League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XLIV

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XLIV
By Board Estate Agent on Sunday, September 02, 2001 - 4:27 am:

This board is perfect for the growing superhero team, with plenty of room to grow.

By Captain Tacoman on Sunday, September 02, 2001 - 7:16 am:

Hey, where's Ed and his family? I lost track of them when the pie fight started...
Scott, which "beautiful" were you trying to flirt with?

By Ed on Sunday, September 02, 2001 - 8:02 am:

Over here, Jack! We're at the hamburger counter!

By Random Yellowshirt on Sunday, September 02, 2001 - 12:32 pm:

Hey, why aren't we having this party at The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe?

By Enesku on Sunday, September 02, 2001 - 12:59 pm:

A cantina on Gammalon V
|The interior of the establishment easily fits the description "A wretched hive of scum and villany." There is very little in the way of light - no windows,a nd only a few, small, dimming, flickering reddish lights in a few places around the room. On one end is a door, leading directly to an upward-leading staircase, and on the other a bar. Behind the bar is a man of large proportions in a filthy outfit and the only access to his section is a door in the rear wall, or climbing over the bar itself. There are several tables scattered about, most of them round in shape, with about three or four people at each. Some of the tables are thrown over, which obviously haven't been picked up since the last brawl. Some of these are still occupied, by customers who are unconscious, or inebriated to the brink of unconsciousness. If there had been a large amount of light, the sheer dirtiness of the place would be more noticeable. Substances, presumably alcoholic but now beyond recognition, cover the floor and tables and, in some places, the walls. As for the patrons themselves, they range many sizes, colors, facial appearances and numbers of limbs. The only things that they all have in common is that they all look either vaguely angry or completely zoned out, and they are all slouched over tables. These factors, as well as the maleness which they all seem to share, do not apply to one customer, seated at the only upright stool in front of the bar. Her attire also differs greatly from that of the others, after all, no-one else is wearing an embellished t-shirt and shorts type outfit covered in - or perhaps made of - light blue-gray scales. She is also younger and of a slightly smaller and much thinner stature. She has long black hair with a reddish tint, a small amount of which has recently been taken from her in an event she can't remember during the time she spent as a passenger on the starship Hammer of Thor. That was several days ago. She has been on this planet for some time now, spending most of that time in this very place, expecting her appearance to cause someone to offer her a drink. Surprisingly, this never worked, due to the fact that everyone else in the cantina has been ocupying their own little world in their mind's eye, the only things from reality that they are aware of being the drinks they imbibe, and occasionally the bartender. Because of this, the girl has to buy everything fr herself. Her name is Enesku.|

Right! That one wash good! I'll have another one of those!

The bartender looks at her, a peacemaking look in his large and unshaven face.
"That will be the twelfth you've had tonight. That's more than most people have. It isn't healthy."

Lishten you!
she reaches out to grab the man by his collar, but fails miserably and her arm falls in the glass
If I want healthy, I'll go to a shalad bar! But I don't!
she removes her hand and starts sucking off the contents
I wanna... I wanna have fun! I wanna be a... a superhero!

|She had thought for quite a while how she was going to reach this acchievement. Her first idea was that she would get hit by nuclear radiation, or X-rays, or something similar, but decided against it, in case it killed her, or worse, deformed her.|
She is now in front of two seperate half-full glasses containing two seperate liquids, and and is pouring the contents of one into the other. When she has finished, she drinks some of it.
Hmmm, nothing superheroic happenin'. Right, I'll have some a' that! pointing to one of the shelves behind the bartender Just the bottle!

Enesku continues to mix-and-match various substances for the next two hours, to the growing uneasiness of the barkeep. Now she is in front of a glass containing a sickly-looking luminous green fluid, and several bottles, some upright, some pouring their contents, some smashed.
Right! Now that!

"But that's a pan-galactic garle blaster!" the bartender protests.

Just gimme it!

He hands it over. Enesku uncorks the bottle and the drink emerges from the top, pouring into the glass.


By Tammy on Sunday, September 02, 2001 - 2:23 pm:

Tammy giggles at being called "Buetiful"

I'm Tammy Tembar!

By Rocket Ranger on Sunday, September 02, 2001 - 3:11 pm:

Rocket Ranger looks at Tacoman.

Yes. I really do need to go check out my lab. I need to go make some adjustments to my old armor, so I can put it on. As a matter of fact, I'm wearing my Pilot Armor right now.....

He presses a button on his belt. His appearance changes from the containment suit design to the old silver and white pilot armor with black trim.

I wanted to surprise everyone, so I used a hologram projector. Now...did I hear something about a talent contest? Good thing I brought my prized platinum-coated, titanium alloy spoons with me!

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Sunday, September 02, 2001 - 11:32 pm:

Rikard walks up to the flirting duo and whispers to Free.
Scott, isn't she a little young for you? Besides she's gone after every guy on the ship, Taco, Milkshake, Adon, Insane, me, she's even accidentally and inadvertantly somehow been a key factor in a few redshirt crewmember deaths. Not that you'd have a problem with THAT.
The glass table that the trio stands near suddenly shatters for no apparent reason.

By Quincy K. Rocket on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 3:28 am:

Rocket Ranger leaves and goes to his quarters, then to his lab. He comes back about twenty minutes or so later.....as Quincy K. Rocket. He has on a black duster coat (no Space Marshal's badge on it), a teal button-up shirt, black jeans, and black boots. It is also obvious that he is wearing the old silver and teal metal wristbands that let him change into his armor quickly.

Well, I feel much better now. I'm glad to be out of armor!

He walks over to Frangelica and Subway Man, smiling.

Hello. I'm Quincy Kyle Rocket, also known as Rocket Ranger. I'm the pilot of the SnowCrane, LICC's Gadgeteer, and sometime Liason between LICC and the Galactic Order. On behalf of the Galactic Order, and myself, congratulations! Its a great moment when such a joyous occasion happens to a living legend revered throughout the Galactic Order!

By A Doctor from the Hammer of Thor on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 5:50 am:

It's the strangest thing. Several days ago I got a call that a man had been attacked. Well, when I saw him he had a spear wound in his shoulder.

Anonymous Listener: A spear wound?

Yes, in this day and age. But the most unusual thing was he had a tentacle instead of an arm.

AL: A tentacle?

Yes, a blue tentacle.

AL: Is the color important?

No, just trying to give you a clearer picture.

AL: Ah...

He also had an eye in the palm of his hand.

AL: I've never heard of such a species.

That's because he was the product of genetic splicing. The most advanced form of Suessian Genetics I've ever seen.

AL: But that's illegal!

Yes. And as I was treating his wound, Security Chief Dorn came in and said there was no record of this man as a passenger.

AL: Remarkable.

Even more so, he admitted it. Stated that he had stowed away on board and had attacked the girl he was stabbed by. She had a concussion & bruises, but was later up & around by the way.
Anyway, after confessing all this he clutched his chest and died.

AL: Convenient.

Yes, but tricorder's don't lie, despite what that Bashir fellow claims. He was dead and didn't respond to any treatment I had available to me. So I put his body into a stasis chamber for examination by the proper authorites. The chamber was sealed by both myself & Dorn. However, when the authorites got there and we opened the chamber, the body was gone.

AL: Dissolved? Self-destructed?

No. And the seals were intact and hadn't been tampered with.

AL: Incredible. Did this person have a name?

Well, it's probably a fake, but he called himself T.F. Houdini.

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 6:45 am:

Tacoman looks around in satifaction and pride. His crew has pulled off another miracle, but this time it is one of celebration, not one of galaxy saving. Various crew members are in groups around the room chatting with the various superheros that have showed up for the party. A crew of yellow and redshirts arrive and clean up the mess on the floor. Tacoman then spots Butrfli chatting with Ansh, Quito, and a member of the Urban League. Tacoman wanders over
So, enjoying the party?
Butrfli: One of the best I've been to, and there's been some wild ones in my home dimension.
Tacoman: There's talk of a talent show pretty soon...
Butrfli: Sounds wonderful. I can throw off a few spells... We can wound a person or two, and I can heal them with my staff... Which is still in sickbay, by the way... I would do some flapping, but I'm in no shape for that...
Tacoman: We'll get someone to get your staff. Perhaps we could do something together... I can juggle pretty good...

By Redshirt Comedy Team on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 7:09 am:

1: I hear Butrfli's staff is in Sickbay.

2: Must be a 'staff infection.'


1: I hear the Doctor has no internal organs.

2: No wonder they call him 'hollow doc.'


1: Why are we ticking?

2: I think we're bombing.


By Frangelica on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 8:50 am:

Nice to meet you, Quincy! Thank you!

By Scott Free on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 8:51 am:

I'm only 22, Josh... You're 18 already, Beautiful, aren't you?

By Klassikos on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 11:56 am:

[enters the bridge, walks over to the communications station and operates it.]
Ubermensch, this is Klassikos speaking from the Spidership. A few other non-LICC superheroes have come up here. for the party, you might wish to come, too.

[closes channel]

Answering machine.

[leaves the bridge and returns to Zen-Forward]

You know, now we have two captains, Frangelica and Tacoman, they could both have authority, like the Roman duoveri, who were the two magistrates in charge of the city, so they could fill in for one another when they had to.

Yes, I do have Roman knowledge as well as Greek, but not as much. Anyway, Roman mythology is largely the same as Greek, but with the names changed to protect the guilty. They didn't have a very good imagination a lot of the time. "Hercules", indeed. And guess what they called the movie...

But I'm rambling.

By Status Report on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 12:14 pm:

On a stage, a yellowshirt holding a microphone gets the attention of several LICC people.

"And now, the talent show begins!"

By Talent Show on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 12:43 pm:

Ed steps up onto the stage with a plate heaped with hamburgers.

Yellowshirt: "And now, uh..."

Ed: "Just call me Big Ed!"

Yellowshirt: And now Big Ed will eat twenty hamburgers in one sitting! And he will be timed using a stopwatch!

The yellowshirt presses a button and the readout 00:00:00 appears on a display behind them.

Yellowshirt: "Now!"

Ed begins to eat the burgers as the display kicks in. He gobbles them down extraordinarily quickly. The yellowshirt steps off the stage and picks up a container of coke from a table.

Yellowshirt: "Here, take this to help you was them down!"

Many people are in rapt attention at this gastronomic exhibition, but some feel rather sick. When Ed finishes, the readout reads 02:59:33.

Yellowshirt: "If anyone thinks they can beat Ed's record of twenty burgers in three minutes, tell me!"

The crowd applauds.

By Tammy on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 1:00 pm:

Tammy giggles again

Close! I'm 17! Oh and Josh, going by that, Enesku would be too young for u wouldn't she?

By Artsy-Fartsy on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 2:02 pm:

Artsy appears quietly in the crowd watching the show and looks around, flickering between yellow and lavendar-pink. "Wow. Seems like I missed some of the good stuff! Ah well, the cost of being an artist..."

She wanders over, greeting people, and winds up next to Tacoman and Butrfli. "Captain. Having fun? I've got an act for the show, and a present for the crew to present later, if that's okay with you." Artsy leans over Butrfli and asks after the babies.

By Amar Nagesh on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 2:44 pm:

Ens. Nagesh is behaving himself by only getting slightly drunk.

"Hoo hoo! Go Ed!"

By Scott Free on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 2:50 pm:

Only 5 years, huh? Don't worry about us, Josh. puts his arm around Tammy We'll keep things legal.

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 3:36 pm:

Good going, Ed! I'm impressed.
Hi Artsy. I'm having a great time. It's nice seeing the crew so relaxed, after all the stuff we've been through lately.
A present? Of course you can give it to us. So what kind of act do you have?
Butrfli: The babies are doing good. I still have the "babies see what the mother sees" spell, and they seem to be enjoying things...

By Cookie Monster, joining the fun on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 3:39 pm:

Suddenly, the transporter shimmer appears on the stage. When it ends, a blue furry monster appears.
Where hamburgers? There they are!
With that, Cookie Monster devours another twenty hamburgers in 1.2 minutes and disappears in another transporter beam

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 8:57 pm:

You're 22? Geez, I thought you were at least 25. I knew you for how many months?
Rikard winces after seeing Ed eat the burgers but for some reason Cookie Monster's eating doesn't affect him.
Well, this isn't the first time I've been wrong. How old is Eneksu anyway? And what makes you think that I like her, Tammy?

By Peeved K-NIT TV-47 Viewer on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 9:10 pm:

What is this, LICC 90210?

By Furby on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 9:14 pm:

No problem, I'm more than 1000 years old.

By Tori Spelling, making a special cameo appearance for no good reason on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 11:47 pm:


By Just Another Ratings Stunt on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 2:47 am:

*a yellowshirt steps out on stage*

May I have a volunteer from the audience? Yes, you sir, in the redshirt. Stand against the target while I put on my blindfold & demonstrate my knife-throwing ability.

By Scott Free on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 10:54 am:

I was only a few months out of the Academy when the USS FX Fodder left me in the space-time anomaly. And I didn't start aging again until Frangelica rescued me.

So, Beautiful, have you ever seen the inside of a space-time anomaly?
winces under Josh's withering glare
All right, all right. Beautiful, before you lose your heart to me, you should know that I dated Alabaster, whose long-lost twin brother Cleveland went to the Academy with Halcyone, who got drunk and told him that Alabaster was actually carrying Justin's baby.

Tammy: And this means...?

Scott: Absolutely nothing!

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 11:06 am:

The body of the redshirt is removed from the stage, and the yellowshirt host reappears
Well, how about that folks?
Who do we have up next? Ah.. our very own Captain and our favorite pregnant lady, Captain Tacoman and Butrfli, ladies and gentlemen!
Tacoman: Luckily the target is still up, right Butrfli?
Butrfli: You got that right. Ladies and gentlemen, I shall now demonstrate a few my spells, most learned from my home dimension, but some learned from some of the magic users on here.
Butrfli stands up with Tacoman's help and fires off a number of spells at the target, from fireball to acid to knives. Tacoman removes the knives from the target and begins to juggle them. Butrfli fires a couple more fireballs at Tacoman, who proceeds to juggle them as well.

By The Observer on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 3:03 pm:

(After the racous applause from Tacoman and Butrfli's act dies down, Observer walks into Zen Forward and onto the stage.)

Gives the term "Hold your fire" a whole new meaning.


And now...ladies and gentlemen...for your enjoyment tonight...I shall call on ten helpers, five of my past selves, five of my future selves...and they will all balance on the palm of my hand! Erebium Decius Itzi!

(Nothing happens)

Uh...Erebium Decius Itzi!

(Nothing happens)

(Observer looks very surprised. Then, he suddenly picks up ten beanbags and performs a marvelous juggling exhibition, recieving great applause. When he sits down, he is visibly worried. Butrfli leans over to him.)

"What's wrong?"

I don't...don't know.

By Kiehart on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 3:52 pm:

Kiehart watches the show with total disinterest. This just isn't exciting to him. But his squadron seems to be enjoying it, so he stays with them and watches.

By Announcement on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 7:43 pm:

alt-Furby has opened a kissing booth over there!

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 1:51 pm:

And now, for my talent, I would like to juggle three hovercars while singing the LICC theme song.

Adon begins juggling the vehicles while singing onstage.

A Redshirt wanders onstage and is almost killed by a flying hovercar. He sighs in relief and steps off of the stage without watching where he is going and falls down an inconviently placed bottomless hole at the foot of the stage.

By Hope you enjoy this one! on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 2:24 pm:

Lt. Kaga enters. wearing a black sequin coat with silver trim and sequins arranged in a tiger-stripe pattern on each shoulder. He also has on a white ruffled shirt and black gloves, with black slacks. He steps up on stage, then begins to speak in Japanese. Surprisingly, everyone can understand him perfectly.

Today, for the talent show, we have arranged a special battle.

The curtain rises, revealing the Iron Ensigns standing in a kitchen setting, wearing funky-looking outfits.

Sakai and Kobe will face Morimoto and Chen in a team effort.

A pedestal rises from the ground, with a red tarp over it.

Today's theme ingredient is.....

Kaga pulls the cover off, revealing....


Ensign Fukui is sitting at a table with a microphone. Galley Advisor Lt. Hattori is seated at the opposite end of the table, with two seats between them.

Yes, today in Kitchen Sta...er...Stage, its LICC's own Iron Chefs in a Chickpea Battle! Joining us for this special occasion are our guests....former LICC Captain, Frangelica, and her new husband Subway Man!

Frangelica and Subway Man walk on stage and sit at the table....

Joining them on the tasting panel after the battle will be current LICC Captain Jackson Tacoman and the esteemed Observer, who we believe to be a true gourmet....but that's never been confirmed for sure.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 2:44 pm:

Tacoman joins Frangelica and Subway Man at the table
This should be interesting...

By Kiehart on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 2:56 pm:

Kiehart's squadron goes off onto the floor to make fools of themselves, drunkenly dancing to Adon's less than stellar crooning. Kiehart decides to retire away to his quarters.

By Crewman Ota on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 4:28 pm:

Ota: Fukui-san?

Ensign Fukui: Yes, Ota?

Ota: It appears that Ensign Morimoto is working on a fish-head and chickpea Milkshake.

Tee-Hee Girl: Oh, I just love fish-heads (giggle!).

By The Amazing Quantum Man on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 4:31 pm:

While the Iron C.H.E.F. ensigns are cooking, Quantum Man decides to show off his talent.

A security yellowshirt (QM is taking no chances) accompanies him to the stage. The yellowshirt is carrying an old style pistol.

Security Officer Goodshot will now fire the pistol straight at me.

Quantum Man stands in front of a target, as Goodshot fires off six rounds, which appear to go right through Quantum Man. However, he seems rather blurred and delocalized.

Thank you! As you can see, all of Goodshot's bullets hit the target, but missed me, as I was somewhere else!

By Eisigns Barns and Barns on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 4:53 pm:

Fish heads, fish heads, rolly-polly fish heads! Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 4:56 pm:

Thank god for translators.
He looks over at the pilots.
Great, now I have to make sure that they make it home tonight. Kiehart wouldn't want hungover pilots. Probably too late for that.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 7:01 pm:

Steve, what do you have for the talent show?

By Lt. Jadlad on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 8:16 pm:

Jadlad: Fukui-san? It also appears that the Sakai/Kobe team has my sister Alison working as one of the helpers. However, I don't think the judges will deduct points from their final score for that.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to get ready for my portion of the talent show.

By The dishes are finished on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 8:30 pm:

Fukui: 3...2...1....the Chickpea Battle is OVAH!

After a short break, Lt. Kaga, Frangelica, Subway Man, Captain Tacoman, and Observer move to the dining table.

Fukui: And we're back. Ensigns Sakai and Kobe present 3 dishes.

First, Chickpea, Truffle and Red Wine Soup with Caviar. The Red Wine accentuates the taste of the Chickpeas, and the Caviar adds a pleasant complement to the Truffles.

Second, Chickpea and Foie Gras Ravioli with Truffle Sauce. The Chickpeas in this case blend with the Foie Gras to create a surprisingly light taste.

Finally, Chickpea Sorbet. For this one, Sakai used the Ice Cream Maker and added just enough garlic and cayenne to compliment the taste of the chickpeas.

Ensigns Morimoto and Chen present two dishes as well:

First, Chickpea, Chinese Cabbage and Hamo Eel Stir Fry. Just before the dish was finished, Morimoto added some cola that enhances the sweetness of the Eel meat.

Second, Chickpea, Onions and Beef in a Salt-Crust Grill. Chen used Grape Leaves to protect the mixture, and the Salt-Crust process helps keep the dish from losing any of its moisture.

Lastly, for dessert....a Fish-Head and Chickpea Milkshake. Ensign Morimoto blended a small amount of Natto into the mix before finishing.

Sakai and Kobe present their dishes first, starting with the Soup...

By Lt. Jadlad on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 8:59 pm:

I shall show you the new trick I learned. I shall touch my nose with my tongue while juggling heavy objects with my eyes crossed!

During this I will also be set on fire and hanging upside down while humming anime TV theme songs.


After Jadlad finishes he gets a small round of applause.

Thank you. Thank you very much. You're a wonderful crowd.

By Lt. Maxwell Smart on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 9:18 pm:

To Rocket Ranger.

You know. This is the second biggest Superhero gathering I've ever been too.

And loving it!

By Quincy K. Rocket on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 9:28 pm:

Well, I guess its my turn now.

Quincy jumps onstage.

Watch and be amazed at what I do with my prized Titanium-alloy, platinum coated....SPOONS!

Quincy pulls two spoons out of an inside jacket pocket. He plays "My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean" with them, while accompanying himself on a kazoo. When finishes, the audience applaudes.

Thank you. Thank you.

Next, he plays the "William Tell Overture" while hopping back and forth across the stage on one foot and balancing a pickle on his nose. When he finishes, he flips the pickle into the air and catches it in his mouth. The audience applaudes again. Quincy puts the spoons back inside his jacket and starts eating the pickle.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

By Artsy-Fartsy, bringing out the present promised at the Nittys on Thursday, September 06, 2001 - 12:57 am:

Artsy steps up onto the stage next, beckoning for a small compliment of yellowshirts (she is also taking no chances!) to unroll a long, mural-sized canvas across the stage. She waits till they finish tightening it and withdraw, then turns to face the crowd.

"Tonight I'm going to try something I've never done before. I am going to reproduce for you a mural I finished today. The original is in my quarters, and I have memorized it, and I am going to attempt to recreate every detail precisely." Nervously the artist shifts her satchel, flashing from pale blue to brilliant yellow to pink, and then she winks at a particular group in the audience. "If anyone wants to place bets on the result, now would be the time."

She turns and steps forward, disappearing in a blur of motion. The picture that unfolds is spectacular in its scope and detail:

The background is scenes from battles the LICC have been involved in, both recent and long past, some realistic, others in a more stylized form. Various members of the team gasp in delight to see themselves come to life, caught in a moment of peril or triumph. Some laugh at the older scenes, seeing themselves transfered to cartoon land or smashing villians with cream pies at the VillianCon.

Among these, slower than these, large forms begin to take shape. Each figure is posed in a perfect, utterly familiar way; and the outfit and facial expression of each matches reality to a T. There is a portrait of every member of the LICC, past and present, from Tacoman, Milkshake, and the rest of the command staff down to the Teletubbies' squad and Butrfli's babies (still unborn). The less prominent characters are filled in first, near the edges of the mural, and as they get closer to the center, the colors become bolder, the depiction more solid and realistic. In the very center, between Tacoman and Commander Milkshake, with Subway Man visible over her shoulder, is Captain Frangelica in her original uniform. Her face is the last thing to be painted.

For a long moment after Artsy comes to rest on the steps of the stage below the mural, there is silence.

Then the applause begins, and she basks in it, gold and soft, pale pink.

By Auntie Nit on Thursday, September 06, 2001 - 2:25 am:

Some of our viewers have asked, "How can a spaceship have a bottomless hole on it? Wouldn't that mean that there is an opening into space, which would allow the air to blow out of the ship?"

Well, you're assuming that the bottomless hole is straight. (Puts up diagram of the ship) In actuality the hole is a shaft that runs around & throughout the ship. The shaft itself has no gravity, but is affected by the ship's artificial gravity fields so that any redshirt will be pulled down. The hole which starts in the floor near the stage ends at the ceiling directly over the hole, as you'll see in a moment.

(A few seconds pause)

Sound Effect: ...aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa... (Redshirt falls screaming out of hole in ceiling into hole in floor)

And he'll just keep falling until someone puts a net or other covering over one of the holes.

By The Tick & Arthur on Thursday, September 06, 2001 - 2:30 am:

Arthur: So which act do you think is the best so far, Tick?


By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, September 06, 2001 - 7:37 am:

Tacoman glances over to Artsy's mural
Really amazing, Artsy! I'll have to take a closer look after I'm done with judging.
Tacoman takes a taste of the soup
Hmm.. Could use just a hint of garlic, but all in all, pretty good

By Subway Man on Thursday, September 06, 2001 - 9:14 am:

Hmm...surprising to see myself in a mural. I wonder if we could get a copy for the walls of the Times Square stop. They are still remodeling down there...

By Commander Milkshake on Thursday, September 06, 2001 - 9:21 am:

I don't have much talent, Taco, but I can play the ajuitar a little.

Great work, Artsy!!!

By Danger! on Thursday, September 06, 2001 - 11:12 am:

The Furby enters the stage, dressed as Frank Sinatra. Everybody knows what comes next and is stunned in horror but luckily the members of the Pokemon Drop Squad distribute ear-flaps to nearly everybody just before the Furby starts to sing.

Five minutes later the audience applaudes except for a few unprotected and thus still screaming redshirts. The poor guys are quickly led away to the ship's madhouse.

By Frangelica on Thursday, September 06, 2001 - 1:03 pm:

Oh, Artsy, it's beautiful! I love the composition!

(This food, by the way, is very fine. I wonder how the Iron C.H.E.F.s knew I am particularly fond of chick peas.)

By Captain Tacoman and Butrfli, about to be parents? on Thursday, September 06, 2001 - 1:59 pm:

Butrfli: I like how you put the various bad guys the LICC has faced over to the side... the mug shots are clever....OOH...
Jackson, can I get up there again? I think I have another talent...
Tacoman: What?
Butrfli: How about giving birth right here on stage?
Tacoman: That would be a heck of a trick.
Butrfli: I'm serious...
Tacoman: WHAT? Tacoman to the Doctor, Butrfli and I are heading to sickbay. We think it's time.
Sorry about this folks, but my judging will have to wait. I'm about to be a father!
Tacoman grabs a plate of sorbet and rushes Butrfli and her hoverchair to sickbay

By Quantum Man on Thursday, September 06, 2001 - 3:29 pm:

What, they use chick-peas and there's no Falafel?

By Be careful what you ask for...you just might get it! on Thursday, September 06, 2001 - 9:41 pm:

The Iron C.H.E.F.s hear Quantum Man's comments, and start cooking again. Several minutes later, Morimoto hands him a plate of Falafel with Foie Gras with Escargot Penne Pasta in a spicy Szechwan-style sauce.

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, September 07, 2001 - 9:35 am:

A large screen descends from the ceiling in front of the windows of Zen Forward. Usually, they are lowered for the purpose of movie night in the establishment. Tacoman appears on the screen holding two bundles.
Ladies and gentlmen, allow me to introduce the LICC's newest members, Fran and Logan.
It was a easy birth. The Doctor mearly beamed them out, which caused the least pain to Butrfli. They have the potential to develope wings much like their mother's. That's why they had to be beamed out, because the wing structures would have made normal birthing hard... I'm told that's why those of her race don't have many children in their lifetime.

By Furby on Friday, September 07, 2001 - 6:27 pm:

Everybody grab a glass now! Three cheers to the kids, their mommy and their dad!

By Kiehart on Friday, September 07, 2001 - 10:00 pm:

Kiehart walks behind Tacoman and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Good work sir." Tacoman smiles. "Thanks for the name suggestion Jason." "Don't mention it." kiehart gets an evil grin on his face. "Hey Butrfli," he says loud enough for everyone to hear. "When are ya gonna pin this guy down huh? I can't wait for the bachelor party!" Several of the male crew memebrs cheer at that. Tacoman flashes Kiehart a sarcastic I'm-gonna-kill-you look.

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Friday, September 07, 2001 - 10:04 pm:

Geez, I should have known to bet against Artsy. She didn't get a single detail wrong. Here you go.
Rikard pushes a number of credit chips and cash over to the smiling redshirt.
Rich Redshirt: Yes, now I might be able to buy a new shirt!
The redshirt gets up to leave just as the Captain's announcement is shown on the screen. The unfortunate guy is trampled by the crowd going to Sickbay. Rikard looks around and bends down to grab the money he lost off of the floor before going to Sickbay himself. When he gets there, he finds a level 4 forcefield blocking the entrance.

By Frangelicas Honor Guard on Friday, September 07, 2001 - 10:29 pm:


By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, September 08, 2001 - 7:01 am:

I'll think I'll use this board for now...
Half the party from Zen Forward tries to get into Sickbay as Tacoman hands the babies back to Butrfli
Wow... I'm a father.
I suppose we could always take things down to one of the holodecks... We can project an image of sickbay and Butrfli and continue the general party... and we really have a reason to party now.
A video store owner and Kiehart try to enter sickbay to show Tacoman a video, but are unsuccessful

By Enesku on Saturday, September 08, 2001 - 9:54 am:

The streets of Gammalon V
|Night hangs over the scene, which is that of a road, or simply a path, between two rows of buildings. The buildings are made of brick, and many of them have boarded-up windows. There is little sign of life, only that it has been lived in, not too long ago. Trashcans are here-and-there, but the amount of junk on the ground shows that they are often ignored. There is even broken glass on the street, as well as puddles of rain. The only thing missing from the squalid, slummy atmosphere is the wail of a police car siren often found in such places. The reason for this is because there are no authorities on the Gammalon V colony.
The reason why it seems so lifeless is because most the human life is currently in one of the few buildings which looks even remotely occupied: the bar. The entrance to the bar is a smallish door with a flight of stairs directly behind it, heading downwards, and above it is an inactive neon sign reading "The Bar" and a crude picture of a beer glass.

After the explosion, all feelings of listlessness and lethargy brought on by the drinks suddenly leaves Enesku as she runs out, spearless. The other occupants pay no attention, and remain where they are. The barkeep is yelling, but Enesku pays no attention, only concerned with escape. It was her, after all, who was to blame for the explosion. Her uncovered feet are spiked by the broken glass and drenches by the puddles, but she realises she will have to wait before she checks them. After believing she has run far enough, she slips down an alleyway. Tired from the running, and spearless, she decides instead to walk more slowly. She makes sure her feet are not badly wounded, and walks on down the long and narrow passage. As she does so she hears the sound of another pair of feet close behind her. Turning abruptly around, she sees the other individual, a human male dressed in sackcloth and with an unethnically dark face. Without even bothering to ascertain his reasons, she puts one hand on each of his shoulders and hurls him to the ground. He groans, and she starts to run faster again.

By Ed on Saturday, September 08, 2001 - 9:55 am:

Congratulations, Jack!

By Captain Tacoman and family on Saturday, September 08, 2001 - 12:24 pm:

Tacoman: Butrfli, now that we have kids, perhaps you and they should live somewhere safer then a spaceship full of heros.... I have a place on Earth that you could stay.
Butrfli: Well, it sounds like a good idea, but I'd rather stay here on the Spider. I don't want to miss the adventure, and neither do the children. Besides, they need a father to teach them, don't they?
Tacoman: But... But I...
Butrfli: Don't Butt I me! We can set up an area magically connected to the ship, so that when danger raises its ugly head, the children and/or I can retreat to safety!
Tacoman: Ok... but only until they're old enough to go to school on their own, and then we'll send the three of you to Earth and pick a good school.
Butrfli: Agreed. They could learn a good deal on here. Magic, Jedi skills, compassion, art, starship operations...
Tacoman: Yeah, they could, couldn't they?
Tacoman picks up little Logan, who seems to point towards the replicator. Tacoman walks over, and for some reason replicates a really small pie. He hands the pie to Logan, who tosses it towards a redshirt standing nearby. Logan briefly giggles
Butrfli: Hmm.. looks like they learned something at the party.
Tacoman: And the strange thing is, something told me to get the small pie to the small fry...could they be telepathic at this early age?
Butrfli smiles a mysterious smile Could be.

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Saturday, September 08, 2001 - 2:57 pm:

Rikard crawls in a Jeffries tube. As he makes his way to Sickbay, he thinks. Why would Tammy think that he likes Enesku? Does he? He laughed out loud at that one. Sure she was kind of attractive but so? Who cares? It's not like she has a winning personality. Acting the way she does, trying to replace Insane.
"All you've ever done is fly Rikard. That's not changing any time soon."
He finally reaches the small hatch that leads to Sickbay's lab. He reaches for the control. His hand hits a forcefield.

Rikard: "Ah, dang it Doc. Computer, override the forcefield, authorization Rikard 47 theta blue Charlie Banshee Furby Salsa ChaChaCha"
Computer: "Request Denied"
Rikard: "Then beam me into the lab."
A transporter beam envelopes the young pilot and he is found on his hands and knees in Sickbay's lab.
Well, that was easy. Time to meet the kids.

By Sickbay DentistDroid on Saturday, September 08, 2001 - 3:17 pm:

Ah just in time, Commander. Open wide!


By Frangelica on Saturday, September 08, 2001 - 8:30 pm:

Carnelian Jasper checks her watch. She notes, "We probably ought to be going. It was really nice to meet y'all and thanks for inviting us! Great party!" The rest of the Urban Defense League expresses similar sentiments.

If you guys can do without us for a bit, I think we're going to stay here for a while... that is, I'm going to stay, and I'd welcome your company, Subway Man, if you'd care to join me. We should keep an eye on the godkids.

By Subway Man on Saturday, September 08, 2001 - 8:31 pm:

I'd love to stay here. It's time for a change, and now that they're retiring those Redbirds and throwing them into the ocean as a habitat for the aquatic life in Delaware, I think it'd be an ideal time to take some time away from New York's finest system.

By Frangelica on Saturday, September 08, 2001 - 8:38 pm:


"So we'll see you two around I guess," says Superrabbi. "Happy trails, and we'll be glad to see you whenever you decide to come back."

The Urban Defense folk beam out. Gradually the assorted superheroes begin to filter out of Zen Forward, going back to their posts or their assorted Sobreity-Generators.

"Thanks so much for all this, Jack, Steve, Artsy, everybody. This was so wonderful! I think Subway Man and I are going down to sickbay to visit our new charges."

By Im really going to shut off the computer and do something useful with my time... really I am! on Saturday, September 08, 2001 - 8:45 pm:

Frangelica and Subway Man walk over to Sickbay, stopping somewhere along the way to change out of their formalwear.

"No I am not wearing a white dress to go see Fran and Logan... I have no desire to be called 'My Royal Fairy Godmother'! Oh Butrfli... they're beautiful! They look just like you. Can we hold them?"

By Enesku on Sunday, September 09, 2001 - 2:45 am:

Gammalon V
Enesku, with no knowledge or concern of where she is, continues to run down a series of alleyways, stairs, and passages. Eventually, she finds another place which seems to be open. She pushes open the door, and hears a ringing sound.
Inside, there are several mirrors of all shapes and sizes. There is also a small-looking man in a tuxedo with slicked black hair and a rather nervous air.

"Welcome to the Little Shop of Evil Mirrors. Well, they're not all evil, just most of them, the others just have a strong potential for evil."

Enesku, interested, walks up to the first, a wall-mounted mirror with gold framing and green swirls on the glass part.

Are you sure this is a mirror?

"Yes, quite sure. This is the kind of mirror featured in the film Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs."

I never saw that... wait... (a memory comes to Enesku) mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the most Earth-shatteringly gorgeous of them all?

That will take some time. Return in 50 to 60 minutes for an answer based on standards of beauty, evaluation...

Oh, forget it. She walks over to the next mirror, which is full body height. It has a simple brown wooden frame, and simply shows herself.
Hey, this is an ordinary mirror!

"No, it is a KILL mirror. The only one still in existence. Wait a few seconds and you will see."

A kill mirror? What's that?
The image of Enesku vanishes, and in its place is a person identical to Enesku, but in a long Victorian-style dress with a high neck-line.
Who are you?

The young lady in the mirror answers: "I am Empeeku, believer in modesty, loyalty, and temperance. I am the sole voice of reason in a universe gone mad, but I try to solve problems through debate and understanding, because violence never solved anything. I realise that we are all responsible for one another."

Enesku turns away in disgust.
I have seen enough from this one. What's next?

"This is the mirror of Erised."

Words line the frame of this mirror, but they are not in any known language. Enesku looks in. That's just me, and... hey! She grins maniacally as she looks longer and harder.

The exact image in the mirror will not be revealed here, given the fate which befel Webber.

Enesku glances around furtively.
Are you looking?

"No, no-one can see the same as anyone else in that mirror. It shows not your face but your desires."

Well, that explains it. What's next? These mirrors are getting better!

Next up is what appears to be a perfectly ordinary small mirror, also wall-mounted, but not as ornate as the first.

"This is a 'Mary Worth' mirror. The right chant will summon a vengeful spirit. Great for Hallowe'en parties."

I'll take it!

By Captain Tacoman and Family, both personal and the LICC in general on Sunday, September 09, 2001 - 7:56 am:

Butrfli: Of course, Frangelica.
Butrfli hands the babies to Frangelica and Subway Man
They are cute, aren't they?
Tacoman: Frangelica, I think the LICC would do just about anything for you. Besides, we needed the fun after the stuff we've been through lately.
You know, these kids are going to have an interesting and exciting life on here. Just think of the stories they'll be able to tell when they get old enough.
I suppose I should contact Greymoran and my clone to let them know about this.

By The Greymoran Haters Club on Sunday, September 09, 2001 - 9:13 am:


I suppose I should contact Greymoran and my clone to let them know about this.

Lets don't and say we did!

By Brian Webber on Sunday, September 09, 2001 - 1:37 pm:

And people call me 'bad.' Ccabe, time to pull out the scissors!

By Matt Pesti on Sunday, September 09, 2001 - 5:08 pm:

Gee Brian, I thought you would be more "open minded" about criticism.

By Amar Nagesh is back! on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 5:37 am:

Awwright, awwright, break it up, break it up. (Or at least take it outside!)

By Baby Fran on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 8:27 am:

gurgles and pulls on Frangelica's necklace

By Captain Tacoman and family on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 1:01 pm:

A messenger yellowshirt enters sickbay and gives Tacoman a message
Hehe.. A message from my father... asking when I'm going to settle down...
Butrfli: Your father?
Tacoman: yeah. His name's Greymoran, and he's a fairly powerful wizard..
Butrfli: A wizard? And did you inherit any of his powers?
Tacoman: No idea, but perhaps my juggling those fireballs was an indication...
Butrfli: That might explain how I was able to communicate with you when the wizards from my dimension attacked and you were unconscious...

By Misc Yellowshirt on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 2:33 pm:

Hey! Look at this!

*points at a ship's chronometer*

You know the phrase "Time flies when you're having fun?" Well... it seems we must have been enjoying ourselves a lot because the party's been going on for days! It didn't seem like it, though, did it?

By Moving along... on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 2:38 pm:

Another random yellowshirt runs up

Captain, we just recieved a message from Earth! Apparently a big comet is heading towards the sun, and they can't destroy it!

Tacoman: "What's so bad about that?"

Yellowshirt: "It's got Trilithium in it!!"

By Commander William T Riker on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 2:40 pm:


By Frangelica on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 4:11 pm:

Oh boy! Better get in gear then.

Here Butrfli, I'm going to hand these little guys back. But first, since I am their godmother, I ought to give them my blessing...

Fran and Logan, I bless you with self-definition and independence. You will never be reduced to cute little sidekicks for your powerful parents, but will have your own powers and your own lives. No matter what perils you may encounter from now until eternity, you will never serve as kidnapping-fodder or succumb to Gwen Stacy syndrome. May you use this gift to make yourselves colorful and self-actualized defenders of Good!

Fran hands the babies back to Butrfli and heads up to the bridge.

By Captain Tacoman, on duty again on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 4:58 pm:

A giant comet, huh?
Tacoman flips on the shipwide intercom
Ladies and gentlemen, I hate to ruin a good time, but it's back to work for us heroes. All bridge officers and hangers-on to the bridge!
Don't worry Butrfli, sickbay is probably the safest place on the ship at the moment.
With that, Tacoman kisses his family and heads up to sickbay
Options, opinions, and ideas in stopping this comet, anybody?

By Tacomans Author on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 4:59 pm:

Note: Tacoman actually headed up to the bridge. I just wasn't thinking...

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 5:48 pm:

Rikard comes out of Sickbay's lab, pocketing a new toothbrush. Behind him, as the doors close, a deactivated droid falls to the ground.

Oh that's just great. Just when I'm about to see the kids, another crisis! Hey Logan and Fran. You guys are cute. Look like your mom. See ya.

With that, Rikard sprints to the turbolift that takes him to the bridge. He relieves the yellowshirt at helm.

Cute kids Cap. The comet core is about 4.2 kilometers wide. We'll intercept in 1 minute, 47 seconds. As for destroying it or knocking it off course, we could valiantly collide but I really don't like that option, since everyone would die.

By Kiehart on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 10:34 pm:

Kiehart becomes aware of the crisis through shipwide bulletins. "Oh boy! Finally, my big break." He flips a swithc and activates the shipwide comms ystem. "Banshee Squadron, report to launch bay. I repeat, report to launch bay. This is the moment we've been waiting for boys." Kiehart flips a few more swithces, and watches with delight as the launch bay livens with activity, as a gaggle of technicians prep the fighters for launch.

By Artsy-Fartsy on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 11:05 pm:

Artsy has been quietly watching all the party activities and enjoying both a drink (cream soda and blueberry juice for all interested parties) and the acts. She too wants to visit the new babies, and with great timing arrives just as everyone else heads out for the bridge.

After greeting Butrfli and being allowed to hold first Fran, then Logan--both of whom strongly resemble their prebirth portraits!--Artsy asks, "Did I hear you say something about them being telepathic? If so, can I bring Quito to visit them? She's getting more restrained with her own gifts, and she'd think the babies are just the most adorable things ever."

By Ensign Who... or What... or Idontknow on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 1:13 am:

Why not just use some artificial gravity generators to alter the comet's course so it goes around the sun , then after it swings around and is heading away the trilithium can be detonated when it is far enough away from the sun and the planets?

By Kira Sharp on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 8:53 am:

I request that everyone observe a minute of silence for the thousands of people who have doubtless lost their lives in today's catastrophe.

May the Lord bind up their souls and comfort their families with all the mourners of Zion.

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