League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions, Part XLIII

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions, Part XLIII
By The Powers that Bee on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 7:34 am:


By Amar Nagesh on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 7:50 am:

Last time on the LICC...

Former captain Frangelica was welcomed by all and promised a party as soon as Artsy-Fartsy was suitably rescued. (In the course of the conversation, it was decided that Tacoman and Butrfli's children will be named Fran and Logan, barring unforseen events.) Meanwile, on the more interesting side of the universe, Arsty-Fartsy managed to extract a confession from Ckil, the evil doctor who had framed her and sent Rogat after her. Ckil admitted to having performed illegal experiments on Artsy and several other innocents in teh name of brain research, but was notparticularly cooperative about getting arrested and going to prison. Though Adon and Observer courageously prevented him from shooting Arsty and escaping, the ensuing melee ended with an unhealthy dose of radiation poisoning for all.

by the time Ansh and Aristh came to give testimony and Tacoman, Frangelica, Ojanon, and Quito arrived to help, it was becoming apparent that one of Ckil's concealed weapons seems to have affected Artsy more than anyone suspected. Frangelica transported everyone to safety and then ran back to help Artsy.

And now the exciting continuation...

By K-NIT TV-47 Promo on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 10:38 am:

Tonight, on K-NIT TV-47!

After the exciting adventures of the LICC, we have a very special episode of "Enemies", where we learn that they've all been squatting in those apartments. The real owners of the apartment returns, and hilarity follows! Will our "enemies" be evicted? Or will they be continue to be allowed to spy on "ugly clothed guy"?

Stay tuned!

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 11:01 am:

I'm going to see what I can do.
Tacoman rushes back to where Frangelica and Artsy are. He scans Artsy and checks the results
It looks pretty bad.. We're going to have to get her to the ship. I know you want a new hearing, but a new hearing won't do much if your dead.
Captain Tacoman to Josh, get a lock on all LICC members and beam us up.

By K-NIT TV-47 Viewer on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 1:13 pm:

I miss those Chish and Fips commercials!

By Ansh on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 3:05 pm:

Hello, Frangelica! I didn't recognize you there!

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 3:22 pm:

No, I don't have a orbit permit or a landing permit or a system permit or a message permit. I'm just here trying to help a friend get out of a tough situation.
Planetary Police: Withdraw or we will be forced to open fire. Artsy-Fartsy is in protective custody and can not leave the planet.
Rikard: I just need to-
The ship shakes as the police open fire. He checks sensors. Four ships between him and the planet and four more on an intercept course. The shuttle receives a message. Rikard takes the shuttle hard left; the four patrol vehicles follow firing away.
Captain Tacoman to Josh, get a lock on all LICC members and beam us up.
Josh swore under his breath.
Just a minute Captain.
The shuttle shakes again.
Computer: Direct hit, shields at 56%.
Rikard: Yeah, I noticed.

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 3:36 pm:

Tacoman listens as Rikard's shuttle is hit once again
Josh, change of plans. Go back to the ship, retrive the Doctor, and bring him back here. Tacoman explains the situation to Josh. Tell him what's going on so that he can bring the approiate treatment. I think he has a mobile emitter, but if he doesn't, download him into a hover-generator and bring that.

By Frangelica on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 3:55 pm:

Swell. We can't beam up. Okay, I think drastic action is now warranted. Tacoman, take a deep breath... and try not to blink.

Frangelica takes a deep breath and snaps her fingers. The three heroes freeze in their tracks as a bizarre violet light envelops them. The timepiece on the wall stops, and the hum of the insect in the floorboards gets stuck on one note. In the two meters around Frangelica, time, for all intents and purposes, has slowed to a halt. For the next fifteen minutes.

By Quito and Tarelle at the hearing on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 5:01 pm:

Meanwhile, in the courtroom, Judge Tarelle is attempting to get the evidence in order for the new hearing.

Quito interrupts her with a telepathic sending. The gun, and the effect on Artsy, and then what Artsy had realized-- object designed for control backfired...complete loss of control, consumption of personality by gift, inevitable.... And then the symbol of a bomb going off and leveling the city in a spray of reforming structures and wild color.

By Kiehart on Monday, August 20, 2001 - 7:22 pm:

Kiehart hears about the events, and wodners one thing. What about the shuttle they took off in?

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, August 21, 2001 - 9:38 am:

Tacoman looks around
Nice effect, Frangelica. So how much time will pass out there? pointing towards the barrier
Don't worry, Artsy. We'll get you to the ship as soon as we can.
I can replicate an asprin for you, but whether that will help or not...

By Amar Nagesh on Tuesday, August 21, 2001 - 12:07 pm:

Lowly Ens. Nagesh, looking at the same subspace update as Kiehart, answers his question.

"Lt. Rikard is piloting the shuttle in orbit around the planet. He can't get a landing permit or a beaming permit and is getting shot at when he tries. So no one can beam up just yet.

What I want to know is did Dr. Ckil get away when Frangelica transported everyone to safety?"

By Artsy-Fartsy, becoming as big a danger as she was accused of being on Tuesday, August 21, 2001 - 7:17 pm:

Artsy looks pleadingly at Tacoman and the as-yet-unrecognized-by-her Frangelica. The spatter of lights that were her ring continue to swarm over her body, and where they pass, an uncontrolled kalidescope of color and design cover and radiate from her. "If we can't find a way to reverse this, I'm afraid of what it'll do to the city, to you guys. I can feel myself...slipping away, being erased." Cautiously she sits down and closes her eyes. "I'll try to slow it down or stop it mentally. I don't think it'll work, but being around a telepathic kid has to pay off some time."

The movement of the tiny lights slow fractionally, and the struggle is evident on Artsy's focused face....

By Bored K-NIT TV-47 Viewer on Tuesday, August 21, 2001 - 8:49 pm:

I thought they were gonna finish this plot line two weeks ago!

By Uptight K-NIT/LICC writers on Tuesday, August 21, 2001 - 9:25 pm:

We tried! The characters keep running away with it!

By A Blueshirt on Tuesday, August 21, 2001 - 10:32 pm:

A blueshirt at the science station turns around....

Commander, we have a problem. I've just detected a large meteor shower headed toward the planet! It should hit the surface in a little over an hour. The computer estimates it will hit on a north-eastern continent....with a 81.2% casualty rate!

By One of the LICC writers, who has been posting but is sick of this story on Tuesday, August 21, 2001 - 10:36 pm:

Is the longest story that's ever gone on in LICC? I'm pretty sure its the longest one that's ran since I've been here!

By Quantum Man on Tuesday, August 21, 2001 - 11:13 pm:

Excuse me, I'm at the Science Station.

Looks around, and sees that he's standing by the bridge doors.

Darn Uncertainty Principle!

Goes back to the Science Station and takes over from the Blueshirt.

By Yellowshirt occasionally seen near the back of the Bridge near the Psuedoscience Station on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 12:32 am:

Thinking to himself

Oh, darn! Jadlad & Klassikos are fighting over who should man the Psuedoscience Station.

Guess I'll have to find another computer console to surf the interstellarnet & find pictures of Gummi Bears in leather underwear.

Exits Bridge

By Blueshirt on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 2:12 am:

The Blueshirt steps away from the Science Station.

Hello, Quantum. I was just keeping the console warm for you.

He walks to the turbolift door, then stops and turns around

Are we going to do anything about the meteor shower?

By Blueshirt on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 2:15 am:

The Blueshirt walks over to Klassikos and Jadlad...

You know, I have a simple solution to this....Klassikos, you could always become Kulture Officer. I myself enjoy a Greek tragedy or a symphony by Brahms every once in a while, but most of the other people onboard wouldn't know a truly great play or piece of music if it bit `em on the *censored*!!

The Blueshirt turns, walks off, and enters the turbolift.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 7:12 am:

Shall we advance time just a bit?
The field surrounding the heros collapses on its own, and they discover that a half hour has passed. In that time, Rikard has gone back to the ship, returned with the Doctor, and beamed him down. The Doctor and a couple of medics from the planet have been waiting for the field to collapse for past ten minutes
Doctor, it's Artsy! she's been hit by a big dose of radiation, and if she doesn't get treatment fairly soon, I think she's going to explode...

By Amar Nagesh on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 10:12 am:

Lowly Ens. Nagesh looks up from his station. "Sir, if you'll allow me, I have an idea for how we can minimize the threat of the meteor shower. If we release a packet of salvatorium waste into space, it should diffuse into a dense gaseous cloud. And if the cloud is directly between the meteors and the planet, they'll burn up before ever reaching it!

Since Kiehart has been conducting repairs in the speeder bay, we should have salvatorium waste to spare. May I try it?"

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 11:45 am:

Make it so, Ensign!

By Klassikos on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 11:58 am:

Kulture Officer... interesting suggestion.

{Kulture is the Greek version of culture [the ancient Greeks had no letter 'c'] or just a 'cool' way of saying/writing it?}

By Amar Nagesh on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 1:31 pm:

(Makes it so.) Amar and Kiehart load upa torpedo tube with salvatorium and eject it into space, creating a dense cloud. The meteors passing through the cloud all burn until they are smaller than chihuahua's heads and do no damage as they enter the planet's atmosphere. Ens. Nagesh monitors the shower so that they can disperse the cloud when its done.

For some strange reason, Lt. Rikard in his speeder finds that the planetary police have suddenly stopped shooting at him. They're not actually offering him a landing permit or anything, but they've ceased all overt hostilities.

By Klassikos on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 1:42 pm:

[Just then Rikard also notices another ship heading toward him. It's the ramship belonging to Klassikos, who hails him.]

Rikard, I've come to help.

By Frangelica on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 3:14 pm:

slows down time again as the Doctor and the medics rush to Artsy's aid Okay, okay. Everybody calm down. Artsy's talent is only threatening because her control is breaking down... since Ckil's weapon is letting her gift overwhelm her personality, we need to find a way of making her personality stronger.

There's a rare psychic field I've heard of that's supposed to strengthen personalities-- it's extremely virulent in large quantities, but a small ammount of it might help Artsy. I can't make it myself, but I'll volunteer to fetch it if anyone tells me where I can get some. At least if it explodes in my face I can open a dimensional portal and deflect the energy.

Tacoman, is there anyone currently on the ship who is forceful enough to synthesize peterflame?

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 3:45 pm:

You mean actually make it?
I have no idea... but if I were to make a guess... maybe Ojanon or the Observer... maybe even Adon.
Doctor, do you have any ideas?

By Klassikos on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 3:52 pm:

[Tacoman receives a hail on his communicator]

Captain, it is I, Klassikos. Rikard and I are up here in our ships and the Planetary Police have stopped firing on us. We might be able to beam you up.

By Int, the cipky cipky PXE on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 5:29 pm:

Maybe Obsy, but he's unconcious and dying under the desk...

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 6:23 pm:

Rikard looks around at the ships surrounding him. They've stop firing. He doubts it's because he's disabled three of them. He pulls away from the battlefield and gets the Holodoc.

Rikard to Commander Milkshake, do you have any idea why they just stopped firing?
Milkshake: I'm not completely sure but it may be the incoming meteor shower.
Rikard: Oh.

The Holodoc turns to Rikard.

Are we going to chat all day or go help our crewmates. There are people down there who need treatment!
Rikard: Oh, sorry Doc. Rikard out. Okay, let's go.
Holodoc: Finally. Can't this ship go any faster?
Rikard: Listen Doc, why are you mad at me? Aren't I the one that let you look how you wanted? Aren't I the one that made sure you weren't deleted by every person on the ship?
Holodoc: Yes you did. But I'm to get to the patient as soon as possible.
Rikard: Yeah, aren't you all?

The shuttle enters orbit. Since the shuttle is now considered a medical ship, it meets no resistance. The Doc beams down. Rikard sits for a couple minutes before receiving a message.

Klassikos: Rikard, I've come to help.
Rikard: There doesn't appear to be much need Klassikos. They disengaged, presumably because the meteor shower, or maybe they were ordered to, or maybe they just figured out that we're not hostile.
Klassikos: I see

He hails Tacoman.

Klassikos: Captain, it is I, Klassikos. Rikard and I are up here in our ships and the Planetary Police have stopped firing on us. We might be able to beam you up.
Rikard: Hey Captain. Yeah everything's clear so we can beam everyone up and get you all back to the ship on your order sir.

He closes communications.
And hopefully get out of this dimension.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 7:05 pm:

Ok Artsy, we're going back to the ship. Hopefully, the Doctor should have what we need up there.
Tacoman to Rikard, beam all LICC members to the shuttle.
Within a few minutes, all LICC crew members are aboard Rikard's shuttle
Ojanon, have you ever heard of something called peterflame?
Mr. Rikard, get us back to the ship, maximum speed

By Ojanon on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 7:31 pm:

Ojanon scratches his chin.

Peterflame? Sounds familiar....please describe it. Is it anything like alsnow?

By Amar Nagesh, immortal snake god on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 8:26 pm:

Judge Tarelle has already wrapped up the proceedings by the time that the three healthy and two wounded L.I.C.C. members disappear from the courtroom. CKil's confession coupled with Aristh's evidence is conclusive: Artsy-Fartsy is innocent. Being a good judge and an extremely practical lady, she immediately alerts planetary police and local newsnet that Artsy-Fartsy is no longer a wanted woman.

This indirectly has the effect of eliminating the strange rays of colored light that had been eminating from a window in the judge's estate. A few minutes later, one of the medics on-duty calls in to report that Artsy's friends have taken her and disappeared. Since Artsy's deteriorating condition had rapidly been becoming a threat to public wellbeing, no one is terribly sorry to see the strangers go.

By Cid on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 8:44 pm:

Okay, I belive it is time to use the John Bryne Plot device.

(Cid walks into a vast room. A Mist arise in the center, ala Wizard of Oz)

I am the Great and powerful John Bryne. The man who saved Detective Comics and Marvel comics. All bow before me or I will reboot your continuity and rewrite your orgin story!

I beeseach you oh great...

Did I say you could speak? Don't you know the power you just unleashed. Now make your request!

O Great..

Overgod, no wait Celestrial Emperor

O Great Celestrial Emperor JOHN BRYNE The current LICC plot is starting to make Mandos look lucid. Great Master, please repair the plot.

My plot repairs are as such!
1. Reveal that Tacoman died 1 year ago. The current Tacoman is a Tacoman replicant who is exactly like Tacoman in Every way, except he can generate physic fields.
2. Artsey Never existed
3. Artsey's ring can be "erased" like any good work of art.

Do as I have commanded, or the devil will be unleashed

A red mist fill the room

I am Brannon Braga, BOW TO ME

Cid runs out

By Markenbury of Team Rocket on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 8:59 pm:

Ha Ha Ha We found a sample of Peterflame on PM. I distilled it for you, removing the less dangerous parts


By Peter on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 06:46 am:

Juli, a dictionary definition of political correctness reveals nothing about the truth of it. There is no positive side to it, as it was never designed to be.

Political correctness is a negative form of decency; an anti-morality designed by extremist left-wingers to enforce on all others their political views and make certain ideas impossible to express. To ban someone from saying "Merry Christmas" is to force them to admit that all faiths are equally valid, even in their eyes, something I, as a Christian will not admit.

To use the modern definition of homophobia is an attempt to make criticism of bugg*ery as morally acceptbale in public as racialism. This is an idea they do not want expressed, and so they restrict it.

Political correctness is evil, because the PC do not believe in democracy and want to ban any ideas they do not agree with. It must be ruthlessly opposed at all times.


Sorry, Emmie ran away with the Overlord's slave. I'm tearing up!!!

By Old Marvel Comics Fan on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 10:15 pm:

The man's name is John Byrne, not "Bryne"!

Suddenly,there is a loud "BAMF!", followed by the stench of brimstone. A man wearing a Fantastic Four uniform shirt, Dr. Strange's cape, Thor's helmet, Spider-Man's webshooters, a pair of red armored gauntlets looking much like the gauntlets from Iron Man's armor circa the 1970's, a pair of red sunglasses (Wonder Man's, not Cyclops', thank you very much), purple ripped pants, and blue and black boots like Wolverine's, appears.

Hmmmmm....now what did I do with that Infinity Gauntlet? Or should I use the Eye of Agamotto, instead?

He walks over to Artsy. The Eye of Agamotto separates from around his neck, floating in air. It opens, and a ray of yellow light envelopes Artsy. The ray causes the outline of the infection from Cykil's weapon to appear as a greenish-black substance.

There. There is your problem. Its some sort of....Uh....I have no idea what it is! Do you?

*I am not KAM, by the way. And PLEASE don't repost any of Peter's shiznit here, thank you very much.*

By Artsy-Fartsy on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 - 11:04 pm:

Artsy is barely aware of what is going on around her; it's taking most of her remaining mental stability just to keep the spread of the damage to a slow crawl. It's not even remotely like losing her ring. It is as if bit of her are being taken away, piece by piece, dissolved into an unspeakably brilliant and dangerous painted void.

She thinks she feels Quito's mind hesitantly brush hers, and then hears Frangelica's voice....

By A Voice In Someone´s Head on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 1:28 am:

Artsy's hearing voices again.

By Ojanon on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 2:39 am:

Ojanon looks disturbed (But, then again, EVERYONE here is disturbed!).....

I sense some inner turmoil going on in Artsy's mind. The sheer concentration it must require her to use in order to try to halt the "poison" from spreading any further must be extremely stressful.

He pauses.

Should I use my powers in order to help her through this nightmare?

By Captain Tacoman, a bit confused by current events on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 7:03 am:

Ojanon, do it.
Now, was that an authentic sample of peterflame, or was that just fools' gold, so to speak?

By Frangelica on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 8:47 am:

Yes and yes! Old Marvel Fan, hold that thought!!!

As Old Marvel Comics Fan illuminates Artsy, Frangelica seizes the peterflame, opens it, and immerses Artsy's ring finger in it. Everyone winces in horror at the exposed peterflame, and Ojanon, who was telepathically boosting Artsy's energy, is hurled across the speeder by the sheer energy of the psi blast.

In Artsy's mind, the painted void yawns and spins, and is suddenly swallowed in a wash of brilliant black light. Frangelica's voice suddenly becomes quite clear. "Artsy-Fartsy! Get up! Fight back! Get with the program!"

Just as suddenly as it began, it is over. The black light is gone and a small part of Artsy's conscious mind notes that black light is an oxymoron. She finds herself sitting on a seat in a very crowded speeder, her normal colors returned and her crystal ring intact.

I think I'm going to throw up.

By Mr Plot Twist on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 12:38 pm:

Loophole Man manages to defy John "Bryne"'s command that "Artsey" never existed, by pointing out that there is no such person as "Artsey", while "Artsy" is still very much in existence, but a convalenscent.

And so, the shuttlecraft heads back to the Spidermobile, followed by Klassikos' ramship, ready to prepare the party for Frangelica's return, which may be combined with the much-awaited talent show.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 1:03 pm:

The two ships enter the Spidership's shuttle bay, and Tacoman begins giving out instructions
Ok... Doctor, take Artsy to sickbay and give her a checkup.
Captain Tacoman to the Bridge, prepare to take the ship back to our own dimension, in Earth's orbit would be nice.
Steve, once there, get that chef of yours up here so that we can have a party!

By Amar Nagesh on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 1:27 pm:

Wooo hoooooo!!!! Party at last!!!!

By Artsy-Fartsy, wrapping up the last loose ends and.... on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 3:30 pm:

Artsy, still a bit dazed at her quick, effective recovery, pesters the Doc and Frangelica with questions:

"Where's Quito? How did you do that? Why are we back on the Spidership? Did I get aquitted or something? Don't I still have a sentence to serve back on my home planet?" She looks around, confused. "Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the rescue, but I don't want that hanging over my head again."

Then she frowns and turns to the woman no one has yet bothered to introduce to her. "You look a little bit familiar. Who are you?"

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 3:35 pm:

Artsy, may I introduce you to Frangelica, the very first leader of the LICC, Semi-Q, and all around nice lady.
Say, maybe we can make the entire ship one big party-mobile...
the bridge consoles can descend into the floor to make room...we might be able to reconfigure the warp core to emit a disco-pulse light thingy...
Everybody can invite friends on Earth... this could be fun!

By Commander Adon on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 4:17 pm:

It is nice to see you again Frangelica. I was a little too busy to greet you properly on the planet.

Adon's knees seem to give out.

Oh, Perhaps I should report to sickbay and get that radiation taken care of. See you around.

By Frangelica on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 4:41 pm:

Supports Adon as he almost topples over.
Good to see you too, Adon. Breathe easy... we're in sickbay, so you don't have too far to go. The Doctor's just taken care of Observer, so you're next. Upsy-boy!

Frangelica helps Adon hop up onto the bed just vacated by the Observer, where the Doctor has the decontaminator all set up.

Pleasure to meet you, Arsty! And a pleasure to see you fully conscious! Uh, let's see... last I saw, Quito was hiding under the Doctor's desk... I think all that commotion in the speeder kind of frightened her. How did I do that... um, ingenuity and stupidity, blended in measure. Some semi-regular Leaguers brought you some peterflame, a powerful and usually toxic psionic booster. We're back on the Spidership because Tacoman wanted to get your home city out of harm's way, and between your condition and my crazy stunt to cure you, we ARE harm incarnate.

Sentence? I don't know anything about a sentence. I just came down with the gang to help rescue you. Ojanon and Ansh were with the judge for the hearing, though... one of them ought to know the outcome.

By Frangelica on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 4:46 pm:

Oh! Dimension! That would be me! Sorry Tacoman, got sidetracked for a minute. One dimensional gateway, coming up.

One sec. Computer, water, ice-cold.
takes glass of water and throws it in her face
Ugh. That peterflame makes my stomach churn.

One dimensional gateway home coming up!
A dimensional gateway opens in front of the Spidership, and Commander Milkshake skillfully takes the ship through. Earth appears on the viewcreen and ship's diagnostics reveal that the only thing lost in the hop was the empty bag that once held Chocolatey Corn Crunchies.

By Captain Tacoman, ready to party on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 7:06 pm:

I'm going up to the bridge.
With that, Tacoman does just that, calls the DoS for some vacation time and gets it, and actives the shipwide intercom and says:
Ladies, gentlemen, and other members of the crew, we are officially on vacation, so let the party begin!
In fact, I got us two glorious weeks of vacation time, so if you have friends and family on Earth, invite them along!
Artsy, work your art magic on the ship please.
Ops, a little traveling and party music please.

By Captain Tacoman, talking to himself again on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 7:14 pm:

I'm going to make an interdimensional call to some friends.
Tacoman actives the interdimensional communicator and sets it to wherever Greymoran and Tacoman's clone are now. A random ensign answers the call
Yes, is Jackson Dupree or Greymoran avaliable?
Engign: They're still on the ship. Just a second.
Jackson: Hey, Taco. What's going on with the LICC?
Tacoman: Well, we're just about to have a party, and I wanted to see if you and the rest of your crew would like to join us.
Jackson: Well, under normal circumstances, we would, but we have to take back the Archangel from Terrsec...
Tacoman: Ok. Good luck, my friend. Say hi to Greymoran for me.
Jackson: Well, he's right here beside me, and we're just about to transport to the ship.
Greymoran: Hello son, how are things over there?
Tacoman: Going great, father. I gotta go get things ready for the party. Tacoman out.

By Old Marvel Comics Fan on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 7:59 pm:

Well, my work here is done. I shall now return from whence I came. Excelsior!

There is a loud "BAMF!", followed by a cloud of brimstone, as Old Marvel Comics Fan disappears.

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 9:12 pm:

Rikard answers Artsy's questions as he points to a corner of the Sickbay.
Quito's right over there. Frangelica's near omnipotent powers. We came back so we could treat you. Your sentence was lifted when you were found innocent. Now, I gotta go make sure Kiehart hasn't touched my ship.

By Ensign Snewtipantz on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 9:35 pm:

Suddenly, the Blueshirt who suggested Klassikos should be Kulture Officer walks into Zen Forward, along with a few other crewmembers.

Okay, lets see about getting those decorations ready. We need some banners, a couple of confetti cannons, and a big-*censored* disco ball hanging from the ceiling!

He looks around for a second, and looks disappointed.

*sigh* This is going to take a *censored* of a lot of really hard work to get this *censored*, *censored* place to look perfect! Lets get a move on, people!

By The Juiceman on Friday, August 24, 2001 - 12:24 am:

(Overhearing Ensign Snewtipantz, the Juiceman walks over to a wall panel and pushes a button labeled 'Party' and suddenly the room is redecorated with confetti & banners & a disco ball. The Juiceman then walks over to Snewtipants & hands him a tray, a PADD & a towel)

If you really want something to do you can bus tables.

By Finally an explanation for the hair thief on Friday, August 24, 2001 - 2:07 am:

(After Artsy & the others had been treated in Sickbay it was revealed that Butrfli had been attacked by a strange creature while she was examining herself with a medical tricorder.*

* It happened during a commercial break.

The Doctor then examined the tricorder's findings and is now giving his results in the Conference Room.)

As you know Crimson Crossbow, Artsy-Fartsy & now Butrfli have been assualted by a strange 'man' & had hairs stolen.

(On the screen appears a picture of The Funky Horror.)

The tricorder indicates that he is a product of Seussian Genetics...

(Kiehart asks a question)

Seussian Genetics are an outlawed form of genetics which involves combining the DNA of different creatures to produce a new form of life. The leading practitioner of it was a G.R. Inch who could create monsters that would survive for several days before their DNA would start to break down.
G.R. Inch was in the brig of the Spidermobile I when it was pulled into EvilQ's black hole. Apparently he survived and over the next 2,000 years the science of Seussian Genetics was advanced to create a stable lifeform.

(Onscreen appear the pictures of several X-CwX soldiers & Cyber 9.)

As we found out in the 64th century. Amongst others the X-CwX genetic structure includes bits of DNA from everyone who had been on the Spidermobile I gathered no doubt from dead hair & loose skin.

(The Funky Horror's picture appears next to the others)

This... 'funky horror' is X-CwX. Although presumably an earlier version as he lacks most of the cybernetic enhancements and there is evidence of a slow breakdown of his genetic structure.

(Another Question)

Why the hair? No doubt he wanted to gather fresh genetic material. Probably to create a new army of superpowered soldiers.

By The Funky Horror´s last post until JD brings you-know-who back from Club Limbo on Friday, August 24, 2001 - 2:33 am:

(On the cruise ship Hammer Of Thor, The Funky Horror had tried to steal a hair from Enesku, but had underestimated her resistance to his ability to psionicly charm her into passivity*

*He previously used this against Crimson Crossbow

and they had been fighting for 5 minutes.)

You're pretty good. This is the best workout I've had for a while.

(To himself he thought, 'She's faster than the historical records indicated. Better get what I came for and leave.' He flipped over and behind her, reached for a hair, when she spun and sank her spear into his shoulder.)


(His eyes glow red with rage and fur suddenly covers his body and he takes on a more feral shape and swings a mighty paw across her face and knocks her across the room.

Then he pulls the spear out & forces himself to revert to his normal form. Wincing in pain he checks the now unconscious Enesku.)

Still alive. That's good.

(He runs a pentcorder over her.* It's a more advanced version of a tricorder.)

She'll have quite a headache when she wakes, but no other serious damage.

(He pulls a sample of her hair, then runs the pentcorder over himself.)

That's not as good. I'll need treatment soon.

(He tries to teleport out, but the pain keeps him from reaching the happy mental state needed to do that.

He goes to the communicator)

He... help! I've just been attacked by an insane woman with a spear. She's unconscious now. I'm in Cabin 47.

(He shuts off the communicator.)

Well, now I can get some treatment & by the time she awakes & they figure out what's really going on, I should have escaped already.

By Commander Milkshake, working hard in Zen Forward on Friday, August 24, 2001 - 9:39 am:

Okay, I've got my chef, as well as Ensigns Kaga, Morimoto, Chen and Sakai for the cookin' detail. I found a cool feature of Deck Ten that allows me to collapse a bunch of bulkheads, making Zen Forward twice its original size. I'm busy installing a dance floor now. I've also got a crazy wedding coordinator working up here, he was a little miffed that we only want a reception, but it's going to look really good.

By Captain Jackson Dupree Tacoman, ready to relax on Friday, August 24, 2001 - 10:16 am:

Tacoman inspects the work being done in Zen Forward
Very nice... good work... love the dance floor...
Looks like things are coming along quite nicely, Steve. We've needed this for a long, long time. You know.. if we use the holodecks to project the party, and use holoemitters in here to project those in the holodeck, we can really extend the party...

By Crazy Wedding Coordinator on Friday, August 24, 2001 - 10:40 am:

Zak! Graaah! Araggaararaggathukthuk!

zips around Zen Forward, Tazmanian-devil style, creating a trail of swirling mayhem that would make Artsy-Fartsy proud. When the dust settles, the walls of the room have been panelled and mirrored and dusted with gold. The tables around the dance floor have been draped and set and topped with lilies and candles and little gold stars. Floating chandeliers now adorn the ceiling. An empty centerpiece table sits on a dais and above it little gold lights spell out the words, "Congratulations Frangelica and Subway Man."

By Klassikos on Friday, August 24, 2001 - 11:46 am:

[In Zen Forward, talking to the Blueshirt]
If the talent show comes to pass, I wonder what I could do... maybe a Greek play... no, I wouldn't be able to do that on my own... recite an epic? No... too long. I could do something from the Olympic Games - after all, it would be quite easy with the armor* - but, no, ancient Olympic Competitors weren't supposed to wear armor or anything. And when I say "or anything" I mean it! No, that might offend some people, but on the plus side, it would probably annoy Kiehart.

*the armor which gives great strength. See earlier boards

By Frangelica on Friday, August 24, 2001 - 5:44 pm:

You guys are the greatest! Really! Well, if you've got things under control here, I'm going to head down planetside. I'll shower and change and pick up as many Urban Leaguers as I can find. Fancy dress, I assume.

By Lt. Jadlad on Friday, August 24, 2001 - 10:16 pm:

Jadlad checking some of the functions and indicators at the Psuedoscience Station before the party starts.


Wash. Soak. Rinse. Spin. Do you have cookies? Got Milk? Read the book. Chill dude. Conjunction junction. Keeps the hot side hot, and the cool side cool. What are you looking at? Auto Cruise. Abnormal Cruise. Pursuit. A little hot. Hot. Hotter. Hotter still. A hot little number :O .

Jadlad notices the time and leaves to get ready for the party. A few minutes later he enters Zen Forward in his royal blue dress costume with its spiffy silver cape. :)

By K-NIT Viewer\Iron Chef Fan on Friday, August 24, 2001 - 10:47 pm:

ENSIGN KAGA cooking?! Since when did Kaga get demoted from Lieutenant, and why is he cooking instead of Ensign Kobe? Is someone allergic to pasta, perhaps?

Looks like someone's gonna be eating yellow Bell Peppers at this party!!

By Artsy-Fartsy on Friday, August 24, 2001 - 11:27 pm:

Artsy-Fartsy enters Zen Forward, and after watching the Crazy Wedding Coordinator at work, smiles indulgently to herself. Aloud she says, "It looks like you guys have this end of it pretty well wrapped up. I've got something special planned but it's not done yet." She winks at Tacoman. "Don't worry. Check in with me in a few hours if you still want the rest of the ship decorated. Till then I'll be in my quarters."


In her quarters, Artsy is able to relax for the first time in several days. She sits against the beanbag chair in one corner and lazily studies the unfinished mural covering most of the room. Her fingers are playing with her ring, as if she needs to reassure herself that it is still intact. Quito is humming a contented, soothing song as she plays with some of Artsy's clay, and slowly the rest of the design trickles into the artist's mind. Her gradual flush from white into a yellowy-gold accelerates and she leaps up to start working....

By By popular demand.....he`s baaaaaaack! on Saturday, August 25, 2001 - 5:36 am:

Suddenly, there is a transporter flash. When it disipates, there is a brown-haired man standing in front of them wearing a orange-tan double-breasted jacket with a light green lettuce-textured tie, a white shirt, a red handkerchief in the jacket pocket, brown slacks, and green dress boots. He also has a cape, which resembles a sesame seed bun pattern-wise (still shaped like a normal cape, though), around his neck, attached by a clasp that looks like a pickle slice.

Greetings! And thanks for the invite, Tacoman. Glad I could be here.

He walks over to Frangelica.

Hello. Its nice to meet you. They call me....Lord of the Hamburgers, but you can call me...Ronald.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, August 25, 2001 - 6:25 am:

Frangelica, I wonder if Superrabbi and Scott Free would like to attend?
Welcome aboard, Ronald. glad you could make it.
Tacoman to Jadlad, perhaps you could provide a small number of pizzas for us?

By Lord of the Hamburgers, the Charbroiled Avenger! on Saturday, August 25, 2001 - 7:16 am:

Thanks, Captain. Say, could you please ask Jadlad if he could make at least a couple Artichoke, Pineapple and Garlic Pizzas? With extra Blue Cheese. They're great!

[And no, his last name isn't McDonald. Its King. Ronald King.]

By Meanwhile... on Saturday, August 25, 2001 - 8:36 am:

...after repairing the Banshee LICC/small is enjoying a bubble bath before the party starts.

By Mr Plot Twist on Saturday, August 25, 2001 - 10:21 am:

A chrome-colored, boxy-looking Antares-class starship approaches the Spidermobile. Tacoman can see this from Zen-Forward and smiles, realising who it is. Someone must have told him about the party, or perhaps it's just one of the many chance encounters they often have. Sure enough, Tacoman is hailed from the bridge.

"Captain, it's your relative, Ed, his wife, Kathy Sue, and their kids, Jeffrey and Lisa. They wish to beam aboard!"

By Ed on Saturday, August 25, 2001 - 10:22 am:

Remember where we parked, kids!

(noncommittaly) "Yeah, dad, somewhere in space..."

By K-NIT viewer and boxing fan on Saturday, August 25, 2001 - 11:45 am:

Haha. Ron King! Haha.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, August 25, 2001 - 12:57 pm:

Tacoman to bridge, tell them that they are welcome to the party. I'll meet them myself in the transporter room.
Tacoman goes to the transporter room and waits for his relatives

By Plot Development on Saturday, August 25, 2001 - 3:10 pm:

The chief operates the transporter controls, and four columns of light appear on the transporter pad. They resolve into the following people: Ed, in a white and brown cowboy outfit; his wife Kathy Sue, in a large purple dress; his son Jeffrey, about 14 and in a frayed rock-concert style outfit and sporting an ear-ring andd a nose-ring; and his daughter Lisa, about 7 and in a little-kid style green dress.

"Hey Jack! Just thought we'd drop by! Oh, chief, you'd better do that transporter thing again, there's a pig waitn' on the ship. It's Lisa's pet really, we call it Boris."

By Commander Milkshake on Saturday, August 25, 2001 - 3:15 pm:

Milkshake is consulting with his chefs, including chef Kobe, who just arrived.

Okay, for the entree' we'll go with the herb-roasted pheasant and butternut squash in rosemary sauce. Wine? Let's go with the '86 Veuve Cliquot Ponsardin. And the champagne...Dom Peringon, '93. Now, I've got this idea for dessert...Chocolate Gourmandise, vanilla ice cream and a chocolate tuile leaf...

By Frangelica on Saturday, August 25, 2001 - 8:07 pm:

Pleased to meet you and look forward to bettering your acquaintance. I need to run home for a bit, but I'll be back soon. They can't start without me! ;-)

Beams back down to New York.

By Wine Steward on Saturday, August 25, 2001 - 11:56 pm:

Was that the 2986 Veuve Cliquot Ponsardin or the 2886 Veuve Cliquot Ponsardin?

By Wine Steward Little on Sunday, August 26, 2001 - 1:02 am:

Might I suggest a 2963 Cheddarnay Sauvignon?

By Ed on Sunday, August 26, 2001 - 1:10 am:

Save the neck for me!

By Count Dracula 3001 on Sunday, August 26, 2001 - 2:43 am:

Me too!

By Kiehart on Sunday, August 26, 2001 - 3:04 am:

Unfortuneately the events of the past few hours (re: days) have been missed by everyone in the shuttle bay, who are unfortunately trapped after one of the idiot welders accidentally cut off all power to the doors and exits. Kiehart is far too busy to notice that communications is out too (re: Despite my best atempts to keep my job I got fired Firday).

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, August 26, 2001 - 6:15 am:

Well, I think I can get quarters for you and your pet...
So, what's been going on with you and your family?

By Ed on Sunday, August 26, 2001 - 10:13 am:

Oh, a little a' that, a little a' this. We don't have the thrill-a-minute lives you get in the Cosmic Championing business, but we like it that way! Oh, yeah, we picked up the pig on a colony on... now, what was that place called again?

Ed's wife, Kathy-Sue: Candris III.

Ah, yeah, that was it. Lisa took a shine to it and, well, now we got it. We take it around with us everywhere on our ship. We had to do some refits...

Jeffrey: I had to, he means.

Well, it may not have been fun at the time, but it was worth it. Come over an' see what we did to the place! That kid, what was here name, Ansh - she might wanna take a look.

By Captain Tacoman, being a good host and captain on Sunday, August 26, 2001 - 4:21 pm:

I'm sure you'll see her at the party, so you can ask her yourself...
Perhaps I can give you a tour of the Spider?

By Kiehart on Sunday, August 26, 2001 - 4:33 pm:

"Kiehart to anybody who can hear anywhere on this damned ship, can SOMEONE do something about these shuttle bay problems?" A technician below shouts up. "Sir, I got the exit door pried open. You can get out and reach a working terminal." "Thanks technician. While I'm gone, fire these idiots before they blow soemthing up."

By Lt. Jadlad on Sunday, August 26, 2001 - 6:34 pm:

Jadlad's corodinating with Milkshake and the chefs making pizzas for everyone who wants some including an order of 'Artichoke, Pineapple and Garlic Pizzas. With extra Blue Cheese.'.

Artichoke, Pineapple and Garlic Pizzas. With extra Blue Cheese? There's only one man I know who eats them with extra blue cheese! :)

Jadlad makes his way over to the other end of Zen Forward as soon as he finishes up the last of the pizza orders and making a few extra to be on the safe side. And there he finds a familiar face.

Lord of the Hamburgers. Heh, I knew it had to be you when I heard that pizza order! How ya been?

By Jadlads still slightly sick author. on Sunday, August 26, 2001 - 6:38 pm:

Whoops! Should've been "coordinating".

By Lord of the Hamburgers, the Chair-Broiled Avenger! on Sunday, August 26, 2001 - 11:12 pm:

Hiya, Jadlad. I'm fine. Without a ship, but fine. The Condimental was destroyed a couple of weeks ago. We were responding to a distress call out near the Gamma Ceti cluster, when we were attacked by a fleet of Kronzfari pirate ships. Blotzus and Bigg M.A.K.K. managed to take out most of the attackers, but the fuel core was breached, and we were forced to abandon ship.

He pauses.

Blotzus went back to his homeworld to relax for a while. He's considering taking a teaching position that he was offered at the Space Mechanics Academy. Onion Ringster decided to go visit some relatives on Mars. As for Bigg M.A.K.K.....he's on Roboxica IIV, looking into getting some of his cybernetics upgraded. And seeing if he can find a new ship for us to use.

He pauses again.

Oh! I just remembered....I saw Hot Chocolate Hottie last week, and she told me she's considering starting her singing career up again. She's even mulling over whether or not to take guitar lessons!

By Lord of the Hamburgers, the Charbroiled Avenger! on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 1:35 am:

Yep. She's considering recording a country album. She even played one of the new songs she wrote for me while I was at her place: "I Cried In My Marshmallows Last Night".

He looks around the room.

I wonder if I can get some decent Cognac around here?

By Ensign Sakai on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 1:40 am:

Ensign Sakai walks over to Commander Milkshake. He doesn't look happy.

Commander, I'm afraid that there is something wrong in the kitchen, and as a result the Asparagus and Champignon Mushrooms in wine sauce that were going to serve as appetizers won't be ready in time! Should we go ahead and serve the Konyakku, Raisin and Daikon dish, instead?

By Jadlad upon hearing that Hot Chocolate Hottie is considering starting her singing career up again. on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 3:40 am:

Is that so? I remember what one daffy reviewer said about her first single.

"She's colossal, she's stupendus, one might even go so far as to say she's mediocre!"

By Plot-ot-ot Twist-ist-ist on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 3:49 am:

Suddenly a bored K-NIT viewer, who also happened to be a magician, on the verge of falling asleep, cast an interdimensional spell which resurrected the crabs & lobsters & poultry, which then leaped up, grabbed some mushroom caps as shields & helmets and began throwing asperagus spears at the chefs.


By A Plot Twist to counter Plot-ot-ot Twist-ist-ist. on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 4:50 am:

And the battle was quickly won by the heroes and everything cleaned up and turned back to normal for the party and talent show before Frangelica comes back aboard.

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 6:32 am:

Hmm.. I have an idea...
Tacoman to Milkshake, perhaps your chef from Crazy Steve's might be persuaded to make a variety of milkshakes for the party?
Also, tell the chefs to look at file Taco47 in the replicators. It contains all of the various taco recepies I've collected over the years. Covers the whole range of taconess.. from Earth to some of the more exotic planets out there...

By Commander Milkshake on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 8:13 am:

to Sakai

Go ahead, but go easy on the seasoning.

to Tacoman

Definitely, we're going to have a huge, full-service milkshake bar.

By Evil K-NIT TV-47 Executive on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 11:12 am:

JB? E.E. Here. I have a great idea! Why don't we get the writers to have our favorite sponsor Chish & Fips cater the party on the Spidership? We'll charge 'em a fortune, and our ratings will go sky high!

By Ed on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 11:56 am:

We're gonna have a talent show? Well, I'd like to take part in that. I once won an eating competition, I could put that to use. Say, Lord of the Hamburgers, you don't happen to have a whole lotta burgers I could eat for my talent display.

To Tacoman
Sure, Jack, I'd love ta take a tour.

By Lord of the Hamburgers, the Charbroiled Avenger! on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 3:27 pm:

To Ed

Sure. No problem. In fact, I brought about several dozen Triple-Decker Natto Surprise Burgers and a few Pepper Jack and Clam Sauce Burgers with me. They're menu items for a new restaurant chain I'm starting.

To Jadlad

That critic is unemployed now. Last I heard he was in a mental hospital for a while, because he went Looney Toons!

By Commander Adon on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 3:54 pm:

The sound of a flute cut through the din of Zen Forward like a hot knife though butter, bringing everyone's conversation to a halt. The music came from a stage in the corner of the room. The stage was dark, but there was a light illuminating the source of the music, Commander Adon. When the small solo was finished, everyone's attention was focused on him.

Ladies and Gentlemen. I would like to present tonight's entertainment. Coming to you courtesy of the main computer, the music of Juliet Jake and Elwood Blues. The Blues Brothers!

Adon stepped aside as the stage lit up, revealing The Blues Brothers Band. From the wings stepped two men wearing black suits and sunglasses. Within moments, the party music had started.

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 6:26 pm:

Tacoman leads Ed and his family around the ship
...and this is sickbay, which as you can see, isn't busy at the moment...
Butrfli: Hi Taco. Who's your friends?
Tacoman: Ed, this is Butrfli, my current flame and mother to my future children.
Butrfli: Nice to meet you, Ed. OOF! The babies are kicking like mad here...

By Shocked Female K-NIT Viewer on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 7:30 pm:

"My current flame"?! Gosh, I hope Butrfli's a forgiving woman. If the father of my children called me that I'd kick him from here past Pluto!

By Kiehart on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 10:50 pm:

Kiehart walks in on the party, sweating, with a torn coat. "Captain, permission to slaughter those retarded work crews. They turned the shuttle bay into a hole so nasty Courtney Love wouldn't crawl into it." He obviously sounds angry. He looks around and sees a group of people he's never met before talking with his shipmates. "Um, did I miss something?"

By Ensign Snewtipantz on Monday, August 27, 2001 - 11:24 pm:

Ensign Snewtipantz walks over to Kiehart.

Yes. Yes, you did. Commander Milkshake just won the Bingo game, and now we're about to play Disco Twister!

By The Silly Poster on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 1:39 am:




Holodoc: The Silly Poster is dead.

By Plot-ot-ot Twist-ist-ist on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 1:43 am:

The author of A Plot Twist to counter Plot-ot-ot Twist-ist-ist slips on a banana peel & lands in a pile of cream pies for not at least trying to have some fun with that idea.

By The Phantom Poster on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 1:45 am:

You didn't see this.

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 8:34 am:

Tacoman looks up at the chronometer
Well, it's almost time for the party. Butrfli, think you can join us?
Butrfli: Sure, but what's this current flame stuff?
Tacoman: I apologize. I meant best lover in the world, lovable girlfriend, pntential marriage partner...
Butrfli: That's a bit better. Yeah, I think I can go.
With that, Butrfli gets into her hoverchair and is ready to go.

By Frangelica on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 8:55 am:

There is a shimmer of transporter beams and 15 people in various kinds of "superhero formal" materialize. Among them are Frangelica, in the same white gown she wore to the Nittys, and Subway Man ("Frangelicoh"), who has traded his customary orange outfit for a tux.

Hi guys! Wow does it look nice in here. This is my husband, Subway Man, and these are our friends from the Urban Defense League.

By Superrabbi on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 9:04 am:

Shalom aleichem, Milkshake, Adon! Long time no see. Very nice new ship you've got here.

The Defense League people mingle with the L.I.C.C.'ers. Renewal Man demonstrates his fantastic powers by "renewing" Kiehart's coat; Carnelian Jasper swaps pilotnig tips with Josh. Soon everyone is talking and dancing.

Psst... waiter, is there any way I can get a kosher meal?

By Commander Milkshake on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 9:12 am:

Welcome back, everyone!

Superrabbi, everything on the menu is kosher, except of course for the Bacon Lobster and Blue Cheese pizza someone's ordered.

By One Quick Appearance... on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 9:17 am:

One more person beams into the party, this one wearing a red silk mandarin shirt that mysteriously turns green as soon as he finishes materializing. Back from Bangkok for a spectcular one-night special, it's...

Scott Free, the Unzappable Redshirt! Don't statr without me, folks!

By The Amazing Quantum Man on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 10:08 am:

A person wearing a lavender tux may have walked in...

Captain Frangelica! Subway Man! Welcome and mazel tov! Superrabbi! Shalom aleichem! Long time no see!

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 12:36 pm:

A few minutes later, Tacoman's group enters the party.
Superrabbi, Scott, Quantum! glad you could make it.
Hey Subway Man! Congratulations and welcome to the Spidership.
Tacoman looks around the room
Steve, did anyone remember to tell Endymion about the party?

By Subway Man on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 12:59 pm:

Thank you. Very nice to be on the Spidership. I guess the view here isn't quite the same as the highest point in the NYCTA's subway. But then again, Smith 9th Street could use some scrubbing. I do think it's an awesome view of Manhattan. ...sorry, getting off-topic. Frangelica and I are very happy to be here, and appreciate all of your support!

By Nitpickers on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 2:00 pm:

1: How does one get arrested for being "too artistic". I mean what, did she cut off several ears ?

2: Better question, How many other dimensions have humanoids in them?

3: What's with this Phlox guy. Kirk didn't give a rat's arse about "Exploring new ideas".

1: Still beats Earth 2.

2: Or Prey.

3: Or Relic Hunter.

1: Oh, well, flip it to CN.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 8:24 pm:

Tacoman looks out the windows of Zen Forward, which is currently facing the Earth.
Yes, but can the highest point in the subway give you a view quite like this?
You're quite welcome, by the way. The LICC is always ready for a good party, especially when it is for one of the founders of the League, a great captain, and all around friend and her spouse.
ladies and gentlemen, a toast to the happy couple!

By Kiehart on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 9:42 pm:

Kiehart grabs a glass and raises it, feeling a little out of place in the gathering of legendary heroes. He wondered inwardly if anyone on Earth, besides those he'd met personally, even knew his name. He thanked Renewal Man, and walked over to the commpanel. The shuttle bay was back on-line at last. "Banshee Squadron, as my first offical act as your Commander, I order you to take your first shore leave as pilots, and come join the party!" Kiehart turns off the comm and laughs. "Well, maybe they don't know who I am, but who cares? It's a lovely suare(sp?)!"

By A K-NIT Viewer\Wiseguy on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 9:44 pm:

Toast?! I'll take butter and strawberry preserves on mine, please!

By The Mighty Spellcheck Man on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 9:47 pm:

Soiree, with a ` over the last e, I believe.

He looks over to his left.

Come, Thesaurusus Lad! There are illiterates out there who need our help!

By A food fight plot twist on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 6:36 am:

In the middle of the party, the transporter shimmer occurs. Eventually, the shimmer concludes, revealing the Muffin Men. They hold up their muffins and prepare to toss them at anybody and anything.

By Ensign Snewtipantz on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 7:18 am:

Why didn't someone put the shields back up?!

Right after he says that, he gets a muffin upside the head!

By A Nitpicker on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 8:38 am:

Uh, Spellcheck Man, it's "Thesaurus". Perhaps you need a new name?

By The Muffin Men on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 11:19 am:

The Muffin Men:pelting the assembled with spotless little white muffins Now, now, don't be miffed. It's not a true superhero wedding unless villains show up.

Frangelica: Oh yeah? Well, thanks at least for eschewing the blueberry. C'mon everybody! Prepare to repel boarders!catches muffins and in turn pelts the Muffin Men with them

By Subway Man on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 11:53 am:

Hey, do those muffins meet the specifications in Muffins for Parties & Toasts: The Complete Baking Guide to Paper-Coated Space Pastries? As long as I'm not looking at flying muffins, I do rather like the vieuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! *OUCH* Please stop throwing muffins, guys. You say those are rice muffins? And instead of throwing rice at us, you're throwing muffins because they're sweeter?

By In a different corner... on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 1:08 pm:

...the Pokemon orchestra plays Offenbach melodies and the Teletubbies of Doom are dancing the CanCan!

The Furbies are finally arriving with a big pie-dispensing machine.

"Let the attack..err..fun begin!"

By Captain Tacoman, Butrfli, and a real food fight on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 1:35 pm:

Tacoman runs over to the machine and begins throwing pies at the muffin men and the rest of the party
Butrfli: Havn't we done this before?
Tacoman: You mean at the supervillian convention? We sure did, and we're going to do it again!
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, an odd orange light envelopes several not-quite-dead lobsters that were for the party. They stand up on their tails, grab long knives, and start swordfighting

By Another Transformation! on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 1:57 pm:

The color fades out, the framerate drops to 15 fps and all musical instruments become honky-tonk pianos. The perfect setup for a giant pie fight!

By Captain Kaden on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 3:23 pm:

Oh no, not again!

By Alternate Identity on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 3:26 pm:

Pies for sale! I've got blueberry, raspberry, mulberry, and good ol' fashioned apple pies. Get your pies here! Step right up. Don't be shy. Get yo' pie!

3.14159265258979 dollars, more or less.

By ScottN on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 3:34 pm:

So, Kaden, how much for just the planet?

By The Muffin Men on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 3:34 pm:

To each other Zounds! They have pies! This was more than we bargained for!

By Nursery-Rhyme Man! on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 5:39 pm:

Allright, you Muffin Men! Which of you lives on Cherry Lane?

By Strange plot twist, which you can ignore if you want on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 5:59 pm:

In all the confusion, a band of drunken Klingons appear. Unfortunatly, due to a transporter error, they are only 2 feet tall.
Random Ensign at party: Hey look... tiny Klingons!
The Klingons take notice, and swarm the ensign, killing him with their itty bitty weapons

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 7:16 pm:

Adon was wandering through the chaos, singing.

Do you know the Muffin Man?
He catches a flying muffin and sends it back towards its owner.

The Muffin Man?
He hits another Muffin Man with a muffin.

The Muffin Man.
He Pelts a third Muffin Man.

Do you know the Muffin Man...
He pulls the pants off of a poor, unsuspecting Muffin Man, revealing his heart covered boxers to everyone in the room.

... Who live on Cherry Lane.
He catches another flying muffin and takes a bite.
Hey! These are pretty good!

By Evanescent Machinator on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 7:53 pm:

All of the sudden I appear...

and then for no readily apparent reason, I vanish

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 8:11 pm:

Rikard has dozed off in his chair when a muffin hits him in the head and he awakens. He looks down at it, picks it up, and bites into it.

Mmmmmmm. Blueberry. Needs some butter though.

He throws it back, accidentally hitting Kiehart instead.

By Kiehart on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 - 8:17 pm:

"Thanks Josh. Thanks a lot you ••••••• dolt!" He whips out hsi gun, and flips a switch on the alien device on it. Rikard is promptly splatterted by paint balls filled not with paint, but with the juice of stink bugs. He then brings the stink pellets to bear on the Muffin Men.

By Lord of the Hamburgers, the Charbroiled Avenger! on Thursday, August 30, 2001 - 1:28 am:

Lord of the Hamburgers turns just in time to avoid being pelted with several muffins to the head. He dodges another muffin, but is quickly hit in the chest with three of them!

Hmmm...so ya wanna play rough, do ya? Well, then....His hands come together and begin glowing an orange color....Have it my way, punk!

He throws a super-charged Power-Burger at three Muffin Men standing close together. The Power-Burger hits them and explodes with concussive force, knocking them against a wall, and leaving them covered in radioactive lettuce, tomatoes, and ketchup!

By Lord of the Hamburgers, the Charbroiled Avenger! on Thursday, August 30, 2001 - 1:33 am:

Lord of the Hamburgers dusts his hands.

There. Fortunately, I made that a Stun-Burger...

Just then he is pelted with about forty muffins, knocking him unconscious!

By The Muffin Men on Thursday, August 30, 2001 - 6:56 am:

Iccckkk! Icccckkk! Broiled goods! How noxious! Muffin Men to Drury Lane, get us out of here!

The Muffin Men beam out, leaving the food fight still raging.

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli, having a great time on Thursday, August 30, 2001 - 7:01 am:

Tacoman and Butrfli are in different parts of the room, each throwing tacos, pies, and any muffins that come their way. Butrfli has activated the shields that come with her hoverchair and is having a great time.
Butrfli: Jackson, I'm glad you had me come here. This is the best time I've ever had. It's also a great way for the kids to know about the wackyness of the group.
Tacoman: Glad you like it. But how do the kids know what's going on?
Butrfli: One of my spells... It allows the unborn child or children to see what their mother sees...
It has its uses... Are those tiny Klingons over there?
Tacoman: I believe they are...

By Ojanon on Thursday, August 30, 2001 - 8:13 am:

Suddenly, the doors open and Ojanon enters, back in his robes but with no cloak or mask. He observes the carnage that is ensuing.

Oh, my! What a mess! Suddenly, he is hit in the face with a pie! He wipes it off his face, and looks around. Okay....this is enough!

He closes his eyes and uses his telepathic powers on everyone in the room, "shouting".

[Enough! This has to stop!]

By Comic plot twist on Thursday, August 30, 2001 - 9:10 am:

Ojanon is immediately hit by pies coming from all directions.

By Subway Man on Thursday, August 30, 2001 - 9:58 am:

May I have your attention please? No smoking, littering or radio playing is supposed to go on in the NYC Subways. Now, the Spidership doesn't seem to have the same rules (noting all the litter), but if this is supposed to be a toast in honor of our nuptuals, I'm confused as to the flying sweets and tacos. Did someone check on the champagne? I think it was left out of the fridge.

By Frangelica on Thursday, August 30, 2001 - 11:39 am:

Still laughing... Oh my! Gosh that was fun. Okay... okay... Winding down...

Can I have butter and marmalade on my toast?

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, August 30, 2001 - 1:41 pm:

Tacoman emerges from a small pile of pie remains and looks around
Now that's what I call a food fight!
Luckily shields were put around the main food tables as soon as it all started...
Now to be somewhat serious... To the new couple, may they enjoy years of happiness and continued crimefighting.

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Thursday, August 30, 2001 - 3:18 pm:

Sorry Kiehart, payback.

Kiehart's unholstered gun flies out of the hand of the unsuspecting hero and into Rikard's. It appears to be a normal standard gun so he fires several of the stink bug pellets back at Kiehart who is then doused with the stink bug juice. The gun floats back onto a table next to Kiehart.

By Kiehart on Thursday, August 30, 2001 - 10:57 pm:

Kiehart holds his breath, one of his many abilities, preventing the stencth of the bug juice from nauseating him as it did everyone else. He blinks, and looks at his soaked clothes. "I guess I deserved that."

By Air Freshener Man on Friday, August 31, 2001 - 4:48 am:

Don't worry! I can solve that.

(Air Freshener Man waves his magic wand over Rikard & Kiehart and both are suddenly smelling springtime fresh.)

Ahhh, lilac.

By The return of....Poke-A-Man on Friday, August 31, 2001 - 5:18 am:

A blond-haired guy in a navy blue sportcoat and maroon slacks walks in. He has extremely long index fingers.

Sorry I'm late. What did I miss?

By Ask a silly question... on Friday, August 31, 2001 - 7:07 am:

47 cream pies hit Poke-A-Man in the face


By Julian Bashir and Miles O`Brien on Friday, August 31, 2001 - 2:47 pm:

*sniffs air* Is that lilac?

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, August 31, 2001 - 2:55 pm:

So, when should we have the talent show?
Ok everybody, we have pleanty of food, so enjoy yourselves... even more, I mean.
Perhaps we should move to a new board...

By Ansh and Tammy on Saturday, September 01, 2001 - 2:07 am:

Ansh and her elder sister walk into the room. Ansh is wearing a green velvet polo-neck t-shirt, black velvet trousers and a gold and silver belt. Tammy is wearing a one sholdered pink crop-top and a very short skirt. They look around at the guests. Tammy notices Scott Free and walks up to him, fluttering her eyelashes.

Hello! I don't remember seeing u before! What's ur name?

Ansh slaps her forehead and walks over to Frangelica

By BF, K-NIT 47 staff writer on Saturday, September 01, 2001 - 3:59 am:

It figures. I suggest a talent show, wait several months and nothing ever comes of it, and after I get rid of the character I wanted to have take part in it, the other writers finally decide to do one!

Walks into Evil K-NIT 47 Executive's office.

Is there anyway we can bring Rocket Ranger back, and still do the Dull-Ard\Whyte Kastle War, without coping out? Having him return just to take part in talent show, when there's a war going on, just wouldn't make any sense!

By Convenient Spacial Anomoly on Saturday, September 01, 2001 - 4:36 am:

Suddenly Rocket Ranger's ship is showered with Braga Particles which transports his ship to another part of space, in Earth orbit, next to the Spidermobile.

Rocket Ranger learns that he can get back to when &where he was by using Anti-Braga Particles to flush out the Braga Particles before they decay in 4-5 hours.

Should Rocket Ranger take advantage of this opportunity, or immediatly head back?

By The Great Emancipator! on Saturday, September 01, 2001 - 8:56 am:

In Zen-Forward there is an awed (or should that be "odd"? Never mind...) hush as the first few bars of the American National Anthem can be heard, obviously taxing the ship's speakers to their full limit. Starngely, no-one minds, they all merely sit, entranced. As if from nowhere, an American stars-and-stripes flag descends from the ceiling, and all gasp. From behind the flag steps none other than The Great Emancipator (not affiliated with Abraham Lincoln) dressed in red, white and blue, and clutching in front of him the Constitution of the United States. He removes his right hand from the great Document, and raises it to his head in a patriotic salute. All the other people in the room, regardless of nationality or planet of origin (seeing as America is, of course, the best country on the best world) salute the great Flag also.

"Congratulations and Good Wishes to Frangelica and Subway Man, and to all American superheroes!"

A yellowshirt whispers something to him.

"Oh, yes, and also to all the others."

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, September 01, 2001 - 10:05 am:

Tacoman, standing at the food table applauds the display of the Great Emancipator
Bravo! Amazing!
Another yellowshirt whispers something to Tacoman
Rocket? back?
Captain Tacoman to Rocket Ranger, welcome back to the Spidership. Come on and join the party!

By Rocket Ranger on Saturday, September 01, 2001 - 10:41 am:

Rocket Ranger turns to Tacoman and starts to speak. Surprisingly, his voice sounds normal!

Thanks, Taco.

Everyone looks surprised at the sound of RR's voice. He notices.

Yes, I'm back to human, more or less. I'll explain later. The war isn't going too good, I'm afraid. The Dull-Ards outnumber the rebels 3 to 1. We managed to retake two of the planets that the Dull-Ards captured, but they used some sort of crystallization weapon to destroy a whole solar system! The Wytch Queen and a group of WK rebels are hunting the weapon to destroy it even as we speak.

He starts to say something, but sounds stunned.

Is that Frangelica?! My God, why didn't someone contact me and tell me she was here?! I've wanted to meet her for years! She's considered a legend throughout the entire Galactic Order!

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Saturday, September 01, 2001 - 2:35 pm:

Well, if it's any help, Rocket, we left your lab alone for the most part... It was only disturbed for cleaning purposes... So you can use the stuff in their and the Spidership in general for anything you might need for the war... And perhaps we could be of some help ourselves when the party is over and we're back on duty...
As for not contacting you, we didn't know where you were... plus, we didn't know you wanted to meet her so badly..
Frangelica, Subway Man, come meet a fellow LICCer and member of the Galactic Order!
By the way Rocket, we may be having a talent show a little later...at least, there were rumors of it.
Butrfli makes her way over to the conversation
Rocket! Nice to see you again.

By Trebleclefhead on Saturday, September 01, 2001 - 2:57 pm:

As the orchestra strikes up a work by an obnoxious rock group, three chords strike up, independent of the current musical display. In a puff of smoke and a display of sheet music, and with the accompaniment of glittery-spangly notes, another hero appears. His costume is white with musical notation all over it, and instead of a head he appears to have a large treble clef, part of which has somehow shaped itself into a face.

I am Trebleclefhead, scourge of Br*tney Sp**rs, The Sp*ce G*rls, and other girl and boy bands; another guest at this great meeting of heroes!

He raises his arms and points them in the direction of the band, releasing a shower of musical notation and bars. They instantly start playing something more appropriate to the general mood. He then approaches the blueshirt Ensign Snewtipantz and gives him what appears to be the same treatment; However, no-one else can witness any change, except for the expression on Snewtipantz's face, which is now more pleased. The ensign himself, however, suddenly finds a symphony of his own liking played to him and only him. Trebleclefhead seems to smile, although it is hand to tell, pleased at a job well done.

Yes, who needs headphones and CDs when you have Trebleclefhead, defender of music!

By Scott Free on Saturday, September 01, 2001 - 9:16 pm:

Hello, beautiful! I'm Scott Free. And "u" are?

By Board Police on Sunday, September 02, 2001 - 4:30 am:

All right. By order of the Fire Marshall move to the next board, please. There are just too many Ks here.

By 2 many Ks on Sunday, September 02, 2001 - 4:36 am:

K1: That's prejudice.

K2: Yeah, we have the right to get together like any other letter of the alphabet!

K3: At least they respect us in baseball.

K1: Don't undercut our arguments.

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