League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XXXII

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XXXII
By Jean Frankenbury on Monday, May 21, 2001 - 10:45 am:

This plot really destroys my faith in an enlightened future.

By Nick Barman on Monday, May 21, 2001 - 11:17 am:

Yeah, but what are you gonna do about it.

By POed K-NIT Viewer on Monday, May 21, 2001 - 1:39 pm:

As long as Donna is forbidden to make any more posts regarding Archangel. She is so delusioanl she hasn't even noticed that the ship was hijakced by TerrSec! And geez, whoever plays her is putting this in Greymoran's head and personal logs that probably aren't there.

By Wayne on Monday, May 21, 2001 - 7:51 pm:

Wayne looks at Tacoman.

Personal weapons? Hmmmmm.....we do have a few Wraith Shield Pods that could be used. Only four of them, however. They let the user become immaterial for a short period of time. No new offensive weapons on tap, though.

Wayne pauses, looks down for a second, then looks at Tacoman.

Captain, I don't know if I should tell you this or not, but Rocket Ranger, Kent, Lieutenant Kaga, Ensigns Morimoto, Kobe, Chen, and Sakai, and myself, have been working on a secret project. I can't explain it right now, but if you get in trouble with TerrSec on the ground, contact Lieutenant Kaga and say "I summon Iron C.H.E.F.!"
(Wayne smiles.) You won't be sorry.

Wayne leaves to go begin the modifications (as soon as Kent joins him after delivering the PADD to Colanator, that is.

By Ecstatic LICC viewer on Monday, May 21, 2001 - 8:11 pm:

Hey! LICC 2 has more boards than the original LICC!

By Same LICC viewer just a little madder on Monday, May 21, 2001 - 8:15 pm:

AAAAAAH! No! It's still a chapter away! But wait! LICC 2 now has as many boards as the original!

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, May 21, 2001 - 8:18 pm:

Captain Tacoman to the Doctor, how you doing with the drone?
Butrfli: We're doing pretty good Captain. We've gotten most of the modifications done, with just a few more to do. I answered because the Doctor's busy at the moment...
Ok... We heard from Wayne and Kent... Was the message Rocket sent us the plans, or is the message something else entirely?

By X-Over on Monday, May 21, 2001 - 8:22 pm:

The Revanche advances itself on the first of the two TerrSec bases. So far this base has not responded to their approach at all. Kiehart is certain they must've detected them by now. But in the meantime, he is busy familiarizing himself with the controls of the Revanche. He is amazed at the technology of the Inertial Nullifier. Redding beams with pride. "You probably think your inertial dampers are some neat technology, allowing you to go to warp without becoming bulkhead pizza. Well, the Nullifier is even better. I imagine that when the Spidership makes an incredibly sharp maneuver, even in space, you must feel it. In fact certain maneuvers would be impossible for that ship since they don't have a Nullifier." Kiehart nods, his face expressing his exicitement with this new technology. "We oughta get something like this for the Spidership." Redding winces. "Yeah, well, the problem is, the Nullifier comes from a highly volitile multiverse. The computer game Master of Orion 2. A problem we've always had is that adapting MOO2 tech to other ships like this one has proven at best difficult, at worst deadly. It took us nearly four days to get the one we've got installed, and that was after the first one fell apart on us. I'm afriad we don't have any more." Kiehart frowns. "Well that sucks." Redding nods. Suddenly a light goes off on Oakensheild's console. Redding noticed it out the corner of his eye. Oakensheild turns to face Redding. "Sir, the TerrSec base is hailing us."

By Meanwhile, in Sickbay on Monday, May 21, 2001 - 8:54 pm:

Holodoc: Nevermind that, Butrfli. I think we're finished. (He finishes making some adjustments with his equipment, then works on the drone a little more. Then he steps back.) There.

The drone sits up. Its skin coloring is normal, and half of its cybernetic enhancements are gone.

Drone: I am 12 of 10. You will be....

Holodoc reaches over and knocks out the drone with a sedative.

Holodoc: *sigh* Maybe not. (Butrfli gives a wierd look.) I suppose you are wondering about the "12 of 10" designation. Its a known fact that the X-CwX aren't exactly mathematical geniuses!

By TerrSec on Monday, May 21, 2001 - 9:07 pm:

Alarms erupted all over the TerrSec facility as Beethoven's 9th Symphony started blaring over every comm channel and speaker in the entire base.

Agent #1: "Someone's hacking into our systems! Running the trace program now!"

Agent #2: "Someone's rewriting core 1's codes! Creating a false entry! Failed!"

Agent #3: "Too fast! They're too fast!"

Agent #2: "Creating false directory structure! Ignored!"

Agent #1: "Trace program completed! OH GOD! THE HACKER IS INSIDE THE CORE!"

Head Interrogator: "Cut off the core and begin the bacolyte injections."

The main screen displayed the 5 redundant computer cores in the base. Core #1 was slowing changing from green to red.

Agent #3: "The injections aren't working! The commands aren't being accepted!"

Agent #2: "The Auto-cutoff isn't responding!"

Agent #1: "Core #1 lost! The Hacker is getting into Core #2!"

Agent #2: "Cutting the connections manually!"

The Agent punched a glass panel and pulled a handle that was below it. The physical connections between the Computer Core #1 and the rest of the base were explosively disconnected. The red area in core #2 continued to grow.

Agent #1: "That can't be! Its still going!"

Head Interrogator: "Send every available trooper to the hacker's location."

Agent #3: "Sending troops, but the entire area is sealed. There's no way in there!"

By Ahz on Monday, May 21, 2001 - 10:51 pm:

Ahz sat in the TerrSec computer core #1 with his computer in front of him, working furiously.

One down, four to go.

The sound of explosions echoed around the core. An icon on the screen changed from "direct link" to "remote access"

They cut off my connections. Not too shabby.

Four windows opened around Ahz. Each one depicted a similar room filled with several TerrSec Agents. Ahz glanced at them for a moment and then they closed.

With all this interference from the core, they can't beam in or out of here. With the doors sealed, they won't be able to get into here for a while.

A few seconds later, another window opened up near Ahz. It showed agents attempting to cut their way into the core.

I can't stand interruptions.

Ahz touched a button on the window, and the window closed.

By TerrSec on Monday, May 21, 2001 - 10:59 pm:

Inside the TerrSec Command Room...

Agent #3: "Bacolyte injection detected around core 1! The command was issued from the core!"

Agent #2: "Core #2 is 50% lost! All countermeasures have been ineffective!"

Agent #1: "Rewriting the IO systems for Cores 3-5."

Agent #3: "Initiating Fractal encryption sequence for the remaining cores."

Agent #2: "Loss of Core #2 control accelerating. 75% control loss."

Head Interrogator: "Cut off Core #2. Status on our Agents near Core #1?"

Agent #2 explosively severed Core #2's connections to the rest of the base. The control indicator on the main screen immediately fell to zero.

Agent #3: "Our men are still alive. The Bacolyte only filled the hallway up to four and a half feet. They are trapped, but they are alive."

Agent #1: "Hacker is attempting to access Core #5!"
The Agent sighed and leaned back into his chair.
Agent #1: "Core #5 is still secure. The hacker is attempting to crack the encryption."

Head Interrogator: "How long until he breaks the encryption?"

Agent #2: "Unknown. But at least we bought ourselves some breathing room."

By Some TerrSec Computer consoles on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 5:10 am:

Would you like to play a game?

All your base are belong to us.

Bow to the power of irrational logic!

I can't do that, Dave.

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 6:09 am:

Butrfli looks down at the X-CwX drone
So does this mean I have to develop impressive powers and leave the ship?
Meanwhile, while the staff is still in the meeting, a damaged lone shuttle approaches the ship. The pilot hails the ship. It's Rita Yeager. Her message is relayed into the Ready Room
Tacoman: Rita Yeager? Are you alright?

By In Sickbay on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 6:23 am:

Holodoc looks at Butrfli.

I'm not goin' there, missy!

Holodoc makes some adjustments, then uses a strange-looking medical device on the drone, followed by a cordical stimulator.

There. That should wake her up.....Butrfli, please go to my desk and bring me the silver tube-shaped device with the needle on it there.

By Crimson Crossbow on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 6:32 am:

Meanwhile, the Crimson Crossbow is in Holodec 3, taking target-practice. For no good, apparent reason (other than it is sweeps month), she is wearing a red tankini and black, knee-high, stiletto-heeled boots. And her mask, of course.

Hmmmm....maybe I should aim a little more to the left next time. Computer, reset targets!

Two targets are on a wall, with several crossbow bolts (all bullseyes) stuck into them. They disappear, then reappear fully intact, with no crossbow bolts or holes in them.

Computer, please dismiss targets and initiate class 3 flying raptor targets. Laser setting....level 4!

The targets disappear. In the sky, five small, pterodactyl-shaped silver drones appear. They begin to strafe at CC, firing deadly lasers. She starts ducking, weaving, and leaping to avoid the blasts. She runs toward a wall, runs up it and flips, and takes out one of the drones with a crossbow bolt while she is in mid-air!

Not bad. But I can do better. She reloads while dodging, does a Darth M**l-type flip, and takes out two drones at once with a double split-kick, lands on her feet, and takes out another done with a crossbow bolt to the forehead. She dodges the last drone, reloads, and shoots it with a bolt that decapitates it. She smiles.


By Antsy K-NIT Viewer on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 6:34 am:

I'm wondering what exactly is going to happen with that female drone, but I'm sick of seeing Sickbay! I hope they don't show it again for a while...

By Holo Moment on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 7:11 am:

Bravo, bravo, wonderful shooting.

(Crimson Crossbow turns and sees an unfamiliar figure standing there, applauding, but before she can even question who he is she finds herself lost in his eyes)

Of course that's versus targets you can see.
Computer, invisible flying raptor targets. Level 7. Have them ignore the lady.

This takes a bit more concentration.

(The next few minutes are a blur as the man avoids getting hit while shooting the unseen targets out of the air, sometimes while not even looking at them. Soon all the targets have been destroyed.)

That's always more satisfying with an audience.

(He puts the weapon away, walks up to Crimson Crossbow, puts one hand on the side of her head, and brings his face close to hers.)

Thank you for this.

(He pulls a strand of hair off her head and warps the time/space continuum with his smile.)

Sorry if that hurt.

(He disappears through a portal and the Crimson Crossbow is freed from his spell.)

By The Actress who plays Donna on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 9:33 am:

AIDS is a very serious disease. Fortunately, it can only be caught by Homosexuals. If you get the disease, your best bet is to have sex with a virgin during a half moon. Tums also work as well as milk and make a fine contraceptive. And if you get drunk, you will not be held responable for your actions.

The less you know!

Note: Parody of an NBC public service message

By Chessy Cigeratte ad parody on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 9:44 am:

Friends, I am the president of Hobbliton Pipe weed. Even though we are the world's largest producer of Foodstuffs, it appeears that we are under fire because we also sell Tobacco. To counter these charges, we have gotten one of those weirder environmentalist who feel humans are the problem out of the looney bin. He told us, since pipe weed kills off part of the human population, particually the ones who missed the warning labels we have been putting on them for the past 50 years, we are actually doing away with the worse part of the population, thus bettering the gene pool. Sort of like when two drunk drivers crash into each other. We feel that we are making a positive change. Thank you for your time.

The Good people of Hobbitton Pipe Weed.

By On the Bridge on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 2:51 pm:

A redshirt hails Tacoman
Sir, we just had an intruder in Holodeck 3.
A crash is heard and the comm is silent. It's still on.

By X-Over on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 4:15 pm:

Rita, groggy from a lack of sleep. "Oh thank God. I found them." She hits a button on a nearby console. "TerrSec hijakced the ship. Gryemoran, Keith and the others are prisoners. Near as I know Ahz is the only one free, somewhere with Adon. Need help." She then passes out.


The Revanche approached the TerrSec base carefully. The hail was coming through now, after a brief burst of static disrupted the initial warning message. "Maybe something's wrong with their computer." Kiehart suggested.

By The Observer on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 4:26 pm:

This is what happens when Pesti and the two Brians take control of LICC. I'm retiring to the discussion board until this blows over.

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 7:47 pm:

Beam Rita to Sickbay and tractor her shuttle into the shuttle bay!
Wayne, Kent, Milkshake, time to completion of upgrades?
In sickbay, Butrfli has just handed the Doctor the device he asked for when Rita is beamed onto a biobed. Butrfli rushes to take care of the new patient
Looks mostly like a case of lack of sleep... some bumps and brusises... nothing severe..

By TerrSec on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 8:41 pm:

All the comm speakers around the command center were damaged by the TerrSec agents in an attempt to make the music stop. All the hand-held comm units were also switched off. For the first time since the hacking started, there was quiet in the room.

Head Interrogator: "How is Adon?"

Agent #1: "He's still out. We have a direct video feed to the room, bypassing the computer system."

Head Interrogator: "What about the hacker?"

Agent #2: "Bacolyte removal is proceeding according to schedule. It should take about three hours to cut our way to the core."

Agent #3: "We froze all the Bacolyte tanks around the area, so he can't send more into the cleared area."

{The alarms went off again and all the agents scrambled to see what was wrong now.}

Agent #3: "He broke the Fractal Encryption! He's accessing Core #5's IO systems!"

Agent #1: "He's breaking the new lockout code! Twelfth character! Thirtieth Character!"

Agent #2: "This is unbelievable!"


Head Interrogator. "Reset the encryption algorithms for cores #3 and #4, and sever core #5."

Agent #3: "Encryption reset."

Agent #2: "Severing the core!"

The agent pulled the handle that would cut the computer core off from the rest of the facility. Nothing happened. The agent pulled it again.

Agent #2: "Its not working!"

Agent #1: "Core lost!"

And then all the lights went out. As did the control panels and the monitors. Everything went dark.

Head Interrogator: "It would appear that we have no choice. Activate Project Aramath."

By Wayne on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 9:25 pm:

Wayne contacts Tacoman.

Kent and I should be finished in about seventeen minutes, give or take a few seconds. What's Commander Milkshake working on? Is he helping Colanator with the modifications so we can use the Cloaking Device?

By Encyclopedia Universalis -Pharphiggnughens Disassociator on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 9:41 pm:

Pharphiggnughen's Disassociator is a defensive system that has a seventy percent chance of causing any weapon that targets the ship from losing its lock-on, but only after the weapon is fired. This means it only stops projectile weapons, such as quantum or photon torpedoes or missiles. However, if a locked-on weapon is affected by the device, there is a small chance that the weapon will attack the ship that fired it, instead!
It only has a thirty percent chance of affecting direct-fire energy weapons, with no chance of making the weapon attack its source.

By Wayne and Kent on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 9:45 pm:

Twenty minutes later, Wayne contacts the bridge.

Sir, the Pharphiggnughen's Disassociator is finished. We just had to make some adjustments to it. The Himmelman Helix Missile Launcher is being adjusted right now.
The good news is, we managed to install an Eisenfeist targeting system into the missile launcher! It turned out we had an extra among the spare parts for the ThunderWolf, but no weapons for the ThunderWolf that is was compatible with!

Kent comes over the line.

We're going to launch some Mark IIX Drones to test the weapons with as soon as the adjustments are completed. Have the weapons officer standing by.

By Encyclopedia Universalis - Himmelman Helix Missile on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 9:53 pm:

The Himmelman Helix Missile is a computer-targeted Class VI missile that, upon impact, surrounds the target with a helix of energy that has an effect similar to an Ion Cannon, but also causes constant external damage to the target as well. Within a few minutes, most targets will be completely destroyed by the helix. The nasty effect of this is that it leaves any crew unharmed by the weapon, but at the mercy of outer space.

The Helix Missile is fired from a four-barrelled launcher. Each launcher holds a total of ten missiles, but only two can be fired at a time.

The Eisenfeist Targeting System is the preferred targeting system of choice for this weapon. It locks on to up to four different potential targets at once. When the missile(s) are fired, the targeting system picks the most dangerous target(s) from those selected, based on criteria fed into the system by the person operating the weapon. The Eisenfeist system can only target ships within 400 kilometers, but the missile will strike the target even if it leaves this range.

By Encyclopedia Universalis - Bacolyte on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 11:38 pm:

Bacolyte - A red liquid that hardens into a solid within seconds after being exposed to O2. TerrSec uses it as an anti-personnel defense in their facilities by injecting it into captured rooms, or by injecting it into corridors to obstruct enemy movements.

The hardened bacolyte is quite resistant to phasers and other forms of energy weapons, but it's tensile strength is rather weak, making it unsuitable to be used in construction.

By Encyclopedia Universalis - Sisboombah on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 5:19 am:

Sisboombah - Sound an exploding sheep makes.

By Donna on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 11:16 am:

(Looks at a ship schematic) Good Lord! That's it, I am a Warrior. I am attacking Terrasec.

(Uses a com) Belpepero! This is Donna meet me on the TSS Spidership NCC-4700-B.

(Donna quickly looks at LICC logs)

Ubermensh of OLG, I will meet you on Earth.

(Intercom) This is Donna, I am launching an attack on earth.
"From my reaserch into the OVERLORD Database, Terrasec has built a Battle star in Earth Orbit called the Final Goodbye. The Final Goodbye is a battle star a 3/4 the size of Earth's moon. It has Neutronium exterior, firepower on the captital ship to starfighter level. It is cloaked, with a subspace gravity displacement field, and a cyborg crew, masking their life signals and making it impossible to detect. If the ship is ever activated, it will first absorb the Director of Internal Security into it. It will then procede to destroy whatever force dislodged Terrasec from the planet. When this is accomplished, the FG will then procede to take over Earth and activiate a secret plan I am unable to decode at the moment. This is why I must go with my crew of Ubermensch, and Belpeppero, a Saiayin Mercenary. Anyone who wish to we depart tonight. Our goal will be to destroy the Final Goodbye by any means nessicary.

By TerrSec on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 12:12 pm:

Two MASSIVE black battleships shimmer into view directly behind the Revanche. The TerrSec base sends a transmission.

"This is Outpost X-7, Terran Security. You are ordered to leave the region of Sector 001 immediately. You have consorted with known criminals and if you do not withdraw, you will be arrested for criminal conspiracy, and terrorism. The two battlecruisers behind you will escort you out of Earth-controlled space. If you resist, you will be destroyed immediately."

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 12:21 pm:

Upgrades complete, Captain. We can head for Earth without fear of detection. Set a course?

By X-Over on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 12:23 pm:

Kiehart smirks. "So much for a friendly chat." Redding hits a button on his panel. "Forgive me for sounding cross, but I believe you have it backwards. Ships belonging to your organization hijacked an Extra Dimensional Control Agency starship on a critical mission. As per the laws and regulations of my people, I am authorized to use any means neccesary to prevent Extra Dimensional technology from falling into unauthorized hands." He smiles. "Order your battleships to stand down, and give me what I want to know, and maybe I'll let this base remain operational." Kiehart loved the way Redding put the emphasis on 'maybe.' Redding didn't wait for a reply. Mr. Kiehart, on my mark execute pattern Mu 12. Kiehart shivered. "Man, if we did Mu 12 on the Spidership, the crew would leave stains on the hull." Redding nodded. "Which is exactly why they won't expect it. They don't know we have the Inertial Nullifier."

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 12:55 pm:

Helm, set a course for Earth. Maximum speed.
Commander Milkshake, cue the heroic music.
Butrfli to Captain Tacoman, am I going to be replaced?
Tacoman here. Why do you ask?
Butrfli: Well, we're about to get that drone online, and the situation reminded me of an old television show that I read about...
Tacoman: As for as I know, I don't think we're replacing you...
Butrfli: Thank you captain.

By Dramatic Moment which serves no Plot Purpose on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 1:02 pm:

Keith Yeager is dragged by his arms through the halls of the TerrSec base. He gets dragged into a room and sees something disturbing. Greymoran, Jackson, and Sorik are stuck in suspended animation tubes, right next to the one Radagast was imprisoned in. And there was an open one, obviously waiting for him. He looked around, and found Hudzen, shut down, and pinned to the wall with an EMP belt. Trapped. With the ship's power still running mostly on backup batteries, Carrie was still off line and useless. He stared at the tube. "God I hope Rita made it out allright." he muttered. Then, he was shoved into the tube, the door closed, and in a matter of seconds, time froze for Keith Yeager.

By TerrSec on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 1:10 pm:

"Oh, don't we?"

The Revanche is hit by a anti-proton beam, fired by one of the TerrSec battleships. The beam cores its way through the stern section and cripples the warp engines.

"Resistance is futile. Drat, that's been done. Okay...Resistance is useless! That too. Oh well, just say goodbye!"

By X-Over on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 2:05 pm:

Mac lept into action quickly. Her wings danced across the controls. "Switched to impulse engines and thrusters." Redding swore under his breath. "That'll make maneuvers a little harder." Kiehart shakes his head. "Not if I can help it." He turns into the fire coming from one of the Battleships, deftly avoided the blasts, getting closer, and closer. Suddenly, a beam of pink energy lances forward from the Revanche, destorying the weapons on the front of the Battleship as they were beginning to fire again. The backwash of the exploding energies, tears up the front of the battleship. The Revnache twisted qucikly to avoid incoming fire from the other Battleship.

By Ahz on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 3:14 pm:

Ahz continued working at his computer when he heard a sound outside in the corridor. A window opened near Ahz showing the source of the sound. It was a humanoid covered in some sort of bio-armor. He stopped in front of the sealed door.

What is this? It doesn't seem to be part of the standard equipment.

The thing's arm seemed to melt and reform into what looked like the barrel of an energy weapon. Ahz blinked in surprise once, and then the thing fired, blowing the sealed door out of the wall, narrowly missing Ahz, and embedding it into the wall of the core.

Woh! That was unexpected.

The thing pointed the weapon at Ahz and fired. Ahz simply vanished before being hit.

By You X-ed for it! on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 10:45 pm:

As the Revanche turned to avoid fire, the undamaged battleship began firing dozens of high-energy bursts at a time. The Revanche deftly avoided each one, giving the damaged TerrSec ship time to launch a full complement of fusion missiles from its rear batteries. The missiles lock onto the evading XDCA ship, and strike right in its damaged rear section. Several decks of the Revanche are vented into space, and the ship pulls into a spin as several of the port impulse thrusters are destroyed. The persuing TerrSec ship scores several hits with its plasma shard emitters, but fails to score a direct attack on the impulse engines. The damaged TerrSec cruiser activates its cloaking device and fades from view.

By The Observer on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 11:07 pm:

(As the heroic music plays, Observer walks up to the Captain's chair.)

Captain, don't you think we should engage the cloaking device before we get underway?

(Tacoman gives the appropriate order, looking a little sheepish, and Observer, smiling, returns to his post, to quietly observe.)

By Ojanon on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 11:59 pm:

Ojanon walks onto the bridge. He gives Observer an icy cold stare. The kind of stare that gives the person on the receiving end a chill that goes all the way to the bone. Ojanon then walks over to Captain Tacoman.

I would like to thank you for the use of the Holodeck, Captain. We were able to accomplish much while in there. Milos is proceeding along quite nicely. Before we head for Earth, I would like to send Milos away in my ship. He must proceed to the Malachite Order's citadel to further his training. I have done all that can be done with him here. However, I shall be staying. My order believes that I would be much more useful here. My ship's auto-pilot has already been programmed. All I need is your permission to send Milos on his way.

By Ojanon on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 12:08 am:

While waiting on the Captain's response, Ojanon looks at Observer, the same cold stare as before. He sends a telepathic message to Observer, which only he can hear.

Sarthania D'verastus was my sister. I do not believe in revenge, but I will never forgive you for what you let happen to her!

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 5:57 am:

Ojanon, you have my permission.
Get the personal weapons and armor at the ready, just in case we need them.
Tacoman to sickbay, how's Rita doing?

By X-Over on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 11:16 am:

Panels exploded across the bridge. Oakensheild was unconscious with what looked like serious burns on his left side. Haer'Dallis, severl of his ceeremonial earrings having been torn out of his ears when the Inertial Nullifier failed and the ship began it's spin, pushes past the pain to lift the heavy dwarf to take him to sickbay. Derisa coughs as smoke fills the bridge. Redding yells over the sound of the alarms. "Mac! Mac, you all right?" "Aye cap'n." she calls out from under her station. The turbolift opens before haer'Dalis and Oakensheild get sto it. First officer Martin Durgin, who had been on down time during this whole incident, was sturggling to get his shirt on and run to take over Haer'Dalis' section at the same time. "What the hell happened?" Redding choughs. "TerrSec has hijacked the Archangel. We got hit, hard. We lost the Nullfier." Durgin groans. "Aw Christ, it took us 13 hours to get it in last time!" Kiehart waved the smoke from his eyes. "Cloaking device is working at least. And the enemy doesn't seem to be following us." Redding coughed again. "Can we do something about this smoke?" he shouts. Kiehart struggled to see his panel through the growing cloud. "Sir, the auto pilot has kicked in. It's taking us to where the Spidership was last located. I doubt they're still there, but we'll be far enough away from TerrSec to make some repairs."

By A.T. and T. on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 11:41 am:

Ansh and Tammy stumble on to the bridge from the turbolift
Ansh: Sorry if you missed us some idiot locked us in our quarters and we've only just broken out!

Tammy: Hey where's Enes?

By DAT on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 11:47 am:

Donna, Belpepera and Ubermensch teleport onto the Deck of the ship.

Bel: So, what do we do here?

Donna: Just wreck the thing. We are amoung the elite of the Universe, do you really think backwards humans can stop us? I mean, they let Terrasec take over? Bel, remember when you turned into a monkey and wrecked a planet? Uber, You are powered by the Volk, Now Tear this thing apart.

And remembber Uber, Terrasec has been watching you, call for us if anything goes wrong, such as, World War II footage is shown.

By Commander Adon on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 1:05 pm:

Ahz appeared in Adon's cell/interrogation chamber. Adon picked his head up and looked at Ahz.
Its about time you got here. What kept you?

Ahz: "I was playing some video games, and I got attacked by some new TerrSec weapon."

Ahz went on to describe the thing that attacked him.
Aramath. He and I tangoed a little while back. It would be wise to leave as soon as possible. Now, how about cutting me free?

A glowing ball appeared in the air in front of Ahz. Ahz grabbed the ball, and it turned into a long, glowing sword. He raised the sword to star cutting away at the crystal holding Adon in place when one of the walls exploded, and Aramath stepped through the hole.
Ahz and Adon: "Great."
Ahz brought the sword down over Aramath's head, in an attempt to cut it in half. But Aramath caught the sword in one hand.
Ahz: "What?"
Then Aramath backhanded Ahz with his other hand, sending his flying across the room into the far wall, leaving a crack in the concrete. Ahz slumped over, dazed.

NO!! Keep away from him!

As Aramath approached Ahz, Adon began yelling. A crack appeared in the crystal. Meanwhile, in the control room, the Head Interrogator smiled at the battle that was being fought since power had been restored.

As Aramath approached Ahz, the crack in the crystal spread out to encompass the entire face of the crystal. Just before Aramath reached Ahz, the crystal exploded, sending broken shards of crystal flying. Adon transformed into Metallic Adon, popped the steel binders like they were threads, and attacked Aramath.

He punched Aramath through the wall of the interrogation room and continued punching him through several more walls until the pair burst out into a rather large hanger. The pilot of one fighter was waiting for control to be restored for the catapult when Adon and Aramath burst through the wall. He angled the fighter to aim at Adon. While the pilot was aiming, Aramath started blocking Adon's punches, and he started grappling. Adon managed to maneuver himself around to place Aramath between himself and the fighter, when the pilot opened fire. Instead of hitting Adon, he shot Aramath in the back.

Adon used Aramath's distraction at being shot to pick him up and throw him into the fighter, destroying the fighter. Aramath stood up from the flaming wreckage just in time to be pinned against the wall by Adon.

By Commander Adon on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 1:17 pm:

Ahz got to his feet and through several holes to reach the hanger, just in time to see Adon slam Aramath into the wall near a pile of burning wreckage. Both the fighters and the wreckage were standing on the catapult platform.

Ahz! Fire the Catapult! Hurry!!!

Ahz's computer appeared in front of him as he typed furiously. When he hit the "Enter" key, the catapult activated, sending Adon, Aramath, and the remains of the fighter swiftly towards the surface. Adon spend the entire trip holding Aramath to the exposed surface of the wall as it flew past them. The catapult was basically a tunnel through the rock to the surface, and Aramath was being pressed against that surface as it flew by at over 200 mph! When the platform reached the surface, it flung Adon, Aramath, and the burning wreckage into the air.

Adon held onto Aramath for a few more seconds before flinging him to the ground. Aramath hit the ground, and the impact left a small crater. Adon quickly followed, and his impact with Aramath left a larger crater.

Adon grabbed Aramath's right arm (his left arm, and the left side of his body was mostly worn away by the trip to the surface) and began pulling on it as hard as he could. Aramath let out a scream as the armor started cracking and the bones started popping. Adon didn't notice when a cannon formed on Aramath's back, and fired. The blast sent Adon flying, and when he landed some distance away, neither moved.

By The Observer on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 2:22 pm:

(Observer's stolid expression does not waver, until he raises his hand and sends himself and Ojanon to his personal universe, the valley within the tall mountain-top. Only when they both arrive does Observer let an expression of pain and regret cross his face.)

You must believe me, I wanted nothing more than to save her, but the proper future of the galaxy depended on her dying at the hands of Ssrth'kktl. It was my mission. Because of her death, millions of people were saved from extermination, Ojanon. I loved your sister, but I HAD TO LET HER DIE. Ssrth'kktl met his fate at my hands. I've had to bear the consequences of my decision for 500 years. I know that you are grieving still, but if she knew that her death would mean life for so many people, she would've made the same choice, Ojanon, can't you see that?

By X-Over on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 2:41 pm:

Rita blinked awake in sickbay on the Spidership. Standing over her was Butrfli. "Hi." she said Rita rubbed her eyes. "Hi back."

By The X Continuum on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 2:41 pm:

We would help out, but we must not interfere with the affairs of mortals. Although our power is great, it does not equal that of the Queue, and we must therefore obey their rules.

By Darth Simultaneous Posts on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 2:43 pm:

I strike again!

By Lt Cmdr Rikard on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 3:42 pm:

Rikard felt something that wasn't right. He looked back to see Ojanon and Observer, staring at each other. Then they both disappeared.
Geez, why do people around here always do that. We're coming out of warp.
The Spidermobile drops out of warp and enters Earth-controlled space.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 4:04 pm:

Ok.. Continuous scans of the area... Get ready for any suprises that TerrSec drops on us.
Hmm.. I wonder where Ojanon and Observer went...we may need them when the big battle scenes happen
Butrfli to the bridge, Rita Yeager is awake.
Tacoman: That's good. I'll go down there and see what happened. Commander Milkshake, you have the bridge.
Tacoman heads down to Sickbay and goes over to Rita's biobed
What happened out there?
Also, I would like to apologize for my behavior on the Archangel. I had forgotten the name of the universe Greymoran sent Keith and I to, but remembered the name of Maya, an inhabitant of that universe. Jackson set me straight.

By X-Over on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 4:24 pm:

Rita nods. Yeah, Keith explained it to me while we were hiding from TerrSec. We tried to take back the ship, but TerrSec's got Ryo-O pinned, Ahz is off with that Adon fellow, and the others are in stasis, prisoners. I barely got away. And I can't tell you where they were taking the ship, but one thing I can tell you, though I doubt it will help, the tug they used to tow the ship to wherever was very dilapidated. Really old, like it'll fall apart at a moments notice."

By Lt Cmdr. Rikard on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 4:47 pm:

On the bridge, Rikard turns to Milkshake
Uh, sir, I was wondering if you would grant me permission to go to Sickbay to meet Lt. Yeager. You know, the fellow pilot thing and all. If we run into any trouble, Ensign Patterson can pilot this ship pretty well, and I'll be back up here before you know it.
Milkshake: Okay, permission granted.
Rikard: Thank you sir.
Rikard runs down to Sickbay and enters to see Rita and Tacoman talking just as Rita is finishing up about something about a tug. He walks up.
Rikard: Excuse me, Lt. Yeager, but, uh, my name is Lt. Commander Josh Rikard, I'm the Spider's helm officer and one of the engineers, and I just wanted to say that it is an honor to meet you. After we learned of Greymoran and the XDCA and the Archangel, Jackson would send us info on you guys and reports on all of you and I just wanted to say from one pilot to another, uh... he pauses hi, oh and welcome to the Spidermobile.
He extends his hand.

By X-Over on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 5:12 pm:

Rita smiles and takes his hand. "Thanks Commander Rikard. Pleasure to meet you as well. To be honest we don't know much about the crew. Jackson doesn't talk about his, well, Captain Tacoman's past. And Greymoran only knows what he picked up during the brief time he and Keith were with you." She gently gets off the biobed, and stands straight. "Helm officer eh? You must be a decent pilot to be able to fly this tub." She gives rikard an evil grin. HoloDoc rolls his eyes. "Pilot banter. I'll never understand it."

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 8:25 pm:

Would you like to see the bridge, Rita?
Rita nods. As the three leave sickbay and go to the bridge, Tacoman talks to Rita
I read about the experience on Hoth and the fancy flying you had to do to leave the planet. If the Archangel and the rest of its crew doesn't make it for one reason or another, would you like to join the LICC? We could use another good pilot.

By Ojanon on Thursday, May 24, 2001 - 9:15 pm:

That's just it, Observer. She DIDN'T die at the hands of Ssrth'kktl! Somehow, she survived but was corrupted and driven insane by the incident! She became the conquering monster known and feared throughout the galaxy as the Shadow Goddess, that destroyed countless civilizations over a century!

Observer looks stunned when he hears this.

Sarthania SHOULD have died at Ssrth'kktl's feet, but she didn't. Eventually, I tracked her down and was forced to destroy her! I live with that memory every day. And now...so shall you! (Ojanon's places his hand on Observer's forehead and both of them are surrounded with a greenish glow. Observer sees what happens, as if he were Ojanon.)

A woman dressed in an outfit similar to the one Ojanon wore when he first showed up on the spidership, but black in color with armored pieces on the arms and a red metal mask, appears.

Shadow Goddess: So, they have sent you to stop me!
How pathetic!

Ojanon: Yes, and I will stop you, even if it destroys me as well!

Shadow Goddess: Then, let the battle be joined!

She draws a strange weapon from underneath her cloak, which resembles a Klingon Bat'leth. Ojanon draws his Malachite-colored staff, which expands to full length. The two trade a series of blows, countering each other easily. Finally, Ojanon nails her with a strike to the shoulder, then kicks her in the chest, knocking her back.

Ojanon: I don't know who to be mad at more; Ssrth'kktl for not killing you, or Observer for not rescuing you!

Shadow Goddess (stunned): W-who are you? How do you know about that?!

Ojanon reaches up and rips his mask off, then throws it to the ground.

Ojanon: Your brother, and your destroyer, sister!

Ojanon unleashes a flurry of blows with his staff, eventually disarming the Shadow Goddess. He keeps striking, then pauses and finally screams while delivering a final blow that crushes her skull. He begins to cry, drops his staff, and falls to his knees.

Ojanon: There WILL be amends made for this! I swear it!

Suddenly, Observer snaps back to reality. Ojanon has removed his hand from Observer's forehead. But, he has a look of half-anger\half-sorrow on his face.

Do you see now what happened because of your actions? You should have checked to be sure that she was dead, and you should have helped her! I curse you to never forget what I have just showed you! I have used my race's natural telepathic powers to make sure you are UNABLE to forget! No use of Force, magic or science can remove that memory without killing you! Now, let us leave this place. There is nothing you can say to make me forgive you!

By X-Over on Friday, May 25, 2001 - 8:05 am:

Rita gives Tacoman an angry frown. "What makes you think they won't make it? The only way that would happen is if you or Jerry Redding screwed up!"

By Galaxcys Elite on Friday, May 25, 2001 - 11:50 am:

Donna: Heh Belpepera, Borg behind you.

Belpepera: Thanks! (Borg is blasted to a thousand pieces.)

Uber: This is surprisingly easy.

Donna: We are the Galaxcy's elite. Shouldn't it be?

Uber: Yep.

Donna: () Hmm. That's a presence. Let's go after it.

By The Spectre on Friday, May 25, 2001 - 12:04 pm:

Honestly you aren't even trying. WHAT ARE BORG DOING WITH TERRSEC??

By Lt PD Insane on Friday, May 25, 2001 - 1:56 pm:

On the Spidership III, down in the shuttlebay, PD Insane is working on his personal craft. It is almost complete. When finished it will resemble an AT-ST with a flatter "head" and a bubble-window on the top, where the pilot sits and operates the controls. Also, as well as the legs it will have a grasping arm on either side, and the ability to change into spaceflight mode.

PD Insane welds two pieces together, and stands back, surveying his work. He decides to find out what has happened with Enesku during this TerrSec incident. Last he and his fellow travellers had heard, she was in the so-called "Garden of Unresolved Storylines". He puts down his welding torch, and leaves the shuttlebay.

He walks down the corridor, and enters his quarters.

Computer, link to the Earth databases not controlled by TerrSec.


Search for the current whereabouts of Enesku.

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, May 25, 2001 - 7:49 pm:

You're right Rita. I'm sure we won't screw this up.
The trio exit the turbolift and enter the bridge
Rita, welcome to the bridge. Commander Milkshake, meet Rita Yeager, pilot of the Archange and wife of Keith Yeager.
What's our status, by the way?

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, May 25, 2001 - 8:51 pm:

All systems are at 100%, Captain. The new cloak is drawing a lot of power, but the modifications to the warp core are compensating for that.

Milkshake checks his sensors

3 hours to Earth orbit. Now the problem is that Earth authorities might detect the extra mass in the ocean off New Atlantis. We either have to boil off a lot of water, inconspicuously, or find some other way to get to the bottom of the Atlantic without being detected.

By TerrSec on Friday, May 25, 2001 - 9:11 pm:

"Okay, we got that Archangel ship and captured everyone in it. Let's put it into the ion-cryo-Noboddi-Muv-Deep Freeze until we get our hands on the Spidermobile."

"Sounds good. Coffee?"

"Wouldn't mind some."

By Lt PD Insane on Saturday, May 26, 2001 - 5:58 am:

Enesku was last seen aboard the passenger transport T.S.S. Deliverance NCC-764001. It was leaving Earth for the Takara sector.


Please restate.

Never mind. Open up a channel to the Deliverance.

Channel open.

turns to monitor

Enesku, it's me. Right now we're at Earth, trying to deal with TerrSec.

End transmission. Encode for Enesku.


Alert me on my comm-badge when there is a response.

Request acknowledged.

leaves the room, heads back down to shuttle bay

By TerrSec Agent on Saturday, May 26, 2001 - 7:25 am:

You bimbo! That wasn't a Borg, that was a member of TerrSec elite! They wear cybernetic armor, much less clunky and clumsy than that of the Space Marines. Now you see why it was so easy!

He too is blasted into a thousand pieces

By X-Over on Saturday, May 26, 2001 - 10:47 am:

Rita just looks at the planet. "Home. I thought it would be a long time before I would see it again." She shudders. She wishes Keith were here to see it with her. Suddenly, an alarm goes off.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, May 26, 2001 - 11:40 am:

Ops, what's the alarm about?
Commander, perhaps we can hide the ship on the moon and send in speeders or a shuttle... that way, there wouldn't be so much mass at the bottom of the ocean... Or, we could somehow transport the approiate amount of water somewhere.. which would definitly be noticed...

By X-Over on Saturday, May 26, 2001 - 12:11 pm:

Rita walked over to the helm. "If I can make a starship ice skate, I can make one snorkel. Just take us into the ocean, and let me do the rest."

By Lt Cmdr Rikard on Saturday, May 26, 2001 - 12:23 pm:

Rikard, already at helm when she walks over, looks up.

If we take her down there, there's a pretty big possibility that we'll be detected. Not to mention that Earth's sensors may pick us up when we enter the atmosphere. But, hey, if you really want to fly her...

He gets up

By X-Over on Saturday, May 26, 2001 - 12:28 pm:

Out in space the Revanche sat cloaked and helpless. If TerrSec had developed a way to track cloaked ships, they'd be done for.

Kiehart strolled along bridge, checking damaged panels, with the chciken named Mac reading off a checklist of importnat parts, to which Kiehart would respond either "Fine" or "Broken." The chicken's thick Scottish accent made her difficult to understand, bu Captain Redding had nothing but faith in her. The cpatain was getting some sleep below, after he and Derisa and Haer'Dlais had been treated for smoke inahlation. Oakensheild was still in sickbay being treated for serious bunrs. Kiehart, Mac, and first officer Martin Durgin were alone on the bridge. Durgin was tyring to repair a set of speakers on the bridge so they could speak to this ship's A.I., Maxine, whom Kiehart had heard was a nasty vicious version of Archangel's A.I. Carrie. A loud crackling noise distracted Kiehart and Mac, and Durgin swore excessively. "God dammit! I must've nicked an importnat wire, cuase now the speakers are flatline. We can't use intership communiucation. We'll have to use hand-helds. And Maxine's not going to able to talk to us." Kiehart shook his head. This ship was in bad shape. As soon as they could get outside communications working, they'd have to call the Spidership for help. He turned to Mac. "I just hope Tacoman and the others are having better luck than we are."

By X-Over on Saturday, May 26, 2001 - 12:41 pm:

Rita: Not neccesarily. Power down the warp drive, use imulse engines to take into the gravity well, point ourselves downward, give the ship a good burst of movement with the impulse engines, shut those down, rig the ship for silent running, and let gravity and momentume do the rest. It'll be on ehell of a splash, that's for sure. If we angle it right, we won't have to worry about causing tsunamis to any landmasses.

Redshirt: Nah, too risky. Didn't you ever see Deep Impact?

*suddenly the redshirt has a stroke and falls on a panel, which explodes*

By Captain Tacoman, having confidence in Rita on Saturday, May 26, 2001 - 2:13 pm:

Ok Rita... let's see what you can do.
Ops, prepare the ship for underwater operations.

By Klassikos on Saturday, May 26, 2001 - 2:24 pm:

Might my ram-ship be of help?

By X-Over on Saturday, May 26, 2001 - 7:32 pm:

Rita stares disgusted at the burnt Redshirt. She is also incredibly disturbed by everyone's seeming lack of notice or concern. She gulps, shakes her head, to try and clear the acrid smell of burnt flesh from her nose as the Redshirt is carried off. She turns to face Tacoman. "I'm taking that as an omen. I'll go with whatever plan you come up." She gags slightly. "Where's the enarest bathroom?"

By Agent Shingle, EarthSys Intel on Saturday, May 26, 2001 - 8:28 pm:

Shingle listens to the discussion about entering the ocean without being detected.

Leave it to me. TerrSec is busy looking for you in the Asteroid Belt right now. We can create a diversion to get you into the Atlantic quickly and quietly.

Shingle begins speaking into his communicator again.

By Artsy-Fartsy, waking to an old madness on Saturday, May 26, 2001 - 11:15 pm:

Belowdecks, the Holodoc is preparing Sickbay--rather philosophically--for the upcoming battle. As his last chore, he reviews the very scant information he managed to dig up on Artsy-Fartsy, and then picks up a hypospray containing a stimulant to counteract the sedative she has been under for the past four [boards].

For a moment after he injects her, Artsy does not stir. Then her eyelids flutter, and her right hand balls into a fist, the thumb rubbing at the smooth spot on her first finger where her ring usually rests. Her eyes flash open, and she sits up gasping, hair and clothing flickering from electric blue to ash gray and back in rapid cycles.

Holodoc tries to calm her down. "It's all right. You're safe. Nothing's going to hurt you."

Artsy stares at him wildly, then throws herself off the biobed and crouches at a distance, scanning the room in a growing panic. Her lips move soundlessly as the color change becomes more complex.

"What is it?" The Holodoc moves slowly towards her.

The girl swallows, pants, tries again. "K--k--quito?" It's a plaintive whimper. When no answer comes, and Holodoc moves towards her again, Artsy leaps up. For several seconds she is not visible, and when she appears again, the Holodoc's uniform is covered in a pattern of electric blue flames, and a similar pattern covers Sickbay floor.

Cursing himself for an overconfident fool, Holodoc opens a comm channel. "Holodoc to bridge. Sorry for the inconvience, but I could use some help with a patient down here. Please locate Quito and send Butrfli or Ansh to Sickbay."

Meanwhile, even the fear is beginning to leave Artsy's face, and she eyes Sickbay with a new expression. But she doesn't move. Sitting with knees pulled up to her chest, she twists her hands together, rubbing at the bare right-hand finger....

By Klassikos, reposting because no-one read his post last time on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 12:37 am:

Might my ram-ship be of help?

By Ansh on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 2:52 am:

Ansh enters the sickbay with Quito on her back
Don't worry, Artsy! You didn't think I'd let her out of my sight while you were in sickbay!

By Big Gun Guy on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 6:59 am:

I suggest we use a big gun!

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 9:16 am:

Tacoman: The nearest bathroom? Right up there...
Tacoman points to a somewhat nondescript door with a half moon symbol on it. Rita bolts from her chair and heads for the door. fifteen minutes later, Rita emerges, still looking a little sick
Sorry about the redshirt, but that stuff happens around here all the time. Now, let's get this ship underwater.
Meanwhile, down in sickbay, Butrfli has been doing various odd chores and looks up when the Doctor says her name. She wanders over to where the Doctor, Ansh, Quito, and Artsy are
Are you alright, Artsy?
Hi Quito.. You cute little thing.. yes you are! Yes you are!

By Back to the Drone.... on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 9:58 am:

Suddenly, everyone in Sickbay hears a loud crash! They look over at a Bio-bed and see the female X-CwX drone start to rise!

Holodoc: Don't tell me the sedative wore off that fast!

He runs over to check on the drone, and tries to inject it with another sedative. But the drone grabs his arm and stops him.

X-CwX drone: That will not be necessary.

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 10:09 am:

Perhaps as a diversion, Klassikos, or if we need to fight our way out.

By Artsy-Fartsy completely losing control who has her ring? where is Patricia? on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 10:13 am:

Artsy just stares at the people around her, face empty of all expression, eyes and hair trembling on the verge of transparency. Ansh steps towards her but in a moment Artsy is on her feet. The panicky movements are replaced by a swift, cool efficiancy, though she still moves too fast for mortal eye to see (rather like Neo at the end of The Matrix).

When she is once again visible, Butrfli, Ansh, the Drone, and the Holodoc are vibrant shades of color--purple, red, and irridencent green. Artsy backs into a corner, ignoring them after a satisfied survey, and eyes Sickbay again. The only untouched person, Quito, toddles towards her and manages to catch her eye. Something passes between them. Artsy flinches, then her eyes open wide in blue fear again. One hand rubs at her finger, and once again she vanishes. This time Sickbay itself begins to flow with color....

By Lt Cmdr Rikard on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 11:39 am:

We're going to have to slow down a lot. If we use the impulse engines, we'll be heading there at a fraction of the speed of light so not only will we have to have them engaged for an extremely short time, but we're going to have to slow down before we hit the water. They're going to detect us eventually anyway.

By X-Over on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 1:15 pm:

Rita shakes her head, supressing the nausea. She walks over to the panel. "at the academy I rated a 10 on atmospheric manevuers in non-atmospheric vehicles." She winks at Rikard "Breaking a record that was set by you as I recall." She sits down, takes a deep breath, and beigns to take the ship into the atmosphere, towards the ocean.

By Gossip on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 2:47 pm:

There are rumors that the Furby has installed spy cams in the women's restrooms. That's not true!

By Anti-Gossip on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 3:12 pm:

Gossip: Yeah, footage of Rita puking would be as great a seller as the Tommy & Pamela video.

By Ahz on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 3:15 pm:

Aramath got up and started limping over to where Adon was lying. It was still regenerating, with it's right arm hanging limp, and the left arm was still mostly gone. It walked up to Adon, and then stopped, when a glowing beam of light popped out of its chest. Ahz was standing behind it, holding onto the other end of the beam.

I'm sorry, but we need to split... and so do you.

Ahz withdrew the beam, and then split Aramath in two with it, right down the middle. The two halves each fell into opposite directions. Ahz walked over to Adon.

We need to get you back to the ship.

Ahz and Adon vanished, to appear in the Spidership's sickbay.

By Sickbay on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 4:56 pm:

Boy is it getting crowded in here!

By 3 kilometers off the coast of New Atlantis on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 5:23 pm:

"Ah, this is some fishing spot."

"Yeah, ever since LICC went off the air, for 'reasons of national security', whatever that means, I relax mostly by fishing."

"Hey, is that a meteor?"

"If it is, the Atmosphere Defense Net will get it before it gets near us."

"It ain't happening, Ted."

"Uh-oh! Lookout!"


By Rita Yeager on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 5:43 pm:

"Aw nuts. That was a bigger splash then I wanted."

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 7:08 pm:

Butrfli to Tacoman, Adon and another wanderer, identified as Ahz, have appeared in sickbay...
Tacoman: As soon as they can, have them come up to the bridge.
Butrfli: Aye Sir.
Tacoman looks at Rita
But at least we got in... and hopefully undected...
Commander Milkshake, think we'll need the speeders for this?

By Ahz on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 7:36 pm:

Suddenly, Ahz was standing on the Bridge right in front of Captain Tacoman.

Greetings, Captain. My name is Ahz, and it is nice to finally meet the original part of Jackson Dupree. Adon was injured during his battle with Aramath and your Doctor insisted that he remain down in Sickbay.

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 7:37 pm:

I think that's a good idea, Captain. Sensors are not picking up anything on the inside of the base. This close to the capital, we have to be careful to avoid getting caught. The good thing is that they're not expecting us. If we can make small versions of the new cloaking device to equip our speeders with, we can send in a heavy assault force while the Spider stays nearby, ready to beam us out in case of trouble. The base is so big, we'll have to use nearly everybody. Colanator should stay behind to control the ship, since he can perform the capabilities of an entire skeleton crew simultaneously.

By The Skeleton Crew on Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 9:52 pm:

Commander Milkshake, about that last comment...we have a bone to pick with you!

By Klassikos on Monday, May 28, 2001 - 12:21 am:

Klassikos gets into the Hector, and leaves the Spidermobile shuttle-bay.

By Nit, the picky, picky pixie on Monday, May 28, 2001 - 2:26 am:

Is there more than one Sickbay or didn't Adon & Ahz notice just how wild things were getting?

By Quito Power on Monday, May 28, 2001 - 2:31 am:

Quito grabs the ring, which is on a string around her neck & tries to slip it onto Artsy's finger.

By Galaxcys no, Universal Elite on Monday, May 28, 2001 - 4:03 pm:

(Final Goodbye decloaks)

Belpepera: Well, Well. It looks like that was a cloaking device. What shall we do with this ship.

Donna: I say we trash the rest of the ship and then hurl it into the sun.

Ubermensch: Yea.

By Nit, the picky, picky pixie on Tuesday, May 29, 2001 - 5:37 am:

Wouldn't it make more sense to examine it & look for valuable information to use against TerrSec?

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