League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XLII

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XLII
By Ansh on Wednesday, August 08, 2001 - 1:39 pm:

Ansh sits in a chair in the old folks home with the witness

Hmm, I wonder where the others are, they've been gone for a while. I wish I knew where they were but Artsy told me to stay with the witness. Why am I always left behind?

By Tammy on Wednesday, August 08, 2001 - 1:42 pm:

Tammy comes into Sickbay with a pitiful look on her face. She holds her wrist and speaks in a whiny voice

Doctor I've hurt my wrist!

She notices Frangelica and stops whining

Who are you?!?

By Amar Nagesh, immortal snake god on Wednesday, August 08, 2001 - 2:00 pm:

Last time on the League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions...

After many long weeks of fighting and much whining, the LICC finally managed to strike back against the conspiracy, breaking out of the minefield, rescuing the citizens of Earth from the false Furbby threat, and exposing the Conspiracy. Rocket Ranger and others collected crucial evidence to unmask the Evil Conspiracy and clear the LICC's name. Kiehart demonstrated extraordinary valor by singlehandedly shooting down a giant Conspiracy fleet which was menacing some friendly ships. The Earth people finally realized what was going on, were duly grateful, stopped hating the League, and peace was restored.

In the ensuing bit of unwinding, former captain Frangelica dropped by to say hi, and there was much rejoicing.

Meanwhile, Adon and Observer managed to incapacitate the evil Rogat long enough for his bosses the Forces of Doom to catch up with him and bust him for incompetence. Arsty-Fartsy managed to reach the judge and present evidence to clear her name. Unfortunately the judge took her in to custody anyway. Of Artsy-Fartsy's friends, Rikard was sent back to the Spidership to be unsuccessfully replaced by an impostor, Observer was separated but managed to follow Arsty to the judge's house, while Ansh stayed to keep an eye on the key witness. But even as Artsy was arrested, she managed to spot the corrupt official who seems to have sent Rogat after her...

And now, the relaxing and laid back further adventures of the LICC!

By Me again on Wednesday, August 08, 2001 - 2:08 pm:

Ens. Nagesh wanders into sickbay. "Captain Tacoman, I have a damage report for you to look over."

He hands Tacoman a PADD and sees an authoritative-looking woman talking to Butrfli. Everyone in the room, especially Milkshake, seems really pleased to see her.

"Hmm, if I had to guess what thisis about, I'd say you must be Frangelica. Lady, to say that your reputation preceds you is a serious understatement."

By Ojanon on Wednesday, August 08, 2001 - 3:13 pm:

Ojanon ducks an attack by a gargoyle, then smites it with his staff, causing the creature to explode. He walks down the hallway to a door, which he opens. He proceeds into the room, which is empty, except for a gleaming jeweled scepter lying on a purple pillow atop a marble pedestal.

*sigh* Way too easy. Maybe I should go all the way up to level 10 next time....computer, end simulation.

The room around him fades, replaced by the blank walls of the holodeck. He presses a stud on his malachite staff, causing it to shrink back to a compact size, then puts it back inside its case, underneath his robes.

I think I'll head to the observation deck.

By Frangelica on Wednesday, August 08, 2001 - 7:13 pm:

Um, thank you, I think!

to Tammy, in her scariest catterpillar voice The question is, WHO are YOU? cracks upI'm the emeritus captain. Name's Frangelica.

I'm afraid there aren't exactly holograms, Milkshake... the wedding was a completely impromptu affair. Just the groom and me and Superrabbi and two witnesses. You see, there was another Defense League wedding in the winter, and it was hit by twenty aliens, three unrelated supervillains, and one hurricane... all before the ceremony! So in the aftermath, we noted that superhero weddings are bad news and decided to speed things up.

As it was, we only had to save a runaway baby carriage before we actually got hitched.

Anyway, we never actually had a reception or anything.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, August 08, 2001 - 9:05 pm:

Frangelica, this is Tammy Tembar, Ansh Tembar's sister.
No reception, huh? I think we can arrange a heck of a party up here, don't you think, Steve?

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, August 08, 2001 - 11:37 pm:

I'd say, Jack! Fran, we ask you and Subway Man to allow you the honor of preparing you a fine wedding reception. And boy if we won't make it the bash of a lifetime! I've got a fellow working at my Wacky Steve's franchise in SF, best chef I ever saw. We'll pool our resources, set up the holodeck and throw you guys a great party! Lesee, I bet we could get Artsy to create terrific ice sculptures...uh oh, Artsy's still in big trouble...Captain, Tacoman, I mean, perhaps we should try to get to Artsy's home dimension as soon as possible. Now that the war is over, we're free to assist our new shipmate.

By Someone who hasnt been seen in a while on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 12:47 am:

A small humanoid walks into the room and stands staring silently at Frangelica. The mental sensation of questioning curiousity is it over? who are you? dissolves into a radical burst of satisfaction and trust find her? and then the small one's attention shifts to Tacoman. find Artsy now?

Quito wraps her arms around Tacoman's leg, snuggles up to him and smiles at Frangelica.

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 7:15 am:

Tacoman bends down and picks up Quito
Yes, Quito. We're going to find Artsy.
Oh.. Frangelica, meet Quito Power. If I have my information right, she's one of the keys to the universe, and Artsy's friend.
Still holding Quito, Tacoman looks through the pile of PADDS and finds the logs regarding Quito. He then hands them to Frangelica
Here's the infomation about her.
Quito, did you know Butrfli's pregnant?
Tacoman hands Quito to Butrfli, who begins to cuddle Quito.
Butrfli: Hello little one. You can feel the babies if you want to.. their OOF kicking now, which is a strange sensation indeed.
By the way, I want a way to attend the party.. maybe a hololink or something...Perhaps I can even control a holocharacter...

By Frangelica on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 8:27 am:

Getting to a different dimension shouldn't be a problem. The question is, where do we go when we get there?

(Don't mind if I tag along, do you? My official excuse is that you're throwing me a party afterwards.)

By Herds of Adoring Frangelica Fans on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 9:04 am:

Don't mind if I tag along, do you?

NO!!!!!!! WE DON'T MIND!!!!!!!

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 9:41 am:

Of course you can come along with us.
As for where we go, all we have to do is take a speeder and scan for Artsy's life signs... Of course, I'm sure that Quito might be able to find her friend, right Quito?
Plus, I believe that there are a few other crew members of ours over there too that havn't come home yet...

By Various Villians on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 9:47 am:

Shirkaron: No! This can't be. This power signiture is off the charts. It can only be Frangellica. I will have to accelerate my plans.

Darth Pah Armus Reborn: Huh, a great disturbance in the force, Yes, Computer, continue the training of the Unholy ones.

Donna: (Okay, not a villian, but..) (Training on Snake way): My, now that's power.

By Ens. Nagesh on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 10:27 am:

"Awaiting your orders sir."

By Tammy Tembar on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 2:14 pm:

Who the **** is Frangelica?
Everyone looks horrified
What? Was it something I said? Oh, are you Ansh's hero? The one she keeps blabbering about?

By Frangelica on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 2:33 pm:

slightly amused
Let's try this again. I'm the emeritus captain. Name's Frangelica.

And if Ansh has been blabbering about me and making me her hero, that is very kind of her. I will have to thank her for it.

So? Nu? We going after this "Artsy" person? I can open a trans-dimensional portal anytime we're ready.

By Commander Milkshake on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 2:46 pm:

Good idea. Yes, Adon and Observer are over there as well. Artsy-Fartsy is one of our newest League members. Apparently her home planet wants her for some incident in her past, but we've heard evidence that the authorities are more sinister than just.

It's great to have you back, Frangelica. I'll be up on the bridge, preparing the ship for trans-dimensional travel.

Milkshake leaves

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 3:42 pm:

Rikard lies on the ground. He isn't really sure if getting up would be worth it. He'd probably just end up back on the ground. However, the turbolift opens and Milkshake walks out. Rikard jumps to his feet.
Commander. Um, what's going on?

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 5:25 pm:

Tacoman finally looks over the damage report the ensign gave him
Ok...see to the repair teams ensign.
Tammy, this is our former Captain and founder of the LICC. I'm suprised you don't know more about her, given her large fan club.
Tacoman gets another PADD, this one with Frangelica's official record, and tosses it to Tammy
Here. You might learn something.
I guess we'll need a team if we're going to Artsy's dimension...
Mr. Rikard, please report to Sickbay.. and tell Commander Milkshake he's in charge of the ship for now.
Ok.. our team.. Frangelica, myself, Josh Rikard, and Quito... and perhaps a speeder to get around...

By Commander Milkshake on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 6:07 pm:

Milkshake is about to speak when Tacoman's order comes through on Rikard's commbadge.

"Mr. Rikard, please report to Sickbay.. and tell Commander Milkshake he's in charge of the ship for now."

Well, Josh, Captain Frangelica's back-

Milkshake quickly catches Rikard as he begins to fall again.

Josh, you seem to have a problem with balance, it might be an inner ear infection, you might ask Doc to check that out. Now, report to Sickbay on the double!

"Aye, sir!"

Rikard rushes into the turbolift. Milkshake chuckles and makes himself comfortable in the command chair. He activates the intercom to speak to the crew.

This is Commander Milkshake. Yellow Alert. All hands prepare for trans-dimensional travel. Science teams, I want all sensor banks ready to record details of a new universe. Engineering, begin charging the auxillary warp batteries, we may need extra power for weapons and shields. All unassigned bridge officers, report to your stations. The rest of you, strap in, this might be a bumpy ride.

Milkshake to Tacoman. I felt these added precautions are necessary. We've rarely had a good experience, traveling between dimensions. And may I suggest that on our return, we ask the DoS for some time off, to have Frangelica's reception and a little relaxation time?

By The Amazing Quantum Man on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 7:58 pm:

A lavender waveform collapses into Quantum Man, just before the engines come on.

Lt. Cmdr. Quantum Man reporting for duty, Sir.

Goes to the Science station, or at least, there's a very high probability that he goes there...

By Huh? on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 8:10 pm:


By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 8:15 pm:

You did the right thing Commander. Here's my plan for when we get there...
At that moment, Josh Rikard enters the room, sees Frangelica, and falls for yet another time
Are you all right Mr. Rikard?
Anyway, as I was saying, when we get to Artsy's dimension, Frangelica, Quito, Mr. Rikard and I will beam down and locate both Artsy and the rest of the crew. I want Josh to come with us because he's been here before, and might be able to find his way around. Quito's coming because I hope she can find Artsy. I'm going because I need to get off the ship for a while, and Frangelica's going just because she wants to.
Once we get back, I will talk to the DoS. I'm sure they'll give us the time off.

By Ens. Nagesh on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 9:05 pm:

Lowly Ens. Nagesh has been tagging along and speaks up. "Not to speak out of turn or anything, sir, but if it's such a big deal to bring the ship, couldn't we just as easily take the speeder through the portal and leave the ship here? After all, we were in a pretty big battle not that long ago and the crew's probably frazzled enough as it is."

As Captain Tacoman ponders the wisdom of this, the ensign quietly considers, why is there a snack machine in the middle of the bridge?

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 10:00 pm:

Rikard looks up from the floor.
Hi Frangelica.
He crumples up the wrapper to his recently bought SnickersTM bar and gets up to throw it into the Sickbay disposal unit.
I don't think that I'm going to be falling again anytime soon. I was just a little surprised. Anyway, we're heading back to Artsy's place?

By Quantum Man on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 10:47 pm:

Uh, Commander Milkshake? When did we get a snack machine on the bridge?

By Huh? on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 11:47 pm:

A yellowshirt (because I don't plan on killing anyone off) walks up to the vending machine on the bridge, and looks at the selections....

Hey! They've got my favorite....Crunchy Crunchy Chewy Bar!!

He puts a credit into the machine, and presses the button for the Crunchy Crunchy Chewy Bar. Nothing happens.

Hey! He kicks the machine. Still, nothing happens. He kicks it again. Nothing happens. One more kick, and something happens....the front of the "vending machine" opens, and a man dressed in a black coat with a rainbow-colored shirt and black slacks steps out. He is wearing a white hat with a hatband that matches the pattern of his shirt. He appears to be in his mid-to-late 30's, with short brown hair and blue eyes, and has two red metal letter Hs on his coat, one on each collar.

Would you mind not doing that? The TARDIS is a little testy about people doing that to it.

He looks around for a few seconds.

Oh, my! This isn't Kalarra III, is it? I appear to be on a spaceship of some kind....

By Huh? on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 11:50 pm:

The yellowshirt looks dumbfounded.

A-are you t-the Doctor?

The man looks slightly disturbed by that question.

No, young man. I am The Mister. And before you start to reach for a weapon, I didn't say "The Master". One letter difference in the name, but nothing else in common with that black-robed monster, I assure you. You could not pronounce my real name, but it begins with "Huh".

By The Queue on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 3:09 am:

(Suddenly crowding the Sickbay even more, The Queue arrive)
Did we hear something about a party?

Oh, hello Frangelica.

What Frangelica's here too?

Sorry, Mr. Rikard.

No, Quito isn't a key to the universe. She could channel power to several people & link their minds together so they could act as one & possibly perform omnipotent feats.

We changed that of course. She's still telepathic, but only when she wants to be & she can channel power, but not as much & only when she wants.

Who are all these other people?

HOAFF: We're the Herds of Adoring Frangelica Fans.

There's lots of room up here on the ceiling.

What does this button do?

Holodoc: Don't touch that.

By Mr. Huh and the yellowshirt on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 3:12 am:

Mr. Huh looks around again for a few seconds.

You're not headed anywhere near Kalarra III, by any chance, are you? (The yellowshirt nods "no".) I didn't think so. Well, goodbye. I have to go there for an important conference. (He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a candy bar, and hands it to the yellowshirt.) Sorry about the mistake with the TARDIS; I have no idea why it chose to appear as a vending machine. (He walks into the inside of the "vending machine", but then he turns around and sticks his head out, and smiles.) Better than a blue police call box, though. Goodbye. (He heads back into the "vending machine", which closes. Almost a minute later, the whirring noise starts up, and the machine dematerializes and disappears.)

Yellowshirt: Well, that was an interesting encounter! (He unwraps the candy bar and takes a bite, then looks down at it, smiling, as he walks off.) Mmmmm! Chewy!

By Dexter on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 3:14 am:

By any chance, is one of the HOAFF named DeeDee?

By DeeDee on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 3:25 am:

*Suddenly two girls in clown costumes look around Sickbay nervously*

I thought you said we'd be safe in this crowd.

I don't think that was Batman so let's leave like nothing's wrong.

*Both girls try to force there way out of the crowded room*

By Authur & Ford on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 3:28 am:

Just then 2 Hitch-hikers materialize in the Sickbay

Ford, why are we here?

Because it's board 42.

By Captain Tacoman, the mysterious fifth Marx Brother on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 7:35 am:

My goodness it's getting crowded in here.
At that moment, Sickbay doors open, and everybody tumbles out in a large heap
Captain Tacoman to Commander Milkshake, are we in Artsy's dimension yet?

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 8:38 am:

Not yet, Captain. Frangelica, if you will do the honors?

Too bad that snack machine is gone. I wanted some Chocolatey Corn Crunchies.

By Frangelica on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 10:37 am:


An transdimensional portal opens in front of the Spidership, which glides through with no trouble at all. The ship emerges unharmed on the other side, through the dimensional travel did have the strange side effect of knocking the holo-foozball table offline and causing a bag of Chocolatey Corn Crunchies to materialize just above Milkshake's head.

Captain, shall we mosey on down to the speeder deck?

By The Observer on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 4:15 pm:

(Observer is about to slip into Terelle's house when the huge front doors swing open, and Artsy is led to a waiting police hovercar. She is surrounded by heavily armed guards and the nefarious Dr. Ckil. The young artist is not a little bit pea-green with fear. As she reaches the steps, she hears Observer's voice inside her mind.)

"Have no fear, the cavalry's here. I'm right next to you, invisible. What's the situation?"

(Artsy tries mightily to act normal, but cannot prevent a deep sky-blue tint of relief from coloring her skin. She glances quickly at the guards, who don't seem to notice her transparent protector, and then replies...)

By Kiehart, playing foreman on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 8:47 pm:

Kiehart oversees the renevation of the shuttle bay. Getting the Earth crews on the station to do it was diffcult, since tha majority of the teams had been tasked to more essentail systems, but Kiehart had acces to Logan newcastle's trsut fund, and had more thne enough money. "OK, good, thos couches go in the pilot's lounge. The pilot's lounge! Oh Christ, those two empty unused crew quarters we converted! There. Jeez. Oh, hey, you careful careful with that. It looks small but it has enough power to destroy the shi- WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING! Oh man why did I hire these people? Any word on the package?" "Yes sir. The 8 newly built Banshee-class light fighters should be here soon. Who built them for you anyway?" "A little blackmail deal I had going with Newcastle Enterprises. Kept the Board of Directors from the fate of my parents. Hey, put that down!" At that moment, Frangelica, getting a tour of this new Spidership (she hasn't been on #3 yet has she?), walks in. Kiehart doesn't recognize her. "Hey! We're doing some heavy work here! Either get out or get a force helmet!"

By Frangelicas Honor Guard on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 8:58 pm:

Just then Tacoman, Butrfli, Rikard, The Queue, Tammy, and the Herds of Adoring Redshirt fans squeeze through the door. Kira's Honor Guard, doing double duty as Frangelica's Honor Guard, step out of the huge crowd. They look none-too-happy with Kiehart's last remark.

"You want to rephrase that?"

By Artsy-Fartsy on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 9:17 pm:

*see discussion board everyone!

Artsy takes a deep breath and whispers without moving her lips. "The judge is on my side, but that man there--Ckil--was one of my doctors when I was in the institution. I think he wants me back under supervision for experimentation. He's bluffed Tarelle, and I don't have any proof against him! We need to figure out some way to make him confess."

By The Observer on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 9:50 pm:

I think I know of a way. These guards will probably take you to the local justiciar's office and not the prison, since you're being put in protective custody. When you get in, tell the clerk you wish to make a statement, in the presence of the justiciar and Dr. Ckil. I have a feeling that the good Doctor here will be very...frank.

(Artsy, Observer and Artsy's entourage reach the police cruiser. Artsy is scanned and put into one of the small detention cells within the hovercar. She feels a bit anxious, especially when the cruiser begins to move, since there is not enough room for two in the small space. Thankfully, she hears Observer's telepathic "voice" again.)

I'm here. Believe it or not, this isn't the first time I've ridden on the top of a police car. Back in...oh...2012 it was, myself and another Observer, Jeff Barret, had to help clear a suspected felon of grand larceny charges. What our ward didn't know was that he would be great-grandfather to the man who discovered stable tachyon fields! Anyway...

(Observer relates the story, which ends happily, and Artsy feels better as they reach the justiciar's building.)

By Kiehart on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 10:38 pm:

Kiehart frowns at the Honor Guard. He sees Tacoman and assumes the guests are with him. "YOu guys, down there! You need to have force helmets on too. I don't want to be held liable if something heavy falls on your head. The force helmets can block just about anything. And you can extended the range of protection a litt,e bu not too much. Any further than a foot radius away from your body and it becomes inneffective." He looks down at Tacoman and Butrfli. "I'm sorry I didn;t ask for permission for this sir. It was going to be a surprise for when you got back from shore leave. I planned to have it finished before then. Um, may I be introduced to your guest here?" He waves to indicate he emans Frangelica.

*Can I just say for the record that this Honor Guard seeem to take things too personally? Kiehart was just trying to keep people from getting hurt. Take a chill pill fellas! I mean, I saw what you did to Sax.

By Honor Guard on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 10:50 pm:

Actually, Webster, it's all meant in good fun. The Honor Guard are rabid Frangelica fans so they naturally take offense at any percieved slight. And they didn't hurt Sax, they just told him to behave.

By Commander Adon on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 11:28 pm:

As Artsy is moved into the building, one of the guards waiting at the entrance winks at her, and at an invisible figure behind her. He follows the group inside. None of the other guards noticed that the guard who just joined their party was winking at people both visible and invisible.

By Bored LICC Fanboy on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 11:40 pm:

This episode is almost as boring as Earth: Final Conflict.

By Ojanon`s a stylin dude! on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 11:41 pm:

Suddenly, everyone in the shuttle bay receives a telepathic message from Ojanon.

[You're not going anywhere without me, are you?]

There is a flash of green light. Ojanon appears in front of everyone, with no mask on! He is wearing a green leather jacket and shirt and black pants, with green boots and fingerless black gloves. He has his hair, which is a bright emerald green (about 2 shades lighter than his clothes), trimmed in a short, almost Roman-like style. His goatee is also immaculately trimmed. And he is smiling.

One of the redshirts told me what was going on, and I thought I might join you. (He notices that some of the people are looking at him weird.) Yes, its me.I know that only a few of you have seen me without my mask before. No big deal. As for my clothes....those robes would be too uncomfortable where we're going, and besides, they're dirty. I sent them to the laundry! (He pauses.) I still have my mask and my weapons with me, however, just in case there is any trouble.

By Ojanon on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 11:45 pm:

Ojanon notices Frangelica. He takes her hand, and kisses it.

Allow me to introduce myself, as we have not yet met. I am Ojanon of the Malachite Order of Lifeblood Sorcerors. On behalf of my order, and myself, congratulations.

He lets go of her hand.

By Cid on Friday, August 10, 2001 - 11:51 pm:

Hmm, They are in a real jam. I suppose I could use the Transreality Transpoders all crewmembers have been planted with. Or I could wait a few years, and time travel back to rescue them. I'll do that.

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Saturday, August 11, 2001 - 7:05 am:

Ok.. We're going to need either a very large shuttle or one with Dr. Who technology to accomidate our growing crowd...
By the way Butrfli, perhaps you should stay up here.
Butrfli, who is waddling to the bathroom, looks over her shoulder, and says
That might be a good idea. The hover-wheelchair the Doctor lent me is good around the ship, but I don't have the energy to follow you clowns on the planet..

By The Furbies on Saturday, August 11, 2001 - 7:44 am:

Are we late to welcome Frangelica?

By Kiehart on Saturday, August 11, 2001 - 3:50 pm:

Kiehart frowns. "Wow. How long was I gone? She was barely showing when I left. Anyway, you picked out any names yet Cap? If not I have some suggestions. And none of them are Jason." Tacoman nods, then introduces Kiehart to Frangelica. Kiehart's eyes go wide. "Really? Wow. I've heard a lot about you Captain. Oh, you're still a Captain right? I'm Lieutenant Jason Kiehart, Flight Commander for the Spidership 3. It is indeed a pleasure to meet at last." One of the techs stops in his tracks. "I thought you were a Lieutenant Commander." "I thought I was too. Turns out I misheard."

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, August 11, 2001 - 4:58 pm:

Tacoman glances over at the bathroom door
Yeah... I guess the human element accelerated things a bit.
Well Kiehart, we're thinking of the name Fran for the girl, and make Frangelica her godmother... Havn't decided on a name for the boy yet...

By Kiehart on Saturday, August 11, 2001 - 5:55 pm:

"How about Logan?" Kiehart says, with a hint of sadness in his voice. "That name used to be speical to me, but it owuld be nice to associate with something else. Something more pleasent."

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli, deciding on names on Sunday, August 12, 2001 - 6:54 am:

Butrfli emerges from the bathroom and rejoins the group as Kiehart is lamenting
Butrfli: What's this about Logan?
Tacoman: Well, Kiehart thought of Logan as the name of our boy...
Butrfli: Logan.. I like the sound of it.
Tacoman: Yeah, it's actually a pretty good name...

By Wolverine on Sunday, August 12, 2001 - 2:07 pm:

Hey, they gonna name the kid after me?!

By Kiehart on Sunday, August 12, 2001 - 4:11 pm:

Kiehart smiles. "Yeah. I have no real use for that name anymore." Frangelica looks puzzled, like someone who watched Jedi BEFORE watching Empire. Kiehart notices this. "It's a long story Captain. Maybe, if you like, I could tell t to you, but I have to get back to these upgrades. I'd like them finished before we take off again. Hey! You! That crane is sagging! Get a phaser-welder over there and reinforce that! Hey, Rosenberg! How's Banshee doing?" "She'll be ready to fly in a few days sir. Ahead of schedule." Kiehart turns back to Frangelica. "Well, perhaps tonight after the work crews go on break your honor guard and my squadron can all get together for dinner? I know this great place on Mars called Blazevich's Mexican Seafood Parlor."

By Artsy-Fartsy on Sunday, August 12, 2001 - 5:02 pm:

Once inside the justiciar's office (still tense against possible trouble, even with Adon and Observer both present), Artsy speaks up. "I'd like to make a statement, please, and I would like Dr. Ckil to be present while I do so."

She smiles at Ckil, whose eyes narrow as he tries to figure out what she is trying to do.

Artsy's statement includes the evidence she gave to Judge Tarelle, and the location of Aristh, with a request to put him also under protection. Then she shoots a glance at Ckil and adds, "I have reason to believe that Dr. Elon Ckil is in violation of psych-research ethics."

Ckil freezes for a second at her outrageous statement, and then he....

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Sunday, August 12, 2001 - 6:17 pm:

We'll talk about Jason. By the way, you and your crew did a good job here.
Alright, everybody who's going down to the planet get aboard the shuttle!
Tacoman turns to Butrfli
Bye beautiful, talk to you later. Now, get back to bed.
Butrfli: Good idea. I'll just go to the shuttle control area and watch you people leave.
Butrfli sits in her hoverchair and goes to the
Shuttlebay control deck.

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Sunday, August 12, 2001 - 10:03 pm:

Rikard takes the pilot seat and punches a few controls.
Well then, let's head down. Heading Captain?

By Ckil spills the beans on Sunday, August 12, 2001 - 10:10 pm:

(Ckil freezes for a second at her outrageous statement, and then he....seems to relax, taking on a dreamy smile. Tiny tiny sparkles appear in his glazed eyes, then he speaks.)

"I certainly am. For the past 12 years I have been studying brain and personality processes in mental patients and prisoners undergoing chronolink incarceration. The 31 fatalities that occurred in Ratnei Penitentiary several years ago were due to my intrusive techniques."

(Ckil looks a bit smug)

"My studies have enabled me to jump years ahead of conventional brain research programs. Artsy was to be my final specimen. I had nearly completed study of her unique brain when she was released from the institution. With her arrest, I found an opportunity to complete my study. This will of course terminate her brain functions, but I felt it was an acceptable loss in the face of untold scientific discovery. My compiled research is residing on a mainframe in my offices."

(The sparkles disappear and Ckil comes out of his reverie.)

"What was I saying, again?"

By Artsy-Fartsy on Sunday, August 12, 2001 - 11:22 pm:

Artsy looks from him to the justiciar. "You just confessed to fatal experimentation on sentient beings," she said quietly. "Was there anything else you wanted to add?"

Ckil sputters for a moment as the justiciar motions Artsy's guards to take him into custody, pending charges, and suddenly whips out an odd-looking gun, spiked and shimmering. "Stay back!" he warns. "I'm shielded from this thing, but none of you are!"

"Catch me first," Artsy says, and leaps into motion. The second she moves, Ckil fires. Every other person in the room staggers, then freezes, staring at nothing. Artsy hits the ground before reaching him, curled up and obviously in pain. Ckil smiles and reaches down to remove her ring. "So you can't follow me...."

But in that moment of inattention, Artsy's quick hand finds his gun and hurls it across the room. An invisible blow comes down across Ckil's shoulders, and....

By Mike & Joel, K-Nit viewers on Monday, August 13, 2001 - 1:35 am:

Mike: If it's a boy they're gonna call him Logan??? Will his nickname be Log?

Joel: [as Tacoman] Captain's Log
[as Logan] Yeah, dad?

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, August 13, 2001 - 7:26 am:

Tacoman looks up at Butrfli in the control room, enters the shuttle, and sits down.
And by the way, Mike and Joel, it's been established that Butrfli is having twins of each gender...

By Captain Tacoman, hopefully clearing things up on Monday, August 13, 2001 - 7:27 am:

What I mean is that she'll have twins, one a girl and one a boy, not a pair of each.

By The Observer on Monday, August 13, 2001 - 10:55 am:

(An invisible blow comes down across Ckil's shoulders, and....the evil doctor slumps to the floor. Observer appears, grimacing. He walks over to Ckil's weapon and picks it up)

A beta-radiation pistol. Not nice. Even when you're not the target, you still become affected by the blast. We'll need some medical attention. Are you okay, Artsy?

By Mr Plot Twist on Monday, August 13, 2001 - 1:50 pm:

As these events are unfolding, Comamnder Milkshake remains in command of the Spidership's bridge, munching on Chocolatey Corn Crunchies, with his helmet tilted upwards to allow eating capability. A sprinkling of yellowshirts are at work on a few of the consoles on the bridge. The ensign at Psuedoscience looks over his shoulder and says:

"Commander, the dimensional drive should be ready in approximately five minutes."

Barely a minute later, a few hundred meters ahead of the Spidermobile a warp flash appears, and out glides a tubular-looking ship, obviously not given a consistent paint-job after all the parts were assembled. A beeping sound can be heard as they hail the Spider, and the nearest yellowshirt takes a seat at communications. The blue-armored commander gives the word, and the transmission is put on the main viewer at the front of the bridge.

On the screen appears the scene of a command room on the other ship, a little more facyory-like in appearance than the Spider's bridge, but still very technologically advanced. The scene is dominated by one figure, and others walk around the various levels behind him, working scanners or fiddling with wall-mounted consoles. They are humanoid in structure, but their faces are monocular, with larger mouths and no noses beyond nostrils. The leader speaks:

"This is, I assume, the League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions, unless someone else has commandeered your ship. Some time ago you took a time accelerater from a planet we wished to terraform, and we want it back!"

Milkshake is confused, and requests more information. The alien captain continues.

"What we do is we plant what you might call a time-speeder (Milkshake winces at the term, remembering a reading experience from his past) on an underdeveloped planet, and plant the seeds for growth. The time-speeder accelerates whatever mass it comes in contact with, and therefore causes the ground, and the seeds, to develop faster and create an environment filled with plan life. The range of the time-speeder does not extend far enough to cover he entire planet, but it does create a large enough area for a colony which can be lived on, without us having to wait for future generations to experience it.

Does that answer your question?"

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, August 13, 2001 - 2:02 pm:

Sure, you can have it back.

Ops, beam that thing we got during the Praetorius mission over to the alien ship.

"Aye sir."

There. Now to finish my Crunchies...mmm.

By Mr Plot Twist on Monday, August 13, 2001 - 2:09 pm:

"Thank you, uh..."

"Commander Milkshake."

"Thank you, Commander. Oh, and we would have done this earlier, but we were in the garden of unresolved storylines. That, and it took a while to track you down.

And rest assured, if we find any bugs in this we're telling you! Helm, take us about, communications, end transmission."

The image freezes for a split-second, then disappears from the screen, to be replaced by the usual starfield, albeit with the ship still visible. But not for long, for it leaps into warp a few seconds later.

The Spider then goes to Artsy's home dimension.

By The Capture of Ckil on Monday, August 13, 2001 - 2:53 pm:

Ckil glares up at the Observer from his position of the floor. If looks could kill, the Observer would be dead.

I'm still not going to prison.

He pulls out a small sphere. Everyone in the room recognizes it as a thermo-detonator with a dead man's trigger.

If I drop this, everyone is vaporized. Now, I am going to be allowed to walk out of here and everyone forgets what just happened here. If not, well...

He makes a small gesture with the bomb. The people part as he backs his way towards the door. Then, the bomb flies out of his hands and hangs in mid-air.

At the same moment, Ckil feels something very pointy and sharp touch his back. He freezes in place. Behind him was a single guard.

Guard: "I recommend that you stay right here. And please remain calm, otherwise things could get messy."

By Frangelica on Monday, August 13, 2001 - 4:28 pm:

Arches an amused eyebrow at Ojanon
Enchanted, I'm sure. Are you from Vienna, by the way? I've never been there, but I've always wanted to go.

Logan and Fran, hmm? This will be the start of a wonderful team, I'm sure.

Furby! Alt-Furby! Hiya, ya little womanizers! Good to see you. Listen, we can catch up more when I get back-- they're waiting for me on the speeder.

Frangelica and Ojanon join Tacoman, Rikard, and Quito on the speeder, which blasts out of the bay and takes a course towards a reasonably nearby planet.

By The Observer on Monday, August 13, 2001 - 10:08 pm:

THANK you, Adon. Much appreciated, I'm sure. I probably should have nerve-pinched him when I had the chance. Sweet dreams, Doctor.

(Observer grasps the junction of Ckil's shoulder and neck and the evil scientist falls unconcious.)

Adon, we need to see a doctor. A real one, preferably. This sack of ambition hit us with beta-radiation. I gave my unicorn horn to Crimson Crossbow, and my healing spells were not written with radiation-poisoning in mind. These over here have it worsre, I'm afraid.

(Observer gestures to the justiciar, and the guards, who by now are coming out of their "frozen" state.)

As for the detonator, if you will depress the blue button and give the silver lever a sharp turn to the right, it will deactivate.

By Artsy-Fartsy on Monday, August 13, 2001 - 11:30 pm:

Artsy gets up slowly, her movements the cautious ones of pain. "I think I'm all right, Observer. You two have great timing." Suddenly she smiles. "I can't believe we got that confession on tape! That's incredible. Now Tarelle can lock down on this whole thing legally."

She walks unsteadily to the justiciar's desk, helps the still-stunned man to sit down on the floor, and then accesses the communication network. "Give me a minute, and I should have Tarelle on the line. Should I call for emergency medical aid?"

Then Artsy remembers, and the first call she makes is to the medical facility housing Sol Aristh, where she requests an escort for Aristh and Ansh to the justiciar's building....

By Ojanon on Tuesday, August 14, 2001 - 1:57 am:

Ojanon raises an eyebrow when Frangelica asks if he is from Vienna....

No, I am not from Vienna. I come from a tropical planet called Bylikaa, located in the Genarliid system.

He looks depressed for a second.

I haven't been home in seventy-two years. I should really go back sometime.....

By Captain Tacoman, asking questions on Tuesday, August 14, 2001 - 6:29 am:

Ok.. are we headed towards Artsy's planet, or just a planet at random, or what?

By Club Limbo 3001 on Tuesday, August 14, 2001 - 9:59 am:

(Ze French Knight is sitting in Club Limbo. He feels something strange, suddenly he glows blue. Cid has leaped into him from the future.)

Where Am I?

Observer: Your're on the Spidership 3. You have to rescue Artsey.

Cid: Who are you?

Observer: I'm Joe, you've leaped into Ze French Knight.

(Looks into the mirror, and sees a scuffie Frenchmen.)

Oh Boy.

By Speeders Navigational computer on Tuesday, August 14, 2001 - 10:37 am:

Course heading 47 units mark 42. Based on scans for Arsty-Fartsy's lifesigns and the presence of rare element dramatonium. Course being held until otherwise specified.

By Frangelica on Tuesday, August 14, 2001 - 10:42 am:

Bylikaa, eh? I once had an associate from Bylikaa. It's a big planet, so you probably don't know her. ;-) Anyway, I didn't know that kuss-die-Hand was big on Bylikaa. Learn something new every day.

Dramatonium scan??? My, you've upgraded since I was last here. I just hope there isn't a steamy love triangle somewhere that messes with the distribution.

I assume that the big green planet in front of us is our destination and we're not just going into orbit for the fun of it.

By Ojanon on Wednesday, August 15, 2001 - 3:55 am:

Ojanon looks stunned when he sees the planet. His jaw drops!

Oh, no! Its not possible! That looks just like the fabled Lost Planet, which disappeared almost four hundred years ago!
Everyone else looks at Ojanon as if they have no idea what he is talking about.

I found some information about it while studying the Malachite Order's archives one night when I couldn't sleep. During the Great Sumestra-Tn'shll War, someone not involved in the war unleashed an experimental weapon: A giant cannon, mounted on a Space Destroyer, that was supposed to turn any world that it hit into a wasteland, destroying all plant life on the target world. Something went wrong; as the Space Destroyer prepared to fire, several Tn'shll AND Sumestran fighters attacked. Right before the Space Destroyer was obliterated, the cannon ended up firing a blast at a world whose name has been lost. Instead of the desired effect, the beam somehow opened up what appeared to be a temporary black hole that swallowed the planet. (he pauses.) And it appears that we may have just re-discovered it!

By Signs orbiting the planet on Wednesday, August 15, 2001 - 7:04 am:

Go Away!

You're not wanted here!

We're not lost! We know where we are!

Attempting to come to this planet will be met with deadly force! Have a nice day.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, August 15, 2001 - 7:38 am:

Well Ojanon, when we get down there, you can explore and see if it is the planet in question.
Josh, take us down to the planet. Land as close as you can to Artsy's biosigns.
Tacoman goes over to the Comm and sends the following message on the LICC frequency
Captain Tacoman to all LICC members on the planet, we are here to help and to rescue you. Please respond.

By Frangelica on Wednesday, August 15, 2001 - 8:04 am:

Captain Tacoman, may I suggest that we stay in orbit as we hail. If Artsy is already in need of rescueing, we might cause more trouble than we fix by breaking the planet's rules-- It'll be a lot easier to find our people if we don't have irate Planet Patrol members shooting at us as we look.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, August 15, 2001 - 11:01 am:

Milkshake to Speeder One. It appears that the planet is blocking your transmission. We'll augment the subspace carrier wave with the Spider's communications equipment.

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Wednesday, August 15, 2001 - 12:09 pm:

Captain, I've been scanning the various transmissions that have been coming from the planet. I've picked up a news report that may be of interest.
On the viewscreen on the side wall a middle aged man appears. In the right hand corner of the screen is a picture of Artsy. The man begins to speak...
Anchorman: Earlier today, alleged criminal Artsy-Fartsy was taken into protective custody by order of the mayor. However, she and her protecting party were attacked as Ms. Fartsy was escorted to a Protection Center. However, the assailant was stopped and arrested. The attacker has not been identified yet. In other news...
Rikard cut the transmission off.

By Cid and Observer Joe on Wednesday, August 15, 2001 - 1:31 pm:

Joe: Cid, This body isn't right, your're in the wrong dimention. You'll have to force leap.

Cid: Got it.


By The Observer on Wednesday, August 15, 2001 - 4:57 pm:

(As Artsy begins to call the local emergency medical service, Observer's pocket begins to beep. The brown-cloaked hero rummages around in the pocket and extracts a small communicator.)

"Captain Tacoman to all LICC members on the planet, we are here to help and to rescue you. Please respond."

This is Observer. We've had a few problems, nothing we couldn't handle. Myself, Artsy, and a few other people require medical attention. I am transmitting our coordinates now.

By Kiehart on Wednesday, August 15, 2001 - 6:28 pm:

Kiehart stands along side Butrfli in the shuttle control room. The door is stuck, half way closed. Kiehart is cursing a blue streak while Butrfli soothes the obviously agitated children inside her. Kiehart hits a button on the near-by panel. "Can we at least find out how to get it back open when the Captain's shuttle comes back?" A voice on the other end replies quickly. "Yes sir. No problem. We can open it now even." Kiehart mutters another curse. "OK. Do it. We'll have to reinforce the sheild wall though. One solid blast and the whole bay gets explosively decompressed." He turns to face Butrfli, but she's already left for her quarters. "Hmm. Read my mind. I was gonna ask her to do that." The lights in the bay begin to fade slightly. "Oh you've got to be kididng me! ••••••• sub-standard construction crews! I'll never hire from a company based in California again. These guys don't know there rears from a hyrdospanner."

By Ojanon on Wednesday, August 15, 2001 - 8:57 pm:

Ojanon starts staring ahead for several seconds. Finally, he snaps out of it, and looks at Tacoman.

Captain, we have to get down there as soon as possible! I have a feeling that something horrible is about to happen! And not just to Observer and Artsy, but to the whole city they're in! I....I don't know what, exactly, though....

He pulls a small flask containing a blue-green liquid out from under his jacket, opens the flask, and drinks a small amount of the contents. He then puts the stopper back into the flask, and places it back under his jacket.

Something my people created several centuries ago. It enhances our natural telepathic powers for a short period of time. However, if we risk using it too often, it can become addictive. I haven't used any of it in over a decade, fortunately.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, August 16, 2001 - 6:44 am:

Ok... Josh, stay up here and watch the shuttle.
the rest of us can beam down to the coordinates Observer specified.
We have people to pick up.

By Frangelica on Thursday, August 16, 2001 - 10:26 am:

Medical attention for all, hmm? That doesn't sound good. If only we had medical-type people in the league to help on occasions like this. Maybe we should put up a help-wanted sign when we get back.

Oh, and one more thing... Hopefully we can get in, get our people, and get out before any of the authorities begin to care, but just in case-- Josh, can I monkey with those transporter controls for a minute?

Frangelica 's fingers begin to emit a strange orange light, bathing the control panel in antimeddlenergy.

Okay, that should take care of any planetside interference. There is now nothing they can throw at us that will prevent one party from beaming back up to the speeder.

She grabs the speeder's emergency medical kit before she, Tacoman, Ojanon, and Quito beam down to the planet's surface.

By Ojanon on Thursday, August 16, 2001 - 10:50 am:

I happen to be trained in first aid, and I can use my powers to help stimulate rapid healing, but that will only cure minor cuts, bruises, and slight aches. Anything more drastic is beyond the ability of my, or any Lifeblood Sorceror's, powers.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, August 16, 2001 - 1:07 pm:

Butrfli's the main medical assistant, but she was in no shape to join us...
Quito, Ojanon, start looking for Artsy and the Observer.

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Thursday, August 16, 2001 - 3:39 pm:

Frangelica: Josh, can I monkey with those transporter controls for a minute?
Rikard: Well it's not really my transporter but okay.

After Frangelica's modifications he sets the coordinates. The team beams down.
Uh, good luck.

By Ojanons author on Friday, August 17, 2001 - 1:44 am:

--*Ojanon puts his mask on before they beam down; it doesn't cover his hair, by the way.*--

By Plot-ot-ot Twist-ist-ist on Friday, August 17, 2001 - 5:26 am:

However the transporter beam passes through a temporary field of artificial reality so that when they materialize on the planet Tacoman looks like Snidely Whiplash, Frangelica resembles a penguin, Quito is a catgirl & Ojanon looks like a green Mr. T.

Besides their physical appearances they remain unchanged & the transporter technician is certain he can reverse the effects when they beam back up.

By Me on Friday, August 17, 2001 - 5:39 am:

Ummmm.....so what you're saying is that Tacoman is the only one unaffected by the field? ;)

By Frangelica on Friday, August 17, 2001 - 6:56 am:

Ooh, a tail tuxedo! I've always wanted one, and this one is really rather nice. turns around, inspects self I look like a 19th-century barrister. Too bad the artificial reality didn't give me a top hat too.

We should really instate a field-checking procedure before beaming.

By Captain Tacoman, fixing a problem on Friday, August 17, 2001 - 6:58 am:

Well, I can easily fix my little problem...
Tacoman readjusts his suit holomatrix so that the hologram looks like his old self.
That was easy enough.. and I think I can replicate holodiscs so that you can at least appear like your old selves...

By Frangelica on Friday, August 17, 2001 - 8:45 am:

Actually, I think Ojanon looks more threatening this way.

By Mr. T on Friday, August 17, 2001 - 10:33 am:

I pity da foo' who tries to look like me without my permission! I'm usin' 1-800-COLLECT to call my lawyer and sue those K-NIT dudes!

By Kiehart on Friday, August 17, 2001 - 6:40 pm:

"Commander Milkshake, Kiehart here. We've got some power problems here in the shuttle bay, but near as we can tell no other part of the ship is affected. Can you confimr this?"

By Artsy-Fartsy on Friday, August 17, 2001 - 11:28 pm:

Artsy smiles in relief to hear that the League is coming. "Medical aid is on it's way. So are Ansh and Aristh. I, uh, I'm going to call Tarelle now. Make sure she knows what happened."

Adon and Observer secure Ckil, and try to make the injured guards and justiciar comfortable. Artsy leans on the console and puts a call through to Tarelle. Fortunately, the connection is quick and she is able to explain everything to the judge's satisfaction.

"Don't go anywhere," Tarelle says sharply. "I want all of you unharmed. I'll be down as soon as possible. Do you have medical personnel there?"

Artsy shakes her head slowly. "No, but they're coming."

"Good. Till I see you." Tarelle cuts the connection.

Artsy half-collapses to the floor beside the console. "Ow. Observer, is there anything you can do till the meds get here? I really don't...feel so good...." She tries to sit up straight, but winces sharply and slumps back down. The white of her base color is laced with twisting black and gray threads.

By Evil K-NIT TV-47 Executive on Friday, August 17, 2001 - 11:37 pm:

The Evil K-NIT TV-47 Executive calls his boss, JB

JB? E.E. here. Look, we need to have that Ojanan guy change back. We just got a letter from Dewey, Cheatham and Howe, who claim to be lawyers for Mr. T. They're suing us, unless we stop having that Oja-whatisname look like Mr. T.

By Ojanon Live! on Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 4:28 am:

Suddenly, there is a loud "POP"! Ojanon's appearance changes, and he now resembles a green-haired Emeril Legasse!

Okay, Captain, I have my staff and some pork fat. Now lets go an KICK IT UP A NOTCH!!!

By Mike & Joel, K-NIT viewers on Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 5:26 am:

Joel: If that's Ojanon Live! then what's Ojanon Dead!?
Mike: He's still green, but a lot quieter.

By Mike & Joel, K-NIT viewers on Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 5:29 am:

Mike: If he'd turned into a frog he could sing, "It's not easy being green."
Joel: I'm sure it would be a ribbiting performance.

By Michael Gelman the fourty-seventh on Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 5:31 am:

I've got a great idea for a show! Live! with Ojanon & Kelly!

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 7:22 am:

Frangelica, I could always replicate a top hat for you... and a cane, to complete the picture.
Tacoman looks at a tricorder
It looks like their life signs are that way. Tacoman points to the west, and the group proceeds in that direction. Except for Quito, who's pointing to the east and pulling Tacoman's pant cuff
Hmm? Oh.. I had this thing upside down... to the East,then! follow that Quito.

By Klassikos on Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 11:27 am:

Since Amar Nagesh replaced me as "Previously on" announcer, I'll have to take another position. Actually, I only took that job once, and that was a long time ago. I also forgot to add the "2" on the board heading, so, enough of that.
[walks over to Psuedoscience]
I'll take over here, Ensign Who... or What... or Idontknow.
[the yellowshirt leaves, and Klaasikos sits down]
When the Captain returns I'll request I become the regular pseudoscience officer. It's an unfilled position, and it will make me able to take a more active part in storylines. Also, it seems fitting for a Myth-based hero with "magic" armor.

By Anonymous on Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 5:21 pm:

I thought Jadlad was the pseudoscience officer?

Maybe you could be the su-su-sudieoscience officer....

By The Observer on Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 9:35 pm:

(Observer, his face pale with the effects of his own radiation poisoning, uses what magical arts he can to sustain Artsy's failing health and relieve her pain. The medical teams, thankfully, arrive. Observer turns to them.)

Good, see to the lady and the justiciar first, they seem to be very ill. It is beta-radiation poisoning.

(Observer shakily sits down in the justiciar's chair and watches the efficent paramedics go about their business.)

By Essence of Ojanon on Sunday, August 19, 2001 - 2:11 am:

Ojanon closes his eyes for a second, and concentrates. When he opens them again, he yells "BAM!", then looks at Tacoman.

They're roughly half a kilometer away, by my estimation. I'm trying to contact Observer telepathically, but I can't get through. Either something is blocking it, he is unconscious, or he is gravely ill! I suggest we make haste!

By Julia Child on Sunday, August 19, 2001 - 2:42 am:

Now remember, when making Haste don't go overboard on the nutmeg...

By Klassikos on Sunday, August 19, 2001 - 3:55 am:

{to Anonymous}
Jadlad never really took the Psuedioscience position.

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, August 19, 2001 - 8:22 am:

The team goes in the direction that Ojanon indicated, and are soon at the location where the Observer and friends are
Observer! Artsy! what happened here?
Tacoman scans Observer with his tricorder and looks at the away team
Looks like radiation poisoning... We need to get him to the ship.
Now, where's Ansh and Adon?

By Ansh on Sunday, August 19, 2001 - 1:40 pm:

Ansh and Aristh enter the room. Ansh spots Quito and lifts her up, cuddling the toddler. Then she notices Artsy.

What happened? Artsy, are you all right?

By The Observer on Sunday, August 19, 2001 - 8:27 pm:

(Observer manages a weak smile)

Glad you're here. Oh, Adon's in disguise.

(Observer points at the guard, who smiles and waves.)

Yes, I'm fine, Artsy and these people need help more than I, as an Observer, I'm really not...

(An insistent alarm sounds on Tacoman's tricorder, Observer's eyes roll up in his head, and he falls unconscious.)

By Artsy-Fartsy, with yet another plot twist on Sunday, August 19, 2001 - 9:41 pm:

Artsy looks past the paramedic who is working on her to Ansh and Quito, trying a smile through the pain. "Hey--"

The paramedic snaps his gloved hands back from her, shaking them and cursing. "What is this? Are you sure this is beta-radiation poisoning?" Artsy almost doesn't hear him, as she is starting to lose focus, but he lightly slaps her cheek. "Hey, stay with me. What just happened?"

Artsy looks down to where he is pointing. The normally glass-clear ring on her right forefinger has beome a swirling band of sparkling lights, fierce and tight against her skin. "Oh no." She shifts position, calling out to the Observer, then notices that he's down. She struggles to rise, the paramedic protesting that she should rest, and spots Tacoman. "Sir, check Ckil's pistol... I, uh, I think he modified it specially for me." She coughs, and the medic gives her a second injection, jerking away when Artsy's ring expands, the sparkles crawling over her hand and circling her wrist.

Quito breaks away from Ansh and picks up Ckil's pistol. The swirls of light immediately slow, and Quito's head snaps up in astonishment, catching Artsy's gaze. control, not death is the communication, but Artsy knows the rest of the story. Ckil had not finished his research with her, and the pistol had not worked the way he planned.

With the her pain lessened by the medic's attention, Artsy pulls herself to her feet. "Clear the room!" she shouts. "Now!"

By Commander Adon on Sunday, August 19, 2001 - 10:15 pm:

Adon returns to his normal appearance.

I think that's a good idea.

He begins carrying people out of the room. Tacoman gives him a questioning look.

You don't even have to ask. I'm also feeling the effects of that weapon, but I don't seem to be as effected as the rest of them.

By Jadlad on Sunday, August 19, 2001 - 11:02 pm:

Jadlad walks over to Klassikos, who is sitting at the Pseudoscience station....

Excuse me, but I heard you talk about taking over as the crew's Pseudoscience officer. That's impossible. I've never formally taken the position, but its always been sort of understood that that is my job.

[This is BF, posting for Nawdle, who is recovering from an illness, which is why he hasn't posted in a while. I had his authorization to make this post; I even sent him a copy by e-mail for his approval and waited for his OK before posting this!]

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 6:51 am:

Frangelica, I think we need to get them back to the ship...
Tacoman looks up suddenly
Look, up in the sky.. the next board is approaching...

By Frangelica on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 7:32 am:

One clear room, coming up.

Frangelica snaps her fingers and everyone in the room except Artsy disappears and reappears in a reasonably safe courtroom elsewhere on the estate. This includes judge Tarelle herself, who had just entered.

to herself Oh, that's weird. The apparation seems to have counteracted the effects of the artificial reality. Oh well. I'll miss the penguin suit.

Hello, your honor. I take it we're the one in charge. We're friends of Arsty's, come to help expose whoever framed her and make sure she's OK. Now I don't mean to be a nag, but Someone Up There seems to be showering us with Plot Twists and Peril, so would now be a convenient time to begin a hearing and clear Artsy's name?

I'm going back to see if I can help Arsty.disappears... to reappear on the next board!

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