League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XLV

Nitcentral's Bulletin Brash Reflections: L.I.C.C.: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions II: The Story: League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XLV
By grape soda on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 11:03 pm:

Previosuly on LICC,

Tacoman and Butrfli became parents! Will Tacoman leave the Leauge to beocme a full time father?

Captain Frangelica returned! Will she be stayiong? Will she want her old postion as Captian back?

A comet is on a collision course with Earth! Will the LICC decide that since they coudln't be bothered to moutn a defense of their own thatE arth is too stoopid to live?

Find out, on tonights jam-packed epsiode of-


Guy with gun: I hate hyper people. Hyper people •••• me off.

By Board Spokesman on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 1:05 am:

The Official League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions 2, Part XLV board.

Accept no substitutes.

By Nit, the picky, picky pixie on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 1:20 am:

A comet is on a collision course with Earth!
No it's not. It was on a collision course with the sun, not Earth.
(Unless Earth was already in the sun, but by then it would be a little too late to worry about a comet hitting it.)

By Blueshirt on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 5:57 am:

Ah I wish I never had to see a trilithium again.

By The Trilithium Comet on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 8:41 am:

You think you have problems. How would you like to BE a trilithium comet. Its a lot harder than it looks, buddy.

By People for a PG Board on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 2:46 am:


Excuse me, but do you really think it's appropriate to have a comet on this board? I mean this is a family board & a comet is shaped like a... well... you know.

We also think that missiles & photon torpedoes are innappropriatly shaped as well.

And what's with this hero named... Subway Man?

I don't need a doctorate in dream analysis to tell me what's going on there.

By Trainman & Cabooseman on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 2:50 am:

I am Trainman & this is my partner Cabooseman and we're here to...

(notices the previous post)

Whoops! We'll be on our way to a more appropriate board.

Come along, Cabooseman.

Right behind you, Trainman.

By The Great Emancipater on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 7:06 am:

Right. I'm going. The party's over so I'm going. And that [insert racist term fro Germans] Ubermensch didn't show up either.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 7:10 am:

Get as close to the comet as we can, and then scan it to learn more about it.
Do we have the formula for that radioactive Preperation H that we used a couple years ago?

By Lt. Blueshirt on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 9:12 am:

It's next to the formula for radioactive Preperation G.

By Sensor Computer on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 1:14 pm:


Comet is protected by an energy shield.

Unknown metallic constructs below surface of comet.

Comet apparently is under its own power, traveling at 0.6c, will impact Sol in 16 hours, 27 minutes.

By Amar Nagesh on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 1:29 pm:

Lowly Ensign Nagesh rolls his eyes. Someone has to say it.

"Sir, pardon me for stating the obvious, but this is obviously not a 'comet' we're dealing with. It's a self-powered guided weapon. Some distinct party is trying to destroy the Solar System."

By Kiehart on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 1:32 pm:

Banshee squardon's pilots are tense and waiting for the launch order. Kiehart, fully equipped in the cockpit of his fighter, hails the bridge. "Captain, just give us a target. I've trained these boys and girls myself."

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 1:48 pm:

Milkshake, still wearing his chef's hat, rushes onto the bridge and activates the Ops Console. His expression is grim.

Captain, the energy readings on this shield are off the scale. Apparently, the head and coma are the only sections protected by the shield, but there is a vast quantity of trilithium in both the head and tail. I can't really get a reading on the metallic constructs the computer found, except for indications that the core of the comet's head may be made of an unknown metal. Readings of the shield on the tail-side of the comet are very vague, and I'll try to get a clearer reading on that.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 2:06 pm:

What parts of the "comet" are either not protected by shields, or lightly protected?

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 2:27 pm:

It looks like only the tail is unprotected, but since the head will impact the sun first, we hardly have to worry about the tail.

I'm getting updated readings on the tailward side of the shield. Apparently, the shield is modulated to allow the chunks of ice and trilithium that are constantly melting and breaking off from the head, through. The new readings indicate that the shield is advanced far beyond any weaponry we might carry. Perhaps we should hail the comet? If it is self-powered, there may be an intelligent prescence guiding it.

By Kiehart on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 2:36 pm:

Kiehart monitors all this on his head comm-set. "OK, squad. I have an idea. Banshee Computer, can you alter our wepaons and sheilds to give off enrgy signatures not unlike the kind that the sheild is letting pass? If so we can cut at that comet with no intereference."

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 2:44 pm:

Kiehart, wait! You absolutely CANNOT fire any weapon at the comet. Trilithium is EXTREMELY unstable, and in a matrix of frozen hydrogen and oxygen like the comet, and with the amount of trilithium contained in both the head and tail, this region of Sector 001 would very very quickly become uninhabitable. It would be far worse than if we simply let the comet destroy the sun.

By Kiehart on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 3:47 pm:

Kiehart swears under his breath. "Well than what are we supposed to do huh? Sit here? Jesus, we've gotta try something!"

By Quantum Man, arriving on the bridge on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 4:02 pm:

How big is the head of the Comet?

By Joel on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 5:08 pm:


By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 6:19 pm:

Comm, hail the comet to see if we get a response...
And Kiehart, you will attack when I give the signal, not a moment before.

By Commander Milkshake on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 6:24 pm:

The solid core of the head is roughly spherical, about 1200 meters in diameter. The coma surrounding the core is 20 times as large. The tail is about 10,000 kilometers long.

By A response from the comet on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 6:29 pm:



A young and very nervous voice emerges from the static.

"-ello? is someone ther..."

Tacoman begins to identify himself...

"Oh good! Listen! You have to help me stop this thing. I didn't mean to turn it on, I just wanted everyone to-"

A powerful, computerized voice breaks into the transmission.


By Quantum Man on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 7:55 pm:

Activates his armor

Beam me over! I can get through the shields!

By Ensign Gainsborough on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 9:13 pm:

Captian Tacoman, I might have a plan. If we can find the White materia "Holy", we might be able to stop the comet. We can use the life energy of the solar system to stop the comet.

By The Amazing Quantum Man on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 9:35 pm:

Quantum Man is beamed just outside the comet's shields...

Must... try...

Concentrates, and he delocalizes. He relocalizes inside the shields. The following comes over the Spidership's speakers

Quan[bzzt] to Sp[bzzt]ip. I'm [bzzt] [bzzt]elds. [bzzzt]ing weak. Took [bzzt] [bzzt]ergy.

By The COMET on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 9:39 am:

The thunderous computer voice sounds across the bridge.


As the Spidership crew watches, the tiny purple dot that is Quantum Man disappears in a brilliant flash of light.


By Frangelica on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 9:43 am:

Good thing we can't be sure that it was Quantum Man.

By Kiehart on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 10:32 am:

Kiehart watches the spectacle with shock. "Quantum!" He punds on the side of the cockpit, and hits a button on his forward console. His fighter luanches. He swoops in on the comet, coming up behind it, his sheilds being pelted and chipped away by the debris and heat. He flips a few switches, cutting off communications with the Spidership. He hits a button and quickly grabs his gun and sword, tucked away under the pilot's seat. The operation completes, and a laser firing from the ship carries his trnasporter signal through the weak rear sheilds, and puts him inside the comet, fully armed. His fighter's auto pilot kicks in and flies back towards the Spidership, with protions of the hull appearing to have been liquified but somehow still stable. Kiehart opens his eyes and sees...

By Quantum Man on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 11:26 am:

Quantum Man is on his hands and knees...

Just barely... tunnelled through... so weak...

looks up and sees Kiehart



By Kiehart on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 11:32 am:

Kiehart picks up Quantum man, and reaches for his pocket communicator. "Kiehart to Spidership! I found Qunatum! He's alive but unconscious. I'm in a large area. And I do mean large. It makes the shuttle bay look claustrophobic. The walls are abrely visible. It's dark in here. I think I see a bank of computers along each wall but I'll have to get closer. Banshee, once you get this message, clear it up and forward it to the Captain. Out." He sheathes his sword, but keeps his gun, the alien device set to fire rubber bullets only for the time being, gripped tight in his left hand.

By The Observer on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 12:20 pm:

(Observer speaks quietly from the rear of the bridge, where he has been silently watching the recent events.)

Captain, I believe I can open a small portal into the vehicle. I cannot pinpoint our exact destination, but I can guarantee entrance into the metal structure within. This would permit a few of us to assist our comrades inside the comet...

By Commander Milkshake on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 12:25 pm:

Excellent idea. Captain, shall I assemble a team?

By Enesku on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 1:05 pm:

The transport ship Star Courier
|The shower of lights which fills Eneksu's vision disappears, and a small-ish transporter room fades into view to take their place. A man in a dark blue technician's jacket stands at the transporter controls. Enesku puts her signaller back onto her belt and stands off the transporter platform, which has a total of only two circular transport pads on it.|

The man pushes a button on the console and speaks into a communications grille. "Captain, picked up another hitchhiker. I've scanned her for weapons, all she has is a mirror and the signalling device she used to contact us."

He then turns to Enesku. "Welcome to the Star Courier. What is your destination?"

I wish to go to the Spidership of the LICC.

"Very well. We shall determine its location and add that to our destination list."

Enesku smiles. Things are going her way, and she actually likes it. After all, where better to learn how to become a superhero than the greatest group of them all... The League Of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions?

By Klassikos on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 2:00 pm:

Might I be of assistance?

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 3:40 pm:

Captain, For some reason we can't pinpoint Kiehart's location. The Banshee's returned and is approaching the landing bay, but at the speed were at, it's going to take a few minutes for it to land in the bay safely. I've got us on a steady course parallel the comet's. We have 14 hours and 47 minutes before the Spidership will have to raise shields to protect it from the sun. It's doubtful that we'll have to alter our course before that time so we probably won't need any fancy piloting over here. I say we go with the Observer's plan.

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 5:23 pm:

Ok... Go with Observer's plan.
Commander, assemble a team to help.
Ops, make the ship weave a web in front of the comet in order to snare it. This is a Spider ship, remember.

By The Amazing Quantum Man on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 8:14 pm:

Quantum Man finally comes to...

Kiehart, how did you get here? Where are we?Being somewhere else when that zap came nearly killed me as much as the zap would have.

By Kiehart on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 8:57 pm:

Kiehart helps Quantum stand up. "Long story short, I used Banshee. Now, you have any idea exactly what the hell all this junk is?" He points to the thick layer of dust on the floor, and the dimmed computer termianls along the walls of the football stadium size area.

By Quantum Man on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 10:35 pm:

D*mned if I know. Give me a minute to get myself together. My original plan was to try to make the comet not know where it was going, but I haven't got the strength for that.

Walks over to a computer terminal and starts examining it.

By Commander Milkshake on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 11:45 am:

All right. Myself, Observer, Klassikos, Jadlad, the Furbies, Colanator, and Rikard.

Rocket, can you will provide space superiority and a exit platform in case we need to get out of there quickly?

Okay, Observer, do your thing.

By K-NIT viewer with way too much time on his hands on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 11:57 am:

This "current flame" thing disturbs me. I mean, we have an asian woman named Butrfli, and this guy Tacoman is supposed to be her love-for-life, father of her child(ren), and he just dismisses her as a "one-of-many". It sounds like LICC is being turned into an operatic tragedy by Puccini, with Tacoman as the "thoughtless American naval officer" Pinkerton!

By Mobile Suit Sithbot on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 12:26 pm:

(Out in space a dark presence approaches. A dark, armored being moves toward the comet, wearing a sith symbol, the enmity puts its hands in a hand mask.)

Yesss! I will shader the comet, and split it into several comets heading toward the sun. The pain caused by the death of all life in the Sol System shall be the amount we need to raise the ancient demon Sith Lord J'nar Fal Kolath. Victory shall be ours!

By The Great Emancipator on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 12:31 pm:

Not if I can help it!

The Great Emancipator, in a beweaponed spacesuit, begins to fight with the evil being.

By Captain Tacoman on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 4:02 pm:

Quantum, Kiehart, can you hear me?
Tacoman switches to another channel
Inhabitent of the "comet", can you hear me?

By Rocket Ranger, back in armor on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 6:56 pm:


Quincy slams his wristbands together. There is a quick burst of teal-colored light. When it dissipates, Quincy is now wearing the Rocket Ranger he wore before he got transformed into energy....minus the cape.

Captain, I'll have the SnowCrane at the ready in case you have to evacuate. In fact, I've been conducting some scans of the "comet", using some experimental sensors, and I think I've found something that you might find interesting....

He hands Tacoman a PADD.

Look at this particular area....

He points to a light blue spot near the upper middle of "comet".

....and tell me what you think.

By Mobile Suit Sithbot on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 7:00 pm:

{b}Hmm, that seems to be a irregular character. Scanners indicate a low level power, about Lv 40,000. I outclass it in everyway.

Listen to me, Dispatch him quick

Yes Master.

MSS swoops in on GE, procedes in under a second to send a fist through his stomach, and procede to beat him severely. She then tosses him at the Spidership.

I hope you heal fast

(He starts to channel the power of the sith.)

By Furby on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 7:17 pm:

Hm, that's strange. I sense a dark familiar presence with major spelling problems near us. Could it be possible?

By Lt. Jadlad on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 7:58 pm:

Jadlad still wearing his royal blue dress costume with its spiffy silver cape (Did I mention it's spiffy?) gets up from the Pseudoscience station. There's something not quite right with him. But the others don't seem to notice right away.

Ready when you all are. I've got something in mind. What's in a mind? I don't know. Nevermind.


By Lt. Commander Rikard on Friday, September 14, 2001 - 10:30 pm:

Um, I don't know, brain matter? Cells? Neurons?

He gets up as Observer prepares to transport the entire team over to the comet. Rikard wonders how much this will drain the Observer if at all.

By Klassikos on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 1:52 am:

[enters wearing his armor, and with the usual physical differences it gives him]

I'm ready. Hey, look, there's someone in a spacesuit out there!

[sits down at a sensor-scanning station]

He's losing oxygen, and it looks like he was just hurled at us. I suggest we bring him aboard.

By The Great Emancipator on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 2:08 am:

The Great Emancipator is beamed directly into sickbay.

I must speak with Captrain Tacoman! All life within the Solar System is in danger!

By The Great Emancipator on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 2:40 am:

Holodoc: I hate to spoil your little moment of glory, but we already know that. Assuming you are referring to the comet that is about to collide with the sun.

I don't mean that! A dark force intends to shatter the comet and turn it into several smaller ones. What's more, the way it spoke of that suggests it would be even more catastrophic that way.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 7:14 am:

Rocket, follow me to Sickbay. We need to talk to the Great Emancipator.
Tacoman and Rocket go to sickbay, with Tacoman examining the PADD handed to him
Well Rocket, it kinda looks like a lifesign of some sort...
Emancipator, what do you have to tell me?
Tacoman to the bridge, how's the electro-net thing coming along? I want it to be big enough and strong enough to snag that comet and at least slow it down a little!

By Moble Suit Sithbot on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 8:37 am:

Yes, I feel the power of the dark side growing, ancient spirits of darkness, gather. Power of Chaos, I summon thee, extend your entropic maw around around this comet, and loosen it's bonds.

(She reveals a black manacle)

Star of Nemesis, ancient enemy of life, visit your brother's land and break this comet with your power! Destroy all life once again!

By Ancient Jedi Master on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 8:49 am:

(Tacoman is "Snatched")
Tacoman, Tacoman. I am the ancient one. You must protect the Earth, for it contains the Terrafount. If the Terrafount is destroyed, so goes the force and all life in the universe.
(Tacoman is "returned")

By The Observer on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 12:03 pm:

Here we go. Shield your eyes, please.

(Observer creates an intricate pattern of magic with his hands. The pattern drifts away from him, flashes, and suddenly a crackling energy rift is opened in the fabric of space/time. Observer seems to falter a bit, and the rift slowly contracts, but the brown-cloaked watcher spins a second pattern and the portal is frozen still.)

All right, quickly everyone!

(The members of the comet team run forward and jump into the rift, and Observer soon follows. The mystic doorway almost slams shut on him as he jumps through, and a smoldering patch of brown cloak falls to the ground as the portal closes.)

By The Great Emancipator on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 1:22 pm:

Captain, there is a dangerous force on the loose. It intends to split the comet into many, and in doing so apparently make it cause even more damage than it woulkd intact. There was something about summoning a powerful being into existence. It may be a Sith. You should consult Observer, your resident Jedi.

By Captain Tacoman on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 3:12 pm:

I just got a message from somebody telling me that Earth contains Terrafount, and if it's destroyed, life in the universe goes...

By Ojanon on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 3:20 pm:

Ojanon is in Zen Foward, still dressed in his robes minus cloak and mask, drinking Green Tea (what else would you expect him to drink?). All of a sudden, he gets a terrible feeling, and something flashes into his mind.

Ojanon: Oh, no! It isn't possible! He gets up and runs out of Zen Forward, heading for Astrometrics. He taps his communicator, which he received off-screen a while back, while running to to turbolift.

=/\= Ojanon to bridge. Patch me through to the away team immediately! I just sensed something, and I think its imperative that I inform them about it! =/\=

He enters the turbolift.

By Redshirt at the communications console on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 4:49 pm:

Captain, there is extreme jamming on all subspace channels! It apparently is coming from the comet! We can't-

Console explodes

By MSS on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 6:54 pm:

Ancient God of Chaos, Remember your undying hatred for your brother's creation. Remember your hatred for order. I ask you to direct that anger agaist the comet. Split it bonds, and send a malestorm to wipe out all life. Before their was. Chaos existed. After their will be, Chaos existed.

Ancient God of Death, Return these beings to your fetid embrace. Your ancient enimies need the earth to survive. Great God, life still defys you, and we fulfil your mission.

Ancient God of Hate, Remember that it is you who guided life down the path of the test. All life must destroy other life until only one exists. Further our pursuit down your way, Great one!

Ancient God of the Void, remember that at one time the universe was endless field of velvet perfection. All that glory ended when the Stars were created. The stars show their folly, for one day they will serve you again in ednless night. Further this goal by snuffing out this star, and turn into a Star of Darkness, absorbing the light forever.

Ancient gods, Break this comet, fill it with your dark power and send it to snuff your enemy!

MSS folds his hands, dark powers begin to gather. She begins to make a motion to fire something from her mouth...

By The COMET on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 7:13 pm:




By Lt. Commander Rikard on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 9:14 pm:

Rikard feels something. Suddenly he feels a sense of dread, of cold. He looks over at the Observer.

Observer, do you feel that?

By The Observer on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 9:34 pm:

I certainly do, young Josh. A great evil, but it is...outside. I cannot sense anything of the Dark Side from within this vehicle....if we are dealing with sentient creatures, they are without emotion. Let us be cautious.

By Plot Hole on Saturday, September 15, 2001 - 11:27 pm:

As the proceeding was going on four ships from Earth had been getting into a formation around the projected path of the 'comet'. As it near they activated generators which created the largest portable hole ever seen and the 'comet' passed through it and ended up outside of the solar system.

Also while LICC had been dealing with the 'comet' scientists had been at work using experimental fusion generators to create an artificial sun that is giving off readings almost exactly like Earth's sun.

It is this artificial sun that the 'comet' now approaches. Will the 'comet' take the bait?

By Ojanon, with some bad news on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 12:06 am:

Ojanon is in Astrometrics. He runs some computations on the computer, then brings up the star chart. He is horrified by the results.

Oh no! Its exactly what I was afraid of! I have to warn the others!

He pulls his mask out from under his robes and puts it on, then closes his eyes for a few seconds, and focuses. When he opens them, his eyes are glowing green.

Sh'kih'l M'ok T'rah!

He disappears in a flash of green light, only to reappear a few seconds later beside Observer...

I had to invoke the Translocation Link spell you placed on me. I just performed some computations in the Astrometrics lab and consulted the star charts, and you're not going to like what I found. The situation is worse than we thought: Its the worst fear of every Force and Lifeblood user.

Observer and Rikard both look horrified.

Yes. I'm sorry but....The Dark Prophecy of K'oth M'tor may be upon us!

By Encyclopedia Universalis - K`oth M`tor on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 12:15 am:

K'oth M'tor - a Jedi Knight who lived over 4000 years ago. M'tor was gifted...or cursed...with the power of prophecy. M'tor's race is unknown, but according to descriptions in ancient Jedi texts, he was under six feet tall and had purple-grey skin, prominent forehead ridges, solid black eyes, and no visible nose.

M'tor made his last prediction, known as The Dark Prophecy, on his deathbed. A prediction so horrible that the Jedi kept it secret from all outside their order.

By Nit, the picky, picky pixie on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 2:25 am:

If it's so secret then why is it mentioned in the Encyclopedia Universalis?

And since Ojanon is not a Jedi, how did he learn of it?

Let me guess, the prophecy goes something like this: 'Death, destruction, death, more destruction, even more death, really bad things happening, and finally... death'?

By Nit` s worst nightmare on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 3:10 am:


If it's so secret then why is it mentioned in the Encyclopedia Universalis?

The Encyclopedia doesn't tell what the prophecy says, now does it?


And since Ojanon is not a Jedi, how did he learn of it?

The Lifeblood Sorcerors are an offshoot of the Jedi who developed different traditions. The Lifeblood Sorcerors only split off from the Jedi within the last 2700 years. Ergo, they know about it.

And for future reference...the Lifeblood Sorcerors have access to any knowledge that the Jedi developed before they split off from the Jedi, and a lot of knowledge accumulated after the split, since they're considered to be more or less an offshoot of the Jedi. Still, the Jedi know some things that the L.S. don't, and vica versa.

By Nit, the picky, picky pixie on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 3:22 am:

My worst nightmare? I believe that would be Brian Floyd in leather underwear doing an interpretive dance of the Transformers' theme.

However if it was a good secret then the very fact of it's existance should be hidden as well. The fact someone knows there is a Dark Prophecy indicates that someone slipped up.

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 12:06 pm:

Rikard pulls out his Guide and looks up the Dark Prophecy. It is surprisingly similar to Nit the pixie's description.

Well, I must say um, wise, aged Observer that this does not bode well for our future, or anyone's for that matter.

By Enesku on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 2:13 pm:


"We've reached your destination."

Good. Give me a channel to the Spidership.

By Yellowshirt bridge crewman on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 2:18 pm:

Captain, a small transport ship has come out of warp. We are being hailed.

Tacoman: On screen.

On the screen appears Enesku, much to the surprise of many. She smiles seductively.

"Hi, everyone! Beam me over, guys!" She seems to wink at Rikard

By Lt. Jadlad has gone loopy. Or has he? on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 2:52 pm:

Jadlad's actually trying to talk to the asteroid. And he seems to be randomly quoting Groucho Marx.

Do you think I could buy back my introduction to you?

You've got the brain of a four-year-old boy, and I'll bet he was glad to get rid of it.

I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it.

Time wounds all heels.

Well, art is art, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water! And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now, uh... Now you tell me what you know.

A child of five could understand this. Fetch me a child of five.

By The ghost of Groucho Marx on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 3:00 pm:

Quote me as saying I was misquoted.

By MSS on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 3:00 pm:

ARRRGH! The Comet is sentient. I would have never perceived that. I'll have to heal myself. Ahh the Spidership, my old stomping grounds. I belive I left some stuff their. And can pay back a few people.

By A thoroughly confused blueshirt who has decided to go nuts just like Jadlad on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 3:10 pm:

Pepperidge Farms remembers

Never do today what you can put off until tommorow

I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today

By The Great Emancipator on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 3:36 pm:

TGE enters the bridge, where Tacoman apparently now is.

"Captain, several months ago I fought a powerful enemy known as Darth Mortis. I was not able to defeat him, it was Ubermensch who ultimately slew the creature. I fear he may be returning, in some form or other."

By Enesku on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 3:54 pm:

Enesku enters the bridge

Hi, guys!

By Fans of Darth Mortis on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 4:00 pm:

Rigor! Rigor! Rigor!

By The Observer on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 4:21 pm:

"Well, I must say um, wise, aged Observer that this does not bode well for our future, or anyone's for that matter."

Certainly not. Ojanon, you do know that for the most part, K'oth M'tor was a fraud. His "prophecies" depended on his followers actually making the events he foretold come about. We are not dealing with predestination here. This is simply Sith influence.

By MSS on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 4:43 pm:

So good to be back. Well, I shall head for the bridge.

By Cid on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 5:54 pm:

Hey Captian! Technology Update. Apparerntly Command is upset over the redshirt causlities. So they sent us the Egyptian Book of the Dead. It's just like in the Mummy. It even came with it's very own statue of Anubis storage case. Oh, it's published by Time Life as well, that means quality.

By Captain Tacoman, being captainly on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 8:54 pm:

Cid, that's good.
What is this Dark Prophecy everybody keeps talking about?
Enesku, welcome back, and what do you want?
Emancipator, thanks for the warning.
Captain Tacoman to scientists and such at work on the artifical sun, I happen to have an away team investigating that comet-spaceship thing, so if you could try to slow it down or stop it, and we'll be there in a matter of minutes.
Helm, take us to the coordinates of the artifical sun.

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 8:59 pm:

Rikard, still on the comet looks at his visual communicator as Enesku arrives.

"Hi, everyone! Beam me over, guys!"

Then she seems to wink. Rikard rolls his eyes. He switches off the small screen and puts the small device back into his pocket.

Oh (expletive censored).

Everyone on the away team turns to look at him, surprised at this rarity.

What, Kiehart's the only one that can curse? As for the Sith, don't they ever give up?

By Mobile Suit Sithbot on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 9:13 pm:

No Rikard, not really. Didn't anyone tell you that dark side is forever?

By Commander Milkshake on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 9:30 pm:

Steady on, Rikard. All right team, let's get to it. Rikard, you're our scout. Observer, use an invisibility spell and follow Josh. Colanator, I want constant sensor readings on our whereabouts. Furbies, keep your weapon systems ready. Klassikos, trail behind us and guard our rear. We need to find the command center, if there is one, and knock it out. All right, let's go.

The LICC team moves on down the labyrinth of metal, ice, and computer banks...

By The COMET on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 9:34 pm:


By Commander Adon on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 10:49 pm:

Adon's Combat Suit flew ahead of the comet and then transformed into Robot Mode. The Combat Suit spread its arms like it was about to catch the comet. Inside, Adon opened a channel to Captain Tacoman.

Captain, I am going to try and slow the comet down. I don't know how much time it will buy us, but every little bit will help.

Adon began channeling energy into the suit itself. The field in the front the comet came in contact with the suit and the suit's wings opened up and pointed strait back. The powerful engines buried in the wings fired up at full power. The comet's speed began to slow down a little bit.

By The COMET on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 10:56 pm:




By Kiehart on Sunday, September 16, 2001 - 11:14 pm:

Kiehart looks around, wondering exactly what the hell he was supposed. He was still in his 'pilot mode' and felt himself desperate for something flying realted. But there were no ship controls that he could see. "You know, if we could find a control room in here, I could fly this thing away. I cna fly anything."

By Commander Adon on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 8:02 am:

An alarm went of in the Combat Suit's cockpit. Just before the Comet fired, Adon cut power to the engines and jerked the suit to one side. The shot missed, and the suit bounced along the field a few times before it was left floating along behind the comet.

Inside, Adon started watching a replay of the firing sequence in extreme slow motion.

Adon to spidership. It looks like when the Comet decides to interact with an outside influence, the field drops in that direction.

By Mobile Suit Sithbot on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 10:47 am:

So this is the bridge.I've been here before. Well, very soon it won't be. This personal cloaking device is really good. Perhaps I can use my mind control spell on Tacoman at this distance. Yes, part of him is evil. It can be controlled. Unfortunately, that part can shoot one chromatic orb. Why are magic users so useless. They should work out more, that way they can serve their masters better. Well, here goes nothing.

By Enesku on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 11:24 am:

I am here because I want to be a superhero, just like... look, it's Frangelica!

Enesku runs up to Frangelica.

Hey, this is so cool! You go, gal! But Pattie is cooler. In fact, she's my idol. So, anyone know where to find info on how to be a Cosmic Champion?

A random crewmember suggests the ship's library, on the lowest deck.

Uhhh... right. I guess reading books would come into it someplace. I was more thinking of, you know, things that are fun.

By A Brief Crossover on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 11:43 am:

The double-doors of the ship's library grind as they slide open. Enesku steps in, and sees several rows and shelves of books, both electronic and old-style. Not knowing where to start looking, she walks forward, and notices that the walls, ceiling and floor seem to curve in on themselves and go off in different directions. Enesku has nothing to do but go in whatever way seems right, but ones judgement can easily be impaired by the hypnotic effect the spiraling, diverse surfaces create. A ramp downwards can easily become a ceiling or a steep upward climb. The electronic books seem to disappear after a while, and the regular books are not exactly what one would expect. Some are mobile, flapping, some are even chained down. The surface of the floor, if such a word as floor can have any meaning, also starts to change, and Enesku doesn't have to be a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon to realise she is no longer on the ship. There is a hole in the ceiling as it slopes down ahead of her. She climbs in, and discovers she is going vertically, and not diagonally as she had thought. She also discovers two other occupants of the area. There are still many shelves and books of all shapes and sizes, but there is also a baggy-looking Orangutan, and a nervous-looking young man with a small beard and a crooked pointed hat. Embroidered on the hat is the word "Wizzard".

"Oook!" exclaims the Orangutan. The young man gulps and seems rather taken with this new entry.

"What did the monkey say?" Enesku asks. The "wizzard" looks suddenyl shocked, and a little apologetic. The orangutan lets out a loud "Ooooook!!" and leaps at the girl, who takes him on in a fight. Without her spear she is no match for the ape and takes to her feet in a panic-stricken retreat. She will not speak of this act of cowardice.

"He doesn't like being called a monkey!" the wizard explains, but he is unheard.

By An LICC Viewer on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 12:32 pm:

So is the LICC going to go to Ankh-Morpork?

By Her author on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 12:35 pm:

Well, Enesku did just go there briefly.

By Young TP Fan on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 12:43 pm:

Enesku must have gone to the Unseen University library by going through L-Space, the mysterious dimensiuon which ties all libraries in the multiverse together!

By Quantum Man on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 1:11 pm:

Quantum Man has been fiddling about with the computer banks...

Kiehart! Take a look at this! I think I've managed to tap into the internal scanners. See, there's two distinct readings.


Here's a single lifesign, and over here is a group of lifesigns that suddenly appeared. I wonder if the rest of the team managed to get on board?

Points at another screen

The Universal Text Translator (Patent Pending) seems to indicate that this display is a historical record.

Apparently a rogue star entered the home system of this "comet", and it was launched to destroy it. My guess is that it fell into some kind ofOMT wormhole or spatial distortion and wound up here...

Now, if we could only find the stinkin' control panel...

By Kiehart on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 1:59 pm:

Kiehart pats Quantum on the back. "Way to go buddy! This helps. Show me on that screen how to meet up with that group, and I'll be on my way." "Wait, Jason, maybe-" "Don't worry! I've survived space station decompressions, atomic explosions, and enough laser blasts to disintegrate a Twinkie. I'll be fine."

By Enesku on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 2:44 pm:

looking in a book

How to be a superhero, let's see... One. Anyone can be a superhero ...sounds good so far... with the right dedication and training. oh, dear, that doesn't sound so good

Oh, I'll just go straight to the costume stuff. That's the best bit.

By Ojanon on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 5:10 pm:

Ojanon looks at Observer.

K'oth M'tor may have been a fraud, but are you forgetting his ninth and thirteenth prophecies did come true, and no one knew he predicted them until after they happened, since the scrolls that he wrote them on weren't found until well over seven-hundred years later. Jedi scholars even confirmed that the scrolls were authetic.

He pauses.

Yes, M'tor was certainly no Nostradamus, but still....its better to be safe than sorry. I guess the Lifeblood Sorcerors just tend to be more cautious than our Jedi brothers and sisters.

He pauses again and looks around briefly.

Are you sensing anything unusal? I think the effects of that spell are interfering with my telepathic AND Lifeblood Sorceror abilities. I need to rest for a minute....

By Captain Tacoman on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 5:35 pm:

Good job, Adon. Now, how can we use the information?
Suddenly, Tacoman stands straight up, and a conflicting group of emotions and looks play across his face.
What's...happening...? Feels...like...mind...control...of...some...sort...must...activate...anti-telekensis...field!
Tacoman reaches for his gauntlet controls to activate the field. The hand move around so he can't push the button. Eventually, he is able to push the button, and his face returns to normal
Ops, scan the bridge for a cloaking field, dimensional field, or other thing that would hide someone or something.

By Lt. Jadlad on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 7:37 pm:

Meanwhile inside the comet. Jadlad briefly gets in touch with the rest of the away team.

=/\=Anybody with a tricorder. Run a scan on the comet. Quickly! I think something about it is messing with my brai......WHARGHLULULU WHUR LALULUBRGLUBLU HAHUHAHU WOODWOOD HALULAOGH! I'm a little tea pot short and stout!=/\=

By Rocket Ranger on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 7:51 pm:

Rocket Ranger is in the SnowCrane, wearing his Pilot Armor. He contacts the spidership.

Has anyone thought of doing a few loops around the sun to go back in time and stop the comet before it enters this solar system? Perhaps we could find a way to redirect it somewhere more useful....like the planet of the Richard Simmons and Regis Philbin clones.

By Ensign Flanders on Monday, September 17, 2001 - 8:01 pm:

We're done for! We're done-diddly-done-for! We're Done-diddly-doodly-done-diddly-doodly done-diddly-doodly.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 6:28 am:

Hmm.. Clever idea, Rocket. Now, will it be the Spidership, or one of the other ships at our disposal?

By Commander Adon on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 10:17 am:

Captain, I would like to try something before we use the time travel idea. Time travel is tricky no matter what. I'm going to come in to pick something up.

The Combat Suit entered the hanger and picked up a large package mounted on the wall. Then it transformed into plane mode, leaving the package attached to the underbelly of the craft. Once it was clear of the Spidership, it began firing on the comet. Within moments, the comet's firing sequence started up.

I've attracted it's attention. I hope this works!

The comet fired. The suit rolled onto it's side and released the package. When the shot hit the package, it exploded in a brilliant flash of light, temporarily blinding sensors.

When the explosion went off, the suit transformed back into robot mode, and landed on its hands and knees on the comet's surface, apparently undetected.

I've made it through the field, but I've lost the link with the Spidership. I can barely make out anything beyond the field. I hope that they can see me on this side.

Adon activated the suit's sword and cut a split in the comet's surface. Then the suit pried the cut open wide enough so it could slip through. On the other side, Adon found himself in a corridor large enough for his combat suit to walk down unhindered.

By Enesku on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 11:14 am:


Holodoc: Hmmm.

Hmmm, what?

According to these readings, while your chronological age is 16...

Hey! Don't go telling all my secrets.

Don't worry. Doctors have something called the hippocratic oath which prevents telling embarrasing facts, amongst other things. Anyway, while your chronolgical age is 16, your physical age is somewhere around 20.

I guess I just mature fast. That's what makes me think I have an inherent superior ability.

By Nitpicking K-NIT Viewer on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 12:59 pm:

Hey! Doesn't the Hippocratic Oath prevent the Doctor from doing no harm, not prevent them from telling embarrassing things?

By Klassikos on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 1:10 pm:

I'll field this one. I think it does both. But bear in mind that that's the original Greek which also mentions slaves. I don't know what it says in the 31st Century but it's already quite long.

[returns to the Comet away team]

Honestly, those authors interfere as much as the Gods, making people do things, introducing new twists, etc.

[to Ojanon]
Prophecies are notorioulsy vague, and people can shape them to mean anything.

When Darth Mortis returns, if it comes to that, I think I should take him on. This armor should give me enough strength and power.

By Enesku`s author on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 1:34 pm:

Doctors shouldn't 'violate their patient's confidence', I think that's it.

By A potentially diabolical interlude on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 2:35 pm:

A man sits in a chair in a very dark room; there is just barely enough lighting to see, but no detail can be seen. A door to the room opens....

Sir, we've just received a message. There has been some sort of strange activity in Earth's solar system. There is widespread belief that the Sith have something to do with this.

The man walks over to the other man, who sitting in the chair, and hands him some sort of data-pad.

Is it Mortis?

Sir, considering what happened to him.....I don't see how it could be!

The man in the chair reviews the data quietly for a couple of minutes, then hands the data-pad back.

Tell the ground crew to prepare my ship just in case. As for you, Major Wallace....continue monitoring the situation, and give me an update every hour and a half. If anything you think is significantly important, such as confirmation of who is behind this, report to me immediately.

Yes, sir!

The man gives a salute, then leaves the room. The door closes behind him.

Its Mortis. Somehow he survived; I just know it! Bah! I should have finished him off myself years ago!

By Kiehart in toruble. on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 3:21 pm:

Kiehart felt Adon approaching, and turned around to join him, and let him know the rest of the team was OK. But when he turns, he inadvertantly steps ona plate that somehow had been untouched by the others, and a pair of thick walls fall, trapping Kiehart, and seperating him from the team. Burning hot lasers start firing at random in rnadom directions. Kiehart absorbs the hits, but his coat begin to catach fire.

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 3:45 pm:

Rikard continues to scout deeper and deeper into the comet. As he continues, he doesn't realize that he is being scanned. In fact no one realizes it.

Scanning, organic life form. Difficulty level: 3. Chances of stopping mission: 1 in 47,234,420. Chances of interfering with mission: 99.99567%. Destroy.

In front of Rikard, the ice seems to morph and melt. It begins to form into a recognizable shape. It has two legs, two arms, both hands ending in very large claws. The creature opens its eyes and looks at Rikard. It opens its mouth and let's out a deafening roar (much like the soldier's roar in "The Mummy"). Rikard's eyes widen.

Heh heh. Okay. Fine, I see you don't want me to be here, I don't know how you know I'm here but anyway.

He pulls out his phaser and fires. The creature doesn't even flinch.

It's always has to be the hard way with you guys doesn't it?

The silver blade of Rikard's lightsaber snaps to life as he pulls out his sword as well. The creature lunges...

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 5:02 pm:

Tacoman examines internal sensor readings from a monitor at his seat. He calls for scans of all sorts of the bridge and discovers something interesting. He aims his weapons at a spot on the bridge and fires, causing the Sithbot to become visible.
Computer, heavy forcefields around our visitor over there.
Computer: Acknowledged.
With a roar of fury, the Sithbot is trapped in a forcefield

By MSS on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 6:24 pm:

Very good Tacoman you found me, although you will wish you hadn't. Let us see how strong your force field is.

(At that moment hundreds of Spawn like chains emerge and start hitting the wall of the field. eventually they find a weak spot. They focus on it breaking the force field)

Now it's my turn to play. SUPER SPIRIT ARROW!

(The arrow goes through Tacoman. If he wasn't immortal it would kill him. Although he does have a fast healing hole in his stomach.)

I don't think you have suffered as much as you deserve. Wanderer Sword Teleport!

(MSS opens a familar looking porthole. a few seconds latter she emerges a chops a redshirt in half, then flys into another porthole. She procedes to do this until every disposable character on the bridge is dead.)

I get around, In fact I saw the kids, really cute. Too bad you will have to see them die someday Mr. Immortal. You know I haven't introduced myself, who do you think I am. Guess right, and I don't kill Logan.

By Captain Tacoman on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 7:26 pm:

Hmm.. judging by your appearence and other evidence, I would guess you to be a sith of some sort...
Tacoman retracts the armor around his hands and begins chanting. A large fireball shoots out from his hands towards the evil Sithbot. When the fireball hits the Sithbot, it explodes, enveloping the Sithbot, and indeed, that side of the bridge, in flames. Fire supression units appear and put out the fire.
It's amazing what you can learn when you're around magic users. You see, Butrfli has been teaching me various spells, and I seem to be learning fast because of my genetics!
Now, will you leave, or will I have to transport you to Pluto?

By Lt. Jadlad on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 9:07 pm:

Jadlad hops to where Kiehart is.

Apparently none of you got my message.

You call this "OK"?! I can't control myself! I...WHARGHLULULU WHUR LALULUBRGLUBLU HAHUHAHU!!

He drops to the floor and begins dancing.

You put your right foot in
You put your right foot out
You put your right foot in
And you ~shake~ it all about.

You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about!

By MSS on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 9:20 pm:

Yes Tacoman, I know, I am a magic user
(Suddenly, the flames are snuffed out)
You still think I am a Sith, how many sith do you know who use Wanderer fencing tactics and white magic. The Sith use necromancy, know anyone dead lately other than your family. SUPER KAIOBLOND Knowledge has a price, Tacoman. PHOENIX OMNISLASH!!!

(MSS is enveloped in fire, she then pulls out two swords, and proceeds to slash Tacoman in every conceivable sword thrust amd slash imaginable. Tacoman's armor is sliced off. At the end, the two swords are plunged into Tacoman's chest, pinning him to the wall. She then backflips and shoots one heck of fireball at him)

Just like Odin, who hung from the World Tree on a spear for three days for knowledge. I shall remove the Helmet.

(A women with a cheerleader's figure is seen. Her hair is glowing bright red. Her eyes are the same color. Her Forehead is marked with a "M", the symbol of possession)

I am Donna Burger, Huntress of the Sith. They raised me from the dead and trained me to solely hunt down the LICC, the Wanderer's Conclave, the XDCA, and whatever else might get in their way. I promise you Tacoman, I will find a way to kill you. Your in the Archangel Scenario, the no win situation. (she kisses him on the cheek) Goodbye Tacoman, tell the kids Auntie "Majin" Donna, will make them orphans
(Transporter beam)

By Kiehart on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 11:17 pm:

Kiehart, impressd with the hole the bouncing Jadlad made in the wall. Stops dodgin the laser blasts long enough to have one burn a hole through the handle of his sword. "Aw dammit!" He screamed. In a rage he began kicking and lashing out in general at the area in the walls where the lasers came from. In a fe wminutes, he'd bent enough panels that when the lasers tried to fire again, they ended up destorying themselves. The chain reaction of the exploding lasers threw Kiehart and jadlad all the way down the hall, in the directio both had originally been going. Suddenly Kiehart gets the chills. "Something's not right. I have to get back to the Spidership. Somehow."

By Elsewhere....but relevent on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 12:25 am:

Meanwhile, on another planet, a war is going on. Several men, most dressed in white and navy blue armor, are fighting against an enemy who can only be see in silouette, but that's enough to show that they are definitely NOT human.

A soldier wearing a headset walks up to another soldier, who is wearing a helmet that conceals his appearance, and salutes. The man with the helmet speaks first. Soldiers are still shooting all around them.

We've got them on the run, sergeant. Prepare the Particle-Wave Cannon, and fire it at the northern ridge when ready.

The sergeant nods "affirmative", then runs off. The man with the helmet presses a concealed button on one of the helmet's earpieces.

Commander Lime to Wytch Queen. Captain Biggens, what is the situation up there? (He pauses for several seconds and listens.) Excellent. We should be ready to move in sometime within the next 20 to 30 minutes. Lime, out.

He readies his rifle and starts shooting at enemies in the distance.

By His name is Darth.... on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 12:40 am:

The camera switches to the man in the darkened room, who is now standing and looking at a painting on a wall, hands clasped behind his back. The door opens and the same man who came in earlier comes in once again....

Sir? Remember those hackers you hired a while back? Well, we've had some of our men monitoring the bugs that the hackers had smuggled onboard the spidership, and they picked up something that I think you'll want to hear!

He hands the man an audio playback unit. It plays back the entire conversation that Donna had with Tacoman. He pauses for a second, then crushes the audio playback unit in his hand as if it were nothing.

Is my ship ready, Captain Wallace?

Its MAJOR Wallace, sir.

Not anymore. Be glad that I've only demoted you. I could do a lot worse than that, if I so choosed.

He clenches his fist, and Wallace begins to choke. He opens his hand a second later, and Wallace is fine.

Do NOT correct me again. Or next time, I will finish you!

*Gulp* Y-yes, S-sir. Y-your ship is ready and waiting. The pilots are onboard, and waiting for you anytime you desire to leave.

Excellent. It seems I have a conclave to go visit. Inform the flight crew that we leave in fifteen minutes. And see what information you can dig up on this "Donna Burger".

Yes, sir!

The man leaves....immediately. As fast as he can.

I never had the chance to face LICC when I backed that fool Rominaius, and now it looks like I may have to help them! Thank the Dark Side that my master cannot see me now!

By Majin Donna on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 9:43 am:

Donna is Thinking.

He was no match for me. I could have killed him had I known how. How do you kill him? You can't kill him. You love him. That will be over three thousand years from now in a alternate timeline. He never told me about her...If it was that long ago and she was killed in the War agaist Shirkaron, he wouldn't talk about her. It dosen't really matter, I will kill her, their bratty children, even, even Tacoman. I can't wait to send father to his gods either. I look forward to taking whatever drained, powerless shards of his sword are left and returning them to his homeplanet, then destroying every single life on it. But it will be difficult to finish off the conclave. With their greatest dead, they cannot hope to stand agaist me.Donna, Donna. This is your master speaking. You have done well. You must ensure the comit hits the sun. Do not fail me! Then I will lift Tacoman's immortality, and you may have his life.

By Commander Adon on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 11:00 am:

The Combat Suit stopped at a huge door at the end of the giant corridor. Adon had been studying the sensor displays during the walk.

It almost seems like this was built for a species as large as my suit. I wonder what happened to them.

The suit reached up and touched a large panel set into the wall next to the large door. The door slowly opened to reveal a control room of some kind. Although most of the equipment appeared to be non-functional, there were still a few massive consoles still active. A screen at the front of the room showed the comet's course, stopping at the sun. The suit stopped at a panel marked "Helm Control."

Shoot. I can't control the fingers with enough precision to operate these controls. I guess I will have to do it myself.

The hatch opened, and Adon floated out over the huge control panel. He dropped onto the first key, and then began jumping from key to key in order to enter commands.

By Rocket Ranger on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 11:06 am:

Rocket Ranger to spidership. I have a back-up plan, in case Adon fails. But I have to go down to Earth first.

Someone go into my quarters and look for a blue, octogon-shaped device. It should be laying on the table next to my computer. Take it to the observation deck, open it, and punch in the following code: 1-7-black-purple-3-6-cheesefries. Its important that someone does this as soon as possible!

The SnowCrane heads for Earth.

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 11:12 am:

I can do it, Rocket.
By the way, if need be, we will destroy the comet to save the universe.
Tacoman rushes down into Rocket's quarters and retrives the device. He goes to the observation deck and puts in the code.

By Kiehart on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 12:16 pm:

Kiehart and Jadlad, temporarily normal, run down a hallway. Kiehart knows Adon is nearby, and he runs in the direction without stopping. Jadlad suddenly starts bouncing again, but Kiehart decides to elave him for no. He comes to the helm Control room and sees Adon floating. Kiehart notices the room is in incredibly low gravity. With a slight push from his toes, he starts to float himself. "Hey Adon! Need any help?"

By Quantum Man on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 1:11 pm:

Meanwhile, Quantum Man is busy with the (auxiliary?) control consoles where he is...

Hmmm... "Control Room Breached"...

=/\= Quantum Man to Any LICC Personell. The comet is aware of the control room breach =/\=

By The Observer on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 1:18 pm:

(Rikard continues to duel with the ice-creature. The young Jedi slices off great chunks of the enemy, but the thing just seems to regenerate at will. Then behind the creature, there is a familiar blurring, and...)

I can't leave you alone for a minute, can I, Josh?

(Observer smiles.)

Well, it looks like you've found a denizen of this vehicle, and it doesn't look friendly. Let me try something I picked up just for this sort of enemy.

(Observer speaks a few words, and then his hands begin to glow, brighter and brighter every second. There is a sound like a powerful electric dynamo whirring to life. The ice-creature turns to face this new threat, the brown-cloaked hero aims his hands at the enemy, and...)


(Observer fires blinding bolts of yellow energy from his fingers. Each bolt blasts a large crackling hole in the creature. It attempts to regenerate, but Observer methodically blasts it to pieces from head to toe before it can recover. Soon, the last piece is blown to atoms, and the situation settles down.)

Whew. I'm glad I only do that once every decade or so. Now, we...

(With a sound like a chortling giant, three more ice-creatures form, and move toward our heroes.)

By Majin Donna on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 2:09 pm:

Hmm, Observer and Josh are in trouble. I belive Observer has a evil wizard imprisoned within him. I belive that should make a good Mind control MIND CONTROL!!!

(Observer, begins to notice a power drain on himself, and begins to hear "You are my servant, Obey, Obey, OBEY!!!", however, he can resist it.)

By Ojanon on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 3:18 pm:

Ojanon knows what is happening, thanks to his natural telepathic powers. He closes his eyes for a second, then concentrates.

[I'm shutting you out, Donna. I'm placing a barrier of psychic "static" around Observer, Rikard, and myself that will stop you COLD! You should give thanks that I don't add a feedback loop, which would fry your mind!]

He opens his eyes, which glow green for a second. After the glow stops, he speaks.

I think that should put an end to any of her interference....at least for now.

Ojanon draws his Malachite Staff and extends it to full-length.

By Wayne & Kent are back!! on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 3:26 pm:

As soon as Captain Tacoman inputs the code into the device he retrieved from Rocket Ranger's quarters, it starts to shake in his hands. About ten seconds later, a giant wormhole appears in space, several hundred-thousand yards from the spidership. Several seconds later, the ThunderWolf appears through the wormhole, which then disappears.

Wayne:"ThunderWolf to spidership. We're ready!"

Suddenly, Rocket Ranger's voice comes in over the spidership and ThunderWolf's comm-systems.

Rocket Ranger: "Head toward Earth, Wayne. There's a rogue comet of some kind heading toward Earth. Adon and some of the others are trying to stop it, but I have a plan in case they fail!"

Kent: "Its not what I think it is, is it?"

Wayne: "The ThunderHammer isn't big enough to stop that thing!"

Rocket Ranger: "No. Its not the ThunderHammer. Just do as I ask. I'm already on Earth. I'm sending the SnowCrane up by remote control. When it appears, link up and form the ThunderCrane, go and fly parallel to the spidership, then stand-by. Rocket Ranger, out."

By The Observer on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 3:28 pm:

(Ojanon hears a message in his mind...)

Thanks for the help, old boy, but I can resist mind control very well on my own. This should interest you, though.

(Over the mind-link with Observer, Ojanon "watches" the Jedi create a mental cantrip of devilish simplicity, and then release it at Donna.)

There. Now Donna will have an unbearable temptation to imitate the Three Stooges. That should keep her out of trouble until we can find out why she suddenly turned against us.

Oh, by the way, would you mind helping us with these-

(The mind-link is suddenly broken)

By Captain Tacoman on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 3:38 pm:

Tacoman examines various status and ship readings
Hmm... The Spider can connect to the ThunderCrane? News to me...
Good.. we have a Polymorph Weapon...
Tacoman spends the next few minutes conducting simulations on the effect of the Polymorph weapon on the comet, and comes up with some interesting answers.
So, it just might work, if given enough power...

By Majin Donna on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 4:29 pm:

(Sorry Observer, I'm just the medium. My master is the one who is truely possessing you. He is far more powerful than you. I'm already posessed)

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 5:19 pm:

(Hmm... The Spider can connect to the ThunderCrane? News to me...)
I think he was talking about the SnowCrane and ThunderWolf. Anyway...

The battle on the comet continues to rage. The Observer and Ojanon are unaware that the comet has scanned them as well.
COMET: Level of Difficulty: 8.4 Chances of Stopping Mission: 1 in 101. Chances of interfering with mission: 99.92471%. Do not destroy. Delay until objective completed.

Level of Difficulty: 8. Chances of Stopping Mission: 1 in 239. Chances of interfering with mission: 99.99953%. Do not destroy. Delay until objective completed.

Meanwhile Rikard and the Observer continue to battle the creatures. Rikard tries to mentally "push" one away. The creature he aims for takes a step back but continues to fight.

Great, that should've sent him flying but he barely moved.

One of the creatures lands a punch that sends the young pilot flying (not in a spacecraft though). He's able to lessen the impact but still falls to the ground, coughing. He looks up to see a creature charging. He throws his lightsaber into it. The creature keeps coming. Just as the beast reaches him he leaps up and dodges its blow. When he lands he draws his sword back. It begins to glow with energy, first blue, then turning red. He swings it around and every ice being within ten feet is destroyed (that would be four. He looks over at the Observer and sees that he seems to have slowed down. He seems to be drained.

Hey Observer, I think we should try to get out of here. Are you okay?

By Furby on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 6:22 pm:

Now that's funny. This computer runs CP/M and there is even a Loderunner clone on the disk! Let the fun begin!

He starts to play.

Highscore, you will be mine! Mine!

By Rocket Ranger on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 7:55 pm:

Rocket Ranger comes over the comm.

*Ahem* The SnowCrane and ThunderWolf are going to connect to form the ThunderCrane, then fly parallel (in other words, next to) the spidership. I didn't say anything about them connecting!

By Cid on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 8:03 pm:

The Spidership uses Voltron Systems technology, and can use it's legs to connect with any ship.

By Ojanon on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 8:05 pm:

Ojanon closes his eyes for several seconds. Almost half a minute, in fact. When he opens his eyes, he looks at Observer.

What Donna is saying about her master being too powerful may be true, but I doubt he would be any match for me in a battle of wills. He's obviously using Sith abilities, combined with some form of dark magic to control her. Not true telepathy. And true telepathy beats the magical kind every time.

He closes his eyes.

[Donna, I'm through playing games. When you hear the end of this message, I would advise you to not even attempt to communicate with us telepathically. Or your brain will be fried within a nanosecond by the psychic feedback. You won't be of any use to the malevolent force that is controlling you, spineless coward that he is, if you're completely & utterly mindless!]

He opens his eyes, which glow briefly for a second.

Observer, I don't know if you heard that or not, but whatever you do, don't use telepathy until further notice.

Another ice creature appears, which no one noticed before. Ojanon hits it with a swift roundhouse kick, followed by a blow to the chest with his staff. The ice creature explodes.

By Mysterious Sith Voice on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 8:24 pm:

Hi everyone. I gonning to have some fun with Donna soon. I'm going to test various ways to make her mad so if she accuses any of you of killing her Uncle Ben, this is the reason. Also, my mind control works simply. I put an "M" on peoples heads and that makes them do EVIL.

By Ojanon on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 9:54 pm:

Ojanon hears the voice....

Oh, I'm quaking in my boots! Spineless coward! Anytime you feel like confronting us yourself instead of sending someone else to do your dirty work for you, I'll be waiting!

By Rocket Ranger on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 10:12 pm:

Down on Earth, at a gas station next to a mountain-like hill somewhere in the southwest, a concealed wall opens in the side of the hill, and a large silver, teal, and black car shoots out and speeds down the road at rapid speed. The wall closes almost immediately after the car leaves. At the vehicle's controls...Rocket Ranger, wearing a suit of black, teal and silver armor that is less constraining than most of his other suits. He activates a comm-system on the vehicle's dashboard.

Rocket Ranger to spidership and ThunderCrane. I'm on my way!

Where are we going, Quincy?

To help stop a comet from hitting Earth.

Then I should convert to space mode?

No, R.E.S.T.* Go to....GIANT ROBOT MODE!

Very well, Quincy.

The car flies off the road and into the air about 100 feet, then begins to transform. First, it `grows' two arms, which come out from underneath where the doors would be. Then, two legs form from where the rear trunk would be. Finally, a head pops out from the front of the vehicle.

Robot mode achieved. Activating Ultra-circuit...now!

The robot suddenly grows to twenty-five times its original size!

Now activate foot and back thrusters and head into space. We've got a comet to stop!

*R.E.S.T.: Rocket.Engineering.Six.Thousand.

By Ensign Sledge Hammer on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 5:07 am:

I'll stop that comet. Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

He fires 3 shots. One hits a can of Comet cleanser, another hits one of Santa's reindeers & the third hits Supergirl's superhorse.

3 down...

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 7:04 am:

Things seem to be going crazy...as usual...
Rocket, the comet seems to be flying strangely, like it doesn't know which target to hit. First, it goes for the sun, then the Earth, then the artifical sun, then at random...

By Commander Adon on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 7:55 am:

Adon floats glared down at the control panel from his vantage point above it.

This is crazy! I can only set the comet to hit something, not to turn off or fly into deep space. To make matters worse, it will only travel to hit something in this solar system.

By Quantum Man on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 9:32 am:

=/\= Quantum Man to Adon. Can you set its course for Nemesis? =/\=

Cabbagehead mode -- Nemesis is the (sometimes proposed) dark companion to Sol, out past the Kuiper belt.

By New Character on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 9:37 am:

As Observer and Rikard prepare to remove themselves from the group of icebots, a crack in the wall opens and a small hand beckons them toward it. They look at each other, then follow. The secret passage leads to a precipitous drop down a long ice slide, then to a small room lined with more computer banks, where their savior, a small boy in a crude superhero costume waits.

"Wow, it worked. For some reason those robots don't follow when I'm around. Are you two all right?"

By Ojanon on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 11:57 am:

Ojanon activates his communicator and contacts the spidership.

=/\=Ojanon to spidership. Observer and Rikard just disappeared mysteriously, and I have no idea where they are. As for the person behind Donna's possession, I've figured out who it is. Darth Moron. I'm going to look around and see what I can find. If you don't hear from me again within 15 minutes, send help. Ojanon, out.=/\=

Now where did those two go?

he begins looking around, Malachite Staff at the ready, in case anyone attacks.

By Rocket Ranger on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 12:11 pm:

The RocketMachine robot flies into space, and stops several hundred thousand yards from the comet. Inside the cockpit, Rocket Ranger is now wearing his Pilot Armor.

R.E.S.T., activate Hyper-Fist.

The robot's right hand begins to glow a teal color.

Hyper-Fist activated.

Target these coordinates. (Rocket Ranger programs some coordinates in on a keyboard.)


Count down from 10, then fire!


The robot's right hand launches, still surrounded by the teal glow. It eventually hits something that appears to be invisible, then returns and reattaches to the robot's arm.

Just as I thought. I noticed a distortion there earlier, when I was travelling to Earth. It must be a cloaked spaceship of some kind...

Should I fire the Hyper-Fist again?

No. =/\=Rocket Ranger to spidership. I'm transmitting some coordinates to your computers. I suggest you target that area with Helix Missiles and fire as soon as possible!=/\=

R.E.S.T., activate the Power-Shield then switch to Self-Control mode. I'm transporting to the ThunderWolf.


Rocket Ranger activates a transporter, then reappears on the bridge of the ThunderWolf. Wayne gets out of the pilot's seat and lets Rocket Ranger take over.

Wayne, why were you piloting the ThunderWolf?

Kent: Because I asked him to. I'm running a systems check. The warp engines weren't working properly earlier, and Wayne couldn't figure out why.

Wayne: I told him its probably interference of some kind, but he wouldn't listen. They're working fine now, though.

By The Observer on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 2:20 pm:

(Observer stares at the young fellow who saved them from the ice-robots.)

Certainly. Thank you for the timely help. Who might you be, young sir?

By Captain Tacoman on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 2:37 pm:

Tacoman to Rocket Ranger, coordinates received.
Tactical, fire Helix missiles at the coordinates specified.
Yellowshirt at Tactical: Aye captain.
The Spidership fires at the spot Rocket gave and the missiles hit and decloak a large spaceship
Rocket, can you identify the ship?

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 2:41 pm:

Yeah, thanks. Um, where are we exactly?

He pulls out a tricorder and scans.

It appears that sensors and communication can't get past the walls of this room. How long have you been here?

By Comet Lad on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 3:59 pm:

The towheaded boy blinks a bit, then begins to speak.

Oh uh....I dunno, it seems like forever. I suppose you want to know how I got here and stuff, right? Man...all I wanted to be was a real superhero, right? So I made a costume and tried to fly and called myself Comet Lad, cuz I really like comets and they're cool and I tried to learn how to shoot Comet Blasts and stuff, right? But all the kids laughed at me and called me a fake and tried to throw me in the creek, right? So I ran away and hitched a ride on a freighter to Pluto cause I thought I might get radiated from the gravmines they have there and I would become a real superhero, right? Anyway, I heard the crew of the freighter talk about a big comet and it seemed to be a ship and it was real powerful and scary and they couldn't get away from it, right? So I thought man is that cool and I sneaked to the transporter and I tried to set it to inside the comet you know the metal part where we are and I went in and I transported and suddenly I heard a BOOM! and That Voice said like "Outside Factor destroyed" and "General Direction will be completed" and stuff, it's always saying that but then it was new and I was scared and all of a sudden the icebots came at me and I ran and fell and found this place and every so often I walk around and avoid the icebots and I've found a lot of neat stuff that I don't understand and just now I heard voices and the icebots fighting and I was scared but I decided to peek and I saw you...GASP GASP GASP...

We're in one of the rooms that THEY can't seem to find...I found a lot of these rooms and one seems to have a whole TON of cool stuff in it!

By Rocket Ranger on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 4:29 pm:

Rocket Ranger examines the decloaked ship on the ThunderWolf's viewscreen.

Wayne, conduct a thorough scan of the ship. Do a check for lifesigns first.

Several seconds later...

Wayne: No lifesigns detected. As far as I can tell, the ship is either robotic or remote-controlled. I can't tell which.

Rocket Ranger: Hmmmm.....

Wayne: Its preparing to go to warp!

Rocket Ranger: No, it isn't! He flips a switch, then fires the ThunderWolf's EMP Cannon at the ship, which fries its' systems.

=/\=Rocket Ranger to spidership. I suggest you send Kiehart and Furby over with a security team to examine that ship! I would go, or send Kent and Wayne, but we're standing by in case we have to take out that comet!=/\=

Kent: Should we use the tractor-beam on that ship?

Rocket Ranger: Yes. But deactivate it as soon as the spidership's team arrives....if they send one.

Kent activates the tractor-beam.

By Lt. Jadlad on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 4:46 pm:

Jadlad begins randomly dimension hopping to Earth, the RocketMachine, Mars, back in the Comet, the KILL universe (Twice) and after 16 more stops finally winds up on the bridge of the Spidership. (And as a result he's somewhat nauseous.). He crumbles into a heap next to Tacoman. He takes a deep breath.

Could someone...run a level...six scan...on that thing?

A female blueshirt does so and shows Jadlad the results.

That's what I thought.

Jadlad stiffens up.

What now?! I........


Jadlad gets control of himself long enough to give a couple of orders to the blueshirt. She returns shortly with a small device and attaches it to his temple.

Thank you Kathleen.

Frequency blocker. Something over there on the comet works on a similar frequency to my own brain waves. Holodoc whipped this up after he figured out how Negative was able to get me to turn back to my normal humanoid form a while back. Seems to be working.

Well, I better get back there.

Jadlad dimension hops back to the comet.

By Kiehart on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 5:03 pm:

Kiehart tries to watch Adon's back, but is distracted. The nagging feeling in the back of his head is getting stronger although the feeling of dread has been replaced by a feeling of embarassment, the same kind of embarrasment he felt as a child when his mother would launch into her Three Stooges imitations. "I have to get back to the Spidership. Fast!"

By Majin on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 5:16 pm:

No, No, it dosen't work that way anymore. I've watch the Sith loose to use and your leuage too many times. I won't this time. I will use my slaves to annoy you. And when you feel anger, you are mine. All I need is more evil than good, and you are mine forever! Now, play nice, or I shall raise Superbob from the dead.

By Majin Donna on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 5:21 pm:

(Donna teleports into the room with Tacoman's children. She draws a long pointed object from her cloak. She appoarches them, uncaps the marker, writes "M" on their heads, and teleports away. Evil ain't what it used to be.)

I'm tried of this bold voice That's better. Now to get me some lifeblood!

By Spidership Computer on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 5:35 pm:


By Kiehart on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 5:44 pm:

Kiehart desperately seraches for a way back to the Spidership. Then he remembers. He has the ability to open portals same as Adon! It had just been so long since he used it...

He appears in the kid's room just after Donna has left. He sees the M on the kid's foreheads. "Aw hell. Kiehart to Tacoman! You probalby should report to your quarters sir, STAT!"

(Author's Note: I know I know, I'm a total dumbass for forgetting the portal thing)

By alt-Furby on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 8:08 pm:

My dear brother, I like to play games too! And btw, there is an alien ship out there you should explore.

Wow, it seems that alt-Furby is a far better Jump&Run player than Furby. He hits the keys so fast that the comet's main computer has to reroute more and more of it's capacity to the game.

I like those old HAL keyboards!

By Majin on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 9:52 pm:

I suggest rubbing alcohol, be careful not to get it in their eyes or other mucus membranes. Sorry, I have a soft side for children. Especially Newborns. Goo goo goo goo... who's that evil spirit who that. Got's your nose. Got your nose. Okay it's back now. I should have kids of my own someday, if only I was corporial. Sigh, the problems of being a demon..

By Kiehart on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 10:16 pm:

Kiehart stops in his place. He was ready to leave Taocman's quarters, but then, as they always did when Donna was near, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He turned around and saw the children laughing. He slowly pulls out his gun and click a switch. With one shot, he splatters the invisble Donna with bright blue paint. "So, we meet again. I knew the first time I saw you you'd be trouble." He turns a small dial on his gun and points it at her. "Stand up. Slowly. And drop the magic marker!"

By Lord of the Hamburgers, the Charbroiled Avenger! on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 1:43 am:

Suddenly, Lord of the Hamburgers (bet you forgot about him, didn't you?) appears.

Have it MY way!

He throws an Energy-Burger, which hits Donna's hand and explodes, utterly destroying the magic marker!

Like Kiehart said, stand up and move away from the kids, or I'll serve you another Energy Burger...with extra ketchup and a side order of whupa$$!

By Ensign Who... or What... or Idontknow on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 3:29 am:

Captain, I was just reading The Queue's Guide To The LICC Universe, and in it they say that 'energy is energy, whether it's created naturally, mechanically, organically, or magically' and 'communication signals can be blocked if you can determine the frequency, whether it's created naturally, mechanically, organically, or magically'.

So if we can discover the frequency of the thing controlling Donna we can free her from its control.

By Ensign Who... or What... or Idontknow, but not the one who just spoke on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 3:40 am:

(One of the other lookalike yellowshirted Ensigns enters the bridge)

Since the artificial sun is created with fusion generators perhaps those generators can be used to push the artificial sun into the back of the comet where the shields are weakest & detonate the comet while it's still far enough away from the sun & other planet's too cause them serious damage?

After we get our people off it, of course.

By Ensign Who... or What... or Idontknow, the third one on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 3:47 am:

(The third lookalike ensign comes on the bridge. [Yes, they all work the same shift.])

Bad news, sir. All the taco shells on board are broken. Apparently a new Kitchen Staffer didn't realize that the boxes with taco shells should go on the top row instead of the bottom.

By Kiehart on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 11:53 am:

Kiehart smiles at LotH. "Welcome back sir. It's been awhile."

By Lt. Commander Rikard on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 3:30 pm:

Rikard, in deep thought, suddenly brings his head up.

I've got it! It's so simple. We just have to find this thing's engine room and shut it down. It will probably have some pretty good defenses guarding the place, like anti-portal fields and EMP resistant tech, not to mention some of those ice creatures, but we're the LICC. We should be able to get past the defenses and into there to shut the thing down.

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