League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XXXVIII

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XXXVIII
By Ensign O Hara on Wednesday, June 27, 2001 - 5:57 pm:

Terra, Terra, Terra. All you men talk about is Terra.

By Cid on Wednesday, June 27, 2001 - 6:25 pm:

Hmm. Computer begin contruction of Donna Burger replicate.

I will begin. I'm sorry, this DNA cannot be replicated.

%^$&! Why not?

This DNA is copywritten


Donna's DNA is a clone made by a corporation. It has several gentic markers that cannot be syntheised. We cannot replicate

Donna's a clone? When? How?

Analysis indicates that her cells were created by cloning over a a thousand years ago. Her DNA is fused, but appears to be human. Analysis. Her DNA is fused. She appears to be Human base: Hiigara Accent, and Zeltron. The DNA contains a series of non inheritable mutations, ones which are associated with wanderers and white witches. The only way we can replicate is naturally. Fusions should only last thirty minuents. Portora engery signitures are present.

What! Zeltron! That would explain a lot.

This DNA combination is a very high potential energy conducter. However, many of the abilities that belong to these species would require centuries of training starting at birth. Perhaps it is a good thing she can't be cloned.

Intresting. Computer, continue analysis. And send a transcript of this conversation to the Captian. Delete the profanity.

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, June 27, 2001 - 7:05 pm:

A portal opens and Adon steps out.

Well, I'm back. Did I miss anything while I was away?

By Kiehart on Wednesday, June 27, 2001 - 8:30 pm:

Kiehart steps into the lab. Kent is there alone. He considers asking where Wayne went, but Kent waves him over. "Check this out. The vid of the attack on the Earth cadet ship. Those WERE Sslrth weapons being used by a Space marshall ship." Kiehart fronws, but Kent smiles. "An obsolete model of SM ship. At first I didn't recognize it, it's that old a deisgn. I checked the database, and it was thought that all of them had been dismantled. The papers on the dismantling are definately legit, so whoever got their hands on this probably ISN'T a Space Marshall, but probably DID have a friend on the inside." Kiehart nods. "OK, good work. Have you shown any of this to Ranger yet?" Kent shakes his head. "Nope." Kiehart nods. "Well, good. Maybe we should hold off that for the time being. What about the Earth fleet heading towards Sslrth?" "Well, not coincedentally, once a public opinion poll stated the majority of ESG citizens want a thourough investigation BEFORE we enter a war with the Sslrth, the Earth bfllet has broken attack formation. They're currently setting up a blockade. Nothing can get in or out." Kiehart smikrs. "Wait, Earth CAN'T have that many ships-" "Don't need to. Tachyon net for detecting cloaked ships, long range weapons, fighters on constant patrol, including the 128th." Kiehart winces. "The 128th? Jesus, Earth really does want that system locked down." Kent continues. "And, some small minefields were set up in areas that the ships couldn't cover. And by tomorrow, all communications with Ssslrth space will be jammed." Kiehart closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. "Get this, and all the information on the vid of Ranger's 'death' and get it to the Captain. He'll want to know."

By Kent on Wednesday, June 27, 2001 - 11:59 pm:

Gotcha. I'll have it ready in about ten minutes. I want to check something first...

Kent leaves the lab, and heads for the Cargo Bay where the SnowCrane was usually kept.

By Rocket Ranger on Thursday, June 28, 2001 - 12:03 am:

So....you aren't really who you thought you were, eh, "Kiehart"?

Kiehart turns just in time to see Rocket Ranger standing in the doorway of the lab.

I entered the ship through the Foryntyth ports in Sickbay. Right when you were explaining things to Holodoc and the others.

By Mike & Joel, K-NIT 47 Viewers on Thursday, June 28, 2001 - 5:21 am:

If you take away the names & fancy formatting could you tell the difference between Rocket Ranger, Wayne & Kent?

Why can't you ask easy questions like which babe looks best in a bathing suit?

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, June 28, 2001 - 6:42 am:

Tacoman hears a beeping coming from his chair console. He investigates and sees the message from Cid.
Hmm.. Very interesting...
Ok. What wild and interesting adventure are we doing now?

By The Observer on Thursday, June 28, 2001 - 12:40 pm:

Perhaps we should remain in the vicinity of Earth, for the time being. Our homeworld might again be in danger. Plus, we could apply for some time off...

By This wild and interesting enough for you? on Thursday, June 28, 2001 - 7:31 pm:

In space, just "above" the Spidership, a portal opens unexpectedly. None of the bridge crew have seen one like it before, jagged-edged and crystaline in blue and clear orange. An audio-only message comes through, overriding all command codes and playing through the entire ship.

"We are aware that you are harboring a female humanoid, wanted for crimes against nature and against her home world. We ask only that she be turned over to us so that justice may be done. As long as you do so, you will be left in peace. She may be passing herself off as an artist, and going by the name Fartsy. If you agree to cooperate, send her out in a remote cryo-pod for pickup within 1/2 of your standard hours. If you do not....

We will take her by force."

The portal closes, and hanging there is a vessel probably 1/4 the size of the Spidership, but gleaming dangerously.

Tacoman orders the ship scanned for weaponry, and turns to look for Artsy.

The artist is gone. The moment the message began to play, she froze, pressed against the wall of the bridge, and then broke away from Quito, too fast to be seen. She has left the bridge, and the sensors can't follow her rapid motion....

By Artsy-Fartsy, on the run on Thursday, June 28, 2001 - 7:34 pm:

I can't go out, they'll just pick me up. I can't stay here, they'll destroy my friends to get to me. It's not my fault! How could I know they'd follow me across dimensions? And of all the bad times--when I can't use my power! Think. Think. There has to be some way out of this....

By Kiehart on Thursday, June 28, 2001 - 7:56 pm:

Kiehart is amazed. He knew Ranger was back, after a fashion, but he'd never actually seen him until now. "Ranger! Ha, hey! You look great for a dead man. Since you're here, I'd like to show you this." He shows Ranger the video. "Kent, Wayne, and I think that someone is trying to throw the Space marshalls into internal chaos. Probably the same people who're trying to set up the Sslrth Empire for the attack on an Earth Cadet Training ship, which, I just learned before you got here was awfully far off course. And, here's the kicker. I just downloaded a GNN news story from their archives, apparently, there was a minor investigation into the death of Earth President's first choice for running mate. It's fake. Sicne we're right over Earth, I was able to call up some of the Newcastle's familys old contacts. It seems my British accent is gone for good, cause they didn't recognize me. Anyway, they were able to confirm that while the story number matches, the story itself is faked. Story Archive #P999846384 was NOT about the death of a VP candidate. It was a profile of the current VP's parents. The current VP, who, after ANOTHER call I made was actually the Pres's first choice. Now, the question becomes, why. Why is someonme tyring to destabalize the Marshalls. Why is someone trying to start an Earth/Sslrth war. Why is someone hacking into GNN and altering their story archives."

By Captain Tacoman, concerned about a crew member on Thursday, June 28, 2001 - 9:16 pm:

Captain Tacoman to Artsy-Fartsy, please meet myself and Commander Milkshake in the conference room. Let's talk about what's going on, and see how to resolve it.

By Wayne on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 1:29 am:

Wayne walks out of the bathroom in his quarters, fully clothed but drying his wet hair with a towel. He sits down in a chair....

Well, that feels better. Can't believe a whole can of grease fell on my head like that!

He pauses, then gets up and looks at a stack of videodisks.

Hmmm...what do I feel like watching? I know! The limited-edition disk with the last episode of Gekigengar 4 and the lost pilot to Gekigengar 5 on it!

He picks up a disk, then walks over and puts it into his videoplayer.

Wish I had some Popcorn....

By Rocket Ranger on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 3:13 am:

I...may have some ideas. Before I volunteered for that mission where I "died", three different Galactic Order agents sent me some data that's in the SnowCrane's computer. When the ship arrives, I'll let you and Kent take a look at it and see what you can find out. Meanwhile, I'm going to go paint this suit. Silver and Gold just don't cut it!

He turns and leaves.

By Random Blueshirt on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 5:45 am:

That story really is fake. The concept of running mates was eliminated ages ago. Anyone who wants to can run for Vice-President of Earth, just like any other position. Also the man who ran against Mr. Absurd is still alive.

By Artsy-Fartsy, responding to the Captain on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 8:37 am:

Artsy's voice comes over the comm.

"Thanks for the offer, Captain, but I think I'd rather stay out of sight. Is there somewhere else we can meet? Or are you sure no one on this crew wants to collect bounty on me? I have no idea how these...people...found out I was here.
They aren't even native to this dimension, which should narrow the leak a bit. Nevermind, I'll go ahead and meet you in the conference room."

A few minutes later, she slips into the conference room, undetected by anyone else, to find Tacoman and Milkshake there alone. "I know this looks bad. Let's just say some people consider my kind of art war crimes and leave it at that, shall we? And before you suggest just blowing that ship out of space, if they've kept upgrading the way they used to, they at least match the Spidership in power. I'd be careful if I were you.

"I just want to know who alerted them to my presence here. How many people on your crew can communicate or travel through dimensions, Captain?" Artsy's eyes seem larger than usual, and a faint blue-silver shadow touches her hair and clothing.

By K-NIT TV-47 viewer with a RAGE-128 based TV on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 9:13 am:

Man, I wish RocketRanger would talk in a different font. That font is really hard to read.

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 12:08 pm:

Well, Adon, being a wanderer has been known to go to other dimensions... Jadlad can dimension hop from place to place... We do have a dimensional communicator on board...
Tacoman to the bridge, check the dimensional communicator to see if it's been used recently to talk to our friends out there.
I guess some people have no appreciaton for art.

By Klassikos on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 1:08 pm:

It would be interesting to find out what Roani knew about the armor before I found it.

By Lt Pete Insane on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 1:25 pm:

On the holodeck, Insane is doing acrobitic excercises in a scene which looks like Dagobah. A Yoda hologram observes.

Yoda: Hmm, train more you must. Three more hours you must spend.

I need somewhere I can train, not on the holodeck, on a planet. I think I'll take leave somewhere. Computer, end program and save.

He leaves the holodeck and walks up to the bridge. He finds both Tacoman and Milkshake are away and Adon is in the captain's chair.

Hey, Adon! Haven't seen you for a while. Where's the captain?

Adon greets him and tells him that they are in the conference room.

Thanks. He leaves the bridge, and enters the next room, where he finds Tacoman, Milkshake and Artsy.

Hi, Artsy. Captain, I'm requesting leave for a short time. Take me to a quiet planet somewhere. Someplace mostly harmless, where the most sophisticated life is small creatures.

By Lt. Cmdr. Rikard on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 2:53 pm:

Rikard's voice comes in over the conference room
Captain, according to the log, no one has made a call over the dimensional communicator for a while. I tried a few more scans and it seems that someone has used it in the past few days. They could be trying to cover their tracks but it's going to need further investigating.
Hey Pete, this new book I got says that Earth is mostly harmless, although it says the same thing about a lot of other planets too.

By Ansh on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 3:01 pm:

Ansh runs over to Quito, who is shaking with worry, and comforts her.

By Kiehart on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 6:25 pm:

Kiehart cocks his head to one side. "You may want to take a look at you vocoder too. You're repeating yourself and skipping words. For the time being anyway. the Cpatain's about the info on your 'death' and the framing of the Sslrth. Should I give him the rest of this, or should I wait until we have something more solid?"

By Commander Adon on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 6:37 pm:

Adon activates his communicator.
Adon to Captain Tacoman.

I was reviewing the logs of what happened while I was away and noticed Artsy's little problem. May I meet you and Artsy somewhere? She has nothing to fear from me, since I could have taken Artsy away any time I wished.

Captain Tacoman agrees, and a few minutes later, Adon enters the briefing room.

I would like to be Artsy's bodyguard. If they can open a portal, then they might be able to open one right below her, and letting her fall through.

By Another piece to the puzzle? on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 6:39 pm:

The Holodoc pages Captain Tacoman through the comm system. "Sir, I heard the...ultimatum...delivered by the ship out there, and it has occured to me that the creature which attacked Artsy-Fartsy recently may have something to do with this. They wouldn't be the first species to use semi-sentient genetically developed bounty hunters. Interdimensional calls, though.... I'll need to run some tests on it to be sure."

By Artsy-Fartsy, making plans on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 6:46 pm:

Artsy gives Adon a grateful look and a slightly overdramatic bow. "Thank you, Adon. That hadn't even occured to me! I appreciate the help."

She turns to the captain. "What would you recommend, sir? I don't want anyone to get in trouble because of my presence. Would it be better if I left the ship for a while? Maybe my new bodyguard here could slip me away under there noses....or at least get them off the Spidership."

By Furby on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 8:01 pm:

Artsy, you'll need a weapon. Put my dear brother in a backpack and carry it always with you.

By Artsy-Farsty on Friday, June 29, 2001 - 11:02 pm:

Was that a serious offer, Furby? Wouldn't it be a little like carrying hazardous waste in my backpack? No offense. I'd love to see those "justice hunter"'s faces if I surprised them with one of you. :)

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 12:46 am:

Uh, Is Kiehart walking down the hall with Rocket Ranger now?

Give a copy of it to the Captain, and tell him you and Kent will be examining another copy. And I know about the vocoder. I'm going to try to fix that.

He walks away from Kiehart and enters a turbolift.

By Hmmmm..... on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 12:52 am:

The spidership receives a hail, audio-only.

Well, I've been waiting for you to respond for over twenty-two krotons! Its about blasted time you acknowledged my hail!

A crewman on the bridge hits a button, and the SnowCrane appears on the viewscreen.

Can I dock anytime soon, or do you want me to wait another twenty-two krotons?!

By Comm Officer on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 1:15 am:

We do still use minutes sir. At least around Earth we do.

By Lt Pete Insane on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 2:53 am:

Yes, but there are more sophisticated life forms on Earth, like, well, Terrans. I want to be undisturbed.

By You`ve done it now, Comm Officer! on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 3:17 am:


Sir?! Sir?! Do I sound like a male to you, idiot?! Go get your ears examined, nimrod! After you approve me docking, that is.

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 9:38 am:

Captain, Observer can travel between dimensions as well, and knows magic. If Artsy requires extra protection, or if Adon needs a break, he would be valuable.

By Captain Tacoman, catching up on things on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 9:41 am:

Captain Tacoman to the pilot of the SnowCrane, you may dock with the Spidership.
Captain Tacoman to the Doctor, you have my permission to examine the creature.
Artsy, what if you were to ask for asylum? Would our friends out there honor that?

By Plot Complication on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 9:46 am:

Kiehart nods as Ranger enters the turbolift. He heads back to the lab to find that Kent and Wayne haven't come back yet. He decides to check on things. He goes over the GNN archives, combing for signs of more altered stories.

Meanwhile, at the asteroid belt, a shuttle carrying an EarthSysGov senator is flying towards the Spidership at top speed.

Kiehart scans the story archives for seems like hours, until he comes across a story that's dated for tomorrow. He wasn't even supposed to see it yet he gathered. The headline read, Earth President Declares War On Sslrth. Kiehart's eyes go wide. He checks the footer text. He reads it out loud. "At 1900 hours today, a Sslrth ship attakcs and destroyed an Earth ship that had accidentally become cut off from the blockade. 1900 hours, tomorrow that is. Son of a •••••." He looks around, and sees no one. "••••, I guess I'll have to do this on my own. Computer, set up a secure line of subspace communication with the planet Andufoi. Get me in touch with the Empress. Attach my name to the message. Begin recording, send as soon as I finish. Honored Empress of the Mighty Andafi, when I aided your people during your civil war, you said that your people owed me a great debt. Well, I'm calling it in. There is a race, an honorable race, called the Sslrth. The Governemnt of Earth, a governemnt I once believed in, is about to frame them in order to start a war. I am sending you coordinates to send as many ships as you can gather together. Protect the Earth ship there, and send me any information you can gather on the attacker. Be careful. I know your resources are depleted as a result of the war, but as I said, the Sslrth are honorable, and they need your help. Computer, attach the files I had just accessed. Sned them with the message. Now."

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 9:50 am:

Asylum, Captain? What kind? Political, Religious? It seems like these guys mean business. If they come from a different dimension, then there might be ways to fight them. Collapsing their portal, for one. A portal big enough to tunnel a ship through takes a LOT of energy, and they might not recover so quickly. Also, perhaps we could escape somewhere in time. I know unauthorized temporal transit is technically illegal, but perhaps we can jump a few days into the future and see if they're still here.

By Klassikos on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 11:25 am:

Insane, I'll take you somewhere in my ship.

Hmm, looks like someone stole a cookie from the cookie jar. Although Enesku didn't make the Roani virus, I'll bet she did that.

By Lt Pete Insane on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 11:47 am:


They head to the docking bay, where they board the ramship and set out into the black yonder.

By The Justice Hunters on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 12:14 pm:

Another message, audio only, is sent to the Spidership.

"We have been waiting for your response, and can only conclude that you do not intend to deliver the criminal to our hands. You have 5 of your minutes to cooperate with us, or we will disable your ship."

The small ship begins to power up weapons, some fairly conventional, and one or two with energy readings completely off the normal scale. Space shifts slightly around the vessel, as if to make room for this dense compression of power, and the ship itself lights up with sparking lines of colored light, circling its ovoid shape.

By Artsy-Fartsy on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 12:23 pm:

Captain, I don't think they'd leave me alone if I asked for asylum here. They'll just be convinced you are protecting a convicted criminal and blow you away to get to me.

I am a criminal there. You've seen what I can do with my gift.... I just got a little carried away once, and I had my ring at the time, so I couldn't plead temporary insanity.

I suggest that either you get me off the Spidership somehow, or let them take me, but have Adon or one of the other dimensionally talented crew members keep tabs on my location. I don't remember if "crimes against nature" is a capital offense on that world or not--and the last thing I want to do is put you guys in danger, or keep you from attending to other necessary business, like the Sslrth.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 2:51 pm:

Tacoman looks at Artsy, goes to the window to look out, and sighs
Commander, what's your opinion about all this?

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 2:55 pm:

Artsy, is there any way you could make restitution for what you did? The League is a proponent of justice, and we wouldn't look good if we protected a criminal and fought against authorities coming to arrest her? I'm not saying you're a criminal, Artsy, I'm just asking if there's some way we can placate them without starting a war or violating their laws as well...

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 3:06 pm:

Comm, open a channel with our friends out there and patch it into this room.
Comm: Channel open
Captain Tacoman to the Justice Hunters, before we do anything about Artsy-Fartsy, would you please inform me what the charges are.

By Plot Twist on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 3:28 pm:

Kiehart is about to leave the lab to take his altest findings and information to the Captain, when a light blinking distracts him. Breaking news from an independent news organization that Kent and Wayne were readers of. Kieharty's eyes go wide. The 128th Interceptor, the elite of EarthSysGov's starfighter corp, has defected to the Sslrth, adn the Earth fllet is ina panic. And the major news groups, like GNN, are putting the kabosh on the story. "Oh this •••• just keeps getting better." he smiles. With the 128th and the Andafi backing the Ssllrth, the Earth blockade won't stand a chance if they start a fight.

On Earth, a man stands alone in his office. The news of the defection has just hit his office like an anvil. He sighs heaviuly as he stares out the tiny window. "You understand don't you, that once word of this is spread, the President will know something's up." he says to a figure seated in a chair across the room. The man smiles. "Well sir, that's not neccesary. My friends can fake footage of the Sslrth destroying the 128th easy. That'll be your peg for invasion. Then you can take the Sslrth's vital 'resources' and Earth can continue to expand as an Empire, with the poor President completely unaware of the evils committed by his own." The other man tunrs around. The four small gold stars on his shoulders glitter. "I don't like this. Yes, they have a metal that when in contact with vacuum becomes a natural cloaking field, but christ why couldn't we just form an alliance and get the metals legally? And why are your 'friends' so interested in expanding Earth?" "Not important sir. Fact. The Sslrth were nearly wiped out by the Whyte Kastles. Fact. They'll be weary of large empires after that. Fact. Captain Tacoman is not gonna waste his time and resources on aiding us in negotitans with a weakened race who've only been spacefaring for a few centuries. Fact. The Sslrth are reptillian, and as a general rule, repitllian species are agressive. They could posisbly become a threat in the future." The General shakes his head. "Allright. Get to work on that faked attack. I'll take it to the President, present it as the real thing, and tlak him into authorizing the invasion. It won't be easy though. He doesn't like war." "A coward. Cowards can be dealt with easily."

The man leaves the General's office. He leaves the building at a leisurely pace. "Well, it looks like things are going to be ahead of schedule once again. The O'Kak invasion sped things up last time, and now the Sslrth have provided yet another outlet. The Space marshalls are being removed as a threat, with the internal chaos and distrust. Finger pointing is rmapant in the Council. And the LICC will be removed from the equation soon enough. The only remaining x factor is this XDCA our people have told us about, but they only seem to show up when dimension hopping is involved. And we'll be doing none of that. This Senator who's on her way to meet the LICC, has her regular pilot been taken care of?" "Yes sir." The voice that replies can only be heard by him. "Good. A truly nasty virus I would hope." "He'll be dead by tomorrow sir." "I'd prefer sooner, but I suppose it's too late. Allright. Make sure our man on her shuttle knows what to do. Oh, and make sure the S2B is fully operational by the time she gets there. And make sure the observation satellites have ben reprogrammed to trim the footage as it comes in. We don't to risk anyone noticing what we've done." "Done sir." "Excellent. Now, I'll be coming back to the office. Tell the old man everything is moving at 100% efficency. He'll get what he wants."

By In the SnowCrane`s Hangar..... on Saturday, June 30, 2001 - 11:07 pm:

Wayne walks into the Cargo Bay that serves as the hangar for the SnowCrane, carrying a toolcase. The SnowCrane is already in the hangar. Wayne starts looking over the outside of the ship. Several seconds later, the door to the ship opens. Out steps a woman wearing a skintight black and purple bodysuit with a purple utility belt around the waist, and purple gloves and boots. She has the roman numeral IV on her right shoulder in white. Her head is covered by a white and silver helmet with silver visor, designed similar to the helmet of Rocket Ranger's Pilot Armor. Wayne looks at her, smiling.

Wayne: Hello, Shirana. Long time, no see.

Shirana (with a calm, quite pleasant voice): Nice to see you, Wayne. This ship looks quite...capable, but her communications officer is in need of a hearing test!

Wayne: Probably. I think its been a while since the Holodoc gave the crew their checkups!

Shirana: Well, where is Quincy? I thought he'd be here to meet me!

Wayne: He has to make some adjustments to the containment suit. He wasn't happy with the color scheme, and the vocoder's faulty. Unfortunately, it was the only one I could find, and they're almost impossible to replicate properly.

Shirana: Oh. Well, which way to the bridge? I have some time to kill before I have to head back to The Raven's Eye, and I would like to introduce myself properly.

Wayne: Follow me. (He pauses.) You might want to take that helmet off first, though.

Shirana: Oops! Forgot I still had it on!

By The Justice Hunters on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 1:09 am:

Response from the small ship is immediate.

"Good to see you are willing to cooperate, Captain. The charges against Artsy-Fartsy are as follows: Wanton destruction of planetary resources, reckless endangerment of sentient beings, breaking and entering government facilities, and fleeing arrest. I am sure an order such as yours is not willing to tolerate a breach of justice. We await immediate delivery of the criminal to our custody."

By Artsy-Fartsy on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 1:17 am:

With every charge, Artsy's face grows paler. She licks her dry lips nervously, withdrawing to some private memory in her thoughts.

When the message ends, she turns to Commander Milkshake. "I didn't understand the concept of the law when this happened....it was just after I got out of the institution. I don't remember what I did causing all that much damage, but you're right. I should at least try to find out." Artsy reaches over to the comm.

"To the Justice Hunter ships, this is Artsy-Fartsy. I wish to give myself up for fair trial."

Artsy looks questioningly at Adon as they wait for a response....

By Ironic Redshirt Death #2712 on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 3:29 am:

A redshirt looks stunned when he hears Artsy say "Institution". He stands up...

Institution, eh? You mean you're fruitier than a nutcake?!

The redshirt slips on a fruitcake that was placed nearby, and never noticed by anyone, around Christmas. He cracks his skull on the deck floor.

By Butrfli, receiving suprising news on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 9:10 am:

In Sickbay, Butrfli sits on a biobed, scanning herself. The Doctor walks by and notices
Doctor: Butrfli? Is something wrong?
Butrfli: Well, I've been having strange feelings and sensations in my stomach, and I was just examining myself to see what's wrong.
With that, the Doctor takes the tricorder from Butrfli and scans her himself
Hmm... According to my scans, you're pregnant...
Butrfli: Pregnant? But... But...
Doctor: Congratulations. I can't tell the sex yet, but it seems to be equal human and whatever your race is...

By Kiehart on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 10:12 am:

Kiehart runs around the ship, looking for Ranger. He looks down a hallway and sees someone who looks like Ranger. "Hey! Ranger!" he yells, running. Shinara turns around. Kiehart stops in his tracks. "Oh sorry ma'am. I'm uh, looking for Rocket Ranger. I have some new information for him on, uh, this thing, he and the boys and I have been working on."

By Plot Complication on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 2:00 pm:

HoloDoc does a few more scans. "Hmm. This isn't good. Well, part of your flying ability, apart from the wings of course, are your hollow bones and tight muscles. That will make the pregnancy high risk." Butrfli nods. She is an Avariel after all, so she knows what the doctor is about to say next. "For now you'll be fine, but in about three months, you'll have to get a large amount of bed rest for the six months that follow that. You'll have to limit your body movement, and get plenty of fluids." HoloDoc smiles. "But I'm sure the Captain will take care of that for you. So, would you like to tell him the big news, or shall I?"

By Tom Servo on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 2:21 pm:

Butrfli: Well, I've been having strange feelings and sensations in my stomach

Obviously she has Butrfli's in her stomach.

By Ensign Noname on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 4:34 pm:

Uh, sir, we're going to need a new comm officer. He slipped on an old fruitcake.

By Plot Complication on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 4:34 pm:

Kiehart and Shanira stnad in the turbolift together. Kiehart's padd beeps. Yet another breaking news story, this one from GNN. Text only. He reads it and his eyes go wide. "•••• em running! Kiehart to Captain Tacoman! Turn your viewscreen to GNN. Now! No time to explain!"

Curious as to why Kiehart so rudely demanded they watch the news, Tacoman turns the screen on. "...repeat our top story in case you just tuned in, reports are coming in that the legendary 128th Intercepto Squadron, has been attacked and destroyed by the Sslrth. The President has just signed an official declaration fo war, and a fleet of star cruisers is seperating from the blockade on a direct line of attack with the Sslrth homeworld."

Senator Marrabelle of Uranus was shocked as the news came in on her personal shutle. "Aw hell." She tapped her replacement pilot on the shoulder, still wondering why Jonsie got sick all of a sudden. "Pilot, I know going above Warp 5 in solar system is against regulations, but this is an emergency. At warp 6 we can rendevous with the Spidership in less than two minutes. Let them know we're coming." She pulls a small personal communicator out of her pcoket, and speaks in a low voice. "Mickie, get things ready back home. The hammer just dropped."

By Plot Complication on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 4:42 pm:

Aboard the Earth ship Johnny Greene, a small Destoryer that had been near the location where the alledged atack on the 128th happened, Captain Keller shook his head at the GNN story. "We were right there when they defected Commander." His first officer nods. She steps up beside him. "Sir, communications are still being blocked. And if what GNN said is true, that fleet of ships will be passing right by us." Keller frowned. "I'm amazed we were able to pick up GNN with the block in effect. I don't like this. We'd better-" The ship shudders from a sudden explosion. "Sslrth intruders! Return our Destoryer immediately or face destruction!" a comm call from the lead cruiser came in. "What the hell, why are they shotting at us? Why do they think the Sslrth took over our ship?" the Commander yelped. Keller looked angry. "They're gonna blow us up and blame it on the Sslrth! Dammit! I knew something wasn't right. Go to warp. We have to wanr the Sslrth what's coming!" "What if they don't believe us?"

On Earth, General Burdukis sighed. The Johnny Greene had been an unfortuneate choice, but the ship had been inside the blockade zone when the 128th defected. Giving the order to Fleet Captain Rogers to destory hadn't been easy, but Rogers knew as well as he did the risks at stake if the truth got out. He was just glad that Rogers had been so easy to convince. Others in the fleet wouldn't be so easy. And there were a lot of them. He just hoped the Johnny Greene under command of Captain keller would be destoryed quickly, that the crew wouldn't suffer.

By Commander Adon on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 8:16 pm:

I would be willing to accompany Artsy to make sure that there is indeed a fair trial. If everything is on the level, then there isn't much that I can do to help Artsy.

If this whole trial thing is just an attempt to capture Artsy, then I will be onhand to spring her.

By Brian Webbers First Redshirt Death in Months on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 8:21 pm:

A redshirt is groaning. "Man this is just what we need. The universe is going to •••• and you wanna take o-" He suddenly vomits up his intenstines.

By Shirana on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 9:14 pm:

Oh, that's just great! Everything's going to blazes, and there's nothing we can do about it!

The door to the turbolift opens onto the bridge. Shirana walks onto the bridge, and slowly takes off her helmet. She has turqouise blue skin and shoulder-length purple hair, and the irises of her eyes are black. However, she is still extremely beautiful. Every male who looks at her has to concentrate to keep their jaw from dropping!

Division Six thought something like this might happen, but had no idea what it would be. We didn't expect it to happen this soon, either!
(She pauses.) Pardon me for not introducing myself. I am Shirana T'zqilith'za Rocket, Lieutenant in Galactic Order's Division Six.
(Kiehart starts to say something, but she interrupts him.) Yes, Division Six exists. However, the rumors about us are unfounded. We are only an information-gathering & reconnaisance organization, not a gang of spies and assassins. (She smiles.) Although I would make an excellent assassin.

She reaches into a hidden pocket in her outfit, and pulls out a PADD, then hands it to Kiehart.

I recently acquired some information that might come in handy while I was on Marinus Theta last week. The information passed through the hands of at least eight different Division Six agents before it fell into my hands. See what you can do with it; I have two more copies in safe-keeping.

By Kiehart on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 9:30 pm:

Kiehart takes the padd. "OK. I actually never heard of Divison Six. I was gonna ask how you knew Ranger." He sheepishly grins. "Course now that I think about it's obvious. He's a lucky guy that one. Let's see what's on this padd here. Hmm. Investigations into corruption in the Order eh? Well, that's all well and good, but two things. One, it doesn't seem to be connected to the Sslrth in anyway. Two, is it posisble someone else got their hands on this? It could explain why it was so easy to 'disable' the Marshalls with the faked footage of Ranger, and the attack on the Earth Cadet ship, but other than that, unless I'm missing something..." Kiehart's train of thought wandered off. He wondered what the Andafi ships would run into when they got to Sslrth space.

By Who knows what lies beyond...? on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 10:56 pm:

Artsy manages her first smile since the Hunter's ship appeared. "Thanks, Adon, I appreciate it."

The Justice Hunters respond to her surrender:

"Artsy-Fartsy, prepare to be transported to our ship and to answer for your crimes."

Artsy taps the comm panel. "May I bring a friend along? Someone who belongs to the LICC, so he can bring back a report of my fate to my colleagues?"

After a moment the Hunters respond in the affirmative. "You may bring one, and he must not be armed. Prepare for immediate transport."

Artsy straightens herself bravely, and gives a last look at her fellow LICCers. "Please make sure Quito is looked after if--until I get back. I'll see you soon."

She disappears in a flash of light, and Adon follows her. A moment later, the sleek Justice ship opens a portal and vanishes from the LICC's home dimension.

By Lt. Cmdr. Rikard on Sunday, July 01, 2001 - 11:24 pm:

With some effort, Rikard takes his eyes away from Shirana and looks down at his console.
Yeah, Division 6. They were rumored to be similar to Section 42. Some thought that they were part of the government and others thought that they weren't. Anyway, it's hard to find any hard facts on them.
I was thinking, does anyone think that one Earth ship would fire on another? I mean, a civil war could be devastating to this entire system if one is triggered.

By Shirana, explaining Division Six and Section 42 on Monday, July 02, 2001 - 12:05 am:

Shirana laughs at the mention of Section 42....

Hahahahahaha!! Section 42 is regarded as a joke by everyone in the Galactic Order. A more worthless batch of slimy, corrupt, incompetant retards you'll never find! All the members of Division Six refer to Section 42's Training School as "The Idiot Farm"!
Division Six is technically part of the Galactic Order's government; we do report to the High Council, but membership in the organization is strictly voluntary. And the organization's existence isn't kept secret like Section 42 is. You have to have served the Galactic Order in some capacity for at least five years before you can join, though.

She looks around the bridge for a second.

We believe that Section 42 spun off from what were once the United States' CIA & Secret Service and the UK's MI-6. Section 42 was a good idea at first, but roughly thirty-eight years ago they began to deteriorate into the corrupt group of dolts that we all know and hate!

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, July 02, 2001 - 10:17 am:

Tacoman and Milkshake exit the conference room, and are stunned by Shirana. Somebody introduces her to the good captain.
Well.. Um.. Welcome to the ship, Shirana. Rocket is quite a lucky man.
So, what brings you to the ship?
I have an announcement.. Artsy and Adon went with the Justice Hunters for Artsy's trial.
Holodoc: Sickbay to Captain Tacoman, could you please come down here please? It's about Butrfli.
Tacoman: Butrfli? I'll be right down. Milkshake, you have the bridge.
Tacoman makes his way to sickbay, where Butrfli sitting on a biobed, and the Holodoc standing next to her
Tacoman: What's going on?
Holodoc: Well, I've given her a complete scan, and it look like she's pregnant. Congratulations, you're going to be a father.
Tacoman: Wha? You mean.. She's... And it's mine?
Holodoc: That's right.
Tacoman: Amazing. Turning to Butrfli How long have you known?
Butrfli: Well, I felt something strange this morning, was scanned, and found about about half an hour ago... Also.. due to my biology and other factors, I'm eventually going to have to a lot of rest and a lot of liquids.
Tacoman: Wow.. I'm still shocked...

By Ansh on Monday, July 02, 2001 - 2:32 pm:

Ansh bursts into tears the instant Artsy is transported and hugs Quito even tighter. Suddenly she gets up and runs carring Quito to the turbolift. She makes her way to Artsy's room and puts down Quito.

I've got to help Artsy. But how? I can't even go and help her at her trial as I can't dimension hop and even if I could, how could I help her? I'll just have to look after Quito. But If Artsy isn't back in a week I could get Obsy to take me to her dimension, *sigh* if it would do any good. Computor lock doors.

By Ansh on Monday, July 02, 2001 - 2:46 pm:

Wait! What am I thinking! I can't just leave Artsy! I've got to help her even if I'm not sure how! I'll take that lightsaber with me just in case.
=/\= Ansh to the Observer. Could you meet me in Artsy's room?=/\= Ansh then unlocks the door

By The Observer on Monday, July 02, 2001 - 4:44 pm:

There is no need.

(Just as Ansh unlocks the door, Observer steps out from a corner. Ansh jumps in surprise.)

Forgive me if I startled you. I sensed your emotional distress and came as quickly as I could. What is it you require, Ansh?

By Lt. Cmdr. Rikard on Monday, July 02, 2001 - 5:58 pm:

I'm going to go see if she's alright. Excuse me.
Rikard goes enters the turbolift.
Computer locate Ansh Tembar.
Computer: Ansh Tembar is in Artsy Fartsy's quarters.
Rikard: Alright then take me there.
The turbolift stops and Rikard gets out on that deck.

By Donna life flashing before her eyes on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 12:08 am:

In 12 years the entire LICC will be wiped out In 3013 After Brian, Tacoman, Furby, Milkshake, Quantium Man, Ansh, Soyburger Pattie, Tefelon Man, Klassikos, Superbob, Talking Dog and Super Saiyen Gomatt will all be destroyed. So will all the other inactive and retired members of LICC. A distant relative of Endymion's house named Shirkaron will achive the power he lusts for and over a period of a hundred years destroys the whole LICC and enslaves the Alpha Quadrant. The last living members are the Immortal Tacoman, his progeny, Master Adon and Hamburger Pattie. Shirkaron poisons Tacoman with a fast acting poison that should have killed him in three seconds but can't, sending him into intense pain. Progeny is killed latter. Shirkaron Opens up a vortex sucking in Tacoman. Adon and Pattie, seeing the risks, use a fusion method, and attack him as Adona. They manage tosend him into the Vortex. Adona lives for several centturies before her death in 3500. Samples of her DNA are kept for reaserch

By Future Jadlad tale-Part One. Or `Why did I leave loose plot threads dangling?` on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 3:47 am:

Meanwhile, 13 years in the future. We see a familiar Blue and silver dressed superhero (Or should that be supperhero?) with a pizza slice cape and pizza emblem on his chest watching Donna see her life flash before her eyes on chronoviewer.

Well, It has finally happened. Funny, I didn't think it would be her. Time to let her know that the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

Suddenly someone enters the room.

Temporal coordinates are set and we're in position to broadcast your message to Captain Tacoman back when your powers were out of control Admiral.*

He turns to her.

Looks like Donna will have to wait.

Thank you Captain Hu'tt. Mom would be so proud of you sis.

He turns on the private viewscreen.

Hi Taco! It's a long story about where and when I've been. My powers are under control now. Also I've learned how to touch my nose with my tongue while juggling heavy objects.

Unfortunately I failed in my mission. Also you'll have to carry on without me for the foreseeable future, that's all I can say. When I come back, I'll explain why. Farewell for now! J *

He turns the viewscreen off.

* From LICC Part XXVI.

By The Long-Awaited, Highly Demanded, Return of....Chish & Fips! on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 3:48 am:

Coming soon to a Chish & Fips™ location near you, for a limited time only....

Our brand new Creamed Corn, Kumquat and Ketchup Burgers, with a side order of our famous Turnip Fries with horseradish and jalapeno batter coating!

Also added to our menu, as a full time item, due to enormous positive response from our customers....Our Mustard, Trout, Carrot and Anchovy Pizza! Yes, our loyal customers kept asking us to add this to the menu instead of making it a seasonal item, and we responded! Come on in and try one today! :)

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 7:15 am:

Up on the bridge, the turbolift opens, and a still suprised looking Tacoman emerges
I have another announcement.. It seems that Butrfli is pregnant, and I'm the father...
Ok.. report. What are we doing, and when are we doing it?

By Furby on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 9:11 am:

How did that happen? Did you kiss her?

By Commander Milkshake on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 11:23 am:

Gets up and shakes Tacoman's hand vigorously

Congratulations, Captain! Is it a boy or girl?

By Meanwhile, in another dimension.... on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 12:01 pm:

Artsy-Fartsy is marched down a smooth-edged corridor within the Justice Hunters' ship. The walls, floor, and celing are all made of a pale gold, slightly reflective metal, curved into almost organic shapes. Even in her apprehension about the trial, Artsy finds herself intrigued by the design.

The two guards marching her along are both female, with short dark hair framing their pale faces, uniforms of a darker gold than the walls with silver sashes across their chests. Neither speak until they deliver Artsy to a small plain cell and seal her in with a transparent door, positioning themselves on either side. The room is utterly empty. Adon, who has followed her and been more or less ignored by the guards, approaches to speak with her and is held back by one of them. "Sir, counsel has first right to speak with the prisoner."

A slightly shorter man in a similar uniform, but with a red sash, bustles up to the door. "Well, it's about time they caught up with you, Artsy. My name is M'Hale. I'll be your official counsel." He whips an electronic pad out of who-knows-what pocket. "Now, just as a formality, what plea do you wish to enter? I've been looking over your records; is there any way we could get you a lighter sentence for temporary mental imbalance?"

Artsy shakes her head. "Not if there are any visual records of the incident. I was wearing my ring at the time. I'd like to plead innocent to at least the first two charges. Can you get me copies of the peacekeeper records that resulted in those charges? I'm a bit skeptical of them."

The man's silvery-black hair stands up over goggling black eyes. "Oh my no, I couldn't do that. I handle evidence, you just sit tight and wait. I think we'll go ahead and enter a 'guilty' plea and hope they'll go light on you. Even all those charges together won't result in more than 200 chronolinks worth of imprisonment."

Artsy tries to break in, incredulous, but his fingers stab at the pad and he hurries on. "I'll go arrange things. We'll be at the homeworld in a day or so. Sleep well." The lawyer scuttles off down the corridor, and the guards let Adon approach.

"Oh, boy. I'm glad they let you come," Artsy tells him quietly. "I don't like that guy's attitude at all. I wonder what he's trying to hide?"

By Captain Tacoman, attempting a comedy moment on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 12:09 pm:

Actually, Commander, they never told me...
Tacoman to sickbay, one more thing... do you know the gender of the baby?
Doctor: Well, I've done some additional scanning, and I think there might be twins on the way...
Tacoman: TWINS??!!
With this, the brave and fearless Captain responds the only way he can and passes out

By Sorry, but I wanted to post as all my characters! on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 8:18 pm:

Shirana sees Tacoman faint and rolls her eyes.

He should be happy, but instead, he passes out?!

She walks around the bridge, observ... er...looking at the set-up and design of the consoles.

Impressive set-up you have here. I didn't know that this particular model of control consoles had been marketed yet.

Suddenly, the turbolift doors open again. Crimson Crossbow steps onto the bridge, followed by Wayne, then Kent, then Rocket Ranger. RR's containment suit has been painted teal, silver, and black, matching the design of his original armor.

Kent: I sent a copy of all the information that we've found about Quincy's "death" so far to Ops.

Wayne: And I've got some ideas for a new weapons system to be added to all of the various fighters on-board the spidership; a Photon-Web Cannon.

Rocket Ranger: So....how do I look now? And I fixed the problem with the vocoder, by the way.

Crimson Crossbow: Hmmmm....looks like the bridge is getting a little crowded. I think I'll go back to the Holodecks and train some more....

Crimson Crossbow goes back to the turbolift and leaves.

Yellowshirt: Message coming in from a ship about 600,000 kilometers from here.

The viewscreen shifts and shows Ojanon, mask and hood on, sitting in a chair on-board a small ship.

Ojanon: I'm coming back. The meeting was cancelled, because the members of the Topaz Order apparently have come down with a virus and are too sick to attend, and the Amethyst Order's delegate has to find a new ship.

By Commander Milkshake on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 10:18 pm:

Computer, water, cold.

A glass of water materializes in the bridge replicator. Milkshake removes Tacoman's helmet and tosses the water right in the Captain's face.

"glub...glub...what happened?"

Captain, you fainted suddenly, as soon as the Doctor mentioned twins...


He's out again. Computer, I am assuming command temporarily, authorization Milkshake-Rome-Spinach-3.

"Confirmed. Command Control transferred."

Commander Quantum Man, Rocket Ranger, if you wouldn't mind taking the Captain to sickbay. I think he might need something to calm him down.

By Ojanon on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 10:35 pm:

Ojanon is still on the viewscreen.

I should be back soon. I'll see if I can use my powers to help him through the situation, if you don't mind, Commander.

By Rocket Ranger & Shirana on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 10:39 pm:

Rocket Ranger looks at the Captain, then at Shirana.

Hopefully, I'll be back in a few minutes. Shirana, I want to talk to you before you leave. In private.

Shirana smiles, leans over, and kisses RR's helmet's visor where his cheek would be if he were still human.

I'll be waiting, dear.

Well, Quantum, Do you want the left side or the right? Or should we each grab an end?

By Yellowshirt Thomas Franklin Washington Lincoln the Third on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 10:42 pm:

A yellowshirt, in his mid-20's with brown hair and green eyes, looks back at everyone.

Wouldn't it just be easier to use the transporter and beam him to sickbay?

By Indignant Redshirt from California on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 10:58 pm:

Do you know how much electricity costs these days?

Turns off all the lights on the bridge.

By Plot Complication on Tuesday, July 03, 2001 - 11:05 pm:

Kiehart smirked at the news of Butrfli's pregnancy. Under normal circumstances, he would be happy for the Captain, but circumstances were far from normal. He was about to suggest the LICC go to the Sslrth homeworld, to try and stop the Earth fleet, when Wayne's Padd beeped. A story coming in from his independent news source. He's shocked by what he sees obviously. Kiehart asks what's wrong, but Wayne hands it to Ranger. "The GOSM has collapsed."

By Quantum Man on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 12:42 am:

I'll take the left. Of course, I may not be there...

By Rocket Ranger on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 2:37 am:

Rocket Ranger looks shocked.

Oh,no! They wouldn't have... (He pauses and activates his badge-comm.) This is....Lt. Michael Kane of the Space Marshals. I need to speak with Eothorpe Windriver as soon as possible! (He looks at Kiehart) This is bad, Jason! Really, REALLY BAD!

By Rocket Ranger on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 2:58 am:

Rocket Ranger SEEMS shocked, that is....

We've had strategists in our organization who believed that someone might try something like disrupting the GOSM, but the High Council refused to listen. Well, they're not going to get away with it!

He pauses, a few seconds later, he begins talking to someone over the badge-comm.

Eothorpe, its Quincy. They did it! Someone somehow caused the GOSM to collapse! (He pauses for a minute, listening.) Yes, see if you can find out who was behind it. In the meantime, I want you and Captain Graves to take the Sacred Hammer and Ho Chi Minh and attack the space station at Alpha Proxima III. Blow it to atoms, but make sure that there are a few survivors. Keep the Sacred Hammer cloaked, but make sure that the Ho Chi Minh is seen and identifiable! If Earth wants to cause trouble, then they're going to have to pay for it! Rocket, out!

He pauses, then looks at Kiehart.

The Alpha Proxima III space station was placed there by Earth over thirteen years ago as a research facility, supposedly doing medical research. We found out about five months ago, that they are not doing medical research at all! I can't explain what exactly they are doing, but destroying that facility will set Earth back about thirty years in a particular field. The Ho Chi Minh was originally an Earth ship that we secretly captured recently. And the Sacred Hammer has a special cloak that makes its appearance change, instead of making it invisible. So it will look like Earth destroyed their own base! Should disrupt their plans for causing a war with the Sslrth. I hope.

By Ansh on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 11:27 am:

Obsy, I'm woried about Artsy and I want to help her. Do you think you could take me to her dimension?

By The Observer on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 12:48 pm:

I'm inclined to agree, Ansh. Artsy does have a part in the future of the League, and I can't see how she can fulfill her destiny if she is incarcerated. I would urge caution at first, but if she is in real trouble, I would not hesitate to help her.

(Observer prepares to open a portal, but just then the unlocked door slides open, revealing Josh Rikard.)

Commander, to what do we owe this pleasure?

By Plot Complication on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 1:20 pm:

Kiehart shakes his head. "Something's not right about this. I can feel it. Commander Milkshake, with your permission I'd like to take the Banshee and go to Sslrth. The Andafi fleet isn't going to get there in time, but Banshee can make it. The weapons systems on her have been upgraded." Everyone looks stunned. Kiehart frowns. "I think, that for the time being at least, we have to assume that all the attacking Earth ship's commanders are part of this conspiracy, whatever it is."

The Johnny Greene escaped destruction, barely. She sat silent, hidden behind a small moon as the Earth fleet continued it's imposing charge on the Sslrth homeworld. Captain Keller was sweaty and shaking. He'd never seen anything like this before. He was worried, but he knew he had to make a decision. "As soon as possible, I want full power to weapons and sheilds." "What?" a crewmember asked. "Sir, you're suggesting we fire on our own people!" "I know that, but obviously this is an extreme situation. Their attack on us tells me this whole Sslrth thing is not what it appears, and I won't take the risk that an innocent race is about to get slughtered. We'll focus on engines and weapon systems on those ships, but if it comes down to destroying them, then so be it."

Tacoman woke up groggily in sickbay when he heard being called. Ensing Lopez from the bridge. "Sir, an Earth senator is here to see you. She won't give her name, and she says she wants to meet with you in private. She says it's an emergency Captain."

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 1:47 pm:

Ok.. have her meet me in my ready room. I'll be there in a few minutes.
Tacoman walks over to Butrfli and says
You know.. I think we going to be good parents.
Holodoc: and some more good news. I know the genders.. A boy and a girl.
Tacoman: I guess we're going to have to start thinking up names. So what's the gestitation period for an Avariel?

By Plot Complication on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 2:19 pm:

Tacoman walked into the shuttle bay where the Senator was waiting. "Hello Captain. I'm-" "I recognize you. Senator Marrabelle. First Uranus bron person to serve in the ESG senate." She smiled at the recognition. "I wiosh I could say this was a more pleasent situation under which we met Captain, but I'm afriad I don't have much time. Can we go someplace smaller?" She then pulls a device out of her pocket. Tacoman recognizes it as a device that will disrupt any listening devicves withing a yard for half an hour.

By The Plot Thickens on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 4:45 pm:

The Andafi fleet arrive at the location only to find a number the Earth ship they were going to protect gone. A scan of the area showed that the ship was en route to join an Earth fleet moving on the Sslrth homeworld. "Empress," the weapons officer said, saluting as she spoke, "The Earth fleet has not acted as predicted. Was your male contact wrong?" The Andafi Empress shook her head. "Jason Kiehart is the wisest male I've ever seen. Wether it's a fluke or a trait of his species doesn't matter. The fact, for a male anyway, he is brilliant. Something unexpected must've happened. We will mantian our subspace silence. Take us on a direct path to intercept that fleet. And prepare a pre-recorded message. The SSlrth are under our protection. They have done nothing wrong, and we shall protect the innocent by any means neccesary."

By In Artsys home dimension on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 5:26 pm:

Time seems to be crawling in Artsy's bare cell. "Counsel" M'Hale has not appeared again, and she is getting restless. Artsy presses up against her door to speak to her Wanderer bodyguard. "Adon? Do you think you could find M'Hale and--convince--him to get me the video records of the incident? I keep going over and over it in my head, and I cannot see where these charges came from. Breaking and entering...well, you could call it that. There was this gorgeous gold foil covering the front of the tax agency. It was very tempting at the time.... Anyway...."

One of the guards (male and redheaded this time) put an arm across the door. "That is not allowed," he said. "The Counsel will prepare the prisoner's defense."

Artsy backs off a step or two, a brief red flicker of anger flashing through her. "All right. I was just asking." Her mouth tightens. "I seem to remember that prisoners do have some rights on this planet. Would you mind refreshing my memory?"

Suddenly the lights go out and the floor seems to drop from beneath her feet. Her startled scream is lost in the darkness above her, and when she hits bottom it takes a moment to gather her throughts. "Hello?"

A faint gold light grows around her, showing a room similar to her cell. A guard in a deep purple sash pulls her to her feet. "Come with me."

"Where are we going? What happened? Where is my friend?"

The guard only pushed her along the dark corridor faster. "Your trial is about to begin. You don't want to be late."

Artsy tried to pull away. "What? Adon! Where are you? Adon?" The guard bent one arm behind her back and kept walking.

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 5:40 pm:

I don't really like that guy either, but hold on for a second.

Adon looked at his wrist communicator, shook it close to his ear and then tapped it a few times. It made a single beep.

That's better. I'm blocking all the universal translators within earshot and speaking Earth Standard. As long as they don't speak that without the UTs, we should be fine.

The two guards looked at him strangely, but Adon turned and said in the Justice Hunter's language...
We are trying to have a private conversation here, if you don't mind.

Then to Artsy in Earth Standard...
We might have a few problems, but remember that one Wanderer, Ahz? He gave me a little gift that just proved useful.

Adon held up a small electronic device.
I intercepted the plea's transmission. Once this little baby finishes cracking their security features, it will send a "non-guilty" plea. I'm only doing this because he isn't doing what you said.

The electronic device vanished under Adon's cloak and Adon tapped his communicator again, restoring the UTs.

I'll see you later, keep in touch.

By Jason on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 5:42 pm:

Oh, no!!! My post should be above Artsy's post! Read it that way, it it should make more sense.

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 8:36 pm:

"Counsel" M'Hale was rushing down the corridor to the courtroom for Artsy's trial. He didn't want to be late. As he made a turn at a corridor intersection, he ran directly into someone walking the other way. Both were carrying several PADDs when they collided, and the PADDs went flying.

I'm sorry, how clumsy of me.

M'Hale grumbled something under his breath and bent down to pick up the fallen PADDs. Before he reached the first one, however, there was a hiss of air and M'Hale was knocked out by the powerful sleep drug in Adon's hypospray.

Adon controlled M'Hale's body like a marionette and make him walk to an empty room. The door shut behind Adon and M'Hale for only a moment before it opened up again, and "M'Hale" stepped out, picked up the PADDs, and continued on to the courtroom. He didn't want to be late.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 9:25 pm:

Yes, Ojanon, go ahead.

Kiehart, Rocket Ranger, I'm afraid I haven't been paying attention, with the excitement with the Captain and Butrfli. Can you sum up the situation for me? What is going on?

By Donna on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 10:12 pm:

Six thousand four hundred years after the birth of Brian. Tacoman is finally pulled from the vortex. He is a wizned, shell shocked, broken man. Three thousand years alone can do that to someone. He must rest. However, before he does he decides that the events surrounding the destruction of LICC must be reversed. Gathering the rest of the tissue samples. He uses his advanced understanding of science to construct a clone of Donna from the Current Taquito Girl, Kalian C. Thompson. The process goes horriblely wrong and Donna escapes in the WABAC machine, to the twentyith century. Alone, she is found by a group of bounty hunters, whop recruit her. They are the first to learn of her awesome power, as she kills them all. She crashes on a planet in the far reaches of the Gamma Quadrent named Urak. There a groups of Elves find her. The elves first think her to be some kind of souless monster. They further examine her, and cannot understand her existance. The spells that would undo undeath don't work. Finally, they manage to create her a soul. They find she has a propensity for white magic, and train her well. She eventually marries a Elven Warrior named Isolerdor, and they move to a village at the edge of Elven Territory, where he serves as A elven horseman. 12 years later, a Death-Fire Army invades that region. Donna was away doing some spell reaserch. When she returns she finds her husbands corpse rent asunder to obtain the skeleton within. With all of her power she destroys the entire army, Leaving the Necromancer leading it barely alive as an example. The Necromancer is returned to Death Territory where he becomes the Dreaded Lich. He returns to the Elven lands, but she destroys him one more. She takes his staff, his living soul, and reforges it into her sword. She then calls a T'Rogkian ship ,and leaves the planet for the Alpha Quadrent.

By Lt. Cmdr. Rikard on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 10:58 pm:

Observer, I didn't expect to find you hear. When Artsy was transported away Ansh didn't seem to be in the best of moods. I figured that she could use some cheering up. I see you guys are going somewhere. Care to fill me in?

By The Observer on Wednesday, July 04, 2001 - 11:34 pm:

Yes. We are going to assist Artsy. This will require the utmost in stealth, and I must locate exactly where Artsy is. That will require a side trip. The Captain appears to have a lot on his mind right now, so to avoid going A.W.O.L. or disturbing him with our mission, I'll bring us back, hopefully at the same moment we left. Are you both ready?

(Ansh and Rikard nod, and Observer opens a dimensional portal. They step through, and disappear. They then fail to reappear at the same instant they left. Oops.

The intrepid trio rematerialize inside the Observer Terminus, the place beyond dimensions, the many, many-doored room where the members of the Legion of Observers travel around nearly all the discovered universes.

(For a detailed description, see:
Feb 14, 2001-10:52 pm)

Observer leads the way out of the Terminus, down a seemingly endless hallway to a large complex, with a engraving above the entryway. As the trio approach, the engraving first seems to be written in an alien text, but as they get closer, it shimmers and reads in Human Standard, "Dimensional Nexus".)

Interesting, isn't it? It's inscribed in OmniText. It automatically changes itself to the language the reader is most familiar with. Sometimes it even manifests itself as sound or smell if a certain Observer cannot comphrehend written language. Now, we should be able to find Artsy here. Here, all the known universes are drawn together, and the equipment inside will allow us to find Artsy wherever she is.

A word of warning, don't touch anything. I'm only allowed to bring guests to the Observer Realm because I'm fairly well-respected. If you nose around the Stellar Charter and mislabel a galaxy, the Superiors will hold me accountable. Let's go.

By Rocket Ranger on Thursday, July 05, 2001 - 2:06 am:

Well, Commander, somehow the Galactic Order Stock Market has collapsed. I bet anything that spies from Earth, or traitors working for Earth, were involved somehow.
And I decided that Earth needed a distraction to take their minds off a potential war with the Sslrth; I've sent two ships, commanded by Galactic Order personnel, to go blow up an Earth research space station located at Alpha Proxima III. I can't tell you what the station is researching, but its not medicine, as they've been leading everyone to believe! It will look like Earth destroyed one of their own facilities. Lets see how they deal with that!
(He pauses.) Commander, I need to have a meeting with you, the Captain, and the Security staff as soon as possible. Its of the utmost importance. Kiehart can come, too.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, July 05, 2001 - 12:43 pm:

Of course Senator. Follow me.
Tacoman leads the Senator to one of the small conference rooms
Now, is this something I should have my second officer attend, or this for my eyes and ears only?

By Mad Scientist Thingy on Thursday, July 05, 2001 - 6:03 pm:

The Annual Mad Scientist Symposium begins next week.


"Machines that control peoples minds. How close are we and how to keep marketing away from it."

"The seventh dimention: how can we use it?"

"Doomsday weaponry: When destroying a galaxcy is not enogth."

By Joel and the Bots, commenting on the previous post on Thursday, July 05, 2001 - 6:07 pm:


By Rocket Ranger & Shirana on Thursday, July 05, 2001 - 11:22 pm:

Rocket Ranger looks at Shirana.

Come with me for a minute.

Shirana follows RR into the Turbolift. They proceed to deck 24, where Rocket Ranger leads her into a room, and closes the door.

Did you procure the device like you were supposed to?

Shirana (smiling): Yes, I did. Its onboard The Raven's Eye right now.

Rocket Ranger: Excellent. I want you to keep it there, just in case. If we can't stop this war from happening...we may have to blow EarthGovSys' headquarters off the face of the map. In the meantime, I want you to take the ship and rendezvous with the rest of the strikeforce and wait.

Shirana: Affirmative. Do you have anything you want me to tell Randall?

No. Not yet. But I may need to establish contact with him soon. Tell him to expect a call from me within the next three days.

Shirana: I will. I have to leave soon, before they begin to suspect something.

Good idea.

By Meanwhile, in Artsys home dimension on Friday, July 06, 2001 - 1:03 am:

Artsy's new guard opens a small door and thrusts her through, closing it immediately behind her. The light is so much brighter than the dim corridor that she has to stand blinking for a few moments before she can get her bearings.

The room is huge! Steep walls--gold again, this time a dark, heavy, somber shade--curve down from a high celing into a 3/4 raked circle of seats. Artsy is standing on a tiny balcony that thrusts from the wall to one side of the massive judge's platform. On the other side, she remembers, there should be another balcony for the prosecution, while a smaller platform across the room would be used for a witness stand or for displaying evidence. It is empty except for a stationary vidscreen and a piece of artwork she recognizes as her own, twisted from gold foil and a supple blue tree branch.

The crowd in the seats below suddenly stills as a voice announces: "Her Honor Judge Tarelle!" Artsy fleetingly notices that many of the spectators are dressed in middle-class worker garb, variations on her own outfit, while relatively few wear Senatorial or other government robes. Is this a public trial? That fact and the size of the room make Artsy realize that she is no longer on the Justice Hunters' ship. She must have been transfered when they dropped the floor out of her cell. Talk about good security. Her heart sinks. Will Adon be able to find her now?

But the judge, a plump yet imposing woman with blue-black hair and ice-green eyes, is addressing the court. She introduces the case and reads the charges. Then she goes on, "The defendant's counsel informed me that the defendant intends to plead 'guilty' to all charges, but the offical plea I have registered insists that she pleads 'not guilty'. In the interests of fairness, I wish to have the prisoner's counsel confirm the plea." Tarelle looks over to Artsy's balcony. "Defense, is your counsel present?"

"Apparently not, Your Honor." Suddenly the day is looking up. "May I speak in my own defense?"

"Objection!" comes a voice from the prosecutor's balcony. "That would be highly untraditional, and detrimental to her own case."

To your case, Artsy thinks. "Your honor, I wish to plead guilty to the charges of breaking and entering government facilities, and of fleeing arrest, but I believe I am innocent of the charges of wanton destruction of planetary resources and reckless endangerment of sentient beings."

This starts a murmur in the crowd below, which the judge silences with a hard stare. "Not according to the evidence I've reviewed so far for this case, defense. If your cousel doesn't get here in a few minutes, I am prepared to rule already. I have many other cases to decide today, and you are just one of the more interesting."

Artsy leans forward to argue for her right to defend herself, but just then the door behind her snaps open and shut. M'Hale is there, shuffling several pads, and bowing ostentatiously to the judge. "My apologies, Your Honor." He turns to look at Artsy, and the artist sees a gleam she would not have expected in those bulbous black eyes....

By Lt. Cmdr. Rikard on Friday, July 06, 2001 - 11:38 am:

Don't worry Obsy. We're LICC. We won't mess with the known Universes. I was wondering. Do you two have a plan for what we're going to do once we get there?

By The Observer on Friday, July 06, 2001 - 12:32 pm:

(Observer grins)

Not really, but that's never stopped us, has it? Now, stay here, while I access the Nexus and find Artsy and Adon.

(Ansh and Rikard stand and watch the incredible variety of beings passing by. Some regard the two humans with interest, some with amusement, but most seem too busy with their own affairs and ignore the pair. Observers appear out of thin air every now and again, and one does right in the middle of a crowd of lizardlike Observers. The newly appeared being looks human, and extremely angry. He pushes his way through the crowd and stalks off down another corridor. Twice a Observer attempts to engage Ansh and Rikard in conversation, but it seems like the creature's language is too alien for the Universal Translators to handle. Ansh and Rikard motion that they don't understand, and the Observer nods and walks off. Soon, The Observer comes back.)

Found them. When I was probing their dimension, I sensed extreme danger surrounding Artsy. We should be prepared for combat, but we will not attack unless absolutely necessary. Our main objective is to get in by stealth and observe the situation. I've prepared a spell that will render us invisible to the natives' technology. Are you both ready?

By Unexpected plot Twist on Friday, July 06, 2001 - 9:46 pm:

"Captain," The Senator begins, "I'm afriad that I've arrived too late for most of what I needed to tell you. What I can say for certain is that shortly after I leave, I will doubtless be killed. I have information in my pocket Cpatain, that is evidence of a massive conspiracy throught EarthSysGov, going as high as the Joint Cheifs. I don't what it's for entirely, but I knopw why the Sslrth are targetted. They have a metal on their planet, that, once refined by a top of the line process developed by TerrSec can act as a natural cloak." Tacoman looks slightly amazed. "Think of the consequences Captain. A ship that can be hidden and yet still eb able to raise sheiulds and fire weapons. The Sslrth do not know what they're sitting on, and doubtless they would be skeptical of any atempt to mine there, especially after what the Whyte Kastles did to them." Senator Marrabelle looked around. "Captain, I fear that the President may be a pawn in a galactic conspiracy, to turn the Earth government into a Despotism."

The conversation goes on for a few more minutes, in which Marabelle presents a photo copy of plans for an occupation of the Sslrth homeworld. She leaves. The Captain escorts her to the shuttle bay. As she climbs in, Tacoman doesn't notice the vile evil grin coming from the shuttle's pilot.

As Tacoman enters the bridge, kiehart and Adon seem to be discussing something. Rikard is at his post. Milkshake is situated in the Captain's chair. Tacoman watches the screen as the Senator's shuttle flies away. "Commander, contact the shuttle and-" Suddenly he's interupted by a distress call from the shuttle. "Help! We're being attacked by the LICC! This is diplomatic shuttle number 551-" The signal cuts abruptly. Tacoman stares at the viewscreen in amazment. The shuttle is perfectly fine. Suddenly a blast of enrgy comes from below the Spidership and incinerates the shuttle. The viewscreen stays fixed, as a crudely constructed, and obviously poorly designed, but aesthetically identical to the Spidermobile 3, lances away at low warp. The bridge crew is shocked into silence. A beep indicating a "special report" from GNN is coming in. But they don't need to see it. Kiehart and Tacoman and Milkshake exchange glances. Milkshake speaks first. "Barring the off chance that some kid with a high powered microscope was looking at this area at that moment, the people of Earth just saw us assassinate a Senator." Warning lgiths flash. A half dozen small Earth warships are convergin on the Spidership. Kiehart looks at Tacoman. "Sir? I think now might be a good time to go the Sslrth."

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