League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XXXVII

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XXXVII
By Rusty Latin Boy on Thursday, June 21, 2001 - 4:08 pm:

One more chapter before IXC, I think

By Mr. Roman Numeral on Thursday, June 21, 2001 - 4:31 pm:

It will be XXXVIII, XXXIX, then XL.

By Kent and Wayne on Thursday, June 21, 2001 - 4:49 pm:

Kent walks in to the makeshift lab that Wayne has set up. Wayne is sitting at a table, working on some sort of silver and gold-colored helmet. He puts down a wrench, and picks up a screwdriver.

Kent: Are you working on what I think you're working on?

Wayne (smiling): Yes. The X-26K Containment Suit.

Kent: Why? You don't think its possible....

Wayne: That's exactly what I think. Could you hand me the Drysdale Flanger on the wall behind you?

By Commander Milkshake on Thursday, June 21, 2001 - 6:20 pm:

Tacoman and Milkshake reach the bridge, where a readout on the viewscreen shows the route of the fishlike ships. Adon is belowdecks, chasing the monster, so a goldshirt is filling in at Tactical.

We should warn Earth. Open a channel to EarthSys Military H.Q.

"Our subspace radio has been eaten, Commander."


By Captain Tacoman, coming up with an idea on Thursday, June 21, 2001 - 7:18 pm:

Ok.. send all current data about the ships in a message beacon, place it in a torpedo casing, program it to go to Earth, and then launch it.

By Kiehart on Thursday, June 21, 2001 - 8:14 pm:

Kiehart steps onto the bridge, looking istraught. He considered Ranger a friend, and this, in addition to revelations about his past have rendered him ineffecitve as a crewmember for the time being. "Captain, I relaly hate to bail out on you like this, I really do but-" heavy sigh "I have to know more about who I really am, and this, and Rnager, and just everything, I need some time away Captain. I'll just take Banshee, and go see my parents. They're on the penal colony on Ganamede."

By Quantum Man on Thursday, June 21, 2001 - 9:20 pm:

Editor's Note: Quantum Man was at Tactical.

Commander, would you please take over Tactical? I really need to be at the science station.

By Artsy-Fartsy on Thursday, June 21, 2001 - 9:48 pm:

Belowdecks, whatever it is that has taken over Artsy's mind has sent her down to Deck 4, towards the creature, and managed to get her there while avoiding detection. The artist, blank-faced and still white, walks stiffly through the empty corridors and comes face to face with the thing. They stand there, the crouching indistict figure craning a single optical organ at Artsy. She stares back, and some kind of communication or order seems to pass between them. Artsy's face spasms as if in pain, and a swift flash of smokey orange races through her, but then she is once again immobile, staring at the creature.

She is still there, blocking the clearest line of fire, when the redshirt security teams and Adon arrive to take the creature down....

By Yalians on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 12:55 am:

The beacon is launched, and the Spidermobile leaps into warp, following the Yalian ships.

"There's a ship in pursuit, boss!" reports the monitor officer. "It's terran, I think, and it looks like a giant syrakog1.

"Put it on the main viewing display!"

The Spidership appears on the front screen.

"That's the Spidership, the terran flagship! It's the most powerful of them. They must be pursuing us. Break out of hyperlight and destroy them!"

The Yalian ships jump out of warp, and Tacoman gives the order to do the same. Both the ships fire on the Spider in rapid succession as it drops to impulse, but the shields are quickly thrown up.

"Send some spinners in to finish it!" the Commander orders his Wing Controller.

"No!" the Wing Controller responds, holding a small hand weapon up at the captain.

"That was a direct order!"

"I know of your plans. Step down from the command chair, and give it over to someone who intends to fulfill his plans."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't pretend to be stup!d. I know what you're trying to do. Communications officer, hail the other ship!"

"Right, done that."

"This is the Wing Controller. Prepare for me and the communications officer to enter in spinners. Than we can destroy the traitors on here."



1syrakog = a Yalian insect-like creature.

By Because you demanded it... on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 1:00 am:

On the Spidership, things aren't looking too good. A creature is running amok on lower decks, and they are being pummeled by phaser beams in a two-against one fight. Suddenly, it looks like things are going to get even worse as two spinners emerge from one of the ships. But what is this? The ship they came out of has started firing on them, and the second ship is firing on it! Suddenly the two ships start to almost ignore the Spider and get into a fight among themselves! The LICC bridge crew watch, astonished, as another spinner approaches them. But this one isn't firing. It hails them. On the screen is a human female, about 15 or 16, but could conceivably be 20. She has dark hair and some strange makeshift armor. Yes, it is the long-awaited return of...

By Lt Pete Insane on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 1:07 am:


Insane is so surprised he accidentally his the "lower sheilds" control. As more spinners emerge from the two Yalian ships, they begin to take up their original intent and fire on the Spidermobile.

"Quickly, no time to explain, beam me aboard and let's get out of here!" Enesku says. With the sheilds down, Enesku is beamed out, but her spinner, without control, smashes into the ship. Consoles explode everywhere, and miscellaneous crewmembers are hurled around, making strangely shaped intentations in the walls and deckplates. At least two legs are lost. Tacoman looks alarmed at Insane, who realises his eroor and quickly raises shields. But it seems there is less need of that now, as the Yalians are more concerned with internal struggles than with the LICC. As the ships dogfight, several spinners blow up, until one of the main ships obliterates the other. It has taken so much damage that it itself is destroyed. A photorp from the Spider takes out the final remaining spinner.

I think we should head back to Earth for repairs.

"We'll have to go at Warp 3, that's all we can manage," Ansh reports from the engineering station.

The Spider enters low warp, leaving the scene of debris and destruction, with Earth safe, for now, from the Yalians.

By After the event on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 1:08 am:

NOTE: Insane had taken over tactical from Quantum.

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 6:54 am:

Perhaps we should cancel the probe, since the emergency is now moot.
If we have transporters, transport the attacking creature into the pattern buffers and leave it there until we can think of something to do with it...
Steve, every time we try to get away, we keep being pulled back to Earth...

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 10:54 am:

Seems like it, doesn't it? Well, while the Spider is undergoing repairs, I'm going to find out where my parents went off to, once and for all. If I have to break down the doors of the President's office, that's what I'm going to do. It seems like a conspiracy or something.

Insane: "Commander, we're recieving a transmission on our backup long-band radio...it appears to be from your parents."

What? I'll take it in the Conference Room.

Milkshake hurries off the bridge.

By Enesku on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 11:19 am:

Enesku enters in all her stunning glory.

Hi, everyone! Did you miss me? She turns and grins at Ansh. Ansh smiles weakly.

Pete, got your message. Originally I was going to leave you to see the error of your ways when you were captured by Terrasec or whatever, but my conscience got the better of me, and I decided the best thing to do would be to join you! I'll help to keep things nice and sane...

As she says this alst word, the tip of her spear slightly jags Insane's neck. He moves back.

I was captured by the Yalians when they attacked, but I managed to convince them to believe their captain was a traitor, and as they fought each other I escaped, to join you! I want to be the best, like no-one ever was! And that means no unstable crewmembers. I'm talking about you, Insane.

Captain Tacoman, I would like to be a replacement for Lieutenant Peter Dionysus Insane.

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 11:33 am:

Milkshake walks out of the conference room just in time to hear Enesku's last statement. He quickly walks over to the Captain and speaks in a low voice.

Captain, I disapprove of this idea. Why should we replace a valued crewmember with what is essentially an amoral, unskilled teenager who is even more unstable than Insane is? Besides, Pete's managed to keep a lid on his mental condition rather well.

By Lt Pete Insane on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 11:34 am:

Mental condition?? What mental condition?? I mean mental condition? What mental condition?

By The Furbies, the Teletubbies of Doom and the Pokemon Drop Squad on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 2:00 pm:

Milkshake, what do you have against amoral and unstable crewmembers???

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 3:14 pm:

Tacoman speaks back to MIlkshake in the same low voice Good point, commander.
Enesku, for now, you may not replace Lt. Insane. He has proven himself time and again on our missions, while you havn't done all that much.
By the way, Commander, what did your parents have to say?

By The two Smurfs of Power! on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 3:16 pm:

If you smurf this, then you must have been smurfing something that you shouldn't have smurfed!

By Kent and Wayne on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 3:23 pm:

Back in the makeshift lab...

Kent: But, the X26K is untested! Even if you're right, how do we know it will work?

Wayne: We don't. (He pauses.) You heard that last message that Quincy sent us. Its obvious what was happening to him. I ran some scenarios through the Galactic Order Probability Computer, and it gave a 93.89% chance that this is what happened to him.

Kent: So Quincy isn't dead?

Wayne (looking somber): His body, yes. His mind? No.

By Enesku on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 4:03 pm:

Captain Tacoman, are we talking about the same person here? I have done "all that much", and what has he done? I helped defeat the forces of CAM with only one helper, whereas he just wandered around and got blasted by that liquor cannon. What an idiot! And look what just happened! He lowered your shields and nearly cost you your lives and your ship. For your sake, remove this guy and give me his place.

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 4:22 pm:

Well, Captain, they sent a message, saying that they're taking a long vacation out toward the Rim, and they don't know whether they'll be able to keep in contact with me. It was an automated message, so I still don't know why they didn't tell the neighbors anything or even why they didn't leave me a message on my ComNet account. Oh well, at least they're safe.

Enesku, Peter Insane has earned his place in the League. Read our mission logs to find out why. And we do not just HAND out commissions to every goofy hero that comes down the pike. At least, not lately. You have not demonstrated even the slightest ability or skill that would make you a valued team member. Not to mention your willful murder of several redshirts, the reputation you have for causing mischief on the scale of planetary destruction, and your totally selfish attitude. I suggest you spend a little more time listening to your new concience before you ask to replace ANYONE.

By Ojanon on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 4:44 pm:

Ojanon walks in. He starts to say something to the captain, but notices Enesku.

You?! Who let this amoralist scoundrel back on board? Tell Zen Forward to check the silverware, and put double-locks on the Armory!

Enesku looks as if she is about to say something to Ojanon, but he sends her a telepathic message.

[Don't even try it. You wouldn't live long enough to regret it!]

Author's Note: I'm going to use the effects above for Ojanon's telepathy. Makes it easier to tell he's using it.

By Ojanon on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 4:49 pm:

Captain, I regret that I must inform you of my impending departure. I have been recalled by the High Council of the Malachite Order. They wish for me to attend a meeting of various Lifeblood Sorceror groups that will be held somewhere in the Delmoroni system. Hopefully, I will be allowed to return in a few days.

By Narrator and the Knights on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 5:52 pm:

And there was much rejoicing.


By Lt Cmdr Rikard on Friday, June 22, 2001 - 11:24 pm:

Rikard walks onto the battered and damaged bridge.
Geez, you see what happens when I give up the helm for ten minutes? I can't hang around Engineering at all with you people. Hey, it's Enesku. Oh Captain, Colanator says that it will take a couple of days to completely repair the damage and that the legs will have to be replaced.

By Enesku, being annoying on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 3:36 am:

I HAVE been listening to my conscience, Milkdud. Why do you think I'm bothering to hang around you guys? Also, I helped to save your ship by causing that fight among the Yalians. I can't believe you guys.

Walks over to an unoccupied console and looks at the display.

Insane has a killbot! This really is truly amazing. It fact, it's so totally amazingly amazing I think I'd like to steal it.

Insane: "Oh, no you don't!"

Calm down, calm down. You see, you don't want someone who blows up about everything on your ship. And any respectable hero would have tried to kill me when he got annoyed with me. instead of just sitting around gawking.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 6:27 am:

Thanks, Josh.
Look Enesku, you did a good job in saving the ship, and we could always find a bridge position for you. We just don't want Insane replaced right now. He's a good officer, a good friend, and has proven himself time and again. The only reason he accidently dropped shields was because he was suprised to see you on the enemy ships.

By Captain Tacoman, adding something... on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 6:28 am:

Let's see if we can give you a job... Commander Milkshake, is that creature still menacing the lower decks?

By Lt Pete Insane on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 7:09 am:

What are you thinking? She only saved our ship by causing the destruction of the one she was on! You're all against me, every one of you!

"Tell us something we don't know," Enesku remarks. That "we" annoys Insane without limits. "Anyway, you can keep your league. I have better plans."

"The creature has been taken to the brig," reports the crewmember at Internal Security, "and Artsy has been returned to sickbay."

Ansh leaves the bridge. It's quite clear where she's going. Unfortunately, Enesku follows.

By Enesku on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 7:24 am:

If there's one thing a kid craves, it's attention. I know I do. Ahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!!

Enesku enters sickbay, where Ansh and her sister are standing with Quito, visiting the currently unconscious Artsy. On other biobeds lie the survivors from the starbase. Enesku approaches Ansh.

Ansh, I want to speak to you.

Tammy: "Can I come?"


Ansh and Enesku enter a science lab off the main examination room. They duck behind a console as Holodoc walks by.

Ansh, here's what I want to tell you. You aren't like anyone of your age I've met before. And yet you have to serve on this ship with people much older than you, who probably don't take you seriously. I can give you everything you deserve. Instead of being a menial working slave who does nothing but sit around monitoring the core and tightening bolts, you can come on wild adventures! You will be my navigator, science officer, engineer, tactical officer, security officer, all rolled into one! Live for a change! Appearances are important for the effect you have, so try to dress more like your sister, and manipulate and control people. It's the secret to success, and you'll thank me for it when you command a battlecruiser at 16!

By Ansh on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 7:56 am:

no, no, No, NO, NO! Your suggesting that instead of being myself on a ship where I have friends I should come to another ship where I have to act completly difrent and have as my only companion,(disgusted) you! So.... NO!

By Enesku on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 8:04 am:

You want to be like yourself, when you have the chance to act like me? How pitiful. I didn't think anyone would refuse an offer like that. You have a great talent, Ansh, and you waste it. Maybe you're going to wish you had considered differently.

"Ahem. I hate to interrupt your little slumber party, but this is a sickbay. Clear out."

Computer, delete EMH.

Computer: You do not have authority to control such an action.

Oh, •••• it!

Enesku spears, and smashes several teset tubes.

"My cell samples!"

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 9:10 am:

Tacomsn sits back down and rubs the bridge of his nose
I think when we get back to Earth, we should look up Enesku's relatives and send her back to them.. maybe recommend a good spanking while I'm at it...
She just has to learn that she can't have everything her way.

By Conspiracy on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 10:12 am:

On Uranus, during a brief vacation, EarthSysGov Senator Marabelle Ursula receives a disturbing image. The detah of Rocket Ranger. She notices something odd. "Hmm. The part in his hair looks different when the kill shot comes. Let me flip the image here, and- Oh my god!" Further study of the altered video reveals something she had feared for years. Rocket Ranger was assassinated by a Space Marshall. "Mickey, get in here now. I want you to arrange a trip to meet the LICC. The hammer's about to drop." Marabelle grabs up her case and stuffs the altered and un-altered vids into it. Along with information about TerrSec, and a secret EarthIntel report that had found it's way to her office back on Earth. Mickie bolted into the office. "Your shuttle's ready Senator. What happened?" "It looks like the Space Marhsalls, or some of them at least, are involved. We need to go to Captain tacoman ahead of schedule." "Ma'am, what if the LICC is part of the President's plan?" Marabelle stops in her tracks. "I don't think so. Surely they must've noticed." "Noticed what?" "Oh c'mon Mickie. Admiral Strakvarn may have had enough technology to take over EarthSysGov, but he didn't havce anywhere near the manpower neccesary. And Strakvarn is not an idiot. He would've known his operation would be doomed from the get go. But now Earth has it's hands on some advanced technology, that if they'd simply built it themselves there would've been a public uproar." Mickie looks shocked. "You mean, the TerrSec takeover wasn't supposed to succeed?" "No. It ties into the 'Operation.' And if this thing about the Sslrth is true," She drifts off, not needing to finish the sentence. Mickie already knows what she means. He's one of the few higher ups in the Silent Opposition.

By Deck 1 Section 3 on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 11:58 am:

A clanging sound is heard by a redshirt on deck one. He thinks nonthing of it and walks away.

By Artsy-Fartsy on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 1:21 pm:

A spark floats in an endless twisting blackness, tugging and fighting against the pull that is drawing her down into itself. Suddenly there is another presence with her. It brightens her own light and pulls her back upwards, until she can feel a tiny hand in her own and sense the focused intent of someone she recognizes right away: Quito.

Artsy-Fartsy opens her eyes to the bright lights of Sickbay. Quito is standing next to her biobed, and as soon as she opens her eyes the little alien starts a kind of crooning purr, her equivalent of "I'm so glad you came back!"

The Holodoc hears her and comes over to Artsy's bed. "Well, how are you feeling? What do you remember?"

The artist frowns. "Why can't I ever get through a mission without something drastic happening to me? I remember being ambushed by...something...on that ruined station, and then.... Not much, just fighting against something. In my mind?" She looks to Quito for confirmation, and the little alien nods.

"You were under some kind of chemically induced mind control," the Holodoc informs her. "I haven't finished studying the creature that attacked you, but since you are back in control, I would say the effects are temporary. Let me check you over one more time, then you can go."

Just then, the raised voices of Enesku and Ansh are heard from a lab adjacent to the Sickbay, and the Holodoc goes in to break up the argument....

Meanwhile, Artsy is trying to process the fact that she has not been in control of her actions for the past little while, and asks Quito to mentally scan her and make sure everything is back to normal. The alien looks puzzled, but Artsy can feel her presence moving through her mind, and is only surprised when she pulls out gently and lifts a small hand to stroke Artsy's cheek.

"What is it, Quito?" Artsy feels a flash of concern, but suddenly realizes that no ripple of color accompanied the change in her emotions. What does this mean?!

By Kent & Wayne on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 2:59 pm:

Kent looks at some charts on the wall of the makeshift lab, while Wayne makes some adjustments on a golden-colored gauntlet.

Kent: Did you make any modifications to the Jastenthar Adapter?

Wayne: Some. I amped up the power of the Forbenflo Sensor, too.

Kent (smiling): Good.

Wayne puts down his tools, then looks at the gauntlet from all angles.

Wayne: Well, the X26K is done. I'll put the suit together later. Right now, what say we go to Zen Forward and get a bite to eat?

Kent: Sounds good to me! My stomach's starting to sound like a volcano about to erupt!

Wayne (smiling): Heh. That's what we get for skipping breakfast!

Kent and Wayne leave/ Several minutes later, there is a brief teal-colored flash of light in the room.....

By Enesku, being a little nicer than usual but still complaining on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 4:42 pm:

Hey, Artsy, nice to see you awake again! And the kid! You and Ansh friends? (Artsy nods) Well, you can have her here as long as you want! *sigh* I thought I was the only one... a prodigy, who could exercise her full talent without any age restrictions. Now I find another one, and she has no ambition or attempt to fit in. She just wants to act like a work-bot, serving others. Is that pathetic or what? It looks like my plans to stand my own league have failed. I can assure you I wouldn't have called it "Little League" or *shudder* "Kids' Crew".

So, anyway, how are you?

By Lt Pete Insane on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 4:44 pm:

You're all still with me, right? Enesku's mad, and a security risk. Her influence has caused a war and the destruction of two ships, I hate to think what could happen if she were set loose here.

By Ojanon on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 9:30 pm:

Ojanon, who hasn't left yet, speaks to Lt. Insane.

If it were not against the codes of both my people and the Malachite Order, I would use my powers to erase Enesku's mind completely! If that girl were a droid, I'd consider ordering a thorough memory wipe!

Ojanon pauses.

I shall return as soon as possible.

He puts his hands together, and suddenly vanishes!

By Return of the Sslrth on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 9:41 pm:

A large spaceship, roughly twice the size of the spidership, warps in. Its shields and weapons are inactive. The spidership receives a message from the ship a few seconds later. The viewscreen shows a familiar-looking purple-skinned lizard man, standing in front of a golden wall. aA rotating black sphere, roughly the size of a large medicine ball, floats in the air between him and the wall.

Greetings, Honored Allies! I am Colonel Sslazarr of the Sslrth Reconnaisance Force! I have some information that may be of use to you. We have footage of Rocket Ranger's death, and there is something most disturbing about it, other than his death, of course. Due to the sensitive nature of this footage and information, we wish to send over two representatives to deliver it to you, rather than broadcast it. We believe that spies of some sort may be monitoring your communications. And ours, as well.

By Plot Complication on Saturday, June 23, 2001 - 10:19 pm:


Jason Kiehart, en route to Ganamede, receives a communication. It's coming from a Ssslrth ship. "Mr. kiehart, do not reply. Here we have footage of an Earth training vessel being attacked, by Space Marshall vessels near our border. They used our weapons. not sure how they got them, but one of our few remianing satellites from the WK attack caught it. We're uploading the visuals to you now. We're fortifying our borders. We suspect word of a 'Ssslrth attack on a defenseless Earth vessel' will be reaching Earth very shortly. Good luck."

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 7:05 am:

Pete, yes, she's a bit mad, really annoying, and other not so pleasant qualities, but what are we going to do? Put her in the brig for a while, without any good reason?

By Status Report on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 7:13 am:

The Spider finally reaches Earth, and arrives in drydock. The shields are lowered and shuttles arrive, so people can leave and board.
On the ship, Enesku leaves after Artsy's response (which will be put in later...) and walks past a cookie jar, from which she takes one of the contents.

By Eleet Hacker on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 9:58 am:

Suddenly, all the consoles flicker as
information rapidly speeds across them
similar to the scenes in The Cage and
The Last Outpost. The bridge crew can
do nothing to stop it, but fortunately
a mysterious person enters the bridge.
He has metal bands all over his arms,
and a steel helmet with anennae.


He points his arms towards the nearest
screen, and a beam of energy shoots out
of each of his hands toward the console
displays. The images slow down as the
energy runs rampant around the Eleet
Hacker. Eventually it stops.


He leaves

By Lt Pete Insane on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 11:47 am:



Everyone looks at him in surprise.

I... I'm all right. Captain, I fear something terrible may have happened. Something I could have prevented. Where the •••• is Ojanon, he usually deals with this sort of thing. Captain, I must speak with you. In your ready room.

By alt-Furby on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 12:00 pm:

Pours an aphrodisiac into Enesku's coffee.

By 31337 h4xx0r on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 1:37 pm:

Th4t d00d \/\/45 f4k3! A r33l 31337 h4xx0r t41k5 l1k3 7h15!!1`

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 1:48 pm:

What's going on, Lieutenant? Is the ship in danger? Or Earth?

By Artsy-Fartsys reply to Enesku on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 2:28 pm:

A prodigy, Enesku? Did I ever tell you my story? How I had to be put in an institution when I was two because I couldn't control my artistic talents?

Artsy gives Enesku a calculating look.

If you really want to stand in your own league, I might be interested. There are enough superheros around here already. It's hard to distinguish yourself. And I'm not that much older than you. Just one question: If I joined you, what would be in it for me?

By Sorry, Artsy, I have to do this... on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 2:38 pm:

Enesku answered that she would be joining the most powerfull hero in the universe, and told her of how she would live. Artsy did not approve of Enesku's way, and told her so. This is when the events of the Status Report post happened.

By Lt Pete Insane on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 2:45 pm:

Not the ship, not Earth. But possibly another planet. Computer, search for "Roani" in all linguistic databases.

Working. Roani- A province on Lazebnikus II. A fermented drink on Tanmis IV. An ocean on Accu III. A religious sect on Yandris IX. A small insect on Zwemkryllhaii V. A...

Computer, shut up. How many entries are there?


Aargh! We'll never find it out! A whole planet is in danger and it's thanks to me! Well, indirectly thanks to me.

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 3:44 pm:

Pete, what do you personally know about Roani and/or it's virus?

By Lt Pete Insane and the computer on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 4:04 pm:

Wait a second... Computer, locate Enesku.

Enesku is not on board ship.

By Kiehart on Sunday, June 24, 2001 - 6:34 pm:

Kiehart is in the shuttle bay with Wayne and Kent, showing them the tape of Rocket Ranger's assassination. Kent looks shocked, but Wayne just sudies it closely. "Hmm. Jason, check this out. I was able to do a spectral analysis. Space marshall weapons give off a specific energy signature. Look here. Similar, not noticeable by a casual glance, but if you look very cloesly, you can see that it's a very well done facimilie. Someone's trying to frame the Space Marshalls. Someone who knows a lot about us." Kiehart looks amazed. "I'll be damned. Then what about the SM ship that hit the Earth Cadet ship outside Sslrth space? I'd like something solid. There's an Earth fleet en route to them right now. I'd like to help them if I can." Wayne nods and begins going over the vid Kiehart provided with equal interest. Hopefully, Kiehart thinks, he'll find something. "While you're doing that Wayne, I need to talk to Ojanon. I'll be right back."

By Lt Pete Insane on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 12:27 am:

Roani may well be the name of the young ruler of a planet. She contacted me and wanted me to help her planet, which she didn't identify. Nor was I able to trace the communication. Seeing the Roani virus there reminded me, I shouldn't have done something. I should have reported it so we could investigate the matter. Now her planet might have been invaded.

By Klassikos on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 12:51 am:

Enesku could be behind this, to get revenge. The virus, I mean. There is not necessarily a conenction between the virus and the message.

It's not the first time someone has tried to lure someone else away. Tale Odysseus, for example, that happened all the time with him. I mean, Ulysses.

By Lt Pete Insane on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 1:06 am:

Well, I'll see what I can do. Computer, trace Enesku's communicator signal and open a channel.

Working. Complete.

Enesku, we, uh, get your virus joke. Very funny. What does "Roani" mean, anyway?

Enesku: I never played a virus joke. Well, not for many months! I wouldn't have been able to. Now I need to find people to make my crew, so this transmission is OVER!

I'll go see how Artsy's doing.

He leaves the bridge, and goes down to sickbay.

Hi, Artsy. What has Enesku been doing?

Wait a second... computer, are there any references to Roani as ruler of a planet?

Access to these files has been restricted.

By who?


Suddenly, the ship, still in its bad condition, starts to lurch forward, and cruise out of drydock! Rikard tries to stop it, but there's nothing he can do. Once they've cleared the dock, the Spider jumps to warp.

By A voice on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 2:06 am:

On another deck....

Computer, stop engines immediately!

Unable to comply. Authorization not recognized. Voice not recognized.

*sigh* Then recognize this!

suddenly, a teal-colored energy blast blasts one of the consoles on the wall to pieces!

By Artsy-Fartsy, ticked off on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 9:23 am:

Well, Insane, Enesku seems to be have delusions of grandeur or something. She was pestering Ansh to join a crew of her own she said she was putting together, and when I tried to pry a little, using her own type of motive so she'd listen, she started bragging about how she was going to join the most powerful hero in the universe. I got fed up with her attitude and told her that if she was so sure that hero would want her around, she should get her swelled head off this ship before someone breaks it for her.

Artsy looks embarassed at her reaction, but once again her color doesn't change. Insane notices this oddity, even as the ship is speeding along out of control....

By Cid and Admiral Fox on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 9:31 am:

Admiral: Cid how's it going.

Cid: Fine, keeping this ship toghether around these superheroes is nearly impossible.

Admiral: Yeh, well they did wreck the last ship we gave them. This one the Neptune Shipyards built to make it superhero proof. In anycase the following upgrades will be installed to the SpiderShip 3.

Improbibillity Transmission The Improbility drive can now be used to create a wormhole back to the Oort Cloud, when it is needed. This is to save the ship when it becomes too damaged.

Power level scanners These toys are to be used to gaurge an beings power level, as well as finding out its attacks.

Encapsuler This device will allow an object to be fitted into a capsule by the Ship.

Singularity bombs A new device that will create a black hole where ever detonated.

Quantium Acelleration Chamber A device that will allow a person to "Leap" backwards through time to correct mistakes in the past.

Admiral Fox: Make sure they don't misuse this stuff, please. It's very expensive. Thank God the Lance Pepperman Fondation is paying for most of this.

By Lt Pete Insane on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 11:52 am:

AARH! The sentence "Enesku answered that she would be joining the most powerfull hero in the universe" should have read "Enesku answered that Artsy would be..." Hope this clears up any confusion. Yes, I'm putting this here so future readers will understand.

I think this "great hero" she spoke of was herself. She does indeed have delusions of grandeur, if I know her as well as I do, which I do. Her connections with you and Ansh might be to our advantage, however. I don't think it would be good if you got into all the dangerous situations she gets into, not since you have to have Quito with you. Do you think you're ready to leave sickbay?

By Engineering Redshirt on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 12:25 pm:

I know. Deactivate the warp core!

Don't even think about it.

A phaser emerges from a wall panel, and zaps the redshirt into oblivion.

By Lt. Cmdr. Rikard on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 1:18 pm:

That's odd. Hey Commander. Sensors just picked up some kind of power surge and an explosion on Deck 14. We may have to manually shut down the engines. It would be easier if we could get them off before we hit warp.

By Klassikos on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 1:35 pm:

We're already at warp, Mr Rikard, and have been for some time. I don't know where the computer's trying to take us, but it might be into a star or something. It's only a matter of time before our proverbial wings melt off...

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 4:08 pm:

Hmm... I wonder if the ship is going to find certain particles so it can reproduce or something...
Any indication of where we're heading?

By A voice, speaking to the Captain on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 4:30 pm:

Suddenly, a mechanical-sounding voice comes in over Tacoman's communicator.

Captain, I believe I know what the problem is. But it won't be easy to fix. Whereever it is that the ship is headed, it will probably reach its destination well before we can stop it! Try asking the computer for information on "Roani", crossreferenced with "virus" or "computers", and see what it comes up with. It may not co-operate, though.

By Guess whos back? on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 4:38 pm:

A few seconds later, the voice speaks again.

Before I forget, please advise Colanator to refrain from interfacing with the ship's systems. I have no idea if he could be affected or not, but its better to err on the side of caution. As for the power surge and explosion on deck 14 that Commander Rikard mentioned....that was me. I blasted a console on one of the walls, so I could get access to access the situation.

The voice pauses.

Don't ask me to explain. Its a long story, but this is Rocket Ranger, by the way! I just don't seem to...be myself...at the moment.

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 10:34 pm:

Rocket Ranger?! Glad you're alive. Well, since you seem to be in the computer, can you access the automatic repair protocols? They were one of the first things installed in drydock. They're highly experimental, but they can probably be a lifesaver one of these missions...

By K-NIT Viewer, you-know-what fan on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 10:45 pm:

A Quantum Acceleration Chamber? I wonder who gets to go Leaping and if they have an Imaging Chamber too....

Did these get installed before the ship took off or are they planned future installments? scratches head looking puzzled

By Artsy-Fartsy on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 10:57 pm:

"Doc, can I leave Sickbay now? With any luck, you won't see me back here for about 5 months." Artsy-Fartsy waits while the Holodoc scans her one last time.

"Well," he says, "I think I can let you go, if you're sure you're feeling all right."

Artsy nods vigorously.

"Okay. But be sure to report back if you notice anything out of the ordinary." He watches Artsy and Quito bolt out as fast as they can, and sighs. Sometimes this job just isn't worth it.


"My quarters or the bridge?" Artsy asks Quito once they are safely in the corridor. Quito shrugs. "All right. The bridge it is." She heads that way, the small one bouncing along piggyback. As they pass a particularly drab monitoring station, Artsy wishes she could liven it up and is surprised to find that not only is she not carrying her satchel of media, but no ideas for decorating this hideously boring piece of the ship come to mind. Deliberately she ignores this disturbing fact and keeps going.

By Lt Pete Insane on Monday, June 25, 2001 - 11:15 pm:

The ship finally slows down, and anyone with a view of the main screen can see that they have reached a planet. They begin orbiting. Lt Pete Insane finds himself the victim of a site-to-site transport, which takes him onto one of the transporter pads. By forces equally beyond his control, he is beamed down to the planet.

The place is featureless, with clouds stretching as far as the eye can see in all diretions, and rain pouring down. He pushes his communicator.

Insane to Spidermobile. Do you read?
He pushes it again.
Insane to Tacoman!
::Tacoman here.::
Do you get any readings down here?
::Yes, there's a vague reading ahead of you, two miles.::

Can you send anyone else down, or move me on a little?
::No. Sorry.::
He continues to trudge onward, hoping the direction is right.

Eventually he comes across a building, difficult to make out in the driving rain, but still a building, standing remote. He walks up to the door. It opens automatically, which is rather strange, because it SWINGS open. Insane enters, unsure of himself, and he is met by a machine and a humanoid figure. It's not clear whether the figure is male or female. In fact, it appears to be androgynous.

Are you... Roani?

"I have been known as that. And this is my abode. You have something I want."

What's that?

"Your lightsaber. Merged with the powerful artifact. That's why I brought you here in the first place..."

This was all about my lightsaber?? The mysterious message, the Roani virus...

"You noticed that, did you? Yes, that was very clever. I discovered the presence of that meddling 3133-whatever, and gave it a name to throw a spanner in the works. I also hoped that would cause you to suspect your friend Enesku, and would be caught completely unaware when I pulled your ship here."

Well, it worked at first, but you didn't count on the League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions!

He reaches to his belt, but instead of removing his lightsabre he instead takes a hypospray, and injects hir with it. He then takes his lightsaber, and points it at hir.

Tell me all about what happened!


This lightsaber, as you know, has been fused with a very powerful artifact. I wouldn't want to slip in exasperation. That thing I injected you with was a truth drug.

The effects begin to show, and Roani speaks.

"I had heard about what Donna Burgher and her team were doing, and had long sought after the artifacts, so I decided to visit Earth. Realising it was not a good time to be there, I boarded one of the last ships to leave. This ship had Enesku on it. I managed to incapacitate Enesku so I could get an insider view of Earth, knowing how good the Spidermobile would be for that. And so I took note of your contact code, and returned here, where I was able to look through your files and discover a log entry, stating you had found the armor. I created a simulation in my holographic room to bring you here, but it didn't work. Eventually, I had to hack my way into the Spider's main systems and bring them here. And that's how you find me now."

Insane suddenly thrusts his saber left, and slices the machine in two. There is the sound of frying circuits, and then just smoke. Roani runs away and comes back with a garish looking weapon, firing it. Insane manages to deflect the bolts, which cause damage around the room, eventually sending one flying back into the weapon and exploding it.

Suddenly, back on the ship, power is inexplicably back! But down on the planet, Roani presses a button, and leaps forward at Insane, pressing hir hands against his head. Insane thumps his communicator.

You should have power back, beam me up!

He disappears in shimmering lights, as the structure blows up around him. He arrives safely on the Spidermobile, and rushes up to the bridge.

The bridge is monitoring the section of the planet where Insane was, and on the viewscreen the building can be seen exploding. Not all of it, just a large part of it, where Roani had been.

"Life readings?" Tacoman asks.
Insane scans below.

None. S/he could be masking hir lifesignal though.

Everyone looks puzzled

I'll explain in my report. I say let's get out of here. We should request a team here to investigate this place and see what answers they come to. I think we have enough.

He leaves the bridge to write his report.

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 12:30 am:

Rocket Ranger comes in over Tacoman's communicator, again.

Captain, I am not in the computer, but merely examining it. Its hard to explain, but.... nevermind. You'll see soon enough. I just need to go make some....adjustments first. Hopefully, I will also sound better soon! Rocket Ranger, out.

Rocket Ranger heads back to Wayne's makeshift lab and looks around. After a couple of minutes, he finds what he is looking for and grabs a couple of tools, then starts working on...something.

By He`s on the bridge! on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 5:24 am:

Several minutes later, the bridge doors open. Onto the bridge steps a being that resembles Rocket Ranger's original armor, except it is gold and silver in color, with some sleight black trim. And it is obviously, not wearing a suit of armor, but is the armor! Its blank, black faceplace stares in Tacoman's direction.

I don't suppose we have any black, silver & teal paint onboard, do we? This gold and silver look just ain't cuttin' it! (He pauses.) Heck, I would even settle for a red and gold paint job. I don't know why, but that color scheme just appeals to me all of a sudden!

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 6:11 am:

Tacoman looks at the armor that is Rocket Ranger
We can replicate some for you.
Now, what happened to you? The last thing we heard, you had died defending a planet...
By the way, I can get you a holosystem for that suit so you can look like your old self.

By Lt Pete Insane on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 11:30 am:

Typical. I prevent an enemy from getting a suit of armor which gives you ultimate power and save the ship from being pulled all over the galaxy, and do you thank me? No siree! I'm sulking now.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 12:34 pm:

I sncerly apologize Pete. I think we were suprised and stunned by the return of Rocket Ranger.
In any case, you did a good job. Thanks.
I know that the events of late have been hectic and somewhat stressful. We need to see if we can get some vacation time in..

By Lt Pete Insane on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 2:16 pm:

Hmmph. Hey, Artsy, you got "artist's block"?

I think I'll try out the Insane-mobile.

He goes down to the shuttlebay, and takes a remote control from the wall. He presses the button, and the transparent dome on top of the vehicle flips up. He climbs in, and closes the entrance, using a lever. As he operates the controls, the legs unfold and begin to walk. The bay doors open, and it switches to ship mode, the legs folding back and thrusters emerging from the sides. Two cannon-like weapons also protrude from the front, as it heads outward into space. After getting the feel of the Captain Proton-like controls, he returns to the Spider and docks.

Hey everyone! Who's up for a game of Duck Duck Goose?

By Lt Cmdr Rikard on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 2:51 pm:

Yeah, thanks Pete. I would have hated it if your friedn down there flew us into a star or something.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 4:24 pm:

Hmm.. Maybe we can find a way for the Spidership and your ship to combine...

By Cid on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 4:28 pm:

So, Rocket Ranger is back. Well, his quarters should be in order. Just in case, I'll contruct a body cloned from his DNA, in case he wants a biological front. Hmm, very odd DNA.

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 6:28 pm:

If Rocket Ranger could smile in his present condition, he would be smiling at the moment.

No thank you, Captain. I actually think I look more intimidating his way. Besides, I could just use my powers to give myself a more-or-less human appearance. Except for the glowing teal color...

He pauses.

As for what happened to me.....Its been building up for awhile, and I didn't want to worry anyone by telling them. Somehow the process that gave me my powers was causing me to slowly mutate. I was becoming energy, instead of merely channelling it! Right before my body "died", I transformed. I have no idea why it happened the way it did. I thought my body would become energy, instead of only my....essence.

Kent and Wayne appear on the bridge, and see R.R., who turns toward them.

Hello, there. Nice work on the suit, by the way. And thanks for the design improvements. Its...comfortable.

By Rocket Ranger on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 6:40 pm:

Kent fills Rocket in on what has happened since he left. Particularly about the damage to his lab, the theft of the items in the sealed room on deck 17, and what happened with 12 of 10.

Kent:....and that's it. Whoever it was stole everything that was in the room!

Actually, those items weren't stolen. Randall took them for me! We moved the things to a temporary base we set up in the Gammarodi Asteroid Belt! (He pauses.) Randall and a few scientists, who I know I can trust are there, trying to figure out a way to treat my condition. We needed to weapons to upgrade the base's defenses. As for the SnowCrane.....Shirana should be here with it soon. ETA: About an hour and a half. I'll go replicate some paint and use it on this suit, then I'll be in what's left of my lab, if anyone needs me....

A yellowshirt walks up to him.

Sir, who is this "Shirana"?

Rocket Ranger pauses, then responds, pain in his voice.

My wife...

He leaves the bridge.

By Artsy-Fartsy, who has been standing on the bridge on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 11:05 pm:

"This is too cool! I'm so glad Rocket's okay...I hate losing comrades. I wonder what he'll look like when he's got that suit painted up?

What was that you said, Insane? Artist's block? I hope not. That's never happened to me before. It should be impossible, given the way my gift is genetically inherent. I'll have to test myself."

She scrunches her face, not speaking whatever thought came next. Quito, standing beside her, flinches slightly and then presses her cool little cheek against Artsy's hand. I hope....

By Wayne on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 11:18 pm:

Wayne looks at Captain Tacoman.

I think I should warn you. Shirana is a D'Breel. Not only that, but a former D'Breel Battleslave. She can be quite....abrasive.

By Encyclopedia Universalis - D`Breel on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 - 11:52 pm:

The D'Breel originally inhabited D'Breelia IV, VI, and XII, the only inhabitable worlds in their native solar system. They were a peaceful race, who mainly traded in exotic cloth and crystal sculptures. Until 74 years ago, when they were invaded, conquered, and enslaved.

The Jogshoth launched a merciless assault on the D'Breel for no good reason, and with no warning. When the D'Breel refused to surrender, the Jogshoth completely destroyed D'Breelia VI. Horrified, the D'Breel had no choice but to surrender.

Most D'Breel were forced to work as farmers, growing crops that were mostly used to feed their conquerors. Others were forced into the adult entertainment industry or into gladatorial combat, all for the Jogshoth's pleasure.

The Jogshoth cleverly managed to hide this, until eight years ago, when agents of the Galactic Order stumbled on to their nasty little secret. The D'Breel were freed from slavery, and the Jogshoth were kicked out of the Galactic Order.

The D'Breel kept the traditions of the gladatorial games, but it is now a voluntary system; D'Breel parents choose to make their children fight as Battleslaves in the arena. A Battleslave begins training at the age of 6, and trains until he reaches adulthood, which is the equivalent of 27.816 Earth years old. Unlike in the past, these fights are rarely fatal, and are simply to toughen the D'Breel, and to teach him or her to be able to defend themselves. The D'Breel once again trade in exotic cloth and crystalline scupltures, and import almost all of their food. They refuse to grow crops, other than fruit trees, due to the Jogshoth forcing them to be farmers. All D'Breel are vegetarians.

A D'Breel resembles a human, except they have either yellow or turquoise blue skin and either orange, green, or purple hair, and either black, purple (no turquoise-skins are known to have purple eyes), or dark turquoise eyes (like a human's eyes, not solid colored). Some have pointed ears, as well, but this is a rarity. Those with pointed ears are considered blessed, because every D'Breel that was native to D'Breelia IV had this particular trait. All D'Breel, regardless of coloring, are considered to be the same, not separate races.

All D'Breel wear the #4 somewhere on their clothing, in rememberance of their annihilated brethern. It is also considered legal by all worlds in the Galactic Order to kill a member of the Jogsthoth race on site, due to the atrocities that the Jogsthoth committed on the D'Breel, and on another race, the Hasnmaran, that the Jogsthoth completely annihilated. Roughly 15% of the D'Breel population have even become hunters, spending their entire lives in the pursuit of slaying as many Jogsthoth as possible. Most D'Breel that are off-world are either artisans, pilots, or, surprisingly, adult entertainers, as some actually enjoy the attention that they receive. The latter have been disowned by the D'Breel still on their homeworlds.

By Cid on Wednesday, June 27, 2001 - 12:09 pm:

Looks at the almost formed body of Rocket Ranger.

Well body, I guess the soul didn't want you.


I'ts a *%$^ good thing thing Ubermensch endowned this technology to the Spidership 3. Hmm, Maybe I can clone Donna.

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