League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XXVI

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XXVI
By K-NIT Pilot Preview on Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 6:22 am:

Announcer: After LICC stay tuned for the spinoff you demanded!
Yes, because so many of you have wondered what happens during the night shift, we decided to turn it into a show!
Let's see a sneak peek, shall we?

(Scene of a silver humanoid riding a surfboard through space, then cuts to the LICC Bridge with the lights dimmed)
Lt. Kim (in captain's chair): Take her to warp.
Paris (at helm): But it's too expensive to use warp.
Lt Kim: Oh, let's try it this once. What could go wrong?
Paris: Aye aye, sir.
(Bridge crew oohs & ahs at the streaking stars on the veiwscreen.)
Sound Effect: Splat!
Paris: There appears to be a silver guy & surfboard splattered all over the veiwscreen.
Lt. Kim: *Gulp* H...hit the windshield wipers. And... let's not say anything to the Captain or I'll be busted back down to Ensign.

Announcer: Yes, you'll split your sides laughing at the hilarious antics of the LICC Night Shift. A Berman Braga Production.

By Loopy K-NIT Executive.....not be confused with EVIL K-NIT Executive! on Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 8:03 am:

Nah...I don't like it. Lets run with that new idea my 10 year old nephew's cousin's uncle's grandmother's twin brother's best friend in college's father had, instead....

By Another K-NIT Pilot Preview on Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 8:07 am:

Announcer: Enjoy the hilarity that ensues when your favorite LICC heroes are placed about as the crew of a cruise ship!!

Yes, its.....The LICC BOAT!

With your Captain, Merrill Tacoman!

Ship's Doctor, Adam Milkshake!

Ship's Cruise Director, Julie Hamburger Pattie!

Ship's Bartender, Isaac Jadlad!

And your ship's Purser, Gopher Kiehart!

By Loopy K-NIT Executive on Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 8:08 am:

Yeah, baby! I smell that Emmy already! We got us a winner here with this one!

By K-NIT Excecutive on Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 2:04 pm:

How About this one.

"Gregor", Staring the Antics of a family whose oldest son has been turned into disgusting vermin.

"Carrie" A sitcom conerning a family where the Daughter named Carrie has psychokentic powers and is not afraid to use them.

"Voyager's Nursery" The Borg children, and Samantha, get their own show.

By Pointer-Outer on Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 2:19 pm:

I assume by Samantha you mean Naomi.

By Revanche. on Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 9:49 pm:

Redding nods. "Yes, captain I know your father. My crew is somewhat skeleton at this point but we can definately help. Just tell us where to go."

By And Now, Back to our regularly scheduled program on Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 9:52 pm:

The Spidership flies through space in pursuit of the Devastators.

Rikard: Originally, the Devastators had one power source controlled by Palpatine that was shut down, shutting all of them down so the Republic fleet could wipe them out. I'm guessing that they're not going to make that mistake again and that each ship will probably be independent.

By Commander Adon on Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 11:06 pm:

Adon wanders over towards where Rocket Ranger is.

Excuse me, I was wondering if you could give me a hand. We're going to need some serious firepower for when we meet those things again. Could you help me upgrade the power of my Combat-Suit's main rifle? It would just need to last for the battle with them.

Adon offers Rocket Ranger a PADD with the rifle's specs.

By Kiehart/Revanche on Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 11:50 pm:

Jerry Redding looks at the image of the Spidership in wapr as the Revanche follows them. "So much for mantaining charter Marty. Now WE'RE in the LICC-verse." Martin Durgin sighs. "Sir, you made a judgement call. That's all a good captain really can do. And if we're right, and Grey sent those monsters, then doubtless they'll have some serious upgrades. Like warp drive for example. How else do you think they got to Eminaf so fast?" Redding chuckles. "Oh man. Who woulda thought that one day I'd be flying next to the Spidership. Haer'Dalis?" "Yes sir?" the Tiefling security officer replies. "Ready me an emergency transport belt. I'm going to request an audience with Captain Tacoman."


Kiehart leans in close to Tacoman and speaks lightly. "Sir, I'm getting a weird vibe off that Redding guy. Are you sure we can trust them?"

By Archie Comics Fan on Friday, April 06, 2001 - 4:08 am:

(Suddenly a red circle appears on the bridge and through it steps a redheaded teenager, with a long nose. He wears a shirt with an R on it, a belt buckle with the initials MLJ on it, a crown-like hat, as well as two spotted cat ears and a pussycat tail. In one hand he holds a hamburger, in the other he holds a black cat)

I am Archie Comics Fan. To help in your battle I bring knowledge of thrilling heroes like The Shield, the Black Hood, Thunderbunny, um... Captain Pureheart..., um..., Stainless... Steel...

(turning to the cat)

Jeepers! I'm gonna get killed, aren't I, Salem?

Salem: Yes, you are.

Oh, wait a minute! I just remembered that I accidentally made two dates with two different girls for the same night and I should probably take care of that first. Gotta go. See you later!

(he jumps back through the red circle and disappears)

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, April 06, 2001 - 4:13 am:


Rocket Ranger looks at the specs on the PADD that Commander Adon handed him.

Hmmmm.....I'll get on this right away. Would you prefer an increase in the firing ratio, or simply an increase in the weapon's damaging power? I could do both, but it would take much longer to do that. I also think you should attach a secondary weapons system to the barrel. I can do that, easily. Just tell me what you want; a grenade launcher, flamer, gyrojet gun....

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, April 06, 2001 - 6:28 am:

That's a good point, Kiehart. Contact Greymoran on the interdimensional communicator and ask him about Captain Redding.

By Commander Adon on Friday, April 06, 2001 - 9:07 am:

I'd like an increase in damage power, but it has to be done without altering the weapon's balance too much or it will throw the autobalancer off, and those thing's are a pain to recalibrate.

The other hard part will be to do this without increasing the rifle's weight, because it will throw the arm out of alignment.

By A.T. and T. on Friday, April 06, 2001 - 4:01 pm:

Everyone turns round as Ansh and Tammy come onto the bridge. Ansh is holding a st. Bernard puppy

Ansh: Hi! Did I mention that last time I left Lt. Insane's mother bouhgt a female dog to be a sister for Lt. Insane and Brutus? Well we were called away as she was having Puppies! I got Bruno but Mommy wouldn't alow me to leave him for her to look after when I was on the Spidership, so I brought him to!

She sees all the serious faces looking at her

Ansh: Did I miss anything?

They get told all

Ansh: Oh.

Tammy:Well Ansh we must think up a name for your kitbash shuttle.

Ansh: *sigh* As usual you suggest things at the most inapropriat times!

By Redshirt on Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 1:08 am:

"Sir, we have a reply from your father, text only. He says, 'You can trust Jerry son.' I assume he means Captain Redding sir."

By Captain Tacoman, ready to meet another captain on Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 6:18 am:

Thanks Redshirt.
Captain Redding, prepare to beam to the ship to meet with my crew and I.

By Ansh on Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 1:57 pm:

Ansh walks up to Obsy

Exuse me but I was wondering if you, or one of your Padawans once they've completed their training, could take me on as a Padawan. I've always wanted to be a Jedi.

By Adon, your gun is ready!! on Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 4:20 pm:

A few hours later, Rocket Ranger contacts Adon.

Commander, your gun is ready. Its waiting for you in my lab. I not only increased the power by 20 percent, but by replacing some outdated circuitry and part of the metal casing with a lighter but harder material, I have also added a few...improvements without affecting the weight, as you asked.
There are two buttons on the top of the gun. The blue button increases the gun's rate of fire for three seconds, but can only be used once every ten minutes. The yellow button switches the weapon to a gyrojet gun. It only contains enough ammo for five shots, and automatically switches back once the ammo is depleted. It can be equipped with either incendiary or fragmentation gyrojets. Have fun.

By The Observer on Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 4:22 pm:

I don't know, Ansh, let me see.

(Observer places a hand on Ansh's forehead and closes his eyes.)

Yes, it is deep, but it is there. The Force is strong with this one.

(He opens his eyes.)

Certainly you may train, Ansh. But remember, being a Jedi Knight is a serious responsibility. Perhaps the most serious. You must dedicate your life to serving and helping your fellow beings. This is the first duty of a Jedi.

By An aside from Project Omega on Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 5:32 pm:

(Men in black, men of science, and an unreconizeable man are seen around a hall of tanks of water. Inside the water, are held the body parts of hundreds of monsters, alien and humans. the men begin to speak.)
Science A: years of genitic research have resulted in the creation of the perfect specimin.

Black: Now kill it then.

Science: Kill It?

Black: Yes, kill it, augment it with machinery and ressurect it.

Scientist: And then what?

Black: Kill it, then turn it over to him. This plan when fully excecuted, will be the end of life.

(Loud laughter is heard.)

By Plot Complication on Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 10:43 pm:

Jerry Redding and his second in command Martin Durgin sit in the captain's ready room, with Kiehart leaned up against looking at them with a suspicious eye. Tacoman sits across the table from them, then leans in to start asking them questions.

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, April 08, 2001 - 6:23 am:

Ok. What do you know about the Devestators we're going after? I assume that they aren't the standard version if you're here, right?
Another thing... How is Greymoran and his crew doing in their fight against evil? Last I heard, they had crashed into Hoth and got away...
Tacoman to the bridge, time to Enimaf?

By A.T. and T. on Sunday, April 08, 2001 - 3:50 pm:

Ansh blushes at the praise of her force abilitys
Ansh: I only want a basic training so that it can help a bit with my work Tammy snorts disgustedly and so I can use a lightsaber as a defence for myself and her. indicating Tammy with her head
Ansh walks over to Tammy
Tammy: u r so lucky Ansh! Obsy giggles touched ur head! I've got like this HUGE crush on him!
Ansh: You said last week you had "Like this HUGE crush on Insane"
Tammy: giggles I've like this HUGE crush on like loadsa ppl!
Ansh: Will you please stop speacking in "Kewl speak"!

By Adventures of Cid and Scotty on Sunday, April 08, 2001 - 3:57 pm:

(A evil man comes on, in a doctors outfit)

"I'm Birth Control Bill, Would you like a condom, or maybe a new chemical contraceptive called the Pill"

Cid: "You do realize the stress of post modern life made humans unable to concieve at least 5 centuries ago, meaning you now have to go to a doctor if you want children."

Scotty: Aye Mate, it's true.

Bill: "Oh," (Dissapears in a flash of light)

Cid: These 20th century vices never learn. Too bad our Sonic showers are powered by a wormhole that leads there.

By Anonymous on Sunday, April 08, 2001 - 4:03 pm:

People are capable of having children, Pesti.

By Cid on Sunday, April 08, 2001 - 8:41 pm:

Oh, Sure, rub it in. The 31th century is sterile. Curs.

By Revanche crew. on Sunday, April 08, 2001 - 10:47 pm:

Redding: Well Captain it's simple. We'd been monitoring dimensional disturbances, hoping to find a pattern in Jake Grey's attacks, determining whioch attacks were his directly, and which attacks did he merely send lackeys. We're not sure what kind of modifications these Devastators have I'm afraid. As for your father, last we saw the Archangel was in RDU-7, but they've probably been gone for some time now I would imagine.

Durgin: Captain, we'll help however we can, but you have to understand we're taking a huge risk in doing so. Intereference in the affairs of this unibverse are punishable by death according to XDCA charter.

By Death on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 12:45 am:

Why do I have to punish everyone? Get War or Pestilence or even Famine to do it. I have enough work to do.

By Plot Complication on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 1:09 am:

As the Devastators float over the southernmost continent of Eminaf, Darth Redrum laughs histerically. The other Sith look at him with concern, all but the two who had decided they had business elsewhere. Redrum was incesed by this, but the destrcution beneath them was more than enough to make up for it. True, even with the 6 ships working in tandum it would take almost 12 hours to take care of the whole planet, but the fighters were doing a good enough job shooting down and blockading the evacuation vessels and attack craft. Suddenly, the warning light indicating danger to Devastator 5, the one furthest from Devastator 2, where the Sith sat, went bright. "What in the hell?" He activates the sensors. Out of nowhere, a half dozen strange looking fighters de-cloaked and fired a series of disks at the hull. The disks attached themselves, and the fighters disappeared. Redrum senses the explosion moments before it occurs. He orders some of the fighters to get a reading on the now flaming Devastators as it's repulsorlifts begin to fail and the city block sized monstor crashes to the surface. Whatever those disks were, they caused the oxygen within the ship to ignite violently, melting many key systems, and detonating weapon storage areas. All the fighters that were controlled by D5 explode in mid-air, allowing two Eminaf escpae vessel and a squadron of Eminaf fighters to escape. Redrum screams in a violent rage that shakes the panels near him.


The Spidership and the Revanche arrive just moments after the explosion. Kiehart's senses flare up and he suddenly lunges forward for the Captain's personal computer console. He smiles. "Maybe the Eminaf people won't need us so much after all Captain. One of the six ships is lying in ruin on the planet surface." Redding, Durgin, and Tacoman stare at Kiehart in wide-eyed shock. "What?" all three of them exclaim in unison.

By K-NIT Viewer on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 2:05 am:

Whatever those disks were, they caused the oxygen within the ship to ignite violently

Yeah, right! What kind of moron does they take us fer?

By Nit, the picky, picky pixie on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 3:00 am:

All right, Stop!!!

(Suddenly the entire story, all the people in it, and all subplots stop.)

Don't worry, when the story resumes they won't notice this at all.

On LICC2 board XXV Plot Complication wrote that the Devastators were going to attack Eminaf & included a link to the original LICC board XXIV.
1. The planet is spelled Enimaf, not Eminaf, although I've been overlooking it so far, as numerous planets in the LICCverse have multiple spellings.
2. The planet does not have a living population. It was a home to the Ancient Ones who are now extinct. Only an ancient city has survived & it has automated defenses.
While it is possible for the automated defenses to attack the Devastators, (the Ancient Ones wouldn't want their technology falling into evil hands) there would be no escape craft because there are no Enimaf people.
Soyburger Patricia & Donna are the only people on Enimaf at the moment.

So, how do you explain that, PC?

By The Return of Plot Monitor!!!! on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 8:28 am:

Yes, I would like to know how you get out of that one, myself!

(And yes, this is me...the original Plot Monitor, so don't even ask. You all know who I am, anyway)

By Donna on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 10:01 am:

I'm on the planet with the devestators! •••••• •••• •••••.

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 10:35 am:

Comm, contact Earth and tell them the current situation.
Tacoman looks at the sensors
It looks like those fighters are automated...

By Commander Adon on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 1:59 pm:

I'll take care of the fighters.

Adon's Combat-Suit launches from the hanger and flies towards the fighters with its sword active. Adon begins carving up the fighters using the sword and the twin machine guns mounted on the suit's shoulders.

Soon, most of the remaining fighters were keeping a healthy distance from the combat-suit. The suit aimed the rifle at the lead Devestator, and opened a channel.

This is Commander Adon of the LICC. Power down and prepare to be boarded.

By Donna on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 7:13 pm:

Is this planets real name Marshall Fathers?

By Plot Complication on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 7:18 pm:

Redrum says nothing. One of the other Sith's eyes narrow. "Adon. I owe him a debt of pain." The man with his mechanical body parts, more machine now than man (but still talking normally, so don't get any ideas ;) ), knocks Redrum out the way, and activates the Retreat button. The five remaining Devastators launch into warp, without having issued a recall order for the fighters. Ten seconds later, the Devastators are out of range, and the fighters detonate.


Adon touches down on the ground, and a group of strange looking aliens run over, bowing and thanking him. They clearly are not natives. They have the look of drifters. (How's THAT for an explanation PM?)


Kiehart bolts to his fighter. He leaves the Spidership's bay just in time to see the five Devastators go to warp. "Aw man!" he says, disapointed. He considers turning around to go back to the Spidership, but instead decides to follow Adon to the planet surface.

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 9:00 pm:

Ops, can you tell where the ships are heading next?

By Plot Complication on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 9:21 pm:

"Where are you taking us you madman?!?" Redrum hollows in rage. "His family and friends are dead, but his home planet still stands. I will see to it that it does so no longer!" Redrum didn't need to ask who 'he' was. "Adon's home planet? Are you insane Terror?" The other Sith waves his hand and Redrum is pinned to the nearby bulkhead. "I am no longer Darth Terror. I stopped BEING Darth Terror when Adon destroyed my body. If not for my master I wouldn't be here now. I am Darth Bane now, and I will exact vengance on the bloodline of the Wanderer Adon." One of the other Sith tries to subdue Bane and gets flipped and pinned to the floor. "But you'll bring the Conclave down upon us! We are not strong enough to survive such an onslaught you fool!" Bane pushes a button, and in a purple flash, the argument is ending.


"Oakensheild to Redding!" Redding stops his conversation with Tacoman when his communicators goes off. "Redding here. What is it?" "Sir we registered a massive dimensional disturbance. Doubtless it's the World Devastators. I'm forwarding their location to you know. They went straight for their target planet. The exit portal appeared in the upper atmosphere for Lathander's sake!" Redding listens to the name of the planet. It doesn't ring a bell to him, but Tacoman's eyes go wide.

By BF on Monday, April 09, 2001 - 9:22 pm:

Rocket Ranger heads for the planet in the SnowCrane, taking some provisions, scanning equipment, and other gadgets with him. He leaves Wayne and Kent on-board the Spidership, since he doesn't expect any trouble.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 6:21 am:

My god... he's gone after Adon's home planet!
Captain Redding, any way we can follow them?
Captain Tacoman to all hands, we've just learned that the Devestator fleet has entered another dimension... and are currently at Adon's home planet.

By Plot Monitor....why let Webber have all the fun? on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 9:08 am:

It is a dark room, lit only by a dim red light near the only door in and out of the chamber. A man sits in a chair in the middle of the room, while another sits at a console a few feet away. The lighting is just bright enough to show that the man in the chair has a silver gleam coming off of his forehead. He taps his fingers on one of the armrests; the sound is definitely not that of flesh or fingernail hitting metal...

"Have you finished patching in to their systems yet?"

The man at the console turns around.

"Yessir. I need just another couple of minutes to confirm everything is working."

The man in the chair lets out a brief, gleeful laugh.

"Excellent work. Use your Cyberdeck to monitor their communications. But make absolutely sure that they cannot detect us! We don't need them knowing we have hacked into their systems! (He pauses) Ares will pay us handsomely for this!"

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 10:30 am:

As soon as Tacoman informed Adon of the Devestator fleet's destination, Adon disapeared. He never even closed the channel, he just opened a portal where he sat and was gone.

Adon appeared on an island in the sea. He didn't bother using the small boat tied up down in the cove, he just took off. Instead of flying toward his home, he was heading in the opposite direction.

They're here already. I only have one chance to hold them off until the Spidership can get here.

Adon flashed back to when he was training...
The temple was pure white, and in remarkable shape, considering both it and the surrounding city had been abandoned for centuries.

Adon: "What is this temple for?"
Sejet: "Grika built that. He was the last Wanderer from your world. While he was here, a fleet attacked this world from the sky. He built temples like this all around the world to provide a defense in case anyone else attacks this world from the sky. Unfortunetly, there was nothing capable of generating enough energy in this entire world..."

Returning to the present...

I've got to get to that temple before those devestators get too close.

By Sithco Rep on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 2:03 pm:

(A sith transporter beam signiture appears on the bridge.)

(Everyone points a weapon at the rep)

Friends, friends put down your weapons. Sithco has a new board of directors. We only intrested in profit now. And we have a item you need.

(A vending machine appears)

It's the Extra life machine. The VM sells 1-up bars. when a person eats one of these it will as soon as energy level hit zero, it will teleport them to sickbay, where they can be healed. The catch, the Vending machine is ran by Sithco, and the bars are expensive, so well, don't give them to crewmen. We also acqiured a contract with your government to place these on ship. Thank you. (Both disapear.)

(The Machine is put on deck two, by the other vending machines. A special receiver bed appears in Sickbay.)

Sith Corporation Incorporated ®
Better living through mad science.
Dr. Smith, Acting CEO.

By Plot Complication on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 2:35 pm:

Redding taps his communicator. "Haer'Dalis, you have the hlem. Don't wait for us, go after those Devastators." He clicks it off. "Captain, should we wait for Mr. Kiehart and Mr. Rnager to return? Or shall we follow my ship? They can open a portal large enough for both our ships."

Darth Bane laugh histerically as Devastator 2 plows towards the captial city at a spped the massive ship can barely handle. The ship shudders. Redrum knows that any second now the engines could overheat. And to make matters worse, the other four Devastators have scattered as a result of Bane's idicoy. Not working in tandem, with no tactical plans, the Devastator fleet is vulnerable to interference. And what if those mysterious fighters come back? Redrum decides he's had enough, and uses a Force trick to distract Bane. He then activates his lgihtsaber, and runs the mad Sith through. "I'm sorry Bane, but I can't let anyone, not even you, ruin our plans."

By Furby alt-Furby on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 3:55 pm:

Sooo, here's the result of our work during the last few days: The Sith converter! For a few minutes it can turn a Sith into a Jedi by depolarising his force nanites. Nice, isn't it?

But there are a few disadvantages: You have to be very close to the unfortunate subject, the device can also turn Jedis into Siths for some time, the converter is untested yet and ...uhhh.. rather large.

It seems that the Sith has to put into a large tube with lots of wirings around it...

By Body of Darth Armus on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 3:59 pm:

Rolling, rolling, rolling on the river

By Plot Complication on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 4:33 pm:

Darth Bane falls to the ground, a mixed look of shcok and anger on his face. He looks down. The cnetral motor for his mechanical parts is damaged and melting. In a few moments he won't be able to move. Redrum brings the Devastator to ahalt, and tries to activate the warp drive. He starts to recall the other Devastators, but disocvers that Bane had turned Devastator 1's control over to it's A.I. Devastators 2, 3, 4, and 6 begin to fly away, nearly slamming into the Klingon cruiser and the Spidership as they exit a dimensional portal. Redrum pounds the panel with his fist. "Two Devestators in as many days!" He turns towards the now frozen-in-place body of the cyborg Sith Darth Bane. ""By the time I'm through with you bane you'll wish you were dead!"


Adon watches as four of the Devastators take off. He wonders briefly why they left this one Devastator behind, but decides it's not important at the moment. That Devastator is still dangerously close to the old temple.


Before the portal closes completely, Kiehart's fighter squeezes through. "Banshee, did the SnowCrane follow succesfully?" Kiehart wonders, visually seraching for Rocket Rnager's ship. "Negative. The SNowCrane never left the plaent surface." Kiehart frowns. "Allright. Give me a full status report on ships in the area." The small display in front of him displays the profiles of the Revanche, the Spidership, Adon's battle suit, and one World Devastator. "One? Where are the others? Banshee, check sensors, full range. Is there anything within sensor radius besides the ships displayed?" A few seconds later, the computerized voice replies, "Negative. No ships, cloaked or powered down, detected. No active vessels detected. Signs of closing dimensional portal to aft." He checks the sensor records. "Big enough for four of those monsters. Dammit."

By Captain Tacoman, itching to destroy something on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 5:46 pm:

Ops, fire all weapons at the Devestator.
Tacoman to Captain Redding and Kiehart, fire atthe Devestator!

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 7:17 pm:

Adon arrived in the ruins of the abandoned city and landed on the steps of the central temple. He ran up to the doors, and a memory came to him.

Adon stood before the door of the temple and tried to open the doors. They stood fast before him. Adon, determined to see what was inside, prepared to blast the great doors off of their hinges, when Sejet strode up and grabbed Adon's arm.

Sejet: "What do you think you're doing?"
Adon: "I want to see what is inside the temple."
Sejet: "You don't want to do that. I was there when this temple was built. You can only enter the this temple when the time is right. The time would be right only when the doors open."

Adon stepped back, crestfallen.

Sejet: "I can only hope that these doors never open."

Back in the present.

Adon reached out to open the doors, but before he could touch them, the doors opened on their own. A dark red marble path lead from the door towards a dais. The path was lined with white marble pillars that stretched up to the shadow cloaked roof. Most of the room was obscured by darkness, except for the dais.

A stream of light poured from the ceiling onto the dais, illuminating a small pedestal on the center. Adon ran down the path and stepped onto the dais. The pedestal was covered with writing, but the letters and the language had been extinct on that world for hundreds of years.

Adon was able to make out the writing on the pillar, because Sejet had taught him how to read the language in order to learn about the history of the old ruins. He read:

This world is covered by a network of temples designed to keep this world safe from outsiders. Only beings of great power can penetrate the barriers placed on this world. But someday, after another like me has been discovered, metal monsters will descend from the sky. When that happens, bring the other like me to this temple. He will know what to do.

The top of the pillar had a deep mark and two indents on either size. Adon drew his sword and thrust it into the hole in the pillar. The blade slid cleanly into the hole and stopped when the hilt fit into the two indents.

With a flash, Adon powered up. The pillar started glowing, lighting up the room. All around the planet, similar temples began powering up. From the roof of each temple, a glowing pillar raised up. A vast network of energy lines spread out from the pillar, connecting all the other temples on the planet. As soon as the network was complete, the lines spread out, creating a planetary shield and preventing the devestators from reaching the surface.

By Vending Machine on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 7:57 pm:

Attention Spidership consumers, this is the Vending machines on deck 2. Using that technology from the borg I have assimilated your computer. Resistance is futile... Next to Low, low prices. We use capsule technology to provide it to you coin-op. Food, candy, drinks, medicine, weapons, contraband, and little cans of raveloli. For the grand opening. Everything is half price. So bring your crisp dollar bills, and quarters and get goods when you need them.

Better living through mad science.

By The Destruction of a Superweapon on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 8:16 pm:

The Spidership slowly pulls away from the Devastator as its weapon plow into the machine. Suddenly, Insane shouts...
Insane: Sir! I'm reading a huge power surge coming from the Devastator!
Before Tacoman can give the order, Rikard takes the Spidership in the opposite direction hard. The Devastator self destructs. The shockwave quickly approaches the ships that were surrounding it as they try to desperately get clear.

By Artsy-Fartsy on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 8:57 pm:

Artsy had been working hard, pausing every so often to get updates on what's happening, but always returning to her pictoral history of the Spidership's crew. [author's note: wish I could really do this! :) ] Quito quietly amused herself by exploring the contents of Artsy's satchel and getting herself covered in paint, glitter, and other media.

Even in the depths of her work, though, Artsy couldn't forget that the ship was in peril and there was nothing she could do to help. Lavender ripples of concern played through her hair and clothes, emphasised by the few times she looked up to catch Quito in some kind of listening trance. But the little alien wouldn't transmit any of it to her, and so the artist returned to her charcoal and paper and clay.

It wasn't until shortly after the Spidership reached Adon's homeworld that she truely became afraid. Quito dove into her arms, trembling, and the images were superimposed on each other this time: five indistict figures, once again surrounding the motif of five strands of light joining into one; and a massive bubble of energy surrounding a planet. The child bounced out of Artsy's lap a second later and dragged her towards the door....

By Plot Complication on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 10:03 pm:

Redding: Captain, I'm still here. My chief of security is in command of the Revanche right now.

Kiehart: What the hell happenbed to that ship? Our weapons hardly ddi anything to it's sheilds.

Durgin: I'd put all my money on Adon. Whereever he disappeared to, it obviously had a weapon powerful enough to destroy that Devastator.

By Soyburger Patricia on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 4:55 am:

Why haven't they attacked yet?

Either they know Quito is no longer with me & they have plans to get her, or they suspected that my presence here was a trap?

If I make a big show of my magic or attack them, they will know I don't have Quito.

(She looks at Donna)

Do you know of another magic user that can be trusted?

By Brown-nosing Blueshirt on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 4:58 am:

I just overhauled the trusty Shield of Indifference™, sir.

It's working at peak efficiency should we ever need it again.

By The Mr. Obvious Show on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 5:40 am:

(A single piano plays as the credits appear over a dark set with a simple table & chair that the host sits at)
Hello. Welcome to the broadcast. I'm Mr. Obvious.

Space... in many ways a lawless frontier. A frontier that some groups have been given authority to patrol, and in some cases be judge, jury & executioner.

But how far is too far?

In 2997 Directive Omega was enacted on the Thaz'orian government for the genocide of the Jastranian people. However, when the government refused to surrender, the entire population of Thaz'or, including animal, plant & mineral lifeforms were destroyed, whether they were involved in the genocide, or not.
The Thaz'orian colonists on Jastrana were imprisoned on the planet & isolated from all contact with other worlds.

Less than a year later, Directive Omega was enacted again. However, the records of this incident have been sealed.


My guest has a story which, if true, shows a frightening cover-up.

My guest has requested complete anonymity, voice language & species will be disguised and I will refer to my guest only with masculine prefixes.
Before we agreed to this interview we subjected 'him' to a truth verifier appropriate to 'his' species, and while no truth verifier is completely accurate, we are convinced that 'he' believes what 'he' said to be true.

Judge for yourself.

(For the rest of the hour the interview reveals a twisted tale of abuse of power, corrupt marshals, & high ranking members of the Galactic Order involved in a horrendous massacre involving mistaken identity, arms deals, smuggling & other assorted crimes.)

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 6:24 am:

What's that surrounding the planet? Hmm.. planetary shielding... Whether that had anything to do with the destruction...
Butrfli: Sickbay to Bridge, what's going on up there?
Tacoman: Just the average space battle, Butrfli.

By The King of the Potato People on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 7:54 am:

>So bring your crisp dollar bills, and quarters and get goods when you need them.>

Does the vending machines accept Sacajawea Dollars?

By Kiehart on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 1:52 pm:

Kiehart's fighter lands near the temple. Adon is standing outside, just looking at the old structure. Kiehart climbs out and walks over. "Commander, I'm afraid we have no idea where the other four Devastators went. But whatever you did obviously worked on that one." He swings his arm to point out the burned out hulk that was the destroyed Devastator, large enough to be seen even from this far away. "Could what you did here be done again, off planet? Or should we hope that the Sith keep making mistakes like here and at Eminaf?"

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 3:20 pm:

I'm sorry, but there's no way for me to duplicate that off planet. The entire network was built thousands of years ago for this very purpose. Grika, the Wanderer who built this had the ability to see into the future. I don't think he built anything else like this anywhere else.

By Kiehart/Revanche on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 3:41 pm:

Kiehart lowers his head in contmeplation. "That's too bad. It cut that colosus up like it was a piece of toilet paper. Maybe we can duplicate that technology that those weird fighters used back on Eminaf. One thing I know for certain. Those fighters aren't from our universe. I've never seen ships that small with cloaking devices before. And those discs..." Kiehart just sort of drifts. Adon begins thinking about those discs as well.


"Well Cpatian, I think we've proven absolutely useless. Two World Devastators destroyed and my ship never fired a shot," Redding says with a half-smile. Commander Durgin is already standing on the transporter pad. Redding extends his hand to Tacoman. "Regardless though, it was a pleasure to meet the real you Captain. I must say that your clone looks nothing like you however." Redding fullys smiles, and begins to chuckle. "Problem on your end?"

By Rocket Ranger on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 3:58 pm:

Rocket Ranger lands the SnowCrane near Kiehart's fighter, shuts down the engines, exits, and walks over to Kiehart and Adon.

I was monitoring the energy surge when that weapon destroyed the Devastator. The energy output was astonishing! I contacted the Space Marshals' office here, and I have some good news. As we speak, a fleet of about two dozen Annihilator-class Warships and nine Guardian-class Defense Vessels are headed for Eminaf to head off the Sith there! They should reach the planet well before the other Devastators. Two of the Annihilators are carrying a little surprise for the Sith to deal with. I already contacted the spidership and filled them in on this information.

He activates his badge-comm....

Kent, Wayne, get the ThunderWolf ready for action! We may need it soon. (He taps the badge-comm again.) Rocket to Colanator; I've had a PADD containing some tech specs for a new shield modification sent to you. I want you to see if you can improve the design and incorporate it into the spidership's systems. According to my calculations, it shouldn't take more than twenty-five-point-three minutes to make the adjustments.
This modification will also have to be made to Rikard and Kiehart's fighters.

By Donna on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 4:00 pm:

Magic users, eh? None still living. Know any good merge spells? If you know any dead ones, I do have a summon spell for a Long lived dragon. It's quite not as cool as the Eternal dragon. Basically a Komodo Dragon comes, and grants us a wish. But Komodo dragons take longer, and are likely to try to eat you. Let's try
(Uses spell, Komodo Appears)

Make a wish.

By Komodo on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 4:01 pm:

I AM THE GREAT KOMODO DRAGON...Say do you have some lamb on you?

By Plot Complication on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 4:09 pm:

Darth Redrum stares at the star maps in front of him. Choosing a new target will be tough, and the remaining Sith lords refuse to help him. He finally gives up on strategic choses, closes his eyes and points. "Hmm. Mars again. Perhaps it is destiny that we go there. We'll make sure to come out of the dimensional nether right in the upper atmosphere, below the most powerful orbital defnses." The other Sith says nothing. They appear to be meditating. Redrum walks over to the panel, passed the melted remains of Darth Bane's mechanical parts. "Mars it is."

By Explosion Explanation on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 5:04 pm:

The holographic Insane shimmers and disappears as a yellowshirt comes onto the bridge to fill in for the officer.
Ensign Menek: Sir, the readings indicate that they activated their self-destruct causing the explosion. Minor damage to a few systems.

By This Aint Gonna Fly!! on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 12:01 am:


Darth Bane SERIOUSLY needs to be retroactively renamed; Its already been established in Lucas-approved material (don't remember what, exactly) that the Sith's code and philosophy were long ago established by a fearsome, powerful Sith lord by the name of...Darth Bane! (Incidentally, that was also one of the names they considered using for Darth Maul, as well; someone else used it after Maul's name was established)

By BF on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 1:22 am:

*Yep, and I found ONE source. Go to the discussion board for an explanation.*

By Anti-nitting Sith Lord on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 2:12 am:

The false Darth Bane learned that it takes more than using the name of our founder to make himself great. If we have to refer to his actions at all, I say we refer to him as the False Bane.

By Soyburger Patricia on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 2:37 am:

(Patricia rolls her eyes up in exasperation)

Can you make her smarter & more powerful, if only for a little while?

(The Komodo Dragon indicates yes)

Then make it so.

(Patricia magically creates a tender lamb for the komodo dragon to eat)

(After it is done, Patricia says)

I know of a magic user. She is old & half-mad, living on Earth's moon, probably deluding herself into thinking that her plans of conquering the world have come true.

I have no wish to unnecesarily endanger those in the Sol system, but it seems I have no choice. Quito can give near omnipotent power to at least 3 powerful sorcerers...

(she glances at Donna & the Komodo Dragon)

That's 3 sorcerers, not 2 sorcerers & a wish granter. Wish granters have limitations on the way they channel Nevesytrof.

When Arq'am & the others detect I am with 2 other sorcerers they will have no choice, but to attack. They can not take the chance that I might gain the power to destroy them all at once.

(Patricia whisks them away)

By Renal Refusal on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 2:47 am:

(a castle sits on a deserted area of the moon. Inside the cobwebbed throne room an elderly woman sits, half-asleep, attended by flying monkeys when she is startled awake by a sudden appearance)

Who are you & what are you doing here? Guards!

Soyburger Patricia (bows): We are here to pay you homage, oh, Empress of the Earth.

(Renal smiles a mouthful of rotting teeth)

You are welcome. Guards! Bring some refreshments for my guests.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 8:02 am:

Captain Redding sends both ships back to the LICC universe. Sensors pick up the location of the remaining Devestators
My god.. They're going to Mars!
Helm, set a course for Mars, maximum warp. Warn the sector about their "guests"

By Marvin the Martian on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 11:09 am:


By Back on Earth... on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 11:45 am:

Earth. The planet has been almost half-restored from the damage incurred during the O'kakian Invasion. The Earth System Government has been restored in New Atlantis, and here at Provisional EarthGov Headquarters, the mood is not exactly one of elation.

In the Situation Room, sensor readings suddenly flash as several inbound ships are detected. In the minutes to follow, they are identified and their destination is calculated. One of the advisors in the Situation Room contacts the remnants of the Earth fleet to intercept, and then he and two associates head to the HQ's launching bay, where three strange fighters are docked. Within minutes, the tri-finned fighters are ascending into the atmosphere...

By Padawan on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 12:37 pm:

I always thought Darth Bane was maned after the original one.

By Plot Complication on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 1:51 pm:

The four Devastators inch their way across the surface. Packed tightly together, the amount of time it would take to destroy Mars is almost doubled, but Redrum doesn't want to risk losing another ship. The fighters, over a dozen squadrons, fly out into the atmosphere to engage the Earth fleet. Suddenly, a beam of pink energy lances out, incinerating several fighters, and causing several others to go into emergency manuevers. Severla more fighters collide with each other. The Earth fighters then begin picking them off. The Revanche skims the atmosphere, firing it's disruptors at the Devasytators, with marginal success.

Redding swears under his breath. His tactical/weapons officer, Derisa Alex had given him news he didn't want to hear. He hits a button on his chair arm. "Redding to Spidership, it looks like the four remaining Devastators are reinforcing each other's sheilds."

By Captain Tacoman, hopeing something will go boom on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 2:27 pm:

Ops, fire every weapon we have at our disposal.
Rocket, we could use the help of your fellows right now.

By Mars Attacks on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 2:36 pm:

The surface of Mars in the 31st century is no longer the reddish, rusty hue it was centuries ago. Broad swathes of green encircle the planet, huge forests, pouring oxygen into the atmosphere. Large new oceans occupy the lowlands, and Valles Marinaris is now a large fresh-water reservoir. Glittering new cities cover the planet, once the homes of hardy terraformers back in the 24th century, now bustling industrial and commericial centers. The capital of Mars, Olympus City, is a leading center of art and human culture. Twenty minutes after the Devestators reach the surface, it is a cloud of metal shards and red dust.

The Spidermobile arrives too late to prevent the initial destruction. Soon after, an audio transmission reaches the bridge.

"Don't worry folks, the cavalry's here!"

Three small craft drop out of hyperspace just shy of Mars' atmosphere. They streak down towards the massive black Devestators, avoiding enemy phaser fire like they were avoiding ancient nuclear missiles. The three gray and black ships strafe the Devestators, and quickly fire small blue projectiles. The weapons impact on the combined shields of the massive machines, and blue lightning arcs over the shield bubbles. With a screech, the shields come down! The three fighters come about, and rake one of the Devestators with withering green laser fire. The attacked Devestator is quickly blasted apart, and explodes, knocking the other destroyers apart in disarray.

"Like shooting fish in a barrel."

By Kiehart on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 2:40 pm:

Kiehart shouts triumphantly as he blows away two of the enmy fighters. The Revanche and the Spidership seems to be holding their own, while the Erath fleet hangs back. He doesn't bother to wonder why. They're afraid to fire. They're worried about hitting civilian ports. Evacuation seems to be going well, but many ships are being destroyed or crippled by the enemy fighters, the crippled ones being carried by fighters with extender arms towards the Devastators. "Kiehart to Spidership, I'm forwarding some sensor data to you. My fighter's not stron enough to bring thos evac ships into space. Send hel-" An explosion causes him to jink to the right. A Sith fighter exploded nearby. He didn't even realize it was there. The SnowCrane flies by. "Allright Ranger!"

By Dramatic Effect on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 4:17 pm:

Kiehart witnesses this display with shcok. "Holy ••••! Where did those things come from?"

Redrum screams. "NO! We've lost Devastator 4 now! 1, 4, 6, all gone! I want every single fighter to focus on thos three ships. Order them to ignore the SPidership, the Erath fleet, the evacuation ship, everything! Get those ship-" An another explosion rocks Devastator 2. A quick scan of the area reveals that 2 had sucked up a nuclear that had been buried undergorund during the early stages of Mars terraforming. "damage is minor, but the smetlers are off line. This Devestator can't build any fighters for a few hours. Dammit!" Then, a device Redrum had set up to monitor communication channels picks up a strange signal that can't seem to be pinpointed. "Beowulf leader to Beowulf 2 and 3. Target lead Devastator. 4 thorugh 6, hit the rear one." Redrum's eyes go wide. THEY are the rear one. He frantically serches for a location of the signal, but sees nothing. Sudden realization hits him. "The cloaked figh-"

The mysterious fighters that had appeared over Eminaf appeared again. Six of them. kiehart swung in as close he could, and almost got hit by one of the discs. Two of the Devastators begin flaming. Not as severly as the one destroyed on Eminaf, but enoguh to cripple both vessels. Kiehart's fighter gets caught in the wake of the two remaining taking off, an automated retreat he suppsoed, but the extrme G forces cause Kiehart to pass out.

Devastator 2 was blowing up from the inside. The explosion would reach him and his fellow Sith in seconds. He hits a button, and the two Devastators not yet destroyed begin their final mission. The button activated the suicide program. The Devastators would head straight for the Earth, on a collison course. Their mass and energy would be more than enough to wipe out all life on the planet, a major ELE. The flames burst through the door to bridge.

"Oh no." Redding says in shcok once he realizes where the Devastators ar egoing. "Redding to Tacoman-" "I'm already on it Captain Redding!"

By Lt Commader Rikard on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 6:10 pm:

The Devastators streak off, with the Spidership in pursuit

Sir, if we can't stop them, do you want me to set a collision course?

By Artsy-Fartsy--trouble on the Spidership? on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 6:39 pm:

Artsy, though she can feel the Spidership changing course and taking hits in battle, has other things to worry about. She is crawling after Quito through the access tubes that run through the walls of the engineering section. For something so small, the alien is incredibly fast. "Get back here, little one! You're not supposed to be going down there, especially during a Red Alert!"

Quito pauses for a second looking back, then scurries on, popping out through a hatch just beside the warp core. Artsy wearily follows--just in time to see Quito crawl into a cramped space between the core itself and one of the consoles. "Quito, you can't go in there....Come on, get out!" In frustration she pages Colanator. "Quito's behind the warp core and I can't get her to come out. Is she going to be safe there? If not, could you help me?"

Waiting for a reply, Artsy stares into the crack at the small figure. With one finger, Quito traces a five-pointed star on the side of the core, and immediantly curls into a shivering little ball. Artsy looks closer, and to her alarm sees that at each point of the star, something sharply metallic is set into the core. . . .

By Commander Adon on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 8:29 pm:

The turbolift opened and Adon stepped out onto the bridge.

Captain, I'm ready to report back for duty.

Adon stepped up to the tactical console, and then almost collapsed. He managed to grab hold of a nearby handle to keep from falling to the deck.

That shield seems to have drained more of my energy than I thought. I'm going to rest in my quarters.

Adon got back to his feet and strode over to the turbolift. When the door opened, he calmly stepped into the lift, but as the door closed, the bridge crew saw Adon sag again.

By Dramatic Ending on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 10:02 pm:

"Fire!" Redding shouts. The Revanche pumps every wepaon it has into the Devastator closest to Earth. Soon their wepaons are joined by those of the Spidership and the bulk of the Earth fllet. Slowly but surely the sheilds of the Devastator begin to colapse. The energy of the Revanche nearly drained, Redding order the missles launched. 3 of the 6 nukes launched make it thorugh the hole pucnhed by the energy barrage. The explosion, while not enough to destroy the vessel, throws it off course, and kills it engines. It drifts into the abyss. Suddenly the lights aboard the Revanche begin to dim. "Aw hell."


Aboard the Spidership, several systems burn out. The polymorph cannon is dead, and will take days to reapir.


The few Earth ships that still ahve enough power to do so pound o the remaining Devastator, to little effect. It appears that in moments the massive weapon will impact with Earth. Suddenly, a birght flash of purple distracts everyone. A large ship, over 100 meters long, comes out firing a barrage of energy that tear through the Devastator's weakened shields. The hull begins to tear away in tiny chunks. In essence, the Devastator is being pecked to death. Then, from an opening in the front of the ship, a birght flash occurs, and two photon torpedoes streak towards the Devastator. The torpedoes, strategically fired, detonate the ships' enine center. The last remaining Devastator goes up in a massive ball of flame. The ship that saved Earth disappears into another portal the moment the Devastator is destroyed. Only Kiehart's fighter has a chance to get an identification on the ship. It's name is X.D.S. St. Helens.

By Arq´am on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 4:56 am:

Pha'ri: If she is on Enimaf, why do you not attack?

Because we cannot use full force on her until we know if she is shielding Quito, or if she has hidden her elsewhere. If only she hadn't made her invisible to your senses.

(The Pha'ri hangs its head down)

Pha'ri: What of Kiehart? Was he able to help?

No! His mind... a muddle!

The other woman with Patricia, what were you able to lear...

(Arq'am's sensors trigger a use of Nevesytrof on Enimaf)

What!?! That wasn't... She's allied herself with another sorcerer! If she allies herself with another...

(An attack is launched, but then)

She's gone! Where... (his equipment quickly detects where) Another sorcerer!

By Brytni on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 5:03 am:

Through space Brytni magically soars faster than light, not caring what is in her way. Several ships are damaged or destroyed by her passage. Onward she travels unconcerned with lesser beings.

By From Bad to Worse on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 5:15 am:

The anomolous castle on the moon was discovered after the moon was terraformed. However any attempts to get near it were repulsed by strange monsters. Eventually it was discovered that if they did not go near it there would be no attacks. The area was declared a forbidden area & outposts were established to monitor what happened.

Monitor duty eventually became considered to be a rather boring & pointless assignment. Today would have been considered an exception, had any in the observation outposts survived the attack.

Quickly Alpha, the nearest, and oldest lunar colony, launched a squadron of Swift Eagles to find out what had just happened to destroy all the outposts at once. Given the events on Mars, it was reasonable to assume it might be a Sith attack. They were wrong.

By Koenig on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 5:24 am:

Koenig to base. A solar plasmoid is attacking the castle.

Base: What? This is too far out! There's no way a solar plasmoid could have survived the journey through space!

I'll tell it that, sir. First chance I get.

(to the other ships)


(The missiles have no effect)

Switching to Plotonium missiles. Let's hit that baby one more time. Fire!

(The missiles strike, but have no effect)


(Fortunately for Koenig & his men, Brytni was more concerned with another threat)

By Soyburger Patricia on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 5:40 am:

(The castle was shaken by the first attack, but the magical shields surrounding it held)

Renal: What was that?

Someone is attacking your royal majesty.

(thinking to herself) Just as I expected.

(Patricia begins magically fighting Brytni. Donna & Renal quickly join in.)

Renal: So, you think you're a big, bad sorceress, do you. Well, how would you like to fight some things your own size?

(Renal waves her wand over her pet monsters and they are transported outside and enlarged to attack Brytni.
The monsters by themselves are not enough to stop her, but Brytni finds herself fending off multiple attacks.)

Renal: She's weakening!

(Suddenly another magical attacker joins in)

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! The Many!

Must focus on Brytni!

By Brytni on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 5:52 am:

Momentarily distracted by her ally's arrival, Brytni is struck by Soyburger Patricia's spell. She counterattacks in anger. Her screams unheard in the vaccum of space. Between the spells, the monsters & the attacks of the puny craft, she realizes it is too much.

She's dying.

However, if she dies she doesn't plan to die alone, and in her last act throws herself onto the castle.

And while the protection spell protects the castle & it's inhabitants, Brytni's body tempature of thousands of degrees ignites the oxygen and begins to melt the ground around, and under, the castle.

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 6:28 am:

Tacoman examines the data that Kiehart's fighter received
Captain Redding, what do you know about a ship called the "St. Helens?"
Helm, prepare to dock so that we can repair the ship.

By Mysterious Tri-Pronged Fighters on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 11:15 am:

"Yes! Thanks you guys, now head back to EarthGov HQ and put those fighters in storage."

"Yes, sir."

"Delta 1 to Spidermobile. Request permission to dock in Main Shuttlebay."

By The Return... on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 3:04 pm:

Main Shuttlebay. Tacoman, and several of the bridge crew are there to welcome the mysterious fighter. The craft floats in on anti-grav, and carefully settles down on the hangar floor, its weight supported by its two bottom fins. The hatch swings open, and a VERY familiar blue-suited figure jumps out, waves, and pats the fighter's hull.

Hey everyone, I'm back! Isn't she a beaut?

By Enesku on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 3:07 pm:

Hurtling up from Earth comes what appears to be a small terran personal craft, looking rather patched together and damaged by something. Inside it are two figures, one is Lt PD Insane, the other a human female in some sort of armor, who notices the St Helens.

Look at the size of that thing!

The shuttlecraft heads straight towards the Spidermobile's docking bay, bursting through the light forcefield and over the heads of the LICC members, crashing into the rear wall. However, Insane and Enesku have ejected already, and land beside the valiant crew.

Wow! How was that for an entrance! Looks liek you were right, you are a member of LICC!

By The return of PD Insane! on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 3:10 pm:

Milkshake! You're back! I thought that evil Frank his eyes start to go red had finished you! Enesku, meet the LICC. League of Interglactic Cosmic Champions, this is my travelling companion, Enesku. *sigh*.

By Captain Tacoman, happy to see his crew members again on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 3:11 pm:

Steve! Where've you been? Nice ship.
Welcome back Insane. Who's your friend?
Looks like we have a reunion...

By Enesku on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 3:11 pm:

Hey, I don't wanna join the League. I'm just a tourist.

By PD Insane on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 3:13 pm:

Well, Enesku, I can think of someone you'd like to meet while you're here. You seem to ahve a lot in common.

Hi, Taco. Good to see you again, too. You won't believe where I've been!

By Captain Tacoman, continuing the streak on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 3:15 pm:

In any case, greetings Enesku. Welcome to the Spidership.
Where've you been, Insane?
I think you might have left before we found out that Milkshake was just transported somewhere by the Frank's phaser...
Tacoman to the bridge, prepare to take the ship to the next board.

By Lt PD Insane on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 3:20 pm:

Enesku: Hi... Tacoman... She seems awestruck at meeting such a person.

I've been all over the place. Over hill, over dale, thorough brook, thorough... um... I must read that play again. Anyway, I might write about it sometime.

Enesku: Maybe I should. I'd be more truthful.

No, you wouldn't, you'd make me out to be some crazed lunatic who believes a bunch of •••••• nonsense!

Enesku: That's what I said.

Har Har Har.

By Kiehart on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 3:33 pm:

Kiehart awoke dizzy and with a punding headache. He was in sickbay. "Wh-where, what happened?" The holodoc walks over smiling. "Ah, good, you're awake." He then proceeds to realy everything that happened after the Devastators left Mars. Kiehart frowns. "And I missed it? All of it? The odd ship, the destruction of the Devasttaors, the whole kit-n-kaboodle? Man that sucks!" Kiehart leaps out of bed. He wavers fro a moment, then wlaks out of sickbay. "I'm gonna go check on Banshee, make sure she got thorugh it allright."

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, April 13, 2001 - 10:18 pm:

Hey, Insane. It feels good to be back, doesn't it?

Heh, I doubt it was a transporter, Taco. It happened WAY too fast. Praetorius' first phaser beam nailed me, and I knew there was no way I would escape the second. I knew I was going to die, and I wanted the last thought in my head to be a peaceful one. I thought of home, the grassy field by the creek near my parents' house. I wished I was there, and then I felt the second blast. I must have blacked out, but when I woke up, I was laying, flat on my back, in the grassy field by my old house in California. I was convinced that it was Heaven for quite a while, but then...

Why don't we continue this on the bridge? I hope you didn't give my job away permanently.

Milkshake smiles

By Plot Monitor strikes again! on Saturday, April 14, 2001 - 12:12 am:

Darkened room, someplace, somewhere.....

Voice #1:Have you discovered anything....useful yet?

Voice #2:Yes. It appears that two of their crew have returned, including one that they thought was dead. The other one has brought someone new back with him.

Voice #1:Keep monitoring until you discover the information we seek.

Voice #2:I will. It shall be downloaded into my Cyberdeck as soon as it appears.

Voice #1:Excellent. Our buyers will pay us handsomely for the data.

Voice #2:I still don't trust them, Jherk.

Voice #1:It is not your place to trust them, Mhoron. I trust their money, and that is all that matters!

By Lt Commander Rikard on Saturday, April 14, 2001 - 12:15 am:

Rikard is on the bridge, mumbling to himself.
Oh yeah, go to another board he says. No one else ever has to pilot to another board. Always me, me, me.
That's when he realizes something
Hey, we're docked in a Spacedock. I can't pilot her anyway.
He goes to welcome Insane and Milkshake back and repair whatever damage that they may have done as the Spidership orbits to the next board.

By Ensign Who, or What, or Idontknow on Saturday, April 14, 2001 - 12:40 am:

Excuse me, sir, but a report is coming in that the moon is being attacked!

By Computo 2.0 on Saturday, April 14, 2001 - 3:01 am:

Analyzing the situation.
The Devastators it had hoped to take over were destroyed.
The Spidermobile was damaged.
There is a chance it could be further damaged if it goes into another battle.
Computo decides to cut its losses.
It quickly transfers itself to an unused speeder & leaves the ship before anyone knew it was there & speeds away.

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