League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XXXIV

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XXXIV
By Mable Rouge on Saturday, June 02, 2001 - 5:53 pm:

This board is about Truth, Zeitgeist, Beauty, Zanniness, Mexican Food, Freedom and above all else Love. And Hamdingers

By Annoyed K-NIT Viewer, wanting to know when Taconator will be coming back and Archangel going away on Saturday, June 02, 2001 - 6:44 pm:

Can we wrap up this TerrSec thing, like REAL SOON?!

By X-Over on Saturday, June 02, 2001 - 8:19 pm:

Out in space, a still badly damaged Revanche hung in space. But this time not alone. Earth ships from Earth Intelligence, investiagting TerrSec, had come out of warp from practically nowhere causing a panic all over the ship, awkening the crew members sleeping off the smoke inhalation in medlab. Kiehart, Commander Durgin, and Chief Mac were the only ones on the bridge. Kiehart decided to hail thes hips. "Boy am I glad to see you!" he shouts excitedly. The reply is not what expected. "Uh, unidentified ship, identify yourself." The voice stopped, as if to contemplate the grammar of his statement. Kiehart deciding to save him. "This is Kiehart of the LICC on temporary assignment to XDCA vessel Revanche. The rest of the League is back at Earth-" "Yes, we know Mr. Kiehart. But I've never heard of the XDCA before." Kiehart sighed. "Long story. Facts are, an XDCA warship was hijacked by TerrSec. The crew of this ship asked for aide in finding their imprisoned captives. We took down one TerrSec battleship along the way, but our engineering section got cored, sadly taking 3/4ths of the repair droids with it. A little help would be sweet."

By nWo Fan on Saturday, June 02, 2001 - 10:45 pm:

Yeah, but would it be "Just TOO sweet"?!

By Ojanon on Saturday, June 02, 2001 - 10:59 pm:

The team that Ojanon is with is walking down a corridor. Ojanon is using his telepathic abilities so that his team appears to be nothing more than a TerrSec maintenance crew. Suddenly, a TerrSec officer walks up to them.

You probably shouldn't be in this section. Where are your orders? He holds out his hand. He obviously wants to see the team's work orders. Show them to me. Now!

Ojanon looks the man in the eyes.

Ojanon: You don't need to see our orders. We have every right to be here. As matter of fact, it was you who requested that we be here, to repair a faulty comm panel.

TerrSec officer (blank stare on his face): Yes, a faulty comm panel.

Ojanon: Now, when we leave, you will remember only that we are here at your request. You will NOT try to talk to us again! If you DO try, instead you will as if you are going to vomit violently, and will find a restroom instead.

TerrSec officer: I understand.

Ojanon: Good. (The TerrSec officer walks off. Ojanon looks at his teammates.) Now that that's been taken care of, what's next?

Author's note: I have no idea which team Ojanon IS on! Can we do a team breakdown on the Discussion board, so we don't get confused?

By K-NIT Viewer on Saturday, June 02, 2001 - 11:07 pm:

Here's a thought. If what Ahz said on the last board is true, how the h*** did TerrSec get the Archangel to Earth without anyone noticing?

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 10:48 am:

Ok people... let's split up. Computer team, find the computer core, get all the information you can get from it, and destroy it if you can.
Other teams, explore the base and see what you can find and/or destroy.

By Lt PD Insane on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 10:59 am:

Aye, aye, Captain. I'll go with Milkshake.

By X-Over on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 11:08 am:

Rita Yeager meanwhile splits off from the team when she notices that no one is headed for the bay where the Archangel's crew is being stored. Further investigation by Ahz showed that the ship was being kept off planet somewhere, but she'd worry about that later. She wanted to free her husband and the others. She'd thought about asking Ahz to come along for help, but she feared if she brought it up, Tacoman would try to talk her out of it. She wondered how long it would be before they noticed she was missing.


The lights dimmed briefly on the bridge of the Revanche as Earth Intelligence succesfully got the new warp core installed. Redding raised his fist shouting "Yes!" Kiehart wasted no time getting back to the helm. He hailed the Earth ship. "Thanks for the help. You said the LICC was going after a secret TerrSec base on Earth?" The viewscreen activates. The man nodded. "Good luck Mr. Kiehart. We'll keep an eye out for that ship you mentioned. In the meantime, I feel the LICC may be needing your help." The communication ended, and the Revanche went to warp. Redding stood up. "Mr. Kiehart, before we go to Earth, I think we're due for a little payback. Take us to that TerrSec base, sheilds on full, disruptors firing. I want that base crippled, and it's support vessels destroyed." Kiehart turns around to face Redding. "But Captain-" "It's better this way. TerrSec can't mount a succesful campaign against Earth with an important base gone. And judging from the ships they had guarding that base, I must assume it was VERY important. All hands to battle stations, Mr. Kiehart." Kiehart smiles. Sweet, sweet revenge, he thought to himself.

By Donna on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 12:23 pm:

Donna runs down a corridor. she finds a hall labled Terran Security: Relics, Artifacts and Secured Items. Level four clearance required.

Donna: Hmm, this stuff might be useful. I'll use a transporter Bomb. Lamp of Kazzam, got it. Thank you for Terran Effientcy

I belive I will be taking that.

Donna: Shirkaron?

By Space Marshal LCARS Access on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 12:49 pm:

Shirkaron A member of the Royal House of Skuld, Shirkaron was exiled from the planet about one milinium ago. He latter obtained immortallity from the Dune planet before destroying it. While immortal, he has been ageing at a rate usual for his species. His base of operations is Rejenar, a Star system he conquered over two hundred years ago. Long range intellegence indicates a system of two Class M planets and five others. Two planets formerly existed, but were desroyed for unknown reasons. He occupies a Space Fortress in orbit of the planet. He rules certian cities on the surface, but does not have the manpower to fully conquer and rule the system.

Abilities Like many of his house, he can manipulate energy. He carries a masume blade, and has great physical strenght. Unfortunately, no one has met with him in two hundred years and lived. His Henchmen now deal with his affairs.

Wanted for/by The Space Marshalls want him for questioning in the disapearence of several sysytems and people. However, It is not possible for Space Marshals to arrest a planetary soverign.


By Captain Tacoman, helping somebody on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 12:55 pm:

Ok Rita, check the room over there... Rita, where are you?
Tacoman checks his tricorder and discovers Rita heading for a storage bay. He puts Butrfli in charge of the team and transports himself in front of Rita.
So, where ya going?
Rita explains that the Archangel crew is in the bay, in suspended animation. Tacoman decides to go with her.
Tacoman to Butrfli, lead the team while I go with Rita to free the Archangel crew.
Butrfli, with a slight frown: Aye Captain.
Tacoman: Ok. let's go.

By Wanting to wrap this up before the next chapter on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 12:57 pm:

Kiehart couldn't hide his excitement as the Revanche approached the TerrSec base. The ship was shuddering slightly. With the Inertial nullfier gone they could feel the effects of the ship being pushed to it's breaking point as it hurled along at Warp 9.76. Kiehart hoped the speed would be enough of an advantage. A small speck appeared in the viewscreen, barely noticeable against the back drop of streaking stars. "That's it." he declared. "The base." Redding took a deep bretah. "Derisa, firing solution. I want to empty our nucler warhead reserves into that base without them hitting us in the process." Derisa nodded, and ran her fingers along the weapons console, flipping swithces and pushing buttons. "Do you want Mr. Kiehart to fire or should I sir?" Redding didn't waste anytime thinking about it. "Fire when ready Ms. Alex." Martin Durgin, siting at oakensheild's console, checked the long range snesors very closely. "I think they've spotted us. They've moved a huge battleship in the path of, wait, not the base, something else. Let em check something here. Hmm. Looks like an emergencey docking platform. Not enough room the base for whatever it is, and, hey, wait a minute. I'll be damned, it's the Archangel!" "What?" Redding shouted. Durgin double checked. "Not a clear picture sir, but siloheuette matches. No life signs near as I can tell." Kiehart kept his concentration tight on the helm. "Captain Redding? Shall I adjust course so the missles can hit the battleship covering the Archangel?" "Negative. The backwash might destory her too. Concentrate on the base. I think they want us to hit the Battleship first." Haer'Dalis, sitting calm and quiet at his console, doing checks to make sure the firing systems were nominal for Derisa's plan. "I agree Captain." Redding nodded. "Then it's settled. We hammer away at that station. Mac, we'll be mvoing too fast for them to get a solid lock on us, but I'd like to make sure the sheilds are fully operational." The chciken's voice came over the intercom. "Aye cap'n. I gave er a wee bit of a jimmy and got 'em to 110%." "Good work Mac." The Revanche flew along, steady on it's course. It felt like an enternity to her crew and Kiehart, but in fact, only seconds later it began. Derisa shouted, "Pull up!" at Kiehart as she launched the missles. The missles, aided in their speed by the Reavanche's momentum, moved so fast the chemical propellent hadn't even kicked in when the missles slammed into the station's side, causing a massive explosion that tore open the hull on that side. The EMPs resulting from the explosion disabled the rest of the station's few remaining systems. The Revanche was already a light year away by the time the crew of the TerrSec battleship realized what had happened. On board the Battleship, unbeknowest to the Revanche, transported a skeleton crew, as well as all the non-essential personell. They were already hard at work getting the engines on-line. In the process, Carrie managed to use the transporter signal to carry herself to the damaged station, into the emergency computer core, protected from the EMP, but useless because everyone on the station was dead or dying. She'd wait until the Battleship was destroyed, thens he'd send out a distress signal. "After these past few weeks I'm going to need some serious de-bugging."

By Rita Yeager on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 1:00 pm:

Rita and Tacoman come to a thick heavy door blocking their acces to the section of the station where the tubes were being kept. Tacoman began looking for a panel he could access to open the door, but Rita wasn't that patient. people she loved were behind that door, and nothing would stop her. She set the TerrSec blaster to it's maximum setting and began firing. The door slowly began to melt away in the spot where she hit. She kept firing, ignoring the vocal warning that the weapon would explode if she held the trigger down much longer. Tacoman knew that she would get herself killed if she tried to punch through the door.

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 2:00 pm:

Rita, stop! If you continue firing, you'll blow us to bits!
Rita ignores Tacoman's cries. As the weapon begins a countdown to explosion, Tacoman grabs the weapon from Rita's hands, applies a sticky substance to it, and attaches it to the area Rita was firing at. Tacoman then puts a weighted disc on the trigger, causing the weapon to fire once more, only this time, staight up. Rita and Tacoman rush around the corner as the weapon explodes, taking most of the door with it.

By Lt Cmdr Rikard on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 8:51 pm:

The explosion clears and the door and most of the wall is gone. Tacoman and Rita hear footsteps approaching. Five TerrSec guards stand, with heavy blaster rifles aimed at the two. Just then, two of the guards are stunned from behind. Two more are hit as they turn while the fifth guard turns only to be hit in the chest. Rikard and a redshirt lower their phasers.

Hey Captain, Butrfli heard the explosion and figured that you could use our help.

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 9:01 pm:

Thanks, Josh.
I think we could use some help in freeing the Archangel crew.
Tacoman looks at where the wall had been
Amazing what you can do with an overloaded weapon.

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 11:18 pm:

Milkshake strides down the corridor with Insane following close behind. The blue-armored commander fires quick, powerful stunbolts into every TerrSec figure that appears. So far, no real resistance has materialized.

This technology looks so familiar. I wonder where I've seen it before. Have you, Pete?

"No, Commander."

Hmm, it looks a bit like the stuff Negative had...no, this is too advanced. I wonder if...

A voice blares over loudspeakers hastily attached to the walls


So much for surprise. We've got to find the Equipment and get out of here. Down this corridor!

Milkshake's team runs off down the dark hallway and disappears from view.

By Shirkaron on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 11:32 pm:

Donna, as you surely remember from our last encounter, I am aging and decrepit. I need the Lamp to rejuvenate. Once my wish as been granted, I shall return it to you. It will make a nice "Paperweight." If memory serves, I spared you the last time we fought. If you dear are no match for me, then what would this planet be? A small cinder perhaps? All this wonderful life, all these people reduced to a small pile of cinder. 4.6 billion years of history all a spattering of dust. And your friends, ah what is this, the fourth time you've let your friends down. Granted you are pathetic, and nonthing you can do can really stop me. Amazing, you are the elite of the Unverse, and yet you are no match for left small toe. Maybe I should make your sun go nova, wouldn't that be fun. This ancient system, what a pity. Here's the terms. You give me the lamp, I will only make the sun go nova. You don't give me the lamp. I'll destroy this planet. Delay, and I will kill, who is it you care about. Ah, Insane. You have no feelings for him other than comradery. After all, after all of your flaws he still will talk to you. You know Donna.....

By Donna on Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 11:42 pm:

WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP, I CAN'T TAKE YOUR INCESSANT EGOTISTICAL RANTING! YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE IMMORTAL, YOU THINK YOU CAN TALK ALL DAY Take the •••••• lamp, geezer. You may be able to kill me, But if you continue to interfer with this region of space, you will meet with Milkshake. You will meet with Adon. You will meet with Tacoman. If by some strange stroke of luck you beat them, you will have to face Frangellica, and have no doubts, she will kill you. But you won't get that far. As soon as your out of an inhabited system, I will hunt you and kill you like the monster you are.

By Shirkaron on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 12:00 am:

You won't kill me, Donna, neither will military men named after Terran Culinary delights. Neither will this "Frangellica" kill me. I've faced the few the proud, and the dead before, and I will face them again. Here's the sad truth, fusion. I WILL LIVE FOREVER! What you do is really a small spect of dust, next to my allotted time. I will outlive you, your centuries of existance, shall be nonthing but a pale flickering, next to the gatrgauntuan shadow I shall cast upon eternity. So boast all you want, all things die, and your botherance is but a passing impermance. Now, I shall take the lamp, wish for eternal youth, and powers of regeneration. As a farewell gift.
(A single ray of light shadders all of Donna's auras. A hole appears in her cheast. Her hair turns black and she is looking "boyish." )

I was only pushing forward the inedivble. Now, I will make your sun go nova in one thousand years. I shall have to remember to visit in 1000 years.

(He leaves. Donna's fluttering signel is picked up by the Old Hall of Comsic Champions in Port Mike. She is transported their and placed under critical)

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 12:52 am:

Milkshake's team reaches the outer perimeter of the Containment Room, the place where the strange alien equipment is supposedly held. A blueshirt fiddles with the door mechanism, while Milkshake and Insane stand guard. The door quickly slides open, and just as the team is about to enter...

"Prepare to die, Intruders!"

A huge battlebot drops from a hatch in the ceiling. It is armed with a familiar purple weapon, modified with four barrels! It aims and fires four crackling purple beams. Two miss, one hits a redshirt and turns him into fried wontons, and one grazes Lt. Insane. Milkshake gasps.


Insane falls to the floor, writhing. Milkshake spins and blows the battlebot to pieces with his plasma rifle.

It's a good thing that Polymorph Rifles take a while to recharge, or I would be an ice cream cone right now. Insane!

Milkshake quickly turns back to help his fallen comrade. When the purple Polymorph Effect dies down, the being who was once P.D. Insane jumps up and cackles with glee.

"Arr Mateys! I be Cutthroat Jimlad! Har Har!"

Uh oh.

By Cutthroat Jimlad on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 12:56 am:

Arrh! That scurvy cur! Scupper the base and feed it to the fishies, ahar!

He raises his cutlass and begins to hack at the battlebot.

By Cutthroat Jimlad on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 1:05 am:

Or rather, the pieces of the battlebot.

By X-Over on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 6:16 am:

Rita bolted ahead of the rest of the crew, ducking and sliding to avoid the fire of the TerrSec rifles. The TerrSec personel, distracted by her running at break neck speed, are easily ambushed by Tacoman and Butrfli, who are trying to keep up. Butrfli wished she had enough room to use her wings.


"We got incoming!" Kiehart shouted. The Revanche had begun it's turn, and was slowing to a more managable speed to enagage the other Battleship, only to find it had followed them. If not for a dangerous spin maneuver, the Revanche would've slammed into the massive enemy ship's starboard bow.

By Hehehe on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 8:23 am:

Suddenly the TerrSec pilots realize that the underwater hangar doors are welded shut from the outside. The only thing that could be seen through the windows is a single strange looking fish...

By The Sun on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 10:21 am:

Hi! I'm 1000 year Nova Sun
Hi! I'm 999.99 year Nova Sun

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 1:26 pm:

Tacoman and Butrfli catch up to Rita just as she reaches the suspended animation tubes. They hear a click, and several panels in the walls lower. Butrfli knocks Tacoman down just as a number of pies fly loose from the panels. The pies, finding no resistance, fly to the opposite wall and explode in a small explosion.
Ok. Let's get these tubes open.
Tacoman to Commander Milkshake, Rita, Butrfli and I are just about to release the Archangel crew. What's your status?

By Cutthroat Jimlad on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 1:58 pm:

Arrh. Milkshake, we better be searcherin' this 'ere place from stem to stern. I be wonderin' what Donna has found here in Davey Jones Locker!

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 3:07 pm:

We've run into some resistance. Two casualties, Ensign Blah and Lt. Insane. Pete's been Polymorphed into some strange personality from his own psyche. We're close to Mission Objective. Request all teams converge on this location.

By X-Over on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 4:10 pm:

The tubes were blackened so Rita couldn't see who was inside. Off in the distance, Hudzen was powered down and pinned to a near-by wall. "Captain! Hudzen can help in the battle! Un-hook him!" She pries open the first tube. Sorik falls out coughing. She goes to the next tube, then realizes something. There is one too many tubes here for the entire Archangel crew. One of these must be the tube with Radagast inside. "Oh, ••••." she mutters.


Meanwhile, in the station below, two TerrSec scientists watched the fight with rtapt interest. "Ah well, I never liked our superiors anyway." the first scientist says. The second one nods. These heroes showing up could prove an excellent test for our new virus sir." "I agree. It is communicable by touch only. Take a dart gun. Target," he runs his fingers acorss the varying screens. "Her." He points at Butrfli. "Give her the Ebonic Plauge!"

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 6:31 pm:

Tacoman rushes over and removes Hudzen from the wall. Hudzen looks at Tacoman in suprise and says
Tacoman: Well, I am a Jackson.. I'm the guy your Jackson Dupree was cloned from.
Tacoman then notices a small panel set into a wall providing information about the stasis tubes. Unfortunatly, a password is needed to access who is in which tube.
Hudzen, come here and see if you you can hack into this computer. We need to see who's in what tube!

By Donna on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 7:28 pm:

Donna looks around the Hall of Cosmic Champions. The Old hall served as a HQ during the 21st century, built from the Wealth of the Grandiose Pepperman Estate. Donna arose healed her own injuries by her own powers, and Teleported back to the Terrasec Base.

By Ojanon on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 9:09 pm:

Ojanon, WHO HAS NO FREAKIN' IDEA WHICH GROUP OR PEOPLE HE IS WITH, SINCE WE NEVER DISCUSSED, is walking down a corridor when the alarm starts going off. He drops the mental illusion he was using to disguise the group, and looks at WHOEVER THE LEADER OF THE GROUP IS, and says...

They obviously know we're here. No need to hide anymore. Normally, I wouldn't suggest this, but under the circumstances, I think we should use lethal force against any TerrSecs that we encounter. Unless we catch them by surprise. Then I can use my telepathic abilities to make them ignore our presence, or to even make them fight the other TerrSecs! (He pauses.) I sense something...odd. Behind those doors. (He points to a set of armored double-doors about thirty-six feet away.) Should we check it out, or proceed down another path?

By The Observer on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 11:10 pm:

(Observer, designated as a scout for Adon's team, silently walks down a deserted hallway. Nothing moves except for the strange blinking from what appear to be power conduits, lining the corridor. He stops, and it seems his Force senses are alerting him to some danger. He blinks out of view and appears directly next to Adon, nearly risking decapitation from the alert Wanderer.)

Commander, there are several TerrSec guards blocking our path to the Central section. From the level of confidence I'm sensing, they must be heavily armed. Perhaps we should seek another route.

By Artsy-Fartsy, finally on a real mission, if our team leader ever decides to post on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 11:29 pm:

Artsy, who is also attached to Adon's team, bounces nervously in place, outline blurring faintly. "Are you sure we need another route, Observer? With you, Adon, me, and the rest of our team, I'd say we're pretty heavily armed ourselves." She pats the satchel slung over her right shoulder and turns to the Wanderer. "Orders, sir?"

By The Observer on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 11:39 pm:

I suppose we can handle it.

(Observer draws his lightsaber and presses his thumb to the activation button. The gold, 1.33 meter-long blade snaps to life.)

It's just that we should avoid dangerous situations if we can help it. These men think that they are a match for us.

By Hudzen on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 11:45 pm:

Hudzen pulls off the panel and plugs himself in. After about twenty seconds he unplugs himself.
The first tube has Keith, the second has Jackson, and Greymoran should be in either the third or fourth tube. Radagast is in the other. It seems that TerrSec stored the information in another file somewhere independent from the main system. I am only assuming because it's certainly not in any of the computer cores.

By Lt Cmdr Rikard on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 11:48 pm:

Suddenly, Rikard yells...
TerrSec guards, heavily armed, take cover!
Then, eight TerrSec guards burst in with VERY big guns. Two redshirts are immeadiately hit. Tacoman and the rest of the team return fire...

By The Juiceman on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 1:40 am:

(The Juiceman (who's on the same team as Ojanon) pops a couple of bricks into his juicer, which fills his specially modified squirt gun)

Chances are it's something that will help or hinder TerrSec, so let's check it out.

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 6:20 am:

Tacoman replicates some very large weapons for those on the team that don't have them. Butrfli removes her armor and begins firing a variety of spells as the TerrSec guards. She then spreads her wings, turns around, and begins flapping them as hard as she can. The wind produced pushes the remaining guards out of the corridor.
Tacoman: Good job, Butrfli. Ok... Rita, you take Keith's tube and I'll open Jackson's. Then we'll have to decide which one is Greymoran's tube.

By X-Over on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 6:49 am:

Rita nods anxiously and gets working on Keith's tube as fast as she can. "I'm comin baby." she whispers. Suddenly, she sees a reflection in the tubes covering. A hand with a small gun coming out of the darkness. Before she can move, Butrfli yelps, more in surprise than in pain, and pulls a small dart out of her neck. Rita considers going over to help but Butrfli waves her off. "I'm fine. Really. Free your husband Rita."

By Artsy-Fartsy on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 10:11 am:

To her team:
Well, you guys have been super-heroing longer than I have. Lead on. I'll be your backup.

By Cutthroat Jimlad on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 1:07 pm:

Arh, whar be everyone? Yer called for ev'one to be a-comin' here, but they no be showin' up! Summin musta happen toom!

By Lt Commander Sorik on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 1:38 pm:

Intruder, identify yourself.

By Commander Milkshake on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 2:10 pm:

Well, let's get the Equipment. Ins...Jimlad, come with me, the rest of you stay here. As soon as it's secured, we all can beam out.

By Lt Cmdr Rikard on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 6:18 pm:

Rikard shoots into the darkness and hits some kind of droid. The droid shuts down and he walks over to examine the darts the droid has. He pulls out a tricorder and scans.
Hmm. Hey Captain, these darts contain some kind of virus. I can't tell if it's lethal or not. We're probably going to have to have the Doc run some tests on this thing.

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 6:53 pm:

Well, I always was a fan of the direct entry approach. Let's attack head on.

Adon and company step out into the corridor with the TerrSec guards. They smile and a set of heavy doors slam shut, cutting off Adon and company from the guards. Then, red liquid begins to quickly pour out of vents built into the walls.

Bacolyte! Get close and hold your breath.

The liquid quickly flows towards the group, but Adon pushes it away, leaving a bacolyte free bubble around his group. Within seconds, the corridor is flooded with the now hard, and energy weapon-proof material.

Breath shallow. The air in this pocket won't last very long.

By Captain Tacoman and company on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 7:40 pm:

Butrfli, how ya doing?
Butrfli: I be doin' right fine, Cap.
Tacoman: Josh, I wonder just what that virus was... my helmet monitor shows she's starting to speak an ancient earth language called Ebonics...
Ok Rita.. Let's get these things open...
With that, Rita and Tacoman open the first two tubes. The point of view changes to that of Jackson Dupree as the tube opens and he regains consciousness. As Jackson's eyes open, the first thing he sees is the face of Tacoman looking concerned and worried
Jackson: What... What happened? Last thing I remember was being placed in this tube by TerrSec guards. I tried to tell them I wasn't you, but they just wouldn't listen.
Tacoman: Nice to see you too.

By Artsy-Fartsy, trapped on Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 9:12 pm:

The light coming through the Bacolyte tints everyone on Adon's team reddish. Artsy-Fartsy rubs her ring, controlling a futile instinct to use the hardened substance as a medium. *Boy,* she thinks, *that stuff would be fun to play with.*

She starts to wonder if any of the solvents in her satchel could dissolve Bacolyte and turns to ask Adon, when suddenly she notices a fine crack or fault along the side of the bubble. As if a tube or air trap had kept the Bacolyte from completely closing on itself at that one point. Artsy lifts a hand to point this out to the Wanderer, not daring to waste air in speech.

By Ojanons Team, I guess..... on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 2:30 am:

The Crimson Crossbow stealthfully moves closer to the armored double doors. She is about 20 feet away when she hears footsteps. She ducks behind a concrete column and watches as two heavily armored guards pass by. She takes a risk and looks to see if the coast is clear. A few seconds later, she gives Ojanon and the Juiceman the "okay" signal, and starts approaching the double doors again.

Ojanon looks at the Juiceman, and says....

You wouldn't have any beetles on you to juice by any chance, would you? I hear its really dangerous to anyone who is hit with it three times!

By The Juiceman on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 6:23 am:

Beetles? You want me to grind up living creatures? Why that's just...

(the double doors open & three guards step out. Juiceman squirts each of them and they are knocked out as if they have been hit by a brick)

...cruel & inhuman.

By X-Over on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 6:46 am:

A glancing blow from a TerrSec weapon knocks Tacoman forward. He isn't hurt. He armor protected him, but Butrfli spins around angrily. "You got som cajones to be messin' wit my man •••••!" She hurls herself at the TerrSec officer, beating him senseless. Keith and Rita look on in amazment. Suddenly, Tacoman start gyrating to a beat that only he can hear. He starts cheering as Butrfli pounds on the hapless TerrSec solider. "You go girl!" Kieth, Jackson, Hudzen, Sorik, and Rita just stare at each other. Keith puts a hand on Rita's shoulder. "Uh, let's just grab Ahz and these other two tubes and get the hell out of here before it gets REALLY weird."

By The Great Emancipator on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 12:10 pm:

Suddenly, a fanfare plays "Oh, say can you see!" and a figure appears, wearing a stars-and-stripes outfit, along with stars-and-stripes-design "stovepipe" hat. An American flag unravels behind him, as the final bars of the segment play. He salutes the flag, as does everyone else. A TerrSec soldier looks disbelievingly at him, and raises his weapon. The Great Emancipator whips out the Declaration of Independence and holds it in front of him. The laser bolts stop, and return in the direction they came.

"Your behaviour is un-American!" the Emancipator proclaims, and, again to the stirring, patriotic, American national anthem he strides out, and the flag folds back up, both to disappear into unknown.

By Captain Tacoman and company on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 12:41 pm:

Tacoman's hair starts growing until it reaches a monsterous round size. He looks at Butrfli and says
Yo girl! When we hit the ship, let's knock boots!
Hey G, pointing to Jackson what tube be Radagast in?
Jackson: Well, when we were stuck on Hoth, I had to repair a crack in the tube with some caulking... I would think that your helmet sensors should pick it up...
Tacoman: It's alight.
Jackson: We really should get these two back to the Spidership...
Tacoman: You say somtin 'bout some crack jus' now?
Jackson: No!

By The Observer on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 5:01 pm:

I do have several ways to get out of here. I can't blink out and take all of you with me, so we'll have to use a less direct solution. Let's see, sonics, liquidation, heat...if this stuff is a derivative of Bacodene, the substance that the MiB employed several centuries ago, those solutions will not work. Hm...hm...hm...of course! Simple.

(Observer traces a sphere with his hands. There is a cold glow from his palms, then abruptly, his hands become blurry.)

Interesting, eh? Look.

(Observer places one hand directly into the hardened Bacolyte, then withdraws it. It is still blurry, but intact. Observer traces the invisible sphere again, but this time draws his hands apart. A sphere of "blurryness" expands and engulfs the Away Team.)

We can now pass through matter as if it didn't exist. Hold your breath as you go through. May I suggest we split and flank the TerrSec guards beyond that closed door? Then we attack from behind.

By X-Over on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 6:04 pm:

Rita: Don't touch him jackson! Taocman got it when Butrfli touched him. Just get Greymorna free, get Ahz, and let's make like the shepard and get the flock out of here.



Kiehart: We're getting a signal from the remains of the station.

Redding: Distress call? That's odd.

Carrie: Hurry up and answer me you •••••• blokes!

Maxine (Revanche's ship's computer): Aw geez, not her.

Redding: Let's go get her, then we can pick up the Archangel. Haer'Dalis, prep a shuttle. Can you fly a Defiant-class?

Durgin: Sir! The Archangel is powering up!

Redding: What?

Kiehart: Holy ••••, it's taking off!

Redding: Oh no, not now. Kiehart, upload Carrie, then follow that-

*a portal opens and the archangel is gone*

Redding: Aw dammit!

Durgin: Sir, we just got a comm call from Earth. It's Mrs. Yeager. She says the LICC has helped her free the Archangel crew. Orders?

Redding, sighing: Get Carrie. Then we'll go back on get Greymoran and the others. Get Oakensheild up here and get him to work on finding out where TerrSec took the Archangel. ASAP.

Durgin: Aye captain.

By Plot Monitor returns! on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 - 9:17 pm:

Suddenly, several TerrSec troops run down the hallway. They notice Ojanon, Juiceman and the Crimson Crossbow, but keep on running without paying any attention to them. Suddenly, a man wearing a red and white baseball cap and a yellow and blue outfit with a blue and green belt with pouches on it runs down the hall. He stops in front of the heroes, who notices he has unsually long index fingers.

Hello, there. I'm Poke-A-Man, part of the LICC reserves. Those soldiers are headed for a special weapons storage area! If they get there, we're in trouble!

Ojanon doesn't look happy.

Crossbow, Juiceman, proceed to find out what's in that room. I'll go with Poke-A-Man and try to stop those goons. (He looks at Poke-A-Man.) Lets go. We've gotta catch `em all!

Ojanon draws his Malachite Staff and extends it, then he and Poke-A-Man run in the direction the TerrSecs headed off in.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, June 07, 2001 - 6:52 am:

Jackson, who still has his cybersuit on, looks for the tube with the caulking. He finds it and opens the other tube, revealing Greymoran. Jackson and Rita help Greymoran out.
Tacoman: Yo dad! How ya doin'!
Com'on! We got to catch up ta the Commanda and scope what he doin'
Why do all the weird ass •••• always hapen to me?

By Crimson Crossbow on Thursday, June 07, 2001 - 11:15 am:

Crimson Crossbow looks at Juiceman.

Well, Ojanon said for us to go ahead, so....

She walks over to the armored double-doors, and places one of her hands on it, then puts her ear up against it and listens for several seconds. Eventually she backs up from the door.

Hmmmm....I'd say its about 6 inches thick.

She starts to reach for the double-bladed lightsaber hanging from her belt, but stops.

No, that would take too long. (She unloads her crossbow, places the bolt back in her bolt case, and loads a different bolt. This one is completely silver, except for a green band around it near the strange looking bolt-head.) I call this my Door Opener Bolt! (She fires the bolt at the double doors without even aiming. The bolt hits square in the middle between the doors and starts to drill through. About ten seconds later, the doors pop open. Crimson Crossbow smiles at Juiceman, then goes through the doors. She kneels down and picks up the still-intact bolt and puts it back in the bolt case. Strange humming and gurgling noises can be heard throughout the room. She looks up and is completely shocked at what she sees.)

My God! I can't believe they've done this! (She uses her communicator to contact all the team leaders.) This is Crimson Crossbow. Ojanon told Juiceman and I to proceed while he helped Poke-A-Man stop some TerrSecs from reaching a special weapons storage area. I just entered the lab we found, and you're not going to believe this, but....TerrSec has a small, stable wormhole in here!!

By Commander Milkshake on Thursday, June 07, 2001 - 4:52 pm:


Crimson whirls around, pointing her bow at the source of the voice. Milkshake slowly walks out of the shadows, and the rest of his team emerges from hiding.

The Equipment we found here, that TerrSec confiscated, it can create all kinds of stellar phenomena. Ever wonder what kind of damage a small, artificial cosmic string can do? How about a localized black hole? They've been creating all sorts of things on this base, and worse, they haven't taken adequate precautions. They could've destroyed the Earth several times over, from their stupidity. We either need to get this item out of their hands, or destroy it!

By Admiral Strakvarn on Thursday, June 07, 2001 - 5:01 pm:

No, I'd rather you didn't.

Both Milkshake and Crimson turn this time. A middle-aged, pudgy, rather unimpressive man in a white uniform stands next to the alien Equipment.

Pleased to meet you. I'm Admiral Strakvarn, head of Terran Security. We didn't quite extend an invitation, but guests are welcome nonetheless. Ah, the illustrious Commander Milkshake. We warned you, you know. Stay away. But no, your curiosity got the better of you, I'm afraid. I suppose I was expecting this.

Since you were so anxious to come, please stay on, as our guests. You may find the accomadations...interesting, to say the least. Perhaps a spot of incarceration will persuade you to stick to your own affairs.

Strakvarn lets an expression of cruel triupmh briefly cross his face. He snaps open a communicator, and begins speaking.

Martin, rooms for twenty-seven, please. The League would like to stay. Make sure our friends get some rest.

Suddenly, every League member and their allys feel an intense pain in their minds! The world seems to spin, then all fall unconcious.

By Plot Complication on Thursday, June 07, 2001 - 7:36 pm:

Suddenly, the TerrSec gurads that Butrfli and Tacoman had beat on began acting stragnely as well. Greymoran was so confused by what was going on he didn't even notice when transport began, and he, the other Archangel crew members, Butrfli, and Tacoman, suddenly appeared on the bridge of the Revanche.

Donw below, the first TerSec guard to be infected waltzed up to Admiral Strakvarn. "man why you always gotta be bugin' and •••• nigga? Me and my homies coulda put those honkey ass crackers down easy!"

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, June 07, 2001 - 8:43 pm:

Thanks fo' picking us up Captain Redding.
Captain Tacoman ta Commander Milkshake, what's yo' status?
Captain Redding, Butrfli an' I need access ta yo' sickbay ta see what's wrong wiff us... an' ta see if we's can be cured.

By Plot Monitor on Thursday, June 07, 2001 - 9:55 pm:

Actually, Ojanon does NOT fall unconscious. He uses his powers to shut out the pain, and only pretends to be unconscious! Let the guards come. They will learn the error of their ways!

By Commander Adon on Thursday, June 07, 2001 - 10:14 pm:

Although I agree that we should try and get around the TerrSec agents, there really is no way to do that. We can only go back through the Bacolyte or through the door to the agents. Personally, I have a more... pressing solution to our problems. Brace yourselves.

The Agents were chatting amongst themselves about their victory over the intruders. They were quite surprised when the doors tore out of the walls and went flying down the corridor strait towards them. Most of them managed to dodge the heavy doors, but one was crushed between the flying door and the blast doors at the far end of the corridor.

The remaining agents looked down the corridor to see Adon silhouetted by the Bacolyte and leaking gasses from the damaged door pneumonic controls. They raised their weapons, but an invisible force sent them flying down the corridor and into the now motionless doors at the far end, knocking them unconscious.

Who needs access codes when you have me?

By Confused K-NIT Viewer on Thursday, June 07, 2001 - 10:46 pm:

So is it only the LICC members who were in the laboratory that were knocked unconscious?

By A non-confused K-NIT Viewer on Thursday, June 07, 2001 - 11:56 pm:

Actually, it appears that all the LICC members in the base, except Adon's team and Ojanon are still conscious.

By Cutthroat Jimlad on Friday, June 08, 2001 - 1:00 am:

Milkshake and co. come to in a cell.

Aarh! The black-hearted scoundrel! Blow the man down, I say, blow the amn down!

Milkshake tries to calm him down, and eventually he stops.

Arrh, it be no use. We be' needin' summen ta occupry our time! Arrh, I know! A sing-a-long, ha-har!

Fifteen men on dead man's chest
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

Aarh! Be joinin' in!

Drink and the devil has done for the rest
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Friday, June 08, 2001 - 3:39 pm:

As the Revanche begins to leave, it is hit by a beam of light. Tacoman and Butrfli, on their way to sickbay, disappear and reappear in the room Commander Milkshake is in
Tacoman: Are back in da base?
Butrfli: I'm afraid we's iz.
Milkshake, what'sda ••••? Did ya find anythin' interesting?

By Cutthroat Jimlad on Saturday, June 09, 2001 - 2:23 am:

Aarh, what be ye doin' a-talking like that? You be a-diffricult to be a-hesrin', mateys!

By Lead in to Archangel The hunt For jake Grey Part 9, coming tomorrow on Saturday, June 09, 2001 - 11:28 am:

Redding: What the hell just happened?

Jackson: I'm not sure but unless everyone else is hearing that music too, I think you should quarantine me. I think I caught what my original and his girlfriend have.

Kiehart: Man this bad. Captain Redding, I'd like permission to transport to the TerrSec base. They may need my help.

Redding: Good luck Mr. Kiehart. Rita, is Greymoran conscious yet?

Rita: Negative Captain.

Redding: Well then it falls on me. As of right now I'm abandoning Directive omega for the blue Fugates, in order to chase TerrSec, and get the Archangel back.

Keith: But what about TerrSec here? What about the virus, Captain Tacoman? I-

Rita: Keith, we have to get that ship back. We'll need all the help we can get finding Grey. That was our primary mission remember?

Durgin: I just hope we can find her before it's too late.

Redding: We'll do our best Marty. We have to.

By Plot Monitor on Saturday, June 09, 2001 - 6:42 pm:

Admiral Strakvarn is walking down the hall, accompanied by 5 heavily armed and armored guards (three behind, 2 in front). Suddenly, a sinister laugh comes out of nowhere!

MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaa!! Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?!

Suddenly, all five guards collapse mysteriously! Ojanon appears out of thin air, smiling and holding the brightly glowing end of his malachite staff precariously close to the Admiral's neck!

I always liked that ancient radio program. How about you? (He pauses, and his face (what's visible of it) looks grim.) You have NO IDEA what kind of trouble you've unleashed! That technology you are using will destroy you!

Ojanon vanishes as easily as he appeared, leaving the Admiral dumbfounded. The Admiral looks down, only to notice that his communicator and data-cards are missing!

By Admiral Strakvarn on Saturday, June 09, 2001 - 9:18 pm:

Sigh. I do rather hate when that happens. One thing I learned in the Space Scouts, always be prepared.

Strakvarn pulls out a small remote and activates it. The non-intrusion devices on his communicator and datacards, consisting of small amounts of C-556 plastoric explosive, detonate.

That should make him think twice. Now, Martin, didn't I tell you to capture ALL the League members?

"Sorry, Admiral. This one seems to be more powerful than the others. We have a trace on him, though. Shall I administer the trans-space ethernic?"

No, beam him up quickly, and hold him in the pattern buffers. We'll examine him that way, without fear of retaliation.

"Aye sir, beaming now. Target captured. Admiral, the fatality rate for sentients held in a non-amplified pattern buffer for longer than 6 hours is 98%, sir."

I know. That will be all, Martin.

"Yes, sir."

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, June 09, 2001 - 9:19 pm:

This is not good. My armor, all my weapons are gone. Yours too, Captain. I've heard bad things about TerrSec interrogations. Captain, if you have any powers you haven't told us about yet, now's the time.

By Artsy-Fartsy, unaware of the problem her shipmates are in on Saturday, June 09, 2001 - 11:01 pm:

Observer, that was wonderful! I wish I could do that!
Where to now, Adon? We're looking for a lab, right? Point the way, and I'm there!

By Donna on Saturday, June 09, 2001 - 11:04 pm:

(From the Corner of the cell)

(I would use my magic to get out, but Terrasec managed to put a block on my voice. Fortunately, I have a Anne Robinson Summon maternia. Her " Last Goodbye" attack will banish any agent to the abyss.)

Passes it to Milkshake.

(I suggest you use a Space Ghost Tactic and fashion a weapon from your own byproducts.)

By Actor who plays Ubermensch on Saturday, June 09, 2001 - 11:19 pm:

In this episode we touched on a very important topic. Crossovers. If you or someone you know is thinking of writting a crossover, don't. Most fictional universes have elements that simply do not mix and will never mix. For example, Star Trek presents a reallity where mankind is bettered for giving up religion, while in Star Wars, mankind is worse off for giving it up. A crossover between the Borg and anyone may seem intresting on the outside, it can't really work. If you wish to work a crossover, do it with things that are related. Buffy and Charmed, for example, or better yet, Dawson's creek and Scream. Or best of all, Daria and Scream. The opening scean alone cries out "Britney, and Kevin." Daria even has a proper motive. Also, stay away from a six show ubercrossover, like that X-files, Homicide, Law and Order, Picket fences, Milinieum, Strange luck and whatever else monstrosity from a few years back. All in all, only do crossovers with shows you are the Excecutive Producer or higher.

The less you know

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Sunday, June 10, 2001 - 9:26 am:

Special powers? I don' th'o't I do.. Butrfli?
Butrfli: Let me try...
Butrfli closes her eyes, seeming to cosult something inside herself
Hmm.. most o' muh ma fuckin magic don' seem ta werk... I th'o't I can do one or two spells, depending on how big ya wants da results ta be...

By Usher on Sunday, June 10, 2001 - 9:41 am:


And I think we've moved over to the next board.

By Amos & Andy on Tuesday, June 12, 2001 - 2:19 am:

Andy, are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Narf. I think so Amos, but how are we gonna get Webber & Wade to wash their mouths out with soap?

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