League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, part XXVIII

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, part XXVIII
By Cranky Voiceover Guy on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 2:55 am:

Previously on LICC...
Well, sheesh, read it yourself if you're so interested. Do I have to tell you everything?

By the challenge of Butrfli on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 8:02 am:

Butrfli emerges in a small white room. There is a small table and chair, but nothing else. The head pops into existance and says:
For your memory challenge, you must play a game of Concentration.
On the table, an object with a an even number of flipcards appears. The voice continues speaking.
In Concentration, you must match up cards. You have half an hour.

By Evil K-NIT TV-47 Executive on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 9:51 am:

J.B? E.E. here. Why don't we have William Shatner play the disembodied head? Our ratings will go through the roof!

By Captain Tacomans challenge on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 10:38 am:

At the same time Butrfli is transported to her room, Tacoman is sent to his own room. The head appears and begins to speak
For your Power challenge, you must decide the fate of an entire planet. This planet has a long and somewhat violent history. It is a planet of contradiction, of having both a warlike and peaceful people. It is currently at war with your home planet, but some think the war is unjust. You control the military, which is poised to invade and destroy the planet and its people. What will you do?
Tacoman: Do I get to know what planet is being invaded?
Voice: For now, no. It will be revealed after you decide what to do. The only clues I give you is documents giving more detail about the planet.
Several documents appear on a nearby table
Good luck

By Security Team on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 11:44 am:

Six security redshirts run down a corridor where Enesku has been located. The leader speaks. "Stand ready, team. Keep phasers on stun setting." Enesku suddenly appears, and leaps up, kicking the leader's mid-section and causing him to drop his phaser. She then sticks her spear into the second redshirt. The third calls "Retreat!" but it is too late. Pretty soon the bodies of six redshirts can be found around the corridor, shredded by the over-stimulated Enesku.

By The Observer on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 8:38 pm:

I think it will only get more interesting, Commander. Perhaps I should look for our guest Enesku. Shooting up with hyposprays is not the best of ideas.

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 8:53 pm:

Come here, shortie!

Adon runs up to the nearest of the tall humanoids, jumps into the air, and swings his sword. He lands behind the humaniod thing, stands up, and turns around. The thing was still standing, but there was a glowing like through its neck, where the sword connected.

Now, to knock your block off!

Adon jumps back into the air and kicks at the things head. He connects, but the head doesn't move. Instead, the thing reaches up and catches Adon with one hand. And then, it begins to crush him.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 9:17 pm:

And then, a blue-colored fist streaks down and smashes into the giant's jaw. This time the monster is affected, pausing just long enough for Adon to wriggle out of his grasp and drop to the ground, where he sees Milkshake. The armored commander is holding his right hand. The blue adamant-crysteel gauntlet is smashed, and smoke seeps from the cracks. The giant regains his senses and advances on the pair. Milkshake pulls a small fistgun from his belt with his left hand, and fires. The energy pulses hit the giant to no effect. The tall humanoid then picks up Milkshake as if picking up a toy. The giant grabs the Marine first officer in two hands as if to tear him apart, and laughs. Just then Milkshake fires an explosive shell down the giant's throat...

By Kiehart, awaiting his challenge on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 9:53 pm:

Kiehart is alone in his room. He looks around and sees nothing. "Well? I thought you were gonna test me!" Kiehart checks his weapon, and turns a small dial on the alien device attached to his gun. He sets it to explosive rounds, just in case. His hand grips the hilt of his sword, but doesn't pull it out. He returns the gun to where it was before, and sits down in a small chair, anger on his face. "C'mon you bastard. I want to know what you did to the Captain and the others."

By Brian Webber, having only just now read the rules Plot Monitor made up. on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 9:56 pm:

Kiehart blinks, and awakes to find his gear gone. He bolts out of the chair, and falls, twisting his ankle. He screams in pain, then begins to panic. "What? My powers gone too?" He frantically searches for his commlink to call Banshee, but find nothing. Just his pants, coat, and shirt, and belt. None of whcih could be used as a weapon. "Where are you?!? Test me dammit!"

By The Observer on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 11:10 pm:

You have been naughty, haven't you, Enesku?

(Observer steps through the carnage of the most recent redshirt massacre, where Enesku, trembling and shaking due to the stimulant overdose, eyes him warily.)

I've known quite a few children on a sucrose rush, but you are a menace. I doubt you'll let me take you to Sickbay, but you can't be allowed to roam these halls.

(Enesku screams and charges at Observer, who blinks out and appears behind her. He gestures and the two are transported to his personal universe, the wooded valley atop a high mountain.)

The best thing to do is work yourself out of those stimulants. It won't be fun for me, but...aah!

(Observer ducks and barely misses being skewered by Enesku's spear.)

By Artsy-Fartsy on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 12:38 am:

Artsy, fed up with worrying about Quito (and a bit nervous after hearing that Enesku is on the loose and drugged up), finally decided to get some sleep and let Ansh watch Quito. The little alien seemed quite happy, but Artsy still asked Ansh to stay in Artsy's quarters so she would be nearby if Quito picked up anything else.

But Artsy's sleep was restless, perhaps picking up on some subconcious ripples from Quito. In her dreams a shadowed figure filled the room like a dim cloud, and though her ring was bright as lightening, it didn't pierce the shadow at all....

By Enesku on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 12:40 am:

I can control what I do myself. The decision is not yours. These stimulants increase my strength and speed.

looks around

Where are we? Hey... you're that con artist, aren't you? The one who pretends to teach Insane about the Jedi?

By Yzus Doow pretending to be Soyburger Patricia, except that Yzus and Patricia are really the same person so she is just pretending to be herself, except that she doesnt remember ever becoming Patricia on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 3:22 am:

(A burst of magic and Yzus, dressed as Soyburger Patricia, appears on the moon near the Spidermobile)

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli, solving their problems on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 8:05 am:

In her room, Butrfli systematically flips the cards, seeing what's on them. This takes her about ten minutes. She notices that there are matches in random places. She realises that she needs to match pictures. As the half hour time limit draws closer, she matches all the pictures.
That was somewhat easy. I wonder what the rest of the group is doing...
Meanwhile, Tacoman is looking over the documents provided for him. He reads that the planet to be invaded is Class M, has a peaceful, spacegoing people, and has many cultural treasures. He also discovers that the military he's in charge of wants to overthrow the goverment of the planet he's on now, and a sucessful invasion would speed up the process. He makes his decision
I would tell my troops not to invade the planet in question. There would be too many risks involved. For one thing, the planet to be invaded has an equally powerful military force. Second, the planet I'm on now has a reasonably peaceful government, and a military coup would ruin things.
Voice: Congratulations, Captain Tacoman. You have just stopped an invasion of the planet Earth. Your test is complete. You win.

By Lt Cmdr. JL Rikard on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 4:01 pm:

Transporter Room, get Commander Milkshake and Commander Adon out of there now.
Chief: Sir, I can't get a lock, the material that the temple is made out of seems to be interfering with the transporters.
Rikard: I guess we'll have to get a team.
He opens a shipwide comm
This is the Acting Captain speaking. We're assembling a team to go to the temple. Anyone who wants to come can but I don't want any more than six or seven. Rikard out. Lt. Miller, you have the bridge.
He goes to his quarters, grabs his new sword and repaired lightsaber and heads for the transporter room.
I can't believe we sent our three highest ranking officers over there. That's the LICC for ya. Hey, I'm talking to myself.
He enters the transporter room and sees...

By FC Kiehart on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 4:12 pm:

Kiehart closes his eyes, and tries to clear his mind. "Test of Thought he said. What does that mean exactly?" he says to himself. He gets out of his chair, eyes still closed, and tries to think. Various memories float throguh his miond. A pleasent one involving him and Rocket Ranger making the modifcations to Banshee flashes through Kiehart's mind. He smiles, and the light in the room grows a little bright. In fact, it was the first time he'd seen light. He sits back down, and finds yhat the chair is suddenly more comfortable. It hits him. "That's it? I have to keep thinking about pleasent memories until a door opens or I'm teleported back or something?" He frowns. "Aw man. I don't think I have that many pleasent memories."

By Commander Adon on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 5:03 pm:

The explosive shell goes off inside the creature's throat. The creature coughs, and continues to slowly try and tear Commander Milkshake in half. Suddenly, the creature stiffens, and drops Commander Milkshake. He crumples to the floor on impact and notices Adon standing there, with his arm embedded in the creature's abdomen up to the elbow.

Get out of here, Commander!

The creature reaches down to grab Adon, when a hump forms in it's back, opposite of where Adon's arm is. The creature goes flying off of Adon's arm, propelled by a beam of energy, but it does no apparent damage. The other creatures begin moving in.

By Kiehart on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 5:41 pm:

The lights begin to dim, and the chair resorts to it's prior form of hard uncomfortable metal as Kiehart despairs at the lack of pleasents memories in his short life. He scours his memory for every pleasent memory he can, but one of the most pleasent, fair blue-skinned D'Conya and the time they spent together on the planet Andufoi during the Andafi Republic's Civil War also holds dark depressing memories. The image of what happened to her begins to fill his vision and he shakes it away. He ontinues thinking about great things he had done, or had happened to him. The discovery of who he really was, the times he saed the crew, helping the Sslrth, captuirng a WK vessel singlehandedly, bulding Banshee with Ranger. The lights grew bright until the whole room became visible as he concentrated on his pleasent thoughts, the color of the walls changed as well, from drab grey to a beautiful shade of green. The chair had gone from cold metal to inhumanly comfortable recliner sofa. He saw a line begin to appear in the far wall. With a euphporic smile he walks towards it. It's the early stages of the door. It begins to fade as he loses concentration on the pleasent memories. He begins adding thoughts to it. Pleasent and beautiful things he'd liek to do. The dorr begins to return. He sees the vaugge shape of a doorknob appear, but when he reaches for it, his hand passes through. Then, nothing. No more pleasent memories and thoughts. He's as relaxed and happy as he has ever been in his life, and yet it's not enouigh to get him out of this cell. The minute he thought of the word cell, the door began to fade again. He realized with a deep sigh that he'd have to think of her again. But how to think of her, and ignore the pain of her loss?

By Furby on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 8:12 pm:

Suddenly the creatures stop and don't move anymore. Resposible for this temporary relief are the Furbies, using magic, mental powers and technobabble.

"Adon, Milkshake - RUN! I have no idea how long we can hold them."

"Brother, we could sing..."

"Yes, but not with our friends nearby."

By Donna on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 10:12 pm:

Soy! Soy!, It's good to see you. I though you were a gonner when I used a changeling deathball on the moon to free you from the demon, Uh, we might want to get off the moon soon. Just a friendly suggestion. He He! I just remembered what deathballs do.

By Forgetful K-NIT VIewer on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 10:37 pm:

Um, just what do Deathballs do again? I misplaced my LICC Compendium.

By Kiehart on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 10:50 pm:

Kiehart struggles to maintain the mental image of the best parts of his time with D'Conya, trying hard to avoid reliving the incident that changed him forever. He concentrates very hard, and sees the doorknob begin to reappear. HE smiles and laughs. The knob solidifes as a reaction. He grbas it and turns it. Stuck. The door hasn't fully formed yet. Still laughing he pulls at it with all his strength, and it breaks apart. The lights begin to dim, but the damage is done. Through a small hole in the wall of his cell he can see where Butrfli and Tacoman have been depostied after passing their tests. "Hey!" Kiehart yells, still laughing. "Can you guys help me out here?"

By Commander Adon on Thursday, April 26, 2001 - 11:18 pm:

Furbies, take Commander Milkshake out first, I should be able to... LOOK OUT!!

Several of the creatures eyes lit up, and a purple beam lanced out. The shield held for a split second before failing, giving Adon enough time to counter with his own blast. The two beams met about half way, but Adon's was slowly loosing ground.

His boots began to gouge a pair of cuts in the floor as the force of the beams pushed him backwards. Eventually, Adon's beam was overwhelmed. The explosion sent him flying across the room, and he landed in a crumpled, smoking heap.

The things shifted their attention to Commander Milkshake and the Furbies, when the sound of a low chuckling came from across the room.

Adon slowly got back to his feet. He only had one eye open, and smoke was still rising from several places.

This... ends... NOW!!!!!

With a yell, he transformed into Metallic Adon. A bright gold aura stood out around him as a network of cracks appeared in the floor. Then a large chunk of the floor began to float towards the ceiling.

No one saw him move, but suddenly, Adon was holding the closest creature by the head. Bursts of light leaked out from around his fingers as he hammered the head with blast after blast of energy, until the head gave in. The last blast send the thing flying across the room, where it hit the far wall and slid down. There was a large hole through its head where one of the glowing eyes used to be.

Adon stood in mid-air, as two more of the things came his way. Larger pieces of the floor floated up behind Adon and then pelted the things, knocking them over and leaving large pieces of jagged rocks sticking out of them.

Another one moved to attack, but Adon grabbed its arm. The creature brought up its other arm to counterattack when a second creature tried to attack Adon. But Adon dodged the attack, and threw the creature he was holding into it. The two collided and their attacks impaled each other.

The final creature had some sort of force field surrounding it. Adon flew towards it and punched. The punch connected with the field and slowly worked its way through. When the punch hit the creature, the field collapsed and Adon continued through the creature, leaving an Adon-sized hole in its torso. The creature fell heavily to the ground.

Adon landed near Commander Milkshake and the Furbies and reverted back to normal. Then he nearly collapsed.

Lets get out... while the... getting's... good.

The sound of movement on the far side of the room caused everyone to look up. The first creature was still leaning against the wall, but something was different about it. It was smiling. Then it stood up, oblivious to the hole in its head and assumed an attack posture. The other creatures were doing the same, despite the massive damage.

Oh, Gnek.

By Adon Passed! : on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 12:01 am:

Suddenly, Adon and others outside the temple hear a mysterious voice. It is the same voice that spoke to those INSIDE the temple.

Do not waste your time with any further attacks. They will not be necessary. You have just passed the test....the test of Battle!

Everyone moves toward the temple, but a force-field stops everyone except Adon, who passes through it as if it is not there.

Hold, strange ones! Only he may enter the temple! Do not make any attempts to enter or to examine or attack the humanoids, or you will pay a most dire price!

By Lt. Jadlad on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 12:06 am:

Lt. Cmdr. Rikard enters the transporter room and sees... A bluish flash of light. Then, Standing in front of everyone is Lt. Jadlad with a big grin on his face.

Jadlad: Hi there! You all miss me? :)

By The long overdue return of.... on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 2:14 am:

The Crimson Crossbow walks onto the bridge and looks around.

How come I never get to go on away missions anymore?

She walks over and takes a look at some sensor readings.

Hmmm....that's interesting. Well, I think I'll go back to Biosciences and see if they need any help there!

By K-NITpicky viewer on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 2:35 am:

Um, just what do Deathballs do again?

Presumably it's a Ball that delivers Death. Unless it's another case of false advertising.

Whatever happened to the environmental damage caused by Brytni crashing on the planet?

By K-NITpicky viewer on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 2:36 am:

I mean, Moon, not planet.

By Yzus Doow on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 5:17 am:

(Yzus had appeared outside the Spidermobile to avoid any possible magic traps or alarms, but was uncertain how to gain entry because the ship didn't appear to have any doors or gangplanks.
The dimension of JARD, like JARSO, experienced the 20th century while LICC experienced the 30th century. Yzus believes she is still in JARD before it's destruction, so is unfamiliar with the Spidermobile's technology.
She looks at Donna & pretends to know her.)

Thanks. The demon is dead now. Let's go into the ship.

(She waited for Donna to lead the way.)

By Outside the Temple on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 6:59 am:

Barbecue anyone while we are waiting?

By Captain Tacoman, rescuing a friend on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 8:50 am:

Sure Kiehart. Stand back.
Tacoman, who has his weapons back, fires his phaser at the hole. The wall dissolves, revealing a smiling Kiehart
There you go.

By Matt Pesti on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 9:04 am:

Death Ball is a move that Freiza did on several planets in order to destroy them on DBZ. How Donna learned the move is not known, but does show her capacity for ditziness.

By Kiehart on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 2:07 pm:

As soon as Kiehart exits the room., he feels a rush as his powers and his equipment are returned to him. He stops for a moment, shaking slightly from the suddeness of it. Tacoman and Butrfli look at him with concern. "It's OK. I'm fine. Where's Ojanon?" Tacoman noticed that there were subtle signs that Kiehart had been crying recently in his eyes, but the Cpatain decided not to say anything. Kiehart continues looking around. "So, how did your tests go?"

By Kiehart on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 4:12 pm:

The Moon's surface begins to shake violently. Kiehart, Taocmna, and Butrfli stand where they are for awhile longer, waiting for Ojanon to return. "Maybe he failed," Butrfli said. Kiehart shook his head. "I doubt it. Something tells me that if he failed we'd find out. But we can't stay much longer." A large rock falls from above, narrowly missing the Cpatain. "Go! This place is falling apart!" Kiehart grabs Taocman's and Butrfli's hands and bolts down the hallway.

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli, running for their lives on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 5:50 pm:

Tacoman and Butrfli run, attempting to avoid falilng debris. Butrfli's shield spell protects the pair from the larger stuff. Along the way, they run into Adon
Tacoman: Adon! What the heck is going on around here?

By Commander Adon on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 7:32 pm:

Adon stood clutching his arm, with a red stain in what was left of his sleeve. He was covers with scrapes and bruises and he was walking with a limp.

I don't know what's going on, but we should get going before this whole place comes down around our ears.

By Kiehart on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 7:45 pm:

"What the hell happened? And where the hell is Ojanon?" Kiehart yells, trying to be heard over the loud noise. "Please tell me the Moon's not gonna blow up."

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 8:32 pm:

Mysterious voice, where the heck is Ojanon? Even if he hasn't completed his test, bring him here right now!
Let's hope the moon doesn't blow itself to bits...
Captain Tacoman to the Spidership, can you hear me?

By Lt. Cmdr. JL Rikard on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 8:44 pm:

Hi, Jadlad, long time no see. You can tell me all about where you've been when we get back, but now we have to go save half of the team. That temple is made out of some kind of material that no one can seem to even scratch, very well anyway.
The away team beams to the entrance of the temple which is collapsing. In the way is a huge barrier blocking the door. Rikard opens a channel.

Rikard to Spidership, can you vaporize that thing or pull it off with the tractor beam?
Tactical Officer: We can try sir.

The Spidership fires, but the weapons have little effect. Fortunately, the tractor beam is able to pull the barrier away and the team enters the collapsing temple. They see Tacoman and co, but no Ojanon. Just as they enter, Tacoman's voice comes loudly over the comm.

Rikard: Yeah, sir, we can here you perfectly. Come on, we've got to go before this place does.

By Kiehart on Friday, April 27, 2001 - 8:54 pm:

As Kiehart and Tacoman climb onto the ship, Kiehart slips Tacoman an information disk. "Some designs I've been working on for a future Spidership, just in case. Take good care of it." Suddenly, Kiehart bolts and heads back to the surface. "I won't leave anyone behind unless I know they're dead."

By Ojanons test on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 1:44 am:

Ojanon appears in a room and looks over to see two men tied to chairs. Both are masked. There is a table in front of them, with a serrated-edged sword lying on it.

Ojanon, three years ago your mother was brutally murdered by a man who got away with the crime. You now have the chance to avenge your mother's death. One of the men you see before you is the murderer, but the other is an innocent person. You may not unmask either of them, and you may not talk to them. You have five minutes to kill one of them, or both shall die!

I do not believe in a life for a life!

You have no choice!

I will NOT do it! Even if the murderer alone was before me, I would not take his life!

There is a long pause.

You have passed!

Ojanon disappears and reappears right in front of the door that they were all warned about. The temple stops shaking.

By K-NIT Viewer on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 1:52 am:

Huh? I thoguht the Temple was shaking becuase the moon was about to blow up!

By Lt PD Insane, in command on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 2:28 am:

Insane to Tacoman. Is everyone ready for beam-out?

By Robot Redshirt on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 4:50 am:

The energy for the Deathball must come from somewhere. Since Deathballs are used to destroy planets it stand to reason that the energy is created by converting some of the mass of the planet. If this is the case then we may be able to prevent the moon's destruction by reconverting the Deathball's energy back into lunar mass.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 6:13 am:

Tacoman to Insane, just a minute. I'm going to wait for Kiehart and Ojanon. They're a part of the team, and I don't want to leave them behind.
Suddenly, Kiehart and Ojanon appear behind the team
Insane, yes, we're ready for beam-out.

By Donna on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 8:14 am:

Hmm, the Deathball will take about 3 days to finally shake the moon apart. We can stop it by giving is good swift kick.(Kicks the moon and the deathball comes flying out.) Good, now we will call the planet repairmen, and they shall get it back.

By The Observer on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 9:06 am:

We are in my personal universe. I use it for meditation. I wouldn't try to escape, if I were you. Nothing exists below the peak of this mountain.

Con artist, am I? I've been one at one time or another, but I assure you, I am Jedi. As for you, why did you attack the redshirts?

By Enesku on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 10:56 am:

Oh come on, there's no such thing as a Jedi. And I attacked the redshirts because they got in my way. They threatened me. So I killed them. That's life. Accept it. The galaxy is a ruthless place, you must be ruthless to people if you want to get anywhere in life. Which I do.

By Lt PD Insane on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 10:59 am:

Right, captain. =/\= Insane to transporter room. Energize. =/\=

By Planetary Repair Men on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 11:16 am:

Hey Guys! We are getting a work order from Earth. We need to repair a Moon in their planetary orbitt. Apparently it was hit by a death ball. I belive we can fix it if we put a sheild around it and pump it with crazy glue, that might work.

By Kiehart on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 12:03 pm:

Kiehart gives Ojanon a good slap on the back. "Hey man. We were a little worried about you. What the hell happened? Why'd your test take so long?" Before Ojanon can answer Kiehart turns to the Captain. "Uh, sir, could I have my disk back please?"

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 1:10 pm:

What the heck is going on? Maybe we better get back to the ship.

By Ojanon reveals the prize! on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 1:57 pm:

Ojanon looks at Kiehart, and isn't happy.

Never, EVER slap me on the back again, if you value your life!

He pauses and regains his composure.

Now....how come no one has asked me what that whole thing at the temple was about?

He pauses and reaches beneath his cape.

It was about.....this! (He pulls out a long, shimmering trident made of pure platinum with a deep blue topaz near the head, and a pommel made of ivory, inset with diamonds.) The long lost Fork of Falturuum!

Everyone looks stunned.

According to the beings who ran the temple...yes, I actually met one of them...the Fork has the ability to create water out of thin air, and also grants the wielder various abilities, none of which have anything to do with water. The artifact was believed lost over three millenia ago.

Ojanon walks over to Captain Tacoman.

The temple leader told me to give you this. You are not to open it except under the direst of circumstances! (He hands Captain Tacoman a strange, ancient-looking scroll.) I have no idea what's on the scroll, so don't even ask. I also request a meeting with you, Butrfli, Kiehart, and Adon in Ops as soon as possible.

By The Observer on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 3:35 pm:

I think you have your priorities out of whack, Enesku. We have no place for your cruel indifference on board our ship. I think you should depart.

As for the Jedi, whether you accept or reject them, the Force still exists.

By Kiehart on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 3:46 pm:

Kiehart walks alongside Ojanon towards Ops. "I'm sorry 'bout the back slap. I was just trying to be friendly. I meant no offense."

By Enesku on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 3:51 pm:

Whatever. I still think it was just a bunch of silly films made a while ago. You are either mad or you play a deception well. Insane told me about this place of yours. Now GET ME OUTTA HERE! Or else.

She indicates the spear.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 5:02 pm:

Tacoman hands the disc back to Kiehart and looks at the scroll
Hmm.. Only in the direst of circumstances... I think we can put it under glass on the bridge...
The entire group then transports off the moon and back onto the Spidership.
Ok. Kiehart, Butrfli, Adon, follow Ojanon and I for debriefing and general meeting.

By Kiehart on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 5:11 pm:

Kiehart nods. "Aye sir." He slips the disk back into his pocket. "Sir, perhaps we could reviews some of these designs later?" Tacoman opens his mouth to speak, but a Redshirt interupts. "Sir, we have a communique from your father. He wishes to speak with Rocket Ranger he said it has something to do with an organization called the Blue Fugates, and that only Ranger could understand." Kiehart frowns. "Did you tell them that Ranger is not here at the moment?" The Redshirt nodded. Kiehart turned to the Captain. "Sir, if your father is calling on Ranger it must be a serious matter. Should we get them in touch with Space Marshall command?"

By The Observer on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 5:18 pm:

Or else. Tch. I am not going to let you out of here without proper supervision. Didn't your parents teach you manners?

(Observer gestures, and the spear flies out of Enesku's hands to Observer. He tucks the spear away in one of his many, seemingly bottomless, pockets. He paces back and forth a moment, then stops, smiling as a germ of an idea hits him.)

I will tell you what I will do. I will give you a concience.

(Observer gestures, and a small ball of blue light appears over Enesku's left shoulder.)

You need to know right from wrong, and I think this will be just perfect.

(Observer smiles, and returns them both to the Spider's bridge.)

By Lt Cmdr JL Rikard on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 11:34 pm:

Rikard enters the bridge as the Observer and Enesku appear.

Hey everyone. Hi Observer. How was your little adventure with her?

By Commander Adon on Saturday, April 28, 2001 - 11:52 pm:

Adon eases himself into a chair for Ojanon's briefing. The Holodoc stood nearby.

Holodoc: "Commander, you should still be in sickbay. I must insist that you go back.

Adon gestured for the Holodoc to come closer.

I'll show up for a complete physical as soon as I can. I'll be fine as long as I don't get into another fight.

Adon reached up as if to pat the Holodoc on the arm. Instead, he deactivated the mobile emmiter.

Computer, transfer the Holodoc to sickbay.

Now Ojanon, what did you want to talk to us about.

By Ojanon....revealed! on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 1:11 am:

Ojanon looks contemplative for a second.


(He reaches up, draws back his hood, and removes his mask. Everyone looks positively stunned. From the descriptions of his Order that Ojanon had given everyone, they expected him to look like a being made of greenish energy. Instead he appears to be a human in his mid-to-late 30's, with green hair and a green goatee, and green eyes!)

Somehow the power of the temple changed me. I don't know how, but I feel my connection to the Lifeblood growing stronger, yet my appearance.....I look much like I did when I was just starting on the path! Except then my hair was black, and my eyes blue.
(He pauses.) Oh, yes. One more thing....the master of the temple told me to give you all this...(Ojanon raises his hands and a sphere of green energy forms, growing to the size of a basketball. It shoots forth and explodes, bathing everyone in the room (except Ojanon) in the energy. Those hit by the energy glow with a white light for a second.) I cannot tell you what that just did to you; I was only given the ability to pass that on, and told that you would know what to do when the time comes, and that we must all be together at that moment in order for it to work!

(No one feels any different after the glow stops. What it did must remain a mystery....for now.)

By Kiehart on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 1:27 am:

Kiehart looks at Adon, the Captain, and Butrfli, then faces Ojanon. He says nothing. Butrfli gives Kiehart a look, as if to say, "I know." Kiehart takes a deep breath, and shoots her a look, his eyes telling her not to say anything. The last he wants is to talk about about what happened while he was away from the group.

By Message in a Pad on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 1:47 am:

Before anyone can respond to the incident, a Redshirt stumbles into the room, he begins to speak but is stopped. The look of shock on everyone's face makes him think it's better to just drop off the pad he's holding then leave. Tacoman picks it up. His father has replied to his last text message.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the incident that resulted in the declaration of Directive Omega against the Blue Fugate cartel, only certain people in the XDCA and Ranger's organization are allowed to know the full story. What I can tell you is that if Ranger is not one of those aware of the order, perhaps you could get me in touch with someone who does. Simply send a one sentence message. Space Is Blue. Make sure you send it just like that. After that, you're involvement will be at it's end. DO NOT attempt to lend any aid of your own.

By Another Message, this one from... on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 3:29 am:

A yellowshirt walks in, carrying a printed-out text message. He hands it to Captain Tacoman.

Sir, its very important that you read this. Apparently someone took it upon themself to contact Rocket Ranger, and this was his response.

Tacoman reads the message. It says:

If the Blue Fugates have returned, prepare yourselves for trouble. I cannot explain why, but they were involved in the second use of Directive Omega. No matter what you are asked or have been told, the XDCA and others outside of the Galactic Order and Space Marshalls are not aware of the full story, and it must stay that way for the time being. However, I cleared it with my superiors, and they have authorized me to give you the full details.
A copy of a video report filed shortly after the incident occurred has been sent to the monitor in your personal quarters, and can only be accessed with your own personal access code; the report cannot be copied or downloaded, and will automatically erase itself after you view it. Only you, Commanders Milkshake and Adon, Inspector Mystery and Observer are authorized to view it....NO ONE ELSE MAY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!

I will be attending a conference on Aldomek Prime for the next few days, then I will be heading to Earth to resume my position as Iron Chef Mexican to tape the new season of Iron Chef. I will contact you as soon as it is over and I am ready to return, which should be in about six weeks. I will also be bringing someone...special...back with me. Until then, Good Luck.

Lt. Quincy K. Rocket, Space Marshal *

P.S. Please destroy this note after you have finished reading it.

* Lt. is Quincy's Space Marshal rank, NOT his LICC rank.

By Yzus Doow on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 5:24 am:

(Once onboard the ship, Yzus slipped away from the others)
Computer. Where is Quito Power?

Computer: Quito Power is in Artsy-Fartsy's quarters.

Show me how to get there.

(Yzus follows to Artsy's quarters presses the door buzzer. The door opens and Yzus brushes past a sleepy Artsy)

Hello, Quito.

(turning to Artsy)

Thank you for watching her. However, since I've destroyed those who'd abuse her power it is now safe for me to take her.

(turning back to Quito)

Come along, Quito.

(Quito stares very uncertainly at this Patricia who is not Patricia)

Now come along.

(she reaches out one hand)

Come to aunt Pattie.

(Quito steps back, then Yzus rushes over and grabs her)

I said, come along!

By Enesku on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 5:35 am:

A conscience? What could I possibly want with one of those? Such beliefs only mean you risk being harmed yourself. Very well. Don't blame me if someone tricks you into confidence. It won't be my fault, and don't say I didn't warn you.

Enesku leaves the bridge, and heads down to Artsy's quarters, where she finds Artsy, Quito, Patricia and Ansh.

Well, Artsy, looks like the kid's in new hands.

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 6:51 am:

I'm going to look at the video that Rocket sent me. Tacoman to Commander Milkshake, Inspector Mystery, and Observer, meet me in my quarters. Adon, come on.
Tacoman and Adon head down to Tacoman's quarters, where they are met by those Tacoman called.
Milkshake: What's going on, Taco?
Tacoman hands Milkshake the note Rocket sent and sits at the monitor
Computer, open the message from Rocket Ranger, authorization Taco-alpha-tango-saucy-cheese-47-42.
Meanwhile, back at the conference room, Butrfli walks over to Kiehart and says:
I think we need to talk about what happened to the group. I want to know what you think happened.

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 11:27 am:

Hopefully this will explain exactly what the "Blue Fugates" are.

The video report begins playing...

By Lt PD Insane on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 12:09 pm:

This Blue Fugates business... I make it a point not to get involved with anything to do with Directive Omega. Come on, Milkshake, why don't the two of us head over to Earth from this scene of confusion? Anyone else coming?

By Enesku on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 12:20 pm:


I'm not interested in what Artsy wants. I'm not messing with any strange powers.


I wouldn't get attached to a small kid like that.


I'm older and more sensible. She might be better off with Patricia. Artsy's only putting restrictions on her.


Look, if I wanted to make decisions I'd have become a starship captain. I'm not ready for this.


I'll let it wait. Some other time, when I'm more prepared.


By Plot Complication on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 1:43 pm:

A face appears on the viewscreen. Tacoman can tell by the robes that it's Radagast. "If you are watching this recording, it means that my brother and our allies have failed and the Blue Fugate pirate cartel is still active. Some 300 ago, my brother, myself, and a half-elf named Beiror were kidnapped by an upstart pirate cartel that had set up base on our world in our universe. Beiror did not survive the incident, but my brother and I were resuced by XDCA agent Jake Grey. The Blue Fugate cartel, as I said, were upstarts, and not considered a serious threat, until they violated a charter that even some of the more dangerous cartels upheld. No access to the universe of the Space Marshalls. The story is long, but suffice it to say the XDCA and the Marshalls had an arangement. I'm sure you are familiar with an activation of Directive Omega that none of the Marshalls or Agents discus at any length. The Blue Fugates are part of this incident. Somehow, a hacker working for the Blue Fugates was succesfully able to crack Space Marshall codes." Radagast's face is replaced with the diagram of a planet. "Planet XJ-41-Z. A pre-warp civilization of pacifistic scientists were the dominant species here. An innocent planet, which, according to Observers, had not had a major war in 500 years, and no recorded incidents of genocidal cmapaigns, or religous crusades. The Blue Fugates wanted to discredit the Space marshalls, and using the cracked codes, were able to inititate a Directive Omega on the innocent civilians of XJ-41-Z. All Marshall ships in the area levelled the planet, firing with such feroicty that the polar caps melted, the entire planet's surface was cracked, and a piercing weapon blast to the planet's core caused the entire planet to break apart. By the time an XDCA cruiser contain myself, my brother, and Captain Grey, it was too late. Thus a third Directive Omeag was enacted jointly between our two organzations. To prevent embarrasment to the Marshalls, the exsistence of this incident were covered, so to many Marshall's knowledge, the Blue Fugates are the second Directive Omega, when in actuallity they are the third. Only the crew of the XDCA cruiser Gemini, and the crews of the 7 Marshall ships involved know the whole truth. Therefore, if you have encountered a Blue Fugate vessel, or active membner of the cartel, they are to be executed immediately, as per the rules of Directive Omega. May the Gods have mercy on us all." The video stops.

By Plot Correction on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 1:44 pm:

That was supposed to be 17 Marshall ships, not 7.

By Meanwhile... on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 2:50 pm:

The Spidership flies back into Spacedock to finish repairs.
Rikard: I might as well go with you Pete, nothing much happening around here.

By Kiehart on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 3:05 pm:

Kiehart stares ahead at the wall while Butrfli talks to him. Somehow she knows everything about what happened to him during his Test back on the Moon. "I don't want to talk about it," he says, and gets up to leave. Butrfli still looks concerned. "Kiehart I just want to hel-" "I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!!"

By Commander Adon on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 3:17 pm:

Well, since we have time, I guess I should report to sickbay and finish getting patched up. I also should return the Holodoc's mobile emitter while I'm there too.

By Plot Monitor on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 3:42 pm:

Incidentally, the third use of Directive Omega, the one used against the Blue Fugates, was aimed at the pirates' space station headquarters, roughly two-thirds the size of a Deathstar.
Because of the unfortunate tragedy of the SECOND use of the directive, the only way Directive Omega can ever be used against a planet again is by unanimous decision of the Galactic Order Council and the Space Marshalls' Chief Operating Board. Any Space Marshall ranked Sgt or higher, or any Galactic Order Officer can call for the directive, otherwise, but he had better have a good reason for it!

By the way, the hackers were eventually caught and executed by hanging, except for their leader, who committed suicide.

By Artsy-Fartsy on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 5:28 pm:

Yzus/Patricia snatched Quito up and headed for the door. The little alien squirmed and pushed, trying to get away, but Yzus only held her more tightly. "Come along, there's nothing to be afraid of...."

Artsy jumped in front of them, blocking the way. "Stop. She doesn't want to go with you." When Yzus attempted to shove past her, Artsy grabbed her by the shoulders. "I said stop! Ansh, call security."

"I'm the one who brought her here for safekeeping. Thank you for your concern, but we must leave." Yzus/Patricia glared at Artsy. A sharp pain shot through the artist's hands, forcing her to step back. Quito began to cry. Yzus' eyebrows went up as she noticed a gleam of light on Artsy's right hand. "Is that what I think it is?"

Artsy glanced down, distracted, and Yzus shoved past her, running now. Artsy turned to chase her. "Enesku, don't just stand there!" She reached out to grab Yzus. The woman kept her hold on Quito, reached back with one hand, and seized the ring Artsy was wearing.

Ash-gray with horror, the artist tried to pull away, but Yzus held fast and pulled, and in a moment she was out the door--Quito in one arm. Artsy was left gasping, staring at her naked right forefinger. "Go after them," she whispered to Ansh and Enesku. "Go...now...please...!" There was something akin to panic in her wide eyes and she wrapped her arms around herself slowly, as if to hold something in....


By Yzus Doow on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 6:32 pm:

(Yzus ran down the corridor, then stopped)

This is ridiculous.

(She began to cast a teleportation spell when her mind is filled with a memory of sorrow for the poor little alien who was being injured by channeling Nevesytrof to others)

What the...?

(she glares at Quito)

You can't trick me with her memories. She's dead!

(Suddenly Yzus is rocked by another memory of being rescued by Soyburgermonster & Tofu Boy)

No! I've never met them!

(Sensing the presence of others she casts a protection spell keeping them away. Then she drops to the deck as various memories flood her mind. When she first called herself Soyburger Patricia; joining KILL; meeting Hamburger Pattie; the destruction of JARD; joining LICC...)


By Nalrud & Arq´am on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 6:36 pm:

(Meanwhile between Here & There)

Nalrud: No! Quito is tampering with the mental block I placed on Patricia.

Arq'am: We can't allow that! Can you travel there & prevent the damage.

Nalrud: Then the advantage would be their's. We must capture them.

(Arq'am & Nalrud cast a spell & the Spidermobile is transported to the dimensional plane encased in a magical spell.
Ship's sensors indicate it is encased in a lucite block, over a candle flame, surrounded by 2 giants.)

(Nalrud's image appears and his voice booms deafingly)
Surrender Patricia & Quito, or you will be destroyed!

By Donna on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 7:32 pm:

What the heck is going on? I can't sense Soy, The Spidership dissapeared from orbit and I'm stuck on a planet with something weird happening. That's it. (UNLEASHES HER FULL POWER. The effect acts as a Christmas Tree, alerting the whole plane. Donna then opens up the greater paths, and enters them, taking a path directly to Soyburger Pattie. )

By Kiehart on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 12:06 am:

Kiehart goes to the shuttle bay, where his fighter sits. He notices Ranger's friends wayne and kent admiring it. Kiehart considers shooing them off, but they're not touching it, merely looking. No harm in that, he thinks to himself. Suddenly, a vision passes in front of his eyes. D'Conya. He closes his eyes and shakes his head. Wayne catches sight of this, and signals for kent to step back from banshee. Kiehart brings his hand up. "No, it's OK guys. I just had a small headache there. I'm just going to run a diagnostic." Kent looks at him conernedly. "Uh, maybe you should go to sickbay. You look a litte red." The last pat of Kent's sentence is a mumble. Kiehrat had begun hearing voices suddenly. At steadily increasing volume, the voices of the Wanderer who'd exposed to him who he truly was, Taconator, the people he'd met on Earth, the Sslrth he'd spoken too, Ranger, Tacoman, and D'Conya were all speaking to him, and he couldn't make out a single word of what they were saying. He began to stumble, and bretahe eratcially. Wayne immediately called the HoloDoc for help while kent tried to steady him. Kiehart opened his eyes, and saw blackness. He looked around, realizing he wasn't standing. rather he was floating. He could Wayne and Kent talking to him. they sounded like they were a mile away, and underwater. He yelled, but no sound came out.

Kent opened Kiehart's eyes after he'd passed out. The stare was blank. The stare of a dead man. But he still felt a pulse. "We can't wait for a team Wayne. We have to beam him directly to sickbay."

By Artsy in deep trouble on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 2:10 am:

In her quarters, left alone as the other girls charge out after Yzus/Patricia and Quito, Artsy huddles on her knees, trembling violently. Her arms are wrapped tightly around her body. Flashes of color ripple through her clothes, hair, and wide-open eyes, which stare at nothing as she whispers to herself in a jerky, controlled voice:

"No...can't do that...it won't help...Quito...Quito...please someone help me....stop it...give it back...I don't want to...I don't want to go back....go away, go away....no, no, no, no!" The tone becomes more frantic, and Artsy's eyes squeeze shut. For a moment she is absolutely still, and then no mortal eye can see her motion as she snatches her satchel and darts out the door.


Through the corridors of the Spidership, completely unaware of the current predicament outside, the blur that is Artsy speeds. Crew members in the way, or corners cut sharply, are left colored, swirled, decorated--as though by compulsion Artsy must create, even while trying to catch up to Yzus. The abstract patterns look nothing like her other art, and it hurts to stare too long at them.

Suddenly she sees them, Quito sitting on the floor next to a prone Patricia, and tries to leap forward. The protection spell throws her back, and again she is visible; the colors still run madly through her, but her skin is pale almost to translucence, she has started shaking again the moment she stoped moving, and her breath is stuttering as she tries to control herself. "K-k-Quito?"

The little alien turns towards her briefly, and Artsy begins to scrawl what she sees on the deck before her, not hearing someone come behind her at a run....

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 8:02 am:

Tacoman and Butrfli are the ones behind Artsy, concerned about her condition. Butrfli was somehow alerted through a telepathic message of some kind and informed Tacoman
Artsy, are you alright?
Butrfli, take the three of them to sickbay.
Butrfli: Butrfli to sickbay, emergency beamout for four.
In a shimmer, the group disappears
Now.. Insane, I might join you. I want to see the Spidership museum.

By Lt PD Insane on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 11:17 am:

Looks like we'll have to take a raincheck on that, Captain... we seem to have been transported somewhere else. Temperature below the ship is rising, and we seem to be trapped in place.

By Commander Adon on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 12:41 pm:

Adon sat on the biobed as the Holodoc finished patching him up.

Are you finished yet?

Holodoc: "Not quite. I want you to rest here for a little while."

We both know how this is going to end. You're going to tell me to stay here, and I'm going to turn you off and leave. So why don't you just let me go?

Holodoc: "Because I want to keep an eye on you to make sure that you have completely recovered."

Computer, deactivate EMH.

Computer: "Access Denied."

Holodoc: "I had your authorization changed so you can't just turn me off. You're staying here."

Computer, cut power to the sickbay holo-emitters.

The computer beeped and the Holodoc faded from view. Adon got up and left sickbay, and as soon as he left, power was restored and the Holodoc reactivated.

Holodoc: "He is really beginning to annoy me."

By Lt Cmdr JL Rikard on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 2:20 pm:

Rikard runs to Artsy's quarters with his phaser drawn. Then he sees the colorful corridor.

Whoa. Well, at least she left a trail.

Rikard followed the trail for a while until he finally came upon Artsy, Quito, Patricia, Butrfli, and Tacoman.

Well, that was interesting. Oh, Captain, besides this, something has happened to Kiehart, Doc is saying he might be dead, but he hasn't given up yet.

By K-NIT Show Observer on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 2:25 pm:

Next thing you know, Doc's going to have a forcefield installed that Adon won't be able to turn off.

By Lt PD Insane on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 2:28 pm:

Note to Josh: Artsy, Quito, Patricia and Butrfli were beamed to sickbay. However, Insane is hanging around Tacoman.

Kiehart? I thought he was immortal! I wonder what could have happened.

By Plot Complication on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 2:30 pm:

Just as the HoloDoc finishes the last syllable of "He is really beginning to annoy me," the sound of a transporter brings the HoloDoc's attention to the main area of sickbay. Wayne and Kent are standing over an unconscious Kiehart. "What happened?" the Doc asks, running over. Kent wipes[ sweat from his brow. "I don't know. He seemed fine, then he appeared to become dizzy then he just collapsed. I checked his eyes. If I didn't know better I'd think he was dead." HoloDoc gasped at that, then checked Kiehart's eyes himself. The blank stare of a dead man, just like Kent had described. HoloDoc ran a full medical check on Kiehart, and found nothing abnormal. "Medically there's nothing wrong with him. This makes no sense. There's been a lot of telepathic stuff going around here in the past few hours. We could be looking at a telepathic virus. HoloDoc to Captian Tacoman. I recommend we quarantine the Spidership. Kiehart appears to be in a telepathically induced coma."

He heard every word that Kent and the HoloDoc had said. It's no virus, Kiehart tried to say. I can tell you that much. Suddenly the floating sensation disappeared, and was replaced by a sensation of falling. the voices of the HoloDoc, Wayne, and Kent grew even more distant the further he fell, until he could no longer hear them at at all.

HoloDoc monitored Kiehart's brainwaves closely, as he waited for the Captain's decision of quarantine. The waves on the screen suddenly spiked then fell sharply. HoloDoc replayed it and ran it against medical databases. "What the hell?" HoloDoc re-scrolls the information on his screen. "That's impossible. Captain, cancel quarantine. This isn't a virus of some kind. But it's pretty bad. I'd like to speak with you in person." Wayne walks over to the HoloDoc. "What is it?" HoloDoc sighs. "For a very few species, a repressed memory can be physically harmful. Blocking a traumatic event can lead to comas, and even death. Somehow, Kiehart is going through the stages of such a problem, which shouldn't be possible because he's human. I fear that if we can't find a way to help him, he'll be dead in a matter of days."

By Even More K-NIT TV-47 Viewers on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 2:42 pm:


By Commander Milkshake on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 2:51 pm:

The ship's trapped in place? We need to get up to the bridge. Geez, the strangest things've been happening lately. I'm beginning to wish for a nice, simple mission, like in the old days.

By The Kiehart Fan Club on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 3:08 pm:


By And yet more strange.... on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 3:42 pm:

Butrfli, Patricia, Quito, and Artsy materialize in Sickbay. The Holodoc takes one looks and says, "Computer, restraining field." Artsy is huddled on the floor and doesn't seem to see Butrfli until the woman is nearly touching her. Then she lashes out, almost reflexively, and Butrfli starts back, every visible piece of clothing turned bright purple. Artsy's reaction to Holodoc is the same, except that her hand goes right through him.

Holodoc: (sighing) I suppose I should sedate her until we can figure out what's wrong.

He reaches for a hypospray, and manages to put Artsy out, though she fights him and he has to restart his image to get rid of the black-and-white stripes across his uniform.

Holodoc: Anyone have her background data? No? I guess I'll have to go through medical records myself....as if these others weren't enough to worry about.

He glares at Kiehart, Quito, and Patricia....

author's note: go read on discussion board please

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 4:34 pm:

Butrfli looks up and glances around sickbay. She notices Kiehart and asks the Doctor what's wrong with him. The Doctor explains the situation. At the word "memory," Butrfli starts
Strange... Kiehart's test in the temple was a test of Thought, and when I saw him later on the ship, I could tell he had a bad experience... Some memory that troubled him...
Meanwhile, Tacoman and Milkshake arrive on the bridge.
Alright, what's going on now? Where are we, and why can't we move?

By Ensign Harelip on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 4:55 pm:

Thenthors indicate that we're thuthpended in a thuper-big block of luthite, Thir. Altho there'th a mathhive burning candle thcortching the hull. I've got a bad feeling about thith.

By Captain Tacoman, a joke, and an explination of the joke on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 6:29 pm:

Hmm.. He must be from the Castellian area of Spain...
You see, the Castellian accent is known for having a lisp...

By The Observer, quietly observing on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 8:56 pm:

Perhaps we should raise shields, Captain.

By Donna on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 9:10 pm:

(Appears in a blink of an eye)

Before I start naming my kids after undergarments I want to know what is happening? (Throws hands in despiration, sends a blot of energy flying through a redshirts chest) opps better power down. (Clothing returns to normal state.) I'll reasurect him latter. In any case, help!

By Lt. Jadlad on Monday, April 30, 2001 - 11:35 pm:

Walking onto the bridge from the turbolift as Donna appears is Jadlad. He lets her finish before he speaks.

You aren't the only one who wants to know what's going on. Since we've been brought here I can't seam to dimension-hop anywhere but inside the ship. However my other powers seem to be just fine.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 - 6:22 am:

Jadlad! I didn't know you were back.
Ops, raise shields, red alert.
Scan the area. I want to know what's out there... besides the block of lucite...
Steve, could this be Q's doing?

By Commander Milkshake on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 - 11:09 am:


I don't think so, I don't sense him.

Tacoman: "What was that?"

Oh, what? I said I'm sure that if he was here, he would've showed himself by now. Sensor readings are fuzzy. Maybe we can blast our way out of here...

By Lt PD Insane, making a topical pun on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 - 11:16 am:

I'll send a distress call.

Mayday! Mayday!

By Ensign Harelip, getting thingth moving again on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 - 4:30 pm:

Captain, I've got your coffee, Thir. Thall I thet it down by the thteps, or on the...whoopth!

Ensign Harelip falls onto the Helm console. The warp control lever is pushed all the way forward!


By Wayne & Kent on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 - 5:10 pm:

Suddenly, right before Ensign Harelip's little slip-up, Wayne Reid's voice comes over the comm.

Captain, Wayne and I have noticed the situation, and we've been talking. We think a couple of quick bursts of Verteron particles, followed by a volley of Quantum Torpedoes, attack pattern Delta, MIGHT get us out of this!

Kent's voice comes in over the comm.

Ask Colanator and see what he thinks. We're busy modifying the ThunderCrane and working on some ideas for uprades to Kiehart's Banshee, sir.

By Lt. Cmdr. JL Rikard on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 - 7:15 pm:

Captain, we could try to use the dimensional drive.

By Donna on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 - 9:21 pm:

We could just punch the wizard in the face that is doing this. All magic users are weak and pathetic phyiscally, for some reason, at least in every Video game I've ever played. I have to change into my warrior and mage form to get the maxium power.

By Pay Attention, folks! on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 - 10:22 pm:

Of course, after these few comments, the warp drive (accidentally activated by Ensign Harelip) comes to life and propels the Spidermobile forward at tremendous speeds. The block of lucite with spaceship inside accelerates to 13,656 times the speed of light.

By Like a spider in amber? on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 5:11 am:

Unfortunately, since they are in another dimensional place where size & distance are relative they quickly get nowhere very, very fast.

However, there is a weakening of the 'force field' surrounding the ship.

By Arq´am on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 5:15 am:

(Arq'am's voice reverberates around the ship)

Did you not hear us before? Release Soyburger Patricia & Quito Power or be destroyed!

(And to make his point he rips off one of the Spidermobile's legs)

By ´Ito´ & Yzus on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 5:21 am:

(Amidst a confusing swirl of memories Ito appears in Yzus' mind)

Yzus: Ito? No, you're... dead?

Ito: No, I'm alive they are trying to trick you. Come to me. Bring Quito & we'll make them pay.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 6:21 am:

Mysterious voice, this is Captain Tacoman. What do you want with Soyburger Patricia and Quito Power?

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 10:09 am:

Warning alarms blare!

Captain, we've lost Leg #7! Massive structural damage on Decks 15 and 16, and all Leg Actuators are knocked out. We presently can't change from Cruise Mode.

If anybody here thinks they can help out with this, now's the time!

By Lt PD Insane on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 11:47 am:

We must get at this block we're stuck in. We may not be able to break it, but I'll bet credits to navybeans we can put a dent in it!

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:19 pm:

Should be easy. Lt. Insane, see if you can remodulate the shields to block heat, and then we'll use the phasers to melt our way out!

By Lt PD Insane on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:23 pm:

Runs up to Tactical II

Remodulating shields, Commander. Arming phasers.

A joystick-like device emerges from the console. He grabs it and holds it down as firmly as he can. The phasers fire in a stream, and the block starts to give way. A screen flashes with the message: SHIELDS AT 94%. The number gets lower all the time.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:25 pm:


Another leg gone! I have the feeling our captors didn't like that. One more card to play...Insane, engage the Dimensional Drive!

Insane: "But it's..."

I know it's dangerous, but it's the only chance we have!

By Lt PD Insane on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:27 pm:

Runs to the psuedoscience station right behind him.


By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:30 pm:

Everything shimmers strangely. Suddenly, the ship begins to shake. The viewscreen activates, revealing nothing but what seems to be a transparent version of the color red, all around the ship.

W-w-w-w-h-h-h-e-e-r-r-e a-r-e w-e-e-e?-?

C-c-c-o-m-p-u-t-t-er, s-t-a-b-l-i-z-e!


The Spidermobile's shaking ceases.

Insane, where are we?

By Insane, manning sensors at pseudoscience on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:33 pm:

I-I'm not sure, Commander. Sensors indicate we're on a HE-YUGE planet, but it can't make out the terrain. We seem to be incased in some sort of plasma.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:35 pm:

Tacoman to Nanites, enter repair and rebuild mode. Rebuild the legs of the ship.
Tacoman looks at the viewscreen and is amazed by the view in front of him
Yes, Insane, where are we?

By A Lorry Driver in a restaurant in Leeds on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:37 pm:

Blimey! What's this hard thing doin' in my Jello? Waitress? Waitress!?!

prods Jello with spoon

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:39 pm:


A huge metal object seems to be striking us, Captain! Return fire?

By Lt PD Insane on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:40 pm:

Let's blast the offending object!

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:41 pm:

Wait... scan the object, then fire at it...

By Miss N. Smith on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:43 pm:

Kewl! A little metel thing in je11y!

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:43 pm:

Seems to be stainless steel...


Hull damage, Deck 3! Firing phasers!

By Kiehart on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:45 pm:

Mysterious Voice: You are an oddity Mr. Kiehart.

Kiehart: Who the hell are you?

Mysterious Voice: Oh, I'm the holding the Spidership captive.

Kiehart: What? You get out of my head this instant and free this ship now, before I kick you sorry

Mysterious Voice: QUIET! Like I said, an oddity. You are turly willing to die to avoid reliving a painful memory? I have never heard of such a thing!

Kiehart: GO AWAY!

The voice disappears. But the blackness that Kiehart has actually grown comfortable with lately, has no been replaced by the soft green grassy plains of Andafoi, where he met D'Conya.

Kiehart: Oh no. No, I can't go through this. Not again.

He begins to sob, and shuts his eyes tight.

In sickbay, the HoloDoc notices a single tear rolling down Kieart's cheek. He checks the console by Kiehart's head. His condition is getting worse.

HoloDoc: Captain, if you can spare one of the telepathic crew members for awhile, we'll need his help. Kiehart's condiiton has worsened.

By A.T. and T. on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:46 pm:

Ansh:It looks like a giant spoon! Mabe we're in something edible! We can eat our way out!

Tammy:U and ur e@ting!

By Lorry Driver in a restaunt in Leeds on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:46 pm:

Suddenly, the bowl of Jello flashes, and starts to smoke. The startled lorry driver pulls out a blackened and melted spoon, while the smell of burnt Jello begins to waft through the restaurant.

That's bloody enough! Let's go home, Nicole!

The lorry driver and his wife get up and leave.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:47 pm:

There seems to be atmosphere outside this plasma, Captain. Let's get out of here. Lt. Cmdr Rikard, engage impulse engines.

By A nitpicker on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:50 pm:

Wife?!?! The post said Miss! Ah well....

By Lt Cmdr JL Rikard on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:53 pm:

aye sir

The now Antship engages and they begin to move away.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 2:55 pm:

Suddenly the Spidermobile rises out of the dish of Jello and begins to hover around the restaurant, startling the patrons. Free of the Jello, the bridge crew watches the viewscreen, amazed.

I think I know where we are, now.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 3:08 pm:

Tacoman to Doctor, I hear you... I think Butrfli has some telepathic abilities...
That isn't a restaurant, is it Steve?
Where did the Dimensional Drive take us?

By Donna on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 4:37 pm:

Okay, This Does it
(Donna uses the greater pathes to travel to the magic source of the spell, then procedes to punch Mysterious voice in the face. Like all magic users, they spend more time in libraries than in the gym, and...)

By Brian Webber on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 5:03 pm:

Kiehart feels a strong wind blowing him towards the direction of where he knows the un-relivable incident occured. He his struggling very hard to avoid being pushed, and is very barely gaining ground. The wind grows more and more powerful, but Kiehart keeps pushing with as trnegth that is unusual even for him.

Butrfli is standing off in the distance. She is unaffected by the wind. Kiehart closes his eyes and sees her in sickbay, a hand rested on his head, her eyes closed. She has come into his mind. "Why?' he asks, somehow being heard despite the intense blowing wind.

By Butrfli, helping to save the life of a friend on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 6:09 pm:

Whatever is going on in here is wrecking your mind in the real world. If we don't do anything about it, you'll die.
According to the Doctor, this condition is caused by repressed memories. Don't worry, I'm here to help.

By Cid and Scotty on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 9:24 pm:

Cid: We are trapped in lucite.

Scotty: (Sips coffie) Yep.

Cid: Hows the Engines

Scotty: They'll be fine.

(Both Sip coffie)

Cid: Good.

(Continue drinking coffie)

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 9:29 pm:

I think it is, Captain. Now that we're free of that Jello, the sensors are working properly. We seem to be on a HUGE copy of Earth. We seem to be in an alternate dimension where EVERYTHING is really big.

Colanator, can we use the Dimensional Drive to get back to our regular universe?

Negative. The Dimensional Drive has been damaged in the attack by the steel eating implement. It will take 5 hours to repair.

You've got three. Captain, may I suggest we get out of here before someone decides to swat us?

By Adon on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 9:52 pm:

The turbolift opened, and Adon stepped out.

I sensed a dimensional shift, and I was wondering where we are.

He looks at the viewscreen of the giant version of Earth.

Oh, never mind. I've been here before. I recommend that you not get stepped on. In the mean time, I know of a place to hide, if you will let me drive for a second.

Adon takes the helm and pilots the Spidership out of the restaurant and up near the restaurant's sign. Hidden from sight, is a large abandoned spider web inside the sign. Adon parks the ship on the spider web.

"Welcome to my parlor," said the spider to the fly. We should be safe here.

By Kiehart on Thursday, May 03, 2001 - 1:23 am:

Kiehart keeps his eyes, and continues to struggle against the wind. "What? That's a total load of ••••. A human can't be killed by a rperessed memory. I can't be dying. I know I'll die if I go through that again." His voice is choked. He sounds like he's fighting back tears. Butrfli lays a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I will go with you. I will re-live the pain of that day with you." Kiehart laughs a harsh laugh. "Oh if only it were one day."

By Arq´am on Thursday, May 03, 2001 - 1:48 am:

(Arq'am swats Donna away with a crablike arm)

You dare hit me?

(dozens of Ph'ri attack her for daring to touch their lord & master)

By Critical K-NIT Viewer on Thursday, May 03, 2001 - 1:50 am:

Someone has watched the old TV show "Valley of the Giants" a few times too many (that would be twice or more)!

Suddenly, he wheezes and the heart monitor flatlines.

By Spindrift on Thursday, May 03, 2001 - 1:56 am:

Mayday... Mayday... We need assistance.

By Yzus Doow/Soyburger Patricia on Thursday, May 03, 2001 - 5:02 am:

(she sits up on the Sickbay bed, looks around, and shifts herself & Quito to the dimensional plane with Nalrud & Arq'am)


'Ito': Yes, my love. You made it just in time.

(she saw Donna fighting against the Ph'ri attacking her)

'Ito': Arq'am will destroy her in a minute. ('Ito' smiled and moved to grab Quito, but Quito tried to keep behind Patricia. Yzus sensed something wrong in 'Ito's movements. A sense that she only had after the transporter incident)

Yzus (thinking): But that never happened to me, did it? Nalrud moved like that, but I never met Nalrud, or have I?

(Arq'am had called off his surviving Ph'ri and was about to magically strike Donna, just as 'Ito' grabed Quito. Then, without using magic Patricia shifted Quito into Donna's arms)

'Ito': What did you do that for!?!

To prove that I am Soyburger Patricia. (she magically strikes Ito/Nalrud and shifts Donna's sword into Arq'am's main brain)

Arq'am: AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Finish him off! (she yells to Donna)

(She glares at Nalrud, while fighting him magically. She thinks of how he tricked & used her and she rips a hole in his chest.)

Nalrud: Trying to rip my heart out? (laughs) I don't have a heart.

(with the smile still on his face she rips pieces off and shifts them to nearby stars & black holes. Unfortunately he doesn't scream as she does this.)

(When she's finished she sees that Donna has destroyed Arq'am. His loyal Ph'ri are nowhere to be seen.)

Stay back. There is one more thing I need to do.

(Suddenly she begins to channel power, more and more, until her very body glows, then she casts a near-omnipotent spell which seems to go everywhere and then her lifeless body drops to the ground.)

By End Credit Announcer on Thursday, May 03, 2001 - 5:04 am:

To be continued...

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