orgins. That and some nonsense about a wanderer or something. In anycase, thank you for your help. I think, though If I hang around with you, I should find her eventually. I won't be a bother, I can take care of myself.

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 10:24 am:

Tacoman looks around the bridge
Well, we defeated the bad guy, but at several prices.
Where's Mr. Valco? We need to tell him that we found and captured Praetorius...
Soyburger Patricia, report to the conference room. I have a few questions to ask you about Quito and how she fits into everything.
Welcome back Adon.
From what I've heard, Milkshake could have been dissapated by the phaser...

By Taz Valko on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 1:02 pm:

I am glad to hear it. Perhaps I should return whence I came. But it will be largely different. Maybe I should stay in this timeline? I have few real ties to my own, and they will have changed. I shall see. I have plenty of... time.

And Valko's ship left the shuttlebay, heading off into the black yonder.

By Ojanon on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 3:06 pm:

Ojananon saunters in to Zen Forward, and takes a seat where he can look out at space. He sits and contemplates....

He doesn't even know the Lifeblood flows through him yet...but soon, he shall!

By Furby on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 8:24 pm:

Waving a tricorder around the spot where Milkshake vanished.

As I already thought. A residual transporter pattern.

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 8:48 pm:

Any idea of where he might have went Furby?

By The Observer on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 9:54 pm:

(Observer has an odd look on his face for a moment, then speaks)

Captain, for some strange reason, I feel that we have to go to Earth. It...no, someone, is waiting for us there.

By Kiehart on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 2:25 am:

Kiehart lays there in the sickbay bed, pinned down, unable to anything other than his head. He begins counting the tiles in the ceiling. After a few minutes he realizes there aren't any tiles. That lines have started appearing in his vision. He closes his eyes and shakes his head a few times to try and clear his vision. He opens his eyes to see the blank ceiling again. He lifts his head. "Hey Doc. Any idea as to when I can get out of here?"

By Interlude of Madness on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 3:42 am:

(Suddenly something resembling a fairy flies into Kiehart's vision)


(She buzzes around then lands on his forehead & bends over to look in his eyes)

Did they leave you all by your lonesome?

Well, why don't you come with me?

(She flies up, then turns in mid-air)

Ah, ah, ah, no peeking up my skirt.

What you don't think you can come because you're tied down? Silly, Kiehart.

(She waves a hand and Kiehart's spirit seems to rise out of his body, through the force field, after the fairy, and as soon as he passes through the ceiling, he enters a realm of madness. An Escherlike realm where up & down are arbitrary & impossible things seem to happen. Until finally the fairy leads him to a bizarre creature, with multiple faces, appendages that appear to be a combination of insects, tentacles & plant, and a body covered with fur, scales & spines.)

My lord, this is Kiehart. He needs help & I believe he can help you.

(Several of the creature's mouths move as one and a pleasant voice reverberates out)

Welcome, Kiehart. Name your price & I will help you, IF you can help me recover my key.

By Soyburger Patricia on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 4:01 am:

A spell of seeing should help uncover your origins, or has a more powerful sorcerer covered it up?

As for travelling with me, no. As soon as I talk to the captain, I will leave & what I need to do canno...
(Patricia feels a sudden disturbance on the ship, then all is as it was)

Also the ship may need a powerful enchantress if I've underestimated them.

(Suddenly over the com system)
Tacoman: Soyburger Patricia, report to the conference room. I have a few questions to ask you about Quito and how she fits into everything.

(Patricia gets up to leave)
Goodbye, and remember that some answers are worse then not knowing.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 6:04 am:

Tacoman to Colanator, restart all systems.
Helm, as soon as the systems get back online, set a course back for Earth, best speed. When Observer has inklings of doing things, he's usually right.

By Ojanon & Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 6:35 am:

Ojanon is still in Zen Forward. Rocket Ranger walks over.

Mind if I talk to you for a minute?

Ojanon looks up at RR.

Certainly. I haven't sat and talked with someone for several days. Please...have a seat.

Rocket Ranger sits down on the other side of the booth from Ojanon.

By New Commercial on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 6:43 am:

Singing voices (two female, one male): When you want to have beef anytime, we can show you how! You don't have to worry if...have a
Cup O' Cow

Yes, Cup O' Cow, from the people who brought you "Poke O' Pig" and "Chew O' Chicken"! Take Cup O' Cow with you, whether you're camping, hiking, strolling through the mall, or just relaxing in the sun in your own backyard! Just pull the strip located on the lid to activate our patented heating cell that will cook your Cup O' Cow perfectly in just seconds!

Taste that beefy goodness, today!

By Inspector Mystery on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 8:12 am:

I will take Praetorius to the Brig. I'll get crewman Pellegrino and ensign Thompson to keep an eye on him.

By Furby on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 9:12 am:

Captain, I have no idea where the Commander is. Where is this Frank's phaser? We should examine this interesting piece of technology.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 11:11 am:

Tacoman looks around
Here it is.
Hands the phaser to Furby

By Donna the white on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 2:02 pm:

(Soyburger walks away)

I don't think you understand my power, well, I will show you!

(At that moment a bright flash fills the room. Donna's hair turns bright blonde and her clothing becomes whiter than white. She unveils her staff.)

If you leave me here I will unleash a presence that will be felt from the Astral plains to the Shadowlands. This area will be a christmas tree to whoever it is you are avoiding. Sure you say, They are not looking for me. If I recall, if I am related to Pattie, so we have a very similer energy signiture. It's your choice. Allow a level 10 enchantress who once bested a Lich with full power in combat to aid you, or fail. You may do that without my help. Just allow me to follow. I will not do anything unless asked.

By K-NIT TV-47 Sponsor San Pelligrino on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 2:09 pm:

Just remember, IM, crewman Pellegrino has dinner at 8.

By Furby on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 5:00 pm:

Indeed, the phaser has an integrated transporter. But I can't tell you where Milkshake landed because one of those mad cows danced on the control pad and destroyed the info. Baaaaad.


Hoyo, there was a magical discharge on the ship. Interesting.

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 5:13 pm:

Adon enters Zen Forward and sees Donna the White. He opens his mouth, and when he speaks, his voice booms over the din of the room.


Donna returns to her former appearance and Adon's voice returns to normal.

That's better. Now, what's going on here?

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 5:24 pm:

Rocket Ranger, who witnessed what transpired, along with Ojanon and just about everyone else who is in the room, stands up and walks over to Adon.

Commander, it appears we have another spell-caster onboard the ship!

By Kiehart on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 9:23 pm:

Kiehart slaps the side of his head, chanting "Hallucination," over and over again. "It's just a hallucination Jason R. Keihart. This isn't real. And that voice is WAY too familiar."

By K-NIT TV-47 Advertisement on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 10:28 pm:

Tonight after LICC...

K-NIT TV-47 is proud to present, the East Clintwood classic movie, "Space Cabbies". About a bunch of old guys who drive people around space for money!

By Upcoming Plot on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 11:28 pm:

On a secret base, hidden deep inside a rouge planetoid, a Sith lord sits, staring patiently at the hologram in fron of him.

"Lord Redrum, I have changed my mind on an important issue. I am willing to give you the technology you desire, in exchnage for your aid in keeping the League from interferring in my work. But you must have patience. You must wait until they are at their most vulnerable. My spy amongst them has been given your singal. She will contact you with the neccesary information."

The Holographic figure disappears. Darth Redrum says nothing. He merely smiles. Darth Armus, Darth Mortis, Darth Terror. All would be avenged. His brothers would look down upon him with pride.

By Soyburger Patricia on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 3:12 am:

(Patricia turns. Any other time she would show this upstart just what she is in for, but now is not the time. Also when being hunted it's useful to have a decoy.)

Very well. If you wish to travel with me you may. Gather whatever belongings you have & we'll leave when I finish speaking to the captain.

Or do you have any more objections?

By Robot Redshirt on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 12:07 am:

Excuse me, but has anyone figured out how to push my reset button yet?



Is anyone there?


By Strange Aside that only makes sense to people whove seen the movie on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 8:42 am:

Suddenly, giant brown meat-ball looking things with big teeth begin eating the empty Spidermobile. A dark-looking creature steps out of the shadows and gasps.

The Langoliers!

The creature runs over and hits Robot Redshirt's power button, deactivating him. The Langoliers continue to munch on the ship. The creature manipulates the Ops console to create an artificial aurora borealis on the bridge. He then throws Robot Redshirt into the phenonemon. The creature stands in front of the spectacle, uses a hypospray on himself, and falls backward, unconcious, into the aurora. The Langoliers finish eating the Spidermobile and depart.

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